Kernels that support fast charging - Verizon HTC One (M7)

I'm looking for a kernel that supports fast charging for sense besides OBOne. OBOne doesn't seem to play nice with my phone. I get random reboots and no audio on either end during calls. I have trickster mod installed and cpu freqs are locked. Any ideas or help would be appreciated, thanks.
Sent from the One and Only

Not sure why. My kernel is essentially stock with cpu overclocking, two more governors, and io schedulers, and sweep to wake in addition to force fast charge. Nothing else is changed from what you run out of the box. I'm sorry you are having a rough time with it. If you don't want anything else but fast charge, I can make a plain kernel with just that...and see if it works.
Sent from my Oney Bone.

brymaster5000 said:
Not sure why. My kernel is essentially stock with cpu overclocking, two more governors, and io schedulers, and sweep to wake in addition to force fast charge. Nothing else is changed from what you run out of the box. I'm sorry you are having a rough time with it. If you don't want anything else but fast charge, I can make a plain kernel with just that...and see if it works.
Sent from my Oney Bone.
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I'm not sure either. But from past experiences, I've been flashing since the original DROID days, not every rom or kernel will play nicely with the phone it was designed for. Most phones they work fine but then you get the phones that want to be quirky. I've never had a problem until the One, still a great phone and I still appreciate your work. If you do make a kernel just for my liking awesome, but don't go out of your way to do it.
Sent from the One and Only

sacnotsack said:
I'm not sure either. But from past experiences, I've been flashing since the original DROID days, not every rom or kernel will play nicely with the phone it was designed for. Most phones they work fine but then you get the phones that want to be quirky. I've never had a problem until the One, still a great phone and I still appreciate your work. If you do make a kernel just for my liking awesome, but don't go out of your way to do it.
Sent from the One and Only
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I'm currently building just ffc. If you want anything else, now is the time...or forever hold your piece.
One thing to note: 4.3 is not from Verizon source. We don't have it. Only 4.2.2. My 4.3 kernel is the European just so happens to be that eu source works on vzw with the right know how. Not sure if this is why your phone doesn't like it...but could be. My dinc2 was weird when others were not.
Sent from my Oney Bone.

brymaster5000 said:
I'm currently building just ffc. If you want anything else, now is the time...or forever hold your piece.
One thing to note: 4.3 is not from Verizon source. We don't have it. Only 4.2.2. My 4.3 kernel is the European just so happens to be that eu source works on vzw with the right know how. Not sure if this is why your phone doesn't like it...but could be. My dinc2 was weird when others were not.
Sent from my Oney Bone.
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Nope no need for anything else. Thank you, I really appreciate it. If I still have problems after this one then maybe I'll switch to a 4.2 rom and try your version for that. Thank again.
Sent from the One and Only

sacnotsack said:
Nope no need for anything else. Thank you, I really appreciate it. If I still have problems after this one then maybe I'll switch to a 4.2 rom and try your version for that. Thank again.
Sent from the One and Only
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Try this. Let me know how it goes.

brymaster5000 said:
Try this. Let me know how it goes.
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Will do, thanks. I'll report back shortly.
Sent from the One and Only

brymaster5000 said:
Try this. Let me know how it goes.
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That was a no go as well. It bootlooped at the splash screen. I appreciate you putting in time to help me out though.
Sent from the One and Only

sacnotsack said:
That was a no go as well. It bootlooped at the splash screen. I appreciate you putting in time to help me out though.
Sent from the One and Only
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I think I forgot something....
Sent from my Oney Bone.

Okay. Try this one. If this doesn't work...I don't know what to tell you...

brymaster5000 said:
Okay. Try this one. If this doesn't work...I don't know what to tell you...
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Booted fine.I'll report back and let you know if there's any random reboots. Thank you I appreciate it.
Sent from the One and Only

brymaster5000 said:
Okay. Try this one. If this doesn't work...I don't know what to tell you...
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Been running it for about 12 hours and no issues so far. Thanks for helping me out, I appreciate it.
Sent from the One and Only

brymaster5000 said:
Okay. Try this one. If this doesn't work...I don't know what to tell you...
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I lied, no audio during calls. Thanks for you time and help with this though.
Sent from the One and Only

sacnotsack said:
I lied, no audio during calls. Thanks for you time and help with this though.
Sent from the One and Only
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What rom and radios?
You know you need at least the radios from the .15 or newer OTA to have in-call audio on custom 4.3 and 4.4 roms, right?
I assume you do, as it's been brought up a LOT!


How Can I Brick My Phone

Yeah, you read right. I want to brick my Evo.
Any surefire ways to go about it?
I already flashed some GSM radios, but it's still booting like a champ. Rawr.
I'm curious as to why? You could try flashing a rom for a different phone.
We're comin from a pure power source.
metalfan78 said:
I'm curious as to why? You could try flashing a rom for a different phone.
We're comin from a pure power source.
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I did, and it still boots into recovery.
Try running the ruu for another phone and see if it still boots. Try the inspire 4G ruu, or grab the inspires radio and flash it. Maybe even the Motorola droids radio and a rom.
~ d3rk
The catch with the radios is to update then interrupt the update process by pulling the battery. That should do the trick.
~ d3rk
dirkyd3rk said:
The catch with the radios is to update then interrupt the update process by pulling the battery. That should do the trick.
~ d3rk
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At what point though?
And you can't flash that RUU. Or the inspire's radios..
Can you attach something for me to flash or direct me to it?
I still wanna know why? Lol
We're comin from a pure power source.
dirkyd3rk said:
The catch with the radios is to update then interrupt the update process by pulling the battery. That should do the trick.
~ d3rk
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exactly correct!
flash the radio then reboot and when you see the lil android guy next to the box, pull that battery instant paperweight
Don't help this idiot try to get a new phone if has one that works
Sent from my Optimus V
Why on earth would you even do something like that??? Lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
He's clearly aware of what he's doing. Why are you guys in here judging, its his phone right? Ok then stfu if you aren't trying to help.
~ d3rk
he wants an answer and asked the question, who are we to discuss what somebody should or shouldn't do with something they own
Keep flashing radio and pulling out battery while in the middle of it. Would have to so it up to 20 times
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
if the battery pull doesn't work, you can do what proskaterronnie did in my sig ;p
What bout putting a sbc kernel and keep it charging and use it a lot till if over heats I'm not sure if it will. Work buy just giving ideas
Sent from Gingersense
kidram said:
What bout putting a sbc kernel and keep it charging and use it a lot till if over heats I'm not sure if it will. Work buy just giving ideas
Sent from Gingersense
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Radio interrupt is way easier and less time 0_o
~ d3rk
I had my phone plugged in for 5 days with a sbc kernel, didn't even get warm, no smoke, battery didn't care
Why not just lose it? And then you can sell it to me for $50 when you find it again.
I don't think I want that one though.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
dirkyd3rk said:
He's clearly aware of what he's doing. Why are you guys in here judging, its his phone right? Ok then stfu if you aren't trying to help.
~ d3rk
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I'm not judging, I just have never seen anyone ask about deliberately bricking a phone and wanted to know what for
We're comin from a pure power source.
xHausx said:
Why not just lose it? And then you can sell it to me for $50 when you find it again.
I don't think I want that one though.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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Because that costs 50 bucks.
The problem is, when I flash a radio, it just says how it's flashing, then it says to reboot. Then it goes to the evo w/ refresh symbol, then boots back up. I have pulled at every step along the way, and I still boot. Can someone link me up to some radios or RUUs with some instructions as to what to do with whatever it is?
And I would appreciate it if people who don't have anything constructive to say would not say anything. I paid a lot of money for this device, and IT IS MINE TO DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH.

[MOD] Skyrocket ROMS on Hercules- This covers stock Samsung ROMS

Just Thought id share. The skyrocket roms work on our phone too. Just flashed the Alien ROM just to see. Everything worked fine, granted there was some att crap in wifi settings that is useless to us, but at least we know we can use their stuff too. I also flashed jugs kernel with the rom as Im sure the kernel is different, but maybe not. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. Oh, they just got an ota to 2.3.6 yesterday, ill post the system dump here in a few. Hopefully the devs will move to that base.
*I thought I'd throw a zip similar to what they have together. I think this zip will do the trick. Give it a shot and let me know if auto rotate is still borked. I dont think it will be but I have CM7 setup and working audio so I dont want to ruin that Let me know and Ill fix issues if there is any.
*NOTE: This is for Samsung ROMS only. Do not try it on CM7 or anything aosp.
ooooo this is interesting.....hopefully they get some good devs
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Haha my buddy has a skyrocket and was so PSYCHED now that they are getting more dev traffic to their forum lol. I know they have been toying with our Roms so nice to know it works both ways
mikeyinid said:
Just Thought id share. The skyrocket roms work on our phone too. Just flashed the Alien ROM just to see. Everything worked fine, granted there was some att crap in wifi settings that is useless to us, but at least we know we can use their stuff too. I also flashed jugs kernel with the rom as Im sure the kernel is different, but maybe not. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. Oh, they just got an ota to 2.3.6 yesterday, ill post the system dump here in a few. Hopefully the devs will move to that base.
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Very good idea and thanks for the heads up.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
who gets ics first??? either way we win!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
aqualadb03 said:
who gets ics first??? either way we win!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
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Thats what I've been saying!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
By the way, the Alien ROM for the skyrocket kicks ass on our phone. I flashed it with whatever kernel it comes with and I've noticed a reduction in the stutter.
It does have a an issue with our accelerometer it seems though.
Mikey thanks for sharing
dan.follett said:
By the way, the Alien ROM for the skyrocket kicks ass on our phone. I flashed it with whatever kernel it comes with and I've noticed a reduction in the stutter.
It does have a an issue with our accelerometer it seems though.
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what is the issue your seeing?
It seems to have the backward orientation.
dan.follett said:
It seems to have the backward orientation.
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ah, yea i see. it doesnt do that with our kernel. but, when i try to install apps from the market, the phone reboots.
Probably needs some build prop edits.. this is cool news tho thanks
mikeyinid said:
ah, yea i see. it doesnt do that with our kernel. but, when i try to install apps from the market, the phone reboots.
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sent from my real Gs move in silence like lasagna
mbernusg said:
Probably needs some build prop edits.. this is cool news tho thanks
sent from my real Gs move in silence like lasagna
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Yea, if they get some awesome development going and ours never takes off at least we know it won't be that hard to port their stuff over
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
mikeyinid said:
ah, yea i see. it doesnt do that with our kernel. but, when i try to install apps from the market, the phone reboots.
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The market works fine with the skyrocket kernel.
dan.follett said:
It seems to have the backward orientation.
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Have you tried calibrating it?
mikeyinid said:
Just Thought id share. The skyrocket roms work on our phone too. Just flashed the Alien ROM just to see. Everything worked fine, granted there was some att crap in wifi settings that is useless to us, but at least we know we can use their stuff too. I also flashed jugs kernel with the rom as Im sure the kernel is different, but maybe not. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. Oh, they just got an ota to 2.3.6 yesterday, ill post the system dump here in a few. Hopefully the devs will move to that base.
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Does this Alien rom have anything special that our rooms don't have? Kind of what to try it out, but not sure if it's worth it. Any other bugs besides the ones stated?
Powered by the SGSII....
ThC23 said:
Does this Alien rom have anything special that our rooms don't have? Kind of what to try it out, but not sure if it's worth it. Any other bugs besides the ones stated?
Powered by the SGSII....
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Its the same as what we have. Its in between stock and Juggernaut I'd say. Has reboot options and stuff. Mostly stock. Seems pretty responsive
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
Mitallust said:
Have you tried calibrating it?
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I tried but its just perfectly reversed.
The Alien Rom is excellent as far as I'm concerned, if we could figure the orientation issue out, it would be just about perfect.
mikeyinid said:
Its the same as what we have. Its in between stock and Juggernaut I'd say. Has reboot options and stuff. Mostly stock. Seems pretty responsive
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
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OK, thanks.
Powered by the SGSII....
dan.follett said:
I tried but its just perfectly reversed.
The Alien Rom is excellent as far as I'm concerned, if we could figure the orientation issue out, it would be just about perfect.
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If you turn auto
rotate off its fine. I never use it anyway
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk

Update my rom

I am running Andi Bones Sense rom, 2.3.4, I was going to upgrade to another rom like UKB, but I see that many are having some kind of problem, and I don't have time for BS problems.
I don't want to be updating every week, or month, so maybe someone can point me to something that works, and has been working for more than a couple of months without issues.
Is there a newer bootloader I should have also, I look through here then I end up not doing anything , because what I have works, what does not work is my browser speed sucks many times, but I think this is a Verizon problem.
Don't refer me to read 400 pages of BS
What a great attitude.
Stick with Andybones stock if you want something that works. Either that or try Justin's SenseM ROM.
Hope this wasn't too much BS for you.
Jizzylax said:
What a great attitude.
Stick with Andybones stock if you want something that works. Either that or try Justin's SenseM ROM.
Hope this wasn't too much BS for you.
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Thank you.
Jizzylax said:
What a great attitude.
Stick with Andybones stock if you want something that works. Either that or try Justin's SenseM ROM.
Hope this wasn't too much BS for you.
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That last sentance was golden, Jizzly.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
All depends on what you consider BS problems. I'm sure your infinitely busy schedule doesn't allow you to elaborate much, but what is essential to me may not be essential to you. UKB worked great for me for a Sense Rom, but I simply prefer the AOSP UI. I've had issues with the camcorder on most AOSP Roms, but I never use it, so it isn't an issue to me.
I have a small piece of advice for you though. You may see development threads as "400 pages of BS", when in fact there is a ton of valuable info contained within. It's a small wonder that you have enough time to post on here and tell us to help you, as well as time to flash Roms to your phone, but can't be bothered to read a thread to see what works and what doesn't work. Do yourself a favor and stay with Andybones Stock. If you start blindly flashing other Roms, you'll inevitably catch snags here and there and I'm sure people are going to not want to help someone who flatly refused to read any info on what they flashed.
I was going to suggest he flash the Chinese leak that specifically says "do not flash of a Verizon user", but I figured that would be too cruel.
Sent from my ADR6350 using xda app-developers app
Lino. said:
I don't want to be updating every week, or month, so maybe someone can point me to something that works, and has been working for more than a couple of months without issues.
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Wow, I can't keep from flashing something new every week.......let alone every month.....there's just so many choices.....flashing ROM's is like being addicted to crack......and really, how long does it take to make a back up, flash something, test the features you want and then wipe and restore your back up if you don't like's not like you're installing OSX on a PC or something, now thats a chore that I've done on numerous
Lino. said:
I am running Andi Bones Sense rom, 2.3.4, I was going to upgrade to another rom like UKB, but I see that many are having some kind of problem, and I don't have time for BS problems.
I don't want to be updating every week, or month, so maybe someone can point me to something that works, and has been working for more than a couple of months without issues.
Is there a newer bootloader I should have also, I look through here then I end up not doing anything , because what I have works, what does not work is my browser speed sucks many times, but I think this is a Verizon problem.
Don't refer me to read 400 pages of BS
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stick with the rom you are running, clearly you dont have the patience to move to ics or anything but a stock based rom
nitsuj17 said:
stick with the rom you are running, clearly you dont have the patience to move to ics or anything but a stock based rom
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Clearly he needs some DIX
Sent from viperDIX
nitsua98 said:
Clearly he needs some DIX
Sent from viperDIX
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I concur. His bad attitude may be the result of lack of Dix.
honestly, i understand his frustration. the number of times I've heard someone say a rom us stable, only to load it up to realize it isn't, is frustrating.
funky_snowman said:
honestly, i understand his frustration. the number of times I've heard someone say a rom us stable, only to load it up to realize it isn't, is frustrating.
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What isn't stable for you is probably considered stable by a lot of other people.
Sent from viperDIX
funky_snowman said:
honestly, i understand his frustration. the number of times I've heard someone say a rom us stable, only to load it up to realize it isn't, is frustrating.
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for those that need really stable (though even the stock rom could be argued against as being stable by some) working roms, they *need* to remain on the stock rom...its as simple as that (or at least stock based roms)
source built roms and rom ports are almost guaranteed to have some issues at some point, and if you cannot deal with that.....
just use stock rooted, and enjoy
400 pages of threads to read one person the camera does not work, the other has not data, another has a virus, someone else has rabies, I would spend days reading that thread if not weeks most likely, and in the end decide, no way.
This is my primary phone, and flashing roms can lead to hours of work.
I am definitely going to stay with what I have now, I don't have the time to play around with roms, there are more important things to do in life.
I will keep reading and maybe try something I like, but I mainly did not want bloat ware, and I don't like control from a carrier on a device I bought and paid for.
So much easier owning cars.
Lino. said:
So much easier owning cars.
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So sell your phone
Sent from viperDIX
nitsua98 said:
So sell your phone
Sent from viperDIX
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Can I steal your signature? ViperDix unite.
Sent from my vivow using xda app-developers app
Jizzylax said:
Can I steal your signature? ViperDix unite.
Sent from my vivow using xda app-developers app
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Only if you make it rainbow
Sent from viperDIX
nitsua98 said:
Only if you make it rainbow
Sent from viperDIX
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Lol okay.
Sent from my vivow using xda app-developers app
nitsua98 said:
What isn't stable for you is probably considered stable by a lot of other people.
Sent from viperDIX
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Lino. said:
I am running Andi Bones Sense rom, 2.3.4, I was going to upgrade to another rom like UKB, but I see that many are having some kind of problem, and I don't have time for BS problems.
I don't want to be updating every week, or month, so maybe someone can point me to something that works, and has been working for more than a couple of months without issues.
Is there a newer bootloader I should have also, I look through here then I end up not doing anything , because what I have works, what does not work is my browser speed sucks many times, but I think this is a Verizon problem.
Don't refer me to read 400 pages of BS
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These guys do this for fun, and for free. They build something they like, then freely share it with us. To call their work bs us an insult. If you don't want bloat and just want stable functionality, buy an Iphone. You ask someone to tell you what to use. The only way we know is by reading. You ask us to do the work for you. Respect what these guys do. You don't contribute. At least show some appreciation.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk

Lean Kernel TW

Hey guys, is there a TW Lean Kernel for our phones?
I checked here:
But anything that says TW is from 2012.
Man that was difficult. I had to type "lean kernel i747" into Google, click the first link, click another link then copy and past ANOTHER link just for you.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
Yeah man I know that link. I use it currently. It's for AOSP.
Since AOSP isnt TW, I was hoping for the TW version. I was browsing around and somebody mentioned that you can get lean kernel for TW, that's why I'm asking because I can't find it.
geoldr said:
Yeah man I know that link. I use it currently. It's for AOSP.
Since AOSP isnt TW, I was hoping for the TW version. I was browsing around and somebody mentioned that you can get lean kernel for TW, that's why I'm asking because I can't find it.
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and you're not interested in ktoonsez kernel?
xBeerdroiDx said:
and you're not interested in ktoonsez kernel?
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It's a fine kernel, it's just im wondering if there is a current build for JB of LeanKernel. I've been using it for a very long time now, and now that I am switching back to TW would like to know.
geoldr said:
It's a fine kernel, it's just im wondering if there is a current build for JB of LeanKernel. I've been using it for a very long time now, and now that I am switching back to TW would like to know.
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xBeerdroiDx said:
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I did also find that thread, but apparently according to ppl in there they say that it won't work for AT&T since its for VZW.
Oh well, looks like there isn't a current version for AT&T.
geoldr said:
I did also find that thread, but apparently according to ppl in there they say that it won't work for AT&T since its for VZW.
Oh well, looks like there isn't a current version for AT&T.
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yeah dude. sorry. i'll keep my eye out though. cheers
d3athsd00r said:
Man that was difficult. I had to type "lean kernel i747" into Google, click the first link, click another link then copy and past ANOTHER link just for you.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
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There it is, that magical moment in time when one's snide remarks make one look like an A-hole for failing to read. I guess it really was difficult.
BCSC said:
There it is, that magical moment in time when one's snide remarks make one look like an A-hole for failing to read. I guess it really was difficult.
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Didn't fail to read. Just pointing to the only lean kernel for the i747.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
Lean Kernel for AT&T
geoldr said:
I did also find that thread, but apparently according to ppl in there they say that it won't work for AT&T since its for VZW.
Oh well, looks like there isn't a current version for AT&T.
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I have installed this kernel on my AT&T 4.3 touchwiz and its working like charm.

Looking for a dev to update AOSP Kernel for E980 - $$ Offered

We are looking for a developer to keep our kernel updated from this link:
The source is on the OP.. Credit to @uppon2 for finding and posting the kernel and @mcaserg for developing it (believe he changed devices and isn't maintaining it anymore).
We are offering a bounty for development.. So far it is up to $100 - I will update if more pledges are made.
$50 - @nerdyblonde
$50 - @hopsin4444
This is the only known AOSP kernel for our device, and it is outdated and most reported it isn't working too well with 4.4.2. Even though our device is awesome, it doesn't have the publicity it deserves nor the developers. I am trying to learn, but it will take some time since I have never developed for Android before. Thanks all!
Put [BOUNTY]in title
shayneflashindaily said:
Put [BOUNTY]in title
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I started to then put $$ instead lol... I can't find where to edit the title..Just the OP... Do you know where it is?
nerdyblonde said:
I started to then put $$ instead lol... I can't find where to edit the title..Just the OP... Do you know where it is?
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I figured you could modify it like you can with comments.......sure don't ....its all good I think
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
nerdyblonde said:
I started to then put $$ instead lol... I can't find where to edit the title..Just the OP... Do you know where it is?
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I know you can modify it from the XDA app. Edit the OP and change the title, there.
Sent from my 4.4 Sphinx LG-E980
Just to be clear, what exactly is wanted? the latest aosp/cm kernel with fauxsound and all those other improvements?
shabbypenguin said:
Just to be clear, what exactly is wanted? the latest aosp/cm kernel with fauxsound and all those other improvements?
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Optimus G Pro Kanged
shabbypenguin said:
Just to be clear, what exactly is wanted? the latest aosp/cm kernel with fauxsound and all those other improvements?
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Basically all the features our outdated custom kernel has. And gpu votage control would be nice. i cant think of anything else its missing.
Alright, im no kernel wiz by any means but i know my way around well enough. ill grab source tonight and begin work. might take me a bit as its my wifes phone but should be able to make a slightly better aosp kernel at the very least for yall
shayneflashindaily said:
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Did you update it? Or are you just saying we want it updated? I'm confused
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
rjmxtech said:
Did you update it? Or are you just saying we want it updated? I'm confused
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
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I was saying it needs updating that is all
shabbypenguin said:
Alright, im no kernel wiz by any means but i know my way around well enough. ill grab source tonight and begin work. might take me a bit as its my wifes phone but should be able to make a slightly better aosp kernel at the very least for yall
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Thanks man you are a life-saver.
We the OGP community welcomes you with open arms and hope to get some creative work out of you.
I'm in for $20!!
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
Sorry for the delay, had a busy weekend. anyways here is the latest cm source, nothing is changed this is purely to make sure i have my enviroment setup and i can make booting kernels. if someone could be so kind as to test this then i can begin work on merging features over. please be sure to do a backup
keep in mind this is from e980 cm kernel sources, im not aware of what devices/variants this will boot on or face issues with.
Thank You
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
is it working? booting? wifi? bluetooth?
Downloading as we speak. Will backup and test it on the latest slimkat
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
Edit: Gets stuck on the first boot screen of LG.
Doesn't go further than that.
Wow I just seen this.. Thanks ALOT!! Just PM me after all is done and working, and I'll send my donation, and let the others know to send it as well.. Thanks again!

