[Q] App Ops on the Verizon HTC One 4.3 update - Verizon HTC One (M7)

Has anyone been able to access the App Ops without using an app requiring root on the new 4.3 Jellybean 2.10.605.1 update? I've been unsuccessful in my attempts, and there don't appear to be any other threads about accessing it on any Sense-based ROMs on any forums scanned by Google, and we shouldn't need root to access it, as it should be baked in. There are plenty of alternatives to the built-in App Ops, I just wanted to know if it was possible to access it on the new update without using a root app. HTC has been known to remove things from their Sense ROMs, like the easter eggs such as the BeanFlinger mini-game, and it's entirely possible that they removed this functionality from our ROMs, and my curiosity has been piqued about this. That could also be part of the delay for this, too, other than Verizon's usual incompetence.

Yes you can do that with help of quickshortcut app or slide launcher » custom shortcut
from HTC One

yatin kumar said:
Yes you can do that with help of quickshortcut app or slide launcher » custom shortcut
from HTC One
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yatin kumar said:
Yes you can do that with help of quickshortcut app or slide launcher » custom shortcut
from HTC One
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I've tried all those apps. This is for the Verizon variant of the HTC One. Clearly from your screenshots, you don't have the Verizon variant, as Verizon doesn't support HSPA+. Even in the stock Odexed version of this ROM, I can not find a way to enable it. However, part of my question was answered, in that HTC isn't removing it from all their ROMs, but it could possibly have been removed from the Verizon variant. Thanks for answering that part of my question.


Flasable puzzle unlockscreen for stock ROM?

Is there Puzzle Unlock and Battery percentage for Tmobile G2 without flashing a new rom? I like to keep stock ROM and keep Wifi calling ..... that's why I going about this round.
I searched and seem Samsung Galaxy is the only device someone spend time to get these features flasable over stock ROM.
If you are rooted, you can use UOT kitchen to get the battery %.
But the lockscreen is unlikely people have asked before but I have never seen one. The Samsung lockscreen will be dependant on the touchwiz framework. The only way it would ever happen is if someone ported a tochwiz Rom to the vision.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
t00c00l4m3 said:
Is there Puzzle Unlock and Battery percentage for Tmobile G2 without flashing a new rom? I like to keep stock ROM and keep Wifi calling ..... that's why I going about this round.
I searched and seem Samsung Galaxy is the only device someone spend time to get these features flasable over stock ROM.
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Also, FWIW many other custom ROMs have WiFi calling.
I know you said you didnt want to root and flash but, I have the Samsung puzzle lockscreen working on MIUI Rom. There is no way to get it on stock Rom, unless, maybe widget locker might have something similar. I persinaly hate using third party lockscreens; I never had luck with them. My wifi calling works on MIUI, not to mention all the other benifits and enhancements.
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Smileys Patch For Messages

Dear friends,
Today I decided to compile a slightly modified Messages application. In this version I changed the rules of smileys so that the system recognizes not only the "long" version (eg or ) but also the "reduced" version (eg or ).
I also added other smileys not present by default (eg :'D or -_-). You can find the table with all the smileys below.
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The apk is based on the last nightly of CM 10.1 for Galaxy Nexus GSM (maguro) and I don't know on which other device and other ROM it will work.
I think this belongs in the Themes and Mods section but nice work anyways.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app
bmg1001 said:
I think this belongs in the Themes and Mods section but nice work anyways.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app
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Mikey moved it for me.
Thank you
Can this work on deodexed 4.2.1 rooted stock rom?
Bockko said:
Can this work on deodexed 4.2.1 rooted stock rom?
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As I specified in the first post, I tried this only with CM10.1, so I don't know.
I think if it does not work, it will not install either (because it is installed as an update of the installed Messages application and you can remove this simply uninstalling the update).
But I don't assure anything.
Make a backup before trying, so you go safe!
If someone of you tried the mod on a different configuration (eg different ROM) please let us know.
It can be very helpful for other users.
Thank you :highfive:


OK ive been seeing a commercial for an lg phone that u can do multiple things at the same time ie: record video and text at the same time without leaving recording screen is this possible on our phone? Would it be a mod and would our device not be able to handle it?
sent from my spell ridden galaxy nexus
Not happening. Its a feature the skin overlay adds. Would require porting the whole skin just like the Samsung version.
I'm confused by skin overlay what do you mean and the other party about porting.. I'm no developer but certain things can be pulled and ported to go on a phone, isn't it an apk that does it or system ui or Idk....lol
sent from my spell ridden galaxy nexus
Its not Legos. You can't just pull a system app dependent on system frameworks from one device and install it to another.
063_XOBX said:
Its not Legos. You can't just pull a system app dependent on system frameworks from one device and install it to another.
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No I get that but there have been many things pulled, edited and then done that way Motorola launcher with its widgets for example
sent from my spell ridden galaxy nexus
You're not talking about a widget here. You're talking about system framework and things much deeper in the system. If it was that simple it would be done already.
I was also referring to the actual razor max launcher has well and had far as framework the ROM I'm on has all kind of changes in ui ... I'm going to all them if it's possible thanks though
sent from my spell ridden galaxy nexus
You're not listening so I give up.
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Hi. You make samsung multiwindow work for my nexus? yes!
good day.

[Q] toggles mod for stock ROM

Im running version 4.1.2 with Nova Launcher (TouchWiz) on a Windmobile phone the stock ROM and was wondering if is it possible to mod the toggles so they look something like this:
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Or am I stuck with the way it looks now?
Ive tried searching the GN2 forum and didnt have any luck finding anything.
Ive seen the 23 toggle mod but it isnt the same. If I am able to add this feature to the sock ROM my phone will be perfect.
VGMStudios said:
Im running version 4.1.2 with Nova Launcher (TouchWiz) on a Windmobile phone the stock ROM and was wondering if is it possible to mod the toggles so they look something like this:
Or am I stuck with the way it looks now?
Ive tried searching the GN2 forum and didnt have any luck finding anything.
Ive seen the 23 toggle mod but it isnt the same. If I am able to add this feature to the sock ROM my phone will be perfect.
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I'm working on it for my ROM, but since that guide isn't for TW and or layouts are very different then theirs it's a lot of changes from the guide that are needed and honestly a pain (for me at least). Go ahead and give it a shot you may be able to pull it off
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app

[SOLVED] Only two camera modes?

Hello people,
I'm new to HTC world (had only Samsung devices before), but I've recently managed to unlock my bootloader and root the phone and ever since I've done that, my vanilla camera has only two modes available (Camera and Selfie). Before rooting I remember more options. I haven't touched this camera app at all, what's the problem?
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Hmm something is wrong you should have more modes. Did you try erasing data for the camera app?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
Are you using a launcher other than sense? I think i've read something similar....let me dig a bit maybe i can find the related post
quadlt said:
Hello people,
I'm new to HTC world (had only Samsung devices before), but I've recently managed to unlock my bootloader and root the phone and ever since I've done that, my vanilla camera has only two modes available (Camera and Selfie). Before rooting I remember more options. I haven't touched this camera app at all, what's the problem?
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Yes, this happen in some launchers if they have shortcut to open the camera. Just use the main camera icon.
vicino said:
Yes, this happen in some launchers if they have shortcut to open the camera. Just use the main camera icon.
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Yes! That did it. All the solutions are so close most of the time, it's crazy... Thank you everyone. Thread can be closed.
same here
i also have same problem, i have 2 modes in camera 1st is selfie 2nd is photo booth. how to fix it??
i have done hard reset but issue is not fix

