ok, so i have ACS and CWM installed on my phone, along with the impaled keyboard patch to correct the lagging typing. With that said, I try repeatedly to download and install the EL30 update from the sdcard, and it begins to install, then aborts and says failed. Has anyone experienced this and what am i doing wrong???
You are trying to install a system update while on a custom rom. That IS what you are doing wrong.
Just let it fail and you will be good to go. Without EL30.
sent from my secret underground bunker
well that is the thing, the only thing i have done is unlocked my phone. I have the stock ROM still installed.
mookiemoo said:
well that is the thing, the only thing i have done is unlocked my phone. I have the stock ROM still installed.
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The OTA will not install if you are rooted.
You will have to Odin back to stock if you really want the OTA.
I'm waiting for the Dev's to get the ROMs out before I change.
mookiemoo said:
well that is the thing, the only thing i have done is unlocked my phone. I have the stock ROM still installed.
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But you're rooted. That means you aren't on the stock kernel and might have had the Asphalt game removed to conserve space on /system.
You would have been able to find out why you couldn't update with some initiative on searching and reading threads here prior to posting. There's tons of these threads in pages 1-3 on both Q&A and General sub forums.
Research a bit more, then upgrade to CWM v5 and flash an EL30 based rom. There are stock-like roms available so you don't have to lose your comfort level of look & feel.
ok, nikon, thankyou, but i did search around. hence, why i finally posted a thread. threads are free and probably answer a great number of peoples questions who are afraid to ask questions for fear of feeling stupid. i am an airline pilot, so i am not stupid, but not as educated on rooting phones as most of you all are. Thanks though. so, are you saying that while my phone is unlocked, i will not be able to install EL30? i wanted to fix the speaker phone feedback issue that was to be addressed in this patch..
mookiemoo said:
... so, are you saying that while my phone is unlocked, i will not be able to install EL30?
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Correct, you will not be able to install the stock OTA update while being rooted. However, there is an easy solution to your problem. What you're looking for is probably this:
I'd still recommend you make sure you're on CWM v5.
For your "get back on 100% stock" purposes, here are Odin and Heimdall packages that Toadlife made for EL30. These are not the official .tar files, but this is close enough for right now. The files here will not flash the EL30 modem, that is currently a manual flash.
mookiemoo said:
well that is the thing, the only thing i have done is unlocked my phone. I have the stock ROM still installed.
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Alright. My mistake. I took "ACS and CWM" to to mean that you were using an ACS rom. But it still seems that your problem is the same.
sent from my secret underground bunker
ok, now thank you very much for that great help. thank you for taking the time to explain and lead to to the right links. i most appreciate it.
I have a rooted Galaxy S3 with stock rom.
I keep getting a pop up for a system update, but cant update.
Please tell me how to manually update, and (where) I can find the latest stock updated software
Voodoo8648 said:
I have a rooted Galaxy S3 with stock rom.
I keep getting a pop up for a system update, but cant update.
Please tell me how to manually update, and (where) I can find the latest stock updated software
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Take a look in the android dev sections to this forum. If you ever update once rooted, you should be flashing a new ROM (clean or dirty flashing) to receive the next update. Running stock ROM in between a Sammy update and while having the older ROM without the newest update will yield that result.
Xontic said:
Take a look in the android dev sections to this forum. If you ever update once rooted, you should be flashing a new ROM (clean or dirty flashing) to receive the next update. Running stock ROM in between a Sammy update and while having the older ROM without the newest update will yield that result.
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I dont know what any of that means.. I just want to update my phone. This cant be brain surgery.
Voodoo8648 said:
I dont know what any of that means.. I just want to update my phone. This cant be brain surgery.
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This might be a foolish question, but why root your phone to leave it as is?
Xontic said:
This might be a foolish question, but why root your phone to leave it as is?
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Wonderful question. I would LOVE to unroot my phone :good:
lol, well if you want to read up on installing a custom ROM, then that is your ticket to experiencing the world of rooted phone glory. If not, I recommend looking up the unroot method...
Xontic said:
This might be a foolish question, but why root your phone to leave it as is?
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There are plenty of reasons for rooting but remaining stock (such as: tethering, Droid wall, Titanium Backup to allow me to backup and restore app data, removing bloat, etc).
I have flashed custom rooms in the past on my Evo but right now I am happy with my S3 at stock.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Xontic said:
lol, well if you want to read up on installing a custom ROM, then that is your ticket to experiencing the world of rooted phone glory. If not, I recommend looking up the unroot method...
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Oh, okay, Thanks for the help!
Voodoo8648 said:
I have a rooted Galaxy S3 with stock rom.
I keep getting a pop up for a system update, but cant update.
Please tell me how to manually update, and (where) I can find the latest stock updated software
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I was in the same boat at you. I put it off for a while but finally decided to update tonight. I followed the steps posted here.
You can update your baseband by flashing a properly packaged official baseband zip, or flash from recovery tool (my preference), like the one here: There are also unofficial, or leaked basebands, available to flash from all-in-one zips, such as the one here:
As far as the build version goes, that does not have to match your baseband (modem). Most of the ICS ROMs are LG8, although there are some LI3 ICS ROMs to choose from. There's also a leaked build of Jellybean, builds LIF & LIG, with a third leak LIH reportedly coming out tomorrow. Once rooted, you can update your build version by flashing the ROM of your choice, based upon the build of your choice.
One of the top developers, and probably the greatest asset to this community, is freeza. He explained the difference very well here:
That's a long-winded response, but I hope it answered your original question, and helps you out.
Have fun!
Edit: Once you're rooted, you'll still receive OTA update notifications, which will continually annoy you until you choose to update and reboot. Once you reboot, the update will fail because of your custom recovery (you will NOT lose root) and the notification will go away....until the next OTA...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
m20120 said:
I was in the same boat at you. I put it off for a while but finally decided to update tonight. I followed the steps posted here.
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Excuse me for my stupidity but I'm new to android. I'm also using the sprint variant of the s3 and have it rooted with stock rom. However my build number is IMM76D.L710VPALF9. I'm assuming the last 3 are the update versions. What is the current version and how do I update to it?
Also, I'm rooted with Clockwork mod How do I upgrade this to version Will I have to unroot then root again?
Thanks for clearing anything you can up. Don't mean to pirate the OP but I figured I'd post in this thread rather than make a new one. Thanks again.
johnnygabe89 said:
Excuse me for my stupidity but I'm new to android. I'm also using the sprint variant of the s3 and have it rooted with stock rom. However my build number is IMM76D.L710VPALF9. I'm assuming the last 3 are the update versions. What is the current version and how do I update to it?
Also, I'm rooted with Clockwork mod How do I upgrade this to version Will I have to unroot then root again?
Thanks for clearing anything you can up. Don't mean to pirate the OP but I figured I'd post in this thread rather than make a new one. Thanks again.
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You can flash a new recovery using ODIN, or Mobile ODIN. I use Mobile ODIN. There's a thread on recoveries here:
As far as the versions, see my previous post on this thread.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Can anyone tell me how to just UNROOT?
Maybe step by step instructions and where to get the software?
Voodoo8648 said:
Can anyone tell me how to just UNROOT?
Maybe step by step instructions and where to get the software?
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There is a link to a video of the unroot process in this post.
I just discovered a reason NOT to unroot...
I just found out that I can tether free wifi hotspot!
Voodoo8648 said:
I just discovered a reason NOT to unroot...
I just found out that I can tether free wifi hotspot!
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That is one of the reasons that I am rooted... so I can use WiFi Tether. I do not it much. Hardly any data at all. But when I am in a spot and need a wireless connection and I only have my phone it comes in handy.
Some other reasons:
- DroidWall: Lets me block individual apps from accessing the internet.
- AddFree: Block ads in some apps.
why would you do that?
Xontic said:
This might be a foolish question, but why root your phone to leave it as is?
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so you don't have to pay Sprint 12 dollars a month to teather.
Hi guys, brand new to the forum, member wise, but been using XDA site for years. Have had the Verizon HTC One since it was released in August and been patiently waiting for S-Off to be achievable. Awesome for Sonic buying a Java card and wish I could have sent mine to him but unfortunately did not have a backup phone to use.
I was wondering if someone could create a guide to complete S-Off with Beaup's mod? I don't want to brick my phone since it's the only one I have, so I figured this could be beneficial to everyone, not just me.
Thanks guys
If you follow his guide, it's pretty straight forward. It failed the first time for me because of either not having the stock kernel, or just a bad usb port, but that didn't brick my phone. It just didn't do anything. Tried it the second time and it worked like a charm.
SoCmodder said:
If you follow his guide, it's pretty straight forward. It failed the first time for me because of either not having the stock kernel, or just a bad usb port, but that didn't brick my phone. It just didn't do anything. Tried it the second time and it worked like a charm.
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Thanks man for clearing it up. Just kind of new to HTC in particular. First HTC phone. Was just kind of curious if I had to worry about anything different.
Im running nos sense but when i tried to go back to my backup of stock before root i got a md5 mismatch on cwm and so it wont backup to that. Does anybody know where i can get the stock rom to be able to run the s-off method. thanks
Aggies1288 said:
Im running nos sense but when i tried to go back to my backup of stock before root i got a md5 mismatch on cwm and so it wont backup to that. Does anybody know where i can get the stock rom to be able to run the s-off method. thanks
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You should be able to flash one of the stock based roms and make sure you have the stock kernel.
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk 2
SoCmodder said:
You should be able to flash one of the stock based roms and make sure you have the stock kernel.
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Oh ok cool. Would nos sense work or do I need to use like Andy's bonestock rom?
Hi all. Just looking for some info/direction. I haven't used my s3 for awhile. My daughter wants to try out Android so im going to let her use it for a bit. I just flashed back to rooted stock image. Didn't realize its still on 4.1.1 and boot loader is MG2. I've been doing some reading and the info is kind of all over the place. Anyone have any info on best/safest way to upgrade? Should I unroot and take OTA's...or flash a stock ROM....thanks for any info and tips.
I recommend flashing back to stock 4.1.1 ROM without root, then run ota updates until you got the most recent kit kat.
audit13 said:
I recommend flashing back to stock 4.1.1 ROM without root, then run ota updates until you got the most recent kit kat.
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Thank you. That's kind of the way I was leaning. Im gonna look around for stock build.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I read you can still root after update?
this might help.....
"all i can really do , is stay out of my own way and let the will of heaven be done"
mrrocketdog said:
this might help.....
"all i can really do , is stay out of my own way and let the will of heaven be done"
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Thank you! I'll check it out. Appreciate it.
jasvncnt1 said:
Thank you. That's kind of the way I was leaning. Im gonna look around for stock build.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I read you can still root after update?
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If you are on 4.1.1 or 4.1.2, any update you install will require you to update bootloader and modem. 4.1.1 was the last full unrooted ROM available for AT&T. Everything else was OTA. Once you OTA to 4.3 JB or 4.4 KK please keep in mind that you can no longer downgrade the bootloader or you will brick your device.
But yes, you can still root the device as far as I have been able to tell.
aybarrap1 said:
If you are on 4.1.1 or 4.1.2, any update you install will require you to update bootloader and modem. 4.1.1 was the last full unrooted ROM available for AT&T. Everything else was OTA. Once you OTA to 4.3 JB or 4.4 KK please keep in mind that you can no longer downgrade the bootloader or you will brick your device.
But yes, you can still root the device as far as I have been able to tell.
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Thanks. Hmmmm thats right. Guess I need to think about it and see if the upgrade is worth it.
The most recent KK custom ROMs will require a KK bootloader and KK modem.
So I went back to stock (no root) when I go settings and update it tells me there is no update?
Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
Did you flash back to stock using the 4.1.1 ROM from
audit13 said:
Did you flash back to stock using the 4.1.1 ROM from
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I tried that and had same issue then I used Kies and same thing keeps telling you me no update available. Then something about it will recheck in case amount of time.
Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
I recall seeing a post from another XDA member that said the update asked him to wait. He tried again in a few hours and the OTA update worked.
Just make sure you are not rooted and running a stock recovery.
audit13 said:
I recall seeing a post from another XDA member that said the update asked him to wait. He tried again in a few hours and the OTA update worked.
Just make sure you are not rooted and running a stock recovery.
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Thanks. Guess I'll just wait. Def not rooted.
Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
jasvncnt1 said:
Thanks. Guess I'll just wait. Def not rooted.
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If you have not upgraded yet, please be aware that if you are planning to unlock, you must do so BEFORE upgrading. Free unlock is no longer available after update, you will need to buy code, and these are costly, like 20 bucks
galets said:
If you have not upgraded yet, please be aware that if you are planning to unlock, you must do so BEFORE upgrading. Free unlock is no longer available after update, you will need to buy code, and these are costly, like 20 bucks
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True...our you can see if your mobile carrier will give an unlock code. No guarantees...especially if under contract.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747
galets said:
If you have not upgraded yet, please be aware that if you are planning to unlock, you must do so BEFORE upgrading. Free unlock is no longer available after update, you will need to buy code, and these are costly, like 20 bucks
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aybarrap1 said:
True...our you can see if your mobile carrier will give an unlock code. No guarantees...especially if under contract.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747
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Thanks! I'm not looking to unlock. The phones no longer on contract. Just upgrade the firmware so my daughter can take Android for a spin. She's 12. She has already used IPhone and now she's on Windows. Time for her to try out Android.
I suggest unlocking now before upgrading as the unlock codes may not be that cheap. I know for the Canadian s3, it about $18.
jasvncnt1 said:
Thanks! I'm not looking to unlock. The phones no longer on contract. Just upgrade the firmware so my daughter can take Android for a spin. She's 12. She has already used IPhone and now she's on Windows. Time for her to try out Android.
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Just because you are not looking to unlock it _right_now_ doesn't mean you won't need it in future. Obvious reason to unlock would be for example if want to use it when you travel. If you don't unlock it now when you can, you could end up never unlocking it at all. And really, why not unlock?!
Please help, what is the process of rooting a stock 4.4.2 NJ1 i747 on at&t?
Araltd said:
Please help, what is the process of rooting a stock 4.4.2 NJ1 i747 on at&t?
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I tried some programs, including towelroot, but they are not updated tu support NJ1, I really need to root it too, so we are in the same boat.
Good luck
MarceloUruguay said:
I tried some programs, including towelroot, but they are not updated tu support NJ1, I really need to root it too, so we are in the same boat.
Good luck
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Look through this thread. I'll bet something in it will work. Enewman17 is a whiz at this.
OKAstro said:
Look through this thread. I'll bet something in it will work. Enewman17 is a whiz at this.
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Here's the issue I'm having, that thread linked says it will flash a pre-rooted NJ1 rom - ok fine... But as far as I can tell, no one has specifically said they have flashed his pre-rooted rom on top of a stock NJ1 rom. They've all upgraded to NJ1 from NE# using his method.
Obviously the NJ1 'upgrade' was at least in part an attempt to prevent rooting, and I'm not experienced enough to unbrick (or effectively undo) whatever may happen in a botched attempt.
I'm assuming once you're on NJ1 stock rom, rooting is not possible?
Araltd said:
Here's the issue I'm having, that thread linked says it will flash a pre-rooted NJ1 rom - ok fine... But as far as I can tell, no one has specifically said they have flashed his pre-rooted rom on top of a stock NJ1 rom. They've all upgraded to NJ1 from NE# using his method.
Obviously the NJ1 'upgrade' was at least in part an attempt to prevent rooting, and I'm not experienced enough to unbrick (or effectively undo) whatever may happen in a botched attempt.
I'm assuming once you're on NJ1 stock rom, rooting is not possible?
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Read midway down in the 1st post of the OP I linked...talks about rooting NJ1
I was able to root my ATT S3 that is on NJ1 using this method
Dbeayon said:
I was able to root my ATT S3 that is on NJ1 using this method
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The link is incomplete, can you post it again, or better yet, explain how did you do it ?
MarceloUruguay said:
The link is incomplete, can you post it again, or better yet, explain how did you do it ?
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The correct url is
Root works
wayneneely said:
The correct url is
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hi, jut to let you know that i tried rooting my s3 on latest 4.4.2 using the link and it works perfectly.
johnye17 said:
hi, jut to let you know that i tried rooting my s3 on latest 4.4.2 using the link and it works perfectly.
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Which message from that thread did you follow in order to root the phone ?
MarceloUruguay said:
Which message from that thread did you follow in order to root the phone ?
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I used Odin to flash the latest CF Auto Root for the phone, even without rooting a phone for at least a year (out of practice) I did it in less than 40 secs.
johnye17 said:
I used Odin to flash the latest CF Auto Root for the phone, even without rooting a phone for at least a year (out of practice) I did it in less than 40 secs.
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Were you using baseband I747UCUFNJ1 ?
I don't want to brick my phone
MarceloUruguay said:
Were you using baseband I747UCUFNJ1 ?
I don't want to brick my phone
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yes, i was running NJ1, and just so you know, right now im running a Stock Mod Custom ROM
johnye17 said:
yes, i was running NJ1, and just so you know, right now im running a Stock Mod Custom ROM
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Finally I rooted it without too many problems, I had to re-install super su, but after all, it wasn't too complicated.
The difficult part was to enable tethering, because most fixes still need an AT&T chip.
The solution was this:
Thnak you very much for everything,
MarceloUruguay said:
Finally I rooted it without too many problems, I had to re-install super su, but after all, it wasn't too complicated.
The difficult part was to enable tethering, because most fixes still need an AT&T chip.
The solution was this:
Thnak you very much for everything,
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I am complete noob at this. I am running Nj1 and I have never rooted anything before. I am having battery issues and everything points to deleting the battery bin file. I could really use a little help on how to do this. When I go to the cf auto root page I can't find the file needed for I747UCUFNJ1
BakaRed77 said:
I am complete noob at this. I am running Nj1 and I have never rooted anything before. I am having battery issues and everything points to deleting the battery bin file. I could really use a little help on how to do this. When I go to the cf auto root page I can't find the file needed for I747UCUFNJ1
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The file for NJ1 is the file listed for SAMSUNG-SGH-I747, which is
You will see that the files inside the zip are updated after NJ1 was released.
Best regards from Uruguay,
MarceloUruguay said:
The file for NJ1 is the file listed for SAMSUNG-SGH-I747, which is
You will see that the files inside the zip are updated after NJ1 was released.
Best regards from Uruguay,
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You're awesome. But I have a question. Will this work for 4.4.2? Idk is that is a stupid question or not....
BakaRed77 said:
You're awesome. But I have a question. Will this work for 4.4.2? Idk is that is a stupid question or not....
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Sure, I have 4.4.2!
It's not an stupid question because probably you saw 4.0.4 at the CF Auto Root page, that's just the first Android version that the s3 i747 used, now the latest official android version is 4.4.2
MarceloUruguay said:
Sure, I have 4.4.2!
It's not an stupid question because probably you saw 4.0.4 at the CF Auto Root page, that's just the first Android version that the s3 i747 used, now the latest official android version is 4.4.2
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Ok so I went through and got it to say pass on Odin, but it's still not rooted. It said superSU has stopped. Tried a reboot and it keeps saying it. Root checker basic says its def not rooted. Idk where I went wrong.
BakaRed77 said:
Ok so I went through and got it to say pass on Odin, but it's still not rooted. It said superSU has stopped. Tried a reboot and it keeps saying it. Root checker basic says its def not rooted. Idk where I went wrong.
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Just update superSU using Google Play, and you should be rooted.