I'm returning my unbranded phone back HTC for a repair due to an apparent hardware issue (if I lightly apply pressure to the back cover it turns off). I'm hoping it's warranty, i've only had it for < 3 months...
However, it's rooted and I've been running various ROM's such as MCR and currently DJ Droid - do I need to unroot the phone, or at least flash the generic HTC ROM?
The other thing is that they've told me to remove sdcard and SIM card before I send it back. Since I'm using A2SD, without the sdcard in the phone doesn't seem to want to boot - it gets stuck at the boot screen.... so perhaps I have no choice but to flash a generic ROM...
Any suggestions and opinions are appreciated... if I'm going to have to flash a generic ROM and/or unroot, any good links to methods would be great!
I would flash a generic rom via an RUU if I were you.
Since the phone actually boots and works, there's far more chance they'll notice it has been rooted.
Cheers Dave, I ended up using the generic RUU from here:
Worked a treat! Now lets hope they send me back a new phone...
This is just for those that may do a search on this thread.
rooting/ flashing with custom roms etc invalidates your warranty with the phone as you have modified it. If you unroot upon return it should be fine.
since my rebooting issue has gotten progressively worse, i'm obviously now going to have to get the phone back in for repair.
i assume i'll need to re-root it and re-flash the stock rom to be on the safe side, in case of any accusations i've invalidated the warranty. i know it sounds like a daft question, but what exactly is the stock rom ?
is it the official HTC Sense rom ? i guess i'm so used to using OpenDesire and, more recently, Oxygen, i've kind of lost sight of what the official rom used to look like.
This is where you have a problem. You need to put the Orange ROM back on it and that is the only ROM never to have been'll either have to put a stock WWE ROM on it or hope Orange are nice enough to not invalidate your warranty and fix it regardless...
You could try this but there's no guarantee it'd work...
The method eddyOS posted woirks fine for me I tested it after I debranded my desire then rooted it.
EddyOS said:
This is where you have a problem. You need to put the Orange ROM back on it and that is the only ROM never to have been'll either have to put a stock WWE ROM on it or hope Orange are nice enough to not invalidate your warranty and fix it regardless...
You could try this but there's no guarantee it'd work...
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Orange replaced my desire with that rom on it. It but it leaves superuser apk in system apps and probably busybox and whatever else unrevoked adds to /system too. But it will be unrooted with stock radio, recovery and hboot. The only difference is superuser.apk afaik.
mercianary said:
Orange replaced my desire with that rom on it. It but it leaves superuser apk in system apps and probably busybox and whatever else unrevoked adds to /system too. But it will be unrooted with stock radio, recovery and hboot. The only difference is superuser.apk afaik.
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does this process also work for SLCD's? or is it just for AMOLEDs.
Don't know. Wouldn't reccomend trying untilled you have a definate answer to be honest. I don't think slcd devices were out at the time that image made so it probably don't support it.
I would stick with the stock European unbranded rom myself, ignorance is bliss of they ask anything.
Pretty sure it's AMOLED only...there's a chance an Orange RUU might be available soon
Oh really - keep us posted!
There's nothing wrong with my Orange Desire but I like to know what options are available to unroot it if things go pear shaped.
Thanks for the info.
Assuming an Orange RUU doesn't become available, I would imagine the method mentioned above could be used if anyone was available to supply a NAND from an SLCD on 2.1?
Cant see anythign bar the startup screen on mine that says " Orange " I have taken off all the demo rubbish ... so they would only know .. by looking at the build number etc... the look of the phone lloks like anything else out there ....
as long as you dont put Windows 7 on there !! LOL should be ok
It wont work with SLCD as it was from the nandroid of my phone which is AMOLED.
EddyOS said:
This is where you have a problem. You need to put the Orange ROM back on it and that is the only ROM never to have been'll either have to put a stock WWE ROM on it or hope Orange are nice enough to not invalidate your warranty and fix it regardless...
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Appreciate the link - thanks. I'll have to put that rom back on it and hope for the best.
Worst case scenario, i'll just have to sell the desire on ebay and claim ignorance to the rebooting .. not that i'd do that of course
I wouldn't worry too much I had to send back my last phone, a tocco, I had debranded it and ruined the camera by try to flash new firmware on it, they replaced it with no problem. I remember I saw posted in a forum from someone that works at orange claiming they don't check firmware etc anyway
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
that's encouraging to know craig, thanks.
i got my desire from phones4u initially, but I got the impression from speaking to the manager today that it would be sent back to HTC rather than Orange.
It's going to be a few days before I can borrow a phone to use in the mean time, so i can always decide if i'm going to follow the procedure to re-root and go back to the stock flash.
I might meet them halfway and just get a rom that looks like it's stock - i've unlocked the handset as well so I'd rather not chance paying to do that again.
Ha HA! It worked
Back to the Orange Sense crap Rom.
God it's horrible. I've been using custom roms for so long, i've forgotten how Sense actually looks
Anyway, it's randombly rebooted twice since i've restored the stock rom so the problem hasn't gone away. but at least i'll be happier sending it back for repair now.
(And it's just rebooted itself a third time while i've been typing this )
I'd first get the 2.2 OTA and make sure it's not fixed in that but yeah send it back if still doing the same. Chances are getting a replacement will leave you with an SLCD screen so this roll back won't be possible
The third reboot actually did happen after the 2.2 update.
I don't mind so much if i get an SLCD screen in a way - as long as I can flash another rom back on to it then i won't mind.
I accept it's a gamble in case it goes wrong again but I really don't want to keep this sense on it any longer than I have to.
this isn't good .. i was fiddling with the phone just now and it randomly rebooted - again.
It came up to the white screen with the HTC logo and didn't move. I popped the battery and turned it back on again and it's now stuck at the HTC screen again.
Getting rather concerned it's just died totally ..
I think it's gone .. i can't even get it in to recovery. My only option is to try the "clear storage" option for a factory reset. if that doesn't work ...
Hey guys, first time poster here and a bit of a newb to rooting, Android and smart-phones in general.
I've been hanging on these forums the past 3 months researching the rooting process for a Desire and all the relevant stuff that goes along with it. So please go easy on me. I've also read all the 'similar threads' suggested to me at post-time.
I'm almost ready to begin the process but there's a few bits of information that's got me pretty scared before I go ahead. I wasn't able to find much of a concrete answer/s to these questions, from Googling around.
Well without further ado.
What is the difference between GSM & CDMA and do I need to know which my phone is before proceeding?
If I DO need to know, how do I find this out?
My phone is branded (Orange splash-screen at boot) and locked to Orange network (Newly recieved contract phone).
I've heard that I may need a goldcard to proceed with the Unrevoked process due to the branding. Is this correct?
Another guide on the net (can provide link if necessary), mentions upgrading the radio on Orange phones can permanently break the wifi OR permanently simlock your phone.
Will I need to worry about this during the Unrevoked rooting process? And will this be avoidable after installing a custom rom. (If I get that far )
I read somewhere on these forums (I forgot where exactly), something about the newest Orange OTA update causing problems with the rooting process. Is this still the case or has Unrevoked been updated to avoid that now? Also, how can I check if I have that update?
I can provide all the information about my Hboot, radio and kernel versions etc, if you need it (I guess you will), but for some reason, I keep getting a spam warning as this is my first post. I can only assume the version numbers are being interpreted as IPs...
Well sorry for the wall of text, but I greatly appreciate any help I can get regarding these issues. I'm so scared of bricking my Desire and not being able to return it, if bricking does occur.
Yours a worried root newb!
1. We use GSM phones in the UK as we use SIM cards. CDMA phones don't use SIM cards and are locked/released to one network
2. You don't need a gold card to root, no. As there isn't an Orange RUU available to go back to stock for warranty you will need one to flash a non-Orange RUU. Best to make one before starting
3. This was the case a while back but I'd wait for confirmation before changing it
4. No as the radio isn't flashed during a ROM (unless stated in the ROM thread that it does)
5. Shouldn't be an issue, just get the latest version of unrEVOked from their website before starting
Great, that's most of my questions/concerns answered. Although the below answer has brought a new question to the front
EddyOS said:
2. You don't need a gold card to root, no. As there isn't an Orange RUU available to go back to stock for warranty you will need one to flash a non-Orange RUU. Best to make one before starting
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Unfortunately my knowledge of RUU is almost non-existant, other than that it stands for Rom Upgrade Utility and is used to upgrade the software on my phone? Right?
And forgive me if I'm being dumb here but, if
EddyOS said:
there isn't an Orange RUU available to go back to stock for warranty
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and yet I
EddyOS said:
will need one to flash a non-Orange RUU
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then how can I do this? Or am I totally misunderstanding you?
Do I somehow use an application without root permission to perform a procedure similar to hdd ghosting?
Basically, if you wanted to return to stock for any reason you wouldn't be able to go back to the Orange ROM as the RUU doesn't exist so you'd have to go to a generic ROM. To flash any ROM other than the originally on the phone you need a gold card
It's the same for me, if (for some strange reason) I'd want to flash a branded ROM on my Desire I'd need a gold card. Thankfully, I have an unbranded handset so I can get the stock RUU and use it without a gold card
EddyOS said:
Basically, if you wanted to return to stock for any reason you wouldn't be able to go back to the Orange ROM as the RUU doesn't exist so you'd have to go to a generic ROM.
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So basically if I were to screw it up, which I hopefully won't, I'm buggered as far as getting my phone fixed cos they'll see the Orange rom is no longer installed? Not too fussed about that, as I'm super-careful with my phone.
I guess my next issue would be, after rooting using Unrevoked, I'd need to gain S-OFF right? Which I understand is done via AlphaRev. Only issue there would be related to this
"Please revert to a rooted stock ROM if possible. Your /data partition is used for temporary storage of important files." If I'm reverting to a stock rom, while gaining S-OFF presumably there's a high chance that'd upgrade my radio - a potentially very bad thing.
THEN I go about choosing a rom to flash. Then Nandroid backup. Then flash the rom, hopefully love it and voila?
Also, what would you suggest as a good rom for someone like me just starting out with a fully rooted phone? I was thinking one of the official builds to lose all the crap, but then the above issue of the radio creeps up again...
I have been flashing ROM's since I got my phone rooted last year and I have never bothered to S-OFF. It's not a requirement.
I have tried a number of ROM's (it becomes a bit addictive!) there is not normally a need to flash a new radio, just leave it be. If you are worried about it and the ROM requires a new radio don't flash it. There are plenty to choose from.
As for recommendations, everyone has their own tastes and likes. That's the beauty of modding. Just flash a few ROM's and see which you like. I have tried most of them, stuck with MIUI for ages, but am now on Cyanogenmod 7 Nightly's.
There is nothing to really worry about. There is a remote chance of bricking your phone for a start, like 0.0000000001% chance. Only way of doing it is disconnecting during say an S-Off.
As for the Orange issue. I had a locked, Orange Desire with 2.2 on it (the first update) and when I rooted and S-Off'd I had no problems. I also have updated my radio to and have no issues at all. To be honest, I found issues to do with signals and Wi-Fi are to do with the ROM you install and the kernel as well which can be frustrating but fun as well.
As for choosing a ROM, choose one, flash it then see what it's like. It's purely down to what you like most about each ROM. I've been through so many ROMs in the past few months but now I am sort of staying with 1 ROM. I will say that when I installed a custom ROM, I had to pay to unlock my sim because it was being gay and Orange wanted £20 of my hard earned cash to unlock it and send it off. So be prepared.
thetasigma3 said:
So basically if I were to screw it up, which I hopefully won't, I'm buggered as far as getting my phone fixed cos they'll see the Orange rom is no longer installed? Not too fussed about that, as I'm super-careful with my phone.
I guess my next issue would be, after rooting using Unrevoked, I'd need to gain S-OFF right? Which I understand is done via AlphaRev. Only issue there would be related to this
"Please revert to a rooted stock ROM if possible. Your /data partition is used for temporary storage of important files." If I'm reverting to a stock rom, while gaining S-OFF presumably there's a high chance that'd upgrade my radio - a potentially very bad thing.
THEN I go about choosing a rom to flash. Then Nandroid backup. Then flash the rom, hopefully love it and voila?
Also, what would you suggest as a good rom for someone like me just starting out with a fully rooted phone? I was thinking one of the official builds to lose all the crap, but then the above issue of the radio creeps up again...
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Don't bother about S-OFF at the moment, you don't need it. Just get rooted and then look into custom ROMs for now
Ok I've taken a tiny step further forward. I'm at the point of making a goldcard but one thing concerns me... According to that it won't work with the 2.2 OTA update from HTC.
I know, I have 2.2 installed but this was already on the phone when I received it, so I've no idea if this was an OTA or not... So I guess I need a different method to make a goldcard now?
Use this:
Probably need to register to get the file, though
Hmmm tried using that tool and no joy... Get my img file downloaded, but then the tool refuses to recognise my phone, despite doing the appropriate change over to 'disk drive'. I tried re-plugging the un-mounting and re-plugging the usb cable. Still no joy.
I'm beginning to lose hope here... That tool won't work and the tutorial here says it's incompatible with 2.2...
Been Googling around a fair bit and I can't find any information at all on downgrading a branded 2.2. Only information on people with branded handsets wanting to update to 2.2.
After a bit more searching, I found someone else with the exact same issue as me.
Only one difference though. He doesn't mention if he managed to flash a custom rom after his root. I'm guessing he probably wouldn't have been able to going by your post:
EddyOS said:
To flash any ROM other than the originally on the phone you need a gold card
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A gold card is only needed to flash a STOCK ROM different from your original - it's not needed to flash a custom ROM. The gold card isn't even needed to root. It's just handy to have in your case as you'd need it to go back to stock due to the lack of an Orange RUU
I'm out of ideas I'm afraid, never had to deal with a gold card as I'm unbranded
Use this:
Probably need to register to get the file, though
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Does that work a lot better then?
I used the method posted by thetasigma3 and I can't get OTA 2.29.405.5 but I can get 2.29.405.2. To get round the problem I installed the 2.29.405.5 RUU and rooted
Anyone who's debranded will need to use the RUU as the OTA won't go through
GoogleJelly said:
I will say that when I installed a custom ROM, I had to pay to unlock my sim because it was being gay and Orange wanted £20 of my hard earned cash to unlock it and send it off. So be prepared.
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Call me crazy, but why the heck would flashing a custom rom require you to unlock and send off? Presumably the sending off thing would've been for Orange to perform the unlock procedure?
Anyway, back to my main issue, I know I've probably tread the same ground a few times now, but I really don't wanna end up bricking, cos I overlooked a tiny element, or something.
Could someone confirm I have these points all correct please?
Goldcard NOT needed for rooting.
Goldcard NOT needed if/when I flash a custom rom.
Goldcard needed if I wanted to go back to a STOCK rom.
Only reason to flash a STOCK rom is if I need to send back to Orange for repairs etc.
Oh and thanks for the clarification on your earlier post EddyOS. About goldcards not being needed for custom roms as opposed to stock etc.
Think I'm ready to go ahead with the process now, but if I go ahead and something goes wrong, what's my safety net, so to speak? Presumably my battery would die on me long before I get a response here
What you have there is correct (point 2-5)
The unlocking issue was down to some radios causing Orange handsets to become SIM locked. If you're using an Orange SIM this isn't an issue but others who got an Orange handset but use a different SIM card found they wouldn't work.
This was earlier in the Desire's life and I don't think it's applicable now
Try using "GoldCard Helper" app from Android Market, in case you want to try and make a goldcard (as the other methods did not work for you).
As mentioned as EddyOS, all your points from 2 - 5 are correct.
Ok finally got the guts together to go ahead and run unRevoked. (Already had done the driver steps etc).
I've checked with an app from the Android Market, called 'Root Check' to verify root access. That's saying I do have it and it also asked for Root permissions on start-up, which it never did before root. So I assume that's a good sign. I also checked for the 'Superuser Permissions' app in my apps menu. Found it was present and clicked it. Started without any problems. So I guess that's another good sign.
So I guess my next set of questions are reasonable simple.
Does this seem like my phone is now 100% rooted? I think it is, but I could be wrong.
Do I need to install Busybox? Root Checker seems to like seeing it there.
Does it matter if I use Titanium Backup Pro or free? I'm guessing it won't but I'd like to be certain.
If I backup my current Orange rom with Titanium Backup will I be able to go back to that without a goldcard? My guess is no. I didn't make or use one for the root process.
1. Yes
2. For Titanium Backup, yes
3. No
4. You don't backup the ROM with TB, you boot into Recovery and do it there
kvphani said:
Try using "GoldCard Helper" app from Android Market, in case you want to try and make a goldcard (as the other methods did not work for you).
As mentioned as EddyOS, all your points from 2 - 5 are correct.
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Hey man, I downloaded that app and found a fairly easy looking guide on the Unlockr . Just wanted to check, if I use that app plus this guide. I skip steps 1-6 right?
Ok gone ahead and done that now. Just having some trouble finding instructions on backing up my Orange rom.
Oh and now that the forum won't grumble at my phone info, here it is. Hopefully that'll shed some more light on my situation, if I need further help.
Aug 10 2010, 17:52:18
Android Version
Baseband Version
Kernel Version
[email protected] #1
Build Number CL274424 release-keys
Softare Number
Browser Version
WebKit 3.1
Model Number
Hi All,
I have a US Cellular BravoC that needs to go in for repair. I am one of the unlucky ones who are experiencing the overheating/forced resetting while doing CPU intensive tasks.
I currently have S-OFF, CWM Recovery
I know that I can download 2.2 RUU in fastboot and that will return my phone to unrooted, S-ON... and my warranty repair should go through fine. The problem is, I want to be able to return to CM or Oxygen when I get my phone back.
1) If I return a phone with S-OFF and CWM recovery is it likely that HTC will deny the warranty repair?
2) Does anyone know if there is an RUU for 2.1?
3) Is it possible to flash the stock recovery and leave S-OFF as a back door?
4) Is it even likely that I will get the same software back? In other words... should I not even worry about because I will likely get back something different (Just flash the 2.2 RUU and say screw it).
I still do not really understand the whole "goldcard" thing or how to really use fastboot effectively, so I don't have the untouched ROM that came with the phone. Only the rooted one I created with nandroid backup before installing CWM
Sorry, I know that is a lot of questions but they are all very closely related. I have searched through the forum and did not find anything that really answers these.
Thanks for any advice you may have!
When you get your phone back you can just reroot and S-OFF again. You need to find the US Cellular ruu and run it.
Maybe someone else can help you with that.
So if I understand this correctly, even if I have 2.2 installed (which, as of now, can not be rooted) I could find and install the 2.1 RUU and then root the phone? I think the problem is HTC never released a 2.1 RUU. I am pretty sure I go to 2.2 (or HTC upgrades my phone to 2.2) I will lose the ability to root it.
Man, I just hate the stock ROM so much I want to try avoiding it at all costs.
Hi Guys, I posted this in Android Software and Hacking General, but I didn't get a reply. Probably the wrong section!
my HTC Desire GSM is stuck in Fastboot and won't boot into the ROM. The background to this issue is that I installed S-Off and then ClockworkMod and flashed Cyogenmod 7 to see if it would fix a reboot issue on the phone. The damn thing just reboots itself when the CPU is used heavily...
Anywho, after realising that Cyogen wouldn't resolve the issue I flashed the standard Virgin UK rom back over it and upgraded to 2.22.351.2 via the system update feature. The problem was that ClockwordMod was still installed and I had to get rid of it to sent the phone off for repair to Virgin!
So I did further research and found that I could flash HBoot via the downgrader tool. I downloaded it and popped it into the root of my SD card and it flashed the bootloader back to Hboot 0.80.0000. That should have been it, but all of the sudden the phone no longer boots into the Rom. All it does is to power on and then go into Fastboot. That's it! When I try putting the standard Virgin Rom back onto the SD it tries to load it and then says "Main Version is older!" "Update Fail!".
How do I get around this now? The phone doesn't boot, so I can't re-flash S-Off and start again, not am I able to run the stock Virgin Rom within Windows because it complains about the versions.
Is there any ways around this situation? I just want to get the phone back to stock so I can send it to Virgin and get it repaired.
P.S. I *have* used the search function and spent the last 4 hours testing various things but I'm now stuck.
Cheers Guys!
Well you obviously fckd up with the Downgrader, you should have run it first BEFORE RUU. Also did you flashed Stock Hboot prior to Downgrader? (if you used CM7 earlier)
I never played around with the hboot downgrading etc. so i wont be able to help you but im sure there is some workaround...
as your returning your phone anyway why don't you try the official HTC gingerbread update from the HTC developer site (sorry I don't have a link). It should return your phone to stock and when you get it back you need to use revolutionary to get s-off back. Also, there is a sticky from user bortac which has loads of help and trouble shooting advice.
iain2510 said:
as your returning your phone anyway why don't you try the official HTC gingerbread update from the HTC developer site (sorry I don't have a link). It should return your phone to stock and when you get it back you need to use revolutionary to get s-off back. Also, there is a sticky from user bortac which has loads of help and trouble shooting advice.
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Any advice that uses the 2.3.3 RUU to fix something is plain bad advice - it can just make your problem a LOT worse.
@OP Go onto my guide, look at RUU problems for help
What you need to do:
-Make a goldcard (there is a tutorial there)
-Flash the WWE RUU
Guys, upgrading to Gingerbread has actually brought the phone back from the dead! =) And I can now return it to Virgin to get it repaired properly. The symptoms are that while the phone is plugged in and charging, and I'm doing stuff (taxing the CPU), the phone will eventually simply rebooting itself. Just *BANG*! And it's gone. And once it starts it's a bit of a run-away thing and just keeps on doing it until you leave the phone alone for a bit. Virgin had a look at it and simply re-flashed it, thinking that they could away with that. Typical, overworked, non-creative call centre workers..... I'm well pissed off with them!
Gonna send it back next week and force them to swap the motherboard or something, cause this is a serious fault with the phone.