Hey everyone,
Just curious if there is a good option for USB tethering? I am on Bonestock 1.2 currently, so I am rooted, S-Off, etc.
PDANet Free works, but limits you. I am trying to find a way to run Windows Update on a Windows 7 desktop PC that does not have internet connectivity (hence using my phone). There are 360MB worth of updates, more than PDANET Free is going to allow me to download. I only need USB tethering maybe once a month, so I cannot justify buying PDANet
Any ideas? I have searched and searched but not seen any solutions yet.
Get a usb wireless adopted for your pc, is cheapest fix for you.
Just realised that I dont really need to use the PDAnet application on my Desire or on my pc to tether internet using usb, I'm not sure about other network branded desires but I know that a T-mobile representative posted on the forums that Tethering is allowed on T-mobile as long as you stay within the 3GB fair use policy - Decent =D
All you have to do is select Internet Sharing when you connect your phone up, you'll have to wait a while for the computer to install it as a network adapter. This internet sharing option might not be on other branded phones.
update: its a bit jumpy I think, first time trying it.
Very true, but if you refering to the new 2.2 update allowing it,
the new update will allow for wireless , atm you can only
do it through having the phone connected through cabling.
This is what i think anyway.
Even thought internet sharing is available on most Desires (as it was on the Hero), there is still a use for PDANet.
PDANet allows you to share the internet via a Bluetooth DUN connection.
PDANet will have to be my choice as I'm running Windows 7 which doesn't play nicely with the standard USB tethering!!
i've been using pdanet as you need htc sync installed, and theres not htc sync for mac :/
HTC application installed on Windows 7 Dell laptop.
EVO is NOT rooted.
Hooked up cable, clicked internet sharing, and got...
"Error code 67. Registration failure. Your PCS Vision username and/or password may be incorrect. Please try again."
You are not paying for the tether that is what that means. They do not offer free tether. You will have to download something from the market place and internet.
pdaNet or easytether to USB tether your phone.
well damn. i had asked in the forums before i got the phone if wired tether was free, and people said yes, that only had to pay for the wireless tether.
live and learn.
mrjkwik said:
well damn. i had asked in the forums before i got the phone if wired tether was free, and people said yes, that only had to pay for the wireless tether.
live and learn.
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with the old plan i had before this one, tether was included...or phone as modem...i hate that i lost that for the evo, but oh well...
with an application/hack it will be free.
wireless tethering is free now.. as is wired tether.
check out the development forum for how to setup wireless tethering, and to get wired tethering working -- search the market for PDAnet.
good luck
infamousjax said:
wireless tethering is free now.. as is wired tether.
check out the development forum for how to setup wireless tethering, and to get wired tethering working -- search the market for PDAnet.
good luck
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PDAnet isn't free
You can use an older version of PDAnet (v1.12 I think) and still do everything.
PM me for more details.
weedahoe said:
You can use an older version of PDAnet (v1.12 I think) and still do everything.
PM me for more details.
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Older versions don't do BT tethering, that starts at 1.16. Just go download wireless tether for root users, it does both wireless tethering and BT tethering and it now works on a rooted evo.
BT tethering just means you drain your battery faster. Your Evo came with a USB cable so IMO thats what you should use.
I got the 4g on launch day, and have been using PDAnet since with no problems. It's free for 2 weeks, then blocks https after that. It's going for $19 last time I checked.
I wish I didn't have to do the extra steps it requires both before and after connecting it to my computer by USB, but I prefer free right now to $30 a month to Sprint on top of what I already pay.
So quick set up of my situation
CM7 Protekk build 12
Chad's 3/6/11 Kernel
.7.28 Radio
Windows 7 Professional
So this has been an issue since around official nightly #38
My laptop does not like to consistently hold wifi in certain campus building so I rely on my phone occasionally. However, I also don't always have the best service in these brick buildings. I have tried to use USB tether but to no avail. This is what happens:
Connect USB cable to Dinc
USB storage screen pops up, I tap home to go back to launcherpro
Go to settings
Wireless and Networks->USB and wifi hotspot
Tap to enable USB tethering
It will then flicker the status below the USB tethering option, then uncheck the box and I get the USB mass storage screen again. I used the HTC installer to install the RNDIS drivers.
Can anyone see an issue with my set up? I think Chad left in USB tethering but I could be wrong.
From what ive gathered it just doesnt work for windows 7. Download easy tether and that works fine.
I'm not sure this is related to Windows 7. If it is, correct me, but I don't think so. I've tried both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows 7.
I'm having the same issue. Wifi tether works fine, but I want USB tether so I don't kill my battery all the time. I have the same issues as original poster.
Yep having same problem and i have easy tether but it has a 300ms lag compared to wireless tethering that has 103ms and when i used to do wired tethering when i had xp it would be even better like 89ms and i would share it with my ps3 and it would be pretty good for online since i have sattalite internet here and thats usually 1700ms which is just terrible... yep. i want to get rid of 20ms to get the optimal online experience O.O, ive tried everything active sync(incompatible) htc sync, windows mobile center, none of those gave me the generic rndis driver >.< im about ready to just go get the alpha of Ubuntu and just do it on there.
not the 10.10 Ubuntu cause it doesn't support my graphics card (atleast not an open source version which is all i use.) sorry im off topic...
So any more ideas on how to get the drivers? My friend uses Ubuntu and the native rndis tethering is faster than easy tether when I use his.
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man!!! i have the same issue the only usb tethering that actually work for me was the one with htc sence :/
Alright, here's the low-down. I'm not loving wifi tether. I don't know what it is, but my speeds are quite slow compared to USB tethering via EasyTether.
USB Tether has worked great for me on every Android phone I've had except the Continuum. Why? The frickin' OS disables USB Debugging automatically after a few minutes. I hope there's an easy solution to this.
My apologies if this is posted in the wrong section. I'm thinking this is a development issue, since it would require changing something in the OS itself. Unfortunately, I don't know where to start with working on a solution.
have you tried wired tether through the settings? I've found it to be much faster and more reliable than easy tether. Trust me, Easy Tether is amazing, but that usb debug problem really gets to me as well.
I just use wireless tether but pda net works much better than easy tether
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I haven't tried using the USB Tether feature in the settings, so I could give that a shot.
For some reason, PdaNet doesn't work in OSX Lion, at least, it doesn't appear to work. It always hangs up on connecting through the client.
I'll probably have to use wifi tether if I can't get this usb debug issue figured out. Come September 20th, I'll be ordering a new phone through Wirefly, probably the DI2. For now, I'll keep plugging along with the Continuum. It's a nice phone at first glance, until you get acquainted with the software. Thank God for these talented developers who are helping to make this phone what it should have been in the first place!
I found that ver 2.07 was twice as fast as any of the 3.0 betas...imho
sent from my XDA phone - its more than a continuum
Alright hoping someone can help me out here. I had a note 3 and s5 before and used them to usb tether on my work laptop. Company shut down wifi all together so wifi tethering is out of the question. So the laptop will install the samsung drivers and it allows me to usb tether. I have also tried with a droid maxx and it would tether as well. Well I got the G3 (verizon) and it will not allow the modem driver to install on the laptop so that I can use tethering. So does anyone know a way I can fix this? Such as change the way the g3 usb tethers? Make it act like a samsung phone or motorola? Installing the drivers is out of the question because you have to have administrative rights to do that