Any app to find out whats using my location services? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note II

Is there a way to find out whats using the NetworkLocationService in Google services? WLD shows thats called 195 times in 4 hrs and LocationManagerService has x363. leaving my device to have 37% awake


[Q] NLPCollector wakelock on CM 10.1 sgh-i747

Didnt find a thread for this so created one. After installing CM10.1 and updating all the google apps i started seeing NLPCollector wakelocks which accounted for 6-7% of the total battery time. I didnt have this issue on stock touchwiz with 4.1.2.
So after searching around i found that this is because of location services being used by google now. I use google now and didnt want it to be disabled.
So after looking around i found that disabling "location reporting" in Gmaps under settings>google location settings>location reporting and keeping "location history" on fixes this wakelock (atleast for the last hour) as well as making google now usable.
Please let me know if someone has seen this issue and if this works.

[Q] Google Services - Battery Hog

Has anyone else noticed the Google Services app being a huge battery hog? I read some other threads about it and tried disabling the "Access location", location reporting, and location history within the google settings. I also uninstalled google+, google play games, and hangouts but I am still seeing large battery usage. I also have Greenify installed which is amazing but I am hesitant to Greenify any of the Google Services packages.
Overall the battery life on my Note 3 is simply amazing but I can only imagine how much better it could be if Google Services didn't hog as much.
Does anyone know which of these services can be Greenifyed and how it will effect functionality?
Google Contacts Sync
Google Account Manager
Google Services Framework
Google Play Services
Network Location
Let me see if I understand this...
Your screen shot shows you have more than a day and 1/2 on the battery, still have almost 1/2 of the battery left and you are concerned about 25% Google services?
krelvinaz said:
Let me see if I understand this...
Your screen shot shows you have more than a day and 1/2 on the battery, still have almost 1/2 of the battery left and you are concerned about 25% Google services?
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I switched to a second battery and it didn't reset my battery stats. Like I said, my battery life is great. But it could be better if the google services were reined in.
I too am having this issue. Only thing I know how to do to fix is disable wifi location service. But doing this then cripples google now, which I love. Anyone have a better fix? I have cleared cache and data and also in installed and reinstalled and still same issues.
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
Nitin985 said:
I've just been on my cousins hd2 and I love the flip clock which actually flips I've done a Google search but can't find one that works with froyo I would love it so much
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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Show screen time.

[Q] Battery Drained from Google Play services

Good Morning in my note 3 neo I've a drain of the google play services about 17-22 % when i remain with the 20 % of battery, i've I remove in setting s> acces to my location the google play services don't appear in battery information. There is an other way for remove the drain of Google play services? because i don't want to deactivate the acces to my location.
Sorry for my bad english
and thanks a lot for your time
alessiokekin said:
Good Morning in my note 3 neo I've a drain of the google play services about 17-22 % when i remain with the 20 % of battery, i've I remove in setting s> acces to my location the google play services don't appear in battery information. There is an other way for remove the drain of Google play services? because i don't want to deactivate the acces to my location.
Sorry for my bad english
and thanks a lot for your time
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Google apps do use location based services. U can do one thing, enter google settings->location & deactivate location reporting. Hopefully it'll reduce if there's any battery drain. Post ur battery stats so I can see the reason for the drain.

[Q] Advice... Google Play Services consuming battery

Hey all
When I did a search for this topic, it seems alot of people are having this issue.. So I guess if Google cant track us using Google Maps (Remember that always on), theyre now using Google play itself...
Im using an Unbranded HTC One M8 LolliPop 501 (v4.16.401.10), unrooted...
Googe play is consuming 50% of my battery usage.. I have "Location Services" set to "Battery Saving" Mode and "Location History" OFF. Ive disabled/uninstalled apps I dont use.. Twitter, FaceBook, Foursquare, Google Play Music, Google Games, Kids Mode... Ive also noticed that one of the google updates is "Android System Web View". I have read around the web and the GP store itself.. that this webview is causing mixed issues, so... Do I need this installed if I dont use Chrome.. I use FireFox (Both on phone and on home pc with chrome plugin).
Can anyone advice me of ways around this battery drain with the Goggle Play Services
NightOrchid said:
Hey all
When I did a search for this topic, it seems alot of people are having this issue.. So I guess if Google cant track us using Google Maps (Remember that always on), theyre now using Google play itself...
Im using an Unbranded HTC One M8 LolliPop 501 (v4.16.401.10), unrooted...
Googe play is consuming 50% of my battery usage.. I have "Location Services" set to "Battery Saving" Mode and "Location History" OFF. Ive disabled/uninstalled apps I dont use.. Twitter, FaceBook, Foursquare, Google Play Music, Google Games, Kids Mode... Ive also noticed that one of the google updates is "Android System Web View". I have read around the web and the GP store itself.. that this webview is causing mixed issues, so... Do I need this installed if I dont use Chrome.. I use FireFox (Both on phone and on home pc with chrome plugin).
Can anyone advice me of ways around this battery drain with the Goggle Play Services
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You can, at a start, disable all location services and the GPS receiver. That will help enormously. Of course, you won't be able to use things like mapping services, but you can always re-enable the GPS if you need those. This doesn't require root, and has a noticeable benefit.
If you are willing to root, though, you can use a program like App Ops to disable wakelocks for your top offenders. I disabled wakelocks for Google Play Services on every device I own, and there are no visible issues other than improved battery life. I'm not sure why Google has that service wake the phone up so much, but it's absurd. You can't kill the service entirely, at least not without taking out a lot of Google functionality, but it DOES NOT need wakelocks to operate correctly.
NightOrchid said:
Hey all
When I did a search for this topic, it seems alot of people are having this issue.. So I guess if Google cant track us using Google Maps (Remember that always on), theyre now using Google play itself...
Im using an Unbranded HTC One M8 LolliPop 501 (v4.16.401.10), unrooted...
Googe play is consuming 50% of my battery usage.. I have "Location Services" set to "Battery Saving" Mode and "Location History" OFF. Ive disabled/uninstalled apps I dont use.. Twitter, FaceBook, Foursquare, Google Play Music, Google Games, Kids Mode... Ive also noticed that one of the google updates is "Android System Web View". I have read around the web and the GP store itself.. that this webview is causing mixed issues, so... Do I need this installed if I dont use Chrome.. I use FireFox (Both on phone and on home pc with chrome plugin).
Can anyone advice me of ways around this battery drain with the Goggle Play Services
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I had the same problem with google services. From my observations, I concluded that google services and facebook's location polling are the culprits. My solution is as follows:
Go into Google Settings -> Security -> and disable all options here.
Also go into Location -> Google Location History -> disable location history.
Also, you can either disable facebook altogether, or at least disable location polling to reduce the battery drain.
Let us know if this helps, so other users can take advantage of it.
shirreer said:
I had the same problem with google services. From my observations, I concluded that google services and facebook's location polling are the culprits. My solution is as follows:
Go into Google Settings -> Security -> and disable all options here.
Also go into Location -> Google Location History -> disable location history.
Also, you can either disable facebook altogether, or at least disable location polling to reduce the battery drain.
Let us know if this helps, so other users can take advantage of it.
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Thanks for the tips.. and I was actually coming online to share all my findings anyway Ive done all of what you suggested. I dont use "Life Intruder" (faceBook) on my mobiles anyway.
As well as what you suggested, I also .. Disabled/uninstalled the apps mention in my OP, then after some research Ive found that "Android System Webview" is only for Chrome, so Ive disabled it and changed to FireFox instead, cleared both Chrome and webview Cache in Apps, Rebooted my M8 and its on 80% after 19 hrs.
Another Massive battery drains which I found is keeping GPS Location in Camera turned on all the time. / Auto Sync turned ON and "Location" in Settiings set to High Accuracy. Turn asll these down / Off or Battery Saving Mode. When you install an App that uses Locations, such as Foursquare or HERE maps.. Goto Location and check the App is set to Battery Saving, Not High Accuracy
If your like me and a light to moderate user, who uses their phone mainly for Media ... Boomsound, Camera, BlinkFeed and gaming. Then I dont really need Google Location Services.
Also Turn Off GPS and WiFi when not in range. You can also Turn OFF mobile data, but I find 4G pretty efficient compared to 3G, so I leave it ON.
If you use Google Drive DroipBox or other Ckoud Apps, set them Download your Files over "Wifi Only"
Its just a shame HTC didnt create a Location Icon in the Notifications Panel, but its not too bad.
Hope this helps others

CheckInService Wakelock

Hi guys,
I am having a problem with the Google Play Service CheckInService wakelock. It is draining my phone's battery quickly while the screen is off. I disabled location and Google Location Reporting but it did not help. Someone suggested an app called Wakelock Terminator but it is not available anymore. I tried disabling the wakelock for all of Google Play Services but it caused the app to constantly crash.
Any help would be appreciated.
TheDoolster said:
Hi guys,
I am having a problem with the Google Play Service CheckInService wakelock. It is draining my phone's battery quickly while the screen is off. I disabled location and Google Location Reporting but it did not help. Someone suggested an app called Wakelock Terminator but it is not available anymore. I tried disabling the wakelock for all of Google Play Services but it caused the app to constantly crash.
Any help would be appreciated.
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What I would do is back up and uninstall all the user installed apps that ask for location access to see if the wakelock disappears, then restore them one after the other. It might be a third party app trying to use the check-in services even though you blocked it?
android404 said:
What I would do is back up and uninstall all the user installed apps that ask for location access to see if the wakelock disappears, then restore them one after the other. It might be a third party app trying to use the check-in services even though you blocked it?
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The only apps I saw trying to use location are google and google play services. I had turned off location but it still happened whether or not location was on
TheDoolster said:
The only apps I saw trying to use location are google and google play services. I had turned off location but it still happened whether or not location was on
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Could it be an app that tries to use location, even though it's blocked? Tries over and over again?
You got tibu or something similar? Backup and uninstall everything and see if it helps (since you, understandably, seem desperate).

