[Q] [request]Flip to mute - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

can anybody add the"flip to mute " function on cm9 roms?


Music control on stock Lockscreen on MoDaCo-r9?

Hey guys,
i use the MoDaCo-r9 ROM without sense. Before i used OpenDesire and now i miss the lockscreen with music controls and the feature to chance the music with holding the volume keys. Is it possible to add the features to MoDaCo-r9 without using WidgetLocker?
Excuse me for my bad english =/, i'm german.
nobody knows something about?

[Q] [?] Volume Rocker to Change Tracks

Is there a way to change tracks by the use of the volume rocker on the EVO? I know CM has this feature, but I'm just tired of that ROM. I need this feature so I can change tracks easily when driving. Thank You!
Possible to mod a script for this?

[Q] sense cam shutter volume button

running sense 3.5, anyone know an alternative app with this funtion or can you edit the keylayout file in /system??

Volume-> Vibrate-> Silent

Hey Guys
I was wondering if there was a mod availalble. other than the CM mod, that allows us to change the volume rocker controls to go from sound-> vibrate-> silent. As of right now on a stock rom you can disable and enable vibrate within silent mode using the volume rocker. Has anyone been able to achive this without using CM7 based roms. Does anyone know how CM7 based roms do it?
Thank You

Expandable audio control

Hi guys,
I really liked a feature on ICS that it is possible to regulate your ringer volume by pressing vol+ button once and then setting it by sliding finger on popup menu. How happy was I when I saw a feature on cm9 to make this menu expandable and manipulate trough all volumes (Ringer, notifications, media etc.). Now, due to stability im back on cm7 and heres my question. Is it possible to flash an addon which make me possible to have an ics style volume popup menu?
Sorry for my bad english. Szotaa

