I am working a customer service for a company x. They have my customers' information uploaded to their web. I have to log in the web, and tap on a customer's address to bring up google navigation. However i tap on it (and tried to tap many time), but nothing happened. Do you think it is a bug from chrome, or i have done wrongly? (I understand that we can long-tap to select and copy the address and paste to gps, but buy doing that it take too long b/c i have many customers)
My os info. Android 4.2.2 . the newest chrome browser. The newest google map. Thank
Tried with chrome beta?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thank Misledz
*Tried chrome beta, but got the same result.
*Tried android stock browser buy long-tap on the address, it give me an option to open the address on google map (but i refer using chrome if i can)
Hi All
I have installed the new Facebook application from the Microsoft Website and when I run the app, it allows me to place my username and password, but then crashes and make my phone slow. (To resolve the issue I have to switch off and switch the phone back on)
I did have the Facebook-Ather version and this work fine, but the new full version (Facebook_v1.0.0.7p) doesn't
Has anyone else had this issue and is there any known fix’s?
I didnt have this problem, but after i installed mine, i didnt really like it.
So i uninstalled it, and im now using the Fim programme now, which allows
you to use the instant messenger and look at your web page at the same time. Its so much better. Hope this helps.
Id say try this app.
Just yesterday I found that you can not add new friends using the facebook application by searching their name or email address.
the 1.007 microsoft facebook suck biiiiiig time.
Mostly with me it just says "fetching" for every tab and never gets the job done. And it doesn't update the stuff.
So I use opera on my HD for that stuff, fast - but many things are missing on the mobile version, like foto upload.
When you go to All contacts on your phone and check there the updates - once you have given your userid and pwd - it seems to find the known contacts quite well.
i have one answer: use Iris browser. not only i am enjoying the full functionality of facebook but i can even play mafia wars ...
i don't understand the obsession with Opera. yes, our HTC devices come with Opera built in but after 5 minutes with Iris...i forget Opera.
with Iris you can enjoy facebook even in iphone style. just try on Iris:http://iphone.facebook.com
Thanks, I have traid this and it seem to work well.
First post.
Just ordered the SGS2, migrating over to T-mobile from (godawful) AT&T on the (godawful) E71x.
I've done a bunch of skimming here, tons of good info.
Question: is there a definitive, "go to" guide to get up and running with the SGS2? I want to hit the ground running when it shows up next week. I see some noob guides to Android, but most are quite dated.
Thanks in advance.
get titanium backup and ROM manager apps so u will be prepared when it's rooted. Get a proper home launcher like zeam launcher,etc.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
I'd skip the other home launchers, I like the TouchWiz 4 launcher a lot more than those other launchers.
MOG is an excellent music subscription service with high quality lossy downloadable streaming music.
I like Opera Mobile for fast connections. It works well with most websites. I use Opera Mini when I'm on EDGE or GPRS. I use Firefox Beta 8 in the market if Opera Mobile doesn't want to work with a certain site or if I want to access Firefox Sync. Set your User Agent to Desktop with both browsers. Firefox isn't my main browser because it doesn't support flash and it's intensive in CPU usage but Opera Mobile does support flash and it tends to be easier on the processor.
Tunein radio is awesome
What are you looking for though?
I agree that tunein radio is awesome, it's my go to app for internet radio.
The first thing I did was a factory reset, I did it before I ever left the store. I waited until I got home and connected to wifi before I began my setup. It did not have the new market so after adding my google account I opened the market and closed it. I then turned my screen off and left it alone for 20 or so minutes so it could sync from Google. After 20 minutes I had the new market and all my contacts were there.
So I would recommend those steps to begin and whatever you do after is up to you. That is the great thing about Android, everyone is allowed the experience of their choosing!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
I would do the same thing as far as syncing goes. I also once owned an E71, I loved the hardware on those phones but not the OS... I'd get acquainted in general with Android for a bit, check out the market, and go from there. Few helpful tips:
-holding down the home button brings up task manager
-the option key (far left) is useful in a lot of situations. If you're stuck in an app but want to change it's settings or don't see the button you need, try hitting option!
-set up gmail and Facebook if you'd like to have sync'd contacts including contact photos
-if you use dropbox, go grab the app from the market!
-if you tap the home button and the lock button at the same time, it will take a screenshot. The screenshot can be found in the gallery under that name (screenshots), if you open it in there and tap on the image, more options will appear below so you can share the image with us for example if you need help with something.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Is there a way to do so?
Specifically, I mean my last google searches, browser history and market searches.
I just found options to clear existing histories, but no entry to prevent logging new ones.
if you're trying to hide your tracks in specific instances, you could use an incognito window in the browser to search including the android market. Then everything goes away when you close that window. But if you mean always, then I don't know.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Yeah, I mean the same settings I have in my Notebook's Firefox: Simply don't even start a history. Or when I tap the Google Search window on top of the screen - don't give me my last searches.
Zuzler said:
Yeah, I mean the same settings I have in my Notebook's Firefox: Simply don't even start a history. Or when I tap the Google Search window on top of the screen - don't give me my last searches.
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Try this.... Open Google Search... Menu -> Settings -> Google Search -> Uncheck Use Web Histroy
Yup, tried that already. I'm at the moment not even logged into my gmail account. It still gives me my last searches below the google text field on the home screen.
Just to be clear: I don't mind that "instant search" which autocompletes, but the storage of my last searches bugs me. It's the same in the market.
I wonder if this is related to a recent article ibsae on yahoo news about Google saving your history .
I deleted it all and paused it through Gmail on my desktop. However I believe this is something different but regardless ibwoukd check that yahoo news article. When I have a chance I'll get link for it
Zuzler said:
Yup, tried that already. I'm at the moment not even logged into my gmail account. It still gives me my last searches below the google text field on the home screen.
Just to be clear: I don't mind that "instant search" which autocompletes, but the storage of my last searches bugs me. It's the same in the market.
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Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
Here it is. Although I read a different one. This one says on Android that if you already signed in your outta luck?
I realize you just don't want it popping up but this is why maybe??
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
I don't think it should affect the OS itself. Remember, I'm talking about the search bar on the home screen, not the browser.
It is possible to delete the search results one by one by tapping the X on their side, but there is apparently no option to prevent the search bar from creating the entries in the first place.
Zuzler said:
I don't think it should affect the OS itself. Remember, I'm talking about the search bar on the home screen, not the browser.
It is possible to delete the search results one by one by tapping the X on their side, but there is apparently no option to prevent the search bar from creating the entries in the first place.
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I had the same issue so I downloaded 'Beaver' by Crowbar Solutions (free and paid on the Market) which is now my browser and basically saves absolutely no trace of your browsing history. The browser is pretty much the same as the stock browser and I have the paid version of the app so was able to set my own homepage to google, etc.
...and I just realised you were referring to the search bar on the homescreen my confusion sorry. I don't use that search bar so can't offer a solution.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
Anyone who uses Chrome on their PC will know what I mean when I say is there any Android browser that allows you to search different websites from the navigation bar? For instance in desktop Chrome if you want to search youtube for Lady Gaga you just type in "youtube.com Lady Gaga". Is there any Android web browser with that kind of functionality? Android Chrome doesn't seem to do it.
Thanks for any help.
liquidmetalrob said:
Anyone who uses Chrome on their PC will know what I mean when I say is there any Android browser that allows you to search different websites from the navigation bar? For instance in desktop Chrome if you want to search youtube for Lady Gaga you just type in "youtube.com Lady Gaga". Is there any Android web browser with that kind of functionality? Android Chrome doesn't seem to do it.
Thanks for any help.
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I use the stock browser and Chrome in that way with no problems. I think, there is something wrong with your settings.
I just reinstalled Chrome on my phone and typed in "youtube.com Lady Gaga" and it didn't work, it just searched on Google. Is there a setting you have to turn on?
As far as I know, the mobile version is fairly new and didn't see any options to enable it. Desktop chrome came with it already functional. The only mobile variation I found was using Firefox w/ the youtube add-on. Which sucks because I hate Firefox.
I love the dolphin browser you should try that one not sure what you are trying to do.
Sent from my SGH-I927 using xda app-developers app
liquidmetalrob said:
I just reinstalled Chrome on my phone and typed in "youtube.com Lady Gaga" and it didn't work, it just searched on Google. Is there a setting you have to turn on?
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In Chrome on desktop, you can / have to go to options / search settings and set up these shortcuts (if not already present). I've only just started with new Android device - I assume there is a similar place to set such on handheld. e.g. On my desktop, type 'w' 'p' '<space>' auto-changes the address line to 'search wikipedia' (or like wording). I assume you see the same on your desktop when you type 'youtube.com', as per your message.
If nothing else, you can do '"lady gaga" site:youtube.com", in the mean time.
I've always been a fan of Maxthon Android Web Browser but it was never my #1 because it wasn't "quite there". Well it looks like is now "there".
The list of all the things this browser does well is too long to go into here. But suffice it to say it is VERY fast, looks gorgeous and does an amazing job of organizing bookmarks and syncing them with the cloud. It also "preloads" links in the background like the stock browser does so when you click a link on an open page the new page opens instantly. Also going back to previous pages is very fast.
One thing this browser does that the stock browser doesn't is to "save your place" in your bookmarks when you go back to them. That way if you click on a bookmark 3 folders deep, it is still in that folder when you return as opposed to the stock browser which returns you to the top layer every time (annoying).
Anyway check it out in the Market (https://play.google.com/store/search?q=maxthon+browser). I prefer the layout and handling of the Maxthon Android Web Browser as opposed to the Maxthon HD For Tablets.
** I am in no way associated with Maxthon Browser or promoting them for my own benefit. I just think it's a great browser.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Am I missing something incredibly obvious or is there no way to import my Google bookmarks into Maxthon? Because it sure seems like there isn't unless I'm forced into using there browser on the desktop as well.
I have about 300 bookmarks...and no way am I recreating them manually.
I'm not sure because I'm not in front of my pc but I think you need to import them on your desktop then sync them from the cloud with your phone. Not hard.
Although I don't believe they will continuously sync in the future as of course Maxthon wants you to use Maxthon.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Yes, it is easy to import your Chrome bookmarks into Maxthon.
Just download the Maxthon Browser to your desktop and sign up for a Maxthon Passport which is like your free cloud account. Then open the browser and click on the menu looking button at the top right and then click on the star. That will open your Favorites Manager. Click on the 3 vertical dots at the top and select import/export bookmarks. Then select "import Chrome" and there you go.
Next you will need to sync your bookmarks with the cloud then sign in on your phone and sync them there.
Boom, Chrome bookmarks on Maxthon. Easy.
mitchellvii said:
Yes, it is easy to import your Chrome bookmarks into Maxthon.
Just download the Maxthon Browser to your desktop and sign up for a Maxthon Passport which is like your free cloud account. Then open the browser and click on the menu looking button at the top right and then click on the star. That will open your Favorites Manager. Click on the 3 vertical dots at the top and select import/export bookmarks. Then select "import Chrome" and there you go.
Next you will need to sync your bookmarks with the cloud then sign in on your phone and sync them there.
Boom, Chrome bookmarks on Maxthon. Easy.
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Thx much.
One very broken behavior is Maxthon handling of bottom of page text fields and onscreen keyboards...meaning other browsers like stock or Opera Mobile scroll the field above the keyboard area whereas Maxthon doesn't.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Skripka said:
Am I missing something incredibly obvious or is there no way to import my Google bookmarks into Maxthon? Because it sure seems like there isn't unless I'm forced into using there browser on the desktop as well.
I have about 300 bookmarks...and no way am I recreating them manually.
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There is a link on XDA (sorry don't have it) for manually finding bookmarks stored location.
MX5 is here!!!!!!!!!!!!
coolbeans2016 said:
There is a link on XDA (sorry don't have it) for manually finding bookmarks stored location.
MX5 is here!!!!!!!!!!!!
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After their kerfuffle of their desktop spyware and secret data traffic... You'd have to be paying my to use any Maxthon product
Skripka said:
After their kerfuffle of their desktop spyware and secret data traffic... You'd have to be paying my to use any Maxthon product
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Dude, with favorites/tabs that synch amongst your devices, there is going to be uploads. It now has UUMail, which gives you your own server you name anything you want to create shadow mails to use for your real email addy! + not only makes webpages completely offline for viewing + snapshots you can extract pics/videos and modify them for use in other projects. I'm just on here trying to see what would be the best way to get users into this online community forum with the MX5 so people that have knowledge of android, and what apps can/need to do in the os enviroment can give them proper feedback to finish this product up. What their getting in feedback now is a joke!