[Q] io scheduler in the kernel - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

how can i add io scheduler in the kernel?


[TIP] Filesystem improvements. with linux IO scheduler

hi guys .. I've found a way to tune the Linux IO scheduler for flash drives. which is both ROM and SD in our phones case..
Linux have 4 I/O schedulers:
- No-op Scheduler
- Anticipatory IO Scheduler (AS)
- Deadline Scheduler
- Complete Fair Queueing Scheduler (CFQ)
the default is "CFQ", which brings great performance for "Magnetic Disks drives". but not for Flash drives.
in the ".config" file of Android kernel source I noticed that "Deadline" is set as default. but it's not the fastest for Flash drives.
here are some benchmarks I found which is done on a 1 GB flash drive connected on Debian:
[email protected]:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]
[email protected]:/media/vfat# postmark
PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01
pm>set size 500 500000
pm>set subdirectories 1000
Creating subdirectories...Done
Creating files...Done
Performing transactions..........Done
Deleting files...Done
Deleting subdirectories...Done
351 seconds total
160 seconds of transactions (3 per second)
757 created (2 per second)
Creation alone: 500 files (55 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 257 files (1 per second)
257 read (1 per second)
243 appended (1 per second)
757 deleted (2 per second)
Deletion alone: 514 files (2 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 243 files (1 per second)
69.80 megabytes read (203.62 kilobytes per second)
208.94 megabytes written (609.56 kilobytes per second)
[email protected]:/media/vfat# echo noop > /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
[email protected]:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
[noop] anticipatory deadline cfq
[email protected]:/media/vfat# postmark
PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01
pm>set size 500 500000
pm>set subdirectories 1000
Creating subdirectories...Done
Creating files...Done
Performing transactions..........Done
Deleting files...Done
Deleting subdirectories...Done
147 seconds total
1 seconds of transactions (500 per second)
757 created (5 per second)
Creation alone: 500 files (3 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 257 files (257 per second)
257 read (257 per second)
243 appended (243 per second)
757 deleted (5 per second)
Deletion alone: 514 files (514 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 243 files (243 per second)
69.80 megabytes read (486.20 kilobytes per second)
208.94 megabytes written (1.42 megabytes per second)
[email protected]:/media/vfat# echo deadline > /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
[email protected]:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory [deadline] cfq
[email protected]:/media/vfat# postmark
PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01
pm>set size 500 500000
pm>set subdirectories 1000
Creating subdirectories...Done
Creating files...Done
Performing transactions..........Done
Deleting files...Done
Deleting subdirectories...Done
279 seconds total
250 seconds of transactions (2 per second)
757 created (2 per second)
Creation alone: 500 files (17 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 257 files (1 per second)
257 read (1 per second)
243 appended (0 per second)
757 deleted (2 per second)
Deletion alone: 514 files (514 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 243 files (0 per second)
69.80 megabytes read (256.17 kilobytes per second)
208.94 megabytes written (766.86 kilobytes per second)
[email protected]:/media/vfat# echo anticipatory
> /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
[email protected]:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
noop [anticipatory] deadline cfq
[email protected]:/media/vfat# postmark
PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01
pm>set size 500 500000
pm>set subdirectories 1000
Creating subdirectories...Done
Creating files...Done
Performing transactions..........Done
Deleting files...Done
Deleting subdirectories...Done
266 seconds total
131 seconds of transactions (3 per second)
757 created (2 per second)
Creation alone: 500 files (166 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 257 files (1 per second)
257 read (1 per second)
243 appended (1 per second)
757 deleted (2 per second)
Deletion alone: 514 files (3 per second)
Mixed with transactions: 243 files (1 per second)
69.80 megabytes read (268.69 kilobytes per second)
208.94 megabytes written (804.34 kilobytes per second)
Src: http://www.debianhelp.org/node/9148
summary: (less is better)
1) NOOP 147 sec
2) Anticipatory 266 sec
3) Deadline 279 sec
4) CFQ 351 sec
I've made and attached a shell script to set NOOP as default. to install unzip file to your home folder and do this in a terminal:
adb push 11iosched /system/etc/init.d
adb shell chmod 655 /system/etc/init.d/11iosched
adb shell sh /system/etc/init.d/11iosched
and if you have a kernel source, and want the kernel to use NOOP as default always, open .config file and change to this settings:
# IO Schedulers
# CONFIG_DEFAULT_AS is not set
i'm using my ROM Fallah 1.4 on my phone and for the first time Softweg filesystem benchmarks reached 37. before I hardly get 31.
to check if it's working, do this:
adb shell
cat /sys/block/*/queue/scheduler
you should see something like this
[noop] anticipatory deadline
[noop] anticipatory deadline
[noop] anticipatory deadline
[noop] anticipatory deadline
[noop] anticipatory deadline
[noop] anticipatory deadline
[noop] anticipatory deadline
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Click to collapse
the [] brackets shows the selected scheduler..
What is it acutally? can you describe in brief?
Cool going to try it right away. Thanks
When I run the "cat /sys/block/*/queue/scheduler" command without changing anything I get:
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
Is this actually going to make any noticeable difference?
Backing up and trying anyway
vijaysapkota said:
What is it acutally? can you describe in brief?
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The NOOP scheduler inserts all incoming I/O requests into a simple, unordered FIFO queue and implements request merging. without calculating rotate and seek latencies (as in magnetic disks).
this will boost the IO tasks in Flash drives since there is no rotate or seek.
MaXo64 said:
The NOOP scheduler inserts all incoming I/O requests into a simple, unordered FIFO queue and implements request merging. without calculating rotate and seek latencies (as in magnetic disks).
this will boost the IO tasks in Flash drives since there is no rotate or seek.
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How do I get this to stick on boot? I tried it and got it to work but when I reboot it goes back to normal :/
Is it possible to run this script from Terminal Emulator on the phone?
If yes: What do I have to type in?
Interesting. Could you please test out BFQ as well?
It is the default at CM kernels (also my .35 port). However I'm not sure whether I should be that fond of it. NOOP really looks promising due is simplicity aye
On my opinion the default IO scheduler for any phone should be deadline. It really doesn't matter how much your device scores on benchmarks, when you hold it in your hand, you want it to respond as fast as possible to your current actions.
IakobosJ said:
How do I get this to stick on boot? I tried it and got it to work but when I reboot it goes back to normal :/
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if you pushed it to init.d as I described it'll be executed on boot.
MaXo64 said:
if you pushed it to init.d as I described it'll be executed on boot.
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I did push it to init.d but when I reboot it sets it back to normal :/ It also reset my CPU overclock setting back to stock and changed the governor back to ondemand :/
GZFan said:
Is it possible to run this script from Terminal Emulator on the phone?
If yes: What do I have to type in?
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after pushing it to your phone, you can do this in Terminal Emulator:
sh /system/etc/init.d/11iosched
Elemag said:
On my opinion the default IO scheduler for any phone should be deadline. It really doesn't matter how much your device scores on benchmarks, when you hold it in your hand, you want it to respond as fast as possible to your current actions.
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been testing a while, my phone became more responsive with NOOP. and less lag when updating too many apps from the market in the same time.
IakobosJ said:
When I run the "cat /sys/block/*/queue/scheduler" command without changing anything I get:
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
noop [deadline] bfq
Is this actually going to make any noticeable difference?
Backing up and trying anyway
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i got the same command also, is this mean im success applying the NOOP?
dikabuzz9447 said:
i got the same command also, is this mean im success applying the NOOP?
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I think you are. Will test this when at work. Looks nice.
Sent from my Hero using Tapatalk
dikabuzz9447 said:
i got the same command also, is this mean im success applying the NOOP?
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You need to apply this and then run that command again, as long as noop is enclosed with the brackets [] then it means you are using NOOP.
The scheduler with the [] is the one that is running.
IakobosJ said:
You need to apply this and then run that command again, as long as noop is enclosed with the brackets [] then it means you are using NOOP.
The scheduler with the [] is the one that is running.
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thanx, i've check again and i got this
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
this mean i was success didnt i.
GZFan said:
Is it possible to run this script from Terminal Emulator on the phone?
If yes: What do I have to type in?
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I did this by using Root Explorer to move the script file to /system/etc/init.d/ and then used the Terminal Emulator to:
chmod 655 /system/etc/init.d/11iosched
sh /system/etc/init.d/11iosched
dikabuzz9447 said:
thanx, i've check again and i got this
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
[noop] deadline bfq
this mean i was success didnt i.
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yes. now noop is is used..
Question: How to revert to the default (in my case, deadline) scheduler? Will deleting the script and rebooting do this?

[KERNEL][14 OCT] [P93x|SU640][OC/UV][3.0.100] Wind Kernel [ICS|JB]

original xda post
move to this for better mangement
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot.
SU640 (i_skt)
P930 (i_atnt)
Based on LG Stock ICS Kernel Source(ICS VERSION)
Based on latest CM10.1 Kernel Source(JB VERSION)
Latest Linux Kernel 3.0.y source
CPU [email protected] MAX CLOCK 1.83Ghz
GPU [email protected]_320Mhz 2D 266Mhz
Undervolting Support(700mV-1400mV)
L2 Performace Boost
Smooth as Butter :]
Some tweaks, fixes
and something I missed (discover it ! )
Stable Version
ICS - v3.5
CM10.1 - v2.5
Copy *.zip to External SD card
Boot into Recovery Mode
Flash *.zip
Reboot and Enjoy it!
NANDROID BACKUP before flash
Wipe Cache/DalvikCache,Fix Permission after flash
CPU 384Mhz-1512Mhz
Stock GPU FREQ [email protected] /[email protected]
Ondemand + ROW
192000 800000
310500 825000
384000 825000
432000 850000
486000 850000
540000 875000
594000 875000
648000 900000
702000 900000
756000 925000
810000 975000
864000 975000
918000 1000000
972000 1025000
1026000 1025000
1080000 1050000
1134000 1075000
1188000 1100000
1242000 1125000
1296000 1150000
1350000 1150000
1404000 1175000
1458000 1200000
1512000 1225000
192000 775000
310500 775000
384000 775000
432000 775000
486000 775000
540000 787500
594000 800000
648000 825000
702000 837500
756000 850000
810000 862500
864000 887500
918000 900000
972000 925000
1026000 937500
1080000 962500
1134000 987500
1188000 1000000
1242000 1025000
1296000 1050000
1350000 1062500
1404000 1087500
1458000 1112500
1512000 1150000
1566000 1175000
1620000 1212500
1674000 1250000
1728000 1275000
1782000 1300000
1836000 1325000
Rom Settings -> Developer Options -> Windows Animation Scale,Transition Animation Scale -> 0.5x
Nova Launcher Settings -> Look and Feel -> Scroll Speed,Animation Speed -> Faster than light
use any system tools on Playstore ,set by your preference.
Example: To increase maximum GPU frequency in 3D mode to 320 MHz:
echo 320000000 > /sys/devices/platform/kgsl-3d0.0/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_gpuclk
Example: To increase maximum GPU frequency in 2D mode to 266 MHz:
echo 266667000 > /sys/devices/platform/kgsl-2d0.0/kgsl/kgsl-2d0/max_gpuclk
echo 266667000 > /sys/devices/platform/kgsl-2d1.1/kgsl/kgsl-2d1/max_gpuclk
Available frequencies:
3D: 320000000, 300000000, 266667000, 228571000, 200000000, 177778000, 27000000
2D: 266667000, 228571000, 200000000
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adb shell
cat /proc/kmsg | grep 'MPDEC'
CM 10.1 - v2.6 (14 OCT)
Ondemand and dynamic hotplug patches by stratosk
More RAM(790-791MB) (Experimental)
Remove some governors and IO schedulers (lean kernel)
Disable some debugging functions (lean kernel)
Linux 3.0.100
JB - v2.5 (27 JUL)
remove mpdecision
backport stratosk 's nexus 4 ondemand and dynamic hotplug
ondemand: touch_load increased to 1134Mhz for 1.3sec duration
ondemand: touch_load is applied only to CPUs the load is above 35%. So, CPUs with low load (and most probably unused) are not boosted.
These ondemand governor parameters are tunable in TricksterMod
Few patches to improve video overlay
Linux 3.0.87
JB - v2.4 (26 JUN)
"simple" GPU governor by faux123 + patch by franco
"simple" GPU governor set by default ( Currently only fauxclock shows/supports the correct option of simple governor )
Backport ondemand from CAF 3.4 kernel
Set SIO IO Scheduler by default (I did some benchmark tests and found out this is the fastest)
Update latest CM10.1 kernel source
Linux 3.0.83
ICS - v3.7 (15 JUN)
Smoothing voltage table (+12.5/25.0mV if get reboots)
Proper ROW for 3.0.y Linux
Intelliplug by faux123 (experimental) to replace mpdecision
Linux 3.0.82
JB - v2.3 (13 JUN)
Smoothing voltage table (+12.5/25.0mV if get reboots)
Proper ROW for 3.0.y Linux
Intelliplug by faux123 (experimental) to replace mpdecision
some patches,check github for detail
Linux 3.0.81
ICS - v3.6 (30 MAY)
tune some values(e.g. LCD voltage 3V->2.8V) according to leak 4.1 sourcecode
lower the max overclock freq to 1.83ghz
Set tweaked ROW from franco.kernel by default
Logger driver update by stratosk
turn on KSM by default
Linux 3.0.80
many misc changes, check github for detail
JB - v2.2 (30 MAY)
update latest CM10.1 kernel source
Linux 3.0.80
JB - v2.1 (20 MAY)
tune some values(e.g. LCD voltage 3V->2.8V) according to leak 4.1 sourcecode
lower the max overclock freq to 1.83ghz
use original fix of stopping the bootanimation
Linux 3.0.79
Some patches & fixes ,check GITHUB for detail
JB - v2.0RC1 (9 MAY)
update latest CM10.1 kernel source
fix bluetooth wakelock [dczz]
update latest mpdecision [showp-1984]
Add max screen off freq to userspace - echo "702000" > /sys/module/cpufreq/parameters/suspend_freq
update mach-msm/cpufreq.c from CAF
Linux 3.0.77
JB - v1.91 (29 APR)
Fix bluesleep.c
Alternative boot animation hack (now should get rid of screening off issue, try to turn on boot animation)
both provided by my friend dczz
JB - v1.9 (28 APR)
Limit MAX screen off freq = 702Mhz
Disable msm_mpdecision and use Auto Hotplug by _thalamus
Kernel -O2 optimization (thats why file size larger)
Set tweaked ROW from franco.kernel by default
Logger driver update by stratosk
some misc backport,fixes
Linux 3.0.75
JB - v1.8 (15 APR)
BSODs from v1.7,v1.71 should be fixed
- Sorry for previous instable release and late coming v1.8
IO Scheduler: Add ROW
- As requested
CPU Governor: Set Ondemand(tweaked 2phase) as default
- By my observation, onedemand,badass seem to be more battery friendly due to shorter time in max freq.
Remove UKSM
- Cons>Pros
- if needed, Check stock KSM in Option - > Performance - > Memory Management
Revert CM screen off fix
- It seems disturbing wifi fix
- If you have screen off issue, reboot can fix temporarily. Or disable boot animation for permanently fix
Backported CAF Linux 3.4 patches
Linux 3.0.72
Misc fixes,tunes
JB - v1.71 (4 APR)
Repack boot.img using new CM Ramdisk which fixed screen off issue
ICS - v3.5 (2 APR)
Remove UKSM
USB Force Fast Charging
Tune mpdecision
CPU 384Mhz-1512Mhz
Linux 3.0.71
JB - v1.7 (30 MAR)
improve WIFI idle drain - creditsss to tdmcode
Latest In-kernel CPU hotplug management aka msm_mpdecision (show-p1984)
Backport mach-msm/cpuidle,mach-msm/pm-8x60,mach-msm/hotplug etc (mrg666)
TCP congestion control : westwood
minor fixes
Linux 3.0.71
CPU Default Freq. = 192Mhz to 1512Mhz
JB - v1.6 (25 MAR)
Latest(24 MAR) CM10.1 kernel
Linux 3.0.70
CPU Default Freq. = 384Mhz to 1512Mhz
ICS - v3.4 (17 MAR)
Clean up some previous updates
Fixed SU640 NFC
Merged latest SU640 20f sourcecode
Add ROW I/O Scheduler by Qualcomm
Removed security error
Minor fixes
ICS - v3.3 (13 MAR)
update governor : interactive from francisco franco galaxy nexus kernel
fix cpufreq.c ( intellidemand works better )
lowmemorykiller updates from faux123
revert some v3.1-3.2 changes which potentially caused lag feedback
Linux 3.0.67
JB - v1.5 (4 MAR)
revert : mpdecision: advanced scroff freq (default 486Mhz)
revert : previous mm: writeback commit
Two commits potentially caused delay of wakeup or BSODs.
ICS - v3.2 (3 MAR)
use i_bell ramdisk (no Optimus LTE bootscreen now )
driver/thermal: create kernel MSM thermal management [faux123] (show correct CPU temp. now)
mpdecision: modify idle_freq decision points to improve efficiency
mpdecision: settings to be battery friendly
mpdecision: advanced scroff freq (default 486Mhz)
mm: uksm: tweak cpu usage
Linux 3.0.66
JB - v1.4 (1 MAR)
Latest(28 FEB) CM10.1 kernel
governer : badass
mpdecision: advanced scroff freq (default 486Mhz)
Linux 3.0.66
JB - v1.3 (23 FEB)
Latest CM10.1 kernel
driver/thermal: create kernel MSM thermal management [faux123] (show correct CPU temp. now)
mpdecision: modify idle_freq decision points to improve efficiency
mpdecision: settings to be battery friendly
mm: uksm: tweak cpu usage
add Wifi Screen-Off Power Management from franco.Kernel (refer to #2 post for setting)
a bit wireless driver changes aimed for battery improve
JB - v1.2 (17 FEB)
tweak p930 wireless driver (P930 only)
bcm4329: allow low-wifi-signals to be seen ( showp1984) (P930 only)
Linaro GCC 4.6 -> Google GCC 4.6 Compiled ( improve stability )
Linux 3.0.64
minor tweaks
JB - v1.1 (12 FEB)
Linaro GCC 4.6 Compiled
USB Force Fast Charging
Improve touchscreen response
Latest CM10.1 kernel
Entropy tweaks
Frandom (http://billauer.co.il/frandom.html)
Adjusted wifi aligned scan time
some lowmemorykiller commits
minor patches,tweaks
JB - v1.0 ( 6 FEB)
patches, tweaks, governers, io schedulers from wind ics kernel
OC/UV etc
ICS - v3.1 (17 FEB)
Linux 3.0.64
Improve touchscreen response (faux123)
Entropy tweaks
Frandom (http://billauer.co.il/frandom.html)
tweak p930 wireless driver (P930 only)
bcm4329: allow low-wifi-signals to be seen ( showp1984) (P930 only)
More or less the same tweaks as CM10.1 kernel
tdmcode (great works on our device)
rmcc (bring us CyanogenMod)
faux123 (msm8x60 kernel works, intellidemand etc.)
show-p1984 (kernel based decision, badass etc.)
edoko ( source inspiring me to start dev kernel)
altvolt74 ( introducing the kernel to xda )
Countless developers ( providing their awesome source codes)
ALL tester and developers contributing source
Re: [KERNEL][27 JAN] [P93x|SU640] Wind_Kernel-v3.0 for STOCK/MIUI ICS
I created script to oc gpu, put it in etc/init.d & set right permission but it didn't auto run at startup, the max_gpuclk files still unchanged untill I run the script manually
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda premium
tuilalnvinh said:
I created script to oc gpu, put it in etc/init.d & set right permission but it didn't auto run at startup, the max_gpuclk files still unchanged untill I run the script manually
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda premium
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Honestly, I dunno how init.d scripts execute automatically.
But you may use Smanager, select the script, click the "su" and "boot" and then "run"
Hi lyfkevin!
Have some question. What utils do you using for repack boot.img?
I tried different mkbootimg, unpackbootimg, mkbootfs, split_bootimg.pl but it not working. Using stock cmdline and base 0x40200000 but it not loading. I never have this problem before on my old phone. P930 have some specific?
miroslav_mm said:
Hi lyfkevin!
Have some question. What utils do you using for repack boot.img?
I tried different mkbootimg, unpackbootimg, mkbootfs, split_bootimg.pl but it not working. Using stock cmdline and base 0x40200000 but it not loading. I never have this problem before on my old phone. P930 have some specific?
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I forgot where did i get this mkbootimg pack.
I followed this thread from HO!NO!
And I use command to make boot.img
./mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk boot.img-ramdisk.gz --cmdline "vmalloc=450M,console=ttyDCC0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=i_skt" --base 0x40200000 --pagesize 2048 --ramdiskaddr 0x41a00000 -o testboot.img
lyfkevin said:
I forgot where did i get this mkbootimg pack.
I followed this thread from HO!NO!
And I use command to make boot.img
./mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk boot.img-ramdisk.gz --cmdline "vmalloc=450M,console=ttyDCC0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=i_skt" --base 0x40200000 --pagesize 2048 --ramdiskaddr 0x41a00000 -o testboot.img
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Oh! Thanks! I never before not using --ramdiskaddr 0x41a00000
Made stuff for easy life. :fingers-crossed:
Just use extract.bat for extract and pack.bat for packing. Everything working automatic. If need change cmdline, edit make_boot
After installing it on last Miui 3.2.1 i have only 768 Mb RAM, why?
Thanks, I'm testing it now
cm10.1 wind kernel v1.0 released
not compatible to cm10, dun mess up
Currently CPU1 status is a bit weird, but defintely wont affect daily use. IT CAUSES LESS BATTERY DRAIN
I guess there is interference between kernel based mutlicore decision(msm_mpdecision) by show-p1984 and governor Intellidemand by faux123.
Test required.
My approaches:
1. switching cpu0 cpu1 governor
2. disable msm_mpdecision by "echo 0 > /sys/kernel/msm_mpdecision/conf/enabled"
3. try different mpdecision/intellidemand configurations by kernel tunner
4. terminal "su" "start mpdecision"
PLX dun hestitate to report ur feedback as it helps me to improve the kernel
Re: [KERNEL][6 FEB] [P93x|SU640][OC/UV][3.0.62] Wind_Kernel [ICS|JB]
Man this is awesome 10.1 is crazy fast with this kernel. Will be testing over the next week. Thanks for all your work and contributions to our device.
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda app-developers app
tried it on my su640. so far so good. I just can't seem to clock it to 1900. oh well its the hardware 1836mhz it more than enough. thanks for kernel. keep up the good work
---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------
question. Noob here. I have no idea how to OC my gpu. Any link to a guide?
Re: [KERNEL][6 FEB] [P93x|SU640][OC/UV][3.0.62] Wind_Kernel [ICS|JB]
EpicGtab said:
tried it on my su640. so far so good. I just can't seem to clock it to 1900. oh well its the hardware 1836mhz it more than enough. thanks for kernel. keep up the good work
---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------
question. Noob here. I have no idea how to OC my gpu. Any link to a guide?
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Check second post :]
U may use faux123 's kernel tool to OC 3D clock
Anyway, the kernel still under test and far from perfect. give me some time to improve(as I learnt linux and kernel compile in late DEC christmas)
Sent from my LG-SU640 using xda app-developers app
hmm, i don't know if it bug or not, but i stay my phone on idle on night, and after 8 hour i have 31 percent of battery. i hope it's not bug
kkruglov said:
hmm, i don't know if it bug or not, but i stay my phone on idle on night, and after 8 hour i have 31 percent of battery. i hope it's not bug
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Sounds like classic CM10.x
I want to say that after 8 hours as it remained 31 percent.
classic cm 10.x? (i don't understand)
kkruglov said:
I want to say that after 8 hours as it remained 31 percent.
classic cm 10.x? (i don't understand)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I assumed you said it drained to 31% after 8 hours idle... if that's the case, classic battery hogging CM10.
If you meant it stayed at or near 31% after being idle for 8 hours, then Wow... That's pretty impressive.
yes, i mean it stayed at 31 for 8 hours (just idle, without wifi or internet connection).

[KERNEL][4.4.4]F(X)TrinityUltimateKernel-V3.2 - MultiBoot - IntelliV2_ LUpdate Of Feb

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[ Introduction : ]
Welcome to the Scandalous Kernel , The F(x)TrinityUltimateKernel, Giving the Most recent Bit Patches including new Distinctive features and Optimization(s), When your utilizing this kernel expect 2-weeks default upgrade, The Bit upgrade will be after at regular intervals ( 2-Weeks )...
V.3.2 - Download ( Support 4.4.4 Only )
>> CLICK HERE!! <<​
=-= Are You New Or You Wanted the Best Kernel Setting Check It Out Here! =-=
>> Best Kernel Settings <<
For Additional Information This Beast Kernel works Best at! >> TrinityVengeanceRaptorX-HD <<
V3.2Minor Changes
dm ioctl: prevent unsafe change to dm_ioctl data_size
md: protect against crash upon fsync on ro array
dm: fix deadlock with request based dm and queue request_fn recursion
dm: handle requests beyond end of device instead of using BUG_ON
msm8974: added input mediator
new helper: iterate_fd()
Other F2FS Alpha Test
V3.0Major Changes
Merge New Sony Source.
sm: vidc: eliminate race condition in dynamic buffer mode
kernel/futex.c: Linux 3.4 compatibility fix up
futex: Avoid taking hb lock if nothing to wakeup
softirq: reduce latencies
futex: Larger hash table
AND MANY MORE!! Check Out The Git. Added Last 26Days Ago!
V2.8 and 2.9_EXT Major Patches.
Added IntelliThermal V2 Of Faux123
Added Custom WLAN Driver
Dave Kleikamp fxTHaxxorX
iov_iter: iov_iter_copy_from_user() should use non-atomic copy …
kleikamp authored on Feb 3, 2013 fxTHaxxorX committed an hour ago
iov_iter: move into its own file …
qup_i2c: Initialize I2C resource before registering. …
i2c_qup: Fix for unhandled IRQ …
qup_i2c: export qup_i2c_init_driver …
page_alloc: Make watermarks tunable separately
25+ Patches More.
Fix Wakeup Issue
cpufreq: force cpuN policy to match cpu0 when changing freq or gov
cpuidle: remove the power_specified field in the driver …
cpuidle: Fix finding state with min power_usage …
cpuidle: Get typical recent sleep interval …
cpuidle: Quickly notice prediction failure in general case …
cpuidle: Quickly notice prediction failure for repeat mode …
cpuidle: move field disable from per-driver to per-cpu
sched: Remove unused params of build_sched_domain() …
sched: Optimize build_sched_domains() for saving first SD node for a cpu …
sched: Optimize build_sched_domains() for saving first SD node for a cpu …
sched: scale the busy and this queue's per-task load before compare …
sched: remove WARN_ON(!sd) from init_sched_groups_power() …
sched: don't call get_group() for covered cpus …
sched: Use cached value of span instead of calling sched_domain_span() …
cpufreq: Fix policy getting stuck when user & kernel min/max don't ov… …
cpuidle: remove unused variable dead_state
Upstream Update From 3.4.0 to 3.4.9 Upstream
WiFi And exFAT Works! Kernel Version is Updated!
And Many more! - To be Added.
Added PegasusQ
Added Adaptive
Added frontswap v16
Added abyssplug
Added New CpuFreq Driver
Added F2FS File System Support***
Updated ZRAM
Adaption Of HR_TIMER for 3.4
sparc64 Misc Patches.
ASoC: wcd9xxx: Enable headset in high performance
Fully WORKING exFAT AND WiFi - You Can see the proof because 3.4.0 is changed to 3.4.X
New GPU Optimization
DT2W With DeepSleep
Advance GPU OC V2 - 600Mhz
EXT4 - Speed Boost
Added New BootSplash
Added New KGSL Update
Added New MDP Update
Add SlimBus OC
Advance GPU OC V2
New KGSL Update
SLQB Re-Added
New DT2W
Advance GPU OC
New KGSL Update
Added Advance TCP Congestion
Remove Low FPS
Fixed 2-3 Reboots after Intallation
Galaxy Note 3 OC CPU Table
Updated MDP Overlay
KGSL Update
DoubleTap2Wake With Battery Drain Fix
New MakeFile Changes
New TCP Congestion
exFAT Fix
GPU Performance Legit Boost Upto 10% Now!
* New Patches at KGSL and MDSS
* Reduce Voltage
* New I/O Scheduler ( TrinNDroid )
* ARCH_POWER = Enabled
* softirq: Use hotplug thread infrastructure
* [backport] Hotplug thread infrastructure
Increased Battery Life
Updated CPU Frequency Stepping
Partial Fix for CPU Heating - Reduce by 5%
Increased Performance to 15%
Upstream Update For CPU Frequemcy
Increase performance form 5MS to 2MS
15+ More!
V1.9 - Special Update and Special Kernel Series.
Updated Intelliplug
Tons Of Optimization
Updated TWRP Now Working at KK
Updated Futex Table x2 Performance
Added PowerSuspend Hooks
Fixed GPU OC - Now It Doesn't go Back to 450 ( Make Sure to Re-Apply the OC Every ReBoot )
TCP Window Size is 64K
Optimize Slack_Speed for Size and Speed
Added Frandom - Increased Speed and Performance ( Benchmark Results Improved )
Reduce VFS Pressure
PowerSuspend Updated to 1.5
PowerSusped Added Userspace | HYBRID | USERCONTROL - Use FauxApp To Control This.
SOFTIRQ : Reduce Latencies
slub.c: little tweak for performance improvements
ChangeLog For 1.8 :
Linux 3.4,91 || UnPushed 3.4.62-3.4.90
Removed Chronic Hotplug and smp
Fix 2.4GhzOC Table Except Voltage Table
1080p Recording Optimization And Tweak
msm_fb: Set RR sched policy for Glupdator thread
ChangeLog For 1.7 :
CHROMIUM: BACKPORT: lib/lzo: huge LZO decompression speedup on ARM by
CHROMIUM: BACKPORT: lib/lzo: Update LZO compression to current upstream
CHROMIUM: mm: Fix calculation of dirtyable memory
msm8974-regulator.dtsi: further reduce CPU retention voltage
msm8974-regulator.dtsi: adjust GFX regulator parameters
char:random: Some tweaks from around github
futex: Make lookup_pi_state more robust
futex: Always cleanup owner tid in unlock_pi
futex: Validate atomic acquisition in futex_lock_pi_atomic()
mm, oom: fix and cleanup oom score calculations
mm, oom: fix badness score underflow
futex: Prevent attaching to kernel threads
evert "Revert "Correct R and G offsets for correct mapping""
mm, oom: fix and cleanup oom score calculations
ChangeLog For 1.6 :
Linux 3.4.0 - 3.4.62
Remove Early Suspend
Increase MDP Clock By x2
CpuFreq Optimization
XHCI Optimization
ChangeLog For 1.5 :
Linux 3.4.0 - 3.4.4
Re-Optimized KGSL - ( Remove Some Flickers )
Patch Sched.c
Patch Sched.h
Improved SSD
exFAT Tweak
Moved 2.6.X Device Tree To 3.4.X
Events Optimization
FS - AIO Optimization
FUSE Optimization
NFS Tweak
ChangeLog For 1.4 :
Optimized Square Root
Bit Optimization
mm : Read-Ahead To 512kB
SavaGedZen Gov
KGSL Tweak V2
R and G Offset Mappings
Reduce CPU Retention
Add Early_Suspend_Delay
Ramdisk : Enable Init.d Support
Patch The GPU
CPUs Patch
ChangeLog For 1.3 :
Re-Merge To Latest Sources ( Removing some cherry-picked Patches )
ChangeLog For 1.1 :
Rebased To New Kernel Source
Fix Pronto Wlan
ChangeLog For 1.0 :
TCP Congestion Advance :
TCP - Hybla
TCP - Cubic
TCP - Reno
TCP - Bic
TCP - WestWood
TCP - HighSpeed
TCP - Vegas
TCP - Veno
TCP - Scalable
TCP - Lp
TCP - Yeah
TCP - illinois
MMC Tweak
KGSL Tweak - Optimize For Gaming
Linaro ToolChain
F2FS Enabled
Sched : Optimization
Cherry-picked All Features From DooMLoRD using SmartGit or Merge All Features From His Source.
Other Features Merge Faux123 using SmartGit
Kernel:Workque Optimization
Correct R and G offsets for correct mapping
kernel:sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg Moire
smp: patches from mainline 3.5 to hopefully help with hotplug efficiency
LMK Optimization
Slub Tweak
Like My Work? Satisfied with my Work? Cheers Thanks For the Beer!
[ Donors : ]
@fixx1983 - 20$
@Klaus N. - 15Euro
[ Features : ]
GPU OverClock
CPU OverClock
TCP Congestion
Many More!
[ Schedulers & Governor : ]
IntelliActive and Intellidemand
OndemandX (?)
OndemandQ (?)
Conservatice, Ondemand, Lionheart, LionheartX(?), Performance.
[ Future Features : ]
New BootImage
Compiled using CustomizeToolChain Via SGS4 Section
New Patches
AROMA Installer
New Kernel Version || ATM It's 3.4.0
[ GPL v2/3 ( Some Commits Are not push Due To WiFi Problems Before : ]
[ Donation : ]
BTC Address : 12i62Nfodt5srxri4XBmwzGbGj859C58JZ
Donors :
[T.O.S : ]
1. It's not my responsibility what ever will happen to your device after flashing the kernel.
XDA:DevDB Information
F(X)TrinityUltimateKernel - The Xperia Z1 True Kernel., Kernel for the Sony Xperia Z1
f(x)THaxxorX, Faux123, DooMLorD, Garcia98, Davidlohr Bueso, showp1984
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 3.0
Stable Release Date: 2014-12-01
Created 2014-07-01
Last Updated 2015-01-28
Recommended Settings ( BELOW ) & CM Support ( SOON )
Kernel Configuration #1
Thanks To @Wolfbreak for sharing his Config.
ROM: TrinityVengeanceRaptorX™ HD 1.4
Kernel: F(X)TrinityUltimateKernel-V2.7B
CPU Clocks
Max Clock: 2265600
Min Clock: 300000
Governor: intelliactive or PegasusQ [PegasusQ with MPDecision only]
Snake Charmer: On
I use intelliactive + intelliplug Combination but PegasusQ + MPDecision is a very good Combination too so test it out and choose which one you prefer.
CPU Hotplug
Hotplug Driver: intelliplug
Intelliplug Control - Touch Boost: On
Screen-Off Frequency: Off
Hysterisis Value: 8
Intelliplug Profile: Eco Conservative
Threshold Value: 722
CPU Hotplug for PegasusQ
Hotplug Driver: MPDecision
CPU Idle Stats
C0 - WFI: On
C1 - Retention: On
C2 - Standalone_Pc: On
C3 - PC: On
Thermal Manager
Thermal Managment Driver: IntelliThermal
Frequency Throttle Temperature: 85
Core Throttle Temperature: 80
Frequency Throttling Cores:
Core0 - On, Core1 - On, Core2 - On, Core3 - On
Core Throttling Cores:
Core0 - Off, Core1 - On, Core2 - On, Core3 - On
GPU Manager
GPU Governor: simple_ondemand
GPU Clock Control: 450 Mhz
Simple GPU Algorithm: On
Simple Governor - Laziness: 4
Simple Governor - Ramp Threshold: 7
IO Scheduler
FIOPS for eMMC and SDCard, Readahead Size: 512
eMMC / SDCard Entropy Contribution: Off
Color / Gamma
Color Temperature: Red - 255, Green - 235, Blue - 250
OBS! Set those values under Settings > Screen / Display > White Balance:
Red - 0, Green - 25, Blue - 25
Memory Manager
ZRAM Controls: Off
Clear VFS Cache After Boot: On
Auto FS Writeback Delay Mode: On
Swappiness: Change 80
VFS Cache Pressure: 100
Dirty Ratio: 20
Dirty Background Ratio: 5
Same Page Merge
Intelli-KSM Enable: On
Activation Threshold: 36 megabytes
Cycles per activation: 3 cycles
Pages to Scan: 400 pages
Scan Delay Interval: 500 ms
Battery Controls
Battery Temperature Throttling: On
Battery Temperature Threshold: 45 Celsius
Battery Throttle CPU Frequency: 1190400
FastCharge Options: Custom [Optional]
AC Charge Current (mA): 1500 [Optional]
PowerSuspend Modes: Hybrid
PowerSuspend: On
Dynamic File Sync: On
TCP Congestion Control: Westwood
If you cant set PowerSuspend then activate Userspace Mode check PowerSuspend and activate Hybrid again after that and both should be on and work.
Kernel Configuration #2 [/U]
Thanks To F(X)THaxxorX ( ME ) for sharing his Config.
ROM: TrinityVengeanceRaptorX™ HD 1.4
Kernel: F(X)TrinityUltimateKernel-V2.7B
CPU Clocks
Max Clock: 2.266 Ghz
Min Clock: 422 Mhz
Governor: OndemandPlus
Snake Charmer: On ( DEFAULT )
CPU Hotplug
TouchBoost = Off
# Enables two core touch boost
CPU Idle Stats
C0 - WFI: Off
C1 - Retention: Off
C2 - Standalone_Pc: Off
C3 - PC: Off
Thermal Manager
Thermal Managment Driver: Thermald
GPU Manager
GPU Governor: userspace
GPU Clock Control: 450 Mhz
Simple GPU Algorithm: On
Simple Governor - Laziness: 4
Simple Governor - Ramp Threshold: 5
IO Scheduler
FIOPS for eMMC and SDCard, Readahead Size: 1536
eMMC / SDCard Entropy Contribution: On
Color / Gamma
N/A -- Off
Memory Manager
ZRAM Controls: Off
Clear VFS Cache After Boot: Off
Auto FS Writeback Delay Mode: Off
Swappiness: Change 45
VFS Cache Pressure: 100
Dirty Ratio: 17
Dirty Background Ratio: 15
Same Page Merge
Intelli-KSM Enable: On
Activation Threshold: 25megabytes
Cycles per activation: 5 cycles
Pages to Scan: 256 pages
Scan Delay Interval: 465 ms
Battery Controls
Battery Temperature Throttling: On
Battery Temperature Threshold: 40 Celsius
Battery Throttle CPU Frequency: 1036800
FastCharge Options: Force AC[Optional]
AC Charge Current (mA): 500[Optional]
PowerSuspend Modes: Userspace
PowerSuspend: On - Force Enabled By Userspace Option
Dynamic File Sync: On
TCP Congestion Control: BIC
Atlast waiting for this..
Thread Title Fixed Sorry, 20% ( Uploading in progress )
Stock or AOSP.. Seems Stock..
abbychauhan said:
Stock or AOSP.. Seems Stock..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is Stock based kernel .).
4.4.X, So Yes 4.4.4 Is Supported ..
4.4.4 Checking..
Download Now Available!
f(x)THaxxorX said:
4.4.X, So Yes 4.4.4 Is Supported ..
Download Now Available!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1) Battery, performance or hybrid / combo focused kernel?
2) Which Linux kernel source version is this?
3) Any additional hotplug drivers included?
4) Does this one come with Sony RIC Root Security disabled as default for easier root access?
f(x)THaxxorX said:
4.4.X, So Yes 4.4.4 Is Supported ..
Download Now Available!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks a lot, awesome work! But just to let you know, you put two periods in the filename.
Thanks sir! :good:
Nice to see more development...will try it asap when I return to stock
Destroyedbeauty said:
1) Battery, performance or hybrid / combo focused kernel?
2) Which Linux kernel source version is this?
3) Any additional hotplug drivers included?
4) Does this one come with Sony RIC Root Security disabled as default for easier root access?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Its 3.4.0 Read the Thread , Better try it so you can answer your other questions .. Lets say this is hybrid the battery depends on how you select your governor . goodluck!
Chocolatetrain said:
Thanks a lot, awesome work! But just to let you know, you put two periods in the filename.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry about that, Im gonna fix that when I released my next update
[Fenix] said:
Thanks sir! :good:
Nice to see more development...will try it asap when I return to stock
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice to see that there is someone interested
Nice to see extra development
Sent by my Z1 with XDA Fax
Duvel999 said:
Nice to see extra development
Sent by my Z1 with XDA Fax
Click to expand...
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With RomAur 9 not boot
f(x)THaxxorX said:
Nice to see that there is someone interested
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Trust me there is always interested people here on xda
Maybe we will see also your rom eheh :fingers-crossed:
Yeah, my ROM Will be released after 1-2 Months, I Need to Optimize my AROMA Installer from my Old Xperia S
jack92me said:
With RomAur 9 not boot
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Im Using 4.4.2, Let me try it @ 4.4.4 .
i remember u on xperia s forum
glad to see u here!
looking forward to your develpoment
jack92me said:
With RomAur 9 not boot
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
KitSlim Evo5 IS booting...so its not a Kernel-related problem. Did you wipe Dalvic and Cache? Its a MUST when installing Kernel
My problem is that the kernel is not mounting my sd-card (64GB)

[Kernel][ION+PMEM][CM12] HurtSky's Kernel V1 5/1/2015

CM12 Section​
[ROM][LP][5.0.2][LRX22G] CyanogenMod 12.0 (20141230-UNOFFICIAL)
I'm not a developer, im taking effort to put more choices of kernel for our community
Please RATE this thread 5 STAR if you like it.. it absolutely encourage me more
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
List of Governors Available :-
- Lulzactive
- Powersave
- SmartAssV2
- interactive
- conservative
- ondemand
- performance
IO Scheduler
- noop
- deadline
- row
- cfq
- bfq
- sio
- vr
- fiops
Additional Features
- CPU voltage control VDD sys interface (voltage adjustable)
- Overclock support
- Added NEON compilation flag to VFP module
- SnapDragon Optimization
- dynamic read-ahead
- frandom
- Lowered display panel voltage
- Lowered wifi voltage
- Increase audio loudness
- Dynamic management of dirty page writebacks credit to Christopher83
- Dynamic Fsync
- Fixed 100% battery notification after charger unplug credits to Christopher83
- LowMemoryKiller management of not killable processes - credits to christopher
- Asynchronous I/O latency to a solid-state disk greatly increased
- CK3 tweaks (Credits to Con Kolivas) - adapted by Christopher
- Snappy Google Zram
- Random Tweaks
- Reduce WIFI wakelocks - credits to DerTeufel
- Implement Suspend Freeze (more battery friendly)
- exfat support
- add MSM-SLEEPER support(max screen off frequency) - 902Mhz
Explanation of Android Governors
My GitHub​
Installation Guide:
1. Reboot To Recovery Mode
2. Wipe Cache & Dalvik Cache
3. Flash the kernel
4. Reboot
5. wait until the phone boot up
6. Reboot back for second time
[I]Credit to :-[/I]
- Our Master [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=3044346"][B]Arco[/B][/URL] for his kernel source ([I] go press thanks for any posted by arco :D without he, this kernel wont existed[/I] )
- AriesVE-DevCon-TEAM that make ION and PMEM can co-existed together.. big thanks for them :)
- educk for his tutorial and governors
- biagio7xD for extra governors and SnapDragon Optimization
- Christopher83 that helping me teach how to correct the error and advising me and thanks for his new linaro :)
- Xistance for his teaching
- CastagnaIT for his useful sources
- CyanogenMod developers that developing our CM
- Linaro GCC developers let me using this powerful compiler
- hadidjapri hadiconfig (more RAM)
- keff for governors code fixes
- credit to idcrisis for Crossbreeder MOD
- FelixMG for youtube video
- arsradu for kernel.zip
- others developer on GitHub
- xda-developers.com for all the teaching and members
XDA:DevDB Information
[Kernel][ION+PMEM][CM12] HurtSky's Kernel V1 5/1/2015, Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy W I8150
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: V1
Stable Release Date: 2015-01-05
Created 2015-01-05
Last Updated 2015-01-05
Changelogs of Revision Version
Do not expect me to explain all the commits/changes. i wont entertain your question unless for some reason.. GOOGLE IT than you will know
CM 12 github branch
CFS - CLICK HERE for changelogs
[B][I]V1 5/1/2015[/I][/B]
- configs: update custom configs (credits to Hurtsky)
- lib, net: make isodigit() public and use it (credits to Andy Shevchenko)
- random: check for increase of entropy_count because of signed conversion (credits to Hannes Frederic Sowa)
- random: fix nasty entropy accounting bug (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (credits to Joe Perches)
- random: fix BUG_ON caused by accounting simplification (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: use the architectural HWRNG for the SHA's IV in extract_buf() (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: entropy_bytes is actually bits (credits to Greg Price)
- random: simplify accounting code (credits to Greg Price)
- random: forget lock in lockless accounting (credits to Greg Price)
- random: simplify accounting logic (credits to Greg Price)
- random: fix comment on "account" (credits to Greg Price)
- random: simplify loop in random_read (credits to Greg Price)
- random: fix description of get_random_bytes (credits to Greg Price)
- random: fix comment on proc_do_uuid (credits to Greg Price)
- random: fix typos / spelling errors in comments (credits to Greg Price)
- random: add debugging code to detect early use of get_random_bytes() (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: printk notifications for urandom pool initialization (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: convert DEBUG_ENT to tracepoints (credits to Hurtsky)
- random: initialize the last_time field in struct timer_rand_state (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: don't zap entropy count in rand_initialize() (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: make add_timer_randomness() fill the nonblocking pool first (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: push extra entropy to the output pools (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: drop trickle mode (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: adjust the generator polynomials in the mixing function slightly (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: speed up the fast_mix function by a factor of four (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: cap the rate which the /dev/urandom pool gets reseeded (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: optimize the entropy_store structure (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: optimize spinlock use in add_device_randomness() (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: fix the tracepoint for get_random_bytes(_arch) (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: allow architectures to optionally define random_get_entropy() (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: account for entropy loss due to overwrites (credits to H. Peter Anvin)
- random: allow fractional bits to be tracked (credits to H. Peter Anvin)
- random: statically compute poolbitshift, poolbytes, poolbits (credits to H. Peter Anvin)
- random: mix in architectural randomness earlier in extract_buf() (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- char: Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (credits to Joe Perches)
- lib/string_helpers: introduce generic string_unescape (credits to Andy Shevchenko)
- drivers/char/random.c: fix priming of last_data (credits to Jarod Wilson)
- usb: feed USB device information to the /dev/random driver (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: use the arch-specific rng in xfer_secondary_pool (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- random: prime last_data value per fips requirements (credits to Jarod Wilson)
- random: fix locking dependency with the tasklist_lock (credits to Theodore Ts'o)
- netfilter: IDLETIMER: fix invalid deference of timer (credits to JP Abgrall)
- nf: IDLETIMER: Fix possible use before initialization in idletimer_resume (credits to Patrick Daly)
- crypto: add crypto_[un]register_shashes for [un]registering multiple shash entries at once (credits to Jussi Kivilinna)
- crypto: sha512 - Expose generic sha512 routine to be callable from other modules (credits to Tim Chen)
- crypto: sha256 - Expose SHA256 generic routine to be callable externally. (credits to Tim Chen)
- ARM: 8120/1: crypto: sha512: add ARM NEON implementation (credits to Jussi Kivilinna)
- ARM: 8119/1: crypto: sha1: add ARM NEON implementation (credits to Jussi Kivilinna)
- ARM: add .gitignore entry for aesbs-core.S (credits to Russell King)
- ARM: 7723/1: crypto: sha1-armv4-large.S: fix SP handling (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: 7837/3: fix Thumb-2 bug in AES assembler code (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: 7626/1: arm/crypto: Make asm SHA-1 and AES code Thumb-2 compatible (credits to Dave Martin)
- ARM: pull in <asm/simd.h> from asm-generic (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: move AES typedefs and function prototypes to separate header (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- crypto: ablk_helper - Replace memcpy with struct assignment (credits to kbuild test robot)
- crypto: create generic version of ablk_helper (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: add support for bit sliced AES using NEON instructions (credits to Hurtsky)
- ARM: 7835/2: fix modular build of xor_blocks() with NEON enabled (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: crypto: add NEON accelerated XOR implementation (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: add support for kernel mode NEON (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: vfpmodule: Move bounce stats file to seq_file and friends (credits to Stephen Boyd)
- ARM: be strict about FP exceptions in kernel mode (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: move VFP init to an earlier boot stage (credits to Ard Biesheuvel)
- ARM: vfp: initialize vfp driver before cpufreq (credits to Bongkyu Kim)
- configs: update custom config (credits to Hurtsky)
- defconfig: Enable F2FS filesystem (credits to Arne Coucheron)
- fs: f2fs: Initial import from https://kernel.googlesource.com (credits to Arne Coucheron)
- Staging: android: binder: More offset validation. (credits to Arve Hjonnevag)
- crypto: msm: check potential integer overflow (credits to William Clark)
- cfg80211: ignore supported rates for nonexistant bands on scan (credits to Felix Fietkau)
- Enable NEED_NETDEV for vendor command support. (credits to Subhani Shaik)
- net: ipv6: Add a sysctl to make optimistic addresses useful candidates (credits to Erik Kline)
- netfilter: nf_conntrack: decrement global counter after object release (credits to Pablo Neira Ayuso)
- net: ipv6: autoconf routes into per-device tables (credits to Lorenzo Colitti)
- broadcom_wlan: Modify country code source (credits to Arne Coucheron)
- ext4: Add support for FIDTRIM, a best-effort ioctl for deep discard trim (credits to JP Abgrall)
- defconfig: Regenerate (credits to Arne Coucheron)
- defconfig: Enable CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_IDLETIMER (credits to Arne Coucheron)
- defconfig: Set selinux permissive (credits to Arne Coucheron)
- ariesve: Set SELinux to be permissive (credits to Cristoforo Cataldo)
- configs: update custom config (credits to Hurtsky)
Special Features
This function will limit the cpu in certain condition such as frequency during suspend, resume and min frequency. This features enabled in default and the frequency already been set for suspend freq to 900Mhz (screen off), min freq 245Mhz, resume freq 1.4Ghz. This feature may can reduce power consumption as it limit our cpu frequency after the screen off. If this features enabled, OC frequency will be override automatically after the screen off = 900Mhz and resume back to 1.4Ghz. Thus, you need to disable it if you like to make OC frequency stays,
so here the step to disable it: -
1. By using Terminal Emulator (note that set value will be lost after a reboot/shutdown)
- Open Terminal Emulator
- Run this command to disable msm_limiter feature
echo "0" > /sys/kernel/msm_limiter/limiter_enabled
echo "0" for disable or echo "1" for enable it back
2. Download the msm_limiter_switch.sh.pdf
- after download the script please rename the file by removing .pdf and the name of the file should be like this msm_limiter_switch.sh
- by using Script Manager application open the msm_limiter_switch as script and tick the the "boot"
- by doing this, the msm_limiter will stick disable after the boot
in advance step, you can adjust the frequency of suspend, resume and min frequency to suit your taste here the command
1. For resume frequency
echo "<put ur own frequency here>" > /sys/kernel/msm_limiter/resume_max_freq
echo "1824000" > /sys/kernel/msm_limiter/resume_max_freq
this will make your CPU freq up to 1.8Ghz when screen on.. it just an example.
2. For suspend frequency
echo "<put ur own frequency here>" > /sys/kernel/msm_limiter/suspend_max_freq
Table of our devices frequency
Android Logger ON/OFF mode
Android logger can be turn off/on when you need or did not need it in this kernel, this function was introduced to reduce A BIT cpu usage or ram consumption that be used by the logger. The android logger was set OFF in default for this kernel :-
Here the step to change the logger mode:-
-the option of the mode-
* 0 - Enabled
* 1 - Auto Suspend
* 2 - Disabled
1. By using Terminal Emulator (note that set value will be lost after a reboot/shutdown)
- Open Terminal Emulator
- Run this command to disable the logger
echo "you choice of logger mode" > /sys/module/logger/parameters/log_mode
echo "2" > /sys/module/logger/parameters/log_mode
Gentle fair sleepers
Disable gentel fair sleepers will give you better UI performance.. disabling it will make your phone consume more power due to several reason (i forgot the source of this statement), btw you can change it to suit your taste
-the option of the mode-
* 0 - Disabled
* 1 - Enabled
echo "you choice" >/sys/kernel/sched/gentle_fair_sleepers
echo "1" >/sys/kernel/sched/gentle_fair_sleepers
reserved third
Unleashed the Hurtsky Kernel for CM12 .. Enjoy
hurtsky said:
CM11 Section​
[ROM][KK][4.4.2][KOT49H] CyanogenMod 11.0 (UNOFFICIAL)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i think this is a mistake
iwjosi said:
i think this is a mistake
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thank you for letting me know
where can i find the performance settings in cm12?
SkyLaci said:
where can i find the performance settings in cm12?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Its not implemented by the cyanogen-team yet.
i get fc with performance control after flashing
xSmart007x said:
i get fc with performance control after flashing
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
sorry for late reply, i had trouble to open xda for long time.. i will try to solve the problem in next version.. thank you
Is it working with the latest build?
riyosakura said:
Is it working with the latest build?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
nope.. wait for next update.. still busy right now to update the kernel
hurtsky said:
sorry for late reply, i had trouble to open xda for long time.. i will try to solve the problem in next version.. thank you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hello sir, i already tested the performance control on stock ROM and kernel, seems the apps also force close so this problem maybe caused by the incompatibility to CM12
Sir..can i flash this kerenel for liquid smooth(5.0.2)

[KERNEL] [ROOT] [SM-G920F Exynos 7420] [17 Dec] SkyHigh TW 5.1.1 Kernel [v2.9]

[KERNEL] [ROOT] [SM-G920F Exynos 7420] [17 December] SkyHigh TW 5.1.1 Kernel [ v2.9 ] [Synapse ++]
[URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?a=81"][B]XDA RULE #1 "SEARCH BEFORE POSTING"[/B][/URL] (GOOGLE, XDA & THREAD),
* Based on official Samsung source: [URL="http://opensource.samsung.com/reception/receptionSub.do?method=sub&sub=F&searchValue=n920"]Samsung OSRC[/URL]
* ramdisk source:
* Compiled with Linaro gcc-linaro-4.9-2015.02-3-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu
* Linux 3.10.94
* [COLOR="red"]AUTO-ROOT binary v2.52[/COLOR] & Install busybox v1.24.1-Dorimanx
* [COLOR="red"]SELinux PERMISSIVE[/COLOR] (for Titanium Backup and other apps to work correctly)
* adb insecure
* stock dt.img
* init.d script support (drop in script & set permissions to 755 or 777 and reboot)
* Possible Screen Mirroring / AllShare Cast fix
* Secure storage = false (should prevent WIFI settings & passwords wiping on reboots)
* RAM management tweaks
* GearVR reported working
* [B]Synapse app support[/B] for many kernel configurations + more !!
* Many descriptions are in the app ! If you require more info, don't be lazy, please [B]SEARCH[/B] like I did ;)
PayPal Donation link
SkyHigh kernel thread link
Up time
CPU temperature
A57 big Cores Frequency Scaling
live frequency
MAX: 2400 MHz (stock 2100 MHz is default)
MIN: 500 MHz (stock 800 MHz is default)​
CPU governors
interactive (default)
CPU governor tunables
HPM voltage control
A57 big Cores voltage control
A53 LITTLE Cores Frequency Scaling
live frequency
MAX: 1600 MHz (stock 1500 MHz is default)
MIN: 200 MHz (stock 400 MHz is default)​
CPU governors
interactive (default)
CPU governor tunables
HPM voltage control
A53 LITTLE Cores voltage control
Power Aware Scheduling control
Exynos Core Control Interface (choose 1 > 8 cores online)
PEWQ (Power-efficient Workqueues) control
GPU stats
Current clock freq
Live Frequency Utilization (load)
Time in state​
GPU power policy control
coarse_demand (default)
GPU frequency scaling
Max freq control to 852 MHz (700 MHz is default)
Min freq control to 100 MHz (stock 266 MHz is default)​
GPU Governor
Interactive (default)
Booster (more graphic and benchmark performance)​
GPU Interactive Governor tunables
highspeed clock
highspeed load
highspeed delay​
HPM voltage control
GPU voltage control
CPU thermal control
normal temp
critical temp​
GPU thermal control
temp levels 1 > 5
throttling freq levels​
Memory thermal control
normal temp
critical temp​
ISP (Image Signal Processor) thermal control
temp levels 1 > 5​
Memory Bus HPM voltage control
Memory Bus voltage control
Internal Bus voltage control
ISP (Image Signal Processor) voltage control
I/O Schedulers
BFQ (tweaked for SSD)
DEADLINE (tweaked for SSD)
CFQ = default (tweaked for SSD)
ROW (tweaked)​
Storage read-ahead (256 KB)
General IO tuneable
Add random
IO stats
No merges
RQ Affinity
NR requests​
I/O scheduler tunables
Memory state
Low Memory Killer Profiles
Custom (recommend)
Default (default)
Low Memory Killer minfree tuning (OOM LMK)
Samsung SPCM Service control (Enabled = default/stock)
Ultra Kernel SamePage Merging (UKSM)
UKSM stats
Scan Delay Interval
UKSM Governor
Max CPU consumption​
Dynamic FSYNC control (enabled)
Dynamic dirty page writeback control (enabled)
Dirty writeback active
Dirty writeback suspend​
Virtual Memory
Adaptive Dirty Background Ratio on suspend / resume
Adaptive Dirty Ratio on suspend / resume
Drop caches (Clear VFS cache after boot)
Laptop Mode
Adaptive vfs_cache_pressure on suspend / resume​
Entropy (max 4096)
Gentle Fair Sleepers control (disabled)
Arch Power control (enabled)
randomize_va_space control
Display Panel
Hybrid (Autosleep + Display Panel) = default​
PowerSuspend State (enable only with Userspace mode set)
Version push button
(Sound Control by AndreiLux)
Jack media volume control
L/R channel volume
mono mixer​
Speaker volume control
Earpiece volume​
Main Equalizer
Advanced Stereo Equalizer
sweep2sleep control
TCP congestion control
All available enabled.
Default = westwood+​
Screen mirror/allshare cast fix control (enabled)
Clean WIFI Lease
WiFi Power Mode While Screen-On/Off
Force Off
Fast (default = screen ON)
Max (default = screen OFF)
WiFi DTIM Interval While Screen-On/Off​
RX wakelock timeout control
TCP/IP network security
3G DNS speed & security tweak
Comodo, Level3
GPS time-zone
North America
South America
IPV6 optimistic detection
KNOX control
NO_ACTION (default)
Live status​
Battery info
Charging controls
HV power supplies
A/C Mains
A/C Mains (screen-on)
Standard downstream port
Dedicated charging port
Charging downstream port
Accessory charging adapter
MHL power
Wireless power​
Battery SCALING calibration (fuel gauge reset)
LED disable control
LED Fade-in/out Time Period
LED Fade control
Test notification push button
Stop notification push button
FS (File System)
Display FS Type
FS Controls
remount System r/w r/o
remount RootFS r/w r/o​
Scrolling cache control
Optimise Databases (SQLite3)
FSTrim lagfix
Wipe options
cache reboot
dalvik-cache reboot
cache & dalvik-cache reboot​
Clean up
clipboard cache
/data/anr logs
/data/dropbox logs
USB status
USB mode selection
CD_ROM (drivedroid support)
Name - Restore - Delete - Backup
kernel image​
Android Logger control (enabled)
Kernel Logger control (enabled)
Reboot device
Recovery Mode
Download Mode
Power Off
Clear Synapse Data & Reboot
Restart Synapse
Reduced logging
exFAT FS support
NTFS R/W support with app
CIFS support (not tested)
ISO 9660 CDROM & UDF FS support
mount partitions NOATIME and NODIRATIME by default
Entropy tweaks
Increased boot frequency
Power-efficient workqueue (PEWQ) efficiency patches
Microsoft X-BOX gamepad controller in-built module
Slub tweaked
Much more - check source commits & Synapse
My family !!
@Chainfire - root & SuperSU / @Manh_IT - auto-root method
@AndreiLux - years of support for Exynos development and his various kernel features + Synapse app and UCI code
@halaszk88 - patches and Synapse code I adapted to many of my kernels
@dorimanx - BusyBox and various ramdisk tweaks/ideas
@apb_axel - I adapted and used many of the Synapse controls to suit my kernels
Samsung OSRC
and many others!
check github source credits
XDA:DevDB Information
SkyHigh Galaxy S6 Exynos 7420 Kernel, Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy S6
Source Code: https://github.com/UpInTheAir/SM-N920
Kernel Special Features: Synapse ++ | EXT4 | exFAT | NTFS | CIFS
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2015-12-17
Last Updated 2015-12-17
Warning - ChangeLog - Requirements - Installation - Download - Source
[COLOR="Red"]* Under-volting can cause instability
* Over-clocking can cause freeze/reboot, heat & damage to CPU, GPU or other hardware
* Any customizations may void warranty
* May not be suitable for your device or customizations
* UpInTheAir is NOT responsible, the person you see in the mirror is !![/COLOR]
[v2.9] - 14 December 2015
Korean variant support discontinued unless sources become compatible with all SkyHigh variants. v2.8 is the last for now
BUILD: fix invalid binary created for .tar.md5 archive
Revert " Source: merge N920SKSU2AOK5"
Cause of boot and stability issues with T variants​
config: remove MPTCP from reverted N920SKSU2AOK5 source
[v2.8] - 13 December 2015
Synapse: update sweep2sleep description
Ensure PowerSuspend State is DISABLED​
su: update BINARY to BETA-SuperSU-v2.52 (latest stable beta)
1. Unroot (SuperSU APP > settings > "full unroot")
2. Reboot
3. Install SuperSU app from Play Store
4. NOTHING else to do !!​
init.rc: prevent override of dirty_background_ratio
Synapse: change dirty ratios default description & clean up
Synapse: adjust for adaptive dirty_background_ratio & adaptive dirty_ratio
Synapse: disable drop_caches on boot
improved UI performance as cache does not have to rebuild on every boot. optional in Synapse​
Revert duplicate code from my mistake
Revert "cpufreq: Remember last policy min/max on cluster restart"​
Linux 3.10.93 > 3.10.94
Source: merge N9200ZHU2AOKA
Source: merge N920SKSU2AOK5
ARM: 8429/1: disable GCC SRA optimization
Support for GCC 6.0 toolchain
mm: Increase Dirty Ratios (battery)
mm: Adaptive Dirty Background Ratio & Dirty Ratio for suspend/resume (battery) my own
dirty_background_ratio 20-resume / 60-suspend (fixed)
dirty_ratio 40-resume / 95-suspend (fixed)​
mm: Dynamic Page Writeback: fix compile if not enabled in config
[v2.7] - 09th December 2015
add SM-G9287C support with G9287CDXU2AOK1 ramdisk base​
Synapse: NETWORK: add IPV6 Optimistic Detection controls & enable
Synapse: NETWORK: modify layout of WiFi DTIM Interval description
Synapse: NETWORK: add GPS Time Zone for faster GPS lock
Synapse: SCREEN: fix up sweep2leep description
Synapse: USB: tidy up USB live status
Synapse: USB: add live DNS address
Synapse: USB: add title to live DNS address
Synapse: IO: add NR Requests control
Synapse: A57/A53: show live freq for all A57 & A53 cores
Synapse: A57/A53: make default CPU frequencies static so they are not overridden
Synapse: A57/A53: move A57, A53 & GPU voltage controls to separate tab
Synapse: A57/A53: use the new renamed ren_max_freq (you need to use Synapse to control CPU MAX values - and any other SkyHigh features !!)
Synapse: A57: correct core display for temp sensors
Synapse: MEMORY: Adaptive vfs_cache_pressure on Suspend / Resume
Synapse: MULTICORE: remove HMP threshold controls. They are dynamic
N9200 ramdisk: update to N9200ZHU2AOKA
N920K ramdisk: add SkyHigh version
BUILD: small fixes to build scripts
BUILD: fix up ramdisk_fix_permissions.sh
BUILD: add separate SM-N920K support
dts: N920S/K/L update from N920SKSU2AOK5 source
cpufreq: rename scaling_max_freq to ren_max_freq (fix by @arter97 to prevent DVFS override set CPU MAX freq)
fs/dcache.c: adaptive vfs_cache_pressure on suspend / resume (100% screen on & 20% static screen off)
fs: make ADAPTIVE_VFS_CACHE_PRESSURE compile optional
Revert various Nvidia power efficiency patches (Testing to resolve random System UI restart to lock screen)
A53: allow max to 1600 MHz (default/stock 1500 MHz)
A53: increase boot frequency to 1500 MHz
[v2.6] - 05 December 2015
add SM-G928T/W8 variant support
Synapse: SCREEN: add sweep2sleep control
Synapse: USB: add USB storage controls
CD ROM iso image (drivedroid support)
USB Keyboard / Mouse​
Synapse: clean up
net/neighbour: queue work on power efficient wq
sched/fair: Implement fast idling of CPUs when the system is partially loaded
arm64: Improve power efficiency through load/store exclusive usage (Nvidia power efficiency patch set)
thread_info: Remove usage of relaxed calls in sched header
hrtimer: Replace usages of hrtimer_callback_running with relaxed version
aio: Skip timer for io_getevents if timeout=0
touchscreen: add sweep2sleep
sweep2sleep: adjust for 1440 x 2560 display
usb: gadget: check for accessory device before disconnecting HIDs
drivers: usb: Use Android device as USB keyboard/mouse
usb: gadget: mass_storage: added sysfs entry for cdrom to LUNs
[v2.5] - 03 December 2015
add SM-G928C/F/I/G, SM-N920P, SM-N920S/K/L & SM-N9200 variant support
BUILD: auto build archives for each variant selection
ramdisk bases:
SM-N9200 N9200ZHU2AOJ9
Synapse: fix up generate
Synapse: fix up fuel-gauge reset
various power efficient workqueue patches
sched: LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg Moire
ext4: Speedup WB_SYNC_ALL pass called from sync(2)
mm: pass readahead info down to the i/o scheduler
mm: fix aio performance regression for database caused by THP
fixup! mm: fix aio performance regression for database caused by THP
fts_ts: fix a stupid typo by Samsung
CHROMIUM: cpufreq: interactive: calculate load before freq change
block_dev: implement readpages() to optimize sequential read
[v2.4] - 30th November 2015
add SM-N920G variant support
update SM-N920-I/G ramdisk N920GDDU2AOJ5
/sbin/SkyHigh.sh: Enable Main Equalizer by default (Fixes bug where no audio from earphones whilst in-call)
Synapse: MEMORY: change KSM > UKSM controls
UKSM: fix compile errors
UKSM: disable by default
config: enable UKSM
toolchain: gcc-linaro-4.9-2015.02-3-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu
Makefile: add optimizations
dts: N9200_HK update from N9200ZHU2AOJ9 source
cpufreq: Mod perms so they are settable in apps
[v2.3] - 29th November 2015
Fix in-call reboot
Revert "toolchain: change to Linaro GCC 5.2.1 20151005". (Back to Linaro 4.9.3 20141031)
Revert "ufs: fix compilation warnings"​
power: process: drecrease time to enter sleep
futexes: Increase hash table size for better performance
cpufreq: Optimize cpufreq_frequency_table_verify()
[v2.2] - 28th November 2015
Update N920C/CD/8 to N920CXXU2AOK7
Synapse: NETWORK: add WiFi Power Mode & DTIM Interval controls for screen ON/OFF
Synapse: NETWORK: add Wireless wakelock timeout control
default.prop: re-enable Samsung SPCM Service (removed entry)
Synapse: MEMORY: add Samsung SPCM Service control (Enabled = default/stock)
Source: SM-N920T_NA_LL_Opensource N920TUVU2COJ5
drivers/video/exynos/Makefile: Fix compile warnings for non-supported drivers
config: enable LCD_HMT
Linux 3.10.90 > 3.10.93
Fix compile errors with GCC 5
crypto: pcomp - Constify (de)compression parameters
crypto: testmgr - Wrap the LHS in expressions of the form !x == y
ufs: fix compilation warnings​
toolchain: change to Linaro GCC 5.2.1 20151005
bcmdhd4359: WIFI PM support
config: enable BCMDHD_WIFI_PM
tcp: enable sockets to use MSG_FASTOPEN by default
bcmdhd: reduce rx wakelock timeout via sysfs node
net: wireless: bcmdhd4359: reduce kernel logging
Drivers: sensorhub: reduce wakelock time
[v2.1] - 17th October 2015
repack with stock dt.img (flash over v2.0 if you have audio issues)
[v2.0] - 17th October 2015
Synapse: add BACKUP RESTORE section for save/restore profiles & boot.img to /sdcard/SkyHigh folder (from my older SkyHigh kernels on other devices, modified and adapted to suit from apb_axel and neobuddy89)
Synapse: FS: add FSTrim push button
/sbin: replace fstrim with (PIE) binary (from arter97 git)
[v1.9] - add SM-N9208_SEA variant support 16th October 2015
[v1.9] - 15th October 2015
boot.img: disable boot time security check "KERNEL IS NOT SEANDROID ENFORCING" (kernel is still permissive)
Synapse: disable CortexBrain as not needed for in-call reboot bug "work-around" any more. It's fixed !! Intend to add other options here in future.
config: disable unused FS support
build scripts: clear ccache instead of clean
FIX IN-CALL REBOOT BUG: toolchain: change to gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_aarch64-elf
The recommend Google ARM Toolchain GCC aarch64-linux-android-4.9 causes general stability and in-call reboot issues​
[v1.8b] - 13th October 2015
Synapse: MEMORY: add Dynamic management of dirty page writebacks control (screen on/off)
Synapse: CPU MULTICORE: add Power Aware Scheduling control - enabling gives better battery (default = disabled for performance)
Synapse: minor adjustments to layout and descriptions.
default.prop: add some experimental RAM management tweaks (thanks to @mikeyinid for the suggestions)
sched: HMP: set Power Aware Scheduling off by default (previously enabled by default in patch)
GPU: set max freq to 700 MHz as default (stock)
cpufreq: Break out early if freq equals to target_freq
PM / sleep: unregister wakeup source when disabling device wakeup
tick: don't update idle time if cpu offline
slub: fix kmem_cache_shrink return value
mm: slub: fix format mismatches in slab_err() callers
a bunch of SELinux patches
mm: Dynamic management of dirty page writebacks
kernel.h: fix error when compiling N9208_SEA
[v1.7b] - 12th October 2015
Synapse: MEMORY: add Dynamic FSYNC control
Synapse: LOGS: add Android logger control (enabled for logcat)
/sbin/cortexbrain-tune.sh: some adjustments to watchdog control
xz: tweaking kernel compression (not used)
AIO: Don't plug the I/O queue
fs/dyn_sync_cntrl: dynamic Fsync control v1.5
fs/dyn_sync_cntrl: on by default
logger: Add sys fs kernel interface to configure Android logger & modify for Synapse
writeback: fix race that cause writeback hung
timer: optimize apply_slack()
writeback: Fix occasional slow sync(1)
writeback: fix writeback cache thrashing
CHROMIUM: mm: Fix calculation of dirtyable memory
mm: Optimized SLUB memory allocator
arm64: dcache: select DCACHE_WORD_ACCESS for little-endian CPUs
Linux 3.10.61 > 3.10.90 (took a lot of time)
Revert "powersuspend: add screen on/off hooks" from hotplug
decon: add powersuspend hooks
fips: fix whitespaces
arm64: crypto: increase AES interleave to 4x
cpufreq: Remember last policy min/max on cluster restart
mm: vmscan: If kswapd has been running too long, allow it to sleep
[v1.6b] - 9th October 2015
re-pack with custom generated dt.img
Synapse: HMP: rename to CPU MULTICORE
Synapse: CPU MULTICORE: add PEWQ (Power Efficient Work-queues) for better battery at slight cost of performance.
Synapse: POWER SUSPEND: add PowerSuspend controls
Synapse: MEMORY: add vfs_cache_pressure control
default.prop: insecure adb again
init.rc: remove more code to prevent IO scheduler override
config: add variants and sync to v1.5b
Remove obsolete build script and add build script / tools to build custom dt.img
config: N920C dtb exynos7420-noblelte_eur_open_09
config: N920I dtb exynos7420-noblelte_eur_open_09
sched/fair: Fix small race where child->se.parent,cfs_rq might point to invalid ones
cpufreq: Introduce new relation for freq selection Introduce CPUFREQ_RELATION_C
cpufreq: interactive: use new CPUFREQ_RELATION_C
int_sqrt.c: Correction square root algo with naming
int_sqrt: Improve 3x faster integer sqrt.
workqueue: Fix permission for power_efficient workqueue
a bunch of workqueue patches
jiffies conversions: Use compile time constants when possible
sched/completion: Add lock-free checking of the blocking case
sched: Remove one division operation in find_busiest_queue()
sched/fair: Optimize find_busiest_queue()
kthread_work: wake up worker only when the worker is idle
sync: don't block the flusher thread waiting on IO
mm: Clear page active before releasing pages
makefile: Add SoC-specific compile target
sensorhub: fix compile warning for SM-N9208
workqueue: disable PEWQ by default
PowerSuspend: patch powersuspend driver up to v1.7 & modify to suit
powersuspend: call screen on/off hooks with hotplug (panel hooks)
powersuspend: add power_suspended boolean for global access
config: enable POWERSUSPEND
config: enable TIMA_LKMAUTH and also missing TIMA for SM-N920S
[v1.5b] - 6th October 2015
Synapse: CORTEX: add CortexBrain to control screen on/off functions. Enabling this FIXES in-call reboot bug (actually a solution - not a "fix"). Thanks to Dorimanx & halaszk88 for the orignial scripts which I chopped to pieces into my SM-N915S kernel .
/sbin: add CortexBrain script
/sbin/SkyHigh.sh: start CortexBrain on boot
Block: add FIOPS I/O scheduler
FIOPS: forward port for use on 3.10 Linux
config: enable IOSCHED_FIOPS
block: sysfs: allow non superusers to change I/O scheduler
block: Reserve only one queue tag for sync IO if only 3 tags are available
blk-throttle: check stats_cpu before reading it from sysfs
cfq-iosched: fix the setting of IOPS mode on SSDs
Block: add BFQ-v7r8-I-O-sched-for-3.10.8+
config: enable IOSCHED_BFQ
block: bfq-iosched: tuning for SSD
a lot of block commits to support ROW IO scheduler
Block: add ROW I/O scheduler
block: row: add magic values
config: enable IOSCHED_ROW
sched/cputime: Do not scale when utime == 0
[v1.4b] - 5th October 2015
Synapse: THERMAL: add CPU, GPU, MIF & ISP thermal controls
Synapse: BATTERY: add charge controls (adapted from AndreiLux)
GPU: allow min freq to 100 / 160 MHz
GPU: allow max freq to 772 / 852 MHz
GPU: increase throttling levels for better performance
GPU: increase max allowable voltage
GPU-MALI-T760: Added GPU THERMAL control interface
ARM: Mali-T760: disabled min/max lock. TouchWiz use this, so we can use normal DVFS with this patch
drivers/cpufreq: fix Samsung typos
exynos7420_tmu: add configurable interface
config: increase kernel log size so it is not overwritten
DEBUG: capture beginning of the crash in last_kmsg
config: enable building of dtb
[v1.3b] - 4th October 2015
create basic flashable zip for custom recovery
Update N920T to N920TUVU2COI5
Synapse: SCREEN: remove mDNIe colour controls
init.rc: ensure IO schedulers are not overridden
remove video: exynos: Decon: Add mDNIe colour control (causing display colour issues. Maybe take a look another time)
[v1.2b] - 3rd October 2015
Update N920C to N920CXXU1AOI1
Synapse: LED: add LED fade-in/out controls
Synapse: SCREEN: add mDNIe colour controls (AndreiLux)
Synapse: HMP: add HMP LITTLE Packing control (Power savings at a slight cost to performance)
Synapse: HMP: add Exynos Core Control Interface (choose 1 > 8 cores online)
init.rc: set randomize_va_space to 0 (disabled) for improved GUI responsiveness
init.rc: fix Samsung syntax error: setprop sys.sysctl.compact_memory 0
disable some unnecessary security stuffs (arter97)
default.prop: (trying to fix errors and panic)
remove FHA for now whilst testing for reboot
various security additions/removal testing for reboot​
Source: merge in SM-N920C_SEA_LL N920CXXU1AOI1
Trying to fix some some errors and panic
sysrq: Emergency Remount R/O in reverse order
Revert "security: SELinux: Avoid enabling enforcing by conventional flag
Revert "security: SELinux: revert Samsung hard enforcing
selinux: loose everything
config: more TIMA adjustments​
video: exynos: Decon: Add mDNIe colour control
video: exynos: Silence mDNIe control hook
cpufreq: Silence dm_hotplug debug
HMP: disable HMP LITTLE packing (default)
LED: add LED fade-in/out control
Dynamic CPU Hotplug: exynos-interface from Universal5410
dm_cpu_hotplug.c: fix compile error
[v1.1] - 30th August 2015
Synapse: INFO: added asv_summary
Synapse: GPU: added GPU freq scaling MIN/MAX controls
init.rc: added some boot defaults (ensure stock CPU & GPU freqs)
A57: allow max 2400 MHz & min 500 MHz
A53: allow min to 200 MHz
cpufreq: Add kt files and build it
cpufreq: Set global var screen_is_on when screen goes on and off
gpu: Add code to allow user to control min and max GPU Mhz - @ktoonsez
[v1.0] Initial Release - 29th August 2015
A lot of credit (as always) goes to @AndreiLux for various source commits, Synapse app and UCI support and more !
Variant support for:
FOR BUG REPORTING: Stock UNMODIFIED TouchWiz (TW) 5.1.1 ROM (this means no Xposed or tweaks etc)
Custom recovery i.e.. TWRP
Uninstall any CPU control apps, tweaks and init.d scripts etc.
Recommend: Disable or remove KNOX (you can disable with Synapse once kernel is flashed)
Install Synapse app from Google Play and rate it ☆☆☆☆☆ !!
Device Settings:
Enable Developer Options > OEM UNLOCK
If flashing from any custom kernel with Synapse app > Device settings > Applications > Synapse > Force Stop > clear data​
If not installed > Install SuperSU from Google Play:
Boot into custom recovery and flash SkyHigh_kernel____.zip FOR YOUR DEVICE and reboot
After boot:
a) wait at least 120 secs to stabilize
b) Open Synapse
c) Tap "Understood"
d) DO this step so some defaults are set !!
1. tap the square menu button top right hand corner
2. tap the three dots button
3. "select all globally"
4. tap the back button next to it
5. apply​
SM-G920F [ v2.9 ] READ THIS >>>>> FIRST [ v3.0 ] RELEASE IS TOMORROW
Help and FAQ
I MIGHT NOT HAVE YOUR DEVICE variant and or able to reproduce your "issue". With this in mind, without providing as much information as possible, and resetting your device to a stable unmodified baseline, any potential troubleshooting or logs could be meaningless. So please follow the guidelines set out below. Thanks
2. ROM and firmware version (build number, boot-loader etc) ?
3. EXACT steps taken to reproduce YOUR issue
4. Screen-shots (if applicable)
5. Did you read Posts #1-3 completely?
6. Did you search the thread, XDA or GOOGLE?
7. Did you follow the install instructions EXACTLY?
8. What was your previous kernel?
9. Do you have any other known kernel tweaking apps, scripts or mods? ([B]remove them[/B]). [COLOR="Red"]This includes Xposed etc[/COLOR]
10. Try older kernel (if available)
11. Factory reset ?
12. Try latest stock [B]UNMODIFIED[/B] firmware (without custom ROM - if you have installed) and factory reset
13. Delete your ROM BusyBox (kernel uses it's own in /sbin)
Turn on logging in Synapse and save logs AT TIME OF ERROR. AND post together with ALL the above information.
THANK YOU :good:
I will not build for any device that I can not compile using SAME source, personally test method or debug. Some device variants can compile with same source.
If you have any of the following, please post your LATEST stock boot.img along with the firmware version you extracted it from.
Download the full firmware package from either sammobile.com or samsung updates.com (1.5+ GB )
It's a ROM busybox compatibility issue
Three choices:
Device > settings > applications > Synapse > force close & wipe data and REBOOT
Remove your ROM busybox from /system xbin and /system/bin (Synapse will use the kernel busybox in /sbin).
Force stop Synapse and delete app data (device settings > applications)
Re-flash kernel as per Installation Instructions
Try install a different busybox
Force stop Synapse and delete app data (device settings > applications)
Re-flash kernel as per Installation Instructions
Ensure you flashed the correct kernel for your device model
Ensure your download is not corrupted. Check MD5 hash or re-download
Your current base firmware (ROM, boot-loader version etc.) may be incompatible - UPDATE to latest with Odin and try again.
Read Post #12
"Unauthorized actions have been detected, reboot to undo changes"
As it's a common warning found with all KNOX enabled android devices, you would have found the answer by Google search and also that it is actually unrelated to kernel and also unrelated to this kernel development..............
It is caused by the process of rooting/modifying your device. Unless you use KNOX, don't worry.
[Q] How to disable
[A] Freeze or delete your KNOX & Security related apps/processes manually (using root explorer or titanium backup (pro) or use Synapse > Security > disable KNOX
No, many features and options won't be available. Remove all other control apps to avoid conflicts !
Synapse is the recommended and has everything you need
Try enable some of the CPU MULTICORE features in Synapse (slight performance cost):
Power Aware Scheduling
PEWQ (power-efficient workqueue)
Increase the HMP Up threshold a little
Don't UV or UC CPU or GPU
Use SkyHigh defaults
Use a stock UNMODIFIED ROM for your device variant
No tweaks, Xposed or other CPU control apps installed
Although I do appreciate your contribution here, if you could please do not include my kernel in any ROM package etc. This policy goes for anyone.
Having my kernel distributed outside my development thread just removes a lot of credit and more importantly, constructive user feedback that could be helpful to my development or user issue.
I want to keep this project all in one place - ☆☆ NO MIRRORS ☆☆
Please try again in a few minutes
Disable any CPU MULTICORE options in Synapse
Allow the device to cool. Repetitive testing will heat the device hardware and invoke thermal throttling and lead to decreased benchmark.
HIGH CPU/GPU OC >> excessive heat >> thermal throttling >> reduced clock frequency >> DECREASE PERFORMANCE
DO NOT restore profiles from different kernel version
If the backup isn't visible, reboot device and ensure for have "synapse boot completed" message. Otherwise synapse won't read the file.
* [Christopher83]
This feature allows to have two different intervals for dirty page
writebacks and to dynamically manage them when the system has been
resumed (it's active) or when has been suspended.
Three new procfs parameters are exposed inside /proc/sys/vm path:
- dynamic_dirty_writeback is the activation status of this feature,
set 1 to enable it, set 0 to disable it and use the standard behaviour
- dirty_writeback_active_centisecs is the interval for the dirty page
writebacks when the system is active (screen on)
- dirty_writeback_suspend_centisecs is the interval for the dirty page
writebacks when the system is suspended (screen off)
This feature is in part inspired on Francisco Franco's patch:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
* Thanks to zeppelinrox & V6SuperCharger
Hardening the TCP/IP stack to SYN attack
Bump up tw_buckets in case we get DoS'd
Ignore pings
Don't cache connection metrics from previous connection
Don't pass traffic between networks or act as a router
Enable spoofing protection (turn on reverse packet filtering)
Don't accept source routing
Don't accept redirects
- Further reading:
* Thanks to @AtLmd Post
Lock screen MUST be enabled (simple screen lock swipe) I don't know why but it breaks the chromecast app's ability to resume smoothly if switched off
Synapse > Network > DTIM (both screen ON & OFF) = 1
Synapse > Network > WIFI Power Mode (screen OFF) = FAST
UpInTheAir said:
There is no link yet. You didn't bother to read the link right next to it ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Placeholder threads aren't allowed on XDA. Please let me know when you have a link to post for download. Until then, thread closed.
Thread Closed
Forum Moderator

