(Q) Vm Heap Size ? - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

Hi Guys i want ask about vm heap size for my galaxy w Default vm heap size 64 in my rom i changed 48 m < who is can give me Best heap size for galaxy w?

gwonder said:
Hi Guys i want ask about vm heap size for my galaxy w Default vm heap size 64 in my rom i changed 48 m < who is can give me Best heap size for galaxy w?
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commonly for GB roms 64m, for ICS and JB 128m
but i've also tried running JB at 64m and works just fine

mmm, get be focused
VM have 3 value that may change the performace
my setting is

hepi_hape said:
mmm, get be focused
VM have 3 value that may change the performace
my setting is
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dalvik.vm.heapstartsize size when first launch
dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit limit of standard app
dalvik.vm.heapsize heap for large app
commonly for ics/jb with 512mb ram is 5,48,128
increasing heapsize can improve performance because app can used more memory to unpacking resources.
reducing heapsize may improve multitasking experience. however, in some cases, large applications such as gaming, the performance can be more severe. while app nowadays is using larger resources (hd images,audio etc), which would force it to run garbage collection frequently, which would use up CPU cycles and reducing battery life as well.


VM Heap Size 24m vs 32m

what does the vm heapsize effect and also which one is better setting to set it at?
I guess no one can answer a question? This is the Q&A section correct.
Bump! I would also like to know the best setting.
I'm curious myself
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mjohnson4580 said:
I guess no one can answer a question? This is the Q&A section correct.
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did you ever get an answer or find out ?
40 I believe is the best setting
Deck's + SZ + SuperCharger script + ViperMod script.
VM heap size affects, in short, how much room your larger apps have to breathe. If you set it at 32, an app will not be allowed to use more than 32mb. Setting it too low will result in force closes because apps don't have enough room to run. Setting it too high can result in memory management issues because you have too many apps using too much memory.
VM heap size is usually increased. It'll help apps like your launcher run more smoothly. What size is best for you depends on your phone, what rom you're running, etc. Just experiment and find what you like best by moving up a little at the time. 40-48 is usually a good number. I've used as high as 64 before without problems, but 64 probably wouldn't be good for a Sense 3.0 rom.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

VM Heap Size

How will lowering the VM Heap Size from 256m to say 128M effect my phone? Will it give me more RAM to allocate to apps I use or will it not give Android OS enough RAM to run efficiently?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
KurioHonoo said:
How will lowering the VM Heap Size from 256m to say 128M effect my phone? Will it give me more RAM to allocate to apps I use or will it not give Android OS enough RAM to run efficiently?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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You could just have searched a bit..
Check this out. Google has a lot more results, tag: "android vm heap"

[Q][Disqus] "Dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=???" - What are the best for performence

As the title state. And please get it together & keep it clean, as this is kinda important to all.
Any help & explaination would be much apprecited.
I used to mess wit this on the X10, and did find better values. But for the Xperia Play, at least on CM10, any extra or changed flags either causes worse performance or FC's.
The defaults I use are:
Which means "Map registration = yes" (this should always be on) and everything else at default (what the ROM wants to do).
90% of what you need to know (and what is safe to experiment with) can be found in the DalvikVM documentation. Give it a good read.
Re: [Q][Disqus] "Dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=???" - What are the best for performence
Thanks. But i was wondering if mybe we can "force" the system/rom to optimize the dalvik.vm each time we use it.
dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=o=y,m=y(optimize=yes, register map=yes)
dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=o=v,m=y(optimize=verify,register map=yes)
Will it make any diff?? I know it'll use more ram than usual, but will it increase performence??
o=v (-Xdexopt:verified) is the default, as is v=a (-Xverify:all). This means that only opts that are verified will be optimized (cached to dex files). Unverified code will not be optimized.
Disabling verification will make dalvik-generation faster, but it is less safe and also 0% faster once the dalvik-cache is generated. Apparently it has the possibility of decreasing RAM usage at the expense of higher IO or CPU cycles (which wouldn't be bad, since RAM is the main limiting hardware on Xperia 2011 devices) but I never noticed any difference.
The only real change you can make there is o=a, which means that it will optimize *all* dalvik opts - even those that fail verification. In the case of custom ROM's, this usually results in constant FC's and even reboots - and can even make the system slower because some classes are intentionally made to fail verification when, in the development process that they were found to have overhead in dalvik-cache reading making the unverified cache slower than just reading reading the dalvik (compiled Java code) directly. This is usually the case with simple Java methods that are heavily dynamic and rarely used (e.g. on a service startup).
Another option can be v=n o=a which means to verify nothing and optimize everything (potentially the fastest but also unsafest).
With all this said, I have not tried messing with these things since Gingerbread. All I can say is, experiment with these flags. Measure the size of dalvik-cache, the time it takes to generate, and the time it takes to load a large dalvik app (look for an app/game that has a very large DEX file in dalvik-cache, measure different parts of the app/game loading sections since some parts might be native instead of dalvik/java).
Re: [Q][Disqus] "Dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=???" - What are the best for performence
How exactly do i do that test??
Fyi, i already tried the v=n,o=a sett. It kinda denied su perm or mybe unroot my device. Coz i cant get any root app running & i hav to revert it back via flashable .zip. But like u said, its un-safe to use.
In-conclusion, "it can increase our perf & decrease it at the same time.". Erm...
Oh yeah, is it posible if i were to flag it like this??
dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=m=o=y(map registration=Xdexopt=yes)
Just curious.
sdojoin said:
How exactly do i do that test??
Fyi, i already tried the v=n,o=a sett. It kinda denied su perm or mybe unroot my device. Coz i cant get any root app running & i hav to revert it back via flashable .zip. But like u said, its un-safe to use.
In-conclusion, "it can increase our perf & decrease it at the same time.". Erm...
Oh yeah, is it posible if i were to flag it like this??
dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=m=o=y(map registration=Xdexopt=yes)
Just curious.
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Nah, that makes no sense.
Read through this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1622433
CosmicDan said:
Nah, that makes no sense.
Read through this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1622433
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Already read that actually.. I've already search & read through the web bout this still cant find any straight answer bout this. But then again there aren't any straight answer bout this, is there??
Another thing i would like to ask is bout vm.heapsize. Correct me if i'm wrong, the default value for all device is 32m, right?? And all my search state that 48m is the best value for both batt drain & perf. What do u think of that?? I really believe Play can do more & perform better in any case of situation. Dont matter either on stock or custom. Just need the right tweakin'.:fingers-crossed:
Well that first link I posted explains pretty much everything about the dalvik flags, and that thread I posted last is a good experiment for learning purposes. If it doesn't make sense I guess you need to know more about the Android technicals. But really, I think you can't wrap your head around it for one simple reason - there is no magical dalvik setting that will make the device faster. There is no "hidden setting" or "something Sony/FXP forgot to try" - the dalvik settings are fine, and while changing them may slightly increase performance in *some* cases, it will almost always reduce reliable and performance in other cases.
About dalvik heapsize:
The dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit property limits how large an Android application’s heap can get before garbage collection has to be attempted. The dalvik.vm.heapsize property defines an absolute maximum for the heap size for an application even when the largeHeap flag is set in the manifest. Google’s motivation behind doing this was clearly to limit the heap size to a reasonable amount for most applications, but also give some flexibility to app developers who know they’re going to need the largest heap size possible to run their application.
Should you change this setting? Probably not. The ICS default for a phone with (at least) 1024MB of RAM is 64m. You can check your specific phone’s value as the hardware vendor can override this themselves when they build the ROM. But don’t let the disparity between 1024 and 64 bother you; most mobile apps should not have any problems with 64MB of heap size unless the developers are naughty. When this limit is reached, a garbage collection routine will remove obsolete objects from memory reducing the heap size down considerably in most cases. It is extremely unlikely raising this value to reduce GC routines will have any perceptible effect. If anything, it could cause other apps or the general system to suffer from too many stale objects sulking around in memory. Garbage collection will inevitably occur either way, and when it does, the size of the heap will likely have a direct impact on the cost of the routine.
The point is, it is impossible for a user to optimize for every application using this system-wide setting. This responsibility falls on application developers to optimize their applications, not users. The largeHeap flag was created to allow developers to do just that. If you do feel compelled to experiment with this setting regardless, be mindful that an application could have up to two heaps at once. Thus, the heap growth limit value should always be, at most, a little less than half of the maximum allowable heap size.
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In summary - heapsize = memory an app can consume before Android starts cleaning/pruning the app's memory for data that isn't in use. Lowering it to e.g. 40m can increase performance a bit but some games fail to load (because the OS starts GC when the app has not finished using the heap it requires; and also because so many game developers out there are lazy and don't do threaded asset loading properly)
Re: [Q][Disqus] "Dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=???" - What are the best for performence
Hmm... Quite a mouthfull. Imma try & digest it slowly just so i could grasp everything properly.
A side Q, the 40m example u gav, does that really help?? I'm on GB btw. Only went to ics or jb when i got free time to test.
Do u recommend that example to be use or do u hav any other recommendation that would probably help me & other that read this thread??
Re: [Q][Disqus] "Dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=???" - What are the best for performence
Experiment and see as long as you make backups, nothing can possiblii go wrong.
Sent from Xperia Play (R800a) with Tapatalk
Re: [Q][Disqus] "Dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=???" - What are the best for performence
Right on. Thanks for ur time & for sharing ur experience & everything.
No problem. Let me know if you find anything interesting. But you are on GB and I'm on JB, still I don't have much time to mess with this stuff - especially now that my linux machine is back in action
Re: [Q][Disqus] "Dalvik.vm.dexopt-flag=???" - What are the best for performence
Woo.. Guess we can expect smething new from ya?? And i think i found smthing thats kinda weird or mybe interesting. After i disable the bytecode verifier, any heapsize that i put on build.prop dosent stick. And when i run this code on terminal,
getprop dalvik.vm.heapsize
It always came up with the same value. So i decided to use that value instead. I dont know if its the best value or not. But it does shows slight improvement. I havent try any games yet. Hopefully it perform a bit better than be4.
These have seemed to improve performance (mainly boot time and app loading) on Gingerbread. They are set in new Turbo UI Classic ROM, give them a try.
# was m=y
TBH, I really don't know a lot about how the dalvik flags tie together. But this seems to work well and stable.
CosmicDan said:
Well that first link I posted explains pretty much everything about the dalvik flags, and that thread I posted last is a good experiment for learning purposes. If it doesn't make sense I guess you need to know more about the Android technicals. But really, I think you can't wrap your head around it for one simple reason - there is no magical dalvik setting that will make the device faster. There is no "hidden setting" or "something Sony/FXP forgot to try" - the dalvik settings are fine, and while changing them may slightly increase performance in *some* cases, it will almost always reduce reliable and performance in other cases.
About dalvik heapsize:
In summary - heapsize = memory an app can consume before Android starts cleaning/pruning the app's memory for data that isn't in use. Lowering it to e.g. 40m can increase performance a bit but some games fail to load (because the OS starts GC when the app has not finished using the heap it requires; and also because so many game developers out there are lazy and don't do threaded asset loading properly)
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Ther is one thing i don't understand: the default values of the Nexus 7 are:
Especially the heapsize seems to be very high.
The defauklt settings of my Galaxy Note with CM10.1 are:
So they are much lower values. Bothe devices have 1Gb of Ram.
Some people say higher=better, some say lower=better and I'm really confused now.
What are the "perfect" values for the Galaxy note (1GB Ram) or Note 2 (2GB Ram) ?
I hope somone can explain me these things :fingers-crossed:
xxLeoxx93 said:
Ther is one thing i don't understand: the default values of the Nexus 7 are:
Especially the heapsize seems to be very high.
The defauklt settings of my Galaxy Note with CM10.1 are:
So they are much lower values. Bothe devices have 1Gb of Ram.
Some people say higher=better, some say lower=better and I'm really confused now.
What are the "perfect" values for the Galaxy note (1GB Ram) or Note 2 (2GB Ram) ?
I hope somone can explain me these things :fingers-crossed:
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There never exist "perfect values for dalvik".
It is how you want to allocate memory.
1. VM Heap Size is max Memory per one ram heal that can be given to an app.
2. Heapstartsize is the minimum size for a dalvik ram heap.
3. HeapGrowthLimit is a value for "normal" VM heaps, I reccomend setting VM heap size large and then HeapGrowthLimit at a good value.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
CosmicDan said:
These have seemed to improve performance (mainly boot time and app loading) on Gingerbread. They are set in new Turbo UI Classic ROM, give them a try.
# was m=y
TBH, I really don't know a lot about how the dalvik flags tie together. But this seems to work well and stable.
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Already tried n went back to m=y. It kinda hung up on some app that make'em fc. A diff sequence mybe??
sewer56lol said:
There never exist "perfect values for dalvik".
It is how you want to allocate memory.
1. VM Heap Size is max Memory per one ram heal that can be given to an app.
2. Heapstartsize is the minimum size for a dalvik ram heap.
3. HeapGrowthLimit is a value for "normal" VM heaps, I reccomend setting VM heap size large and then HeapGrowthLimit at a good value.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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No it's not. All the heapsize parameters are to do with GC, they have nothing to do with "how much memory" dalvik tasks will use but determine barriers/zones for garbage collection.
Besides, if you read the therad you'd see that this has nothing to do with what we're talking about. We're talking on *flags*, heap parameters should NEVER be changed and will only make device unreliable.
EDIT: Read documentation before repeating what others say on the internet - http://show.docjava.com/posterous/file/2012/12/10222640-The_Dalvik_Virtual_Machine.pdf
sdojoin said:
Already tried n went back to m=y. It kinda hung up on some app that make'em fc. A diff sequence mybe??
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Hmm fair enough. Well I've only ever seen m=y on any ROM, stock or custom or otherwise (as long as it hasn't been screwed up by some idiot chef). So maybe it's just a case as most so-called tweaks - what it comes with is what it's designed to work with.
Perhaps with the Qualcomm-accelerated Dalvik blobs (I posted it a while back, check my threads) there will be different results.
sdojoin said:
Already tried n went back to m=y. It kinda hung up on some app that make'em fc. A diff sequence mybe??
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have you delete dalvikcache and reboot on every change?
mpjoe2000 said:
have you delete dalvikcache and reboot on every change?
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Same.. Thats y its weird.
@CosmicDan - can u giv the thread link?? Thx

[q] total ram available and vm heap size

I have some questions
First, whats wrong with the total memory in my device?
Xperia arc S
X-Gamer v2
Doomkernel v22
Baseband 64
The system memory manager shows only ~320 MB of total RAM. Yes, I know that some is shared with the GPU and some goes for the VM HS. But, why is in some other ROMs shows more than that? Even in JB/CM10 is around 380 MB!!
Do they have no VM? Or why is showing that amount?
Or is just kernel/ROM related the amount of RAM? Changing it will give me more RAM available? (Very usefull in games actually).
And, changing the VM Heap size in build.prop affects something? I've read that the default for the arc is 32MB, but i've changed it at 48MB.
Should i leave it at that? Or increase/decrease at some other value?
Thanks and sorry about my english
17th_angel said:
I have some questions
First, whats wrong with the total memory in my device?
Xperia arc S
X-Gamer v2
Doomkernel v22
Baseband 64
The system memory manager shows only ~320 MB of total RAM. Yes, I know that some is shared with the GPU and some goes for the VM HS. But, why is in some other ROMs shows more than that? Even in JB/CM10 is around 380 MB!!
Do they have no VM? Or why is showing that amount?
Or is just kernel/ROM related the amount of RAM? Changing it will give me more RAM available? (Very usefull in games actually).
And, changing the VM Heap size in build.prop affects something? I've read that the default for the arc is 32MB, but i've changed it at 48MB.
Should i leave it at that? Or increase/decrease at some other value?
Thanks and sorry about my english
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Only the RAM available to the user is shown. The part, which Android itself uses, is not shown.
Someguyfromhell said:
Only the RAM available to the user is shown. The part, which Android itself uses, is not shown.
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Yeah, but, why it changes so much?
Like i said, in JB/CM10 they have around 380 MB (cos extra 20 MB are free from the 720p camera).
Its kernel dependant, VM values, or why cant i get something more close to it?
Yeah that's something I noticed too.
Although ICS / JB / CM reserve more RAM for the system, total free RAM for apps is at about 200MB on both GB and JB, because GB somehow sucks 60MB more into nirvana.

Virtual memory increasing?

Is there any way to increase amount of a W10M (i have L950DS) virtual memory from 256MB to any higher volume?
512 work for me I'm not test any high value.
subaru said:
512 work for my I'm not test any high value.
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I have tweak my VM but now VM value is 0
Must to Hard Reset phone...
Do not accept changes now 256 or 512...

