I am not any good at using Photo Shop or GIMP. I am trying to get 3 files changed from green to blue. I am not a themer. I just ported a theme to SkyRaider 3.1 RC3 but there are three files that were not blue in the theme that I ported. If someone could take the file below and make the three green .png files blue I would greatly appreciate it.
File that I need blue ---> http://www.mediafire.com/?k5tt5hcunyj3ptf
File that contains what color of blue that I would like ---> http://www.mediafire.com/?49j0mjhc4nm6bme
Just a small little tutorial with regard to changing the color of the text for the AOKP dropdown weather status lines.
- First copy your system-ui into whatever apk tool you like and decompile. For the purposes of this I will use the apk multi-tool. Once done, go to the res/layout/weather panel xml and add
Of course you can use any color hex code I use blue,,,well cause I like it LOL
- After the "android text size" code in line relating to the text such as the city id,,,temp hi and low id and others. Make sure you leave a space between android text size and the newly added color code.
- Once that is done save and back out.
- Recompile the system ui making sure to delete out the resources.arc and any changes you made such as the res/layout folder in the keep file made if you're using apk multi-tool.
- Once that is done, place the new system-ui in a flashable zip (in the system/app folder of that zip of course) and flash away. Enjoy and let me know if you have any problems.
If you liked or use hit the thanks button,,,PM me if you need help,,,PLEASE make a back up before you do anything with the system ui just in case you screw it up and need to go back!
Can u plz share ur systemui....
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Sent From MY ¥ Dûø$ Üs!nG ËvÕ X RoM V¡Å XpArEnT TaPtAlK 2
MIUI v5 inspired Dark Custom theme
Theme is compatible ONLY with EMUI 4.0 and was tested with P8 Lite running B564 and B574 firmware
- MIUI inspired theme (not intended to be 1 to 1 reproduction of MIUI interface)
- Dark UI for messaging
- Slightly Dark UI for contacts
- Some framework/icon changes
- Music Player lockscreen controls themed
- Changes to default EMUI widgets (90% transparency as default) - the widgets no longer mirror MIUI widgets
- Total of 2932 MIUI icons
Credits for assets being used:
- EMIUI by maximax2795 ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/ascend-p7/themes-apps/theme-emui-3-1-emiui-beta-t3233164 )
- ForR by For Team
- MIUIv5 by Alexander Moiseenko
- Miui V5 Darkness by Jasonevil (CM10.1 theme)
- New default wallpaper found by Vsx06 ( old/default MIUIv5 wallpaper can be downloaded from here : http://miuiandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/wallpaper_006.jpg )
- Default Font (Thanks to Benj Esguerra) ( https://plus.google.com/112627753943691303063/posts/LJ2mong7MuX )
WARNING! Please read the below HOW-TO before applying!
Due to the size of the MIUI v5 dark custom theme (and limit on XDA for attachements) you need to download two ZIP files - extract them BOTH into the same directory (you will end up with two new files with extensions 001 and 002). Use 7-zip packer ( www.7-zip.org ) to extract the archive starting with 001. Finally you will get directory with HWT file.
If you want to have the new theme without the new font (or to keep the font you have set so far):
1. Download theme.
2. Extract theme (hint above).
3. Copy to the HWThemes folder on your mobile.
4. Apply theme.
If you want to have the theme with the new font (new font is the one you can see on the screenshots) please do the following: (WARNING! THIS WILL OVERWRITE THE SYSTEM FONT IN EMUI4.0!):
1. Download MIUIDark_CUSTOM_FONT.zip
2. Extract zip file.
3. Copy extracted theme file into HWThemes folder on your mobile.
4. Apply MIUIDark Custom FONT theme.
5. Do the same steps as above for the theme and apply the theme.
If you want to restore the default EMUI 4.0:
1. Download RestoreDEFAULT_Emui40FONT.zip
2. Extract zip file.
3. Copy extracted theme file into HWThemes folder on your mobile.
4. Apply RestoreDEFAULT Emui40FONT theme.
(you may need to reapply my theme if you want to have it again)
Download links for the theme:
See attachments section of this thread.
Download link for the new font - MIUIDark CUSTOM FONT (Droid Sans):
MIUIDark_CUSTOM_FONT.zip (6.10 MB) http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3807078&stc=1&d=1467994251
Download with the default font which can be restored:
RestoreDEFAULT_Emui40FONT.zip (4.96 MB) http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3807079&stc=1&d=1467994251
P.S. If you like this theme - rate the thread with 5 stars
P.S.2. I have sold my P8 Lite. Project is now abandoned and no future updates should be expected.
dude, I like the dark theme... but can I make a request?
can you re-make the theme, so it would also change the system settings background?
plain white with black text just isn't my thing...
I know that some themes can change that (full UI theming), I had a theme like that some time ago, but I can't find it anymore...
so that's why I'm asking you
thanks in advance
konopla4 said:
dude, I like the dark theme... but can I make a request?
can you re-make the theme, so it would also change the system settings background?
plain white with black text just isn't my thing...
I know that some themes can change that (full UI theming), I had a theme like that some time ago, but I can't find it anymore...
so that's why I'm asking you
thanks in advance
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I also would like to change the settings part at some point, so the update is possible.
Since there is no reasonable documentation available on the Huawei themes and the xml files are partialy in Chinesse (which I totally don't understand) it however may take a while. Unless I find any other theme with fully themed settings so I can review the XML file and assets used just to update the assets and XML files with the dark MIUI theme. In other words - depending on my free time I'll try to update it, however having ANY theme (compatible with EMUI 4.0) with that part themed would make this way quicker
wolfensg said:
I also would like to change the settings part at some point, so the update is possible.
Since there is no reasonable documentation available on the Huawei themes and the xml files are partialy in Chinesse (which I totally don't understand) it however may take a while. Unless I find any other theme with fully themed settings so I can review the XML file and assets used just to update the assets and XML files with the dark MIUI theme. In other words - depending on my free time I'll try to update it, however having ANY theme (compatible with EMUI 4.0) with that part themed would make this way quicker
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maybe I can find a full theme for you to re-make, so you'd only have to do a copy - paste?
konopla4 said:
maybe I can find a full theme for you to re-make, so you'd only have to do a copy - paste?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's not as easy as to just "copy/paste" stuff Assets need to be properly scaled, therefore in some cases the 9patch needs to be applied - and since I do not have any HWT previewer on PC I need to compile the HWT file - send it to mobile, apply theme, check how does it look like, get back to PC... etc... the same with updating XML file - since the naming used by Huawei is somewhat weird I keep updating one parameter at a time and check the results.
Anyway - having something built anyhow would help a lot as the amount of "change-compile_package-apply_on_phone" would be minimised
Example 1 (bit of XML config for Contacts):
<!-- 新建联系人actionbar标题字体颜色-->
<color name="contact_eidtor_title_color">#ffffffff</color>
<!-- section title 字体颜色 -->
-- Yes, the parameter name is "eidtor" not "editor"
Example 2 (asset image files):
Asset file name: res\drawable-xxhdpi\daier_call_btn_normal.9.png
-- Yes... the filename says "daier" not "dialer"
Anyway... guessing the correct file naming or parameter naming especialy for something missing in the configuration XML or in the asset image directories is sometimes tricky as you can see and may be a bit of challenge (that is why having a sample is a good help - because I can then copy and paste and know that the parameter name is "contact_eidtor_title_color" and not to experiment and wonder why the "editor" does not work
New update.
Hi! I really like your dark theme and i got a little request: can you please make a dark text when typing a SMS? Right now it's a light-gray color on white background and as result it's really hard to see something. Thanks!
V-Rico said:
Hi! I really like your dark theme and i got a little request: can you please make a dark text when typing a SMS? Right now it's a light-gray color on white background and as result it's really hard to see something. Thanks!
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I've changed the compose box to dark. First I've tried to change the color text but the color tag seems to be shared with another part of the UI...
No wonder there are lots of weird themes in the net... the Huawei tags do not make any sense...
Updated version 11 attached.
wolfensg said:
I've changed the compose box to dark. First I've tried to change the color text but the color tag seems to be shared with another part of the UI...
No wonder there are lots of weird themes in the net... the Huawei tags do not make any sense...
Updated version 11 attached.
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Click to collapse
It looks cool now, thanks!
New update for MIUI light and dark to revision 13. All other themes removed from thread.
New update - v14.
New update to the themes.
Please make a version of theme that doesnt override font, thanks
V-Rico said:
Please make a version of theme that doesnt override font, thanks
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Version without the font attached.
Small update to MIUI Custom (both with font and without font).
Changes include icons in settings tab, backgrounds for various UI elements, few additional icon/asset fixes.
Great work mate.. Thanks
Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk
Attached you'll find two screenshot explaining why it ain't as easy to create a Huawei theme... and to be more precise - the dark theme with white text.
Yes... I have changed everywhere text color to white ( FFFFFF ) and here is the result...
Sometimes there is just missing tag in XML - once I add it (I need to guess the name) and set it to FFFFFF it MAY change the color to white as well. Unfortunately 1) It may also change some other UI element 2) The tag may have "by design" mispelled name like "eidtor" instead of "editor" or "daier" instead of "dialer" ... this is also something I need to either guess or get from another theme by analysing its XML files...
So... if anyone of you guys - have the documentation made by Huawei (or anybody else) about theming EMUI 4.0 - please let me know Trying to guess everything is time consuming and sometimes also impossible (I cannot guess what type of mistake they did in the tag name or asset file name
Anyway - enjoy the themes if you like them
New version of MIUI v5 dark custom theme: rev. 21
1. Updated GPS icon (now matches the rest)
2. Updated graphic assets for messaging (previously white on white while searching for contacts)
Older versions of MIUI based themes were removed.
Update 22: Added lockscreen music controls theme.
Hi, I am new on XDA and I would like to introduce myself with a theme I worked on specifically for people like me who like the stock white theming in EMUI 4.0, but it has some enhancements:
1: New fonts
2: Polycon icon pack
3: Notification panel is way more transparent and light than the stock one (try it you guys would love it).
How to apply:
1: download the zip file
2: rename the hope.zip to hope.hwt
3: copy it to internal storage > HWthemes folder.
4: apply via themes app.
Complete the link by adding h t t p s : / /
And comment down how do you like the theme
It's nice. But please just rename the Download to .hwt
screen shot or previews of rom would be nice
mokariem said:
screen shot or previews of rom would be nice
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Click to collapse
Thanks for the suggestion!
here is one of my favourite themes: :good:
The original "vivid" theme. You will find the link for it there ->
Than the original theme was modified with ->
See the attached pictures!
This should be only a suggestion to do! No download for this modified theme available! You have to create it by yourself if you like it. All needed icons are inside the theme editor!
info: vivid theme = all backgrounds for apps are white - dailer; sms; contacts etc. - only the desktop and look-screen are dark!
After modding it, you have to install this modified theme and than to reboot your device to see all modifications!
Can't open link to theme thread
Skickat med Honor 7
have checked this link. No trouble to open!