[Q] toolkit 4.1.0 problm - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note II

So I decided to root my note...so I went with the toolkit but I have a problem. It will not get past DOWNLOAD SERVER LOCATED.. nothing happens after that. Anybody have any ideas?

I have a similar problem with mine, it downloads and whenever it's done it seems to be on the same version instead of the new update
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app

You guys should post this in the toolkit thread it may get you a better response. Also you could hsve a bsd download! !!!
Sent from my SPH-L900 using JellyBombed Tapatalk 2


Samsung keyboard stopped workinf since new update.

I have the att pebble blue gs3 and since the new update my Samsung keyboard has stop functioning correctly. I know some people do not like the stock keyboard, but I do. It actually works as far as typing but the auto correction doesn't actually correct anything anymore. It will just ask me if i want to add the mispelled word to my dictionary every time. Is there something I need to change or reset? I've already deleted the cache and wiped the data for the keyboard. Any input would be greatly appreciated. If this has already been posted I apologize in andvance as I didn't see it.
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You could use Odin to reflash stock ucalem then re update. Will just lose all data.
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Is there any other way? Has yours been working fine since the update?
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Naldonnis said:
Is there any other way? Has yours been working fine since the update?
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Reinstall the update if possible
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I can't just reinstall the update. I've wiped my phone twice and every time it boots back up it already has the update on the phone. I thought if you wiped the phone it was supposed to wipe the update as well. Why is mine not doing that?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Same problem here. Had to move over to SwiftKey. Same phone same carrier.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Use Swype beta
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Well it's not about using another keyboard. I like the Samsung keyboard and it worked great for me. I just would like to know a way to fix it.
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I have seen this issue as well.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
I haven't heard anything about a fix yet. About to call att and ask them if they can swap the phones out.
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Let me know of that solves the problem. I hope it is just a software bug they are working out...
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Well they are sending mr a new device. I'm going to receive it in sometime next week. Will post when I get it. Just a side note that my friend has the same phone on the same network and he is experiencing no problems. Had to fight with att because they wanted me to send it back to Samsung to reflash it. That wasn't going to happen.
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Well I have the new gs3 and still the same problems. Guess I'll have to wait until jellybean for anything to be fixed.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Mine does the same thing since the update. Hmm.... I thought it was just me. I'll have to go over to swype for now I guess.
Yeah I had to get a good keyboard off the market. Been really good and it doesn't bother me. Just bugs me that my beast phone has something on it that's not working correctly.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Was just reading a review from androidpolice.com that the note 2 had the same problem with the keyboard not correcting anything when you type. I think Samsung officially broke their keyboard.
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50gig Dropbox space?

Are we entitled to the 50gig space with the purchase of this phone through AT&T?
If so how do we get it. I installed Dropbox on it already.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Here's a method one guy used to make it happen. It might work for you too. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=33975229
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
I just signed in from the phone and I got an email saying I have it, for 2 yrs
cjsspape said:
Here's a method one guy used to make it happen. It might work for you too. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=33975229
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Just tried the method from the link above and it works
I tried it too but it didn't work. Maybe because it is still installed on my home PC.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Already a thread on this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1985602
This one closed & thank you

Driver issues.

Hi i upgraded to stock jellybean LL1 via ota i have an t999v and my computer does not detect my phone at all.. on my phone it said service pack 3 is required i did install that couldnt get it to work...
So finally i decided to install kies to get the drivers didnt work...
Once it workes could transfer file but after i disconnected couldnt get it to work at all?
Idk what to do anymore as id like to root and load cwm.
Also what method should i use to root and get cwm ?
Sent from my SGH-T999V using xda premium
Try pulling the battery out.
I would use cf auto root.
Idyar said:
Try pulling the battery out.
I would use cf auto root.
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Link to cf ?? And i doubt it i restarted countless times but doesnt detect it at all..
Sent from my SGH-T999V using xda premium
Anyone ? I dont remember where i saw the cf thread but it seems familiar ..
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shahkam said:
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Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Please don't spam threads with bumping, many of us are just doing our day jobs and will respond when we get home.
Here is the link you requested (if you had searched in the t-mobile forums it would have shown up)
I still suggest pulling the battery, even if you have rebooted multiple times. Mobile odin + cf autoroot = awesome.
Idyar said:
Please don't spam threads with bumping, many of us are just doing our day jobs and will respond when we get home.
Here is the link you requested (if you had searched in the t-mobile forums it would have shown up)
I still suggest pulling the battery, even if you have rebooted multiple times. Mobile odin + cf autoroot = awesome.
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Yeah sorry kinda was panicking as i hope to find a solution for this... thanks alot will try shortly and report back !
Sent from my SGH-T999V using xda premium
Thanks alot the root did work now all i have to do is to get cwm !
Sent from my SGH-T999V using xda app-developers app
Mods please close thread.
Sent from my SGH-T999V using xda premium

My mom took the update today :(

So Im on my way to my mom house because her note 2 is stuck in recovery. Apparently, said yes to the update. Anyone got an idea of what I will need to do to fix this.?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
appzattak said:
So Im on my way to my mom house because her note 2 is stuck in recovery. Apparently, said yes to the update. Anyone got an idea of what I will need to do to fix this.?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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The phone should not have taken the update if its rooted!!!! More info will help us get you fixed up!!!!
Sent from my SPH-L900 using JellyBombed Tapatalk 2
Im perfectly aware of that, unfortunately she does not listen to me and did it anyway
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
I rooted it using the toolkit. No custom rom installed, just twrp.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
appzattak said:
I rooted it using the toolkit. No custom rom installed, just twrp.
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that might be the problem there... stock rom that still recieves updates BUUUUUTTTT you have TWRP installed which is not set up to install updates.... if there is a back up restore to that... then use the toolkit to re-install the stock recovery ... then run the update... then re-install the TWRP recovery
Such a pain never root your parents phone or anyone who dont know anything about rooting. Not a smartr idea on both side's. Was thinking about doing the same for my mom but this woman just had her first smartphone 3 years ago.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Need stock firmware download.

Will someone post a link for stock firmware download for gs3 sph L710?
I unrooted to stock and my 4g isnt working now.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
It's in the dev section, freeza's thread
Search works really good.
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What is this 'search' thing that you speak of?
It's this new amazing thing called google, you can enter key words in and it returns a list of matching answers.
This forum also has a built in search box which searches for your keywords within this forum.
It's amazing, incredible. Advances in technology.
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Sounds like hocus pocus mumbo jumbo to me.
Thanks for the sarcasm. How u do think I ended up with bad firmware?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
evoshift617 said:
Thanks for the sarcasm. How u do think I ended up with bad firmware?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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What do you mean?
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That link u posted, thanks by the way, has a bunch of downloads. Which one should I use and do I flash with odin?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Use the md4 firmware/baseband AIO zip. Flash in recovery. It's the 5th link from the top.
I decided to use qbking77's method first b4 trying this and it brought me back to 4.0.4 and I've been updating and now I'm at 4.1.2 with the multi windows and my 4g still isn't working and I can't send pics thru text. Wtf!!!! Any clues? Thanks in advance for bearing with me. Should I flash that md4 now?
Sent from my HTCONE using xda app-developers app
It's worth a shot.
Nothing... I give up!!!!! Really don't know what else to do.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
I'm not sure either, I don't have lte yet, and I haven't encountered you mms problem. Sorry I couldn't help more.
Update profile and prl. The using the phone dialer enter the following sequence
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Edfunkycold aka GOD!!!! dude it freaking worked. I wanna thank the both of u very freaking much!!!!!
sent from my beastly HTC one using xda developers app.
evoshift617 said:
Edfunkycold aka GOD!!!! dude it freaking worked. I wanna thank the both of u very freaking much!!!!!
sent from my beastly HTC one using xda developers app.
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Glad you got it fixed, sorry didn't really know what your problem was, if not I would have given you the answer earlier
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Glad you got it working. I didn't even think about updating prl and profile

