Ever thought about changing your "hover" icon from the spen?? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note II

Well theres this thread created by a Verizon user just sharing so it can have more support. Imagine changing it to a reticle color like blackbops2 lol at least thats my request, and they are still taking them should be up and running soon according to the genius devs. Heres the link to check it out. Thought id share.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


A cool trick I stumbled upon.

While browsing in internet and different forums for our phones I stumbled across this video.
I looked through threads here and didn't find it:
I found it cool and useful so I decided to share it with you guys.
I didn't know where to post it so I put it in general section.
If I posted this in wrong section mod please move it to where this belongs.
Holy crap, I wish I had known about this a few months ago. Great find!
Lol awesome. Thank you
Send from my Galaxy S2 Epic Touch
Its been posted before... but I guess some didnt know
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Bear gri11z said:
Its been posted before... but I guess some didnt know
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
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+1 Even the OG Epic has it
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
This has been used since OG Galaxy S I used it all the time on my vibrant... I will give thanks for the users who didn't know about this though
Found out about that when I had my captivate...def a cool little hidden setting shortcut!
Sent from this phone
I didn't know this either. Thanks for the find. Any other tips? I remember back when I had my BB Curve I spent hours trying to learn all the shortcuts like cut and paste, bottom of page, top of page, reset. I bet there are more we don't even know.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
kc_exactly said:
I didn't know this either. Thanks for the find. Any other tips? I remember back when I had my BB Curve I spent hours trying to learn all the shortcuts like cut and paste, bottom of page, top of page, reset. I bet there are more we don't even know.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Lol read your manual once...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
If it has been posted before I'm sorry for bumping.
I did search in forum and didn't find it. May be I used wrong key words for search.
At least few of us didn't know about it till now. Some good came out of this post.
Another tip. When you are in your log you can hold and slide to the right to call someone and to the left to text them. This saves a couple clicks and is pretty cool. I believe you can also call from the texting app by sliding to tthe right too.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
Nice thanks
who cares if it's been posted before geesh! lol It helped a few people!
i thought everyone knew about this.
cyaiphone said:
who cares if it's been posted before geesh! lol It helped a few people!
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I dont care if it was posted again... Obviously not everyone knew about it.. Thanks op!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
I didn't know about it. This is my first Samsung phone and I've only had it for a week. Thanks again for the tip.
Send from my Galaxy S2 Epic Touch
This and the slide to call or text from log or messaging are the 2 biggest things I wish were in CM7 and CM9. I use both features all day, every day. Gotta give Sammy some credit there.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
I liked this feature so much when I had an Epic 4G that I wrote code for Cyanogenmod 7 to implement it there.
To all those that complained about Op posting his find, please try to remember when you were a nooB. It's not like this feature is posted on a Wiki or anything for everyone to browse.
Old Epic had it too.
Thanx for this tip though,because its little different than it was on old epic.I tried it on my new epic touch and it didnt work,i thought why would samsung take away such useful feature?But they didnt-they just made it different.
On old epic you could just slide your finger across top bar.But on epic touch you have to hold your finger on top bar for about a second before sliding.Its a little harder than it was before but prevents acidental setting.
daryelv said:
I liked this feature so much when I had an Epic 4G that I wrote code for Cyanogenmod 7 to implement it there.
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Any chance that could be updated for the E4GT? If so I wouldn't think twice about making a permanent change to CM.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk

[REQ] Screen Recorder

Hello my xda brothers. I just recently watched a hands on preview for the galaxy note 2 and saw a pretty cool feature; Screen recorder! The feature lets you record audio and video of whatever screen your on and then send it as a MMS! The S3 doesnt have that feature to my knowledge and I know it MAY be apps that allow it to be possible, but I was wondering if there may be someway to create it and mod it to be a feature within a rom? I'm no developer by any means, so excuse my "Noob-nish"
Video link for better idea of what im talking about. Jump to 06:27 in video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DcgZum8M1o
It certainly should be possible! Ill have to look at that when I get home! Thanks for the heads up. I saw something similar but it only took many stills and tried to make it easy to put them together for a video screenshot of sorts. Not worth the effort to me.
Though I doubt I'd be sble yo make it work, Id love to try. And there are some absolute geniuses here so im sure itll happen at some point anyway.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Ask a dev in the galaxy note 2 forum to pull it if possoble
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ktetreault14 said:
Ask a dev in the galaxy note 2 forum to pull it if possoble
Sent from my SGH-T999 or GT-P3113 using xda premium[/QI
I dont believe there is a forum yet for the note 2, the device wasn't officially released yet. But that is a great idea, I wonder if the note 1 has this feature and it can be "ported over" (dont know if thats the right term tho. LOL)
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DocHoliday77 said:
It certainly should be possible! Ill have to look at that when I get home! Thanks for the heads up. I saw something similar but it only took many stills and tried to make it easy to put them together for a video screenshot of sorts. Not worth the effort to me.
Though I doubt I'd be sble yo make it work, Id love to try. And there are some absolute geniuses here so im sure itll happen at some point anyway.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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Thank you!! I thought that feature was so cool. The note 2 and S3 will be pretty much distant cousins, so even if It's not possible yet, Im pretty sure some one will cook something up once the device is released in October. If you come up with something, PM me. I will test if needed!!
I've been using this app for a long time.. works on many phones. Need to be rooted of course

Up-to-date ROM list

In case it helps, I have an up-to-date Galaxy Note 2 ROM list kept here, which includes the Sprint model.
Someone was asking for a list in the AT&T section, so I thought I'd post this info in each section to tell people.
It's kind of a hobby, but it's kept up-to-date pretty much every day.
Some of you might find it useful.
I had been looking for this being sometimes ROMS you never know about get flooded out. This is CLEAN
Was wondering if u could add the dates they were released. I seen Clean Rom & was about to jump in then realized its no longer supported. Gonna try that JB 12 release I didnt realize was updated from 11.damn
No biggie if u cant put date,u did alot already. Just a suggestion
Good lookning out either way!!
Cool. Yea a date would be nice...
Sent from my SPH-L900
@OP, May I suggest adding the USCC variant to your page. Only support we get is from NA7Q and teamuscellular. Alot of us troll over here and it would be nice to see an all in one page. This would definately help
Sent from my SCH-R950 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks, this is an impressive page.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
seve1476 said:
@OP, May I suggest adding the USCC variant to your page. Only support we get is from NA7Q and teamuscellular. Alot of us troll over here and it would be nice to see an all in one page. This would definately help
Sent from my SCH-R950 using Tapatalk 2
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I added the US Cellular variant. Cheers.
simple man said:
Thanks, this is an impressive page.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
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Lyvewire said:
I had been looking for this being sometimes ROMS you never know about get flooded out. This is CLEAN
Was wondering if u could add the dates they were released. I seen Clean Rom & was about to jump in then realized its no longer supported. Gonna try that JB 12 release I didnt realize was updated from 11.damn
No biggie if u cant put date,u did alot already. Just a suggestion
Good lookning out either way!!
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Adding a date is a good idea. It's a little cramped for space, depending on the length of the rom name. That's why I use the red dot which shows that the rom has been updated or modified in the last 7 days.
The list is checked and updated every day. The red dot, might be a couple of days out from time to time.
Thx great
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
Grant Barker said:
Adding a date is a good idea. It's a little cramped for space, depending on the length of the rom name. That's why I use the red dot which shows that the rom has been updated or modified in the last 7 days.
The list is checked and updated every day. The red dot, might be a couple of days out from time to time.
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I just checked it out. That works! Made it easier to look thru and see which ROMS are the latest
I want to echo some of the comments above. Very surprised that the ROMs are so up to date. Knowledge is power. Thank you for your efforts sir.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
It came to my attention that I'd forgotten to add a few roms from the `Original Android Development' sections for the different carriers.
Sorry about that. Those roms have now been added.

[Q] How do I get the black status bar in 4.1.2?

I tried browsing through the settings and couldn't find it. Any help is appreciated.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
Mine looks black to me.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
Set a black wallpaper ull notice its still grey.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
I would also like to know how too get the black status bar I can't find the setting's either.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
I'm hoping they didn't leave it out for us :/ I hated the Grey status bar since they put it on the s3.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
horr1blek1tten said:
I'm hoping they didn't leave it out for us :/ I hated the Grey status bar since they put it on the s3.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
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horr1blek1tten said:
I'm hoping they didn't leave it out for us :/ I hated the Grey status bar since they put it on the s3.
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A simple youtube search would give you your answer
This guy never searches
Serious check his posts out.
The answer to your question woukd be in the android development forums or the theme forums. Theres plenty of black ststus bar mods everywhere and I mean everywhere. But to find them youre gomna have to use the oh so terribly hard search function. In fact ill do it for you for a fee if you dont want to.
Simplistic framework allows this
My rom allows this
Jedi I believe allows this.....I mean come on
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
janjannsen99 said:
This guy never searches
Serious check his posts out.
The answer to your question woukd be in the android development forums or the theme forums. Theres plenty of black ststus bar mods everywhere and I mean everywhere. But to find them youre gomna have to use the oh so terribly hard search function. In fact ill do it for you for a fee if you dont want to.
Simplistic framework allows this
My rom allows this
Jedi I believe allows this.....I mean come on
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
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I was actually paraphrasing an answer he just gave to someone else in another thread. Instead of searching and commenting on an already created thread always just starts new ones. smh
janjannsen99 said:
This guy never searches
Serious check his posts out.
The answer to your question woukd be in the android development forums or the theme forums. Theres plenty of black ststus bar mods everywhere and I mean everywhere. But to find them youre gomna have to use the oh so terribly hard search function. In fact ill do it for you for a fee if you dont want to.
Simplistic framework allows this
My rom allows this
Jedi I believe allows this.....I mean come on
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
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Im not looking for mods, it was supposed to be in this update. And don't start this searching issue cause this is new. The update just came out.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
Mine has always been and still is black, post a picture
horr1blek1tten said:
Im not looking for mods, it was supposed to be in this update. And don't start this searching issue cause this is new. The update just came out.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
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There is no option to change it. The update changed it from grey to black. There is no setting. Yes it is not very dark for black but it is definitely not grey anymore. And yes, it is a searching issue. There are many sites that state this change although some of them have been confusing by stating that it is changeable but the majority of what I read simply state that it was changed. There are already 10 other threads related to the update where this question could have been asked but no, you had to create a new one.
I don't know why I even bother with this guy?
tony yayo said:
There is no option to change it. The update changed it from grey to black. There is no setting. Yes it is not very dark for black but it is definitely not grey anymore. And yes, it is a searching issue. There are many sites that state this change although some of them have been confusing by stating that it is changeable but the majority of what I read simply state that it was changed. There are already 10 other threads related to the update where this question could have been asked but no, you had to create a new one.
I don't know why I even bother with this guy?
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Cause you and many others like to harrass me, it's gotten to the point to where I remember your names. This is beyond ridiculous.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
horr1blek1tten said:
Cause you and many others like to harrass me, it's gotten to the point to where I remember your names. This is beyond ridiculous.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
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Because you dont READ! That and you start a new thread every single time you have a question. You can still get answers without having your own thread. You see how many posts I have in almost 3 years? That's because I READ EVERYTHING and only start a new thread if I've searched and cannot find an appropriate thread. Again, posting on an even 2 month old thread that has 20 pages it is assumed that you've read all 20 pages, which you probably haven't, and have not been able to find an answer but have tried ALL the suggestions included in the thread. Usually you will find your answer and if you haven't then obviously no one has the answer. But not only do you start numerous threads of your own, you ask the same question in 12 other threads. It's unnecessary congestion and it needs to stop.
tony yayo said:
Because you dont READ! That and you start a new thread every single time you have a question. You can still get answers without having your own thread. You see how many posts I have in almost 3 years? That's because I READ EVERYTHING and only start a new thread if I've searched and cannot find an appropriate thread. Again, posting on an even 2 month old thread that has 20 pages it is assumed that you've read all 20 pages, which you probably haven't, and have not been able to find an answer but have tried ALL the suggestions included in the thread. Usually you will find your answer and if you haven't then obviously no one has the answer. But not only do you start numerous threads of your own, you ask the same question in 12 other threads. It's unnecessary congestion and it needs to stop.
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Relax jezs he can make as many threads he wants just answer the question , and if you cant keep scrolling down.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
xxjrsmith3xx said:
Relax jezs he can make as many threads he wants just answer the question , and if you cant keep scrolling down.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
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I already did, see post 12
xxjrsmith3xx said:
Relax jezs he can make as many threads he wants just answer the question , and if you cant keep scrolling down.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
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I wish everyone was understanding like you thanks bud! They act like it's a crime lol this is ridiculous. They're so used to conformity that anyone who does something different is bashed. Sounds like history repeating itself..
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
xxjrsmith3xx said:
Relax jezs he can make as many threads he wants just answer the question , and if you cant keep scrolling down.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
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Lol clearly your new.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------
horr1blek1tten said:
I wish everyone was understanding like you thanks bud! They act like it's a crime lol this is ridiculous. They're so used to conformity that anyone who does something different is bashed. Sounds like history repeating itself..
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
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It's funny how you can be condescending and tell people they should search youtube before asking questions yet when we tell you to use the search button you get defensive. Most hypocritical poster ive come across. You dont know how to follow direction and search. I should make a thread with a poll and on how annoying you are creating all these useless threads. Maybe then you can see how annoying you are to everyone...
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
tony yayo said:
I already did, see post 12
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And yet he wonders why everybody gets upset with him. The idea is to keep all USEFUL information in the same place and not spread out all over the place. Posting all willy nilly at every single whim is not necessary or USEFUL. Most people don't want to answer him because they end up doing what I'm doing now and wasting time and space. I'm ready to go sell this phone just so I don't have to deal with this guy anymore. ugh
tony yayo said:
And yet he wonders why everybody gets upset with him. The idea is to keep all USEFUL information in the same place and not spread out all over the place. Posting all willy nilly at every single whim is not necessary or USEFUL. Most people don't want to answer him because they end up doing what I'm doing now and wasting time and space. I'm ready to go sell this phone just so I don't have to deal with this guy anymore. ugh
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Just do me and everyone who tried and help with my question a favor and DONT reply to my threads your just wasting time and space leave me alone and let me be.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2

Halo is open source!!!

I just wanted to post this so every developer could see here's the link to both sets of githubs and pa's comments on it
Edit OK here's some more stuff they said could be used to help further get this out
Pa adds a quick how to:
I hope admin leaves this up for a fee days so all the devs that didn't see will now know and have a link.. Enjoy
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Just going to toss out that this has been on just about every Android news channel imaginable lately. It is certainly a great step though, and I hope to see it integrated into a framework modifier like Xposed.
Rirere said:
Just going to toss out that this has been on just about every Android news channel imaginable lately. It is certainly a great step though, and I hope to see it integrated into a framework modifier like Xposed.
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Why when it is open source if you read the news article all that's needed is a git cherry pick and build. Then its done.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
MartianCeo said:
Why when it is open source if you read the news article all that's needed is a git cherry pick and build. Then its done.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Things are rarely that simple, not because cherry picks don't work, but because some people are in different circumstances than your own. My current phone is a HTC One running a stock kernel, and without more sources custom kernels and ROMs are something of a tricky business right now. I prefer stock when possible, so an Xposed-style framework patch is a good way of "cherry picking" what I would like in a workable manner.
Great that you're sharing the news, but you posted in every thread already and now opened a thread in dev section =/
+1 for good intentions though
Rirere said:
Things are rarely that simple, not because cherry picks don't work, but because some people are in different circumstances than your own. My current phone is a HTC One running a stock kernel, and without more sources custom kernels and ROMs are something of a tricky business right now. I prefer stock when possible, so an Xposed-style framework patch is a good way of "cherry picking" what I would like in a workable manner.
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That's true, I know that it works for all aosp Roms. Who know maybe someone will figure it out for your phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
killersloth said:
Great that you're sharing the news, but you posted in every thread already and now opened a thread in dev section =/
+1 for good intentions though
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Surely you realize posting in 5 other threads and creating this one aren't every one right? Anyway it can be deleted for all I care, I put this up so developers could have ready access top the info they needed, wasnt just an empty post, but thanks for your support
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
goast said:
Surely you realize posting in 5 other threads and creating this one aren't every one right? Anyway it can be deleted for all I care, I put this up so developers could have ready access top the info they needed, wasnt just an empty post, but thanks for your support
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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This was the wrong thread don't try to be smart when you made a mistake. Own up and move on.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
MartianCeo said:
This was the wrong thread don't try to be smart when you made a mistake. Own up and move on.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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I didn't make anything, I knew full well someone would have something to say about me putting this here, I even say so in the first post. Obviously you guys are friends and you decided to take up for your Buddy which is fine with me they can pull this anytime they please.. It was only done to benefit all toro+ ROMs I'm not even mad about what he said he has a right to have an opinion and speak it freely... I'm not going to speak on it anymore.. I don't want to receive sn infraction for making more out of something than necessary... If it costs nothing to pass over this post and live your life.. I will be doing the same.. Again this was only made to give allr necessary links to compile.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
goast said:
I didn't make anything, I knew full well someone would have something to say about me putting this here, I even say so in the first post. Obviously you guys are friends and you decided to take up for your Buddy which is fine with me they can pull this anytime they please.. It was only done to benefit all toro+ ROMs I'm not even mad about what he said he has a right to have an opinion and speak it freely... I'm not going to speak on it anymore.. I don't want to receive sn infraction for making more out of something than necessary... If it costs nothing to pass over this post and live your life.. I will be doing the same.. Again this was only made to give allr necessary links to compile.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Well said goast.:thumbup:
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I don't know that guy
Just saying good intentions but I think any dev interested in adding halo to their source already knows lol. I see you around here a lot goast and I have nothing against you
Just trollin xda while I'm bored at work
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus to all you wonder nobodies!
killersloth said:
I don't know that guy
Just saying good intentions but I think any dev interested in adding halo to their source already knows lol. I see you around here a lot goast and I have nothing against you
Just trollin xda while I'm bored at work
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus to all you wonder nobodies!
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Its all good man I try to help out in anyway I can I lack the knowledge to code or compile anything more than a turd in the morning... I am on here pretty frequently tho... I try to stay up on my phones development when I'm not writing or recording ... Anyway its all good bro
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Pa adds some help info, it's back in first post... Wouldn't dare call it the op lmao
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
My two cents...I know goast from the forums, and he is an advanced user and a great resource to me. He's obviously pumped up about halo, and rightly so (it's a pretty amazing innovation by PA team). I'm not attacking anyone, but I like to stay informed about new things, so I appreciated his blast out. Many devs here work demanding jobs, and donate their personal time to development, so this info may help them in this fragmented crazy fast paced world. I just wanted to thank goast for the info, and impart some positive energy here. I'm not a dev, nor am I an expert, but I share goast's passion for android and desire to learn more about it. To me, that's why I love xda...I have a commercially dead device that is still extremely viable thanks to all of the great work here. Ok, I'm done...everybody enjoy halo!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
goast said:
Pa adds a quick how to:
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what are you talking about? this how to is how to translate not how to add halo

