Anyone got... - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note II

The stock Music Player application that I could flash through recovery?
I got the S4 Music Player and flashed in recovery, but it just force closes.
If anyone could help, would be greatly appreciated.
Will do a backup next time lol.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium

devynbf said:
The stock Music Player application that I could flash through recovery?
I got the S4 Music Player and flashed in recovery, but it just force closes.
If anyone could help, would be greatly appreciated.
Will do a backup next time lol.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium
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Here u go, always, always backup... Can't stress that enough... :thumbup:
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sparytrainor said:
Here u go, always, always backup... Can't stress that enough... :thumbup:
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium
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Thank you so much sir.
Yes, I will start doing backups lol.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium


4.2 Apps for Galaxy S3

Hi everyone just wanted to start a thread for the 4.2 apps for the S3. If there is a thread for this please ignore thus and delete. OK I am not responsible for your phones you flash this at your own risk. These apps are for stock rom have not tested on any other rom .You have to be rooted. Wipe cache both of them and install. These apps work 100% on my S3 so they should for everyone els. Enjoy mirror
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for this bro. No problems with the camera?
.Bambino said:
Thanks for this bro. No problems with the camera?
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Works for me!
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.Bambino said:
Thanks for this bro. No problems with the camera?
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No problems at all everything works perfect
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Can some one please miro the download so if my drop box get over crowded please and thank you
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budde2 said:
Can some one please miro the download so if my drop box get over crowded please and thank you
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Will do in a bit.
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Dude what the hell man what this suppose to happen too?=-O its awesome!
It installed it and you can see it in my drawer of all apps. And all the gestures are still there but with a CM10 look do this is the **** bro thank you!
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Everything is working great! Thanks so much! Mirror is uploading. Will post in a few.
EDIT: Here is the mirror:
Also since installing this I have had an issue with GMail. When ever I press the reply button it automatically closes. I even tried to remove the Gmail app and install the Gmail 4.2 and still does not work. I was using it fine right before I installed this package.
Frostacious said:
Dude what the hell man what this suppose to happen too?=-O its awesome!
It installed it and you can see it in my drawer of all apps. And all the gestures are still there but with a CM10 look do this is the **** bro thank you!
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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Yeah you can delete the other launcher or use it
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.Bambino said:
Everything is working great! Thanks so much! Mirror is uploading. Will post in a few.
EDIT: Here is the mirror:
Also since installing this I have had an issue with GMail. When ever I press the reply button it automatically closes. I even tried to remove the Gmail app and install the Gmail 4.2 and still does not work. I was using it fine right before I installed this package.
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Try and fix permissions in recovery. Mine is working let me know. Or try and clear all cache from recovery.
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budde2 said:
Yeah you can delete the other launcher or use it
There USBA widget for a app like sound hound called Google ears it us cool check it out this is what it looks like. IMO it is better than sound hound
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budde2 said:
Try and fix permissions in recovery. Mine is working let me know. Or try and clear all cache from recovery.
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I tried all three. Still nothing. Every time I go to reply it just goes right to the home screen.
.Bambino said:
I tried all three. Still nothing. Every time I go to reply it just goes right to the home screen.
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What ROM are you on?
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budde2 said:
Can some one please miro the download so if my drop box get over crowded please and thank you
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Click to collapse post it in your op.
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Do you need to be on JB for these apps to work. I'm still on 4.04 since WiFi tether doesn't work on new JB TW update.
These are great, thanks!
I love the keyboard its so smooth and accurate, 10x better than swype
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Well Apps by definition should go...........
Moved to Themes and Apps
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Not *TOTALLY* working... Camera still has to be focused before each photo, otherwise it will fc and become non-responsive until a reboot...
budde2 said:
What ROM are you on?
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I got it to work bro. Thanks.
ediebol said:
Not *TOTALLY* working... Camera still has to be focused before each photo, otherwise it will fc and become non-responsive until a reboot...
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Don't know what your talking about I am not having that problem
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Volume is limited on all Jellybean ROMs.

Hey everyone! I've noticed a problem with every Jellybean ROM I have flashed. Basically, with headphones, the volume is only about 1/2 as loud as any other ROM that isn't Jellybean. Anyone else have this problem, or a solution? Thanks!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Its a known bug . You can use Vodoo from the play store or try the FK09 leak. The volume bug seems fixed on it but watch out it will wipe your internal sd so make a backup of important files on your pc or external sd.
Edit:volume+ sux
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Thank you very much!
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DustCrow said:
Hey everyone! I've noticed a problem with every Jellybean ROM I have flashed. Basically, with headphones, the volume is only about 1/2 as loud as any other ROM that isn't Jellybean. Anyone else have this problem, or a solution? Thanks!
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Download Voodoo Louder in the app market...If your phone is rooted it optimizes the kernal and I know it was just updated for jellybean support...
Try the latest Codename
Thanks for the reply! What exactly is codename? An app?
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DustCrow said:
Thanks for the reply! What exactly is codename? An app?
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Codename aka CNA is a jellybean rom in the Dev section. Op stated that the volume bug is fixed. Sweet rom too I was running it till I get my S3. Give it a try.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Cool thanks! I'll be sure to check it out!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I use Volume+ and works well. Requires a restart before it kicks in after you set it for JB ROMs. Ignore the devs warning that it doesn't work for JB. Best $1.99 I've spent in awhile.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I was a volume+ user till I tried vodoo. Never will use anything else again.
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I tried Volume plus and could not get it to work, it just like distorted the audio. I got Vodoo and it makes it super loud if I want and does not distort the song! I love vodoo
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

[Q] Online Nandroid Backup Without Rebooting

Came across this app the other day named Online Nandroid Backup. It basically allows you to create a Nandroid backup without having to reboot into recovery. Tried it out and did everything as advertised. Anyone have any experience with this app?
I have not. Looks interesting though.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Wow that's a really nice find! Would be super handy quite often.
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jlear3 said:
Wow that's a really nice find! Would be super handy quite often.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks bro, thats why I posted it so other flashaholics could check it out too.
This is a nice program in theory, but last time I tried it I couldn't restore the backup, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the program.
My question is what happens to the data once it enters the "cloud"? If there is data in the backup, it could be compromised methinks....
third son said:
My question is what happens to the data once it enters the "cloud"? If there is data in the backup, it could be compromised methinks....
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The back up is saved to your local storage, not a cloud. The "on-line" reference is to your phone being not in recovery...
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2
A link possibly? Or am just not seeing it on mobile? Or... You gonna make us search for it? Lol
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themisterwilson said:
A link possibly? Or am just not seeing it on mobile? Or... You gonna make us search for it? Lol
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It's on the play store.
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BluesRulez said:
It's on the play store.
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Right here...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Well it did something. The real test will be on restore.
Here is the original xda thread...makes sense to me now...
third son said:
Well it did something. The real test will be on restore.
Here is the original xda thread...makes sense to me now...
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Have you tried to restore the backup yet?
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium

Rooting Note 2 via MacBook Pro

No longer needed. More of a discussion thread now.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
66 views and no one can help? Ugh.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
The is actually an apk file that you can download and do it straight from the device. Give me a few to find the link.
Sent from my "BIG" awesome SGN2
---------- Post added at 05:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 AM ----------
Read this forum. The are also some mods in this forum that can help. I've used them. Works great.
Sent from my "BIG" awesome SGN2
Thanks. It's not quite what I'm looking for though. I want to be able to install either CleanRom or Jedi X Rom.
after you root with what he posted then go to play store and download goomanager.after that open it and click menu button, then click install open recovery script, wait for it to finish then you can reboot to recovery.
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What does that do?
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Once into recovery you can flash a ROM. Download the ROM to your ext sd card.
Sent from my "BIG" awesome SGN2
Didn't like the video, it was confusing at times, but the step by step guide couldn't have been easier.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
Thank you for this sir. Very helpful guide. Going to try layer this today.
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Android_Noob_2k12 said:
Thank you for this sir. Very helpful guide. Going to try layer this today.
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Not a problem, I get tons of help here, so I like being able to return the favor.
It's a very easy root, takes less than five minutes start to finish.
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Use ExynosAbuse app
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slicingtaco said:
Use ExynosAbuse app
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Got a link to that app? I can't find it in the play store.
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I agree with slicingtaco, find the Exynosabuse.apk from Chainfire here on XDA and install it. You will be able to do this right from your SGN2. After rooting, get goomanager from the play store. open goomanager and in the menu choose 'Install OpenRecoveryScript'. That will download and install TWRP which will overwrite the stock recovery, which, after all of this you can install custom ROMS.
Right after rooting, you may have to get BusyBox Free from the playstore and install busybox.
Good Luck!
P.S. ExynosAbuse:
I'm going to root from my Mac first because I have heard the .apk has some bugs that aren't a big deal but are just annoying. Thanks for all the help though.
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Android_Noob_2k12 said:
I'm going to root from my Mac first because I have heard the .apk has some bugs that aren't a big deal but are just annoying. Thanks for all the help though.
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Let us know how it goes.
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Android_Noob_2k12 said:
I'm going to root from my Mac first because I have heard the .apk has some bugs that aren't a big deal but are just annoying. Thanks for all the help though.
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What bugs???
Are you talking about the camera break?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317
Just some annoying little glitches I've heard about. Nothing big. Just annoying.
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Didn't get a chance to root tonight. Had to go to a family dinner at my cousins house. Maybe tomorrow I'll have time.
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Might not root. I've been doing some reading and for someone as new to Android as me it just seems to risky and not enough benefit.
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Android_Noob_2k12 said:
Might not root. I've been doing some reading and for someone as new to Android as me it just seems to risky and not enough benefit.
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I just came over from iPhone, but I always jailbroke my phones there. This is much easier to do. It sounds more daunting than it actually is, if you follow the site I provided you will be done in under five minutes with your macbook.
Rooted or not, this phone is incredible. Enjoy!
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S Voice help.

I installed the s4 s voice app and all was well for a couple days. Now it always says no data connection. I've tried reinstalling original but still not able to use, any suggestions? I'm on whomp 2.9.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
Same here on ma7 rom
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium
I have had the same issue and uninstalled and reinstalled. I'm also on whomp
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
Dead here too, maybe server crashed lol.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Same happening here. You guys think Samsung blocked us from using it
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budde2 said:
Same happening here. You guys think Samsung blocked us from using it
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SVoice isn't a simple apk to start with... It relies on stuff inside the stock Twiz ROM to work right.
It could be they blocked us... It could also be they are internally testing new build that does things differently server side.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Skripka said:
SVoice isn't a simple apk to start with... It relies on stuff inside the stock Twiz ROM to work right.
It could be they blocked us... It could also be they are internally testing new build that does things differently server side.
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I reverted back and it still won't work, so the server might be down.
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anahataray said:
I reverted back and it still won't work, so the server might be down.
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My stock Svoice is working
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budde2 said:
My stock Svoice is working
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Hmmm, that's odd. My wife's non rooted s3 is having the same connectivity issue. I don't think we are being targeted
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budde2 said:
My stock Svoice is working
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Any way u can post your stock svoice apk?? I'm having the same issue and don't wanna restore with titanium in case that's what causing the issue with the old one.. Pretty please.. Lol
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
sparytrainor said:
Any way u can post your stock svoice apk?? I'm having the same issue and don't wanna restore with titanium in case that's what causing the issue with the old one.. Pretty please.. Lol
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It's not your phone, it's a server issue
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
This fixed it for me. Its the original apk from a fresh clean stock rom flash. I love backups!! Just install like normal.
sparytrainor said:
Any way u can post your stock svoice apk?? I'm having the same issue and don't wanna restore with titanium in case that's what causing the issue with the old one.. Pretty please.. Lol
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I am not rooted anymore had to go back stock need allshare to work and not be buggy. When im rooted it disconnects quite a bit, when im stock unrooted works perfect so I'm riding stock for now.
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sparytrainor said:
Any way u can post your stock svoice apk?? I'm having the same issue and don't wanna restore with titanium in case that's what causing the issue with the old one.. Pretty please.. Lol
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It's installed as an update. Just uninstall the updated Svoice and the stock will revert.

