Can/ Will anyone please port the MyFiles and the SNote apps of the SGNII to the SGS III? They seem so awesome!
Heyy Can Any Dev make All note 2 app like s memo , calendar , etc
please make the universally usable ( galaxy Nexus )
Cwn Flashable or Apks
Im for a long time search for custumized mods from Galaxy S4 I9500 to Galaxy S2 I9100. I saw that publish mods like the Theme, lockscreen and icons, but its not what i looking for.
Im looking for the new's samsung application, like: The news Gestures, STranslater, SHealth, S4 Message, S4 Taskmanager, S4 Grouplay, Samsung Link, SNote and many more...
i saw that all the application published for the Galaxy S3,
So i think its possible. What do you think, the developers?
I think we need (for some things) samsung 4.2 firmware for s2.
Hello, I recently rooted my Galaxy Tab 3 and i'm wondering if there are any themes for the tab besides the GO themes?
i want to change my Lock/Unlock Screen as well as my home screen and icons.
thank you.
Hello everyone,
I'm sorry, isn't correct section, but there isn't a section dedicated to Galaxy Ace Style.
I'd like to install S-Voice on my GALAXY ACE STYLE (new samsung smartphone with android 4.4.2), but if I install Galaxy S5 s-voice, it crashes!
Is there any apk of svoice compatible with my smartphone?
Thanks in advance,