Can I install GS3 apk's on Note II? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note II

Just a quick question. I know most people, as am I, are fumbling around seeking for a solution for the difficult Group MMS feature which is missing and nearly incompatible with Touchwiz. Well, I've found an AT&T Galaxy S3 Rom which seems to have solved the problem on their device. I want to try and extract the apk, or even just flash this zip provided by the developer, and see if it translates over.
Now I know I can backup my device, flash the zip, and if all goes to hell just wipe and restore, but I hate tedious endeavors like that and would rather know in advance if it's even worth the trouble to try, or if the frameworks are just too different. If anyone has tried this crossover with success or failure, can you please let me know to save me the trouble? Thanks in advance, and if this turns out to work, I will definitely post it's success somewhere.
PS - I'm on Clean Rom ATT SE 1.5. I know there are some framework differences between stock TW and this rom, so that might have some relative impact. Blah.

I remember seeing a thread in themes and apps about this...take a look there

I would dowload the rom and extract the zip and all framework and lib files necessary to run and a give it a shot. Ask the rom maker what was needed to get it working if you are not sure.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda premium

I just down;oaded the zip you refer to and unzipped it and I wouldn't just flash it as it has a build.prop included and chances are it'll mess up your phone anyway as it's for an S3. You could try extracting and just putting the SecMms.apk and SecMms.odex into your system app and make sure permissions are proper, reboot and see if it works. There are a few more files and libs in there but supper is burning lol, I'll have a look later to see if I can get it working on my phone if no one figures it out in the meantime.
Edit....just reread your post and moving those two files wont work....the rom your on is deodexed....sorry


"Bake" my own ROM

Hey all,
Is it possible to unzip any custom ROM, and delete certain APK's from data/app folder or from system/app folder (including the corresponding odex files), thus making my own customized ROM?
I want to make sure there is no checklist file that will produce an error during flashing in the event it is missing certain APK's, or that this won't brick my beloved Desire.
Hi! You can modify custom ROMs that way but before flashing you'll have to re-sign the zip, so there won't be an error at the verification stage.Here: androidforums. com/developer-101/8665-how-signing-roms.html you can find a pretty straightforward walkthrough on doing that. (note the space before the .com)
jarrekstar said:
Hi! You can modify custom ROMs that way but before flashing you'll have to re-sign the zip, so there won't be an error at the verification stage.Here: androidforums. com/developer-101/8665-how-signing-roms.html you can find a pretty straightforward walkthrough on doing that. (note the space before the .com)
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Thanks for the quick reply. I'll give it a try.
You'll have to be careful with what you remove - some things just don't like getting yanked out of there. Keep a backup.
Either way, it'd be pretty hard to brick your phone, you'd just lose some functionality or the ability to boot that ROM. You can always flash back to a working one and try again.
The Professor said:
You'll have to be careful with what you remove - some things just don't like getting yanked out of there. Keep a backup.
Either way, it'd be pretty hard to brick your phone, you'd just lose some functionality or the ability to boot that ROM. You can always flash back to a working one and try again.
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Thanks. I thought of removing things like Flicker, Facebook, Stocks, Footprints etc. and their widgets..
Those things can be removed in the Modaco online kitchen any way..
On the other hand, I may just become a premium member and bake it in the online kitchen..

Ox's noob corner (work in progress)- everything you need to get started right here

Well everyone the dinc2 community has treated me well but I have moved on to the htc rezound please do not hesitate to still pm questions though I'm hoping I can find a volunteer to take over this thread. I'll miss you guys cuz for the most part it was a very mature forum and ill pop in once in awhile to say hello. Good luck if anyone would like to give back to this community and take over this thread pm and ill pm a mod. god bless
I thought it maybe fun to have a light and humorous side to this also so everyone keep your eyes out for funny posts that can make our quote of the day:
if you guys see any posts that make you chuckle pm me and I will put it here and credit you for finding it
Anyone looking to root your incredible2 that is on 2.3.4 with the.98 hboot please see here: then after your hboot is downgraded follow the instructions on rivera82falcons thread,linked below
hey guys I'm attempting to get a thread started to get all the basic info out to the newcomers that they will need to start there modding a flashing journey. I'm also hoping this will help cut down on the repetitive questions and useless posts mucking up our forums. This is and always will be a work in progress, so this is just a start there will be much more info added as time goes on.
First thing if your not rooted yet everything you need to know is in this thread by rivera82falcon
Next up is how to flash a custom rom: by AgalychnisCallidryas
Another thing is the gingerbread ruu. If your phone comes with froyo I would reccommend following the directions on this page before trying to root because unrevoked is becoming increasingly harder to find. Also this can get you out of some pretty sticky situations if you mess up badly enough:
wanna try a different radio? Head over to gu1dry's thread:
Its my opinion that every flasher should have adb setup on their computer, it will bail you out of a bootloop, tell you why its happening and do all kinds of other awesome stuff. here is an excellent thread from nephron to get you on your way, its from another phones forums but everything except the drivers apply to us, obviously install the correct drivers for your phone:
for those of you who use aosp roms, just about everyone prefers the miui camera over the aosp stock one and here it is with instructions. Thanks pacerguydon:
if your market is missing apps, check this out: thanks knipp
those of you who want to learn java and general scripting here is a few good tutorials that artvandelay440 dug up:
for the up and coming themers here is where to get brut.alls apktool: if anyone can find me a good noob friendly tutorial for apktool let me know and I'll post it.
tommytomato created a fantastic super tool called android utility, you can decompile apks sign them and do all kinds of good stuff. Really the ultimate themeing tool: if your thinking of doing mods and themes of your own you should check this out, tommy is a modding master and extremely helpful to new themers
wanna changer your splash screen or boot animation? Have a look at 06stangs thread here:
if your running an aosp rom you can change the carrier label here's how: thanks to artvandelay440
running a sense rom? Go here for a new lockring: thanks to jwhetstone02
our friend knipp21 has started modding miui lockscreens check it out:
before getting my incredible2 I had an inspire, the one thing I missed about the inspire was 4ext recovery,well now we have it. Big thanks to madmaxx80 for the awesome recovery:
here is a great tool for undervolting, it provides an easy to use gui, please read up on the pros and cons of undervolting before attempting and remember you must have a kernel that supports undervolting to use this. It will not work on the stock kernel. Thanks to chad0989 for this:
here is setcpu a tool for overclocking, your kernel must support overclocking and this should not be used in conjunction with any other overclocking apps. Thanks to coolbho3000 for this, and please guys consider purchasing the donate version of this:
here is a very educational thread similar to this one, its from the thunderbolt forums but most of the info applies to us as well. Its a very well put together thread and super informative. I reccommend you guys check it out because its a good read. Big thanks to loonatik78 for putting it together:
another thing I would like to stress to the new people, xda has a thanks button, and now you can even use it right from the xda app, don't be greedy with it guys if someone helps you click thanks.
I would like this thread to become a community effort, if there is anything you guys feel should be here dont hesitate to let me know. This is my small effort to give back to a community that gave me so much so I will gladly try to answer any and all questions in an effort to keep our forums clean. No matter how stupid you think the question may be pm me and I'll try to help. I may not always have your answer but will most likely be able to point you in the right direction. see post three for frequently asked questions
Pm me for any and all questions as well.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
this q and a section will be a work in progress as well. If anyone has suggestions for questions that you think should be here, by all means let me know.
Q: I think I bricked my phone what should I do?
A: calm down 99 percent of the time people think they are bricked they really aren't. If your device shows any sign of life your chances are good that your ok. If you can access hboot by holding volume down and power while the device is off your in good shape you can still flash the ruu and get back to stock.
Q: I put the ruu on my sdcard but hboot cannot find it
A: when flashing anything from hboot it must be named exactly and yes it is case sensitive. Also if you have to rename the file, if doing it on a computer be careful because a computer will automatically add a .zip to the end of it and hboot will not recognize it.
Q: I flashed a kernel a now my "insert issue here" don't work
A: did you flash an aosp kernel on a sense Rom or vice versa? If so things will not work as they should always make sure the kernel you are flashing is compatible with your Rom.
Q: will sense apps and widgets work on aosp roms?
A: short answer is no
Q: my phone is stuck in a bootloop what should I do?
A: some time in your flashing career you will encounter a bootloop, there are a couple of ways to fix this number one is start adb (which every Rom flasher should have set up in my opinion) and type adb reboot recovery and hit enter then once in recovery you can reflash and try again. Your other option is to pop the battery out, put it back in then hold volume down and power to get into the bootloader once there select recovery. If you can not navigate in the bootloader that means the is on your sdcard still. Remove that and it will let you navigate the bootloader. If you have no way to remove that .zip pop out your sdcard boot into bootloader select recovery then pop your card back in.
Q: what is the best Rom out there?
A: there is none its all a matter of opinion. Just a warning, don't start a new thread asking this question you will be flamed into oblivion and the mods will lock it. I've seen it a million times
Q: I just flashed an aosp Rom (miui, cm7, omgb) why is my earpiece volume so low?
A: as of now this is a known issue for our aosp Roms, the tiamat kernel is said to fix it.
this is the start of my q and a and it is far from complete, if you think there is something important that is not here by all means let me know.
Ok guys here is some basic terms you should be familiar with before rooting and flashing
1. Flash or flashing, basically just means to install something from recovery or bootloader
2. Rom- the word rom is kind of an outdated term (read only memory) because we can in fact write to it, nonetheless a rom in the simplest of terms is basically your operating system.
3. Kernel- the kernel is the heart of your o.s. It basically communicates with your software and hardware, wifi and processor speed are a few examples of things your kernel controls among many other things. Sense kernels should not be used on aosp roms and vice versa things will not work as they should.
4. Overclocking- to increase your processors stock speed to increase performance
5. Underclocking- pretty self explanatory underclocking is used to help save battery
6. Undervolting- to decrease your voltage to save battery. Undervolting is a slightly controversial topic some people swear by it and others say it can actually decrease your battery life. Undervolting can cause stability issues so educateyourself before attempting.
7. Radio- basically the software that works with your hardware to give you your signal and mobile network, on other phones they are also reffered to as modems
8. Aosp- android open source project, aosp roms are roms built from the original google source code, some examples of these are cm7, miui, omgb, these are typically lightweight roms that you can customize yourself, they are preffered by many users because of the great battery life and performance
9. Sense roms- these are roms based on an original htc rom, sense is th ui that htc adds to android, sense roms have many nice apps and widgets, and usually are packed with eyecandy, however many people say that sense it a resource hog and needs a lot more ram to run than aosp roms
10. Port- a port is a rom or theme originally made for another device but made to work with ours
11. Wipe- it is usually recommended to wipe before flashing a rom, but not always mandatory, read the forum of the rom your flashing to see if a wipe is recommended or not. Some roms will wipe data automatically some will not. A wipe is just basically giving you a clean start like when you first got the device and is done in the recovery menu. When in doubt wipe, you will run into less issues.
12. Ruu- an ruu is a stock signed rom that is flashed in hboot, an ruu is your get out of jail free card, if you mess your phone up too bad an ruu will bring your device back to its stock state
13. Hboot_ this is basically your bootloader from hboot you can enter recovery, do a factory reset, and flash an ruu, a radio, and other things not flashable in recovery
there is some more basic definitions that I overlooked, see post 28 by artvandelay440
How about some basic definitions? Sense, AOSP, Rosie, kernel, recovery, md5 sum, etc.
How, when, and why to wipe.
How to perform a battery calibration.
Don't restore system data when moving to a different ROM or updating to a new framework.
ontophantoms said:
How about some basic definitions? Sense, AOSP, Rosie, kernel, recovery, md5 sum, etc.
How, when, and why to wipe.
How to perform a battery calibration.
Don't restore system data when moving to a different ROM or updating to a new framework.
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yes good idea. Definitely will do. I also plan to add a miscellaneous goodies section including commonly used apps like miui camera. And links to kernels and other good stuff. Like I said this thread is a wip I just wanted to get a start on it tonight. I'm not at home now and I'm doing this on my touchpad so its quite tedious. Will work on it a lot more tomorrow. Thanks for the input
Love this idea for a thread. I know this will be a stop that noobs and even seasoned vets will make. Thanks for taking the time to put something like this together!
Thanks for setting this up!
It's really helpful to us newcomers, who inevitably ask a question that will annoy the seasoned members. There is so much info buried in threads with many pages that it's hard to read it all and not overlook something along the way.
Having all the start-up info, and maybe a list of well-known bugs for each rom, in one place will be great!
Woot! Got a sticky!
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
+1 For the best idea ever. Great job.
I think you should spice it up a bit I'll add more later lol. Good thread guys.
For the first post you can start it like this:
Rooting your phone (Achieving S-OFF)
Please read and re-read rivera82falcons execellent write up located here:
Flashing a custom ROM to your device
Please read AgalychnisCallidryas thread on how to manually flash a ROM located here:
Please note that you don't need to back up every user app with titanium backup, some people only like to backup apps that have data, such as games.
It's also important not to back up system apps (apps that came with the phone). Restoring those apps may cause system failure.
Setting up ADB
Nephron has a full set of instructions on how to set up ADB, you can find the thread here:
Finding the ROM that's right for you
This is one of those threads that may be sensitive to some. I find that finding the best ROM depends on your tastes. When ROMs are released they generally have bugs. Some may be deal breakers, like not having MMS working, or something small like not having a particular tweak installed or an application force closing. You really have to download the ROM and take it for a test drive.
Read through the threads on feedback. Generally, if you see the same bug being mentioned it probably is plagued through every ROM install.
GSM functionality of the phone is important to some, but not most. Generally, if you download a ROM that's based off of the original ROM it should work fine. But if you are downloading a port from another device expect that feature not to work.
Don't be afraid to flash a ROM. The worst that can happen is it will throw your phone into a soft brick (bootloop). Simple way to fix it is restore a backup you made or flash a ROM that you know is solid.
Creating a backup (nandroid) of your device
Your phone at this point must be rooted, and the ROM you are running has to be rooted.
Get Rom Manager from the market. Install the latest recovery that it prompts you with - If you've already installed clockwork mod then proceed.
In ROM Manager:
1. Scroll down to Backup Current ROM
2. Name it what you like, like backup_09192011
3. Let it back up. The more data you have the longer it takes.
In recovery: (You cannot assign names in recovery)
1. Boot into recovery
2. Go to backup and restore
3. Choose backup
To restore a nandroid backup - Wiping data, cache, and dalvik isn't necessary.
1. Boot into recovery
2. Go to backup and restore
3. Choose restore
Useful Applications: great for deleting or replacing apps on the fly. Windows interface, simple to use.
Here are a few more additions:
Replacement camera app for those that don't like to use the stock camera that came with CM 7 or other AOSP Roms.
This Click me Miui camera app works great, just remember to go into the camera settings after installing and select 8mp as the picture size. It can be installed as either a separate camera app or as a replacement to the stock camera.
To install as a add on, just install the apk as a you would any other app. Download to your sd card and install.
To replace the stock camera app, rename the downloaded apk to "camera" (without the quotes) and using root explorer (make sure and select R/W) move the renamed apk to system/app and replace the stock camera apk (first though, make a copy of the stock camera app and add .bak onto the end and store this copy on your sd card, I make a folder named storage so I know where my .bak files are at).
Now that the camera apk is in the system/app folder, the permissions and ownership will need to be changed.
Long press on the camera apk and in the popup menu select permissions,
You will want to change it to look like this:
Read Write Execute
Owner x x
Group x
Others x
After changing the permissions, scroll to the bottom of the popup menu and select "change owner"
You will want to change the ownership so that it reads"
Owner 0 - root
group 0 - root
Select OK and your done. Reboot and you will know have the Miui camera installed.
Click me
More to follow later.
Awesome guys keep em coming. I didnt expect this thread to explode so quickly great job guys. Anyonr tutorials or info you guys add i will link to in the op. I will typically update the thread every night around midnight eastern time. Thanks guys.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
I always see lots of beginning android users who want to learn Java/xml/whatever to begin building. I made a list of some coding tutorials-they might be of some help to a newcomer who wants to learn.
JavaScript for Android:
General Introduction to learning Android development:
General Coding:!/exercise/0
From around XDA:
making your own boot animations:
ADB workshop and guide, including edited path variables:
How to decompile/edit/sign/recompile apks with APK Manager:
how to use APK Edit (apk tool with custom GUI):
Editing with NinePatch (.9.png) images:
Great thanks!
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
Add how to change boot animations and splash screens? (my thread)
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
Sure will thanks
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
oxlong27 said:
Sure will thanks
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
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Maybe the how to on hulu? I dont think many use it...but it won't take up too much space right and the how to for renting movies from the market (posted somewhere as changing permissions to mu from Su temporarily)
But seriously this is a great job. I didn't expect all this lol. I'm glad we are trying to save our community.
I came to the Eris and it already had a community. We built this one and it needed some leadership. Way to take charge bro
Unlike the Eris all our devs would rather have their own site and that's ok. But ppl haven't been mature about it. I like the devs like tazz and the way he does things. Just the way I am lol.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
I never expected it to take off like this either, but im definately glad everyone likes this and will continue to work hard on it thanks again guys. Will update tonight with links to your suggestion
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
Another thing.
Some questions would be answered of you tried it yourself.
Like "how does this app work" open the darn thing and find put...if you're still lost in the sauce come ask here. Please research and try yourself first.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
knipp21 said:
Another thing.
Some questions would be answered of you tried it yourself.
Like "how does this app work" open the darn thing and find put...if you're still lost in the sauce come ask here. Please research and try yourself first.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda premium
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yes very good point knipp I want this thread to be informative and educational not a hand holding experience. I have no problem helping anyone that is willing to help themselves but it makes my skin crawl when I see a post that says “wanna root someone please give me detailed instructions" and I have seen a lot of them.

[Q] 5660M users, need help ripping apps (new update)

so i have the bell pay as you go edition of the gio
and when i got it, i just uninstalled as much crap as i could
one of those happen to be 'Talk', which i now discovered is google talk (thought the app was called gtalk)
uninstalling it makes it disappear forever and you cannot find it in the market
in addition to that, i uninstalled whatever app/service needed to run live wallpapers
so if someone could rip/backup those apps and upload it here, many thanks
(i tried installing the talk apk on it's own, and the talk service apks, it does not like me install for some reason)
last question is,
any 5660m users got adobe flash running, i tried the stand alone armv6 apk, installed it, and does nothing
the other flash apk with loading the lib files into the root dir, i have not tried, if i can get the standalone apk working, i'd rather do that
any other tips for the 5660m would be great
edit - see post #9 (need help with stock browser)
Promise you'll back things up the next time?
Look at my stock rooted ROM for the files you shouldn't have deleted. You should be able to read (not write, at least not in a way the phone can handle) the RFS partitions with MagicISO among others. (Basically any program capable of handling FAT partition images.)
ADB push back the files into place, make sure their permissions are correct.
Can't help you for Flash, I've never tried it myself and my Gio is out of order for the time being.
For flash you need root and push LIB files to /data/data/com.adobeflash***/lib ant set permissions
Sent from my GT-S5660 using Tapatalk
Darkshado said:
Promise you'll back things up the next time?
Look at my stock rooted ROM for the files you shouldn't have deleted. You should be able to read (not write, at least not in a way the phone can handle) the RFS partitions with MagicISO among others. (Basically any program capable of handling FAT partition images.)
ADB push back the files into place, make sure their permissions are correct.
Can't help you for Flash, I've never tried it myself and my Gio is out of order for the time being.
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so this is something i cant just grab someone's titaniumbackup files and install?
That too, if you have another rooted Gio at your disposal. I answered based the info I got.
ya, sorry, that's sorta what i meant in the first post,
i was actually asking for someone's to backup the gtalk/talk service/app and the live wallpaper service/app with titanium backup and upload it
if someone could do that for me, much appreciated
Try this and let me know if it works.
View attachment TitaniumBackup.rar
thanks, that did the trick
additionally i want to ask:
is the reason 5660m incompatible with most of the custom roms is the slight difference in hardware?
if i were to change microsd card, is a drag and drop to the new card sufficient or are there hidden/protected files that cannot be copied
if i were to update the rom/install custom rom, is there any way to back up settings and apps or would i have to do stuff all over again?
gonna bump this again,
I need the stock browser this time, if someone would kindly back up from titanium backup
i'm just testing some compatibilities on certain websites
anonxlg said:
gonna bump this again,
I need the stock browser this time, if someone would kindly back up from titanium backup
i'm just testing some compatibilities on certain websites
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FusiveR said:
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finally got around, i tried installing it, doesnt work
it starts installing, then resets and browser does not appear in app list
tried both app and app+data
anonxlg said:
thanks, that did the trick
additionally i want to ask:
is the reason 5660m incompatible with most of the custom roms is the slight difference in hardware?
if i were to change microsd card, is a drag and drop to the new card sufficient or are there hidden/protected files that cannot be copied
if i were to update the rom/install custom rom, is there any way to back up settings and apps or would i have to do stuff all over again?
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Only the roms flashed from Odin usually aren't compatible with our phone anything else such as CM7.1, CM7.2, CM9, and all the other roms able to be flashed from
Recovery mode are mostly compatible with our version of gio hope I helped
Sent from my GT-S5660M using xda premium
What isn't compatible are the baseband and the bootloaders.
As long as an Odin-flashable ROM contains only system and boot.img you're in the clear. This is mostly a problem with early Europe/Asia 5660 ROMs.
Drag and dropping your files to the new SD card should do the trick. Hidden files and folders for Android (and Linux) have a dot at the beginning of their name, e.g.: /.android_secure/ and by default there shouldn't be any files with the FAT32 "hidden" attribute set on the SD card. The settings of your Windows Explorer will influence whether or not the latter copy over or not.
Backing up your applications and their settings can be done by applications like Titanium Backup. Most should transfer well from one ROM "family" to another. (As in: from stock to CM7, or CM7 to CM9, or CM9 to stock...) Your mileage will vary if you try to transfer system apps, or system settings.
so why do you (have to?) use odin, i thought there is CWM for gio, isnt that better than odin?
and still looking for a titanium backup of stock browser
maybe i should just install the ics rc
anonxlg said:
thanks, that did the trick
additionally i want to ask:
is the reason 5660m incompatible with most of the custom roms is the slight difference in hardware?
if i were to change microsd card, is a drag and drop to the new card sufficient or are there hidden/protected files that cannot be copied
if i were to update the rom/install custom rom, is there any way to back up settings and apps or would i have to do stuff all over again?
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I dunno what you are talking about, My canadian Gt-S5660M runs all custom firmwares, kernels, scripts etc just fine.
Odin and CWM are different and each serves their purpose.
Odin works with the lower level Download Mode, and can recover from situations CWM can't. It is also the usual way to install CWM in the first place. (You could also do it with a clever dd command on a rooted phone.) It is however cloakware, undocumented, difficult to install, buggy at times and just quirky overall.
CWM is more stable, doesn't require a computer to run, and is generally much safer to use.
AlwaysDroid: If you look at very early posts about the 5660M, many users encountered major issues after flashing European 5660 ROMs. Screen brightness all over the place and no network connection.
The problem was that those ROMs were Odin flashable "One Package" files that contained bootloaders and radio images as well. Those files were required for users upgrading from Froyo to Gingerbread, as stock Gio 5660s were also sold with 2.2 unlike the 5660M.

System apps zip please.

I noticed most of the developers on here remove most of the system apps for various reasons but there are a few that I like to use. So can someone upload a zip that contains the system apks that can be flash through clockwork.? I would just rip the system apps from a stock Rom and add them to what ever custom Rom I'm using but I'm at work right now. So can someone please do me that solid.
From the official iPhone killer.
blackdragon79 said:
I noticed most of the developers on here remove most of the system apps for various reasons but there are a few that I like to use. So can someone upload a zip that contains the system apks that can be flash through clockwork.? I would just rip the system apps from a stock Rom and add them to what ever custom Rom I'm using but I'm at work right now. So can someone please do me that solid.
From the official iPhone killer.
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Look, man...You phrase this as if it's just a little simple thing, but it really isn't: You haven't mentioned the ROM you're on, whether it's an ODEXed version of "ALL?" the system apps, or a deodexed version you want/need.....
Also, please realize that you're not asking for someone to "just throw up" a little 2mb keyboard app or something...
A full, CWM flashable zip of all the system apps would be over half the size of a full, stock ROM....prolly like 160 megs.
Also, if someone only had their phone, and tried to do this for you, it could turn into a total PITA, and I'm only saying that because I found out the hard way:
I went ahead and made these for you:
Here ya go:
A CWM flashable zip that'll install EVERY stock system app (from EL26) (deodexed version):
and an odexed version, just in case:
If you're not on EL26, I'd think they'd still work, but I'd have no idea.
I can see you got a bit PO'd and I can't blame you. Sometimes people think you wave a magic wand and that your time isn't of value. I really think he didn't mean any harm and is as thankful as I for your hard work.
Just wanted to personally thank you for the .zip file. Well done.

How do I restore my Nexus 2013 to stock

Alot of odd tutorials that require the use of adb and various factory "razor" zips but I cant get anything to work, is there anything as simple as put stock zip on device, reboot into recovery, and wipe/install factory zip?
rnaodm said:
Alot of odd tutorials that require the use of adb and various factory "razor" zips but I cant get anything to work, is there anything as simple as put stock zip on device, reboot into recovery, and wipe/install factory zip?
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I am assuming that you need the WiFi version and that you want the latest stock so here is the link to a thread for a flashable stock.
Thanks Ill check it out, I'm looking to return it and both versions (Odexed/Deodexed? First time Ive heard those terms) are rooted.
Still reading through that thread but looks like the first 7 pages are all people telling him his roms dont work.
rnaodm said:
Thanks Ill check it out, I'm looking to return it and both versions (Odexed/Deodexed? First time Ive heard those terms) are rooted.
Still reading through that thread but looks like the first 7 pages are all people telling him his roms dont work.
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Odexed - In Android file system, applications come in packages with the extension .apk. These application packages, or APKs contain certain .odex files whose supposed function is to save space. These ‘odex’ files are actually collections of parts of an application that are optimized before booting. Doing so speeds up the boot process, as it preloads part of an application. On the other hand, it also makes hacking those applications difficult because a part of the coding has already been extracted to another location before execution.
DeOdexed - Deodexing is basically repackaging of these APKs in a certain way, such that they are reassembled into classes.dex files. By doing that, all pieces of an application package are put together back in one place, thus eliminating the worry of a modified APK conflicting with some separate odexed parts.
In summary, Deodexed ROMs (or APKs) have all their application packages put back together in one place, allowing for easy modification such as theming. Since no pieces of code are coming from any external location, custom ROMs or APKs are always deodexed to ensure integrity."
That is an excerpt from Rooting Guide for Dummies.
Deodexed ROMs are more customizable. Odexed are smaller but no major theming such as changing your statusbar. My advice: if you want to stay complete stock forever, flash the odexed version.

