when someone is calling me if i pull up the ring the call starts . how to disable this ?!
Don't answer?
Hang up?
What ?! i dont want to start the call when i pull up the ring .
Grab the red icon, pull it to the ring.
Then pull up the ring.
Done! Unlocked phone and call not picked up.
no i dont want to close his call . i just want to keep it ringing but dont want to answer.
That is not possible on Sense ROMs at least.
I dont know if anybody can help, but the 1 thing that annoys my about my BA/wm6 is when you get a call, the screen is active, so when your geting it out of your bag or wher ever your touching the screen and loading up progs and stuff.
So is there a app or anything that will disable the screen when its ringing? At the moment Im using slide to unlock, and that will disabled the screen when calls are connected but not when ringing???
so why does the software companion make it?
I think to see the contacts incoming call!
Jejeje think about it... it cant be done man
Ive made it a tad better cos theres a option in s2u that ive found and it displays the s2u screen when you get a incomming call with just answer and end buttons at the bottom of the screen. I wanted those buttons gone aswel, but you cant have everything can you. The most important thing that Ive got rid of the today screen when you receive incomming calls.
Has anyone else noticed that when you receive a call sometimes you have the option to press answer or ignore and other times you get slide up or slide down to answer or reject? Is there anyway to just have one of them? And also why isn't there an option to clear the incoming call screen? It just stays there until I pick answer or ignore.. on my g1 I would press back and it would clear and let me get back to my business. Also is there a way that I can just have the slide up or slide down to answer? The on screen keys always press when pullin the phone out of my pocket.. super annoying
the option you get is determined whether or not you phone display is on (locked or unlocked) at the time.
Oh ok.. thanks. I couldn't pinpoint it.. I guess once root is available then I can completely shut down the answer on the screen feature. Thanks again
you think there is any chance we could get phone calls non intrusively like webos
this has been a fuc'king nuisance on all android phones for a lomg time.. everytime i get a busy call the phone goes to the lockscreen.. how do i make it go to the dialer pad like it should?
I have a question, is there anyway to make it so when I get a call my phone vibrates but when I get a notification it is silent? I used to be able to do this on my old phone(Samsung Wave 2) and also on my moms S2, but for some reason I can't figure out a way to do it on the M8. If anyone knows can you please help me out, I don't like the vibration every time I get a notification but I would like to know when I get a call.
Hi there,
This maybe a stupid question.. but is there a way to get the stock incoming call popup that comes form the top like whatsapp that you get on various devices running stock android on htc sense instead of the full screen display on an incoming call?? Its intrusive, and most importantly it causes problems when i'm working on something and decline the call by accident just because i was going to tap on that area at that time.