Tizen Bada Integration Information from Relations Office - Bada Software and Hacking General

<From badafan.com>
Original Korea Writter, All Copyright : Edogawa Mirinae Nuri(mirarirang)
삼성전자 고객상담실(02-541-3000)에 문의 넣었습니다. SHW-M210S(웨이브2)에 대한 지원을 중단한다는 뉴스가 나오고 있는데 공식 입장이냐고요.
'바다가 계속될지, 타이젠으로 통합될지도 아는 바가 없으며, 뉴스는 많이 나오고 있는데 아직 확인되는 부분은 아니다.'
라는 내용이었습니다.
바다가 타이젠으로 통합된다는 내용은 벌써부터 공식 발표된 사안으로 알고 있다고 했더니 "확인할 수 있는 것은 없다."고 하시더군요.
Original Korea Writter, All Copyright : Edogawa Mirinae Nuri(mirarirang)
Give To YOU and translate : CSJ0530
I(the original writer) have inquired Samsung Electronics Customers Relations Office(Korea : 02-541-3000) about the news that Samsung is suspending Tizen Development(Porting) on Wave 2(GT-S8530, SHW-M210S) is official position.
"I(office man) have no idea that Bada will be alive, or will be integrated with Tizen. There are lot of news but not confirmed."
Also, I(the original writer) said
"isn't the issue that Bada and Tizen will be integrated is officially announced?"
Office Man :
"There is nothing that is confirmed."
I don't know what they are doing.
They are too many news about integrating BlaBLABLA

I have got the news added.
삼성전자가 자체 개발하던 스마트폰 운영체제 ‘바다’의 실패를 사실상 인정하고 포기 선언을 했다. 홍원표 삼성전자 미디어솔루션센터 사장은 “바다 OS가 스마트폰용으로는 적합하지 않았다”고 시인했다.
Samsung acknowleged the Bada's Failure and Announced Quit of Bada
바다 운영체제를 처음 공식 발표한 것은 2009년이다. 이후 적용한 스마트폰 웨이브 시리즈를 꾸준히 선보이면서 적잖은 공을 들였지만, 결국 자생력을 갖추지는 못했다. 홍원표 사장은 “바다 OS가 타이젠 OS에 흡수 합병되었다”고 말했다.
Bada is integrated with Tizen OS.
What is it meaning? Quitted? or Integrated?

Download migration Tool... check PDFs... or see here:
Only for bada Developer usefull, if they want Tizen Apps...
NOTHING usefull for enduser.
Migration means CONVERT source code from bada. But you need enough brain, to do additional steps manually.
But then you have 100 % Tizen App, this means 10000% incompatible with bada Firmware. :crying:
Example Games...
Gameloft for instance...
ONLY Gameloft can convert their Games from bada. NOT you.
But for such companies not real problem to port something to other platform...
It seems no Emulation/Compatibility Mode on Tizen devices... to run 100% bada Apps.
Best Regards


Delphi and WM5

I was looking for an answer for few months, and i'm confused right now...
Question is, would it be possible to develop an application for WM5 using Delphi, if so, which version of delphi i need, what kind of additions and any important info for me...
It looks like an easy topic but after going through many forums and so, i don't really know an answer, some people claim it's not possible, some talk about some foggy solutions... i just need a clear answer and i believe some of you guys know it... please share
latest delphi would prob support .net2 using compactframework for wm2005
i'm trying to get delphi8 or 2005, just wasn's sure it makes any sense. woult delphi itself do it, or any additional software is needed?
1 of 2 platforms need to be supported by delphy for it to work
1 is arm cpu
other is .net compact framework
no other way for delphi to make bins which works on a pocketpc
finally I'm getting somewhere so delphi CAN support arm directly;] how do i make sure of it? is it a matter of delphi itself or come plugins for a compiler, etc...? thanks, I already feel more confident about it
Current versions of Delphi (BDS2006 or Turbo Delphi) can produce native code only for 32 bits x86 CPUs, so it does not natively support ARM CPU.
On the other hand it has (limited) support for .NET Compact Framerwork 1.x so it can be used to develop applications that runs on Windows Mobiles.
Next release will add (better) support for NET Compact Framerwork 2.
This is an application I developed using BDS2006:
More information:
oruam57 said:
Current versions of Delphi (BDS2006 or Turbo Delphi) can produce native code only for 32 bits x86 CPUs, so it does not natively support ARM CPU.
On the other hand it has (limited) support for .NET Compact Framerwork 1.x so it can be used to develop applications that runs on Windows Mobiles.
Next release will add (better) support for NET Compact Framerwork 2.
This is an application I developed using BDS2006:
More information:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, so i menaged to get myself delphi 2005 and i try to create my first hello world app for ppc. what do i need? I go for Delphi .NET projects > Windows forms application, is it correct? when i compile, it will run on wizard, but create error message. Could you point me to some guide for guys like me? thanks...

No DirectX on .Net CF 3.7

I've seen that .Net CF 3.7 doesnt have the directx ( Direct 3d) libraries and i was wondering if microsoft decided to delete them and not continue using directx with .net cf or if it's only because the 3.7 version is a beta and lacks many things.
Apart of that, i don't know what new things has 3.7 version, is there any changelog? because if there aren't important changes, i consider it may be better to continue using .net cf 3.5.
No follow up?
I'm curious if anybody has any more information on this matter. I'm currently using a slightly older version of NRGZ's EnergyROM with a Touch Pro and am unable to use Diamond Hologram because of a TypeLoadException stating that Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX can not be found.
There's a chance that the rip of the unreleased .NET CF 3.7 was incomplete (though the GAC is pretty straightforward) or the pre-release state of it could also be used to rationalize missing assemblies, but if I were to take a random crack at it, I would guess that they're working on XNA for Windows CE/Mobile since it's based on CF and runs on Windows, XBox 360 and Zune it would be a logical step for Microsoft (just as they stopped supporting Managed DirectX on desktop editions), though it does seem a bit unfair to developers of existing applications since the desktop edition was not shipped with the framework, but rather with the DirectX SDK whereas this was deployed in the framework.
Is there a chance that someone could test using the 3.5 version on a 3.7 runtime? If the CLRs are compatible (and they seem to be) then it should still be able to load the assembly, and if binding works at all similar to the desktop framework we could probably just copy it into the directory of the application path, rather than GACing it.
After some searching around this is better discussed in the original CF 3.7 thread since it has been brought up. I'll repost my thoughts there and see if someone can help with experimenting.
Not sure if this should be posted in the aforementioned thread, but it has long been rumoured that MS would phase out Direct3D by Windows Mobile 7, in favour of OpenGL and OpenGLES. Hope this helps at all.
Well, I'm not so sure MS will ever officially support GL since it's a "competing" product to DirectX. In fact, to me it seems very unlikely. While they have been supporting community solutions and open source work more lately, generally Microsoft makes an effort to have developers use Microsoft technologies which in turn makes applications dependent on Microsoft and therefore users dependent on Microsoft. They have (arguably) the most powerful, useful and time-saving development tools which keeps many developers (like myself) developing applications that are inherently designed for their operating systems.
XNA, on the other hand is a Microsoft technology that is gaining a lot of traction and is directly related to the .NET Compact Framework, which is what leads me to believe they'll choose that route. With the right love and care a single XNA game can be played on PC, XBOX 360 and Zune and it seems likely that supporting the platform that .NET CF was first implemented on is only a matter of time. It's been rather surprising to many in the XNA community that MS hasn't already supported it, since their original press releases strongly indicated support for it. One thing's for sure: while there is an XNA Game Studio built on top of Visual Studio, there will probably not be any MS initiative to build a GL game studio.
To be fair though, that doesn't necessarily mean they won't implement the Windows Mobile version of XNA using OpenGL ES, though it seems likely that the architecture is designed more toward DirectX. Still hardware manufacturers could play a huge role in this decision.

Navfree and Navmii is incoming

Now also for S8500 and S8530.
Navfree GPS Live Australien und Neuseeland
Search for other releases.
Best Regards
I think that Samsung is finally giving old users bada 2.0 apps
Also XXLA1 update
Maybe Wave 3 hacks made it move earlier than March
Best Regards

bada 2 Value Pack for S5330 and so on...

Maybe we could use few features in S8500 bada 1.x
Best Regards

Bada is dead (again) ?

Sad news for all Bada users. It seems that Bada 3.0 will not exist and that Bada will stop his adventure. That has been said by Eldar Murtazin on Twitter :
"in progress, but..... "
"My comment about Bada (again Bruce Willis) - Big Bada Boom"
We can't be sure of what he said but the impression is for sure not good.
The merging of Tizen and Bada is becoming more and more probable.
Source : Sammobile

