[Q] Modify app design without programming? - HTC One V

This question is to all the developers out there!
I am more of a graphics designer than a programmer.
I have very basic knowledge as far as programming and API's are concerned.
I know there are tools out there which can help you Compile and Recompile APKs, and I can do that without help,
but I was wondering if its possible to edit just the graphical elements of the app (say, change the app icon,or modify the typography, or color accents) without the need for changing a whole lot of the code?
If not, is it possible to learn how to do it in a short while?
I would love to modify to redesign a few open source apps and post it here for everyone else. ( Inspired by Android Design in Action )
Asking this specifically with our HOV in mind hence posting here.


[Q] Source code for our device..

I'm new to theming and modifying apps and the whole lot, but I do have some experience with Java programming and am starting to understand smali better. I am wondering if the source code for our phone is available and what that would entail exactly.. I basically want the Java source code for the systemui.apk so I can make modifications easier without needing to fumble with cryptic smali code. I know about dex2jar and have used it with varying results, but it still comes down to editing smali and I am at a road block.
thanks for any information that might help
PS it seems like XDA has reformatted their forums or something because I can not find the search button anymore.. my apologies if this post is redundant

UIX/Splash/Iris Framework Information

I have been doing hours and hours of research to understand and reverse the UIX framework that Windows Phone native apps use. This thread will eventually become an organized source of information about the entire process.
I have a ton of information already that doesn't seem to exist yet on the internet, so I'm assuming this information will be new to almost everyone. However, right now it's very scattered so I will not be posting it here until more progress is made.
What's possible in the future:
Visual changes and small functional changes to existing UIX for a native app​Creating native applications from scratch​
What's not possible in the future:
Editing the core functionality of existing UIX native apps, like the Start Menu.​
The reason for these possibilities and limitations is best compared to XAML/C++ applications. The UIX is like XAML, which we can edit, but the core functionality is in C++.
Here is a full UIX file in its XML state from Zune: http://pastebin.com/yRwXmNcL
This will help understand how the markup language works.
From my research, I have enough evidence to support that the compiled UIX binaries are able to be decompiled back to its original XML state.
I'm not sure how long it will be until I have enough info for this thread, but I want this information to be public for everyone to utilize. With that said, anyone who wants know more about what I've learned can PM me here, or contact me on Skype at "[email protected]" and I will explain everything that I have learned so far.
Reserved #2

Please explain what porting is. I'm still confused after countless google searches.

I'm called for a job interview this Monday. They need someone to port some programs children play with on the web to Android. It's educational software that looks accessible to children.
My only experience with porting is working with Unity and going back and forth from PC to my Android phones. My problem is I don't know how porting is done exactly.
Let's say I want to port a Java program to Android. Do I have to create a layer of coding around the original Java source code and make it work with Android? Or is it just modifying the original source code to fit the new platform?
I searched multiple forums and countless google searches. I'm going insane. Please help me!
Thank you! :laugh:
Well I guess it depends. Unless you are using a cross-platform framework (e.g. Xamarin), then it would involve re-writing the code in Java.
If you already have some Java back end code (e.g. some servlet implementation), then I would just create an interface to this module and leave it as it is. No point in rewriting working code in a language that already runs on Android (unless your one of these people who can't help themselves and has to refactor everything to death).
i dont think there is much for u to do, if the games are web based, just build a laucher that links to the games, otherwise look for similar games in android version and install them as a package on all phones.
Sent from my U8150 using xda app-developers app

commercial app maker / studio software??

hi am looking for a good commercial windows software package which allows the design and creation of android apps with a minimum amount of coding knowledge required and is drag n drop / templates/ friendly ui / graphical based. After searching a found a number of websites which allowed this however did not allow exclusive rights to the app. also there where many strings attached. If there is a good, user friendly, commercial studio app creator much like serif web plus for making web sites, can you please recommend me. i don't mind whatever the price is. Am looking to slowly expand my knowledge and build apps for fun. so if you know of any software please let me know!
i am familiar with web design, photoshop, android rom development, windows os development and many other things and as a full time law student, have no time to learn app coding. so please advise tell me to learn how to code in android.
thank you kind regarrds
Build an app without coding
Apphinge is a commercial can build an app without coding ... No technical knowledge or coding required to make an app. visit apphinge.com

touchwiz hooks?

Im a comp sci student just trying to widen my programming experience. And since im out of ideas/bored of writing stuff that has no use I want to try out some Android development, since I already know Java.
Just creating apps does not appeal to me, so I want to write xposed modules.
I started this journey today so dont judge.
I followed this guide: https://github.com/rovo89/XposedBridge/wiki/Development-tutorial and tried
to do the clock example on my Samsung s7 edge. I get to the point where I can activate the module in xposed and all that, but the clock does not change.
My thought was, since touchwiz is as far from stock as possible, is "com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.Clock" - "updateClock" the wrong method to hook?
Is there any "easy" way to see touchwiz methods, like AOSP?
Also... Question number two:
How do I find methods to hook in other apps, say Twitter for example?
20 views no answers... Howe the **** do u learn xposed i there is no proper in-depth teaching site? This forum is dead...
If you want to find out how system on your device works (in case it's different from AOSP) the only way is to do some reverse engineering. Which means taking and decompiling system framework related files and then go through the code which when decompiled is in form of "smali" files. (SystemUI in case of status bar). There are guides for decompiling so you'll have to go through some research.
The same applies to 3rd party apps like Twitter (or better to say all those that don't have source code publicly available).
Thank you so much for the answer!
So I have to decompile all of touchwiz?
Seems like I should just start with android apps since this is such of a large process.
I have APK studio, and understand the smali files, can I hook the methods in these? Would really like a more explanitory tutorial.. (im not telling u to write one )
Thanks again for answering!
Referring to your original post about trying to hook status bar clock. You have to decompile SystemUI apk which contains all status bar related code and logic. From decompiled source you can find out how status bar clock is implemented to be able to decide what method and in what class you need to hook to achieve desired functionality.
How do I find the SystemUI apk? I found an incredible tool online that decompiles apks to pure Java.
Does anyone know if samsung uses the same SystemUI as in AOSP github project? In that case I would'nt even need the tool.
Again, thanks for all your replies, you have been a BIG help.
Posted this on stack, but no replies so far, they tend to be super quick otherwise..
Kewkpad said:
How do I find the SystemUI apk? I found an incredible tool online that decompiles apks to pure Java.
Does anyone know if samsung uses the same SystemUI as in AOSP github project? In that case I would'nt even need the tool.
Again, thanks for all your replies, you have been a BIG help.
Posted this on stack, but no replies so far, they tend to be super quick otherwise..
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Maybe try logging package name eveytime handleLoadPackage is called. You will get a list of all packages that system loaded from which you might be able to determine which one is SystemUI.
public void handleLoadPackage(final LoadPackageParam lpparam) throws Throwable {
XposedBridge.log("Loading package: " + lpparam.packageName);

