Does anybody know how to enable ad-hoc wifi for our xperia s? I know that the wpa_supplicant file in /system/bin should be changed to enable ad-hoc connections. I have tried several of those files that I could find on the web, but none of them did the trick. Apparetly the file is specific to android version and phone model.
Does anyone have a working wpa_supplicant file for ad-hoc WiFi connections on Xperia s?
So many smart people here and nobody can help?
Any devs out there building roms can compile up a wpa_supplicant as per
Have to apply manual changes on wpa_supplicant.conf to keep my ad-hoc network working each time I add new wifi network.
daveba said:
Any devs out there building roms can compile up a wpa_supplicant as per
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Manually ad your ad-hoc network in WiFi settings.
Turn off Wireless
Edit /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
mode=1 (inside the network config in the same file)
Use PowerControl widget to turn off/on as going in to WifiSettings will mess up WPA_Supplicant.conf again.
Maybe doing a proper config in /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf via recovery mode will sort it permanently instead?
For anyone reading this thread, i just came across this and it works perfect. No manual editing of files. Just flash the wpa_adhoc zip attached.
Same here for the Milestone.
Can someone give me pointers on how the patch gets applied to the wpa_supplicant? I suppose it needs to be decompiled and then recompiled but I've never done that so I'm not sure how involved it is or what tools are needed.
Just in case it's a quick job for someone in the know like you here is a link for the Milestone wpa_supplicant ;-)
Thanks !
I want to change the group for file wpa_supplicant.conf which i edited for internal use of wireless of our school. After editing it gave the permissions to root, which i want to change to wifi.
When i do "chgrp wifi wpa_supplicant.conf" the outcome is: chgrp: unknown group wifi
How can i fix this as i dont know how to edit/make groups under Android system
I have exactly the same problem.
I have root access using "UniversalAndroot".
Anyone an idea how to change the group to wifi?
newgrp wifi does not work.
chown system.wifi wpa_supplicant.conf seem to work.
[Q] Unknown group wifi - Is there any solution?
I am doing this on my XPERIA X10 mini
I too am looking for a solution to this problem.
On editing the file, the permissions changed to root:root.
With the owner:group as root:root, I am not able to enable wifi.
I have changed the owner to system, but unable to change the group to wifi like it was (before I edited this file).
In case anyone has found out please let me know.
I shall look into this further and post my findings.
X10 mini - Rooted
Try "chgrp 1010 wpa_supplicant.conf".
For every group/user IDs look here:
hi again
where can i get the vpn configuration files(not the vpn provider files)
tun.ko and chargemon and other files
- is there a special version of tun.ko file for the SE ARC 2.3.3 or any tun.ko will do the job
- what is better the open vpn gui application or vpn settings application
-what is the difference between the insmod and probmod what should i use on my ARC
-is there another free open vpn ( i use) the ip is blocked for the market access.
-i used the air vpn i was able to make files for any ip (ACCESS VPN WITHOUT OUR CLIENT) now i could not .
Hi guys,
I own Advent Vega tablet and the GPS on it is not working on Custom Honeycomb ROM. I don't own a A100 but i have been searching around and found out that A100 do have the same GPS hardware as my tablet. I'm currently experimenting with different kernel module.
I am hoping one of you guys that own A100 could help me to get the required file to help me getting GPS to work on my tablet.
If you want to help, kindly email me or attach the file located in / system / lib / folder in the root directory.
Any help is very much appreciated!
I looked on the /system/lib directory and could not find anything related to the GPS. I also looked in the /system/lib/modules directory and no luck there. You can download the whole decrypted rom from here.
hello there,
actually i am using openvpn hotspot sheild on pc having working .ovpn config files.
i wish to use them on my wonder. anyone here ever tried to config ovpn files on wonder.
please reply help appreciated.:angel: