Hi all,
I playing around with my desire bravo and ran in to a problem.
I use this phone temporary since my one x is back for repair.
I am looking for a smooth rom.
I had CM 7.0.2 on cmr2 hboot with s-off
I ran RUU to latest available version.
Now I need to re-root.
The recovery part went fine (after trying a bit with unrevoked).
Now I need root. I added SU.apk (dunno which version exactly) to sd via working stock rom without root.
I want to run file in recovery but it keeps saying "E: Can't mount /sdcard".
I know I can unbrick usb in 4EXT recovery but in CWM I can't
Any help (in plain English please )will be much appreciated cause I am a noob!
Thnx in advance
PS: If there is any specific detail you need to know before answering this question, please let me know! I don't know what is needed and what's not.
Sorry mods, wrong sector. Could you please move or delete it?
can be closed.
Dunno how I solved it but I did.
I need the help of an expert!
I did the unrevoked root, which I misread (apparently) thinking that it did a backup of my current rom. Then I tried to flash pre-rooted stock 2.2 and upon reboot it's stuck at carrier screen (Alltel).
I decided to reload stock, but as I said I was apparently mistaken about unrevoked doing a backup.
Is the device bricked? Any rom I try to flash doesn't work. I can boot into recovery, i can mount usb, but that's it.
My ultimate goal would be to put rooted (or unrooted then root afterward) 2.2 on the phone. At this point I'd settle for 2.1 so the phone... works...
I aint no expert I'm afraid, but just a thought...
did you do a factory wipe/cache wipe/dalvick wipe before you flashed?
On my first attempt, I forgot and ended up stuck on the bootscreen.
I had a similar problem before, can't mount as usb, sd card does not work. You may want to try out the steps from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=691639 . This worked for me.
I did do a data wipe, cache and dalvik wipe prior to flashing. I've gone through the full process a couple of times including battery pulls after reboot and hang.
I have usb mount through recovery (whatever recovery unrevoked placed on it). I can access my sd card through usb, I just don't know how to get this phone back to stock. I would be happy with almost any daily use rom at this point...
If you want to go back to stock you need to look for the RUU (stock Rom) for your carrier.
If you search this forum there is a thread somewhere which lists all the new RUU's
here it is http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=695667
Here's some phone info (in case it helps)
If you find the correct RUU for your carrier then follow these instructions to revert back to stock
Thank you. Was not aware of RUU's for download, searching now.
Do you know if a Verizon RUU would work with Alltel? I only ask because I'm not finding the Alltel RUU... Perhaps my search terms could be better? I'm searching "Alltel Desire RUU"
Ok, I found an RUU file, for my Alltel CDMA HTC Desire....
But it's exe? And the instructions I read tell me to plug my usb and (in the android interface) select "htc sync" for how it should connect. I don't have any UI, because I don't have an OS! Thoughts on how I could use this file or should I keep looking for a zip to flash?
When it says HTC Sync, it means the program you download from HTC. The one for syncing your phone. Go to the HTC site and you will find it on the download page.
Edit: Ah I see what you are saying! Not sure on what to do if you can't select HTC Sync on your phone. Maybe try running the RUU.exe and see what happens?? Sorry if this doesn't help
Just a thought, the ROM's you are trying to flash, they are for CDMA Bravo and not the UK ROM's ?
Yes CDMA Bravo
thanks though.
Maybe take a look at this thread. It tells you how to remove the ROM from the RUU so that you can put it on to your SD card and flash it from recovery. (at least I think that is what it does?
Edit: Sorry!!
I also read somewhere that if you put the phone into Fastboot , then connect to your PC and run the RUU.exe, it should work if you are S-OFF
THAT SOUNDS AWESOME.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Would you post the link though?
Perfect! This extracting the ROM worked! Tried everything again with newer version of unrevoked (had one downloaded to hhd, idk why it didn't occur to me to check for updates). Now running Cyanogen 6.1
Now if I can just figure out how to get the auto-backlight adjustments to not be so dim most of the time...
Excellent, glad you got it working again
Once you've played with CM6, you should try CM7, its good enough for daily use. In fact I use the nightly's (this ROM flashing becomes a bit addictive after a while)
i think i not the first to open a thread but i cant find my answer.
My question is.
i have unrooted my phone (htc desire) with unrevoked3
i have used alpharev en everything works fine.
now there is an update from alpharev i want to instal.
and im am a noob in this but my hboot is 0.93.001 and there is a new version called 0.93.1000 could someone point me in the right direction on how to update it.
als i wanted to know if someone could explain or give me a link for changing a kernel.
i tried using gingervilian (latest) and it keeps rebooting.
someone pointed me to using a different kernel.
so if someone could help me it would be appreciatie
Hi guys, coming from desire hd forum. My friend showed me her phone today (htc desire) and said it was rooted + had recovery. But when ever she tried to flash a ROM, it would hang or just boot loop.
Now I've tried everything to get it back to stock, but nothing seems to work. Any help guys?
I've used the search function to see if anyone else has posted this, found nothing, so hoping someone could help me please. Cheers guys!
please provide some more info as:
sd card layout?
helping you is guess work without these
Hey, sorry, i was in a bit of a rush.
I have it solved now, thanks for replying though! .
For anyone else that faced the problem i did, using s-off with alphaRev 1.8, recovery: clockworks mod _ root and no ROM booting, either because bootloop or won't boot. Then downgrade your HBOOT to the bravo stock (in alphaRev site). Instructions given in page.
Then enter fastboot again, run your RUU from HTC and you should be back to stock.
I had my eyes on installing RunneyMede Version 6.03 which was posted by sebastiaan here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1315961
So I started rooting my phone which I had successfully done then I downloaded unrevoked forever in order to gain S-OFF but since I was too stupid and reckless to actually check if it was compatible with my Htc desire I tried to install it and didnt even it check if it did turn S-OFF which it didnt.
So I downloaded the ROM and installed it but unfortunately I keep getting stuck at the ROM intro with no way of getting back.
I have a HTC desire (GSM) I tried almost everything I could think of and No I was reckless not to do a backup before starting so I have no way of restoring my phone before that. and it keeps replaying the intro, I also tried to restore to factory settings but after I do it keeps giving me an "Android" in the screen which comes and goes but nothing happens. but I did a backup when the ROM wasnt working incase I screw up again.
Please I seriously need help and I know I was stupid and reckless but I've come here hoping to find someone to save me.
PS:I thought of using revoloutinary to reroot and install S-OFF (if possible) but I'm not sure of what that may do to the phone since its already been rooted.
Thank you in advance
Bravo PVT3 SHIP S-On
HBOOT- 0.93.0001
Well you dont need S-OFF in order to flash the rom, you probably forgot to create an ext-4 partition on your SD card.
Well you might be right
I'll try to partition them using recovery since I cant even open the phone fully so I'll do my best and I hope this works
Good luck with that, check out this tutorial on how to create a sd ext partition via windows (scroll down for the english version). http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=927512
that link would be of tremendous help
I tried partitioning using recovery but I had clockworkmod v2.5 and I cant seem to partition with it as I've found that it bricks some phones
I'll do my best with this link and if it works I'll be able to run the rom and work if not then I'll try to use an old version of it which can work with S-ON and when I open the mobile I would restore to factory settings and redo the entire process but right this time
thanks for your help so far I'll keep you updated
EvertorN said:
Good luck with that, check out this tutorial on how to create a sd ext partition via windows (scroll down for the english version). http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=927512
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from the link best use the gparted guide (post 3), it's often recommended by the pros here as there's less chance of error.
sorry now if im hijacking your thread but i have a few questions too...
i rooted my phone with the program called "unrevoked" (i think) for almost a year ago, i currently have the CWM revovery (it has a green and very simlpe) and it is S-ON. I run on the Miuiandroid rom now but i have been thinking about the same as you mention in this thread by sebasitaan... is it just to wipe and install as i did when i flashed to miui from CM7???
and the last one, is there a way of getting the 4ext recovery with touch on my phone...? Bravo PVT1 ship S-ON...?
NitroSvennen said:
sorry now if im hijacking your thread but i have a few questions too...
i rooted my phone with the program called "unrevoked" (i think) for almost a year ago, i currently have the CWM revovery (it has a green and very simlpe) and it is S-ON. I run on the Miuiandroid rom now but i have been thinking about the same as you mention in this thread by sebasitaan... is it just to wipe and install as i did when i flashed to miui from CM7???
and the last one, is there a way of getting the 4ext recovery with touch on my phone...? Bravo PVT1 ship S-ON...?
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there are dedicated FAQ links from that page, suggest you read through those!
NitroSvennen said:
sorry now if im hijacking your thread but i have a few questions too...
i rooted my phone with the program called "unrevoked" (i think) for almost a year ago, i currently have the CWM revovery (it has a green and very simlpe) and it is S-ON. I run on the Miuiandroid rom now but i have been thinking about the same as you mention in this thread by sebasitaan... is it just to wipe and install as i did when i flashed to miui from CM7???
and the last one, is there a way of getting the 4ext recovery with touch on my phone...? Bravo PVT1 ship S-ON...?
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When you changing rom do full wipe for updating rom just cache and dalvik (must be the same base)
About 4ext you need to be s-off (look for alpharev if hboot is 0.93 and lower or revolutionary 0.93-1.02)
Well I partitioned the sd card
tried to reinstall and left it to boot and it did boot and get to the android but thing is theres nothing in lock screen and when I open (not sure how) it keeps giving me the message "com.htc.bg has stopped unexpectedly please try again" EVERY 2 SECS so I cant do **** and since its asking me to actually sign into google and start the entire process i cant do factory reset.
any ideas?
i rebooted and it worked
thanks everton without your help I wouldnt have been able to do anything
Np man, glad to hear it worked.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Ok, hello everyone. Please bare with me as I am new here and this is my first time rooting. I usually don't do this type of stuff but I thought I would give it a try. Please have mercy.
I have a TELUS HTC Desire HD, and I decided that I would try to root it tonight. I used AAHK and the rooting went good. I am now on 2.3.3
The problem now is that I cannot go to ICS/JB OR return to stock. Everytime I tried to flash to a JellyTime ROM, hboot would flash to the downgrading gingerbread rom instead. VERY confusing. and as for returning to stock, I don't even know.. Please please help.. and before you ask, I did to a clean downgrade. Wiped the whole thing. I backed a lot up, except I forgot my contacts.. OOF.
Can someone please help me do one of these things? (Preferably down to stock)
Again please don't be rude, please have mercy. I am scared right now. Very thankful that my phone isn't bricked, but I am stuck and lost..
chrisbroncos76 said:
Ok, hello everyone. Please bare with me as I am new here and this is my first time rooting. I usually don't do this type of stuff but I thought I would give it a try. Please have mercy.
I have a TELUS HTC Desire HD, and I decided that I would try to root it tonight. I used AAHK and the rooting went good. I am now on 2.3.3
The problem now is that I cannot go to ICS/JB OR return to stock. Everytime I tried to flash to a JellyTime ROM, hboot would flash to the downgrading gingerbread rom instead. VERY confusing. and as for returning to stock, I don't even know.. Please please help.. and before you ask, I did to a clean downgrade. Wiped the whole thing. I backed a lot up, except I forgot my contacts.. OOF.
Can someone please help me do one of these things? (Preferably down to stock)
Again please don't be rude, please have mercy. I am scared right now. Very thankful that my phone isn't bricked, but I am stuck and lost..
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Are u sure that You are s-off? If You are, then delete the PD98IMG.zip file from the sdcard. If You are not s-off, then re run the hack kit as You have only downgraded. :good:
glevitan said:
Are u sure that You are s-off? If You are, then delete the PD98IMG.zip file from the sdcard. If You are not s-off, then re run the hack kit as You have only downgraded. :good:
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It was rooted, so it would be S-off right?? I think that the problem is that when I downgraded, AAHK put a ROM on my SD card of the Gingerbread, and everytime I try to load the JellyTime ROM, it loads that GB ROM instead.. At least I think that is what the problem is..
If I can still put the Jellytime on, that would be cool since I've already gone through the rooting process lol
I don't think I like Hboot.. How can I load ClockworkRecovery instead?
The process I've been doing is:
1. Put the JellyTime on my SD Card
2. Shut the phone off, battery out. then put battery back in, and hold Volume Down + Power, and it loads up Hboot. That's where I'm having problems
EDIT: I've just now found out that the phone is in GB, BUT NOT ROOTED! How the eff does that work??
chrisbroncos76 said:
It was rooted, so it would be S-off right?? I think that the problem is that when I downgraded, AAHK put a ROM on my SD card of the Gingerbread, and everytime I try to load the JellyTime ROM, it loads that GB ROM instead.. At least I think that is what the problem is..
If I can still put the Jellytime on, that would be cool since I've already gone through the rooting process lol
I don't think I like Hboot.. How can I load ClockworkRecovery instead?
The process I've been doing is:
1. Put the JellyTime on my SD Card
2. Shut the phone off, battery out. then put battery back in, and hold Volume Down + Power, and it loads up Hboot. That's where I'm having problems
EDIT: I've just now found out that the phone is in GB, BUT NOT ROOTED! How the eff does that work??
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Root and S-OFF are different. In hboot you should see at the top left corner something like ACE PVT S-OFF...
then you will be able to flash a ROM. If you are not S-OFF then you have,to re run the Hack Kit. Use the guide in my signature to find information. :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
I see someone didn't read the manual clearly enough. For those that are sense 3.0 roms(like you) you have to run the kit twice. Once to downgrade and the second to gain root and soff
Thanks to you both! I got it working! ICS ON DESIRE HD WOOO!!!