Hi buddies,
I don't really know how but my phone got bricked.The full storry is i installed cm 10.2 last night (right way) and it worked all perfectly.(battery status was about to 10% when i started the cm10.2 first time if this may help somehow) then phone stand to charge for all night.
Well now , i woke up (battery 100%)i just wanted to enable navbar by editing buid.prop so after i reboot it didn't start at all.i thought its freezed so i pulled out battery for 5 sec then tried to start it again.when long push power button i figured it vibrates shortly and green led blinks once but it won't start at all.its like its shutting down right after vibrates bcuz i can try start it again after it vibrates.
Fastboot and flashmode works fine. i tried to flash official rom , tried repair in pc compation, tried relock bootloader but things doesn't changed.
Well solved it by flashing 2.3.4 official gingerbread.thanks anyway
Close it.
Have a GS3 running Rootbox 4.2. Was running stable for probably around 6 months, no issues at all except for the occasional random reboot which seems to plague all S3s.
Felt it vibrate in my pocket, assumed I had a message. But when I looked it was restarting. It gets to the rom loading screen then abruptly restarts.
Now it even doesn't get that far. The samsung screen shows up and the phone restarts in a loop.
Cannot stay booted into recovery. CWM recovery screen shows for about 2-3 secs then phone restarts.
Download mode through odin works, but I'd like to avoid wiping everything if at all possible.
thank you for any help.
an easy try to fix is to pull battery , wait a couple minutes and then either just hold power button till vibrate or do button combo to get to recovery.
"all i can really do , is stay out of my own way and let the will of heaven be done"
Try re-flashing an updated version of CWM via Odin and see if you can remain in recovery mode.
Thanks for the replies
Tried pulling battery for few mins (actually a few days since I did not have time to mess with phone) - No good, phone gets partway through the rom load screen then reboots.
Tried the odin suggestion - home +vol. down+ power opens download mode, but download mode stays open for around 10-15 sec before the phone restarts itself.
I have tried swapping back to the oem battery since i have an extended battery and the problem still remains.
Sounds like a hardware problem to me since you can access download and recovery but it turns itself off. You've tried a couple of batteries so that kind of rules out any software issues.
Did you try booting the phone with a de-brick image from XDA?
Hi all,
My phone is rooted (still S-ON)(TWRP installed) and running viper's ROM. Last night I forgot to charge the phone when I got home, when I looked it was 1% and shut off. I plugged in the phone and foolishly tried to reboot right away instead of waiting a good ten minutes. Well the phone never got out of the HTC logo screen. I would hold down the power and it would vibrate twice, no clue what that mean't. Anyways I waited for at least 10 minutes to give the battery a chance to chare and see if it rebooted but it didn't. Finally I was able to get into recovery doing the following. Hold down the volume up and power button till the phone reboots (screen will be black) Then quickly hold volume down and power until you see the HTC logo on the black background. Then you should have the options to boot into recovery and into twrp. I had to do a data wipe as something in the OS got hosed. I lost all apps and SMS but at least I was able to boot back into the phone. Hope that helps some out there.
I have encountered this same issue on 2 phones but couldn't recover either without reflashing a stock firmware.
So i had lineage os 16 until it started to randomly restart multiple times. so i got the newest available Stock rom for the marlin, had some weird trouble flashing it until it finally worked. the phone booted and i set everything up. after a couple of log ins with apps and downloading it just turned off and started boot looping. Now usually you could enter the bootloader but.. it only stays in that for .5 to 4 seconds before restarting. i cant power off because the home button isnt working and i cant flash a clean rom.
Any ideas???
(currently letting my phones battery drain and leaving it for a bit. hopefully that could help but unlikely)
So I updated to Android 11 on Tuesday, and all seemed fine. Last night my phone was trying to install an app, and seemed to freeze.
After a few minutes, I forced it to shut-down (power + vol down) and it started to reboot. It got to the G logo with the small bottom bar animation for a number of minutes and eventually kicked back into Recovery mode.
I decided to try rebooting, and it started to reboot, got to the Google logo (the full word, not the "G"), and then kicked back into rebooting.
The phone now constantly reboots and even if I get into fastboot mode, it only stays in fastboot until I hit a key (vol up/down or power) and it then reboots into constant bootloops described above.
If I don't push a button on fastboot mode, it will just start booting anyways after about 3-5 seconds.
Does anybody know of what I could do? Not sure if replacing the battery would help (e.g. a power issue) or if it may be a corruption of the flash memory and that the system and underlying partitions are corrupt leading to nothing I could do to repair the phone.
I have really enjoyed this phone, but I am afraid that this phone is all-but-dead and unusable.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
You can try flashing the stock rom from recovery or from fastboot.
Had something similar on an og Pixel... Turned out to be a broken power switch.
I had a weird issue last week. Phone would freeze after a couple of minutes and would reboot. It would also boot loop while connected for charging (wireless and corded.). The battery would not charge. I would shut down the phone and when I plugged in the charger, it would boot loop. The battery finally discharged to 0% and shut off. I plugged the charger in and it remained off. I let it charge to 100% and it's been working for the past week without issue. I'm not sure what happened.
I would suggest letting the battery drain to 0% and go from there. HTH
I updated my 3XL to Android 11 two days ago and since then I have caught it rebooting at seemingly random times, though only when it is on the wireless charger. I guess it's back to Android 10 for now. Hopefully reverting a Pixel is as easy as it was on the Nexus. Thanks Google.
BostonDan said:
So I updated to Android 11 on Tuesday, and all seemed fine. Last night my phone was trying to install an app, and seemed to freeze.
After a few minutes, I forced it to shut-down (power + vol down) and it started to reboot. It got to the G logo with the small bottom bar animation for a number of minutes and eventually kicked back into Recovery mode.
I decided to try rebooting, and it started to reboot, got to the Google logo (the full word, not the "G"), and then kicked back into rebooting.
The phone now constantly reboots and even if I get into fastboot mode, it only stays in fastboot until I hit a key (vol up/down or power) and it then reboots into constant bootloops described above.
If I don't push a button on fastboot mode, it will just start booting anyways after about 3-5 seconds.
Does anybody know of what I could do? Not sure if replacing the battery would help (e.g. a power issue) or if it may be a corruption of the flash memory and that the system and underlying partitions are corrupt leading to nothing I could do to repair the phone.
I have really enjoyed this phone, but I am afraid that this phone is all-but-dead and unusable.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
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Are you familiar with how to use commands in platform-tools to flash stock images? How did you upgrade? OTA? Are you rooted? Is it unlocked or Verizon variant? If unlocked, do you know how to unlock the bootloader?
jjlane86 said:
Are you familiar with how to use commands in platform-tools to flash stock images? How did you upgrade? OTA? Are you rooted? Is it unlocked or Verizon variant? If unlocked, do you know how to unlock the bootloader?
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I am proficient in using the bootloader. Phone has been bootloader unlocked since day one.
I upgraded to Android 11 with ota and all was good for a day (rooted with Magisk canary). Then the phone started acting up, first not booting system and then bootlooping.
I can get into the bootloader (fastboot) but only for maximum 3-5 seconds before the phone reboots, or if I hit any button (vol up/down) the phone reboots. Also, if connected to my computer the USB does not recognize fastboot anymore (before it reboots anyways)
I think it's dead, Jim.