as the title said, i am looking for a partition table of galaxy w with the max size of each partitions
hadidjapri said:
as the title said, i am looking for a partition table of galaxy w with the max size of each partitions
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Make sure you have busybox installed.
Then, from Terminal, type the following sequence of commands:
echo "p" | fdisk -u /dev/block/mmcblk0 > /sdcard/parts.txt
echo "p" | fdisk -u /dev/block/mmcblk1 >> /sdcard/parts.txt
> >> Be careful! The first line has a single angle-bracket; the second line has a double angle-bracket!
Next, open the file /sdcard/parts.txt
- 1st column is partition name
- 2nd column is the bootable flag
- 3rd column is the starting (1st) sector
- 4th column is the ending (last) sector
- 5th column is the size of the partition (in KiB)
- 6th & 7th column indicates the type of filesystem in the partition
this is from the
# fix this up by examining /proc/mtd on a running device
I want to find the actual size partition adb shell cat /proc/mtd" or "adb shell cat /proc/emmc" or "adb shell cat /proc/dumchar_info" doesn't work !
*root your device;
*install TWRP or CWM for your device ;
*install busybox tools ( Busybox Free Goolge Play);
After this, enter to recovery mode. Mount /system into TWRP or CWM.
Plug USB cabe, and in your computer input these commands:
adb devices --> verify if device is connected
Now, install parted into /system/bin:
adb push <path-to-file>/parted /system/bin
Now, insert this command:
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 unit B print
The output is similar :
~ # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 unit B print
Model: MMC 008GE0 (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7818182656B
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 4194304B 6291455B 2097152B MRD
2 6291456B 8388607B 2097152B MRD_BK
3 8388608B 10485759B 2097152B MEP2
4 10485760B 31457279B 20971520B ext4 EFS
5 31457280B 46137343B 14680064B Reserved
6 46661632B 48234495B 1572864B LOKE_2ND
7 48758784B 50331647B 1572864B LOKE_1ST
8 50331648B 67108863B 16777216B PARAM
9 67108864B 83886079B 16777216B RECOVERY
10 83886080B 100663295B 16777216B KERNEL
11 100663296B 125829119B 25165824B MODEM
12 125829120B 142606335B 16777216B ext4 NVM
13 142606336B 352321535B 209715200B ext4 HIDDEN
14 352321536B 713031679B 360710144B ext4 CACHE
15 713031680B 2307915775B 1594884096B ext4 SYSTEM
16 2307915776B 7817134079B 5509218304B ext4 USER
Use the column size to fill in the BoardConfig values.
The first column it refers to the mount point.
Ex.: the kernel partition has 16.777.216 bytes mounted in /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
Links references:
naufragoweb said:
Now, install parted into /system/bin:
adb push <path-to-file>/parted /system/bin
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Path to.. what file?
Nicofisi said:
Path to.. what file?
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Path to the "parted" file in your PC
[How to] determine dd parameters for all LG G4 models
Only for advanced users!
You are an advanced user if you know exactly what you are doing.
You are an advanced user if you know what to do if something went wrong.
You are NOT an advanced user if you know how to do copy+paste.
You can bring your smartphone into a state, so it no longer works.
I am not responsible for anything. The following instructions are only suggestions.
everyone knows how to root the LG G4 with the "low effort root" method.
They copied the system partition to an ".img" file, rooted it and copied it back to the "system" partition.
Many users wonder how to get the right parameters for the "dd" commands.
Please read the complete guide and be sure that you understand it until you execute a command!
dd if=/inputfile bs=8192 count=12345 of=/outputfile
if = Input File
of = Output File
bs = Blocksize in bytes (default is 512 - to increase copy speed use multiple of 512 e.g. 8192)
count = how many blocks
skip = skip blocks before start reading
seek = skip blocks before start writing
more info:
There are different models of the LG G4 on the market.
We know that the system partition is different depending on the model of the G4.
As an example I will show you how to calculate the parameters for the LG G4 H815 (International Model).
What you need:
Windows with Send_Command.exe
At first we need to know where the "system" partition starts (first sector) and how big it is (partition size).
I used the first method to find these values. But I recommend the second method because it's easier.
First method (difficult method, extracting the GPT and using "gdisk" in linux to read the partition info)
What you need:
Linux with "gdisk" installed
Put your smartphone to "Download Mode" and connect it to the Send_Command.exe command prompt.
We need to copy the partition table to the internal storage.
The partition table of GPT (GUID Partition Table) has a size of 16384 bytes and starts at LBA2.
Each LBA has a size of 512 bytes. Because we start at LBA0 we need to add 1024 bytes.
In summary 16384 + 1024 = 17408 (bytes).
Execute the following command:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=1 count=17408 of=/data/media/0/gpt_backup.img
Enter "LEAVE" to restart your phone.
You will find the (very small) file "gpt_backup.img" on your internal storage.
Switch to Linux:
Copy the file to your Linux and open the terminal. Then type this:
gdisk /yourpath/gpt_backup.img
Some warnings will occur. Ignore them.
You will see:
Command (? for help):
Enter "p" and hit "enter".
You will get a list of the partitions.
Scroll up a bit and check that you see:
"Logical sector size: 512 bytes"
Scroll down and look for the "system" partition.
You will find a line similar to this:
47 884736 9363455 4.0GiB FFFF system
Now you know the number of the "system" partition is "47".
You will see:
Command (? for help):
Type "i" and hit "enter".
You will be asked the partition number.
Enter it and hit "enter".
You will see something conatining lines similar to this:
First sector: 884736
Last sector: 9363455
Partition size: 8478720
Partition name: 'system'
We need the values from "First sector" and "Partition size".
Second method (easier method, just using "adb shell" to read the partition info)
What you need:
adb shell
usb debugging enabled
To get the "logical sector size" use:
cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/logical_block_size
It should be 512
smason said:
To find in any smartphone the offset and the size of /system:
$ adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ ls -la /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system
ls -la /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2015-01-02 10:50 system -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p47
[email protected]:/ $ cd /sys/block/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p47
cd /sys/block/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p47
[email protected]:/sys/block/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p47 $ cat start
cat start
[email protected]:/sys/block/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p47 $ cat size
cat size
[email protected]:/sys/block/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p47 $
offset = 512 * 884736 = 452984832
partition size = 512 * 8478720 = 4341104640
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So "first sector" is the value from "cat start" (884736).
The "partiton size" is the value from "cat size" (8478720).
Now the mathematics (using the values from above):
Logical sector size = 512 (I never saw something different on LG G4 smartphones)
Assuming bs=8192
skip and seek: "First sector" * "Logical sector size" / bs
884736 * 512 / 8192 = 55296
count: "Partition size" * "Logical sector size" / bs
8478720 * 512 / 8192 = 529920
That was an example for the H815 (International Model).
Use your own values to calulate the "dd" parameters!
Back to Windows:
Put your smartphone to "Download Mode" and connect it to the Send_Command.exe command prompt.
Now you can copy your "system" partition to "system.img" with the following command:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=8192 skip=55296 count=529920 of=/data/media/0/system.img
Replace the values with the ones you calculated for your model!
Now you could copy the "system.img" to your Linux and root it or do everything else you want.
Important: Do NOT delete the original "system.img" from your internal storage as long as you are not 100% sure your G4 is stable.
If your modifications don't work, you can copy back the original "system" partition (with "dd").
To copy the modified "system_changed.img" back to the "system" partition use the following command:
dd if=/data/media/0/system_changed.img bs=8192 seek=55296 count=529920 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0
Replace the values with the ones you calculated for your model!
Important: Be sure to use "skip" when reading and "seek" when writing.
The "dd" command should take about a minute.
Did the instructions help you?
Please give a "Thanks!"
Thank you
thanks for this great post.
I just have one question. With your formulas and using 8K block size, I get a floating point number as result. So I used a block size of 4K instead, and I get an even number. This seems better to me so I went with it, as I believe smaller block sizes are always ok?
I'm just wondering one thing which seems not right to me. My system partition is reported to be 2.5GB:
Partition number (1-42): 39
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: A8725BAA-9E45-B2F8-8FA3-8C972F60F0CF
First sector: 836608 (at 408.5 MiB)
Last sector: 6074573 (at 2.9 GiB)
Partition size: 5237966 sectors (2.5 GiB)
Attribute flags: 1000000000000000
Partition name: 'system'
So with the formulas:
FACTOR 512 / 4096 = 0.125
skip and seek: "First sector" * "Logical sector size" / bs
836608 *FACTOR = 104576
count: "Partition size" * "Logical sector size" / bs
8478720 * FACTOR = 1059840
If I now run the dd command:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=4096 skip=104576 count=1059840 of=/storage/external_SD/system.img
I get a file system.img which is 4096 MB. Should it not be 2.5GB as my original system partition?
If I use bs=512 (the default) and type
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=512 skip=836608 count=8478720 of=/storage/external_SD/system.img
I get a system.img of the right size (bit over 2.5GB).
I think the block size to use for "skip" is to be specified with the option ibs=XXX, not bs=XXX which only applies to "count" (according to man dd). I tried the ibs option, but the command then just doesn't work on Send_Command.exe. It doesn't even print an error but simply returns immediately.
which phone do you have?
Your calculation seems wrong. It's ok to use BS with 4k. I could be a bit slower then 8k, but that doesn't matter.
BUT: Look at your "count" value. Your partition size is 5237966. You used 8478720 (the value from my G4(H815EU) example). Thats wrong!!!
How to calculate with 1k and your values:
Please check my calulation!!!
It's interesting, that the Send_Command shell has access to your external sd card...
I think the block size to use for "skip" is to be specified with the option ibs=XXX, not bs=XXX which only applies to "count" (according to man dd).
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No. "bs" is the right parameter.
If you use "bs" it sets "ibs" and "obs" to the value of "bs".
Just do "dd --help" on a linux system for more details.
Hi Dominik,
oh my, how embarrassing I actually did take the wrong value from the example you posted. I used my value (the 5237966) for calculating the parameters with bs=8K, and got a floating value, so tried 4K instead... and the wrong value must have snug in. Oups.
I also get floating value on 4K now that you've pointed my mistake out:
5237966 * 512/4096= 654745.75
If I rounded this up, would this not mean that I copy a tiny bit of the next partition on the image? And if I then use the image to restore, would I not run the risk to damage something in the following partition?
Anyway, it's not a huge drama as I can just use bs=512 and it works.
Yes I have access to the SD card, the image also has copied there successfully. I was also surprised because I read in the forums that it's not possible.
I found it out with the "df" command, as the SD was listed there. I needed to use it because there's no room on my internal storage (it's a ridiculous 8GB on the LG H735) to store the image there.
My system partition is only 2.5GB so I don't think I have to reformat, but you are right it would be better to use ext4.
I removed my information about formatting the sd card.
You dont't have to format it. FAT32 is ok.
So you can use your sd card on systems which don't support ext4 too.
I have the LG G4S (H735). It's unusable without rooting as it only has 8GB internal memory. That's why I'm trying to root it now.
jen.magnolis said:
I have the LG G4S (H735). It's unusable without rooting as it only has 8GB internal memory. That's why I'm trying to root it now.
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Ok, good luck.
Please open a new thread if you have questions about rooting your phone.
Or is there already one? Maybe these?
Oh. Just saw that you are already there
dominik-p said:
Ok, good luck.
Please open a new thread if you have questions about rooting your phone.
Or is there already one? Maybe these?
Oh. Just saw that you are already there
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I just created a new thread too to focus on the particular problem I have:
this guide helped in dumping boot and recovery partitions.
thank you very much sir! i successfully dumped my boot and recovery partition using dd in my mediatek device by following your guide.
sparksthedev said:
thank you very much sir! i successfully dumped my boot and recovery partition using dd in my mediatek device by following your guide.
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Did you use the first (more komplex) oder the second method for your device?
I saw that you had problems in this thread:
And you wrote a guide for MTK devices here:
This doesn't work with the LG G4, but I think it will help many others.
Thank you
My sister asked me to root her phone. It seems more complicated than anything I did in the past (HTC Wildfire, Galaxy Core Plus, Xperia M4A).
I tried this tutorial and it kinda worked, but I can't mount image I got, so it's useless (image, not tutorial!).
Phone is LG-H736 (Beat). I got this result in gdisk:
Partition number (1-42): 39
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: A9520AE6-ABC6-F107-E8FE-B37C4C30CB77
First sector: 836608 (at 408.5 MiB)
Last sector: 6074573 (at 2.9 GiB)
Partition size: 5237966 sectors (2.5 GiB)
Attribute flags: 1000000000000000
Partition name: 'system'
The 8K bs gave me floating point result, so I used 0,5K.
So the dd command were:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=512 skip=836608 count=5237966 of=/storage/external_SD/system.img
BTW, I had access to SDCard and I didn't need to open ports...
EDIT: I got the system.img. The problem was I haven't got enough space on SD card.
But now I bricked it...
Attention! I know there are already some posts about it. If you find it annoying PLEASE ignore this post. Do Not bother to comment. Just Ignore it.
Disclaimer: I'm Not Responsible for Anything. If you wish do it as your own risk.
These things are goning to happen
For the reason of Formating data will be lost - So backup everything to PC
You'll lose google sign in, contacts, messages, social networking etc. - backup before proceed
Things You will Need
Drivers - For Detecting your device properly (Sony Users can use "Flashtool")
ADB - Use mini version. You don't have to install Android SDK for this
USB Cable
CMD - Use "ConEmu" or "Console2" more flexible than cmd. Provides easy copy of text from console
TWRP Recovery - Download it from twrp site
I'm Going to put this assuming you as Novice. So I'll Explain as much as possible
Step 1 -
* Installing flashtool
Download flashtool from the link given above
Install flashtool as usual.
Then from "C:\Flashtool\drivers" install drivers for your phone.
Open Flashtool (Keep it open for this step)
* Phone Detection
After installing drivers - enable "USB debugging" in phone. Connect your phone to pc see if it is detected or not.
If not try doing uninstall & installing flashtool again. If it is not detected yet I shall say "STOP" forget partitioning. Look in the forum for a solution. Fix it and then continue.
If your device detects properly in normal mode then proceed
Turn off phone. Connect USB cable to PC and while pressing volume up button and connect cable to Phone.
A blue light will flash & Driver will install if necessary. In Flashtool window it will show fastboot mode after detecting phone. If not "STOP" try again. Fix it and then continue.
Step 2 - Install mini adb
If you have downloaded mini ADB.exe version install it to root directory of PC for example C:\ADB. Double click to open the .exe when ask for location of install show to C:\ADB
If you have downloaded Mini ADB as .zip/.rar file. Right click on the file> Extract to > C:\ADB
Step 3 - TWRP
Download from the link given above.
Move Downloaded TWRP image such as twrp-3.0.0-0-nozomi.img to ADB folder (C:\ADB)
Rename the file to twrp.img.
(Optional) - also move for later use. If you want to install a fresh rom.
Step 4 - Kernel flash
* Flashing Kernel by flashtool
Turn off phone, conncet it to pc while pressing volume + button
open flashtool> flash device (thunder icon)> fastboot> Flash kernel> select twrp-3.0.0-0-nozomi.img
See the flashtool log if it says "OK" then Reboot/start the phone. Otherwise redo this step.
When starting press volume + - button several time it will bring up recovery screen.
* Flashing kernel into Fota Kernel.
You have to Upload the recovery.img into your phone & Flash to do this: Open Command Window by default in windows it is called cmd.
Opening Command window
* By CMD:
Go to ADB folder> Press Shift + Right Mouse button> Open Command window here> it will open a command window
* Using Other console software:
ConEmu or Console2 can't be open this way. You have to use "cd" command to go to adb folder.
In conEmu or console2 write: cd your adb location for example: cd c:\ADB
Now write these in command window-
adb push twrp.img /sdcard/ <<<<---- this will copy twrp.img to your phone sdcard. Remember to change recovery name to twrp.img
dd if=/sdcard/twrp.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 <<<<---- this will write twrp to FOTA block of your phone.
** Rebooting phone will bring up recovery screen. In the recovery screen it will ask you whether system should be put into "Read only mode". Don't do that.
** In twrp Go to Mount> deselect System, data, cache, Sdcard and read only system > select again > again Deselect
Before You Procced Any Further Make Sure:
PC can detect your device Normally
PC Can detect device in Fastboot mode
If you really want to do this or not?
Step 5 - Partitioning
[*] Connect USB Cable while in TWRP recovery. (It dosen't matter which screen you are in just Stay in twrp recovery)
[*] Open ADB Folder> Open CMD or ConEmu from there (See Step 4 - opening command window section for this)
Write these command
adb shell <<<<----- it will start ADB
then write
fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0 <<<<----- It will enable partitioning commands to work
This will bring some info & It will Look Like this:
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 973824.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
Command (m for help):
**NOTE** " Command (m for help): " will show automatically if you successfuly entered in partitioning mode if not redo steps again.
Now we need to see each block of default partition and detect SDCARD & Internal Storage: Write this-
p <<<<<<----- This will print or show each partition. Command (m for help): already be there just write p for example Command (m for help): p
It will show this:
[HIDE]Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 31.9 GB, 31910264832 bytes
4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 973824 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 64 * 512 = 32768 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 65 2048 f0 Linux/PA-RISC boot
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 * 65 81 512 4d Unknown
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 129 768 20480 48 Unknown
Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 769 954240 30511104 5 Extended
Partition 4 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 785 800 512 46 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 833 928 3072 4a Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p7 961 1056 3072 4b Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 1089 1184 3072 58 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p9 1217 1376 5120 70 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 1409 1664 8192 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 1665 2176 16384 f0 Linux/PA-RISC boot
/dev/block/mmcblk0p12 2177 34944 1048576 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 34945 42944 256000 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 42945 108480 2097152 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 108481 954240 27064320 c Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
Command (m for help):[/HIDE]
Identifying SDCARD & Internal Storage - From the print output we see lots of blocks and lots of data. But We need to know which partition belongs to which.
/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 <<<---- this is the Internal Storage. See the blocks column its like 2 GB (2097152)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 <<<---- this is the SDCARD. Blocks look like it's around 27GB and there is also win95 FAT32 type partition.
As we need to increase Internal Storage Size. From where these extra storage will come from? Well, it's from SDCARD. That's why SDCARD & Internal Storage has to be deleted and repartition again. As for delete do this
d <<<<<---- for deleting partition Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1-15): <<<<---- it will ask which partition you want to delete?
15 <<<<<---- First delete mmcblk0p15
then again give
d <<<<<---- for deleting partition Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1-15): 14 <<<<----- Deletes Internal storage partition which is mmcblk0p14
You can give P command to see whether those partition deleted or not
Command (m for help): p
Now creating new partition for Internal storage. Write
n <<<<<----- this is for creating new partition Command (m for help): n
this will show this:
First cylinder (769-954240, default 769):
To Understand properly look at this table you generated earlier using p command:
start end
/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 34945 42944
/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 42945 108480
/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 108481 954240
Here mmcblk0p13 started ended at 42944. mmcblk0p14 started at 42945. And mmcblk0p14 ended 108480 just after that mmcblk0p15 started at 108481. Ending is beginning. Quiet easy actually.
So when asked to put first cylinder: you take mmcblk0p13 end value plus 1 write that in first cylinder. for example if End value of mmcblk0p13 is 2 then first cylinder will be 3. if mmcblk0p13 end value is 1000 then first cylinder value will be 1001. if mmcblk0p13 End value is 42900 then first cylinder Value will be 42901. I think that's enough for understanding.
First cylinder (769-954240, default 769): 42945 [<<<<----- in my case mmcblk0p13 end value is 42944 so first cylinder value is 42945 this will not be same for you. press Enter]
Then it will ask for Last Cylinder value: There is three way to put this in kilobyte, in megabyte or in default size but we have to put + sign before size. For example: +100000k or +4000M or +2000000. Easiest one will be using Megabyte. 4000 megabyte is 4 gb, 8000 is 8GB. By default when partitioning system keep some space for recording partition info that's why we never get full size in Memory card, Hard disk, Flash drive etc. This will also be applied here. If you give +4000M command you will get 3.6GB or 3.7GB Something like that. So calculate give some more to keep it even if you want.
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (42945-954240, default 954240):
I want my internal storage is around 4GB So I Gave
+4192 <<<<----- Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (42945-954240, default 954240): +4192
Now The SDCARD Partition. To create This partition we have to give First cylinder value. As we don't know mmcblk0p14 has which Ending cylinder value. We have to generate the partition table and see. So give the P command.
Command (m for help): p <<<<--- shows partition table. Note the END Value of mmcblk0p14. suppose End value is 170875
Give n command
Command (m for help): n <<<<--- new partition for SDCARD or mmcblk0p15. It will ask for first cylinder
First cylinder (769-954240, default 769): <<<<---- put noted Ending value of mmcblk0p14 + 1 here. (170875+1 = 170876) press enter
Now Last cylinder: Just press enter it will take default
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (42945-954240, default 954240):
Change partition type for SDCARD by giving these command.
Command (m for help): t <<<--- t for change partition type.
Partition number (1-15): 15 <<<--- It asks which partition to be changed give 15 for SDCARD/mmcblk0p15
Hex code (type L to list codes): c <<<--- FAT32 from win95 for most compatibility give c to choose this. Do not change to any other system type it might not recognized by PC or even your device. Press enter.
Writing all these changing permanently
Command (m for help): w <<<--- give w for write permission. if successful you'll see these message.
The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table
**NOTE** if you see something like below line. Partition is not altered or changed. Redo all steps carefully and properly.
fdisk: WARNING: rereading partition table failed, kernel still uses old table: Device or resource busy
Step 6 - Formatting Partition.
Your Partition table redefined or resized only. No Formatting has done yet. Your phone do not read memory unless its properly formatted.
If you wish to use stock or stock based rom DO NOT CHANGE PARTITION FORMAT. It will cause problem even brick. Search around forum for more info about this.
Changing Partition format is good for the Upgraded OS version like lolipop 5.0.0 or 5.1.1 or Marshmallow 6.0.0 to work some features. But not always necessary.
Disconnect Phone from pc> Boot into recovery
TWRP> Wipe> Advance> Format data, cache, system and SDCARD.
If you want to change Format>
From TWRP>Wipe>Advance>select system or data or cache> change file format> select desiered one> change.
Nice tutorial...but how to push ROM back to phone
payjo73 said:
Nice tutorial...but how to push ROM back to phone
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If you Mean Stock ROM Use flash tool.
If you mean a zip file of custom rom use adb command:
adb push /sdcard/
Hey, I have done the exact same procedure and flashed oneofakind ROM. Now my internal SD card seems to be messed up.
Camera app throws error "insert an SD card before using" error & Gallery app throws error "no SD card detected error"
Kindly HELP !!
ps : I already had TWRP installed, had root access & unlocked bootloader. So started from Step 5 with partitioning steps ! I can see the internal storage of 19GB in settings though.
pps : I searched google extensively but most related solutions had external SD card being used so I couldn't reconcile it with my device (Xperia S)
C0D3FR34K said:
Hey, I have done the exact same procedure and flashed oneofakind ROM. Now my internal SD card seems to be messed up.
Camera app throws error "insert an SD card before using" error & Gallery app throws error "no SD card detected error"
Kindly HELP !!
ps : I already had TWRP installed, had root access & unlocked bootloader. So started from Step 5 with partitioning steps ! I can see the internal storage of 19GB in settings though.
pps : I searched google extensively but most related solutions had external SD card being used so I couldn't reconcile it with my device (Xperia S)
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You need to allow permissions for letting the app access storage in settings of phone.
Mirhawk said:
You need to allow permissions for letting the app access storage in settings of phone.
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How do i do that ? I never had to do it earlier. I have installed the ROM multiple times in past year.
C0D3FR34K said:
How do i do that ? I never had to do it earlier. I have installed the ROM multiple times in past year.
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It's in Settings, Apps>Settings icon at top right> App permissions. This error occurs with Marshmellow ROM's as they some new pemission features. You can check out the link in My signature for more related info
Bro i was following this tutorial but i don't know how mobile got disconnected ?.. Now mobile got damaged it can't able to switch on.. Even pc not detecting.. What should I do now.. Please help???
While in TWRP recovery, I'm getting the size of the /system partition like this:
# df | grep system
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 3416444 895864 2504196 26% /system
Then, I boot into bootloader mode, and get the "partition-size:system" variable:
$ fastboot getvar partition-size:system
partition-size:system: 0xe0000000
And convert from HEX to decimal value:
$ echo "ibase=16; E0000000"|bc
3758096384 / 1024 = 3670016kB, which is different from 3416444kB. Why does fastboot return a partition size which is different from that of adb df?
Without checking my understanding of "Linux filesystems" I would say:
Fastboot writes disk images and therefore reports the physical space. "df" shows the space available for and used by files. The difference is the space allocated to "store the locations of files" - inodes?. Again off the top of my head ext4 has this space reserved and fixed at formatting whereas NTFS can expand the space as required.
Just found this - see first answer for an example of calculation of "reserved" space
* Your warranty is... still valid?
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
This Guide to make Dual-Boot for P20 lite that keep Stock rom untouched and install any GSI. It allows two Android os installed at the same time and switch between them using SHRP Recovery for dual boot.
This method tested and worked on P20 lite (ANE LX1), Watch this video
Spoiler: General information
This done by creating a new system partition using Parted (shrink userdata partition and creat the new system partition)
To Boot from the new system partition: change the name of the new system partition to "system" and the name of old system partition to any name e.g. "system-b"
To Boot from the old system partition: change the name of the old system partition to "system" and the name of new system partition to any name e.g. "system-b"
Dual boot for P20 lite - demonstration video (I am using SHRP RECOVERY (like TWRP) with tweaks to change boot partition easily, instead of writing terminal commands. This a video shows the dual boot process)
Parted (attached arm64, unzip the file)
Latest fastboot and ADB commands installed
Backup all your data because you will make a factory reset and format data partition
Run the following commands
adb push /path/to/parted /sbin/parted
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/parted
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
p free
3- it will show the list of partition "save this you may use it later". remember the number of old system partition which is in my case "52"
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
4- remove "userdata" partition which in my case number 59 using the following command
rm 59
5- create the new system partition (partition number 59 in my case ) using the following command
mkpart name fs_type start end
name: name of new partition e.g "system-b"
fs_type: file system type e.g "ex4"
start: the end value in MB of the previous partition, in my case "7153MB"
end: equal to start + size where size will be the size of the target partition. in my case in need 4GB partition so end=7153MB + 4GB =11153MB
In my case I'll type:
mkpart system-b ext4 7153MB 11153MB
set 59 msftdata on
name 59 system-b
6- create the "userdata" partition (partition number 60 in my case, start= 11153MB )
In my case I'll type:
mkpart userdata ext4 11153MB 31.3GB
set 60 msftdata on
name 60 userdata
7- get the new partition list
p free
8- exit
9- format userdata and the new system partition using "mkfs.type /dev/block/mmcblk0pxx" (in my case partition number 59 and 60). you may need to reboot to stock recovery to make factory reset
adb push /path/to/mkfs.ext4 /sbin/mkfs.ext4
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/mkfs.ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p59
mkfs.f2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p60
10- You can now switch between two systems using either of these two methods
Spoiler: Using SHRP Recovery
SHRP is a beautiful TWRP-based recovery with modern UI, custom layout, useful functions, and more.
In this method you must have "System" and "System-b" partitions, other names not accepted
1- Download SHRP Recovery for DUAL Boot from here
2- Flash it on recovery_ramdisk or erecovery_ramdisk
3- from the main screen choose tweaks
A- Active new system partition and new data profile
(Important Note: Now "System partition" is the new created partition and "System-b partition" is the default system partition)
B- Active default system partition and default data profile
(Important Note: Now "System partition" is the default system partition and "System-b partition" is the new created partition)
Reboot before make any change
Spoiler: manually
A- To Boot from your new system partition > boot to twrp and run the following command
adb push /path/to/parted /sbin/parted
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/parted
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
name 52 system-b
name 59 system
or from TWRP terminal write the following
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 52 system-b
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 59 system
change the number 52 and 59 according to your partition list (in my case 59: new system partion, 52 old system partition ). Then reboot TWRP and flash your new android os
B- To Boot from your old system partition > boot to twrp and run the following command
adb push /path/to/parted /sbin/parted
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/parted
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
name 59 system-b
name 52 system
or from TWRP terminal write the following
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 59 system-b
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 52 system
change the number 52 and 59 according to your partition list (in my case 59: new system partion, 52 old system partition ). Then reboot
Google Chrome may lag on the new data profile use this method to solve this problem
Abdelhay.ali said:
* Your warranty is... still valid?
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
This Guide to make Dual-Boot for P20 lite that keep Stock rom untouched and install any GSI. It allows two Android os installed at the same time and switch between them using SHRP Recovery for dual boot.
This method tested and worked on P20 lite (ANE LX1), Watch this video
Spoiler: General information
This done by creating a new system partition using Parted (shrink userdata partition and creat the new system partition)
To Boot from the new system partition: change the name of the new system partition to "system" and the name of old system partition to any name e.g. "system-b"
To Boot from the old system partition: change the name of the old system partition to "system" and the name of new system partition to any name e.g. "system-b"
Dual boot for P20 lite - demonstration video (I am using SHRP RECOVERY (like TWRP) with tweaks to change boot partition easily, instead of writing terminal commands. This a video shows the dual boot process)
Parted (attached arm64, unzip the file)
Latest fastboot and ADB commands installed
Backup all your data because you will make a factory reset and format data partition
Run the following commands
adb push /path/to/parted /sbin/parted
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/parted
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
p free
3- it will show the list of partition "save this you may use it later". remember the number of old system partition which is in my case "52"
View attachment 5781191
4- remove "userdata" partition which in my case number 59 using the following command
rm 59
5- create the new system partition (partition number 59 in my case ) using the following command
mkpart name fs_type start end
name: name of new partition e.g "system-b"
fs_type: file system type e.g "ex4"
start: the end value in MB of the previous partition, in my case "7153MB"
end: equal to start + size where size will be the size of the target partition. in my case in need 4GB partition so end=7153MB + 4GB =11153MB
In my case I'll type:
mkpart system-b ext4 7153MB 11153MB
set 59 msftdata on
name 59 system-b
6- create the "userdata" partition (partition number 60 in my case, start= 11153MB )
In my case I'll type:
mkpart userdata ext4 11153MB 31.3GB
set 60 msftdata on
name 60 userdata
7- get the new partition list
p free
View attachment 5781193
8- exit
9- format userdata and the new system partition using "mkfs.type /dev/block/mmcblk0pxx" (in my case partition number 59 and 60). you may need to reboot to stock recovery to make factory reset
adb push /path/to/mkfs.ext4 /sbin/mkfs.ext4
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/mkfs.ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p59
mkfs.f2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p60
10- You can now switch between two systems using either of these two methods
Spoiler: Using SHRP Recovery
SHRP is a beautiful TWRP-based recovery with modern UI, custom layout, useful functions, and more.
In this method you must have "System" and "System-b" partitions, other names not accepted
1- Download SHRP Recovery for DUAL Boot from here
2- Flash it on recovery_ramdisk or erecovery_ramdisk
3- from the main screen choose tweaks
View attachment 5781195
A- Active new system partition and new data profile
View attachment 5781197
(Important Note: Now "System partition" is the new created partition and "System-b partition" is the default system partition)
B- Active default system partition and default data profile
View attachment 5781199
(Important Note: Now "System partition" is the default system partition and "System-b partition" is the new created partition)
Reboot before make any change
Spoiler: manually
A- To Boot from your new system partition > boot to twrp and run the following command
adb push /path/to/parted /sbin/parted
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/parted
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
name 52 system-b
name 59 system
or from TWRP terminal write the following
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 52 system-b
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 59 system
change the number 52 and 59 according to your partition list (in my case 59: new system partion, 52 old system partition ). Then reboot TWRP and flash your new android os
B- To Boot from your old system partition > boot to twrp and run the following command
adb push /path/to/parted /sbin/parted
adb shell
chmod 777 /sbin/parted
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
name 59 system-b
name 52 system
or from TWRP terminal write the following
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 59 system-b
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 52 system
change the number 52 and 59 according to your partition list (in my case 59: new system partion, 52 old system partition ). Then reboot
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I see from the video that you have riceos and evolution. How can I get these roms for the p20 lite. Also how are these roms?
ancient12 said:
I see from the video that you have riceos and evolution. How can I get these roms for the p20 lite. Also how are these roms?
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From here
Android 13 for P20 lite (Tested GSIs)
Here are recent A13 GSIs that booted and worked on my P20 lite Hi6250 Requirements: You can flash SHRP recovery that have all the requirements to make Android 13 boot normally (including permissive kernel, decrypt data, selinux fix, AIO fix and...
Is it possible to enable the A/B system updates feature on our devices with this method?
art0001 said:
Is it possible to enable the A/B system updates feature on our devices with this method?
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I think you have to implement it from the scratch like "OTA update" by phh. The new update should be flashed to the new system partition "system-b" then change it's name to "system"