cm10 boot animation - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

does anyone have this? http ://ww w .youtub e .com/ watch?v =ow7 MbIn FJRo... remove the spaces



On a universal or any other hacked device with a2dp you need to go into the registry and add this dword string into the following location. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\BtA2dpSnd
Make a new Dword value and name is Priority256 and then for the DWORD Data value make that 60 save and reboot. Presto no more lag, cuts or audio drop outs. I have attached the modified registry key for ease. To manually mod it the registry location is at the following.
Update: If you run wisbar advanced you need to manually launch it. If you have it start up at boot it will cause lagging issues as well. So just disable wisbar advanced from startup and you are cookin.
Well done!
P.s. 60 in HEX or Decimal?
also.. I do not see the Priority256 registry key entered in the .Reg file you uploaded. (?)
Its in decimal and you have to login to see it.
What I meant is that the contents of the .Reg file within the .Rar file attached are as follows :
[ H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H I N E \ D r i v e r s \ B u i l t I n \ B t A 2 d p S n d ]
" F l a g s " = d w o r d : 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
" I n d e x " = d w o r d : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
" O r d e r " = d w o r d : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
" P r e f i x " = " W A V "
" D l l " = " b t a 2 d p . d l l "
they don't seem to contain the magic Priority256 key.
My apologies for not explaining properly.
There is too simple to be truth.
Does not work on Wizard WWE
I found that re encoding things into WMA 9 fixed a lot of problems too. I use a2dp on my Magician a lot so I'll know if it works =P
That key wasn't there before I applied the reg fix. Also, I do not have a file called bta2dp.dll on my Magician.
Do you know what you're doing? ;D
This has been done on a universal running the Qtek 1.30.77 rom. So possibly there are different bluetooth radios between the universal, wizard, magician
Hey... do any of you guys want to grab a couple of .dll files from your phone and post them? I've tried extracting them from ROMs, but they're always corrupt... I need:
I'm not sure if the builtin file manager will let you just copy them out though, so you may have to get creative... Thanks!
You're absolutely right.....
Thanks for this. I upgraded my JasJar to the Qtek ROM and just got a set of BT headphones that support both a2dp and AVRCP (it's the GlobalSat Wireless Entertainment Package - Bluetooth Headset and Transmitter (BTH-820 plus BTA-830)).
When I paired the headset with my JasJar, the playback was all screwed up! I applied your hack and now it works beautifully. AVRCP is working great too. Thanks for your help.
Works on my QTEK 9000 and iPhono mini 450Rx nicely otherwise I'm getting this split-second lag periodically upon playing song
either my bluetooth headphones are messed up or it's the ROM that's messed up, but this "hack" does not work on the Wizard with the leaked Qtek ROM. I'm using the HT820 headphones and am getting severe lagging throughout the song. i really don't know what to do now, they were working great last night and even this morning, now it's unbearable
Can someone do me a HUGE favor? I'm trying to get the X-Scale AKU2 AD2P files for the Treo 700w. From my quick reading of the rom decrypting threads, I need a HTC Uni device to compare the "merged" data from the update + original rom...which I only have a Treo 700w.
I need the following files: Avrcp_MPplugin.dll, bta2dp.dll, sbc.dll
The theory I'm testing is by using the Intel X-Scale compiled files instead of the OMAP compiled files floating out there (it appears the file sizes are different on each platform), the Treo 700w will be able to play files without skipping. A poster on suggested this discrepancy.
FYI - I have already tried the AD2P lag patch thread priority patch to no avail.
PS - Please reply to Operation A2DP thread
eman said:
What I meant is that the contents of the .Reg file within the .Rar file attached are as follows :
[ H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H I N E \ D r i v e r s \ B u i l t I n \ B t A 2 d p S n d ]
" F l a g s " = d w o r d : 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
" I n d e x " = d w o r d : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
" O r d e r " = d w o r d : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
" P r e f i x " = " W A V "
" D l l " = " b t a 2 d p . d l l "
they don't seem to contain the magic Priority256 key.
My apologies for not explaining properly.
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i'm wondering what the answer is to this? seems like the registry import is different from the instructions provided...which should we do, the registry import or ignore it and follow your instructions?
What I would do...
If I were you, I'd manually enter the information. That's what I did.
thanks - i've been wondering whether the people who've had success with this are doing one method (apparently manual) while others are having no success because they are using the registry import file.
works (sort of) on an sda
I did the mod by hand and it fixed the lag problem for wmp with a T-Mobile SDA (US) (with no ROM upgrades) paired with Motorola HT820. The lag is still there oddly in some other audio programs.
BTW, I only get the lag with the hands free profile. If I use the headset profile, no lag at all, but I lose some handy features on the Moto.
Is this applicable to the Axim X51V as well?
would this work for windows mobile 2003se?
(on a magican)
Lag fixed on SDA
Manual modification of registry using Mobile Regitry Editor.
Thanks guys. This was getting on my nerves. I was having to cold boot to fix the dropouts. Now let's find a fix for the slight hiss. Then, all will be wonderful.
I am using the Qtek 9000 with Rom version 1.30.77wwe (with radio 1.09 and extrom 1.30.176) and I have big lag issues in combination witha Jabra 620s headset.
Above solution didn't solve the problem. Does anyone has an idea?

[Q]3d games don't render character correctly

the characters renders incorrectly more info and demostration:
and i post this gt-i9080 problem here because the gt-i9080 and gt-i9082 is the same only for the dual sim
-y o u t u .b e / r l _ D q Z C D p D 0 -
I use a script but it toggle a bootloop and i have full render gpu on

Quick Question: Over/Underclocking is it possible?

Hello, just like the title says I want to know if over clocking or more specifically under clocking is possible. The reason being is if I want my phone to save some extra battery I would like to be able to under clock it, I am not a performance app user so I think receiving and sending text and calls would be fine with an under clocked CPU, I was trying to find if anyone had answered this but I couldn't find anything useful. I just want an opinion from the experts! Thanks so much!
I found some registry keys with processor freq. Tonight will edit post.
augustinionut said:
I found some registry keys with processor freq. Tonight will edit post.
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Thank I would be very curious to find out what happens! I would love it if I could under clock a little to save some battery!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
augustinionut said:
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Interesting note, I have 0,1,2,3,4,5 and each have a MHz value inside, could that be the different threads? I didn't think I had 6 of them, and now I'm afraid to change the values [emoji24]. Ps using a L950
augustinionut said:
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I think that is just a description, as the name suggests, it doesn't alter the functionality.
On Lumia 930 and I think other Lumias there is a power management driver. You can find parameters here:
And the most important keys are FrequencyCap and DisableFrequencyCap also DisableCPUBoost
But I can't edit these keys
lukjok said:
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I have something different
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is from my Lumia 930
Contents of file "system32/drivers/ QCpep8612.sys" shows possible keys for qcpep\Parameters subkey.
I marked it as a code because keys show no space between them.
\ R e g i s t r y \ M a c h i n e \ S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ q c p e p \ P a r a m e t e r s CPU DCVS cc_apcs_c%d_clk \ R e g i s t r y \ M a c h i n e \ S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ q c p e p \ P o w e r S e t t i n g s MMFAB Client /clk/bus/mmfab SMI Client /clk/mem/smi PepSelectPState PEP_PState_Mgmt.c PepPerformanceWorkV2 PEP : Aggr_AddFsResource: NULL name
PEP : Aggr_AddFsResource: Name Length is 0
PEP: PSTATE_ADJUST from a D-state is not supported on Multi-Component devices
AdjustAResource PEP_ResourceMgmt.c Driver: %s PepStatus 0x%08x TEMP_PEP_BUS \ N U L L D i s a b l e C X O D i s a b l e C p u V d d D i s a b l e C p u R e t D i s a b l e L 2 C o l l a p s e D i s a b l e L 2 G D H S D i s a b l e V d d M i n E n a b l e P r o c e s s o r M a n a g e m e n t E n a b l e T h e r m a l M o n i t o r E n a b l e V P P M S k i p G r a p h i c s S e t L a t e n c y W o r k A r o u n d D i s a b l e R p m H a l t R e a d C P U P e r f C l o c k P x o P o w e r C o l l a p s e L e d E n a b l e S y s t e m L a t e n c y F l a g s E n a b l e T h e r m a l D e b u g S y s t e m D e f a u l t S t a t e D i s a b l e C P R D i s a b l e C o r e R o t a t i o n E n a b l e P e p S t a t e T r a n s i t i o n E t w E n a b l e P E P O C D T e s t E n a b l e P E P O C D T e s t T o S D C a r d R p m C p r S t a t s M i l l i s B C L P o l l i n g P e r i o d D i s a b l e P h a s e S c a l i n g D i s a b l e O f f l i n e N o t i f i c a t i o n E n a b l e T s e n s O f f s e t D i s a b l e P E P Q D S S L o g s T s e n s O f f s e t T e m p e r a t u r e E n a b l e V a d c O f f s e t W P P E n a b l e d I d l e S t a t s A p p L o g g i n g E n a b l e E n a b l e I d l e C r a s h D e b u g E n a b l e N e g a t i v e O f f s e t N e g a t i v e O f f s e t T e m p e r a t u r e D i s a b l e S p m W a k e D e l a y \ R e g i s t r y \ M a c h i n e \ S y s t e m \ C u r r e n t C o n t r o l S e t \ S e r v i c e s \ q c p e p \ D i a g n o s t i c s
Does anyone have a test device that they could use to test these keys? I am not sure I want to go around and try changing things on my phone until I'm sure we know what these registry keys do
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
lukjok said:
On Lumia 930 and I think other Lumias there is a power management driver. You can find parameters here:
And the most important keys are FrequencyCap and DisableFrequencyCap also DisableCPUBoost
But I can't edit these keys
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ِdo not try to change ControlSet001. try this one:
My phone is a L950XL and I think it doesn't allow me to change System subkey values . but I think you can change it .
and also I have to say set Max and Current MHz values together , Or at least do not set MaxMhz less than Current .
ngame said:
ِdo not try to change ControlSet001. try this one:
My phone is a L950XL and I think it doesn't allow me to change System subkey values . but I think you can change it .
and also I have to say set Max and Current MHz values together , Or at least do not set MaxMhz less than Current .
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First of all, I can't edit MaxMhz or CurrentMhz as also I can't edit keys in QCPEP. Secondly, I think these values can be edited only when phone is in Mass Storage mode or deploying packages via IUTool, but this requires Test mode enabled in BCD.
lukjok said:
First of all, I can't edit MaxMhz or CurrentMhz as also I can't edit keys in QCPEP. Secondly, I think these values can be edited only when phone is in Mass Storage mode or deploying packages via IUTool, but this requires Test mode enabled in BCD.
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Maybe you're right .not a beautiful way for Over Clock and under clock
lets say I has changed those key,
how can I know that it's actually worked?how do I find out the current speed?
fauntelroy said:
lets say I has changed those key,
how can I know that it's actually worked?how do I find out the current speed?
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Maybe via this tool?
adijagiel said:
Maybe via this tool?
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nah I already tried that,it's only showed % of processor usage not the current speed.
any other suggestion??
fauntelroy said:
nah I already tried that,it's only showed % of processor usage not the current speed.
any other suggestion??
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Try Aida64 from Store
lukjok said:
Try Aida64 from Store
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tried that too,but it only show max processor speed
I changed registry for :
I changed both FrequencyCap and DisableFrequencyCap so to make it sure it really worked out I need to find out the current speed of processor,maybe something like cpu-z in desktop
I also tried antutu to see if there is any difference before and after I changed those value,the result was differ by around 5000(just the cpu test) but I don't really believe those number, I need something real to show the exact processor speed.

MMS problems with Lineage 15.1 180828 on G960F

I've a new Samsung S9, that I've quickly passed on Lineage. It appears that MMS downloading is imposible. APN seems to be correctly configured, but when I try to pickup MMS, it says that downloading is imposible and the data connection broke. I have to go in the plane mode and go out in order to have datas actives again.
Any idea to solve it ?
what is your provider ?
Thanks for answering.
My provider is Orange, I'm in France.
The APN parameters are :
Nom : Orange MMS
APN : orange.acte ou juste orange
Proxy : Non défini
Port : Non défini
Nom d'utilisateur : orange
Mot de passe : orange
Serveur : Non défini
MMSC : http: //
Proxy MMS :
Port MMS : 8080
MCC : 208
MNC : 01
Type d' Non défini
Type d'APN : mms
Protocole de l'APN : IPv4
Protocole APN en itinérance : IPv4
Activer/Désactiver l'APN : la case APN activé
Réseau : Non spécifié
Type MVNO : Aucun
gros_rouge said:
Thanks for answering.
My provider is Orange, I'm in France.
The APN parameters are :
Nom : Orange MMS
APN : orange.acte ou juste orange
Proxy : Non défini
Port : Non défini
Nom d'utilisateur : orange
Mot de passe : orange
Serveur : Non défini
MMSC : http: //
Proxy MMS :
Port MMS : 8080
MCC : 208
MNC : 01
Type d' Non défini
Type d'APN : mms
Protocole de l'APN : IPv4
Protocole APN en itinérance : IPv4
Activer/Désactiver l'APN : la case APN activé
Réseau : Non spécifié
Type MVNO : Aucun
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you need delete this apn " orange mms " and in " orange internet " apn where you have mmsc paste type apn add mms save apn set off on data well done
OK, well done, it seems to works perfectly. Thanks a lot !
Hi, I'm having the exact same problem, Galaxy s9 with lineage-15.1-20190414-nightly-starlte-signed. I'm in Australia with Boost Mobile (Telstra reseller).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
THANKS A LOOOOOT Chehas I had this problem for nearly two years and now It's gone.

[ROM][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS 14.1 for SM-T113NU

This is a custom ROM build to run on Samsung Galaxy Tab E (SM-T113NU).
This work was based on Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh code for SM-G360H phone (which uses Spredtrum sc8830, just like this tablet)
Bluetooth (file transfer tested only)
Not working:
Offline charging
TWRP version 3.0.2 (
Galaxy Tab E SM-T113NU (reported by some users that works on T116 models, but this is not guaranteed)
Download links and source:
Please check my github (pstglia, repository local_manifests, branch T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO)
Download link for compiled ROM can be found on README file.
All repositories are mapped on local manifest (core33g.xml )
branch used for all repositories is "T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO"
Latest Image build:
Source links:
# Local manifest
# Framework-native
# Kernel
# device/vendor
# frameworks/base (the commit that hacks camera count return to 0 is here)
The LineageOS Team
Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh for SM-G360H work
Fabio Júnior Chaves da Silva (lend his device, even knowing it might become a paperweight)
(My first post on xda, so used one of your posts as reference )
Anyone i forgot to mention
Note 1:
This version of TWRP does not populate, blocking a generated package to be installed
So, if you compile from source "brunch core33g", you can apply the following workaround for you generated installation package:
Unpack generated package into a blank directory
mkdir /tmp/lineage-pkg
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
last_gen_pkg=$(ls -tr ${OUT}/lineage-14.1-???????? | tail -1)
jar xvf ${last_gen_pkg}
Edit META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script and replace this:
getprop("") == "core33gdx"
by this:
getprop("") != "core33gdx"
Create a new "patched" package
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
jar cvf *
Note 2:
If you face a bootloop, you can try formatting your efs partition as described bellow (AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
Version Information:
ROM OS Version: Android 7.1.2 Nougat
Kernel Version: Linux 3.10.17
What do you need to get a working camera? I have an actual Samsung SM-T113NU
pstglia said:
This is a custom ROM build to run on Samsung Galaxy Tab E (SM-T113NU).
This work was based on Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh code for SM-G360H phone (which uses Spredtrum sc8830, just like this tablet)
Bluetooth (file transfer tested only)
Not working:
TWRP version 3.0.2
Galaxy Tab E SM-T113NU (similar models were not tested)
Download links and source:
Please check my github (pstglia, repository local_manifests, branch T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO)
Download link for compiled ROM can be found on README file.
All repositories are mapped on local manifest (core33g.xml )
branch used for all repositories is "T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO"
Will update this thread with links when my user reaches the required points (new on xda)
The LineageOS Team
Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh for SM-G360H work
Fabio Júnior Chaves da Silva (lend his device, even knowing it might become a paperweight)
stephenpump (My first post on xda, so used one of your posts as reference )
Anyone i forgot to mention
This version of TWRP does not populate, blocking a generated package to be installed
So, if you compile from source "brunch core33g", you can apply the following workaround for you generated installation package:
Unpack generated package into a blank directory
mkdir /tmp/lineage-pkg
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
last_gen_pkg=$(ls -tr ${OUT}/lineage-14.1-???????? | tail -1)
jar xvf ${last_gen_pkg}
Edit META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script and replace this:
getprop("") == "core33gdx"
by this:
getprop("") != "core33gdx"
Create a new "patched" package
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
jar cvf *
Version Information:
ROM OS Version: Android 7.1.2 Nougat
Kernel Version: Linux 3.10.17
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MrLinDowsMac said:
What do you need to get a working camera? I have an actual Samsung SM-T113NU
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1) I'd need spare time to find a way to make it work.
2) more knowledge would be needed. To build this image, I had basically to adapt Samsung kernel to met 7.1 requirements (I basically cherry-picked commits from remilia15 - SM-G360H) and some other minor changes.
Camera probably requires advanced coding, which is a bit far from my current skills. Enabling it causes crashes during components startup (see bellow):
04-19 22:37:01.036 227 769 I SprdCameraHardware: getPropertyAtv:0
04-19 22:37:01.036 227 769 I SprdCameraHardware: getNumberOfCameras:2
04-19 22:37:01.036 227 769 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 227
04-19 22:37:01.036 227 769 E CameraService: initializeShimMetadata: Error initializing shim metadata: Status(-8): '3: connectHelper:928: Illegal argument to HAL module for camera "0"'
04-19 22:37:01.038 585 585 E System : ******************************************
04-19 22:37:01.038 227 909 E isp-video: ISP_RAW: id:0x00, 00927 line, ispserver_thread : ISP_TOOL:isp-video server version 1.0
04-19 22:37:01.039 227 909 E isp-video: ISP_RAW: id:0x00, 00965 line, ispserver_thread : ISP_TOOL:log server waiting client dail in...
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : ************ Failure starting system services
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to boot service onBootPhase threw an exception during phase 600
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at$
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at$
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: connectHelper:928: Illegal argument to HAL module for camera "0"
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager.throwAsPublicException(
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager.getOrCreateDeviceIdListLocked(
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager.getCameraIdList(
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : ... 8 more
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : Caused by: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: connectHelper:928: Illegal argument to HAL module for camera "0"
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at android.os.Parcel.readException(
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at android.os.Parcel.readException(
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at android.hardware.ICameraService$Stub$Proxy.getCameraCharacteristics(
04-19 22:37:01.040 585 585 E System : at android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager.getOrCreateDeviceIdListLocked(
Maybe sources under hardware/sprd/libcamera should be changed in order to make it work...
3) A device to test. The one I was using was borrowed from a friend, but already returned.
In any case, all source code I changed is available on github (check for pstglia on github - repository "local_manifests" maps all the changes (except platform_frameworks_base, which requires the last 2 commits from branch "T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO".
Muito obrigado pela ROM
Falei com vc lá pelo YouTube e agradeço novamente pela rom. O tablet ficou novo em folha. Continue com seu ótimo trabalho ?
Heyyy, how you've made this custom rom?
I'm trying to build that for my sm-t280, and all instructions doesn't ever exist. if you gimme instructions to build, you'll doing a huge help.
email: [email protected]
pstglia said:
This is a custom ROM build to run on Samsung Galaxy Tab E (SM-T113NU).
This work was based on Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh code for SM-G360H phone (which uses Spredtrum sc8830, just like this tablet)
Bluetooth (file transfer tested only)
Not working:
TWRP version 3.0.2
Galaxy Tab E SM-T113NU (similar models were not tested)
Download links and source:
Please check my github (pstglia, repository local_manifests, branch T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO)
Download link for compiled ROM can be found on README file.
All repositories are mapped on local manifest (core33g.xml )
branch used for all repositories is "T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO"
Will update this thread with links when my user reaches the required points (new on xda)
The LineageOS Team
Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh for SM-G360H work
Fabio Júnior Chaves da Silva (lend his device, even knowing it might become a paperweight)
stephenpump (My first post on xda, so used one of your posts as reference )
Anyone i forgot to mention
This version of TWRP does not populate, blocking a generated package to be installed
So, if you compile from source "brunch core33g", you can apply the following workaround for you generated installation package:
Unpack generated package into a blank directory
mkdir /tmp/lineage-pkg
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
last_gen_pkg=$(ls -tr ${OUT}/lineage-14.1-???????? | tail -1)
jar xvf ${last_gen_pkg}
Edit META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script and replace this:
getprop("") == "core33gdx"
by this:
getprop("") != "core33gdx"
Create a new "patched" package
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
jar cvf *
Version Information:
ROM OS Version: Android 7.1.2 Nougat
Kernel Version: Linux 3.10.17
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YggH said:
I'm trying to build that for my sm-t280, and all instructions doesn't ever exist. if you gimme instructions to build, you'll doing a huge help.
email: [email protected]
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Tried to write a simplified procedure to compile the custom ROM for T113NU. See the 8 steps bellow:
I) Assuming you already have a build environment set up (see [1] as reference), download lineage sources using repo commands (repo init, repo sync)
Note: Use branch cm-14.1 (nougat)
II) After syncing, download core33g.xml from my github ( repo local_manifests, branch T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO) and copy to .repo/local_manifests (create it if doesn't exists)
III) execute "repo sync" again. The files/sources I modified will be downloaded and updated on source tree
IV) Edit vendor/cm/ and add this lunch combo:
add_lunch_combo lineage_core33g-userdebug
This will allow you to select a target compatible with T113NU when running "brunch"
V) As pointed previous posts, camera was avoiding Android to start. To allow booting, cameras were disabled (forced returned number of cameras to 0).
So, for T113NU, commit "0acc7879a9794aacdff85ef1563807d051114917 - frameworks/base - HACK - Disable cameras" will be needed. This commit is on my github, repository platform_frameworks_base, branch T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO)
VI) Before compiling, export these environment variables:
export USE_CCACHE=1
ccache -M 50G
export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
export JACK_SERVER_VM_ARGUMENTS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
export LC_ALL=C
I suggest you to include these on a file in your home dir (ex: ~/.android_profile) and include it every time you want to create a new build:
source ~/.android_profile
VII) Include build/ to config Android environment
source build/
VIII) Compile the ISO using brunch (select lineage_core33g-userdebug option)
This should do it.
For your device (T280) you'll probably want to replace kernel by the one provided by samsung opensource.
Download it from Samsung Opensource Release Center (see [2]) and unpack it to kernel/samsung/core33g (clean previous files first)
A) After unpacking, cd to kernel/samsung/core33g and execute a "make mrproper" to remove any temp files under the source tree;
B) cd to kernel/samsung/core33g/arch/arm/configs and rename/copy one of the config files there to "cyanogen_core33g_defconfig" (select one that matches your device - in my case was goyavewifi-dt_hw04_defconfig)
C) You'll probably will need commits to make your kernel compatible with Android 7.1. Try cherry-picking the commits I used, starting from 8c97f3624701f53843b7b2da40185cdcd1c7a422
Play around with config/fw files and have lots of pacience. Creating a working image is not always a funny (consumes lots of time and requires much pacience, logging/debugging )
Good luck!
[1] - https wiki DOT lineageos DOT org/devices /bacon/buildcon/build
[2] - opensource DOT samsung DOT com
ps: Does your device uses Spreadtrum SOC, right?
ps2: Except for kernel, most of changes were minor. Most of this commits were based on remilia15 work. Kudos for who really deserve it!
@sasi2006166 @dhruvpatel_9880 Also works with T116!!
MegaStormBR said:
@[email protected]_9880 Also works with T116!!
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I will try it today ?
@pstglia Thank you soo much For This ROM..I will try this ROM Today on my SM-T116NY.
Going to fix camera gimme sources
---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------
Also pm me on Telegram @sasi2006166
pstglia said:
This is a custom ROM build to run on Samsung Galaxy Tab E (SM-T113NU).
This work was based on Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh code for SM-G360H phone (which uses Spredtrum sc8830, just like this tablet)
Bluetooth (file transfer tested only)
Not working:
TWRP version 3.0.2
Galaxy Tab E SM-T113NU (similar models were not tested)
Download links and source:
Please check my github (pstglia, repository local_manifests, branch T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO)
Download link for compiled ROM can be found on README file.
All repositories are mapped on local manifest (core33g.xml )
branch used for all repositories is "T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO"
Will update this thread with links when my user reaches the required points (new on xda)
The LineageOS Team
Remilia Scarlet/Nguyễn Diệp Quỳnh for SM-G360H work
Fabio Júnior Chaves da Silva (lend his device, even knowing it might become a paperweight)
stephenpump (My first post on xda, so used one of your posts as reference )
Anyone i forgot to mention
This version of TWRP does not populate, blocking a generated package to be installed
So, if you compile from source "brunch core33g", you can apply the following workaround for you generated installation package:
Unpack generated package into a blank directory
mkdir /tmp/lineage-pkg
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
last_gen_pkg=$(ls -tr ${OUT}/lineage-14.1-???????? | tail -1)
jar xvf ${last_gen_pkg}
Edit META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script and replace this:
getprop("") == "core33gdx"
by this:
getprop("") != "core33gdx"
Create a new "patched" package
cd /tmp/lineage-pkg
jar cvf *
Version Information:
ROM OS Version: Android 7.1.2 Nougat
Kernel Version: Linux 3.10.17
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Bro I installed twrp 3.0.2 and Wiped Data, Chache,Dalvik and system..And I flashed the ROM.. It showed "Unknown Command [log]" BUT FLASHING WAS SUCCESSFUL..So I Botted the tab and now it's showing the Lineage OS boot animation from 15 mins..Ik it takes a hell lot of time for the first boot but 15 mins?!??
I'll update if something happens..
Shreyas.ĒXĒ said:
Bro I installed twrp 3.0.2 and Wiped Data, Chache,Dalvik and system..And I flashed the ROM.. It showed "Unknown Command [log]" BUT FLASHING WAS SUCCESSFUL..So I Botted the tab and now it's showing the Lineage OS boot animation from 15 mins..Ik it takes a hell lot of time for the first boot but 15 mins?!
I'll update if something happens..
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5 minutes is the maximum time. 15 minutes can be threated as a bootloop.
Some users reported this on youtube (for T113NU models).
Try pluging USB and check if you have adb connection. If so, check logcat/dmesg
sasi2006166 said:
Going to fix camera gimme sources
---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------
Also pm me on Telegram @sasi2006166
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Hi, this manifest has all the repositories changed (except framework-native, which also can be pushed from my github, branch T113NU_COM_A_MAO_NO_BOLSO)
# Local manifest
# Framework-Native
pstglia said:
5 minutes is the maximum time. 15 minutes can be threated as a bootloop.
Some users reported this on youtube (for T113NU models).
Try pluging USB and check if you have adb connection. If so, check logcat/dmesg
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I took a Logcat file.But I am not able to attach it to this post it's showing"Bad Request"I think you are right my Tab is Bootlooped..Any solutions??
Edit: I have uploaded a Google drive link for the logcat.log file..pls see it..
Thanks for the rom! I am using this ROM whit gapps pico and works everything so good! !!
Enviado desde mi Nexus 5X mediante Tapatalk
dhruvpatel_9880 said:
I will try it today
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Hey man, I think something is wrong, T116NY and T116BU are identical. Here's what I've done:
- Made a Nandroid backup
- Downloaded Opengapps 7.1 ARM Pico
- Downloaded the ROM
- Downloaded TWRP 3.0.2 from
- Wiped System, Data, Cache and Dalvik
- Flashed the ROM, OpenGApps, then TWRP, in this order.
You should try it this way.
---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------
dhruvpatel_9880 said:
I will try it today
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If it still doesn't work, check if your using the correct version of TWRP (3.0.2) Download it at the link I gave you.
---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------
PS: I wasn't able to reply the private message
---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------
When I flashed the ROM, I noticed that it was running on a lower resolution than the normal (480p instead of 720p). If anyone else have this issue, just go to build.prop and change lcd_density to stock value (In my case is 160). Hope this helps!
Shreyas.ĒXĒ said:
I took a Logcat file.But I am not able to attach it to this post it's showing"Bad Request"I think you are right my Tab is Bootlooped..Any solutions?
Edit: I have uploaded a Google drive link for the logcat.log file..pls see it..
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Unfortunatelly couldn't get any clue by logcat output. Can you post dmesg as well?
Anyone with experience in LineageOS ROMS could give a clue?
Some user with identical device models I had in hand (T113NU) reported the same issue. In these cases, logcat stops logging at the beginning and I couldn't figure out any related message on dmesg?
I'm discarding hw failure because stock ROM works in these cases (based on reports from users)
This rom technically should work if the device code name is " goyave ".mine was sm-t116 and code name is "goyave3g".And working perfectly .
pstglia said:
Unfortunatelly couldn't get any clue by logcat output. Can you post dmesg as well?
Anyone with experience in LineageOS ROMS could give a clue?
Some user with identical device models I had in hand (T113NU) reported the same issue. In these cases, logcat stops logging at the beginning and I couldn't figure out any related message on dmesg?
I'm discarding hw failure because stock ROM works in these cases (based on reports from users)
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Sorry lol..I forgot to add dmesg..
I have given the LATEST logcat and Dmesg file in the link below..pls see it..
---------- Post added at 05:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 AM ----------
MegaStormBR said:
Hey man, I think something is wrong, T116NY and T116BU are identical. Here's what I've done:
- Made a Nandroid backup
- Downloaded Opengapps 7.1 ARM Pico
- Downloaded the ROM
- Downloaded TWRP 3.0.2 from
- Wiped System, Data, Cache and Dalvik
- Flashed the ROM, OpenGApps, then TWRP, in this order.
You should try it this way.
---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------
If it still doesn't work, check if your using the correct version of TWRP (3.0.2) Download it at the link I gave you.
---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------
PS: I wasn't able to reply the private message
---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------
When I flashed the ROM, I noticed that it was running on a lower resolution than the normal (480p instead of 720p). If anyone else have this issue, just go to build.prop and change lcd_density to stock value (In my case is 160). Hope this helps!
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Bro I tried your method but still It's Bootlooping(stuck on Lineage OS boot animation)
P.s: I have already installed Twrp version (3.0.2)..
Shreyas.ĒXĒ said:
Sorry lol..I forgot to add dmesg..
I have given the LATEST logcat and Dmesg file in the link below..pls see it..
---------- Post added at 05:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 AM ----------
Bro I tried your method but still It's Bootlooping(stuck on Lineage OS boot animation)
P.s: I have already installed Twrp version (3.0.2)..
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Huh, thats weird. T116BU working.

