[INFO] Cyanogenmod 9 development still continues! - LG Optimus Me P350

Recently, searching in the net, i found that a group of brazilian developers along with many other such as antdking, began to continue development of CM9 in a group called UC Dev Team. They have current over 200 members.
If some devs here want to join the group for a better CM9 to Pecan, just go here : http://www.facebook.com/groups/UConnectAll/

Finally !

Link to the team? I don't have facebook.

Well if u are interested, contact Danieliop. He's one of the members too

Isn't that group portuguese language only?


[Project] Dev Blogs

Dev Blogs
It's my new webpage project. So far, a link to developer project blog.
Mod Edit: Link Removed
So generally speaking about the project,
it will be a page on which the developers
will be able to create your pages, post news, upload files, etc.
In general, the entire page will be dedicated
to developers of all sorts, not only Android
Want to know more? Write below.
If you would like to join the team welcome Mod Edit: Link Removed
Join to team it's free and earnings later!
PS - In general, we need 200$ to buy server and domain for 1 year.
My team wasn't enough?
Thread Closed
Sorry, not allowed per Rule 11.
Thread closed,
XDA Senior Moderator

International Whatsapp group for S3 developers & Users

Hi guys, after not getting any response myself here, I made a Whatsapp group of my own.
The OP of the above mentioned Thread (which, Aramantin is closed now) is really inactive (no offence) & I'm the one who dealt with all the requests from XDA members interested in joining the Whatsapp group..
Tired of making up for someone else, I finally decided to go ahead and make a Thread of mine to carry on with the Whatsapp group that I maintain (32 members till 19th of August)
Many people join and leave for their respective reasons which is good in a way because Whatsapp limits a group to 100 members.. :laugh:
Kernel Adiutor
Anyways, share your numbers with me here or in P.M. wherever, you're comfortable.. :angel:
Thanks :highfive:
Great idea..

New S3 Neo - General Telegram group

Hey guys,
Sinche the ex founder left the old group for a mistake, we created another Telegram general group for our community. If you want to join, here's the link:
But there are some rules to respect!
1) Be respectful to the other people
2) Don't insult other members
3) Don't ask about Cyanongenmod 13 development! (It will come out when it is ready, keep calm).
4)Have fun!

Galaxy J5 - General Telegram Group

Hello guys,
I created a Telegram group for our community. In this group we can talk generally about our phone (themes, launchers, modding and etc.). Invite guys and DEVS who have this phone to join this new group so we can start a new community. There's no need to share your telephone number so the privacy is safe.
The aren't rules, but I invite you to talk in English and to bring respect to other members.
If you want join, just install Telegram in your smartphone and click here: https://telegram.me/joinchat/ArXYnQha8O11kWzcHQgowg
Hope a community will born, see you in the group
still working? I couldn't join

Telegram group for Rom development discussion

As we have a got a new active dev for our device...i was thinking about making a telegram group for discussion on rom development.....
What do you all think...
If you agree leave your USERID ill make a group

