Voice input on Swype - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Ok how do i use it?
Apple just give up the IPHONE sucks deal with it.

blackdragon79 said:
Ok how do i use it?
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If you have the version of Swype with voice input you just tap the voice input button (looks like a flame). If you have the version that comes built in with LI3 then it does not support voice input. You would need to remove it and install the latest beta.

blackdragon79 said:
Ok how do i use it?
Apple just give up the IPHONE sucks deal with it.
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Someone tipped me on this trick. When you are typing, pull down the notification bar, click on Select Input Method, select Google voice typing, and start talking. Not elegant, but in a pinch it works.

m20120 said:
If you have the version of Swype with voice input you just tap the voice input button (looks like a flame). If you have the version that comes built in with LI3 then it does not support voice input. You would need to remove it and install the latest beta.
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Thanks for the tip works great now
Apple just give up the IPHONE sucks deal with it.


Just got the slide. Two quick questions for people who are more familiar with it...

First, is there any way to enable auto-punctuation when typing a text from the physical keyboard? It's not a deal breaker, just kind of a minor annoyance.
Second, also pertaining to messaging, is there any way to enable sending the message on hitting enter?
NinjaNerdBGM said:
First, is there any way to enable auto-punctuation when typing a text from the physical keyboard? It's not a deal breaker, just kind of a minor annoyance.
Second, also pertaining to messaging, is there any way to enable sending the message on hitting enter?
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As of now there is no way to do both the things you are asking about but i am sure as the time passes,we all be finding new things so hang tight
Haha no worries. I just upgraded from my G1 (I got on day one) running CM 5.0.7, so I'm just missing a few small features.
I can wait 'til root happens here.
NinjaNerdBGM said:
Haha no worries. I just upgraded from my G1 (I got on day one) running CM 5.0.7, so I'm just missing a few small features.
I can wait 'til root happens here.
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Yeah root will happen but i am not sure when since alot of people dont have the phone but i am waiting for that as well
if swype is set for text input, auto punctuation doesn't work with the hardware keyboard. you have to turn on 'prediction' in the hardware qwerty options for the punctuation.
Re: Just got the slide. Two quick questions for people who are more familiar with
First, is there any way to enable auto-punctuation when typing a text from the physical keyboard? It's not a deal breaker, just kind of a minor annoyance.
Second, also pertaining to messaging, is there any way to enable sending the message on hitting enter?
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First, I downloaded handscent from the market and it allows send on hitting enter and it has a nice pop-up too.
Second, I have the HTC keyboard suggesting on the hard keyboard and it does auto punctuation. Hope this helps.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
EDIT: Sorry, dumb post.
Dude the phone has HTC IME stock
turboyo said:
Dude the phone has HTC IME stock
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Haha, didn't even look, just assumed and installed stuff!
setzer715 said:
EDIT: Sorry, dumb post.
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Common now if you can help then help. There is no need to make comments at other people
Haha .. phone is really slacking with the hard keyboard, you always have to click fields to get it to type and this non auto punctuating sucks I mean it use to auto correct i to I and it can't even do that let alone apostrophe's and such
Just tried the htc_ime with auto prediction and spell correct on, on the hard keyboard.. wow, its awesome and just as fast as not having it on.. on the g1 it would make the phone and typing a pain and slower with the hard keyboard. Too bad that you have to have touch keyboard enable for it to work, I like swype better for the virtual keyboard.
excuse my ignorance, but where are the htc_ime settings, the physical keyboard is driving me effing crazy. it was fine on my cliq, did all the auto punctuate and such, it feels like there are no useful settings for the keyboard for the phone.
thanks yous
i0nicx said:
excuse my ignorance, but where are the htc_ime settings, the physical keyboard is driving me effing crazy. it was fine on my cliq, did all the auto punctuate and such, it feels like there are no useful settings for the keyboard for the phone.
thanks yous
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the keyboard is there but not settings. just like the dragon kb
If your using touch input instead of swype, then just go to settings, language and keyboard, touch input, text input, prediction and spell correction enabled for hardware QWERTY.. then it will auto correct and auto correct very good. The prediction gets kinda annoying but it has to be on. I wish there was a way to get it to work while having swype enabled for the soft keyboard.
Turbo, I have everything checked for hardware qwerty. Maybe ill just wait for root and vanilla 2.1-2.2
Long click on a text field, input method, touch input.. then try
Oh my how we have de-volved.
Buy BetterKeyboard from the market, enable it, go into settings and check off "(experimental) show suggestions for physical keyboard". No device is perfect right out of the box and that's why we're here.
Its so weird that it auto corrects everything in gtalk! Try it out let me know if its only my phone
Okay so the phone autocorrects everything perfectly, other than in the stock messaging app! But gtalk browser and email all get corrected. I also installed handcent and it autocorrects in there! Seems like the stock messaging app will definitely need an update.

switched from iPhone to Desire. Keyboard alternatives?

And so far i'm so glad i did. My only gripe is that the keyboard on the iPhone seems much easier to use. does anyone else agree? What good keyboard mods are there out there which could help?
coriron said:
And so far i'm so glad i did. My only gripe is that the keyboard on the iPhone seems much easier to use. does anyone else agree? What good keyboard mods are there out there which could help?
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This has me totally lost. You switched from an iPhone keyboard to a Desire one, and are glad you did, but you find the iPhone one easier to use?
No offense but that isn't making too much sense to me
Do you mean you had an iphone and now have a Desire but would like a new iPhone type keyboard on it?
socktug said:
This has me totally lost. You switched from an iPhone keyboard to a Desire one, and are glad you did, but you find the iPhone one easier to use?
No offense but that isn't making too much sense to me
Do you mean you had an iphone and now have a Desire but would like a new iPhone type keyboard on it?
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sorry...the topic wasnt really correct...
I've switched from the iphone to the HTC Desire, and i really like the desire, however i find the keyboard harder to use than the iphones one. just want an alternative keyboard that maybe has the buttons spaced better. just find i'm mis-typing a lot. (i know you can go landscape, and i know you can have compact qwerty etc but i want a normal portrait keyboard)
Not exactly what you are asking for, but you could do a search for swype.
It's a keyboard that you just swipe your finger across the correct letters and it somehow works out what you want to type! It's really very accurate.
Failing that you could try better keyboard or smart keyboard pro. I can't remember which, but one of them has skins and iPhone is an option on it.
I recommend Smart Keyboard Pro. Has an iPhone setting I believe.
sbdags said:
I recommend Smart Keyboard Pro. Has an iPhone setting I believe.
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i second smartkeyboard pro, very similar to the iphone keyboard.
fwiw i understood your question, seemed pretty clear to me
coriron said:
And so far i'm so glad i did. My only gripe is that the keyboard on the iPhone seems much easier to use. does anyone else agree? What good keyboard mods are there out there which could help?
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You'll have to live with this problem mate. It's not the keyboard that's the problem. The iPhone has a feature that guesses which letter your gonna press and it works perfect. Android doesn't have this feature so you have to press the correct key most of the time coz prediction isn't always correct. One tried all the downloadable keyboards but they are not as good as the HTC keyboard. Which Is a shame coz that's not too clever.
I'm still not used to the keyboard after 2 months. I'm constantly making mistakes.
I now use the phone keypad as its faster to type and more accurate.
swype is the way forward.......imo
Get a swype keyboard.
Start it. Feel frustrated and think what's the hype?
Type some random stuff for fifteen minutes.
You will never look back.
I went with "better keyboard" and have it set to put a dot on the key after it is pressed.
After typing a word, I notice how often I've pressed the wrong keys, yet still it has predicted the correct word/spelling.
Have tried swype, and whilst it's got a certain wow factor, I prefer to touch like a traditional keyboard
.Hodgy. said:
swype is the way forward.......imo
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Swype ... FTW!!!!
doinbox said:
You'll have to live with this problem mate. It's not the keyboard that's the problem. The iPhone has a feature that guesses which letter your gonna press and it works perfect. Android doesn't have this feature so you have to press the correct key most of the time coz prediction isn't always correct.
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Errrr, wrong.
JohnSteveDoe said:
Errrr, wrong.
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youtube is blocked at my work....cant see what you've posted
ceratti said:
Get a swype keyboard.
Start it. Feel frustrated and think what's the hype?
Type some random stuff for fifteen minutes.
You will never look back.
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hmmm...gotta try and fine somewhere to download it from now as the beta has closed....
JohnSteveDoe said:
Errrr, wrong.
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What's your point?
Thats nothing like an iPhone keyboard.
But that looks like a good solution so thanks for posting that.
coriron said:
youtube is blocked at my work....cant see what you've posted
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Just tried this its called thickbuttons and its free on the market.
It's terrible. It moves keys about as you type so you can only type slowly. So thanks but no thanks.
I found a really good replacement. I'm using it to type this and its awsome. It's called swiftkey. And its free to use. Search for it on the market. You'll be massively impressed.
What is a good swype keyboard then? As the market comes up blank when searching for swype
SwiftKey is fantastic for me. Has replaced my custom htc ime mod keyboard.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I like the guessing features in swiftkey a lot. But my wish is to have swiftkey work on the phone keypad layout. This is much faster for me and easier to use one handed. At the moment it's only on qwerty type layouts.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Keyboard calibration?

Is there a way to do this? I can't stand Swype... I like the predictive text of the Android keyboard (how it shows words at the top)... but for some reason my calibration seems off and I keep mistyping words.
Any alternative keyboard with the same predictive text feature of the stock android keyboard.
Why don't you just turn swype off in menu, settings, keyboard, uncheck swype.
I did turn off swype. I'm using the stock android keyboard... but the calibration seems a little off, and I'm kind of annoyed with how i'm pressing a button and it's registering the button to the left of it when I'm pretty accurate.
Just looking for an alternative that's similar to the Stock, or a calibration feature.
Try SwiftKey
Same thing is happening to me. Annoying as heck!
I know that it used to be possible to install the htc_ime even if you weren't rooted. Is there an htc_ime out there that will run on 2.2? I had one running on my CM5.0.8 G1. The HTC keyboard also has a calibration tool and was MUCH better than the standard VK.
Not sure if it'll work but you and try it. Report back.
Wow, thanks man I'll def try this.
I don't know if it's the placebo effect but it appears to be working. Before, anytime I hit the JKLMN keys and the delete key it would hit the key to the left of it.
Time will tell. Thanks!
thickbuttons is pretty good
sinistersai4d4d said:
Wow, thanks man I'll def try this.
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sinistersai4d4d said:
I don't know if it's the placebo effect but it appears to be working. Before, anytime I hit the JKLMN keys and the delete key it would hit the key to the left of it.
Time will tell. Thanks!
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Thats cool. I had not idea it was going to work. I just googled "android keyboard calibration apk" and found that.
elopez2808 said:
found this on the nexus one forums.
I installed the froyo version and it works great
credit goes to Jonasl
just thought I'd share it with those that don't have it and what not
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Update! The keyboard in the thread I just quoted above is the best keyboard you'll ever use if u aren't a Swype fan. Better than any vk I've ever used. And it comes with a calibration tool that's fantastic.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

[Q] Samsung Keyboard Autocorrect

Before you post the link to the XDA noob video, no, this isn't a question about 'how to enable autocorrect on the stock keyboard'
It's actually a question about autocorrect on the stock Samsung Keyboard.
Is there any way to force the autocorrect bar to permanently stay above the keyboard when XT9 is enabled, like the Gingerbread keyboard? When typing in, say, the Messaging app, the autocorrect bar pops up when I enter something and disappears when I hit space, making the little text entry box go up-and-down-and-up-and-down making me quite dizzy since my eyes have to bob up and down.
I would just use the gingerbread keyboard but the banding on that kb is annoying.
If it matters, GT-i9100, VR1.1, pulser_g2's KE2 multi-CSC package (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=14254203#post14254203)
Im currently using the Gingerbread Keyboard from Marketplace, as far as im aware there is nothing at the moment that can be done to stop the autocorrection box appearing/Disappearing !
i think the samsung keyboard is rather annoying, the space bar is way too small causing me to press the . button atleast 1 in every 5 words.. annoyance !
i have been looking everywhere for a fix, nothing so far!
i hope this thread will get enough attention and the keyboard can be modded.
the only reason im not using samsung keyboard is because of this issue
OK, I just downloaded the version from the Market (the free one from Steven Lin, right?).
No banding )) but vibrate on keypress doesn't do anything.
Can you test on yours and see if vibe works?
X9 in settings that is what enables it. Though doesn't work on custom roms I have no idea why.
You mean to enable autocorrect for the stock Samsung keyboard?
Re-read my post. I have no problem enabling it, but it's the execution that is annoying.
If only I could get vibration working for the Gingerbread keyboard (the apk I got off xda works, but there's noticeable banding, while the one off the market has no banding but vibe doesn't work).
Greenie-UK said:
Im currently using the Gingerbread Keyboard from Marketplace, as far as im aware there is nothing at the moment that can be done to stop the autocorrection box appearing/Disappearing !
i think the samsung keyboard is rather annoying, the space bar is way too small causing me to press the . button atleast 1 in every 5 words.. annoyance !
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I am also using the Gingerbread Keyboard and it is 100% better, more responsive and better with predictive text than the crappy Samsung KB.
At the end of the day I got HTC_IME installed and will probably be sticking with that.
No banding, vibration works, autocorrect is great & doesn't give me a seizure. Only problem is that it crashes the Samsung Email app (but I use the stock Gmail app so it's not a problem).
Does anyone know how to get vibration working on the Market GB kb?
yamanote said:
OK, I just downloaded the version from the Market (the free one from Steven Lin, right?).
No banding )) but vibrate on keypress doesn't do anything.
Can you test on yours and see if vibe works?
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if you use gingerbread KB you need to change the Vibrate setting to "normal" in advanced settings and it should work !
Thanked you accidentally too Lol. but you can keep it
Greenie-UK said:
if you use gingerbread KB you need to change the Vibrate setting to "normal" in advanced settings and it should work !
Thanked you accidentally too Lol. but you can keep it
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Why thank you very much. I have returned the favor
Well actually I would have thanked you either way, since setting the vibe intensity to Normal as you suggested worked.
Thanks again
I'd recommend Thumb Keyboard or Swiftkey X Beta. both a LOT better than the Samsung KB and both offer superior prediction and customisation. Thumb has split KB and customisation too.
yamanote said:
Why thank you very much. I have returned the favor
Well actually I would have thanked you either way, since setting the vibe intensity to Normal as you suggested worked.
Thanks again
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Lol no problem.
only figured how to sort it out over Frustration at no vibration when typing lol !
glad it all works if you get the paid version you can have different haptic Vibes on the keyboard, pretty neat !
robbiekhan said:
I'd recommend Thumb Keyboard or Swiftkey X Beta. both a LOT better than the Samsung KB and both offer superior prediction and customisation. Thumb has split KB and customisation too.
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Currently downloading the English pack for SwiftKey X. Looks pretty cool. Thanks for the suggestion!
Got it installed. I like how it can personalize my autocorrect via my Facebook account and SMSes. Autocorrect is great. Thanks again.
Greenie-UK said:
Lol no problem.
only figured how to sort it out over Frustration at no vibration when typing lol !
glad it all works if you get the paid version you can have different haptic Vibes on the keyboard, pretty neat !
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Is it just me or does the vibrate seem to be a bit stronger than other keyboards (particularly the Samsung one)? Just a minor niggle lol.
whoo hundredth post! I'm a senior member now
Smart Keyboard Pro for me.
Another keyboard to consider is Smart Keyboard Pro. It has tons of options to configure.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Ahh I'm going to have 50 input methods by the end of the day
I'll try that out tomorrow, thanks for the suggestions!
yamanote said:
Ahh I'm going to have 50 input methods by the end of the day
I'll try that out tomorrow, thanks for the suggestions!
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Welcome to the world of Android.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Can you still use swype with one of these keyboard apps?
I use swiftkey x and swype alternatively depending on what I'm typing. The prediction in swiftkey is spooky good.
I bought Smart Keyboard Pro. Autocorrect is as good as the others and I like the themes. Which one should I stick with...
paranoid2007 said:
Welcome to the world of Android.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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LOL thanks. Not my first Android phone though On the others I just stuck with the stock kb (HTC_IME and the SE ime) which weren't too bad. The Samsung one is just that bad (anything which gives me a headache ain't good).
sgupta1 said:
Can you still use swype with one of these keyboard apps?
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Yeah, just press & hold the text box and select Input Method.

Problem with LG's keyboard

Im having a problem with it, when i activate
Both, the one hand use function and adjusting
The keyboard's height to the maximum.
The keyboard simply stays at the same size
And hangs at top while leaving alot of blank space
Here is a picture:
@aView attachment 2878107
Is it normal? Also, can you please post a screenshot from your device showing
How it is supposed to be.
Mine does exactly the same thing. Seems the one handed keyboard isn't resizable
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk 2
Just get google keyboard. So much more user friendly
Glocker23 said:
Just get google keyboard. So much more user friendly
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I could understand swiftkey or swype or something, but google's keyboard, if you're a swyper, is horrible. LG's is decent, not as good as swype, but about as good as swiftkey and it has some nice features. I enjoy the lg keyboard, although this one handed thing is a bit of an oversight.
Glocker23 said:
Just get google keyboard. So much more user friendly
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screwyluie said:
I could understand swiftkey or swype or something, but google's keyboard, if you're a swyper, is horrible. LG's is decent, not as good as swype, but about as good as swiftkey and it has some nice features. I enjoy the lg keyboard, although this one handed thing is a bit of an oversight.
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Ok if you say so guys.
Also, can you please explain me how the words
Prediction works on this phone? I have that swipe thing
Enabled, but when ever i swipe up, from bottom to top, the
Word is not written correctly. Let me try to explain:
I will try to write the word success:
Suc saw
Any idea what is the problem?
David464H said:
Ok if you say so guys.
Also, can you please explain me how the words
Prediction works on this phone? I have that swipe thing
Enabled, but when ever i swipe up, from bottom to top, the
Word is not written correctly. Let me try to explain:
I will try to write the word success:
Suc saw
Any idea what is the problem?
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perhaps you're running over the spacebar? I tried to reproduce but I got 'success' every time... so I'm not sure what you've got going on there.
also make sure in the setting you've 'update word suggestions' makes a huge difference
screwyluie said:
perhaps you're running over the spacebar? I tried to reproduce but I got 'success' every time... so I'm not sure what you've got going on there.
also make sure in the setting you've 'update word suggestions' makes a huge difference
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Wait, the swype option is supposed to be on?
David464H said:
Wait, the swype option is supposed to be on?
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