Double click home for multitasking? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Is there anyway to make multitasking (or recent apps) open with double click home instead if holding home? I've seen home2shortcut (or whatever its called) but is it possible to make hold home to open svoice?
I guess you could say like how the iPhone 's home button acts. (IPhone still sucks tho)
Sent from my SPH-L710 running FreeGS3 v0.2.0

Nobody? Awesome...
Sent from my SPH-L710 running FreeGS3 v0.2.0

If you use apex launcher, go to apex settings, behavior settings, and you can set multitasking to any number of screen gestures (swipe up, swipe down, pinch in, double tap, etc). When you choose the gesture, it gives you a list if functions. Choose "recent apps" Also, I believe using any cut, you can put a shortcut on your home screen
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[TIP] How to Re-Assign Home Button Double Tap

As you are probably aware, double tapping the home button will launch S Voice on the Galaxy S3. Unfortunately, Samsung did not include a way to re-assign this button for a different function if you don't fancy the S Voice app. Instead, all they did was give you a way to disable the hone button double tap. Well here is a way for you to re-assign the home button double tap without the need for any rooting or modding at all.
Step 1) Go into the S Voice settings and uncheck the Launch SVoice box. This will keep S Voice from launching when you double tap the home button.
Step 2) Install Home2 Shortcut from the Play Store
Step 3) Open Home2 Shortcut and configure it to launch the app of your choosing with a double tap of the home button. The app is pretty self explanatory and setting it up will be pretty straight forward. NOTE: When you get to the end, after you tap "close" it will ask you to set as default. Select Home2Launcher as the default.
Hope this helps anyone who didn't know how to do this. I am currently running CM10, and am using this to launch Google Now with a double tap of the home button.
Nice find! Is there a tho when single pressing?
Can we configure it to launch the multitasking menu? I don't like holding down the home button.
Sent from my SGH-T999
rakeshchn said:
Can we configure it to launch the multitasking menu? I don't like holding down the home button.
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I would like to know this as well
Does the home button still lag when you assigned the double tap
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda app-developers app
Any idea how to assign double tap to Google voice search, like it was available on other phones on holding search key?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Seems to be Voice Search is not showing as application by default on GS3. You have to uninstall it using Titanium Backup and then install it from Market. This will put shortcut where it belongs and you would be able to assign it to double tap Home key.
If you have Apex Launcher, you can go to Apex Settings>"Behavior settings" and scroll down to gesture settings and you can configure one of the gestures to open up recent apps. I chose swipe down. It's not a fix for when you're in an app, but its better than pressing the home button twice or holding it down when you're on a homescreen. You can also configure the home button to open the Recent Apps dialog if you're already on your default homescreen.
T3hBraveBoss said:
Does the home button still lag when you assigned the double tap
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I haven't observed any difference in the home key from applying this.
rakeshchn said:
Can we configure it to launch the multitasking menu? I don't like holding down the home button.
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There is a paid app called Multitask Shortcut which is an app that open the multitasking menu. So, if you combine that with this app like I have, then yes you can assign the double tap to multitask.
T3hBraveBoss said:
Does the home button still lag when you assigned the double tap
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Yes, home button lag is present sadly.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747
Button Savior is pretty cool. You can just swipe from left to right or vice versa and a string of soft keys appear (Home, recent apps, back, etc). Very nice app and I hardly press my home button anymore
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
I can get it to work..any suggestions?
eyecon82 said:
I can get it to work..any suggestions?
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could you be any more vague?
Ever since installing the Google Now mod OR removing some APKs as per the S3 apk guide, double tapping does not launch S-Voice...
Which is frustrating when trying to make a call from my car....Voice cmd for apps is enabled in settings, as well as the double tap setting within S-voice.
eyecon82 said:
I can get it to work..any suggestions?
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cnstarz said:
could you be any more vague?
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i meant i couldn't get it to work
i assign handcent as my double tap, but it never opens
Thank you sir. Handy way to launch the camera.
duxup said:
Thank you sir. Handy way to launch the camera.
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how are you setting it up?
artisticcheese said:
Seems to be Voice Search is not showing as application by default on GS3. You have to uninstall it using Titanium Backup and then install it from Market. This will put shortcut where it belongs and you would be able to assign it to double tap Home key.
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Is this the only way to get Voice Search working? I'm trying very hard to not root this thing, but I need a quick way to launch Voice Search.
Sad that threads like these will no longer be easily visible to users on multiple carriers due to the splitting of forums... Thanks OP!
This is awesome, thank you. The one feature I missed most from my custom GS2 ROM.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium

Make the double click home button launch google now

So i got the new leaked sprint Jelly Beans on my S3 and i wanted to know if you could launch the google now thru the home button. right now it launches S voice which sucks real back. i already removed it with titanium backup but now it reverts to google voice dialer. anyone got info on this
I think the app home2 shortcut is what your looking for
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jcantol said:
I think the app home2 shortcut is what your looking for
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Where is that found I would love for this setting
Never mind found it hell yeah works perfect thanks
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No home2 shortcut does not work. i want to be able to set double click home button to voice search (google now) that app does not allow that
Well you could use nova to launch with a long press on the menu button. You could also flash cm10 instead and allow a long press of home to launch Google now. Nova might also allow home2 to assign an activity like voice search.
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WalleO said:
No home2 shortcut does not work. i want to be able to set double click home button to voice search (google now) that app does not allow that
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It works for me perfect are you sure you setting up right just to ask
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
It won't do the double click action, but certain AOSP ROMs let you choose a custom action when long pressing the home button.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Which ROM is that
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CodefireX AOSP based....found in system settings.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Want to share some useful information that some people might not know about...
*Problem*Everyone hates holding the home button to muktitask or launch things
*Solution* Using Apex launcher (works in Nova too), go to apex settings, behavior settings, and you can assign almost anything to a gesture. I use double tap and set it to "recent apps". Now, I just double tap anywhere on the home screen and it brings up recent apps with no lag! This has made multitasking 5 times better and so easy. I can also set Google Now to launch by swipe up, swipe down, pinch, etc. I hate the home button for anything besides going to default screen
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Sent from my Jelly Bombed SGS3
I would also like this to work with a double press of the home button. I'm on Ktoonzes AOKP.
Press once - Home
Press twice - Google Now <-- what i want.
Long Press - Recent apps <-- currently how it works. I don't want to replace the long press action with search.
I am running tw Rom with trebuchet and home 2 shortcut works perfectly for this function. One Gives me home. double tap gives Google now and hold gives me tasks .
Important step is to disable s voice in settings
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
WalleO said:
No home2 shortcut does not work. i want to be able to set double click home button to voice search (google now) that app does not allow that
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Home 2 shortcut works great, but and I have never had a problem with it in the LIH leak or any JB leak for that matter. Make sure you have cleared defaults and have went into s-voice setting and unchecked the home button press brings up S-voice.
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slickdaddy96 said:
Home 2 shortcut works great, but and I have never had a problem with it in the LIH leak or any JB leak for that matter. Make sure you have cleared defaults and have went into s-voice setting and unchecked the home button press brings up S-voice.
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From mysterioustko on page
As you are probably aware, double tapping the home button will launch S Voice on the Galaxy S3. Unfortunately, Samsung did not include a way to re-assign this button for a different function if you don't fancy the S Voice app. Instead, all they did was give you a way to disable the hone button double tap. Well here is a way for you to re-assign the home button double tap without the need for any rooting or modding at all.
Step 1) Go into the S Voice settings and uncheck the Launch SVoice box. This will keep S Voice from launching when you double tap the home button.
Step 2) Install Home2 Shortcut from the Play Store
Step 3) Open Home2 Shortcut and configure it to launch the app of your choosing with a double tap of the home button. The app is pretty self explanatory and setting it up will be pretty straight forward. NOTE: When you get to the end, after you tap "close" it will ask you to set as default. Select Home2Launcher as the default.
Hope this helps anyone who didn't know how to do this. I am currently running CM10, and am using this to launch Google Now with a double tap of the home button.
acculver said:
From mysterioustko on page
As you are probably aware, double tapping the home button will launch S Voice on the Galaxy S3. Unfortunately, Samsung did not include a way to re-assign this button for a different function if you don't fancy the S Voice app. Instead, all they did was give you a way to disable the hone button double tap. Well here is a way for you to re-assign the home button double tap without the need for any rooting or modding at all.
Step 1) Go into the S Voice settings and uncheck the Launch SVoice box. This will keep S Voice from launching when you double tap the home button.
Step 2) Install Home2 Shortcut from the Play Store
Step 3) Open Home2 Shortcut and configure it to launch the app of your choosing with a double tap of the home button. The app is pretty self explanatory and setting it up will be pretty straight forward. NOTE: When you get to the end, after you tap "close" it will ask you to set as default. Select Home2Launcher as the default.
Hope this helps anyone who didn't know how to do this. I am currently running CM10, and am using this to launch Google Now with a double tap of the home button.
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You forgot the all important step 4.
Awesome thread! Now is there any way to set up what launches when you long press the menu button? I see in the "other key settings" for home2 it has long press shortcuts for a "search" key and "camera" key..
[Sent from my cellular telephone via wireless transmission]
acculver said:
From mysterioustko on page
As you are probably aware, double tapping the home button will launch S Voice on the Galaxy S3. Unfortunately, Samsung did not include a way to re-assign this button for a different function if you don't fancy the S Voice app. Instead, all they did was give you a way to disable the hone button double tap. Well here is a way for you to re-assign the home button double tap without the need for any rooting or modding at all.
Step 1) Go into the S Voice settings and uncheck the Launch SVoice box. This will keep S Voice from launching when you double tap the home button.
Step 2) Install Home2 Shortcut from the Play Store
Step 3) Open Home2 Shortcut and configure it to launch the app of your choosing with a double tap of the home button. The app is pretty self explanatory and setting it up will be pretty straight forward. NOTE: When you get to the end, after you tap "close" it will ask you to set as default. Select Home2Launcher as the default.
Hope this helps anyone who didn't know how to do this. I am currently running CM10, and am using this to launch Google Now with a double tap of the home button.
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Why did you quote me? That is exactly what I told people to do and is covered as nauseum in multiple posts on XDA. I didn't get into detail because people should search instead of asking the same question a million times.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Fantastic!! Thanks to everyone who mentioned on how to set this up! :good:
To do this without any extra apps would require a very small edit to android.policy.jar.
I think I experimented with it on ICS and successfully got it working. I have yet to do it on Jelly Bean though.
Just long press on home button and hit the g. now to replace s voice for Bluetooth voice dial
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] App Info shortcut change?

Ok, so you know if you hold the home button, (for SGSexy 3 thats the button at the bottom in the middle) for a bit you get that screen that shows all the apps, and then if you press hold on one of the apps long enuff you get the option to kill it or get app info... well I wanna know if you can change that shortcut to a motion or a double tap on the home screen or something. Im kinda paranoid about always having to hold down the home button to get that screen up. If I can do it, how can I? Thanks in advance you sexy beasts.
10cheesecakes said:
Ok, so you know if you hold the home button, (for SGSexy 3 thats the button at the bottom in the middle) for a bit you get that screen that shows all the apps, and then if you press hold on one of the apps long enuff you get the option to kill it or get app info... well I wanna know if you can change that shortcut to a motion or a double tap on the home screen or something. Im kinda paranoid about always having to hold down the home button to get that screen up. If I can do it, how can I? Thanks in advance you sexy beasts.
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BUMP.. anyone???
You can probably do that in a 3rd party launcher like Nova.
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DocHoliday77 said:
You can probably do that in a 3rd party launcher like Nova.
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Im using GoLauncher right now, and I like it more then NoVa. I dont think NOVA had it and thats one of the reasons I left.. or I just couldnt figure it out on either launcer. Ill search around some more... but what is that screen called anyways, the task killer screen... the running app screen?
Nova does have it, if you just long press anywhere on the screen, it will come up with options like widgets, nova actions, etc. Choose "nova actions", then choose "recent apps". You can then drag that to the dock, or leave it on the home screen.

[Q] How to make home button long press shorter? (touchwiz)

Is it possible to change the delay on the home button long press to bring up the task manager more quickly in touchwiz? By default it feels frustratingly slow!
I want to keep the S-apps so I am not interested in a different home manager.
Here the little known solution.
freebeerz said:
Is it possible to change the delay on the home button long press to bring up the task manager more quickly in touchwiz? By default it feels frustratingly slow!
I want to keep the S-apps so I am not interested in a different home manager.
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Please here me out as this involves installing Nove launcher. Something you stated you do not wish to do.
Install Nova launcher but after pressing the home button choose TouchWiz "always".
If you now long press the screen and choose "apps & widgets". In there somewhere is a widget called Nova launcher. Long pressing this to place it on the screen invokes a menu that actually belongs to the Nova launcher where you can choose "Recent apps". This places a recent apps shortcut on your screen which open instantly.
This obviously does not help if you are not on the home screen and will jump back to a previous app. In such situations you should use the best app on the market for multitasking which is called SwipePad. You need to purchase the "recent apps" add on ftbut it's worth it.
Hope this helps.
I wish S-apps (especially the S-Planner widget) worked with third party launchers. Touchwiz is smooth and fast but the grid is simply to limited and no full screen annoys me.
download taskmanager app from samsung appstore...put it on homescreen
Disable double press of the home button in S voice.
Whenever you press the home button it waits to see if you double press it before deciding that you only intended to press it once.
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richlum said:
Disable double press of the home button in S voice.
Whenever you press the home button it waits to see if you double press it before deciding that you only intended to press it once.
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Thanks for the tip, it really work !!!
Dmwitz said:
Please here me out as this involves installing Nove launcher. Something you stated you do not wish to do.
Install Nova launcher but after pressing the home button choose TouchWiz "always".
If you now long press the screen and choose "apps & widgets". In there somewhere is a widget called Nova launcher. Long pressing this to place it on the screen invokes a menu that actually belongs to the Nova launcher where you can choose "Recent apps". This places a recent apps shortcut on your screen which open instantly.
This obviously does not help if you are not on the home screen and will jump back to a previous app. In such situations you should use the best app on the market for multitasking which is called SwipePad. You need to purchase the "recent apps" add on ftbut it's worth it.
Hope this helps.
I wish S-apps (especially the S-Planner widget) worked with third party launchers. Touchwiz is smooth and fast but the grid is simply to limited and no full screen annoys me.
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Thanks for these tips, swipepad looks very interesting!
Also I didn't realize that the pop-up S-Note still worked with Nova Launcher, so I may keep Nova anyway (I think I can live without S-Planner...)

Any way to change Home button?

Any way to change Home button double tap to recent app instead of S voice?
vwgti18 said:
Any way to change Home button double tap to recent app instead of S voice?
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Try a different launcher such as Nova. You can assign the button to perform the action you want. Plus, at least for me, a scrolling dock is great. If you get Nova Prime you can also add gestures to perform your preferred action. There are others that do some of that too, but I have ended up sticking with Nova...
Good luck!
vwgti18 said:
Any way to change Home button double tap to recent app instead of S voice?
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Check this thread out to see if it helps you.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium
From what I can tell it is the always running s-voice app that intercepts the home press and so it waits for a split second for the 2nd home button double tap. It is not some function built into the system that can be hacked to something else. If s voice is disabled, the home button speeds up but there shouldn't be anyway to use double tap unless another app such as one of the 3rd part launchers is used. Maybe some one could make a mod of some sort to watch home button press and activate on a double tap for those who don't want to use a custom launcher.
personally i wish a double tap went directly to a google voice search
This is an option in S-voice settings . It's enabk d by default, but can be disabled. I've disabled S-voice on my phone altogether, so I can't remember exactly where it was. However, if you hit the menu button while in S-voice, you should see a lot option that says something along the lines of "open/launch S-voice by double tapping home key".
It will make the home button respond faster, however it won't launch the running app selector.
But, you can still launch the selector by doing a long press of the home key.
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Next1776 said:
Try a different launcher such as Nova. You can assign the button to perform the action you want. Plus, at least for me, a scrolling dock is great. If you get Nova Prime you can also add gestures to perform your preferred action. There are others that do some of that too, but I have ended up sticking with Nova...
Good luck!
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Yea i run nova prime too. But setting the button only works when on the launcher i want it to work while in apps.
omnidroid said:
This is an option in S-voice settings . It's enabk d by default, but can be disabled. I've disabled S-voice on my phone altogether, so I can't remember exactly where it was. However, if you hit the menu button while in S-voice, you should see a lot option that says something along the lines of "open/launch S-voice by double tapping home key".
It will make the home button respond faster, however it won't launch the running app selector.
But, you can still launch the selector by doing a long press of the home key.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium
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Nice thanks for the tip svoice is disabled :good:

