Cpu usage in system panel?? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Does this seem normal to anyone? I'm on the latest freegs3 Rom by the way.

jayv1717 said:
Does this seem normal to anyone? I'm on the latest freegs3 Rom by the way.
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That's fine. Mine looks very similar and I'm on the same ROM.

akarol said:
That's fine. Mine looks very similar and I'm on the same ROM.
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and how is your battery life? Mine isn't horrible but it isn't too good either.

Forgot i had this app. I used it a lot on my GS2. That looks normal to me.
Wish i would have run this before i did the LI3 update.. I seem to be getting worse battery life after the update..

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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator

Thanks for positng this. Since my original response i decided to run mine. Looks like my CPU usage when its in standby is way to high.. If you look at mine it shows 10% CPU usage when its in stand by.. not good..

May I ask what battery app that is? I've been looking for something like that. Thanks!!
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app

Its called SystemPanel

Oh, lol, well that makes sense. Derp. Thanks for the quick reply!
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What's the name of the app...

...that shows you which app is eating up your battery? I have one running wild and im trying to figure out which one it is.
brownhornet said:
...that shows you which app is eating up your battery? I have one running wild and im trying to figure out which one it is.
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Not going to be answered by me in the General Forum try QA forum
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brownhornet said:
...that shows you which app is eating up your battery? I have one running wild and im trying to figure out which one it is.
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You can use BetterBatteryStats for that.
System Panel has a great historical monitor feature that helps track down problematic apps.
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pyrostic said:
Not going to be answered by me in the General Forum try QA forum
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Just don't post if you are going to leave a reply like this your not helping and no one wants you here.
nivron said:
You can use BetterBatteryStats for that.
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BetterBatteryStats is an excellent choice
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Settings > about phone > battery usage?
pyrostic said:
Not going to be answered by me in the General Forum try QA forum
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Can you imagine how much this kid cried and wined when he was a kid? Lets say 2 or 3 years ago.lol. now he is just a big kid that's just as sad. Grow a pair and loose your virginity and you wont hate the world and your life so much
thanks guys
pyrostic said:
Not going to be answered by me in the General Forum try QA forum
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why even reply at all. very, very, unuseful....
System Panel is a very useful app.

AnTuTo Test

i ahve galaxy nexus 14 days . today i did antuto test and i got 6000 points i saw ather results and its like 14000. is there en problem with my phone or its becouse ihave some apps ?
and sorry if i wrong with section
Wrong section!!!! Read before making a thread!
™aNdRoId™ said:
i ahve galaxy nexus 14 days . today i did antuto test and i got 6000 points i saw ather results and its like 14000. is there en problem with my phone or its becouse ihave some apps ?
and sorry if i wrong with section
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yup, very wrong section as stated above.
do a bit more modifying to your device and you could get better scores too. 6000 is normal, doesnt matter how many apps you have. scores also depend on your cpu speed/overclocking.
simms22 said:
yup, very wrong section as stated above.
do a bit more modifying to your device and you could get better scores too. 6000 is normal, doesnt matter how many apps you have. scores also depend on your cpu speed/overclocking.
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oh don't spoil the poor guy
Oodie said:
oh don't spoil the poor guy
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its better for us.. we answer it now, the same question wont be asked again by the op(probably by someone else though) :silly:
TuToTally wrong section. so wrong like your spelling of the app AnTuTu!
so waht can ido to make it beter ? can i have a tutorial.
andssorry for wrong section
simms22 said:
its better for us.. we answer it now, the same question wont be asked again by the op(probably by someone else though) :silly:
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I was talking about the Overclocking part
Oodie said:
I was talking about the Overclocking part
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ohhh... ok. shhhhhh....
If you give a dog a bone, it'll stick around and probably bring some friends along with it, but if you leave the dog alone, you don't have to worry about neither of those things happening. Moral of the story? Stop being an enabler.
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™aNdRoId™ said:
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Do you already have a unlocked / rooted device? If not, there are many tutorials over here. If yes, flash another ROM and another kernel (Trinity or something) and OverClock your CPU (with Trinity Kernel Toolbox or another app). Good luck.
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™aNdRoId™ said:
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Learn what is XDA for. Try to also turn your swag off, your text will look better.
Icecoldmeat said:
Do you already have a unlocked / rooted device? If not, there are many tutorials over here. If yes, flash another ROM and another kernel (Trinity or something) and OverClock your CPU (with Trinity Kernel Toolbox or another app). Good luck.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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You seem to know what you are talking about but please, stop encouraging this kind of stupid post. This person did not even took the time to look where to post. Not even that, but he asked how to have more benchmark score, which is pretty stupid. If he said : "It's lagging when i use my phone, what can i do ?" It would not be that bad, but how to get more benchmark, come on.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
chadouming said:
You seem to know what you are talking about but please, stop encouraging this kind of stupid post. This person did not even took the time to look where to post. Not even that, but he asked how to have more benchmark score, which is pretty stupid. If he said : "It's lagging when i use my phone, what can i do ?" It would not be that bad, but how to get more benchmark, come on.
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chadouming said:
Learn what is XDA for. Try to also turn your swag off, your text will look better.
You seem to know what you are talking about but please, stop encouraging this kind of stupid post. This person did not even took the time to look where to post. Not even that, but he asked how to have more benchmark score, which is pretty stupid. If he said : "It's lagging when i use my phone, what can i do ?" It would not be that bad, but how to get more benchmark, come on.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Yes, I do. But I am giving a short explanation. The rest he can do himself. I know he posted in the wrong section but that doesn't say we can't give him some help. People already said this is the wrong section, so he probably knows it already. We are here to help people on XDA, not to blame them 100 times that they posted wrong. Greets.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Icecoldmeat said:
Yes, I do. But I am giving a short explanation. The rest he can do himself. I know he posted in the wrong section but that doesn't say we can't give him some help. People already said this is the wrong section, so he probably knows it already. We are here to help people on XDA, not to blame them 100 times that they posted wrong. Greets.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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It's not only that he posted on wrong section. It's mostly because what he posted is completely stupid and goes pretty against the xda spirit.
™aNdRoId™ said:
i ahve galaxy nexus 14 days . today i did antuto test and i got 6000 points i saw ather results and its like 14000. is there en problem with my phone or its becouse ihave some apps ?
and sorry if i wrong with section
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What development is this?
Please read forum rules and stickies before posting
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Nexus battery life?

Hey guys, I just want to ask what kind of battery life are you guys getting on your nexus? I'm about to make a switch from an epic 4g touch, and badly want to cause of stock android. Just bought an n7, and absolutely love it. Now i want it on my phone without the hassle of putting buggy roms. Any replies are welcomed.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
I conveniently am able to recycle this from only 6 hours ago the last time I was on the XDA Galaxy Nexus forums..
WiredPirate said:
Then you came to the right place because we have infinite battery threads here at XDA. Good luck with your SEARCHING and READING, I am sure you will find some great suggestions.
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Just looked down this section and didn't see one thread asking for battery life. On top of that the search in the xda app doesn't work for me, but thanks.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
Does search on Google work for you?
Quick answer, it's completely subjective to your usage patterns so no one can tell you what it's like as what might be awesome for me could be crap to you
EddyOS said:
Quick answer, it's completely subjective to your usage patterns so no one can tell you what it's like as what might be awesome for me could be crap to you
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Thread Closed.

software update is a piece of sh'it

if anyone decides to update their software, just to let u know, the new update is ****ing ****.. dont update
xenin said:
if anyone decides to update their software, just to let u know, the new update is ****ing ****.. dont update
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Uh... Going to specify why? Because otherwise, I'm going to utterly ignore your opinion.
Its only a radio update. I don't see how it could possibly be anything bad.
Another pointless thread to keep the mods busy... Smh
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Cainmadness said:
Uh... Going to specify why? Because otherwise, I'm going to utterly ignore your opinion.
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then ignore my opinion u idiot. get out of here
xenin said:
then ignore my opinion u idiot. get out of here
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Back up your claims or you gtfo.
AAAHAHAHA, I remember you now. You were that troll that made the "Why is ICS better than JB?" thread and it was closed because you are a troll.
I found new update awesome. Increased battery life, and improved radios.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
CoderCR said:
I found new update awesome. Increased battery life, and improved radios.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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Yeah what he said
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
xenin said:
then ignore my opinion u idiot. get out of here
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Friendly troll, isn't it?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
This thread needs to be closed before things escalade
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
xenin said:
if anyone decides to update their software, just to let u know, the new update is ****ing ****.. dont update
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Maybe your phone and experience is a reflection of you...or the phone gods spitting some negative Karma on you!
For me the updated radio has improved my signal and therefore my battery life ( less searching for better signal i think )...
I also know of many others that share my experience as well...
shehade08 said:
This thread needs to be closed before things escalate
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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^^ FTFY ^^
Ok, so this title and post say so much without saying anything really. Contrary to what many people think, XDA is NOT a sounding board. Sure we have rants and we have times where things don't go our way.
You know what, THAT IS LIFE!!! Deal with it and move on.
Posting a rant like this is not the end of the world. What really sucks about it is that there is no further information about WHY the update sucks. Maybe if more thought was put into why it sucks, then maybe more thought would have been put into this thread and why it was created.
And now for RANTS, this one is Ovaaahhhh!!!!!
ps. The latest radio is good for some, but not all. I have been using it since the day after it came out and my data has actually been worse. Best modem for me is LI7. Oh wait!!! There is a thread for that.

[Q] 4.3 Battery Life

I'm getting terrible battery life after the 4.3 update. I've seen hundreds of others online with this problem, and I was wondering if anyone was able to fix this issue with their S3.
Maybe its your battery? Old battery or something
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Use BetterBatteryStats app and use various suggestions from its thread.
Perseus71 said:
Use BetterBatteryStats app and use various suggestions from its thread.
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The Link you provided isn't leading anywhere man.
After looking at Better Battery Stats as well as Wake lock detector, I've realized that my phone isn't going into deep sleep.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Oh my bad. See here.
Perseus71 said:
Oh my bad. See here.
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Still doesn't work for me bro lol
I don't know what the issue is. Use the search function for BetterBatteryStats.

