Calendar Touchwiz widget - AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus Samsung Galaxy S III

Can someone upload the TW calendar widget please? I somehow lost it while rooting. I do not not how. Thanks.


Can someone help me find?

I'm looking for a themed calender and Gmail app can someone point me in that direction plz?
Hi, Jorte calendar is for me the best themed calendar.

[REQUEST] replace stock ICS calendar with samsung one

I'm looking for samsung calendar app (which actually is the only Samsung app I really miss) to replace the stock ICS in my rom.
I don't mind if stock calendar will go away.
I'm with XWLP9 deodexed rom
thanks in advance
I'd love that too...
There are just no calendar apps that can display whole month as a widget. There is go launcher calendar and launcher pro calendar, but i want one without the launcher.
skotina said:
I'd love that too...
There are just no calendar apps that can display whole month as a widget. There is go launcher calendar and launcher pro calendar, but i want one without the launcher.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I too miss that but I use pure grid calender widget which is just as good if not better
Try it out
already tried. as almost all calendars / widgets in play store.
still I'll appreciate to have my samsung calendar back on my phone
I believe it only works on touchwiz launcher. I use apex launcher and don't have the option. But on touchwiz its there.
Just wanted to bump this and see if anyone else can help the thread author and myself. Still looking around for a Samsung calendar that will work on an AOSP-based ROM.
i also join the request. anyone that has the Samsung stock calendar app in his rom, please upload it.
I would love the samsung calendar app.
Running Cyanogenmod 10.1

Sense-like calender widget

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good Sense-like calender widget? I'm digging using Nova Launch, but I really miss the Sense calender widget. I'm looking for a 4x4 or 4x3 widget. I've tried Business Calender (free) and Month Calender Widget, but haven't been happy with either. Is there a way to get the Google Calender Widget to display in month mode instead of week mode?

[REQ] Month Calendar Widget

Is it possible to have the Touchwiz Calendar running on Apex or Nova? Or anything like it, like a themed one. I like a calendar witch shows the entire days of the month, I don't need it to show appointments because I already have the Google Calendar widget doing a good job. Do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks
I use Pure Grid Calendar Widget.

[REQ]dark calendar widget

I'd very much like if the 4x2 calendar widget matched the weather and clock htc widget. Has anyone done one? Would someone mind making one?
I need it too ^^

