Blu Kuban - Kuban Kernal 3.0.15 battery life - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

Ive got blu Kuban ROM on my phone with the attatched Kuban Kernal 3.0.15 and am having battery issues. I just recently deleted my facebook widget thinking maybe thats doing it, but it will last about 4 hours before it dies. Im downloading bad ass battery monitor to see if I can further look into whats sucking the battery power.

GO to developer option and click do not keep activities
maybe there something runing on the background you have to look at under battery or in appliication

OK I did that ill see if it changes anything. As of 72% battery left, battery monitor shows 69.8% app usage, and 51.8% is the Kernel. All of the apps listed don't use much under app usage its the kernel that is killing it. Does this mean I need a new Kernel? This cant be normal right? Can I use just any Kernel? Thanks

51% kernel is high, yes. See if other people have the same percentage with that kernel. If not, then maybe try a different kernel. agat's or sleshepic's kernels are also good and built from source. Btw, I wouldn't advise doing the Developer Options setting change to close all activities. That setting isn't meant for ordinary use and severely limits your multitasking abilities. "Closing apps" also has a minimal effect because of the way Linux deals with RAM. It turns out that opening and closing apps takes away more battery than keeping one running in the background.
If your battery isn't good, diagnose why with the following apps:
Betterbatterystats - Download this app and check your "Partial Wakelocks". Basically this checks what apps are waking your phone up when it's sleeping.
CPU Spy - This allows you to easily see how much time your phone has spent in each state. You get really bad battery life if your phone idles on 200 Mhz instead of Deep Sleeping. Your phone should be on Deep Sleep when the screen is off, or else your idle battery drain will be fast.
Other ways to save battery life:
Tweaking system settings
Get SetCPU/Tegrak/Voltage Control/Any other CPU Settings app and undervolt each of your processor states to -50 mV. By stock your phone's states come "overvolted" and you can conserve battery without loosing performance if you slightly tweak them. Don't go too low or your phone may get unstable and crash.
Use those same apps to underclock or set profiles to underclock under certain circumstances
Use those same apps to change your governor. Read up on different governors and how they scale your processor when needed. Here is a link that explains different governors - . Usually "conservative" and "SmartassV2" and "Lulzactive" are pretty good with battery life. It all depends on how much performance you are willing to give up for low battery life.
Use those same apps to change your I/O scheduler. The scheduler, in simple terms, basically describes in what order apps will run, which will be prioritized, etc. The "SIO" scheduler is probably the best balanced one. "Deadline" I believe saves more battery life but maybe slow you down a little.
Apply tweaks that do it for you
In the general section of our forums, a developer named PhAkEer has posted some tweaks. His "dietpill" battery ones are really good for keeping your phone fast but saving battery life. If you have these tweaks though, they automatically choose a governor and I/O scheduler so manually changing them will only interfere if you decide to do this.
Change simple unneeded settings
Another reminder is that simple things can save you a lot of battery life. Turn off haptic feedback. Take off pulse light notifications (there are reports that these wake up your phone from Deep Sleep and put the processor back into the 200 Mhz state... thus taking away battery life). Turn off 3G when not needed (3G and 4G are huge drainers). Set WiFi to turn off when your screen is off. There is a ton of other stuff you can do.
Well I hope this long post helps you in your quest to find better battery life. Good luck

Tried putting the new agatas kernel on my phone and nothing has changed. CPU Usage shows 200MHz is 79% of sleep while deep sleep is only9. How to I go about dealing with this?

Check your wakelocks with Betterbatterystats. Otherwise just play around with some settings. For me it's usually WiFi that keeps my phone in 200 Mhz. I set WiFi to turn off when the screen is off. Maybe you have an app running that actively requires your phone's processor or something.

partial wavelocks is MAIL SERVICE - at 6.5% 5m 54s count 1953, AudioOut_! is 4.9% count 7 5m 54s, Juice defender 1.6% count 447 2m. So is it my email then? What is Kernel wavelocks?

any help here??
Did the new kuban update which switch kernels back, battery life has improved but is only 4 hours still. Deep sleep has gone up which is probaly why i saw an increase, but betterbatterystats shows no data connection and no signal to be high usually around 30-90 percent. It seems like Kernel percent has gone down tho around 30-40 usually...

I saw a post saying these are stock voltage -- is it correct?
200 MHz = 950 mV
500 MHz = 975 mV
800 MHz = 1075 mV
1000 MHz = 1175 mV
1200 MHz = 1275 mV
1400 MHz = 1275 mV
1504 MHz = 1350 mV
1600 MHz = 1425 mV
1704 MHz = 1475 mV

bhollehday said:
any help here??
Did the new kuban update which switch kernels back, battery life has improved but is only 4 hours still. Deep sleep has gone up which is probaly why i saw an increase, but betterbatterystats shows no data connection and no signal to be high usually around 30-90 percent. It seems like Kernel percent has gone down tho around 30-40 usually...
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What is your awake time versus you screen on time. If you are having signal problems test out other modems which are in the updater. Make sure you update prl and profile afterwards in about phone. Not having signal/service will kill your battery no matter what because it then tries to search for it constantly. Last week I was somewhere that had no service in my hotel room. For 18 hours in my lab it only drained 10% with about 2 hours of usage, then I went to sleep for 6 hours and it was down another 40%. I turned it on airplane mode to save battery. Hopefully trying a different modem might help. If not I have some suggestions for that too.


idle process ->80%

I have been having a terrible time with battery of my hd.
I tried several rom, dutty,miri,lost in asia,engery, and last one was black pearl.
With every rom, there was one or the other problem, so had to shift to new one.
My only concern of any rom,was that it should provide a good battery life.
Currently with black pearl, the batter drains like anything.
I dnt have much apps installed or running.
PocketShield (running)
Advance Cconfiguration
Touch in call
Advance system task bar
I checked the cpu usage and wanted to figure out, why the battery drains so fast.
The phone is in suspend mode.(wifi,3g,dataconnection, BT, AS,...everything is disable).
Still it will loose like 30% battery in almost 10hrs.
The cpu usage shows,
Idle 81.40
taskmgr 18.40
the above two kinda stays constant,
but the below processes jumps with cpu usage, frequently.
shell32 2.21
Can anyone explain me, wat this process are doing and is the idle process being so high normal.
If not what can I do to resolve this.
I did search the forum, but I found something to clear RAM, not sure, if that is the solution.
any help will be highly appreciated.
I am using Dutty's 3.9 at the moment and very happy about it I love it
It is fast and after soft rest only 34% memory is in use
Phone is always on internet checking email every 2 hour, regular talk and text and of course iGO8
It goes for me about 1 and half day
Idle 79
taskmgr 20
And only tmail.exe is keep in changing but always less than 0.20
Some of process doesn’t use any CPU usage unless one or more events occur like you touch screen or even changing signal bar
about the idle process, it's normal that it shows such a high cpu usage. dont ask me why but this is how windows monitors cpu inactivity. for example on your windows PC try to launch task manager and you will see there is a similar process, called System Idle Process, that uses all the cpu power that's needed to reach 100%. (EG ffox.exe uses 2%, explorer.exe 3%, system idle will use 95%.)
it does not mean your cpu is always used 100%, it means your cpu is 80% (or whatever) idle.
My experience with the battery life problems is this: Radio ROM matters most.
Also I must admit that nueDynamicClock (version 1.0 not the latest version) helps a lot.
Currently my battery lasts for 2 days if I do not use wifi a lot, and if I do not play NFS for hours.
I am currently using onkologs Super Lite 6.5 ROM with radio ROM, and I have the following Processor (nueDynamicClock) settings:
-default speed: 528 MHz
-after system is idle for 5000 ms: 122.88 MHz
-on backlight off: 122.88 MHz
-on suspend: 19.20 MHz
I hope this helps...
Idle means how much of the cpu is not being used, so you want that as high as possible and 80% sounds normal. That means that 20% of the cpu is needed to run the taskmanager and there is 80% idle (not doing anything). It's there so that in case you want to know how much of your cpu is not being used, you can simply look at that, instead of having to have to add up all the processes that are using the cpu.

[Q] The perfect SetCpu settings for powersaving

I'm really struggling with battery life at the moment. Has anyone got settings I can use to save on battery life in SetCpu? Profiles etc
I'd like to know too.
I would also like to know =[ my battery dies wayy too fast. I have the darkstone froyo build on my htc hd2 phone energy rom. Any programs or SETcpu settings that will help out?
If your on a rom with preflock disabled then you can underclock.
The only thing you need to change in setcpu really is to make a profile for screen off and set it to 245 (or whatever is the lowest I can't remember) both max and min (leave it on demand, or interactive if your rom has that).
This should give you about 10-15 hours longer battery life
so i wouldnt have to make any other profiles like battery? temperature? stuff like that? should i get rid of my green power and advanced task killer?
No you can keep them (well I don't know what green power is....)
The other profiles are mainly only needed if your OVERCLOCKING, however if your not touching the default max (main profile) then your not overclocking (1ghz).
To save power you UNDERCLOCK which setting a lowered screen off profile would do.
If your slowing the CPU down then the temperature will not rise, so that profile is not needed.
And you don't need to slow the phone down when your using it so none of the others are really needed either.
No you can keep them (well I don't know what green power is....)
The other profiles are mainly only needed if your OVERCLOCKING, however if your not touching the default max (main profile) then your not overclocking (1ghz).
To save power you UNDERCLOCK which setting a lowered screen off profile would do.
If your slowing the CPU down then the temperature will not rise, so that profile is not needed.
And you don't need to slow the phone down when your using it so none of the others are really needed either.
i think im kinda get what you're saying (sorry im kind of slow) so i had just deleted my other profiles and made a screen off one have it set to max all the way right and min all the way left, on demand, priority 100. Now on the main screen i think i touched it cause i read somewhere for max all the way to the right and min all the way to the left. This is confusing lol
The settings I have for my Desire:
Conservative 245-998
Screen Off - Priority 100 - Powersave
Charging/Full - Priority 50 - OnDemand 245-1305
Battery < 30 - Priority 0 - PowerSave
Running along side JuiceDefender, battery life is acceptable to me
jdeezyboo said:
so i wouldnt have to make any other profiles like battery? temperature? stuff like that? should i get rid of my green power and advanced task killer?
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Remove everything, setcpu included
Remove everything, setcpu included
When Chuck Norris holds the Iphone4, the signal increases
That totally defeated the purpose of my question and others before me. Our battery lifes sucked without any programs so now we delete it?
I used darkstones froyo for awhile too. Battery drain killed it for me. I had no luck with anything. Changed to a nand build and its much better. Apparently SD builds just use more battery. With the SD froyo I could never stay below 60ma a few times would drop to less than 10ma but just not consistent. I lost about 8% an hour in sleep mode. Give a well designed nand build a go. In sleep I hover AT 4ma. My battery with Moderate use easily last the day, heavy use (multiple calls, emails, and browsing for an hour or two) still does require a recharge
Im using carbon ara theme with pcb just turn data off wen aint using it via toggle and have a profile for sleep in set cpu for min and max of 245 and from full charfe at 7am by 6 pm im still 65%. Thats using fb checkin email playing angrybirds and checking the forum
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I also use advanced task killer and kill all tasks wen not in.use
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
bad idea as you are actually making your battery work more by doing that.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Proper/Ideal settings of SetCPU on I9100?

I purchased SetCPU last night from Android market but I am unable to select the correct settings for it. I tried with 'Powersave' preset as I was going to sleep, but after 5 mins when I checked my phone it was off! and I had to turn it on. Every time I select Powersave mode it is forcing the phone to go off. Then I selected 'Ondemand' preset and went to bed at 0245 hrs. Today when I woke up at 1200 hrs ( ) the battery was at 48%, while yesterday night when I selected ondemand preset it was at 53%, it's a gap of 10 hours, in the mean time the Phone was in Flight mode and everything was set to OFF. So that's a 5% battery decrease overnight. But before that, when I was at all Default settings without SetCPU installed the battery was decreasing at a rate of 2-3% overnight under same settings. So I wonder after installing SetCPU the battery back up isn't extended but actually decreased. So I was thinking it may be a problem with my settings. Can you guys please tell me that what settings should I use to get the maximum juice out of my battery and that without compromising the clock rate of the CPU? Isn't there an Automatic settings that the CPU will run at Full speed when needed and check it's speed when in Idle? I thought 'Ondemand' preset would serve that purpose but I was wrong I guess!
Thanks in advance.
Here is a screen from SetCPU,
I've got the same problem,any help would be appreciated.
Max 500 Min 200 and work from that adjust as needed .
JJEgan said:
Max 500 Min 200 and work from that adjust as needed .
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Oh! And by setting the upper limit to 500 MHz we won't ever be able to use the CPU at 1200 MHz, great. I should've stick with my S8500 then, eh? What do you say?
ithehappy said:
Oh! And by setting the upper limit to 500 MHz we won't ever be able to use the CPU at 1200 MHz, great. I should've stick with my S8500 then, eh? What do you say?
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aren't you eager to criticize. there are something called profiles. does your phone require to use 1.2 ghz in sleep , low battery conditions or overheating conditions? galaxy s2 uses ondemand governor at 200 to 1200 by default. meaning when it needs power it will ramp up to 1200. it does this in steps higher than battery saving governors so you spend more time in 1.2 ghz
my advice
sorted by priority
screen off = 200 - 500
in battery < 30 use 200 to 800
overheating = 200 - 800
charging = full speed
regular use when no profiles apply = full speed

[Q] Underclock below 300MHz for Defy / Defy+?

I recently have bought a Defy plus.
Stock 2.3.4 ROM used so far with LauncherPro.
Doing OK with battery life so far, but now starting to look at the CPU over/underclock capabilities. Started with Antutu CPU Master and CPUTuner also.
One thing I haven't seen as yet is the ability to underclock clock below the min 300MHz.. or even whether this makes sense. I guess undervolting is the other option, but perhaps someone can guide me here.
use setvsel to oc/uv, thats the easiest and best app imo. although underclocking your phone below 300mhz may cause instability and makes the phone wake up much slower in my experience.
sent from my cm7 defy...
I agree with zakoo2: Going below 300 will not be a good idea and it will most likely not improve your battery life in any significant way:
My Defy is running between 300-600Mhz and right now the LCD screen is the biggest consumer: Changing the (auto-)brightness settings in CM7 will do *much* more to your battery life than going below 300mhz.
What really helps saving battery life: use setvsel and leave the minimum clockspeed at 300MHz, but set a vsel value of about 20 for it, then scroll down and enable "limit to vsel1 while screen is off".
Also, going below 300MHz will probably make the phone sluggish when waking up from sleep like if a call comes.
Sent from my MB525 using XDA App
im just change from 300mhz to 330mhz lowest. 300mhz will make my defy+ lag when got incoming call. im using smartass govenor.
I heard some guy out there got 80 MHz and running, but I'm not sure of it.
As people said, clocks lower then 300 MHz would make your phone run horribly while waking up (i.e., it would take a long time for the screen to turn on when receiving a call, and you would probably miss it most of the times). Setting 300 as VSel1 and limitting to it while screen is off (2nd-init enabled bootmenu has this option, and downloading SetVSel - free at Android Market - will also do the trick if you have a rooted, but stock ROM) will help you save a lot of juice. Using a lightweight launcher (I personally recommend MetroUI or Zeam) also boosts up batt saving. Last, but not least, setting brightness to auto or minimum (using frosted/mat screen protectors will help a lot while using the phone under direct sunlight) also saves loads of charge.
Obviously, using a light ROM (I think Barebones may be a good option, though I think it's not suitable for me, but it's a personal matter) and calibrating your battery in a monthly basis (via manual calibration - you can find how to do so by googling -, wiping batt stats in custom recovery and/or using the batt calibration app included in most ROMs - but also free at AM) also help.

[Q] Progressively decreasing battery life w/ Franco

A few days ago I started running a nightly of Franco Kernel. My battery life immediately increased and I was able to run for about 18 hours and 2.5 hours of screen time. However, after each progressive day, the battery life has decreased steadily until today I was barely able to squeeze out 12. I've checked my battery stats and it doesn't show that any particular app is hogging all the battery or anything. CPUSpy also says that it's entering deep sleep as usual. Any ideas and has anyone encountered this issue? Franco 156 with Liquidcool 1.4
Thanks in advance.
fenris117 said:
A few days ago I started running a nightly of Franco Kernel. My battery life immediately increased and I was able to run for about 18 hours and 2.5 hours of screen time. However, after each progressive day, the battery life has decreased steadily until today I was barely able to squeeze out 12. I've checked my battery stats and it doesn't show that any particular app is hogging all the battery or anything. CPUSpy also says that it's entering deep sleep as usual. Any ideas and has anyone encountered this issue? Franco 156 with Liquidcool 1.4
Thanks in advance.
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That could be dependant on soooo many variables... How is your signal strength in the area you reside? What are your settings, governors, Any kernel wakelocks? What are your ROM settings. Are you in WIFI, 2G or more?
I don't think you'll get an easy answer on your question here. Just play with your settings and see what suits you best.
I myself am using Franco with the Rascream ROM and getting currently 4hrs of screen on time on stock 1750 battery.
My settings:
ROM: Rascream
Kernel: Franco r174
Powermode: Balanced
Governor: On demand
Min: 729 MHz
Max 1228 MHz
OMAP4 interface 1.4
No other performance or battery saving apps or tweaks....
Just test your settings and be aware of wakelocks (but you allready are since you have the batterystat log included).
Diger36 said:
Powermode: Balanced
Governor: On demand
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Could you explain why do you use those?
Why not power save mode or lazy governor?
bullka said:
Could you explain why do you use those?
Why not power save mode or lazy governor?
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That is simple. I get about 17hrs uncharge off which 3,5 to 4 screen on. That is sufficient for my use. With Lazy and power safe I feel that the performance suffers too much. With these settings everything is still smooth and snappy... as you can see I adjusted the min and max from my CPU above the standard that comes with balanced power mode for the same purpose.
Thanks guys. I moved some things around and I'm getting better life again. It seems like the problem lied in either an app called 1Weather or My Data Manager. Have any of you heard anything about those apps?
fenris117 said:
Thanks guys. I moved some things around and I'm getting better life again. It seems like the problem lied in either an app called 1Weather or My Data Manager. Have any of you heard anything about those apps?
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I've used 1weather for months and it has never negatively effected my battery.
I'll play around with it for a few days. I wouldn't have imagined that it would be 1weather, but due to the nature of My Data Manger constantly keeping track of something could have run the battery down. Funny how it never showed up anywhere. Though the battery drained significantly during standby. I uninstalled both and battery is fine now. I'll see what happens when i put them back.

