[Q] about proximity sensor - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

today while charging my nexus, i got a call and while taking the call i realised that the proximity sensor worked and the screen shut off. this normally never happened when i talk normally. the sensor never worked. i read some where that the proximity works when the phone is kindof vertical or nearly vertical. but while charging from my laptop, it worked in all possible orientations. but it miraculously stopped working when i unplugged the usb cable. can some one explain this, and maybe suggest a fix too?


[Q] Phone Call Proximity Sensor

Noticed recently that When a phone call is in progress, the screen will go black no matter what and to get it to come back i have to manual hit the top power button.
I first noticed it with energy rom. When autobacklight was enabled, their was no getting back to screen at all. Disabling autobacklight at least allowed me to get the screen back after clicking the power button.
I switched to core cell rom and noticed the same issue, however, i can manually turn the screen on again even if autobacklight is enabled.
I have no further problems with the proximity sensor, just this one.
Is their perhaps some sort of proximity app that i could use to diagnose whether this is a hardware problem or software problem?
Ok, I had a similar issue, where the phone screen would turn off as soon as the "send" button was pressed, and the only way to turn it back on was either hanging up, or waiting till it felt like coming back on.
My proximity sensor was stuck "on". I could see the sensor status in the registry (don't remember offhand the reg entry, but it's a live reading of the sensor, 1 or 0). I installed "Proximity Sensor for Screen Off v0.2" from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=624206
That was a mistake on my part, though... then the screen wouldn't come back on! It took some real finagling to get the screen on.
To fix it (temporary? permanent? dunno...) I waved a small neodymium magnet over the sensor (near the ear speaker). I have no clue why that worked. I don't know why it stopped. I *definitely* don't know if that's the issue you are having. But it's worth a shot
I've never had this issue after many different iterations of the Energy ROM.
Do you run Task29 when you flash ROMs?
Yeah i always task29. I don't believe it is the rom since i have tried another rom and the problem persisted. I tried the magnet idea but it didn't work. It was a refrigerator magnet though so i didn't expect it to. Anything else that requires the prox. sensor to work, has no problems and that is why this is weird to me.

Proximity sensor acting weird

Since lately, my proximity sensor has been acting kinda weird...
I replaced the camera PCB (where the proximity sensor, camera, headphone, etc. are located), because I thought my proximity sensor was broken (when I recieved a call, I couldn't hang-up(screen went black)). Now I've replaced the sensor, it became one weird thing. When I get a call, I can answer it, and leave the screen on (as long as nothing is in "reach" of the proximity sensor). But as soon as something is in reach of the sensor (cheek, finger, face, whatever), the screen turns black, and won't turn off until the other person ends the call.
I tested this with a app called Z-device test, and with the proximity sensor it shows me that when there is nothing in reach, it says there's nothing (like it should), but as soon as I run my finger across the sensor, it says something is directly above the sensor, and even if I remove my finger, it still keeps telling me this... What to do about this?
same here..almost
i'm experiencing the same problem...but with one difference...
when removing the finger, the sensor just needs some 5 to 10 seconds to detect that there's nothing in front of it anymore...
happend after flashing LeeDroid R5

Proximity Sensor fix

after I spent hours with fixing my HTC Desire I wanna share how I made it!
First of all I had the problem that the screen turned of when I started a call.
I checked if the sensor is still working by using a really bright flashlight. ( I just pointed on the place where the sensor is)
The screen turned on again.
So i noticed it cant be broken cause it still responds.
I opened the whole phone (instructions from youtube) and cleaned the sensor and also the window of the sensor. (That was not the point why it was broken)
The seat for the sensor is covered by a small glassy plastic thing, and maybe it went old or whatever but I just removed this plastic thing and now all works fine again.
And for all who dont know the proximity sensor is the one which is closer to the HTC-Logo.
Maybe it helps you.

[Q] Proximity and light sensors not working

The proximity and light sensors on my Note 2 are not working. I had just got my display changed today and after receiving it i am finding the issue. Do i need to activate it or what?
Also while charging the red light is not being turned or anymore, have checked the setting for this as well and they are fine and turned on.
Any recommendations or faulty screen?
Not the screen, but the repair is faulty. Return it and demand they fix it!

Proximity sensor is not working

Hello all
I have replaced a broken touchscreen with the new one (bought on ebay). Everything seemed to be working fine but when I make a call or someone is calling me I see a black screen as display is turned off (just like it does when you put your smartphone to your ear).
I tested all sensors and saw that proximity sensor is always showing "0" so I can understand why display is turned off. It just thinks that it's closed by something
Can someone tell me how this could be? As I see there are 2 sensors on the one cable: Light and proximity. Light sensor is working ok, but proximity is always showing zero "0". Can someone tell me is this a common situation while replacing a touchscreen (could I just break the sensor somehow) or I might missed some details while i replaced this touchscreen?
Can I test the sensor somehow without touchscreen? (pull it off the touchscreen and try to close/open it by the hand?)

