Transparent Notification Bar - 4.0.4 - Xperia Arc Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys. So I tried searching on the forums on changing the transparency of the notification bar. I did not get any results. So I want to ask. Did anyone know how I can change my notification bar transparency? I want to allow me or other users to constantly change the transparency. Can someone input a tweak in the settings? Like a slider to change transparency. Please?

this thread can help


change color clock status bar

Hi all.
Please help. I want to change the color of the clock in the status bar. here found a way, but it's hard.
Maybe there is another?

Request: Transparent/Semi-Transparent Status Bar

I have a request...can anyone help me make my status bar transparent/semi-transparent? The black bar at the top just never quite gels with any wallpaper I use :-( I have seen some mods, but i prefer the DEFAULT ICONS. I will be really grateful if anyone can help me with this. Im on XXKPE, NOT de-odexed.

themers one question

a question, anyone know where is hosted the bar color brightness status bar? I would like to change to green but I can not find the png or xml

[Q] How to theme Synergy? Transparent status bar and change toggle colors

I'm running Synergy ROM r484. Looking to do some minor theming, transparent status bar, maybe change the colors of the toggles. I've been searching off and on for a couple of weeks and am unsure how to proceed.
I've seen that Morphology doesn't work on r484, so that's a no-go. Ninjamorph hasn't been updated in a while, don't trust it to work with 4.1. All the status bar apps in Play store either don't do what I want, or change too much.
Is there a simple way to do this? I feel like I'm missing something, but I'm running out of search ideas.

[Q] Sense 5 notification bar and background

Hello all,
Has anyone gotten around to themeing or modding the notification bar on sense 5? I have figured out how to theme the navbar and app drawer background, I now just need to figure out how to theme the notification bar (plus the bar once it's pulled down) and background and I'll have my look sorted (for now).
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be glad to share the end result...
Thanks in advance for any help

