[HOWto] Discover mount points/proper partitions ext4 - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

Since I can't start a thread in the prop section (on devs) I'm starting here and if some mod could move it to the right section I think it is fine.
Ok, I started to dig the forum and ask questions about it, but couldn't find what I was looking, until I found a blessed reply and could find myself, so this post is for newbies like me =)
When you try to cook your own ROM and find trouble when flashing it like status 7 you'll need the proper mount points to your updater-script. The best way to find it is:
- Download AndroidSDK(if you haven't it already)
- Enter in adb shell (I made it with adb su permission, don't know if it is necessary)
- "cd proc"
- use "ls" command to see what this dir have. In my case, with SGW was mounts
- use "cd .." and "cat /proc/mounts"
Then you will see the proper mount points to system, data, cache and whatever you may need. =)


[Tutorial] Rooting Your Device in Linux

Root Galaxy Nexus (Either GSM or LTE) in Linux (Personally in Ubuntu)
Disclaimer: I am not at fault for anything you have done to your phone (ie. Brick, break, etc.). You are doing this at your own discression. I am merely stating what I did to unlock/root my phone.
Tutorial Broken Down Into Three Sections
I. Unlocking the bootloader
II. Installing Clockwork Mod Recovery
III. Installing SuperUser
1. Super User (used by flashing in Clockwork): http://download.clockworkmod.com/test/su.zip
You can get the latest version here: SuperUser by ChainsDD
2. Clockwork – based by carrier
1. Verizon (CDMA) version: CMW Galaxy Nexus
File name:*recovery-clockwork-
File size:*5,263,360*(bytes)​
2. GSM version: CMW Galaxy Nexus
File name:*recovery-clockwork-
File size:*5,427,200*(bytes)​
Unlocking Bootloader
Part 1: Unlock
1. First off, you need to download the adb drivers. There have been mentions of just getting the drivers, but I actually have the entire SDK. You can download it here. http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
2. Plug in your device, then open up Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and type in: “lsusb” (without quotes). This will pull up all the devices plugged into your usb slots. Look for the one that says samsung (others have found google, but please make note).
3. Find the device, then find where it says ID. After where it says ID, it should have a number/letter mix such as “04e8” or such. Make note of that for later.
4. Go to http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html . This will give the instructions on how to Install the device drivers (specific to each manufacturer). Start from where it says “4. Set up your system to detect your device.”
5. Go to your internal and cd to platform-tools. (This should include both adb and fastboot.) Put your phone into fast boot. (Do this by holding the power, volume up, and volume down buttons while phone is off).
6. Once in fastboot, go back to your computer and type in “sudo fastboot oem unlock”. This will bring up the option to unlock your phone's bootloader on your device's screen. It will give you a disclaimer, and it will say that if you unlock, it will wipe all of your phone's data. Scroll to Yes using the vol up or vol down buttons, and select it with the power button.
7. If you boot straight from there, you will go through a series of boot loops (it was 2 for me) then will be prompted to go through the process of setting up your Google account again. again.​
Congratulations, your phone is now unlocked. However, this doesn't mean that you have rooted your phone.
Part 2: Putting Clockwork Mod Recovery On Your Phone
(do step one for preparation of Part 3)
1. First, we will want to push su.zip to your phone's Internal storage or “sdcard” partition. Open up Terminal and type the command “adb push 'directory_of_su.zip'/su.zip /sdcard/”. Hit enter/return and it should transfer over. (Based on the quality of usb cord, times of transfer may vary.)
To make this easier, put su.zip into the directory of adb. Then all you have to use for the command is “adb push su.zip /sdcard/”.​EDIT:
After you root, you have to delete /system/recovery-from-boot.p and reflash or else every time you reboot, the recovery partition will be written over by android. This can either be done in terminal (phone or comp) or by a file manager with root access (such as Root Explorer).
Reference: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1392336
Thanks vihil
2. Put your phone in fastboot mode again (vol up + vol down + power)
3. Go back to Terminal and type in “fastboot flash recovery 'whatever the file name is'”. This will flash CWM (Clockwork Mod) onto your phone, deleting your phone's stock recovery image.
EDIT: If it doesn't work, i.e. due to permissions, run with sudo​
Part 3: Flashing Super User onto your phone.
1. Next, go into Clockwork by hitting the volume up or down buttons till you see recovery mode. Hit the power button to enter Clockwork.
2. Scroll down (using volume buttons) till you get to “install zip from sd card”. Use the power button to select it.
3. Scroll down to “su.zip” and select it. Then, hit the selection for installing the zip file.
4. Go back using the “Go Back” selection to return to the main screen.
5. Reboot the system using the “reboot system”.​
Congratulations! You now have Root access!!!
Have fun with Flashing ROMs!
Special Thanks to scary alien on androidforums.com and jcarrz1 on XDA
Thanks a lot I was looking for exactly this. Appreciated. Will try in a few hours when I get my phone.
Downloaded the sdk file but have no idea what to do. My windows computer died and it would be a lot easier on that to do all this but all I have is a computer with linux currently so if anyone would be kind enough to tell me how to install sdk I'd appreciate it. I seen the read me and seen it says execute "android" first but I don't know how to do that. I realize this is incredibly annoying to the xda hive mind trust me I hate needing help like this I'm nothing close to a noob as far as rooting flashing and all that good stuff I'm just unfortunately stuck with only Linux. I'd really really appreciate it.
under the tools folder there is a script called android, u can either run it in a terminal or hopefully if u were to click it, it was ask if u want to run it!
If you want to run it, you can just cd to it in terminal, then do "./android" and that should do the trick.
./ is the way you execute scripts in linux.
Seems like my fastboot is stuck on `waiting for device`. I have the fastboot screen on my GN.
Before rebooting into fastboot `adb devices` successfully showed a device (i.e., usb debugging is enabled, dunno whether it is needed for the unlocking):
$ fastboot oem unlock
< waiting for device >
Any idea?
EDIT: Found the solution. After doing a `fastboot devices` it told me "no permissions fastboot" so I needed to be root on my computer for it to work.
FadedLite said:
If you want to run it, you can just cd to it in terminal, then do "./android" and that should do the trick.
./ is the way you execute scripts in linux.
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Thank you! That worked correctly and installed it. Now the next step to check the usb and if its there does not work, I might be entering this incorrectly but I typed just lsusb and enter nothing happened, held down ctrl, alt, t then typed in lsusb and nothing happened then just copied that entire part encase I was suppose to and got this.
[[email protected] ~]$ (Ctrl, Alt, T): lsusb
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `:'
Like I said I'm not expecting help because I know XDA doesn't like noobie questions, I will be greatly appreciative if you have patience with me and will even be willing to donate once I unlock the BL and root it. Thank you again.
C-4Nati said:
Thank you! That worked correctly and installed it. Now the next step to check the usb and if its there does not work, I might be entering this incorrectly but I typed just lsusb and enter nothing happened, held down ctrl, alt, t then typed in lsusb and nothing happened then just copied that entire part encase I was suppose to and got this.
[[email protected] ~]$ (Ctrl, Alt, T): lsusb
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `:'
Like I said I'm not expecting help because I know XDA doesn't like noobie questions, I will be greatly appreciative if you have patience with me and will even be willing to donate once I unlock the BL and root it. Thank you again.
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You don't really need that step. Since '04e8' is Samsung and you have a Samsung device it will likely always be 04e8.
Part 1, 3. and 4. can be summarized as following:
Put the following line into /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
Execute: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
Type the following to verify it is working: "adb devices" It should display something like:
List of devices attached
01492B093401000F device
Part 1, 6. should probably changed to "sudo fastboot oem unlock"
Also, Part 2, 1. the preparation makes no sense to me: "(do step one for preparation of Part 3)". How can I go into Clockwork recovery before completing Part 2? Since Part 2 is about installing Clockwork...
Edit: And I just realised, C-4Nati, you should not write the "(Ctrl, Alt, T):" out.. that's just a shortcut to open a terminal. Just "lsusb" is fine. Then it should work.
---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------
For anyone wondering why the step by step instructions in the OP do not work:
You need to flash the Clockwork recovery and install su.zip before you can remove the /system/recovery-from-boot.p (and if you follow that link provided it will cost you around $3.50 but you should be able to do it manually, will try to figure it out).
---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------
(I couldn't find the /system/recovery-from-boot.p on my GN filesystem but maybe someone else does)
To remove /system/recovery-from-boot.p:
$ adb shell
$ su
# mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system /system
# rm /system/recovery-from-boot.p
# mount -o ro,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system /system
For simplicity, you can shorten that to: mount -o rw,remount /system
You can also delete it from a terminal on the phone or any file manager that allows root access. I think the free ES file explorer has root options.
vihil said:
You don't really need that step. Since '04e8' is Samsung and you have a Samsung device it will likely always be 04e8.
Part 1, 3. and 4. can be summarized as following:
Put the following line into /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
Execute: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
Type the following to verify it is working: "adb devices" It should display something like:
List of devices attached
01492B093401000F device
Part 1, 6. should probably changed to "sudo fastboot oem unlock"
Also, Part 2, 1. the preparation makes no sense to me: "(do step one for preparation of Part 3)". How can I go into Clockwork recovery before completing Part 2? Since Part 2 is about installing Clockwork...
Edit: And I just realised, C-4Nati, you should not write the "(Ctrl, Alt, T):" out.. that's just a shortcut to open a terminal. Just "lsusb" is fine. Then it should work.
---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------
For anyone wondering why the step by step instructions in the OP do not work:
You need to flash the Clockwork recovery and install su.zip before you can remove the /system/recovery-from-boot.p (and if you follow that link provided it will cost you around $3.50 but you should be able to do it manually, will try to figure it out).
---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------
(I couldn't find the /system/recovery-from-boot.p on my GN filesystem but maybe someone else does)
To remove /system/recovery-from-boot.p:
$ adb shell
$ su
# mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system /system
# rm /system/recovery-from-boot.p
# mount -o ro,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system /system
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for needing to type in lsusb, i found that as somewhat of a precaution. I had seen on other threads that others had their device show up as either google or samsung. So i just figured rather check first instead of installing both or something.
for the preparation, basically you do that since your phone is already on. after flashing cwm, you would have to boot back into your phone, push the file to your sdcard, then boot back into recovery. All it does is that it saves just a bit of time.
As for the sudo fastboot, I didn't actually have to do that, but i'll add it, Thanks.
As for the cwm terminal commands, i'll add that as well. Thanks again.
FadedLite said:
Part 3: Flashing Super User onto your phone.
1. Next, go into Clockwork by hitting the volume up or down buttons till you see recovery mode. Hit the power button to enter Clockwork.
2. Scroll down (using volume buttons) till you get to “install zip from sd card”. Use the power button to select it.
3. Scroll down to “su.zip” and select it. Then, hit the selection for installing the zip file.
4. Go back using the “Go Back” selection to return to the main screen.
5. Reboot the system using the “reboot system”.​Congratulations! You now have Root access!!!
Have fun with Flashing ROMs!
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not yet. after flashing su-bin- (which is just the binary), the user still needs to flash Superuser-3.0.7-efghi-signed.zip, to have Superuser.apk placed in /system/app, otherwise GUI apps won't have access to su. (unless, of course, the zip you are linking here has them both)
It's preferable to have users linked to ChainsDD website, there people will find latest binaries and Superuser.apk. I also don't see any mention to him in the OP. Even if this is a tutorial, don't forget to give credit where needed.
Some help for an Ubuntu Noob/Not a Noob to Windows
Hi all,
Long story short, I no longer have Windows (nor a way to load Windows without a purchase; I'd rather not). So I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Linux 11.10. I have read this guide and some of the helpful responses and have yet to be able to get adb and fastboot up and running. I am beginning to understand the nuances of Ubuntu and have tackled adb and fastboot in Windows but Ubuntu is different. I would say I have put in two 12 hour sessions with no desire to pack it in and go back to Windows (I am avoiding a VM as well).
Here is where I seem to be stuck (mind you I have done a fresh install numerous times to start with a fresh playing field in case I have messed up something): Whether downloading the full SDK through Eclipse (cos I'd like to dev apps soon and why not have it?) or downloading the SDK on its own, I get it without fail. The steps leading up to entering in commands for terminal so that the computer recognizes either just my Nexus or a slew of OEMs are easy enough but maybe I am messing up. It is where getting the computer to see my device (udev steps) I can't seem to get it right. I have even looked at other guides for reference (most seem messy and convoluted) but keep coming back here.
I know you probably need more to go on and I am sooooooo willing to tell more. I just hope someone is down to help a brother out. Like I said, I just need some direction. I have manually rooted and all that jazz, just in windows. Thanks in advance for your help.
jmartino5920 said:
Hi all,
Long story short, I no longer have Windows (nor a way to load Windows without a purchase; I'd rather not). So I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Linux 11.10. I have read this guide and some of the helpful responses and have yet to be able to get adb and fastboot up and running. I am beginning to understand the nuances of Ubuntu and have tackled adb and fastboot in Windows but Ubuntu is different. I would say I have put in two 12 hour sessions with no desire to pack it in and go back to Windows (I am avoiding a VM as well).
Here is where I seem to be stuck (mind you I have done a fresh install numerous times to start with a fresh playing field in case I have messed up something): Whether downloading the full SDK through Eclipse (cos I'd like to dev apps soon and why not have it?) or downloading the SDK on its own, I get it without fail. The steps leading up to entering in commands for terminal so that the computer recognizes either just my Nexus or a slew of OEMs are easy enough but maybe I am messing up. It is where getting the computer to see my device (udev steps) I can't seem to get it right. I have even looked at other guides for reference (most seem messy and convoluted) but keep coming back here.
I know you probably need more to go on and I am sooooooo willing to tell more. I just hope someone is down to help a brother out. Like I said, I just need some direction. I have manually rooted and all that jazz, just in windows. Thanks in advance for your help.
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Are you getting a "waiting on device" message or something similar when you run adb or fastboot?
Forget about the udev nonsense (not important really until you start developing full time) and just drop a sudo before your commands.
You can shoot me a PM or a gtalk (same username as my xda) if you want and I'd be more than happy to help you get your system going.
Thanks, still a bit more annoying that Windows but this tutorial makes it easy.
Sorry if this is ignorant, but can I use these instructions with Unix & terminal on Mac OS X? I'm thinking yes???
I rooted mine in linux as well... No problems. For some reason I was able to do it much easier though...
I did the fastboot oem unlock step above (Part 1). Rebooted then installed superuser from the android market. Then I installed Clockworkmod from the android market.
Not sure if I'm missing out on something by doing it this way but so far I've had no issues....

[FIX] Permissions Work Around for ICS

Script to flash via CWM to fix fix perms has been done by minotauri (sorry if miss spelled will fix when on a computer) he deserves credit for the edify:
To Run Fix Perms While in Recovery Flash this file each and every time you need it run [for now]:
The Next Script is one you can flash via CWM and it will replace the file ROM Manager uses so this will remain between restarts and you can use it via ROM Manager or Script Manager anytime you want!:
Thank Minotauri again for another beautiful Edify!
Flash via CWM and it well work for that flash just flash anytime you need to run it via recovery until I see about permanently copying it over existing script or still can run manually with this guide if you choose [scroll down below the additional update on how to fix the script to run using ROM Manager while in OS!].
I posted this in a couple ROM threads and was asked to throw it out here as folks from different ROMs are all affected. I can only speak for TMobile Galaxy S2 as that is what I own, drive and work on...
I will be cleaning up the post a bit when I get time just want it posted so others can use the information add it really seems to help clean up small issues (even some report fixing multiple FCs after running fix perms this way!)
NEWEST UPDATE 2012.04.19
If you adjust first line in script to #!/system/xbin/sh viola ROM Manager does not freeze [finally]
I did this with Ghost Commander [don't forget settings> check auto root] and long press fix_permissions and choose edit tapping it will have GC try to execute it.
I also moved down to set variables piece and placed 1s instead of 0s next to mount system, mount data, and remove (as in REMOVE stale data ) [should be all caps in /data/data/com.koushidutta.rommanger/files/fix_permissions
I am still working on finding a way of making those changes permanent in /sbin under recovery boots
Fix Permissions Work Around ICS
Run Fix Permissions via ADB Shell with Phone in Recovery
I have taken the time to document what should be a complete guide to running fix permissions while the phone is in the Recovery menu using adb.
I am posting the quick steps right after this, but if you scroll below that this is an extended step-by-step guide.
Running Fix Permissions
On Phone: go in to Mounts and Storage Menu from Main Menu and choose to mount /data and /system
On Computer: type adb shell
This should give you a ~# prompt
Now type "sh /sbin/fix_permissions -l -r" [without quotes]
and now you should see a bunch of text scroll by and then it will say fix permissions completed blah when done.
that's it type exit and hit enter about 3x [one will change ~# to ~$ then it will drop back to C:\blah and then one more time will close that window as well
Supplies [Phone, USB Cable and Android SDK (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
Follow the link to install Android SDK [they have directions on site]
first time installing adb? [Skip otherwise]
To Add ADB to your computers path [to run it from any directory]
Open Command Prompt [Click Start, Click Run, Type in cmd and hit Enter [XP]]
Open Command Prompt [Click Start, type cmd in whitebox and hit Enter [Vista and 7]]
type set PATH=%PATH%;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools [or wherever you put android sdk just add platform-tools to the end [it is a hidden folder]
Linux [OSX should be same]:
PATH=$PATH:/home/user/android-sdk/platform-tools [or adjust for where you saved it]
export PATH
Now That You Have ADB and path set, time for good stuff
Opening a Command Processor
Open a Command Prompt [Windows] or Terminal [Linux or OSX]
Windows: Click Start, Click Run, Type cmd and hit enter [XP]
Click Start, type in to Whitebox cmd and hit Enter [Vista and 7]
Linux: Hold alt and hit F2 on keyboard [should see a run box now]
Type in xfce4-terminal and hit Enter [or substitute your terminal command this is xubuntus]
Once a Black and White Screen Opens...
Gaining Elevated [Admin or Root Privileges]
Ok, some further testing shows me you should have root or admin access to command processor before running ADB.
In Windows
Type The Following in to the command prompt window already open...
runas /user:%computername%\administrator cmd
hit enter when done
[yes just like that including %computername% windows will fill it in with proper info copy/paste if needed right clicking in command window should paste text for you [if not right click on the icon in left hand corner of title bar choose properties and place checks in the quick edit and insert mode boxes under Options tab]
now it will ask for a password if you have not set one you need to go to control panel users and set a password on admin account before this will work
Once you enter the password and hit enter a second command window will open and will have Administrator in the title
Now You can continue on
In Linux
With Terminal window open type:
gksudo xfce4-terminal& [sub your terminal command if not using xubuntu]
once you hit enter it may take a second but you will get a password prompt enter in your password and a new terminal will open and it will have [email protected] in the title
Now you can continue on...
Checking USB Connection
type in adb devices and hit enter
[if you get a command not found you will have to use cd to move to directory with adb [ie cd c:\android-sdk\platform-tools]
If it comes back with ?????? as serial number it is not connecting correctly follow the next steps otherwise skip the next bit if you didnt get all ?
I get ?????, what gives?
This seems due to not running command prompt or terminal as administrator or root user [Windows / Linux Respectively]
You will need to do the following in order
Disconnect USB from phone
On Phone: In Advanced menu choose restart recovery
On Computer: type in adb kill-server and hit enter
Reconnect USB cable
Be Sure To Follow Section above labeled: Gaining Elevated [Admin or Root Privileges] and then continue on
On Computer: type adb devices and you should see a mix of letters and numbers
and that means we are good to go on
Running Fix Permissions
On Phone: go in to Mounts and Storage Menu from Main Menu and choose to mount /data and /system
On Computer: type adb shell
This should give you a ~# prompt
Now type "sh /sbin/fix_permissions -l -r" [without quotes]
and now you should see a bunch of text scroll by and then it will say fix permissions completed blah when done.
that's it type exit and hit enter about 3x [one will change ~# to ~$ then it will drop back to C:\blah and then one more time will close that window as well
Device: TMobile Samsung Galaxy S2 [SGH-T989]
ROM: Yaldak's Vanilla ICS RC2
Radio: Blaze ICS
Performance Mod: Supercharger v6 update 8
Client: Xparent Green TapaTalk [latest]
Known Issues:
Issue: My computer does not connect when I use adb shell [or I get ????? when I use adb devices]
I have found that i have to connect my phone 2x to computer to get it to work correctly most of the time, do the following
Disconnect USB from phone
In advanced menu on phone choose Restart Recovery
on computer: adb kill-server
Reconnect USB cable
on computer: adb devices
and you should now see a mix of numbers and letters and not ????? and now adb shell should connect
Issue when I try sh fix_permissions it says it can not find the file
Resolution: This is normally caused when you have not mounted /system [via phone]
or you did not use sh /sbin/fix_permissions [or be sure to do cd /sbin before sh fix_permissions
Issue: I get UID Read-only variable error and fix permissions does not run
Resolution: This is normally caused by either not mounting /system [via phone]
or not using sh fix_permissions.
Issue: Some of my apps are listed as /data/blah and it says it can not find the file
Resolution: This is normally caused by not mounting /data [via phone]
Issue: CWM will not mount /system or /data saying it can not find or read them
Resolution: I have found CWM does not like to load mounts once they are encrypted. If you have encrypted your device /system and /data are affected, try unencrypting your phone and trying again.
(this is a good thing it shows third parties tools trying to get around booting OS to read data will not be able to get at the information in your phone)
Device: TMobile Samsung Galaxy S2 [SGH-T989]
ROM: Yaldak's Vanilla ICS RC2
Radio: Blaze ICS
Performance Mod: Supercharger v6 update 8
Client: Xparent Green TapaTalk [latest]
SEE This post for the current script
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
Well judging by the title that you have there referred to running the script via recovery adb to begin with.
A lot of users don't realize if fix perms says complete in 2 secs it had a problem so I didn't know of that thread, but hope this will be a catch all for fix perms and not just for those who already tried via recovery and adb shell and got that specific error.
Thanks for looking out though
Device: TMobile Samsung Galaxy S2 [SGH-T989]
ROM: Yaldak's Vanilla ICS RC2
Radio: Blaze ICS
Performance Mod: Supercharger v6 update 8
Client: Xparent Green TapaTalk [latest]
jangst123 said:
This is already and has been in the Q & A section.... Not development, but I wish the developers would look at it and figure out why we have issue on ICS
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1595806[Q] Problem with Fix Permissions (line 64: UID readonly variable) [WORK AROUND FOUND]
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
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I think posting this in Dev section is perfect sense. Also, thanks for the fix. This has stumped me for a while trying to figure out what to do.
When trying this, I get the message:
cat: can't open '/data/system/packages.xml': No such file or directory.
It says that twice and concludes with fix permissions ended at yada yada. I followed every command and instruction to the letter, what could be the issue?
Hey I got idea,, lets make another thread in the general section and Themes,,
Sorry don't think this belongs here, IMO
MOD,, please delete 1 of the threads,, or merge them or something,, no point in having 2
Not that I'm not happy a work around has been found!
Hopefully now the developers will figure out the source of the problem
would it be possible to bake this into a rom, or to create a CWMR zip file to make the needed changes?
Dougshell said:
would it be possible to bake this into a rom, or to create a CWMR zip file to make the needed changes?
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+1 I'm completely stumped!
I can't get adb to even reconize the damn phone im on ravers remix to ics
peppersu812 said:
I can't get adb to even reconize the damn phone im on ravers remix to ics
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turn on debugging
RaverX3X said:
turn on debugging
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Raverx3x any idea why we are having this problem!?
Should we be running a different fix_permissions on ICS?
Also see..
being that we seem to be determined to have this discussion in 2 different threads
l-levit said:
Hey I got idea,, lets make another thread in the general section and Themes,,
Sorry don't think this belongs here, IMO
MOD,, please delete 1 of the threads,, or merge them or something,, no point in having 2
Not that I'm not happy a work around has been found!
Hopefully now the developers will figure out the source of the problem
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Or you could have devs talk here and keep users in QA so this doesn't get flooded with chatter.
Our should we delete all those ROM threads in Dev that exist in QA as well?
Device: TMobile Samsung Galaxy S2 [SGH-T989]
ROM: Yaldak's Vanilla ICS RC2
Radio: Blaze ICS
Performance Mod: Supercharger v6 update 8
Client: Xparent Green TapaTalk [latest]
OGWisdom said:
When trying this, I get the message:
cat: can't open '/data/system/packages.xml': No such file or directory.
It says that twice and concludes with fix permissions ended at yada yada. I followed every command and instruction to the letter, what could be the issue?
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Did you forget to mount /data in mounts and storage (on phone) before running?
Did you encrypt your device? I have CWM fail to load mounts after encryption
Device: TMobile Samsung Galaxy S2 [SGH-T989]
ROM: Yaldak's Vanilla ICS RC2
Radio: Blaze ICS
Performance Mod: Supercharger v6 update 8
Client: Xparent Green TapaTalk [latest]
Oh and other thread just ganked my fix which is cool but I did this on my own not in response to anything so seeing as how I had to put in 2 hours of actual research, scratching my head, trying many different ways and seeing as how this is more of a process then simply loading a script I wanted to maintain it here until I can edit script or another Dev does making it cleaner and easier to manage and thus ready for more casual users found in QA threads.
Sheesh, sorry I figured this out maybe next time I won't pass on the info for fear of debating where it should be posted rather than the content and how to make it better going forward.
Device: TMobile Samsung Galaxy S2 [SGH-T989]
ROM: Yaldak's Vanilla ICS RC2
Radio: Blaze ICS
Performance Mod: Supercharger v6 update 8
Client: Xparent Green TapaTalk [latest]
u mad bro
Interesting,, the other thread was started 12th April 2012, 10:35 AM,
plus it looks like he quoted your original post from BlackEdition, and gave you credit,, before you even chose to make another thread in a section that is normally reserved for developers and their ROM's, scripts, or mods. All while u r over here bashing the other thread! Thanks for helping, but grow up and follow the rules
anyway make sure you are setting the path to adb
see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1161776 for more information
peppersu812 said:
I can't get adb to even reconize the damn phone im on ravers remix to ics
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I have instructions on that issue on post.
Did you run adb devices and get ????? unknown device?
I had to run terminal as administrator, then I issued adb kill-server and reconnected phone and then did adb devices again and then it will say starting adb blah blah blah and then I got 6f7y88 [made up it should be a series of numbers and letters and no ?]
make sure adb devices gives you a valid response and not ????? I have found I almost always have to connect phone twice and at least do the above [with regular terminal I only used admin on first run but there in case it does make a difference].
So everytime I conect [or just about] I have to connect the phone
run adb devices get ????? and then
Disconnect USB
on phone in advanced menu choose restart recovery
on computer adb kill-server
Reconnect USB
Run adb devices and get a good serial number listed
I have to do actual work for a couple hours and then will be cleaning up main post on top and adding that bit in a place it get noticed more easily bear with me as I make my boss happy [he is wondering why things aren't getting done round here now ut-oh LoL] then I will clean up the information.
l-levit said:
u mad bro
Interesting,, the other thread was started 12th April 2012, 10:35 AM,
plus it looks like he quoted your original post from BlackEdition, and gave you credit,, before you even chose to make another thread in a section that is normally reserved for developers and their ROM's, scripts, or mods. All while u r over here bashing the other thread! Thanks for helping, but grow up and follow the rules
anyway make sure you are setting the path to adb
see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1161776 for more information
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Um, actually I just noted they used my solution and said it was cool to do so, it appears you have an axe to grind with me and are just nit picking anything I say. I am sorry if yoyu do not feel my work is not to the same level as other folks, but since I put in work and this is more of a manual fix you have to work at rather than an easy to use script [yet], I did not want to post it in QA and all until I have something better for general release.
Also, I am not mad, just wondering why you would rather start silly arguments over placement of usable useful information rather than helping to make said information better and more stable for release to others.
Are you mad I figured this out and posted it before you or something as I have never talked with you and given you no reason to troll my threads?
When I do have a stable script [well at least semi stable for release to dev then more stable for QA]. The way I view QA is for general users questions and answers and since I was going to work on DEVELOPING a script that does work I was holding off on a QA thread, once I do get a script together I will be releasing it. In the meantime I was hoping to have more advanced users and devs dissect my process here and give me feedback towards a full script.
ALSO, by using sh /sbin/fix_permission OR doing cd /sbin and then fix_permissions you negate any need to do any path variable adjustments BUT if you rather then here is how...
when in adb shell before anything
export PATH
will then make it so you can just fix_permissions regardless of where you are in directory tree [but so will sh /sbin/fix_permissions so either way is up to you]
or if you are reffereing to adb on the computer
in Windows with command prompt open
set path=%path%;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools [or adjust for where you saved adb]
so if setting a batch program you could use the following to copy/paste [just adjust directories if you saved files differently]
The following is off the cuff until I begin writing the full script and automate things but it is a very basic start
@Echo Off
Set Path=%PATH%;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools
adb devices
Echo If you see ????? then restart recovery and reconnect the phone
Echo and run adb kill-server and re-run this batch script
Echo when you hit any key this will start adb and put you in the shell you
Echo Will have to run fix_permissions -l -r manually
Echo Be sure to mount /storage /data via phone first
adb shell
or in Linux [OSX should be similiar if not the same]:
from terminal
PATH=$PATH:/home/user/android-sdk/platform-tools [or adjust for where you saved adb
export PATH
No it just bothers me when people ignore the rules and the Developers! Raver even told you were it belonged, and you chose to ignore Raver and the rules!
The fix will be to modify recovery for use with ICS on our devices or a modified fix-permishions script baked into the ROMS
RaverX3X said:
turn on debugging
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I did bro just having trouble getting the cmd to recognize adb I have it downloaded I changed it still nothing don't know what the hell is wrong with it but IM fixing to improve on my golf swing on this damn vista desk top !
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium

can not mount system in read-write mode using adb without recovery mode

I wanted to change my device model, so I copied build.prop from another mobile to my mobile. I am already rooted. But unfortunately I did not change the o.s. from gingerbread to froyo in build.prop ( I have android 2.2 FROYO) When I rebooted, there were many errors. It is now showing no sim card. Mobile network search gives error. Effectively, I can not use the mobile. Terminal emulator, X-plore etc. stopped working. Only Rom toolkit free version works and astro file manager works. Other programs are forcefully closed. Needles to say, I must replace new build.prop with new one.
Using adb I can only pull files but can not write as it is in read only mode.
adb root and adb remount works only if you are in recovery mode ? Y mobile does not have any custom recovery so when I boot in recovery mode it hangs.
Superuser has installed su in system\bin directory. But from adb shell I can use su also. It gives permission denied error. Hence I can not remount the system.
I have read similar threads and found that on some mobiles adb root or adb shell su works but on some not.
I am using Vista 32 bit with admin rights, still can not use root in adb.
Please tell me, how can I mount system read-write. I can not install root explore as google play and even internet is not working.
Please help.
maheshchavan said:
Using adb I can only pull files but can not write as it is in read only mode.
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activate USB debugging then in console
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /system
adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
check where is your build.prop
ruscan.calin said:
activate USB debugging then in console
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /system
adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
check where is your build.prop
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OMG ruscan.calin i COULD KISS YOU! I had tried to change my OG EVO 4G's buildprop file to another phone so that I could purchase & download an incompatible Google Play app. However after I restarted the phone wouldn't start! It would boot into my rooted HTC EVO 4G Android 2.3.3 and HTC Sense 2.1 but it would get stuck on the wallpaper with just the notification bar at the top and all buttons would be frozen. However I noticed when I plugged in my phone to my computer via usb the computer recognized it. I always keep my phone with USB debugging enabled so I thought I should be good right? I have spent the last 4 hours trying to install and setup adb with no real previous experience with it. I am familiar with dos from years ago and that helped me as it's basic procedure, commands, etc. Then I found out how to install the HTC drivers which I needed and then download the Android SDK with adb that's included which many guides show easily. I started the command prompt (cmd), typed my adb devices command and hurray it showed my phone! I connected and quickly navigated to the build.prop system folder! Luckily when I changed the file I made a bak backup and left it in the same folder. Now the main issue was figuring out how to change the naming of the files which I did via usual adb commands (mv build.prop.bak build.prop). But then to no avail I couldn't get it to write due to it being a system read only folder! Arg! Then I found your post on here, above, and typed it in simply leaving out the adb push portion and replacing that with the mv file command instead and first changing the name of the bad file and then replacing the bak file as the good copy! I exited back to the adb main and unplugged my phone. Moment of truth and man was everything flashing through my head at once! I booted up and YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS, it worked! I went back into root explorer and got rid of the offending leftovers and I've learned my lesson! I just don't want to think about what would have happened if I hadn't found this post. Thank you and if anyone else makes this hug mistake let me know and maybe I can help. Moral of the story don't mess with the build.prop or any system folder unless you know what you're doing! Thanks again!
Quick Guide to Fix Android "build.prop" Issues:
1. Find and download USB drivers for your phone by model or type (HTC EVO 4G's HTC Fastboot drivers): http://downloads.unrevoked.com/HTCDriver3.0.0.007.exe
2. Download and install Android SDK and choose adb: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Guide: http://htcevohacks.com/htc-evo-hacks/how-to-install-android-sdk-and-adb-drivers-for-htc-evo-4g/
3. Run a command prompt from the "c:/program files/android/android-sdk/platform-tools/" directory. I had to copy the command prompt to get it to open there but sometimes a right-click action will do it. The guide below will help just navigate down to "Using ADB" and skip the rest.
Guide: http://www.howtogeek.com/114667/how...y-default-move-almost-any-app-to-the-sd-card/
4. Once you open the command prompt and you're in the "c:/program files/android/android-sdk/platform-tools/" foler type "adb devices" and your device should appear. If it does move on to next step.
5. Then type adb shell and use the ls command to see directories. Then you'll need to navigate to the system folder by typing "cd system" and then type "ls" to look around in the directory (similar to "dir" in DOS). You should now see the bad build.prop file.
6. You'll need to rename the file or push a correct version. First you need to use the "adb shell" command again and then "su" and finally "mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /system" to make the directory writable (see ruscan.calin post above for additional info).
Note: I only had to rename my build.prop as I already had my old one in the same system folder. You may have to copy the bad build.prop to your computer, edit it and then push it back to the same system directory. These directions are only for renaming files in the same folder. For the info on how to copy the file to your computer and push it back to your phone go to step *10 below or use the guide below it.
7. I already had the bad build.prop in the system directory with my old one which I had named build.prop.bak. If you have this too simply rename by changing the name first of the bad file to anything by typing "mv build.prop build.prop.bad" or similar.
8. Next rename the build.prop.bak to build.prop by typing "mv build.prop.bak build.prop". Everything should go smoothly and move onto the next step.
9. Finally, If no error messages are found, simply type "adb reboot" or "adb shell reboot" (Depending which version of ADB you have). You should be done, your phone will reboot like normal (working, lol) and everything should be working again! YAY!
*10. To copy the build.prop to your phone type "adb pull /system/build.prop c:\" and the file should be placed in the main c:/ directory on your computer. Navigate to the root (c:/) directory and then right click and "open with" the "build.prop" file using a notepad or other file editor. Then use the text editor (Notepad, etc) to change back what you originally changed to mess everything up. There is tons of stuff on the net to let you know what to fill back in depending on your phone model/type. Or it's possible to get a previous version from an old Nandroid backup or similar. Save the changed text file and make sure its named the same "build.prop" and make sure it's still in the root directory (If you're having issues on this step or just want more insight check out the guides and threads below for more help).
Guide 1: http://androidforums.com/admire-all...p-computer-not-phone-using-root-explorer.html
Guide 2: http://www.modaco.com/topic/328943-quick-guide-to-modifying-buildprop-with-adb/
Guide 3: http://forums.androidcentral.com/sp...-replaced-build-prop-phone-wont-start-up.html
*11. We've already made the directory writable in step 6 so we simply need to push the file back to the phone. If any error message appear re-do step 6 to make writable again. Otherwise push the modified file back to the phone by typing "adb push c:\build.prop /system/". Back to step 9 above! Yay!
If anyone wants to help cleanup this quick guide or make any changes feel free. I just wanted something so that if anyone else has this issue they won't have to worry or search forever to find a solution. OMG it's 2:30AM, to bed... I ride! LOL
5th :highfive:
THANK YOU!!! Totally saved me today.
One thing that I noticed. After pushing the correct build.prop, I had to fully power down, then turn back on my Razr for it to load up the fixed build.prop.
error message,Help please
Hello, when i am going to mount and change the permission i am getting constant error od device not found or sh:not found.
What to do?Help me please?
jigarpattani said:
Hello, when i am going to mount and change the permission i am getting constant error od device not found or sh:not found.
What to do?Help me please?
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What step are you on? What phone do you have? More info please?
i am have problem whit my pantech flex i need to use the build.prop.bak but when i type the su it stay in blank do nothing any ideas pls help
ehy there hope someone can help me...i have an archos 97b platinum, messed up with build.prop. So i pulled out and restored but can't push in any way. I have a cwm installed, tablet rooted but i alwais got "permission denied" at push command. Other error is operation not permitted" if i try remount command from adb. i can do mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock7 /system but after that push still give me permission denied.
any suggestion?
i open a 2nd cmd, give the mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock7 /system , and system is now rw, but from the first cmd when i give "push build.prop /system (or /system/build.prop) it will always return me permission denied
i want to view to dev/block using adb shell #
eg . what block is boot.img
what block is recovery.img
what block is system.img
what block is cache.ing
adb shell getprop mtd is not work . Pls Help Me & sent to mail [email protected]

[HACK][4.4.x - 5.x.x] Hack MAC address

Why should someone hack his MAC address?
- to hide his/her illegal activity
- he/her want to be anonymous
Does cracking my MAC address effect me and/or my phone in any case?
- yes you are about to change some part of your hardware (big problems if you are doing something wrong)
- note that routers with MAC white listing won't accept your phone anymore
i found out that the easy way is not working probably in some cases.
Please use the new way it has the same result.
- a rooted phone of course
- any terminal emulator
- a little bit of your time (around 2 minutes)
New method
- disable wifi
- open up terminal
- type in "su" and grant root rights (IMPORTANT)
- now type in "dd if=/efs/wifi/.mac.info of=/sdcard/MAC"
- make a backup of the "MAC" file
- after that type "echo 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f > /sdcard/MAC" (or your preferred new MAC)
- now give in "dd if=/sdcard/MAC of=/efs/wifi/.mac.info
- reboot phone ang be happy
New method 2
- disable wifi
- create a new folder on your sdcard called "efs"
- open terminal and grant root rights
- type in "umount /efs"
- give in "mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p11 /sdcard/efs
- now "cd /sdcard/efs"
- check if a folder named "wifi" exists with the command "ls -la"
- if so "cd /wifi"
- now "echo 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f > /sdcard/MAC" (or your preferred new MAC)
- last thing "umount /sdcard/efs" (that will fail in some cases cause android does not support umount -f, reboot in any case)
- reboot phone and be happy
Easy way
- download the zip below and install it via recovery
- restart phone and open up terminal
- grant superuser rights (IMPORTANT)
- type in efs -d 1a:2b:3c:4d:5f:6e (or your preferred new MAC)
- type in efs -c
- reboot phone and be happy
For developers
Source code for the app will say enough I hope.
If not just post your question.
Downloads (most important thing)
source code:
flashable zip:
Please backup your EFS partition before doing this...
ali salem
I've done have been installed and the file over Ricaffre ..lkn you did not understand something else .. and I hope to respond quickly because the Wi-Fi did not work and I hope the explanation pictures so I know what to do ?
Hi did you have a Samsung device? If so follow this link
Thread moved

[Supplemental Guide] XT1768 Pure Motorola Bootloader Unlock+Root+Hotspot Unlock

I went through the process of rooting my XT1768. I did it only to be able to use my phone as a hotspot even though my carrier blocked it. The guides I found were very helpful, but there were a few things specific to this model, and to my specific goal of having a hotspot, that I had to figure out on my own. I'm writing this to help anyone else who's trying to do the same as I did.
Main guide: https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-e4/how-to/moto-e-guide-to-rooting-t3652982
Unlock hotspot guide (do this after the main guide): https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-e4/how-to/how-to-enable-hotspot-t3654214
So here is what I learned:
Be careful clicking on hyperlinked words in posts. This forum system injects ads into our posts, so it looks like links to additional information. For example, the word "stock" may be hyperlinked and it sends you to buy chicken stock at Walmart (real example that happened to me). If you want to click something, hover over it and look at the bottom of your browser. The ad links are insanely long and start with the same domain name (I forget what it was, something like vlink dot com etc etc). Adblock doesn't block these.
After getting to the bootloader, I was not able to flash TWRP recovery. I got a failed error. I needed to boot from it, not flash it, everytime I wanted to use it: fastboot boot twrp-x-x-x.img
Small thing: the main guide tells to click wipe data, then slide. The TWRP I used (3.2.3-r1) had wipe data, but I had to type "yes", not slide.
The guide tells you to install Magisk ZIP but doesn't tell you where to get it. A simple google will help, but here's the link anyway. https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445
After wiping data, you can use the ADB tool to send the zips for no-verity and magisk to the device storage so you can install them. You don't have to get an external SD card for that. Just type adb push [localfile] /sdcard . For example: adb push Magisk-v18.zip /sdcard . You will then have the file in the /sdcard folder and you can navigate there in TWRP and install the zip.
If you get red errors in TWRP when trying to do something (wipe, install, etc.), I found that you just need to go back to bootloader and re-boot TWRP and try doing it again.
When the main guide says "set system as R/W", they mean going into Mount in TWRP, removing the tick from "read only system" and picking "system" to mount. Took me a while to realize that.
After installing the no-verity and magisk ZIP, while still in TWRP, you can access a shell prompt using your ADB. You'll need to do that in order to edit your /system/build.prop file. Type adb shell in your PC and hit enter. Make sure you mounted /system as writable (not read only) or else you won't be able to change build.prop.
After you add the line to build.prop, you can make sure it's there by typing cat /system/build.prop . The last line should be the line you added.
After I added that line I booted into my device and installed Terminal Emulator. I installed it through googling Terminal Emulator APK and installing it directly, but you can probably find it in the google Play store. When you open it, it will ask you to allow it SuperUser rights with a countdown timer. If not, it means you didn't install magisk properly, and it's a good idea to start over. When you get SuperUser in Terminal Emulator, type the line and press Enter: settings put global tether_dun_required 0
I don't remember if I rebooted after typing that and before trying to use my hotspot.
If you get a bootloop (just the Motorola and Lenovo logos), go to this other thread which I made: https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-e4/how-to/advice-xt1768-flashing-stock-motorola-t3879797
Please let me know how it went. Even if it went perfectly, just say that this worked for you, it'll help others dealing with problems.
Good luck!

