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Have pretty much everything done but when i do adb devices it tells me it is not recognized as a command. I updated the drivers already so i know thats not the issue. I think im having trouble here, "In the "Variable values" section, add at the very end the location of the tools & package-tools folder, with a semicolon separating these two paths from the rest, e.g. %SystemRoot%;C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools;C:\android-sdk-windows\tools." i dont think i edited it correctly, anyway someone could walk me through? Sorry for the hassle ive just been at this for hours and frustration is kicking in haha :laugh:

sorry for delay in getting back to you.
i don't really know. I use linux ubuntu.
kinfaux. a guide for beginners has all the answers.
hope this helps.
also if you use the kindle fire utility, i think it contains adb & fastboot so no need for sdk. unless your having a go at building your own rom.
pm me if your still stuck.

Here you go
BrooksBlood said:
Have pretty much everything done but when i do adb devices it tells me it is not recognized as a command. I updated the drivers already so i know thats not the issue. I think im having trouble here, "In the "Variable values" section, add at the very end the location of the tools & package-tools folder, with a semicolon separating these two paths from the rest, e.g. %SystemRoot%;C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools;C:\android-sdk-windows\tools." i dont think i edited it correctly, anyway someone could walk me through? Sorry for the hassle ive just been at this for hours and frustration is kicking in haha :laugh:
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Setting your path:
Right click My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environmental Variables
There should be 2 boxes. Under the bottom box titled "System Variables" you should see a Variable named "Path". Highlight it and click Edit. Add your two paths to the end of the line. Using the above as an example:
%SystemRoot%;C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools; C:\android-sdk-windows\tools;
Hit OK a couple times and you are done.


Can someone offer some guidance? Please.

Hey guys. Please forgive anything dumb I might say, and also that I've searched a bit for this, on google and on xda, but seem to be getting a bit confused. First, let me say, I rooted my evo months ago, using Unrevoked 3.21. I never really have had to use ADB for anything, I use terminal emulator or Root Explorer for anything I have needed to do. My friend just got an Evo today, and I'm assuming it will come with 3.70 software and hboot 2.1. She wants me to root it for her, which I will do, once I feel comfortable with the steps I need. I have followed ziktroniks thread of how to root the new hboot since it was called "like a boss" edition, and I feel like I shouldn't have a problem doing that. I can follow instructions pretty well. The problem I'm having is, since I rooted using Unrevoked 3.21, and I've never had to use ADB, I'm a little confused about what I need to do, and what drivers I need to install to get ADB working. I know that at the time I rooted, I installed Unrevoked hboot drivers on my computer. I downloaded the android SDK tools, but am having trouble getting it set up. When I try to run the installer, it says "android SDK relies on the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). Then it provides a link to the java website, and I downloaded and installed the JDK that it pointed me to. However, when I try to set up the android SDK, it brings me to same prompt, saying android SDK relies on Java SE Development Kit, and that i need to install it first, which I thought I already have. I'm sure it's something stupidly simple, and I feel embarassed that I haven't yet got ADB set up, but hey, I guess there's a first for everything. So if anyone could be so kind to help point me in the right direction to getting ADB set up, I'd be very gratefull for that. I've gone long enough without knowing how to use ADB, and I'd really like to get this ironed out.
My computer is running windows vista, 64 bit system, if that helps out at all.
Thanks in advance.
I just came over to check out your question from Myn's thread... I did not have the problem you mention when I set up ADB, so I cann't be of much use there.
I noticed you have WIN 64bit. You may have a hard time finding the drivers you will need for the computer to recognize your phone. If you end up needing them, PM me and I can throw them in dropbox and get a link for you. Good luck with everything.
Yeah, getting the 64 bit drivers might be a problem, but when you do it'll be easy if you remember this:
If you've used Terminal Emulator then ADB is demystified. Once you confirm the drivers are working, ADB is just Terminal Emulator on your computer.
I use Vista (I actually like it!), but I assume you have a Start Menu on it and at the bottom is the Start Search box. Type cmd and an old-style DOS prompt/box will come up. Once you've used the commands to log onto the phone (sorry I forgot them, but I'm sure they're in the directions, if not PM me and I'll look 'em up) that DOS box is exactly like Terminal Emulator.
And the rest should be easy to follow. It'll make you smile the first time the phone reboots after you issue a command on the 'puter, it did me.
Hope this helps...
[EDIT] here y'go...this is a good one...
Thanks for the quick responses guys, I've made some progress. I will post back in a few and let you know how I'm making out. Thanks again.
k2buckley said:
Hey guys. Please forgive anything dumb I might say, and also that I've searched a bit for this, on google and on xda, but seem to be getting a bit confused. First, let me say, I rooted my evo months ago, using Unrevoked 3.21. I never really have had to use ADB for anything, I use terminal emulator or Root Explorer for anything I have needed to do. My friend just got an Evo today, and I'm assuming it will come with 3.70 software and hboot 2.1. She wants me to root it for her, which I will do, once I feel comfortable with the steps I need. I have followed ziktroniks thread of how to root the new hboot since it was called "like a boss" edition, and I feel like I shouldn't have a problem doing that. I can follow instructions pretty well. The problem I'm having is, since I rooted using Unrevoked 3.21, and I've never had to use ADB, I'm a little confused about what I need to do, and what drivers I need to install to get ADB working. I know that at the time I rooted, I installed Unrevoked hboot drivers on my computer. I downloaded the android SDK tools, but am having trouble getting it set up. When I try to run the installer, it says "android SDK relies on the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). Then it provides a link to the java website, and I downloaded and installed the JDK that it pointed me to. However, when I try to set up the android SDK, it brings me to same prompt, saying android SDK relies on Java SE Development Kit, and that i need to install it first, which I thought I already have. I'm sure it's something stupidly simple, and I feel embarassed that I haven't yet got ADB set up, but hey, I guess there's a first for everything. So if anyone could be so kind to help point me in the right direction to getting ADB set up, I'd be very gratefull for that. I've gone long enough without knowing how to use ADB, and I'd really like to get this ironed out.
My computer is running windows vista, 64 bit system, if that helps out at all.
Thanks in advance.
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I didn't use windows to root my evo, I used a mac, and I do all my java development on a debian linux box, but I think the problem may have to do with your computer using the wrong java by default. On mac and linux, this is controlled by the environmental variable $JAVA_HOME, on windows, I have to assume there is a similar variable, or registry entry - I am looking it up on google right now...
Here we go, I found it - try the directions on this page:
hopefully this helps
oh, one other thing, I noticed you said she has hboot 2.10, and I think "like a boss" technique is for hboot 2.02. I think for 2.10 you need to find a thread entitled something like "like wood on fire", or something - although I may be wrong, maybe they updated the "like a boss" thread to cover hboot 2.10 also. Just wanted to make sure you double-check.
Good luck.
Bleys43 said:
oh, one other thing, I noticed you said she has hboot 2.10, and I think "like a boss" technique is for hboot 2.02. I think for 2.10 you need to find a thread entitled something like "like wood on fire", or something - although I may be wrong, maybe they updated the "like a boss" thread to cover hboot 2.10 also. Just wanted to make sure you double-check.
Good luck.
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Thanks for the heads up. Yea, that thread has been updated and the name has changed nearly daily. Right now it just changed to something else "The final edition" or something like that, yesterday it was "yea, yes im on top" or something like that. ha. I feel confident that I can execute the necessary commands, once i get this damn ADB up and running. I find myself getting confused. I got the java issued figured out, and installed the Android SDK started package. Im reading more before I attempt anything, but the problem I find is that half or more of the stuff I find while searching, is out dated I think. I keep landing threads and such from june and july, and i'm not sure if that's current or obsolete. **** changes so much. So where I'm at now, is the android SDK tools windows is installed, and I'm kinda at a standstill right now. Lol. I see a late night this evening.
And just to mention, to my surprise, her brand new white evo came with : hardware 004, hboot 2.02, software 3.30. I would've thought it'd come with the latest OTA update and hboot etc. Guess I was wrong. Anyways, shouldn't affect much I don't think, if I can ever get ADB to set up correctly. Any other/additional advice is more than welcomed. My pm inbox has plenty of room. THanks
Alright, I am kind of stuck here, I believe that I have everything installed and all the drivers I need, following the links you guys posted here. I open a command prompt, and when it opens initially, it reads : C:\Users\Kyle> Then I enter C:\ android-sdk-windows\tools Then the initial prompt changed from C: \users\kyle> to C:\android-sdk-windows\tools> Thats as far as I get. I tried typing adb devices, and I got 'adb' is not a recognized as an internal or external command.
Im not sure where to go from here. If anyone could point me in the right direction from here, it would be super appreciated. I feel like I'm getting very close here, I just don't know what to check next?? Thanks in advance.
Try this thread. It has a lot of ADB info.
damn, well I think I'm at a standstill for tonight. All the info you guys have posted has been very helpful, however I'm still unable to get it working. I'm pretty sure I have all the drivers that I need installed. I have usb debugging checked on the phone. HTC sync is installed, along with some other drivers that I have found while researching adb. I'm either missing something big, or I'm making stupid mistakes. I just can't seem to get it to work. Any time I type anything 'adb' into the command prompt, it says that adb is not a recognized command, internal or external. So I'm assuming that I must not have the right drivers. Also, just so I understand, if anyone could confirm this. While trying to use adb, does the phone have to be in bootloader? recovery? Booted into the OS, connected as charge only? I seem to be finding conflicting information.
First, I believe you need to get rid of HTC Sync, or at very least make absolutely certain it isn't conflicts with adb.
Second, when it's plugged into USB, make sure your phone's in the "Charge Only" mode.
Third, make sure that under "Settings, Applications, Development" you've got "USB Debugging" checked.
Ok, so when SDK installed itself it should have created a sub-directory (I'm using your screen name as 2nd directory, but substitute the correct one)
In this directory should be 2 files: "adb.exe" and "adbwinapi.dll". Copy them to your windows\system32 (64?) folder. This will/should allow you to run ADB from any directory, and eliminate the need for you to add anything to your Environment Variables.
Now, if your drivers are running properly and your phone's plugged in, open the Command Prompt by going to the Start Menu, and in the Start Search box at bottom type CMD.
No matter which directory it opens in you should be able to run adb, so as a test, type
adb devices
If it's working, (and it should be), you'll see your phone's ID come up.
You can then do a directory change to whatever directory on your puter you have put all the files you're going to need for your process. For instance I would type
cd c:\users\neil\evo-rooting
That command prompt should pop up. From that point on follow your directions to push, pull, reboot, etc. whatever is called for right from that command prompt. As an example, if I wanted to "push" the file "" from that directory to the "zip" directory on my sd card, from that C:\USERS\NEIL\EVO-ROOTING command prompt I'd type
adb push sdcard/zip
And if I wanted to reboot my phone from the computer, from that command prompt I'd type
adb reboot
In fact, try that one as a test (be patient, it takes about 20-30 seconds to execute but it's a trip when your phone boots...).
I've just run through this whole process myself just to make sure it works. It does. So if it doesn't work for you, it's gotta be the drivers.
2 other quick checks:
In your computer's Device Manager should be "Android Phone" with "Android Composite ADB Interface" listed if you click the plus sign...
In Vista, when I plug the phone into the USB port, a little gray square with a white check in a green circle pops up on the right side of my task bar (you should have something similar). This is the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon, and if I double click it it opens a box that shows me what devices/drivers are installed. In that box are 2 things you need to look for: a single line that says "Android Composite ADB Interface" and a short "tree" that reads "USB Mass Storage Device, HTC Android Phone USB Device, Generic Volume - J" (this is my SD Card designation).
If you see these things, or something close, you've got it all installed right.
It's up to you now...go forth and Root, and ADB to your heart's content.
Good luck, I hope this helped.
Fail for me. I feel like a moron. Still can't get this going. Don't know what the hell I'm missing. Anything special that I'm missing about using a 64 bit system? I'm officially stumped. I don't know how much it matters, but can't seem to find any threads/guides specific to the Evo. I keep finding them for moto droid, g1, vibrant. I must be too tired and not thinking straight.
I also keep finding information saying that there should be an adb.exe file in the tools folder, as well as a couple .dll files. I can't find any anywhere on my computer, not even when I search. So does this mean I have either not extracted to the right place or something? Now I'm more lost. F*_k.
Persnlmgr said:
First, I believe you need to get rid of HTC Sync, or at very least make absolutely certain it isn't conflicts with adb.
Second, when it's plugged into USB, make sure your phone's in the "Charge Only" mode.
Third, make sure that under "Settings, Applications, Development" you've got "USB Debugging" checked.
Ok, so when SDK installed itself it should have created a sub-directory (I'm using your screen name as 2nd directory, but substitute the correct one)
In this directory should be 2 files: "adb.exe" and "adbwinapi.dll". Copy them to your windows\system32 (64?) folder. This will/should allow you to run ADB from any directory.
Now, if your drivers are running properly and your phone's plugged in, open the Command Prompt by going to the Start Menu, and in the Start Search box at bottom type CMD.
No matter which directory it opens in you should be able to run adb, so as a test, type
adb devices
If it's working, (and it should be), you'll see your phone's ID come up.
You can then do a directory change to whatever directory on your puter you have put all the files you're going to need for your process. For instance I would type
cd c:\users\neil\evo-rooting
That command prompt should pop up. From that point on follow your directions to push, pull, reboot, etc. whatever is called for right from that command prompt. As an example, if I wanted to "push" the file "" from that directory to the "zip" directory on my sd card, from that C:\USERS\NEIL\EVO-ROOTING command prompt I'd type
adb push sdcard\zip
And if I wanted to reboot my phone from the computer, from that command prompt I'd type
adb reboot
In fact, try that one as a test (be patient, it takes about 20-30 seconds to execute but it's a trip when your phone boots...).
I've just run through this whole process myself just to make sure it works. It does. So if it doesn't work for you, it's gotta be the drivers.
2 other quick checks:
In your computer's Device Manager should be "Android Phone" with "Android Composite ADB Interface" listed if you click the plus sign...
In Vista, when I plug the phone into the USB port, a little gray square with a white check in a green circle pops up on the right side of my task bar (you should have something similar). This is the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon, and if I double click it it opens a box that shows me what devices/drivers are installed. In that box are 2 things you need to look for: a single line that says "Android Composite ADB Interface" and a short "tree" that reads "USB Mass Storage Device, HTC Android Phone USB Device, Generic Volume - J" (this is my SD Card designation).
If you see these things, or something close, you've got it all installed right.
It's up to you now...go forth and Root, and ADB to your heart's content.
Good luck, I hope this helped.
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Whoa, thanks dude. I'm going to try that right now. I made my last post as you were typing that up apparently, I was ready to throw in the towel, but I'm going to try what you said. Thats very very close to what i was doing, out of all the different tutorials i was trying to follow.
I still couldn't find the .exe or .dll files, so I have no clue what happened there. I'm going to try re installing sdk all together and see if I can get this. Thanks again dude, I know it's late, I appreciate you taking the time to type that up.
. I'm going to give this a try.
And yes, by the way, the drivers listed in my "safely remove hardware" are the same as what you have there. I'm reinstalling the sdk tools now. Hopefully that adb.exe file is there. Before, all that was there was 'adb', among some other folders. I'm assuming there needs to be one that is actually 'adb.exe', correct? when i clicked on the properties of that 'adb' one that was there, it said 'file type: .exe (application)'. Is that what I'm looking for?
that is the site I downloaded the sdk tools from, the one for windows that says 'installer ro8 windows.exe (recommended) Does that appear to be the correct one? Once i downloaded that, the installer popped up, installed everything, then sdk manager popped up, requested that I download and install some stuff (android platforms?). Once that's finished, that should be it, right? Just want to make sure I haven't been missing a step or something.
(and thanks for your patience with me, I'm learning though. all the flashing I've done in the past few months, still can't believe that I never took to the time to learn adb. now I know why people are against Unrevoked, cuz I didn't learn sh!t by doing that. A few clicks and I was rooted and flashing away!)
well. I fubared something, ha. This is becoming comical. I followed what you said. The only thing is, which I'm sure this is the issue...after sdk tools installed again, there was still no 'adb.exe' folder in platform-tools. just 'adb'. The adbwinapi.dll was there, and i copied it to "windows/system32" I copied the 'adb' to that folder as well. So either the 'adb' that i copied was incorrect, and I have no idea where that damned 'adb.exe' is at, or i was supposed to move or cut them, rather than copy. either way, i give up for tonight, need some sleep.
when I opened a command prompt, and typed 'adb devices', a windows error with a red x pops up (outside the command prompt) that reads "this application has failed to start because AdbWinApi.dll was not found. Re installing the application may fix the problem". Then I click ok.. Then it says "adb.exe has stopped working, a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available" HA. DAMn I suck.
Not thinking clearly right now, need some sleep. Thanks again, hopefully we can get this straightened out tomorrow, or later today i guess it is now, damn its late.
Edit!! whoa! My final attempt was to copy the adbwinapi.dll to windows\system (instead of system32), and i believe that worked. I typed in adb devices, and I got "list of devices attached HT0###L00069 device" I assume that's my Evo? Hooray! Thank you so much man, I cannot express how happy I am right now, ha. That adb reboot kicked ass, lol. Now I can learn some stuff.
Finally, last question. My friend (who's phone I was going to root) had to leave hours ago. I was using my phone to do this and get it working. When I go to root her phone, in theory, should it connect to adb just fine at this point? Thanks again man, you were a huge, massive help.
I suck. I had it working. For some reason, through my tiredness and confusion, I thought I had to type "adb kill-server" to exit adb. After I did that, now if I type anything starting with adb, it says:
"daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037
CreateProcess failure, error 2
failed to start daemon
error: cannot connect to daemon"
Have no idea what the eff I did. Tried doing some research, will have to check more tomorrow. I tried adb start-server, and got the same message. Rebooted phone and computer, same thing. So i messed something up. Anyone know what I did and what i could try to get it working again? damn i suck.
k2buckley said:
I suck. I had it working. For some reason, through my tiredness and confusion, I thought I had to type "adb kill-server" to exit adb. After I did that, now if I type anything starting with adb, it says:
"daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037
CreateProcess failure, error 2
failed to start daemon
error: cannot connect to daemon"
Have no idea what the eff I did. Tried doing some research, will have to check more tomorrow. I tried adb start-server, and got the same message. Rebooted phone and computer, same thing. So i messed something up. Anyone know what I did and what i could try to get it working again? damn i suck.
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The "kill-server" should not have completely disabled ADB. Relax until you get her phone, then do everything you did to yours to hers. It should re-start. Yes, "adb.exe" was the proper file (not folder) to have moved into your computer windows\system(32,64,-) directory, as was the dll file. Obviously. Or it never would've told you the device ID.
You're on the right track.
And, when in doubt, issue that "adb reboot" command. It's not gonna hurt the phone and it'll let you know if ADB is working... Just don't do it halfway through any process.
And stop experimenting with things like adb kill-server, dummy!!! The only way you need to know to STOP adb is you DON'T NEED TO STOP ADB! It's not like a background program that you need to kill when you're done.
The way to "stop" or "kill" ADB is simply not to issue ADB commands. And when you close that Command Prompt box, ADB IS closed.
Okay, I just tried issuing the adb kill-server command. It takes me back to a DOS prompt with no notes. Then I typed ADB and my daemon started back up. I then issued adb start-server and it took me back to a blank (no notes) command prompt.
Don't know why it completely shut down your ADB, but I think when you plug her phone in you'll have a fresh start and it'll all work.
Start with adb devices, then if it shows her ID, issue adb reboot. If the phone reboots, you're good to go forward.
[EDIT] Okay, I just tried something I should've told you to try: without the phone plugged in, open the Command Prompt and type adb devices. Prompt should come back up as below. I then issued adb kill-server. Again, see below, nada. But then I issued adb start-server and got what you see in the string below:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Neil>adb devices
List of devices attached
[blank, so none]
C:\Users\Neil>adb kill-server
C:\Users\Neil>adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Yours should look and work like this. If it does, plug in the phone and get started.
If not, pull out that .38 on the top shelf of your closet. Put in only 1 bullet. Spin chamber. Point at head. Pull trigger.
If you're still standing, (that's a good sign), go back to step one (unplug phone, reboot phone and computer), and try, try again. (Or Google Chat me...I PMd my screen name to you).
Just saw this one...responses in Green
k2buckley said:
Whoa, thanks dude. I'm going to try that right now. I made my last post as you were typing that up apparently, I was ready to throw in the towel, but I'm going to try what you said....
I'm assuming there needs to be one that is actually 'adb.exe', correct? when i clicked on the properties of that 'adb' one that was there, it said 'file type: .exe (application)'. Is that what I'm looking for?
that is the site I downloaded the sdk tools from, the one for windows that says 'installer ro8 windows.exe (recommended) Does that appear to be the correct one? Once i downloaded that, the installer popped up, installed everything, then sdk manager popped up, requested that I download and install some stuff (android platforms?). Once that's finished, that should be it, right? Just want to make sure I haven't been missing a step or something.
All Good
(and thanks for your patience with me, I'm learning though. all the flashing I've done in the past few months, still can't believe that I never took to the time to learn adb. now I know why people are against Unrevoked, cuz I didn't learn sh!t by doing that. A few clicks and I was rooted and flashing away!)
We all have to start somewhere. And I used Unrevoked, too, so had to go back and learn ADB
well. I fubared something, ha. This is becoming comical. I followed what you said. The only thing is, which I'm sure this is the issue...after sdk tools installed again, there was still no 'adb.exe' folder in platform-tools. just 'adb'. The adbwinapi.dll was there, and i copied it to "windows/system32" I copied the 'adb' to that folder as well. So either the 'adb' that i copied was incorrect, and I have no idea where that damned 'adb.exe' is at, or i was supposed to move or cut them, rather than copy. either way, i give up for tonight, need some sleep.
when I opened a command prompt, and typed 'adb devices', a windows error with a red x pops up (outside the command prompt) that reads "this application has failed to start because AdbWinApi.dll was not found. Re installing the application may fix the problem". Then I click ok.. Then it says "adb.exe has stopped working, a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available" HA. DAMn I suck.
No you don't. You're doing good...
Not thinking clearly right now, need some sleep. Thanks again, hopefully we can get this straightened out tomorrow, or later today i guess it is now, damn its late.
Edit!! whoa! My final attempt was to copy the adbwinapi.dll to windows\system (instead of system32), and i believe that worked. I typed in adb devices, and I got "list of devices attached HT0###L00069 device" I assume that's my Evo? Hooray! Thank you so much man, I cannot express how happy I am right now, ha. That adb reboot kicked ass, lol. Now I can learn some stuff.
Agreed. Totally trippy when you type on the 'puter and the phone reacts
Finally, last question. My friend (who's phone I was going to root) had to leave hours ago. I was using my phone to do this and get it working. When I go to root her phone, in theory, should it connect to adb just fine at this point? Thanks again man, you were a huge, massive help.
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YES INDEED IT SHOULD CONNECT, and you're very welcome!!
I still really don't understand why anyone has to install SDK if they're only going to tweak their phone and not write programs. That's what SDK is for. I think the whole SDK Install thing is just to get those f-ing USB drivers...which seems patently absurd.
Persnlmgr said:
Okay, I just tried issuing the adb kill-server command. It takes me back to a DOS prompt with no notes. Then I typed ADB and my daemon started back up. I then issued adb start-server and it took me back to a blank (no notes) command prompt.
Don't know why it completely shut down your ADB, but I think when you plug her phone in you'll have a fresh start and it'll all work.
Start with adb devices, then if it shows her ID, issue adb reboot. If the phone reboots, you're good to go forward.
[EDIT] Okay, I just tried something I should've told you to try: without the phone plugged in, open the Command Prompt and type adb devices. Prompt should come back up as below. I then issued adb kill-server. Again, see below, nada. But then I issued adb start-server and got what you see in the string below:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Neil>adb devices
List of devices attached
[blank, so none]
C:\Users\Neil>adb kill-server
C:\Users\Neil>adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Yours should look and work like this. If it does, plug in the phone and get started.
If not, pull out that .38 on the top shelf of your closet. Put in only 1 bullet. Spin chamber. Point at head. Pull trigger.
If you're still standing, (that's a good sign), go back to step one (unplug phone, reboot phone and computer), and try, try again. (Or Google Chat me...I PMd my screen name to you).
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Well I'm awake and rested! Now that I'm not stupidly tired, I think I remember something bad. For some reason, I'm thinking I might've, just possibly, typed adb kill. as opposed to adb kill-server. I probably did just that, killed adb! But yea, even with the phone disconnected, if I type adb devices, i get the same error message, failed to start daemon. Crap. Wonder if I should start all over? Or if "kill adb' did something worse. The reason I tried to do that (which I know I shouldn't have, and I've learned a lesson from it) is because when I tried to removed the device, from the "safely remove hardware", it wouldn't let me stop the "adb compositte interface" because it said something was still using it. I had everything closed, no windows of any sort open. I thought to myself, "hmm, adb must still be connected to my phone somehow, perhaps i need to kill it before I can unplug the phone." So, that was my dumbass reasoning. But I do think I typed "adb kill" When I typed that, no errors came up, and it did indeed allow me to stop the device. However, it's just when I try any other adb commands now. If I type "adb", it pops up a crapload of information, looks like it shows me a bunch of different adb commands. but as soon as I type anything after "adb" such as "adb devices," "adb start-server" or whatever, it gives me the error message and says failed to start daemon. So I believe i effed something up.
k2buckley said:
Well I'm awake and rested! Now that I'm not stupidly tired, I think I remember something bad. For some reason, I'm thinking I might've, just possibly, typed adb kill. as opposed to adb kill-server. I probably did just that, killed adb! But yea, even with the phone disconnected, if I type adb devices, i get the same error message, failed to start daemon. Crap. Wonder if I should start all over? Or if "kill adb' did something worse. The reason I tried to do that (which I know I shouldn't have, and I've learned a lesson from it) is because when I tried to removed the device, from the "safely remove hardware", it wouldn't let me stop the "adb compositte interface" because it said something was still using it. I had everything closed, no windows of any sort open. I thought to myself, "hmm, adb must still be connected to my phone somehow, perhaps i need to kill it before I can unplug the phone." So, that was my dumbass reasoning. But I do think I typed "adb kill" When I typed that, no errors came up, and it did indeed allow me to stop the device. However, it's just when I try any other adb commands now. If I type "adb", it pops up a crapload of information, looks like it shows me a bunch of different adb commands. but as soon as I type anything after "adb" such as "adb devices," "adb start-server" or whatever, it gives me the error message and says failed to start daemon. So I believe i effed something up.
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Okay, well as I said, **** SDK, it's irrelevant.
"You need the driver only if you are developing on Windows and want to connect an Android-powered device to your development environment over USB."
So, go here ( ) to get and (re)install the ADB Composite drivers. You should not have to do anything else. If they ask WHERE you want to install them, either direct them to the root of your harddrive, likely C:\ , or if you can set the directory where the DRIVERS (not the program) goes, choose WINDOWS.
Then you should be ready to go back and follow the rest of my instructions easily.
BTW, I assume you've checked to see if they have a fix for their super easy, automatic Root process to accomodate the new HBoot?
Jus' askin...
Keep me posted, or GChat me. I'm at my desk...

How to use Bitpim with the Kin 2(tutorial)

I have seen many people asking about bitpim and the kin phones and many with no solutions or answers to their questions. It IS possible to use bitpim to view the file system with these devices. I haven't seen any tutorials on how to do it so I've decided to post a step by step guide.
The things you will need:
Kin Two or Kin TwoM(I have not been able to test this on a Kin One or OneM)
A micro usb data cable
Drivers for the Kin available below
Don't worry about fixing the error in the qcser.inf, since I have already done this for you.
I would like to thank jennydevil for reminding us that these drivers are for 32-bit not 64-bit operating systems.
Step 1
On your kin device go to the phone application. Once there dial ##77647266488 and call. It will ask you for your Service Programming Code. The default code is 000000. You will now be in a menu labeled "SETTINGS". Navigate to OTHER and then swipe to the left. Here you will see PPro, USB Pass-Through, and USB VID Stream. All of these options will be off. You will want to turn USB Pass-Through on.
Step 2
Now connect your phone to your Windows PC. Your pc will try to find a driver called "Pink CDMA diagnostics" and will fail. Fear not. Open the start menu and right click on Computer then Manage. On the menu to the far left click device manager. In other devices you will see the Pink CDMA diagnostics. Right click it and press "Update Driver Software". Click "Browse My Computer for Driver Software". Browse for the location of the drivers downloaded earlier and click next. It will show a warning that the drivers are not signed. Continue anyways.
Step 3
Now you are ready to open up bitpim. Set it to the same COM as the phone and make sure in the View menu that View Filesystem is checked. Now feel free to browse through the file system of your kin.
If you run in to any problems feel free to ask questions. If you have any ideas or information to make this tutorial more useful feel free to speak your mind.
This is a great start to making our kin experience much better! Thank you, and keep up the solid work! Your friends at Microsoft Kin Forums thank you aswell! Check our sites for updates that could help, and together we can make KIN the phone it truely can be!
link to MS kin forums (gotta add http)
Thank you for putting the tutorial together (and posting the pre-fixed drivers)! In case anyone else runs into the same hiccup I did - the drivers are for 32-bit OS, not 64-bit OS. Once I used the right system, the drivers and BitPim worked like a champ.
Thanks again!
I can see filesystem
Hey thanks, I can see the filesystem, I think? It says nothing is detected when I manually set the phone. I cannot "get phone data" but can read the filesystem.
But what does this all mean? Can I access ringtones/sounds to edit the list? Please all I want is to add and delete ringtones! Ugh why is this so difficult. Anybody know how to do this?
sabernat said:
Hey thanks, I can see the filesystem, I think? It says nothing is detected when I manually set the phone. I cannot "get phone data" but can read the filesystem.
But what does this all mean? Can I access ringtones/sounds to edit the list? Please all I want is to add and delete ringtones! Ugh why is this so difficult. Anybody know how to do this?
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No at the moment you can't do that with BitPim but you can email a ringtone to your phone.
Help in step two
Can not find driver location on Windows Vista. I can get to Windows32 file/ then to driver file but new downloaded drivers as in step two.
Ah ok, dang. Problem is...Kin has no function to delete ringtones. So once its on, its on forever. I just can't commit to that.
Moved to KIN two forum and stickied.
Also, fix the rapidshare link, the file seems to be unavailable.
jekikeyes said:
Can not find driver location on Windows Vista. I can get to Windows32 file/ then to driver file but new downloaded drivers as in step two.
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Download the drivers extract them somewhere like a folder on your desktop. Let's call the folder kindrivers. Then when you are browsing to the files you would go to C: (or the drive vista is located on)/Users/Yourusername/desktop/kindrivers
Hope that helps.
Any chance we'll be able to get 64-bit drivers soon?
activesack said:
Any chance we'll be able to get 64-bit drivers soon?
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Not unless someone wants to take the time to write them.
After trying it myself I am not convinced that "we" are seeing anything. It states no phone is connected. There are no signs that I see anything from the phone. Keep trying and keep posting.
dezgrz said:
Not unless someone wants to take the time to write them.
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someone please do
Kin_Two 2
I am at a lost, I did all the steps, plus the driver download. Everything went fine. I can see what port the phone is using, and have it set on bitpim. When I go to detect the phone on bitpim, it can not find the phone. Have tried on two different computers and can not get it to work. Bitpim can not find the phone, any thoughts?
phoneinu said:
I am at a lost, I did all the steps, plus the driver download. Everything went fine. I can see what port the phone is using, and have it set on bitpim. When I go to detect the phone on bitpim, it can not find the phone. Have tried on two different computers and can not get it to work. Bitpim can not find the phone, any thoughts?
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Bitpim won't find the phone you have to manually set it to the correct COMM port.
I found the com port in device manager. It has been set, but it says it can not still detect phone. When I do go to settings in bitpim, I go to Verzion Wireless, Motorola, and then Kim? Is that correct, there is no Kin just Kim,so is that the same thing?
Ron Fone
phoneinu said:
I found the com port in device manager. It has been set, but it says it can not still detect phone. When I do go to settings in bitpim, I go to Verzion Wireless, Motorola, and then Kim? Is that correct, there is no Kin just Kim,so is that the same thing?
Ron Fone
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It won't detect it. Just show the file system. Just set it to other cdma.
Hey, I'm about to be forced to get the Kin TwoM (its the best phone on Verizon without a data plan). Has there been any progress on the ROM dumping front? It seems like you would know. Thanks...
Just wanted to post in here saying that I just got myself a Kin TwoM this weekend without knowing anything about it's limitations or potential. I got it working with BitPim using this tutorial, but... yeah, I have no idea what to do now. I'll certainly be watching this board for anything cool that comes of this, though!
Well I have had my Kin Twom for more then a week. I am probably going to return it, its a shame because it is not a bad little phone. Microsoft and Verizon will be the death of this thing. Know what to do about my cell phone?

Found why adb not recognizing some 6.2.2 kindle's

My device ids and hardware ids are different than the ones in the drivers for rooting
Device Instance Id: USB\VID_0006&MI_01\6&FA091&1&0001
Hardware Ids: USB\Vid_1949&Pid_0006&REV_0216&MI_01
Compatible Ids: USB\Class_ff&SubClass_42&Prot_01
How could I use these in the android_winusb.inf to make Adb recognize my device any help would be great
I think that other people have these same ids that is why I'm not the only one where Adb isn't recognizing my kindle fire I help this helps others help all the people that would like to root their device but cant because its not recognized
Th3-Chronikk said:
My device ids and hardware ids are different than the ones in the drivers for rooting
Device Instance Id: USB\VID_0006&MI_01\6&FA091&1&0001
Hardware Ids: USB\Vid_1949&Pid_0006&REV_0216&MI_01
Compatible Ids: USB\Class_ff&SubClass_42&Prot_01
How could I use these in the android_winusb.inf to make Adb recognize my device any help would be great
I think that other people have these same ids that is why I'm not the only one where Adb isn't recognizing my kindle fire I help this helps others help all the people that would like to root their device but cant because its not recognized
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Look here for hardwareid
I think this is an attempt to prevent root from amazon. However, if you know the procedure, the game is not over.
THANHVO31 said:
Look here for hardwareid
I think this is an attempt to prevent root from amazon. However, if you know the procedure, the game is not over.
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That link you posted doesn't use my same ids
Th3-Chronikk said:
My device ids and hardware ids are different than the ones in the drivers for rooting
Device Instance Id: USB\VID_0006&MI_01\6&FA091&1&0001
Hardware Ids: USB\Vid_1949&Pid_0006&REV_0216&MI_01
Compatible Ids: USB\Class_ff&SubClass_42&Prot_01
How could I use these in the android_winusb.inf to make Adb recognize my device any help would be great
I think that other people have these same ids that is why I'm not the only one where Adb isn't recognizing my kindle fire I help this helps others help all the people that would like to root their device but cant because its not recognized
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Once you find the solution can you please let me know as well?
I am really interested in this!
btw, I have another Kindle that is working and gets recognized by computer in seconds and the other that has been bricked for over 2 months :'(
EDIT: and I made a huge mistake and i had not put in the bootloader (FIREFIREFIRE) on my bricked kindle, however, I took extra precaution and put it on my working kindle and to prevent it even further I am not using any roms and only using GoLauncher EX, googleframework, Superuser(root), and Market
as some roms are unstable and ALWAYS have a problem that something is not working correctly!
umarsl said:
Once you find the solution can you please let me know as well?
I am really interested in this!
btw, I have another Kindle that is working and gets recognized by computer in seconds and the other that has been bricked for over 2 months :'(
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I will post it on a new thread so you will know and I cant find anyone to help me with these ids
Th3-Chronikk said:
I will post it on a new thread so you will know and I cant find anyone to help me with these ids
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I just give you the fishing rod, not fish
Once your KF stuck at Kindle Fire, you can get your HardwareID
You should know the file call "android_winusb.inf" that you'll point to that to install driver for your bricked KF.
put the following
;Kindle Fire
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\Vid_1949&Pid_0006&REV_0216&MI_01
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_1949&PID_0006&MI_01
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_1949&PID_0006&REV_0100
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_1949&PID_0006
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And try again.
THANHVO31 said:
I just give you the fishing rod, not fish
Once your KF stuck at Kindle Fire, you can get your HardwareID
You should know the file call "android_winusb.inf" that you'll point to that to install driver for your bricked KF.
put the following
And try again.
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Didn't work
Th3-Chronikk said:
That link you posted doesn't use my same ids
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The hardware IDs in that link look identical to yours, and I think every other Kindle Fire I've seen. Yours don't look unusual.
I'm having the same damn issue, my 6.2.2 kindle is not recognized by adb. The weird thing is that sometimes it does see the device and then it disappears? The driver ID's that are posted are identical to the ones that are included with KFU.
If anyone figures this out please let me know!
This post is ridiculously long and is kind of a rant... but Ive had it with all these "cant find adb in KF" posts and yes its a problem, and yes amazon devs are prob laughing at us but the answer is not on XDA forums or anywhere its not in Vashypooh's Teamviewer, its in your computer its in your Fire and you need to make it happen. Im probably going to regret posting this, but whatever, its a crap answer for a crap question.
Look - Ive messed around with just about everything from the kindle to the computer to using different computers to performing downgrades from Win8 to Win7 and trying to figure out why my Fire sometimes can be seen by adb and why sometimes it cannot...
I cant explain everything in one post its too much information but you need to mess around.
Without explaining these are the steps I took and I cant tell you which ones work because its like a very messy environment on a computer and everyones got different flavors and different variables...
try these (in no particular order) try them all at once or try them in pieces, but you need to reboot after each instance (think about your science teacher explaining why scientific experiments need to be controlled and clean and precise so as to eliminate any variables which may interfere with the end result!)
Do you have admin rights over your computer? If you dont... get it.
delete the .android file (this will have adb_usb file in it) try again. Watch for your driver action you need to know whats going on... you need to make your computer verbose so its reporting all its activity
Uninstall and delete (FULLY DELETE!) the Kindle Fire Utility if you have it.
Uninstall and delete (FULLY DELETE) the Android SDK if you have it. All of them if you have more than one.
Uninstall and delete (FULLY DELETE) any such programs you have that are dedicated to using adb.exe such as say AndroidCommander Droid Explorer or any of that stuff they are gone!
If you want to know if theres any other stuff on your computer, and dont really know how to use anything other than Windows Explorer, (shame on you) then install the greatest file finder I know - Everything.exe install that crap and then fix the options to "show hidden files and system files and hide nothing) and then when its set up, type in the search "adb" and "android" and "winusb" instances, then go to their parent folder and delete the whole thing, clear out your trash, uninstall all drivers, delete them, and UNPLUG all connected android devices so they dont throw stuff back into system and reboot the computer. You want a nice virgin promiscuous machine when it reboots, so you can pop its cherry with one Kindle Fire that needs to get its adb on.
install a verbose driver program (i am fond of USBDeview make sure whatever program you use is VERBOSE and reports every activity, like in the options make everyhting so that it reports, displays and hides nothing. UNINSTALL AND DELETE EVERYTHING that indicates it could be connected to 1. ADB 2. Device 3. anything freaking android. Actually, I have been so frustrated in the past that I actually uninstalled every single driver on the computer....I highlighted all my drivers and Uninstalled... and they all uninstalled.. my mouse stopped working my keyboard stopped working but screw that, shut down the computer (irrelevant to whatever winblows geeks tell you it is NOT harmful to crash-power down your windoze machine) and then upon rebooting it will install all its relevant inner drivers) which may be bad for some of you if you have a complicated setup but whatever all I wanted was to get adb working at the expense of other drivers. Everything will reinstall when its connected, thats how drivers work -- you connect it and it starts talking to windows and **** happens right there.
So, delete everything! Reboot! you need to reboot your machine after each major change, because its just to eliominate the chances of not being able to communicate if winblows needs to reboot to be fresh.
If you have deleted uninstalled all of these android-related drivers... and if you have made your machine verbose, so that its not hiding information or thinking you are not interested in whats going on in system, and then you reboot, chances are when you first plug that KF in to your system, **** will happen. You just need to make it work.
you cant just sit around for two months waiting for someone to give you the fix -- the answer is right there in your hands... you just have to make it stick. Its there. Just gotta tweak the hell out of your computer to make it happen. If it doesnt work... keep trying... try again. if that doesnt work, change something. keep on tweaking, keep on shaking the nest and itll pop in.
HOWEVER I checked out the Jayceooi website and he/she has a good case to make there -- and if "it dont work" then thats because you are not trying hard enough.
Now.. all I can say is Ive lost adb.. and Ive found it again.. and I still have it because I have not installed ANY other android related or SDK ADB related programs after I found it.... everytime I do... everytime I attach my other HTC devices, it messes up everything and I repeat the above all over again
Mine are
And I can't seem to get recognized although the "Composite" piece of it is working...I cannot get ADB to see it. What do I need to add to my file?
The obvious thing to do is make the entries match this, but that's obviously not it. I do need help, it's not a crap question, and I have done everything to get this going.
p-niiice said:
Mine are
And I can't seem to get recognized although the "Composite" piece of it is working...I cannot get ADB to see it. What do I need to add to my file?
The obvious thing to do is make the entries match this, but that's obviously not it. I do need help, it's not a crap question, and I have done everything to get this going.
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android update adb
add 0x1949 on its own line to adb_usb.ini in C:\users\<username>\.android\adb_usb.ini
save the file
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
I had all these problems, but what fixed mine was manually typing in the "0x1949". I initially was copying and pasting, but I seen somewhere else that it was causing problems. Its the only text/line in the file.
I have absolutely no clue as to why this fixed it, but it did for me.
jcc2z said:
I had all these problems, but what fixed mine was manually typing in the "0x1949". I initially was copying and pasting, but I seen somewhere else that it was causing problems. Its the only text/line in the file.
I have absolutely no clue as to why this fixed it, but it did for me.
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Thanks - doing this plus the hardware ID lines earlier in the thread got me further, but adb still isn't picking up the composite device.
androidcues said:
This post is ridiculously long and is kind of a rant... but Ive had it with all these "cant find adb in KF" posts and yes its a problem, and yes amazon devs are prob laughing at us but the answer is not on XDA forums or anywhere its not in Vashypooh's Teamviewer, its in your computer its in your Fire and you need to make it happen. Im probably going to regret posting this, but whatever, its a crap answer for a crap question.
Look - Ive messed around with just about everything from the kindle to the computer to using different computers to performing downgrades from Win8 to Win7 and trying to figure out why my Fire sometimes can be seen by adb and why sometimes it cannot...
I cant explain everything in one post its too much information but you need to mess around.
Without explaining these are the steps I took and I cant tell you which ones work because its like a very messy environment on a computer and everyones got different flavors and different variables...
try these (in no particular order) try them all at once or try them in pieces, but you need to reboot after each instance (think about your science teacher explaining why scientific experiments need to be controlled and clean and precise so as to eliminate any variables which may interfere with the end result!)
Do you have admin rights over your computer? If you dont... get it.
delete the .android file (this will have adb_usb file in it) try again. Watch for your driver action you need to know whats going on... you need to make your computer verbose so its reporting all its activity
Uninstall and delete (FULLY DELETE!) the Kindle Fire Utility if you have it.
Uninstall and delete (FULLY DELETE) the Android SDK if you have it. All of them if you have more than one.
Uninstall and delete (FULLY DELETE) any such programs you have that are dedicated to using adb.exe such as say AndroidCommander Droid Explorer or any of that stuff they are gone!
If you want to know if theres any other stuff on your computer, and dont really know how to use anything other than Windows Explorer, (shame on you) then install the greatest file finder I know - Everything.exe install that crap and then fix the options to "show hidden files and system files and hide nothing) and then when its set up, type in the search "adb" and "android" and "winusb" instances, then go to their parent folder and delete the whole thing, clear out your trash, uninstall all drivers, delete them, and UNPLUG all connected android devices so they dont throw stuff back into system and reboot the computer. You want a nice virgin promiscuous machine when it reboots, so you can pop its cherry with one Kindle Fire that needs to get its adb on.
install a verbose driver program (i am fond of USBDeview make sure whatever program you use is VERBOSE and reports every activity, like in the options make everyhting so that it reports, displays and hides nothing. UNINSTALL AND DELETE EVERYTHING that indicates it could be connected to 1. ADB 2. Device 3. anything freaking android. Actually, I have been so frustrated in the past that I actually uninstalled every single driver on the computer....I highlighted all my drivers and Uninstalled... and they all uninstalled.. my mouse stopped working my keyboard stopped working but screw that, shut down the computer (irrelevant to whatever winblows geeks tell you it is NOT harmful to crash-power down your windoze machine) and then upon rebooting it will install all its relevant inner drivers) which may be bad for some of you if you have a complicated setup but whatever all I wanted was to get adb working at the expense of other drivers. Everything will reinstall when its connected, thats how drivers work -- you connect it and it starts talking to windows and **** happens right there.
So, delete everything! Reboot! you need to reboot your machine after each major change, because its just to eliominate the chances of not being able to communicate if winblows needs to reboot to be fresh.
If you have deleted uninstalled all of these android-related drivers... and if you have made your machine verbose, so that its not hiding information or thinking you are not interested in whats going on in system, and then you reboot, chances are when you first plug that KF in to your system, **** will happen. You just need to make it work.
you cant just sit around for two months waiting for someone to give you the fix -- the answer is right there in your hands... you just have to make it stick. Its there. Just gotta tweak the hell out of your computer to make it happen. If it doesnt work... keep trying... try again. if that doesnt work, change something. keep on tweaking, keep on shaking the nest and itll pop in.
HOWEVER I checked out the Jayceooi website and he/she has a good case to make there -- and if "it dont work" then thats because you are not trying hard enough.
Now.. all I can say is Ive lost adb.. and Ive found it again.. and I still have it because I have not installed ANY other android related or SDK ADB related programs after I found it.... everytime I do... everytime I attach my other HTC devices, it messes up everything and I repeat the above all over again
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This is why i use linux.. i just have way to many android devices i plug into my pc to have to be deleting and reinstalling drivers and android sdk everytime.
Ive rooted three kindle fires already, one on windows and two with linux. rooting with windows took me a whole day to get to work while it took me an under an hour with linux.
if you like to plug in android devices a lot and want to use adb on all of them, do yourself a favor and trash windows and install linux. I have 2 PCs so its not a problem for me. one house computer running windows, and my pc running linux..
windows hates android!
K3nDroid said:
This is why i use linux.. i just have way to many android devices i plug into my pc to have to be deleting and reinstalling drivers and android sdk everytime.
Ive rooted three kindle fires already, one on windows and two with linux. rooting with windows took me a whole day to get to work while it took me an under an hour with linux.
if you like to plug in android devices a lot and want to use adb on all of them, do yourself a favor and trash windows and install linux. I have 2 PCs so its not a problem for me. one house computer running windows, and my pc running linux..
windows hates android!
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Interesting that you had such an issue with getting windows to work. I have rooted 2 Kindles(took an hour total to get them set up, rooted, recovery and Gapps installed), Samsung Epic 4g, Multiple Evo 4gs, Optimus M, Hauwei Ascend, and HTC Hero and never had an issue with drivers or having to uninstall them. I am running Windows 7 and each one I plug in it recognizes.

[Q] Help a noob

SO i posted this in another thread, thought I'd start one here.
Im sure a lot of people are facing the same issue as I am. So any assistance would not only help me, but plenty of others as well. Here it goes:
I just joined XDA...if there ever existed a supernoob when it comes to phones, then thats me...i have almost absolutely no idea about flashing, roms and whatnot...i just know they exist
My problem is that I have a galaxy nexus, yakjuux, here in Canada, and as everyone else, thinking of flashing to yakju for the updates.
I have a black macbook, and I was reading on how to flash...and i just couldnt piece together all of the information thats available.
Anyone here generous enough to help me flash to yakju to get the updates?
walk me step by step as to how to literally step by step, with every bit of detail.
Im not completely dumb with technology, but its just with phones that I fail.
time for some tough love... You need to start reading and figure it out. These exact threads, nearly word-for-word, have been posted for the last 3 months straight, and have been answered the exact same for 3 months straight. There are guides, stickies, posts, videos, etc. all sitting in these forums. You are seriously going to get yourself into some nasty **** if you just let someone tell you what to do and you have absolutely no idea what's going on while you're doing it. Search. Please.
Good luck.
Thanks martonikaj,
I understand the multitude of information available out there, but there is nothing for mac in terms of videos that helps flash from yakjuux to yakju.
If i missed something, would you be able to post it? I would be grateful.
Its just a matter of getting a guide that's concise and concrete.
mace17 said:
Thanks martonikaj,
I understand the multitude of information available out there, but there is nothing for mac in terms of videos that helps flash from yakjuux to yakju.
If i missed something, would you be able to post it? I would be grateful.
Its just a matter of getting a guide that's concise and concrete.
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There is nothing different about a Mac guide. In many ways its simpler. The only difference is that you need the Mac version of ADB and Fastboot files instead of Windows ones, and you need a "./" in front of the commands in Terminal (instead of Command Prompt). There are no "1 click" (toolkit) methods for OSX. Do it manually you'll be better for it anyway.
I've attached ADB and Fastboot files.
Got past that, serial number is not showing up though...aghh
is there no video to show how its done?
mace17 said:
Got past that, serial number is not showing up though...aghh
is there no video to show how its done?
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so you've downloaded and unzipped ADB and pointed Terminal to that folder, connected your phone and enabled USB debugging, and type "./adb devices" and nothing shows up?
umm yeah I did all of that...
i sent you a message!
Sorry for the stress haha, tough love indeed it is...but this is driving me crazy...
mace17 said:
umm yeah I did all of that...
i sent you a message!
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On computer:
1) unzip
2) Move files somewhere, like your <user name> folder
3) Open Terminal
4) type "cd " and drag the unzipped Mac_ADB_Fastboot file into the Terminal window (or manually navigate if you know how to do that) and hit enter
On phone:
1) turn on USB debugging in developer options
2) connect phone via USB
There is literally nothing else to do to get the computer to recognize the device.

[Q] ERM... I tried something without knowing fully what it would do.

I know that it was foolish of me to not fully research this set of commands I have copied the before and after of tit all from the command line. I was attempting to mess around with my phone with QPST. I know, I can REALLY REALLY make things hideous if I don't tread carefully with QPST, but I am willing to take the risk in order to learn, even if I do get burned because my phone bursts into flames.
Any who here is the output from my commandline which I ran because using *#0808# and switching to either RNDIS+DM+MODEM or DM+MODEM+ADB didn't make my phone visible for QPST. And I also tried while in recovery, download mode, and all the other settings in the *#0808# menu, plus variations of the menu and then booting into recovery, normal boot, and download mode. All to no avail, then in frustration I tried the following and it's gotten to the point I can't see my phone via adb anymore. So could someone please give me the undo set of commands for typing into my phones terminal as I can't type them via my computer due to adb not seeing it anymore? Thanks
C:\Users\xxxxx>adb devices
List of devices attached
0123456789ABCDEF device
C:\Users\xxxxx>adb shell
$ echo MODEM USB > /sys/class/sec/switch/usb_sel
echo MODEM USB > /sys/class/sec/switch/usb_sel
cannot create /sys/class/sec/switch/usb_sel: permission denied
$ su
# echo MODEM USB > /sys/class/sec/switch/usb_sel
C:\Users\xxxxx>adb shell
error: device not found
Oh!, and if anyone can explain either what the commands did or better yet where I can go read about such commands and what they do that would be great too. Thanks
Not sure how relevant this is or if it will help you but this man seems to be in kinda the same boat, why don't you take a look at this thread particularly post #2
Sent from my Nexus 7 2013 using Tapatalk
crazymonkey05 said:
Not sure how relevant this is or if it will help you but this man seems to be in kinda the same boat, why don't you take a look at this thread particularly post #2
Sent from my Nexus 7 2013 using Tapatalk
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Thank you for the link I haven't tried anything based on the information yet, actually haven't read it all yet. Very complex stuff just lets me know how far I have to go. Odd thing is that I now for some reason have ADB working again. I did a factory reset recently and the other day I reinstalled/refreshed my computer. My computer was infected by a bunch of viruses and malware the phone was just sluggish and I had way more apps I wanted rid of than to keep. Anyway, I don't know if the virus on my system had anything to do with the malfunction or if it was the command I used but for now it is back to working.
I was working on a friends HTC Desire and was having a hell of a time getting fastboot commands to work. I got hboot USB working but when giving a command it would generate a "device connected toi USB has malfunctioned" also the USB ports would shut off untill reboot too intermittantly and even my wifi three or four days ago became disabled and I reset the adapter fine for 5mins then it went a level deeper and deeper till I reinstalled the driver. That being said it is more likely that it was the virus and or the person messing with my system that was causing all the grief. They even triggered email alerts on a couple of my accounts that passwords were input wrong 5 times in a row and that some security settings were being changed. Hopefully I have dealt with that if not I'll have to wait till they get bored. Sorry if that was a little off topic it sort of conencts to my recent problems.

