I downloaded and installed an android terminal emulator for my galaxy y then after installing it i can't type on my terminal emulator.. i just found out my super user is not detecting my terminal emulator.. any solutions? thanks in advance
fictionworld said:
I downloaded and installed an android terminal emulator for my galaxy y then after installing it i can't type on my terminal emulator.. i just found out my super user is not detecting my terminal emulator.. any solutions? thanks in advance
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is busybox installed??
Here is Bash and Busybox binaries with some configuration files I uses in my galaxy Young
I use Bash instead of builtin sh because of its well known features like
* persistent history
*reverse search in history
*Auto completion etc....
I ues Jackpal's Android-Terminal-Emulator App and those who uses ConnectBot may have to edit one line in the file 'rc'
simply extarct the zip file in sdcard (say '/sdcard/Bash_and_Busybox' )
open ur terminal App (Mine is Jackpal's Android-Terminal-Emulator)
busybox cp /sdcard/Bash_and_Busybox/* ./
chmod 777 ./bash ./busybox ./runbash
and to run the bash , simply use
Hope this will be help full.
Yes,I really want to meet the 10 post threshold of xda
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open source terminal emulator by jackpal
Does either bash or busybox require a rooted phone or they will work with an unrooted one as well?
will it be possible??
to use terma' kernel on stock rom??
i tried flashing it via kernel updater...it just dont boot on stock dxlc1..
Before flash terma kernel, you must install a2sd darktemor.
Hope not bootloop.
Sent from my GT-S5360
so a2sd first before kernel?
a2sd can be used with stock kernel too..you just need a ROM which is compatible with a2sd..check the a2sd tutorials in this section..you need to partition your sd card in order to make it work..
hitme987 said:
a2sd can be used with stock kernel too..you just need a ROM which is compatible with a2sd..check the a2sd tutorials in this section..you need to partition your sd card in order to make it work..
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Are you kidding? You need a kernel which supports A2SD for it to work.
raolemo said:
Are you kidding? You need a kernel which supports A2SD for it to work.
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Nope not at all..check Repencis V3/Hybrid 4 these can be used for a2sd..
You need to partition sd card with 2nd partition as ext 3 using mini tool partition wizard or you can use CWM to partition ..
Install better terminal emulator..
Write in terminal emulator :
$ su (enter)
# a2sd cachesd (enter)
Press y if mount warning ( do you really want to continue ) press y
Its automatic reboot please wait …
After finish restart
Write in terminal emulator :
$ su (enter)
# a2sd zipalign (enter)
Press y if mount warning ( do you really want to continue ) press y
After finish restart
$ su (enter)
# a2sd lowmem-moderate (enter)
Press y if mount warning ( do you really want to continue ) press y
Thats it..you have complete a2sd without any kernel!
Tested by me and working 100%..
Mostly all good roms support this except chobits,gg,weui (didnt work for me)...
hitme987 said:
Nope not at all..check Repencis V3/Hybrid 4 these can be used for a2sd..
You need to partition sd card with 2nd partition as ext 3 using mini tool partition wizard or you can use CWM to partition ..
Install better terminal emulator..
Write in terminal emulator :
$ su (enter)
# a2sd cachesd (enter)
Press y if mount warning ( do you really want to continue ) press y
Its automatic reboot please wait …
After finish restart
Write in terminal emulator :
$ su (enter)
# a2sd zipalign (enter)
Press y if mount warning ( do you really want to continue ) press y
After finish restart
$ su (enter)
# a2sd lowmem-moderate (enter)
Press y if mount warning ( do you really want to continue ) press y
Thats it..you have complete a2sd without any kernel!
Tested by me and working 100%..
Mostly all good roms support this except chobits,gg,weui (didnt work for me)...
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Dude I'm running Repencis v3! It has a modified kernel. It ain't stock. Try running stock or Creed's with Repencis' kernel and you'll get a hell lotta FCs.
raolemo said:
Dude I'm running Repencis v3! It has a modified kernel. It ain't stock. Try running stock or Creed's with Repencis' kernel and you'll get a hell lotta FCs.
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Nah I got a2sd working in Creeds 2.5,Rep 2.6,Hybrid 3/4 with STOCK kernel only..it works fine..
This is the way to do in Repencis V3 ..quoted from Rep V3 original post:
* Go to Recovery by Holding Power + Home + Volume up button
* Flash with CWM Recovery: http://db.tt/sIzhV4JP >> CWM_bla_bla.zip
* After flash/update from zip, do a wipe data, wipe cache partition
* After you see homescreen, and finish the media scanning, for Pro users can activate the dalvik-cache a2sd darktremor symlinking by :
* Make second partition EXT2 or EXT3 on your SD Card
* Install the BTEP : http://db.tt/wbRI7Su3
* Open it, to enable typing, press Option > Preference > Input Method > Word Based
* Type this code
..............$ su (enter)
..............# a2sd cachesdreset (enter)
Open Better Terminal Emulator Pro again,
Type this code
..............$ su (enter)
..............# a2sd reinstall (enter)
Your phone will be rebooted automatically, after that see your cool new internal memory.
hitme987 said:
Nah I got a2sd working in Creeds 2.5,Rep 2.6,Hybrid 3/4 with STOCK kernel only..it works fine..
This is the way to do in Repencis V3 ..quoted from Rep V3 original post:
* Go to Recovery by Holding Power + Home + Volume up button
* Flash with CWM Recovery: http://db.tt/sIzhV4JP >> CWM_bla_bla.zip
* After flash/update from zip, do a wipe data, wipe cache partition
* After you see homescreen, and finish the media scanning, for Pro users can activate the dalvik-cache a2sd darktremor symlinking by :
* Make second partition EXT2 or EXT3 on your SD Card
* Install the BTEP : http://db.tt/wbRI7Su3
* Open it, to enable typing, press Option > Preference > Input Method > Word Based
* Type this code
..............$ su (enter)
..............# a2sd cachesdreset (enter)
Open Better Terminal Emulator Pro again,
Type this code
..............$ su (enter)
..............# a2sd reinstall (enter)
Your phone will be rebooted automatically, after that see your cool new internal memory.
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Dude, I know what I gotta do and I've done that already! Since you've run em' on STOCK kernel, why don't you flash one of the REAL stock kernels from Doky's thread do your A2SD thing and post back later. When you flash ROMS like Repencis, stock kernel is replaced with the ROMs modified kernel! Jesus Christ!
pardon of my intrusion.
to make things clear...repencis v2.6, v3 have custom kernel. hybrid and creeds also have custom kernel. we can't run a2sd on stock kernel.
kurotsugi said:
pardon of my intrusion.
to make things clear...repencis v2.6, v3 have custom kernel. hybrid and creeds also have custom kernel. we can't run a2sd on stock kernel.
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Thanks! Hope Mr.Genius-know-all here comprendes.
You may know my original "Ubuntu 9.10 for the WFS" here. This will show you how to install lxde which is way faster that GNOME on the other thread. Basically this is just an add-on so you will need to instal ubuntu from the othere thread.
LXDE for the Wildfire S!
*Ubuntu installed
*Terminal Emulator
*Windows PC
so open cmd and type these commands
adb devices
adb shell
sh ubuntu.sh
sh run.sh
apt-get install lxde
So next after it installs lxde follow these steps:
Type “cat > /root/.vnc/xstartup”
Then type:
cat > /root/.vnc/xstartup
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
icewm &
Then hit Ctrl+D twice and enter to save the file.
Congrats you now have LXDE running instaed of GNOME!!!
reserved for screenshots and videos
lovin it.
Anyone mind if they could post some screenshots for me?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda premium
First, thank you for this amazing kernel! Awasome batery life ...
I'm running on AOPK M4 and PopcornKernel v11.1. But I don't know which are the best settings, so i decided to use this script :
PopcornScripts v1 by Team Vicious
I flash him with CMW but i dont know how to use it ? How to run ? How to run at boot ?
Thank you
Ps: sorry for my English, I'm french user ...
Install that.
Open it.
(hit enter and allow superuser access)
(hit enter)
This will open all options.
Thank you
But i have a error message when i press enter after popcorn
popcorn cannot execute - permission Denied
I have already set 644 for all init.d script, i dont understand ..
And you granted terminal superuser access, not denied, right?
Yes terminal emulator granted a superuser access.
The prompt is:
[email protected]:/ #
[email protected]:/ ~
So i'm in superuser mode.
No-one ?
I'm solved my permission issue.
Now i can run "popcorn" but how i know if the init.d script his running ?