Hey everyone,
is there any port of Winmugen out?
For those who dont know what Winmuge ist here is the homepage:
Im really looking forward to play this on my Xperia, if there is already anything like this.
Perhaps you could emulate dos somehow, and then use that to play the game.
As i can see this is opensource, maybe a DEV could try to compile it.
I don't think it is open source though? I was actually thinking about trying to get it working on Android a while back, but I couldn't find the source... I think it's actually privately developed? If someone can provide a link to the source I'd love to look at it, though I still doubt I will have time.
According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.U.G.E.N), it is built upon the SDL library, which back then when I googled it looked like someone had ported the SDL library to Android, so I was hoping it would not be too hard (with the source) to get it running on top of the Android port of the SDL library.
But porting it over without the source is probably a more daunting task...
i wrote with the developers of M.U.G.E.N and the source ist not open. And they wont make it public for any reasons, i still try to get it from them but i wont look so good.
Yes there is an port of SDL for Android.
When I was looking around though, I did stumble upon jmugen - a java port of MUGEN, which sounds promising... but looking at it, it looks like an abandoned project. I haven't found time yet to test how functional it is and if it could be a good starting point for an Android version.
Better than starting from scratch I suppose...
Just keep in mind it has to be developed under the GNU GPL... which I would be in favor of anyway...
thx for that, i will take a look at it
for all that want to play Mugen on Android - here we go http://paintown.sourceforge.net/
Paintown includes Mugen game Mode, fully working. Androidversion in downloads.
NOTE: Im not the developer of this game, i just share this to you.
Press Thanks if i helped you.
Greetz Aco
i would love to see a website specifically for g1 themes. with images of all themes, all linking back to the developer. as well as all themes and other downloads being hosted on local server, instead of having to use FTP services like megashares etc.
if anyone with web development/programming experience would be interested in assisting me it would be appreciated, and i think a site of this nature would benefit the android global community as a whole.
may i also state that i have a server with enough bandwidth and server space to handle the high traffic volume that follows a site like this.
i see some great possibilities with this, but in order to get it off the ground i will need some help.
I would love to say yes but my web dev skills have never been used in a real environment.
I would like to see something like this get off the ground. Its such a great idea.
although i do not have a crazy lot of time i do have an extra website that i currently do not use. Its good for a little less than a year and i "could" use iWeb or something to put a site together since it would take crazy less time. Its unlimited everything so i could host the .zip files right on it and just have people download from there. If enough people would use it though. I would def have to have everyone's permission though as i am not getting in trouble with people over something like this. if its something some of these Theme devs would enjoy i could use my current site on DreamHost and allow the download straight from the site with Pictures. Could have a page for each one of them too. Let me know as i would be willing to do this so it would be 100% easier to find things.
Email me at [email protected]
I would be willing to put the time in too since i could add an Ad at the top for some income towards the renew cost if necessary. And i do know what i am doing but it would def have to be a use site not just something 10 people use. www.edgewoodcma.org is my newest site i got up and running for a church.
thats pretty much the idea, it doenst really matter which server is used, however i do have a little over 2 years on mine, but it is unlimited just as yours is. however i do not think a page made in iWeb or something will work quite as nicely as something designed for dynamic updating by many devs.
im looking into a PHP CMS engine that will allow devs to name their .zip files and upload with a thumbnail of the theme. and have the site automatically post the new theme with the naming convention used in the .zip and show the thumbnail as a link to the direct download from the server.
i wanted to try and stay away from another forum site, as well. this is the forum site for android pretty much, we may have a discussion area in the theme site, however the downloads and updates will be on another portion of the page as to eliminate the need to sift through threads to find the themes you want.
The reason i posted that i would be willing to make and update the site is so that useless things will be kept out. I would be willing to accept all photos and .zip files in my email then post onto the site so that duplicates and useless things are kept to a minimum. I would also make multiple sections showing what update you are running (i.e. RC33, ADP 1.5, Dude, ect) and a complete breakdown so that it is as easily as possible to do things. The reason i would use iWeb is because of its simplicity. You could update a site within 2minutes for whatever is needed. I could update anywhere in a matter of minutes which would mean more thing up and running. Just an idea though as i too am wishing it was far easier to locate things instead of sifting through hundreds of posts to find the one decent theme out off 100.
that sounds great, will iWeb allow you to create dynamic websites for the dev to upload his work? or will you manage the whole thing as a static database (updated when devs send you their work)?
if you wish to create this, then please do. i shall continue to look for a permanent, maintenance free*, catalogue of themes. but until an engine is created for that purpose your offer sounds perfect. the android community desperately needs someplace organized to find these themes.
thank you for your offer, if you would like any sort of graphic help just let me know and ill do my best.
Dynamic sounds best, you could accept members (ie theme creators) and only have have control over posting themes and updates to their own themes?
We are actually working on this right now. Just purchased themesdroid.com a couple days ago.
We have a dedicated server we are going to be running it on. We are actively developing the site now. Perhaps we should combine our efforts.
awesome, let me know if you need any help, or any server space etc.
id love to help in any way i can.
It does seem like a good idea, although I have read in the past something about "why have many resources in many places"...one central location for it all is great, so it would have to have many advantages for it to work. I know instant thumbnails would be 1 (forums it doesnt work like that). Local files is another. Purchasable is probably something considerable.
Ive built for big corps before, and know a lot about that stuff. If you guys need help with doing anything I know almost any solution. Something like "if you donate you get extras" or something, and only those that did donate can get certain things. Helps the developers for their time and effort (like the apps, makes sense).
We are currently investigating a couple options for ThemesDroid.com. We have started working on a download site from the ground up, but we are also looking for possible alternatives. Does anyone know of any decent open source CMS/DMS systems? We have not seen anything that was worth a darn, but if anyone knows of a good one then there is no sense in reinventing the wheel.
kronarq said:
We are currently investigating a couple options for ThemesDroid.com. We have started working on a download site from the ground up, but we are also looking for possible alternatives. Does anyone know of any decent open source CMS/DMS systems? We have not seen anything that was worth a darn, but if anyone knows of a good one then there is no sense in reinventing the wheel.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What are you looking for in this CMS/DMS system?
well php-fusion is always a safe choice, there was something new... what was it.. http://expressionengine.com/
Ive always found Joomla to be the most flexible system to date, complicated but it will do 'everything' your looking it to do. It has great theme support as well (great flexibility for customizablity). Very secure too.
@malaeus, sorry to say but php-anything is almost always a bad choice, they have many loops/hackable holes.
Xoops is good too. Drupal is good. Or if you have a M$ server (asp), dot net nuke is good, has many add-ons for great flexibility.
Just some suggestions for you guys (btw, all those are free [opensource like android ]
I've been building Drupal sites for years now... if you guys need help, let me know.
Started it 3 hours ago, thats how quick and easy it is. Its just a demo to show you what you can do with it. If you like cool, if not I at least recommend you check out joomla, thats what I created that with (there is no "starting from ground up" with it, its just there to "put the stuff in"). That template is free too (there are plenty out there, I also make my own which takes time). Just threw it together because I had the last three hours off from work and wanted to play with it again.
Drupals good, but I just dont think it has the best of plugins, they are ....awkward or something I dont know.
@kdf2883: Something geared towards downloads. Something preferably lightweight compared to Joomla/Drupal etc
@theslam08: I currently have a test of Joomla + DocMan I have been playing with, but Joomla seems like overkill for what we are doing. It doesn't all our needs so we would still have to modify it yet it does a bunch of junk we don't need. Then there's the usual update every week or get hacked bit...
We are leaning towards just doing everything from scratch. I could have a Joomla site up in a day or two or we can give it a couple weeks to build our own system from the ground up. What do you guys think?
for something like this, we may want to try something as simple as wordpress. each post would be a new theme, images and text would include server direct download link. its at least one of the most compatible backbones i can think of.
i have little to no experience in drupal and joomla etc. however when it comes to the design aspect of the website, thats closing in on my specialty.
@slam nice job on that layout btw. especially considering time spent.
Look at the Lock 2.0 themes site. They use WordPress and in my opinion it's a mess.
Hi all,
I created this thread to collect informations, suggestions and links for who want to start learning developing android applications, whitout being an expert developer.
I like programming (vb6, vb.net ) but I don't know anything about android and linux, and just a little about java... Now I bought an Hero and I met android world... I downladed Eclipse IDE, Android SDK and I starded with dev guide on SDK... I just take a look to helloandorid application... it works! and now? In the xml layout seems easy to add View like buttons or text... but how can I handle to the user actions like the button click? in vb is simple to manage the buttonpressed event...!
If someone knows some simple guides about java, eclipse and android, please let links on this thread!
Thank you!
This one's awesome for learning how to create widgets:
here are some other resources you could easily find by using google search:
Other than that, just start from the simplest Hello World -examples on Google's own Android site.
I'm going to start leurning Android programming
If ill find nice links i will post them here. Is there btw a way to program inside visual studio? Cuz all tutorials on the net are using eclipse.
You'll need to use Eclipse to my knowledge as its all Java based. The other alternatives are the IntelliJ plugin and doing it all from Command line/Text Editor.
Back to the Topic, I'm just trying my hand at a little Android development this week too, the tutorials and manuals at developer.android.com have been great!
Another thing, while I remember, if you've done any sort of .NET/ASP.NET development before you should find it a breeze, apart from the lack of Visual Studio (best IDE that ever was), they're VERY similar compared to some other languages/technologies I've used.
HeY Furios, Im new to android dev also, so if you don't mind, I would like to follow you and share any info I find with you and to whom ever else would like any info...Thanx
SDK 2.1
Hi Guys,
I went onto the SE developer site and got he x10 SDK, but it only gives me the choice for a 1.6 virtual Machine. Is there another place that I have to go to get the SDK for 2.1?
It would be cool to learn how to develop roms as well...or is that much deeper?
Well guy's start here on this thread first >>>http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=667298
Made me think
need minor help!
im actually developing a few games, but im running into some seemingly basic issues, that i seem i cannot get to work. basically a button mash game, single/multi player, well on multi player i cannot for my life get the multi player functions to work, as in in the end the game already knows who the winner is based on an integer score, then it is supposed to use an sqlite database to take the highest scored player such as P1 or P2 and allow them to input there name to be permanently displayed. it cannot seem to differentiate using IF statements, but the feature does work with single player flawlessly, i may link source code if asked, TY
HI, I am new, this is my first real post so if this is posted in the wrong area sorry.
SO, I was working with a zune developer on an RTS and I had a large amount of art done for it. He got overwhelmed with the project and so I am looking for someone who thinks they can tackle an RTS. I have all gesture commands and ui layed out as well as basic unit properties. I have about a dozen fully animated sprite units and about 6 buildings complete so far.
If you think you are upto the challenge OR have a solid game that you would like some killer art done for let me know. BUT, I want to see it is some app store, I dont want to waste my time with a fizzled project.
If you want to use sprites I have already made thats cool, I would only request a cut when the game goes on an app store.
Very nice sprites, and the game looks good so far. Were you able to keep the source or do you plan on starting from scratch?
all info pertaining to the game can be found here.
I think the game is open source as others have dived into it. I know pathing was a difficult problem and did not have much of a solution. the project was for the zuneHD.
I will move this to SW development since this is an ongoing project, once you have a close to finished, or finished product PM me and I will move it back. IE Beta. .
Hey I'm a programmer looking for an artist to work with on various projects. I currently focus on Android development however I do have some experience with XNA / C# before (made a little tilemap engine on it and whatnot). I also just got my Samsung Focus registered on my developer account and have compiled a test sample on it just 2 days ago. I am really excited about Windows Phone 7.
I ALSO plan on making a fully crossplatform RTS at some point for iOS / Android / WP7 and I may be able to get started now. However, I would definitely want to sell it and keep it closed source / proprietary. Making an RTS is a HUGE task however, and will need a lot of planning and thinking ahead.
If you're in USA that's an extra bonus. If you have MSN Messenger that's another bonus. PM me if you're interested in working together on various projects.
There's a current "small" and cross-platform 2d game project I'm working on that I don't want to disclose publicly atm and we can discuss that if you have any interest in that, but I guarantee you I would love to make an RTS in the near future but merely lack an artist and an idea .
In my signature you can see all the devices I own for testing on. I am very inclusive, I love all smartphones.
I also do some music, I can show you some samples if you are interested in going further in regards to this.
Raptor550, I've sent you a PM, could you check please?
P.S. Seems like by default the PM notifications are disabled here.
**updated program link, please uninstall old one and install this one, thanks**
hey guys, due to the events of the last week i havnt been able to do as much and be as far on this project as i would like, but id like to introduce a new project that will hopefully help out the dev team from xdandroid
the main goal of this apk is to follow the events of the porting android to htc winmo devices all wrapped up in an easy little web app, right now it has links to the xdandroid chat logs, the main page, and the downloads sections (downloads pages were used to create an rss feed that should update on its own when new files come out, hopefully in the future we can get a true rss feed for all the downloads to make this easier for me lol)
bear with me, its rough, but hopefully it can be used to assist and (eventually, alerts are a little ways off, but eventually) notify xdandroid users which version of the files in the bundle they are running and when a new download is available
please leave me some feedback, wishlists, etc etc so i can work to make this app better and hopefully someday have it included in the build itself!
please download and try it out http://www.mediafire.com/?l6quw1bj46mkxnm
**i'm not affiliated with the devs at xdandroid, just a broke guy that likes their work and wants to help out, if you like xdandroid too, be sure to donate to them as they do this for basically free and could use either your time or your money**
just because i love open source, heres everything you need to modify this to your hearts desire
main page http://pastebin.com/p7cTvQyv
system button
initrd button
rootfs button
i used phonegap build, if you havnt heard about it and want a quick and easy way to make cross platform (blackberry, webos, symbian, android, soon to be winmo, and meego) apps give it a try
its amazing what a little tiny bit of javascript can do lol
Never mind, installed fine.
Thank you for this.
hmmm strange, sorry about that
you may know this already, cant hurt to repeat it if you do but also make sure that you have settings>applications>unknown sources turned on too
edit- good glad to hear it worked for you thank you for trying it out ronricoviper, any feedback you may have feel free to let me know
hello deafcyclist
yes at the moment (because i havnt had time to really work on this in the past week) it is simply a collection of rss feeds to inform the user of updates to the project, and will most likely stay that way for now, except for the future goal of a way to load the program and have it tell you if your files are out of date(coming later) and maybe an alert system better than just simple rss feeds(also coming later)
as far as the permissions go, its not actually using any resource but your browser, its a simple web based app, so the only thing it should be using is data, its just the way phonegap compiles the application
i like your idea of a log reader/sender, ill look into that when i get a little more spare time as i am bogged down currently with school work and life in general lol, shouldnt be too hard to accomplish
at the moment this is purely a "proof of concept" app, its main use will probably just be so the devs can say "check the app" when people ask them for help (most of the time on the chat logs you see devs spending alot of their time helping people to get the most current files, i figure instead they can point them to my app so they can spend more of their time working on more of the goodies coming our way in the main project)
i very much appreciate your reply and you made me remember about something that was missing from the project
**original post edited to point to the newer file, which includes the rss feeds instead of pointing to the different file download websites upon clicking the buttons (full page websites are not a very easy read on small screens, but the zImage website stays the same until i find some good way to make a feed out of it)
I'm called for a job interview this Monday. They need someone to port some programs children play with on the web to Android. It's educational software that looks accessible to children.
My only experience with porting is working with Unity and going back and forth from PC to my Android phones. My problem is I don't know how porting is done exactly.
Let's say I want to port a Java program to Android. Do I have to create a layer of coding around the original Java source code and make it work with Android? Or is it just modifying the original source code to fit the new platform?
I searched multiple forums and countless google searches. I'm going insane. Please help me!
Thank you! :laugh:
Well I guess it depends. Unless you are using a cross-platform framework (e.g. Xamarin), then it would involve re-writing the code in Java.
If you already have some Java back end code (e.g. some servlet implementation), then I would just create an interface to this module and leave it as it is. No point in rewriting working code in a language that already runs on Android (unless your one of these people who can't help themselves and has to refactor everything to death).
i dont think there is much for u to do, if the games are web based, just build a laucher that links to the games, otherwise look for similar games in android version and install them as a package on all phones.
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