(REQ) Vertical icon tabbed theme/widget/mod - Verizon Droid Incredible 2

I'm trying to find a mod/widget/or theme that I can put tabs flush against a home screen (vertical). These tabs would all be folders/apps. And if possible customizable titles for the tabs.
Anyone know of something I could use? Thanks in advance!

The only thing I know of that comes close would be Circle Launcher. It can be used in a vertical or horizontal straight line. I'm sure you could maybe position it against one side and you can customize the icons/labels.
Good luck!


Different Bottom Curtain Opacity between Home and the rest of the tabs

Does anyone else notice this? The bottom curtain in the home tab is semi transparent, while in the other tabs its not. It's quite noticable if you use other wallpaper than the default one.
Anyone know how to make it consistent? either semi transparent for the other tabs or no transparency in the home tab.
PS: I don't want to remove the bottom curtain.
You may try the attached cab file I found from a Chinese forum. (http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=224&t=905699&last=10217022)
It makes the bottom curtain semi-transparent as for the home tab.
It works perfectly on my official CHT Rom.
Thanks. Tried it, however it seems that the home tab still has a more transparent curtain than the other tabs. Looks like it's automatically applying different opacity to the same image. Anyone know if we can change this setting?

Transparent tabs

I'm hoping someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I also hope I get the terminology right - but apologies if I don't.
I'm trying to change the appearance of my HD so the image on the home screen is visible behind the tabs at the bottom of the TF3D screen. I've installed Singh's transparent slider. I've installed the associated "fix". I've installed "no curtains".
What I now have is a clean screen (as I want it), the "box" around the icons at the bottom of the screen appear to be translucent, but I can't get rid of the black band that runs the width of the screen, behind those icons.
How do I get the image that covers most of the screen, to be visible behind the icons.
I hope that makes sense. Is there a tool or .cab that does this?
Sorry for my very basic understanding.

[Q] LauncherPro Icon Resize

Hey I've switched back and forth between ADW and LP quite a few times and I feel like I know both well enough to say that LauncherPro is better for my tastes... but there is one thing that ADW does a lot better. Auto-resizing icons to fit the grid on the homescreen. I like to have small icons with no labels on my homescreen. It gives it more of a minimalistic look. Has anyone else noticed that anything past 5 columns and 6 rows starts to chop off the edges of icons in LP? Is there a fix to this? Is there a way to at least remove the glow for selecting icons? That gets chopped off really bad leaving only two sides of an icon glowing/being highlighted.
Menu > Prefererences > Appearance Settings > Hide Icon Labels
For the glow around the icons, you could change it to a color that matches your wallpaper, then you won't really see it.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G with Tapatalk

Trying to workout grid spacing on touchwiz

Hi all,
I'm bored so I'm trying to come up with a new homescreen layout.
I want to design a wallpaper that lines up with the widget spacing on the homescreen but can't for the life of me work out the vertical height in pixels of a 1 row tall widget in touchwiz.
Does anyone know the vertical pixel location where the grid begins (just underneath the notification bar) and the pixel size for 1 row? I should be able to work the rest out from there.
Cheers in advance
PS - if I've forgotten to include any pertinent bits of info, just let me know.

Trying to workout grid spacing on touchwiz

Sorry if this is a dupe post. I thought I'd submitted it earlier but it doesn't show up in my 'Threads you've started' area in user CP
Hi all,
I'm bored so I'm trying to come up with a new homescreen layout.
I want to design a wallpaper that lines up with the widget spacing on the homescreen but can't for the life of me work out the vertical height in pixels of a 1 row tall widget in touchwiz.
Does anyone know the vertical pixel location where the grid begins (just underneath the notification bar) and the pixel size for 1 row? I should be able to work the rest out from there.
Cheers in advance

