WIFI battery usage - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

My battery usage for WIFI has never gone above 3% and has only hit that once, normally it is 2% no matter how little or much I use it. What percentage of your battery life is used by your WIFI?
I'm just trying to figure out if the number is accurate and using wifi really does save my battery as much as it appears to do so.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

I've never really bought in to the whole Wifi saves battery power....I've had the Captivate and now the GN and anytime I leave Wifi on at home, my battery just drains faster. Here is an example, if I leave Wifi off, I've reached about 40 - 48 hours on one charge. If I take my phone off the charger at 6:00am....go to work with Wifi off, come home at 4:00pm and turn Wifi on, by the time I go to bed at 11:00pm my battery is at about 40-50%. In the first scenario with Wifi off, my battery is usually around 70% when I go to bed the first night.
In both of those scenarios, the phone is only being used lightly, but I do see a huge difference if I use Wifi in my overall battery drain. So pretty much these days I just turn on Wifi when I actually need it....but having a 6GB data plan helps in not caring when I use Wifi (for the day to day stuff).

I only use WIFI at home but otherwise have it off. I use Y5 to automatically turn in on when I'm home and off when I leave. It seems to really help me save my battery when at home though since my coverage is spotty since for some reason I cannot stay connected to 4G even though I'm surrounded by the coverage.
That's why I'm asking here if the meter is actually correct because even on the weekend if I'm home all day the meter never shows anything other than 2% after a full days use of downloading apps, surfing the web, messing around on Facebook, and reading things on forums. About 43MB worth of usage and 14 hours and 40 minutes of connectivity to WIFI.


Battery re-calibration??

This started on suiller's ROM guide, but I feel it's really OT so I should take it outside.
I've had battery issue ever since I got the Diamond. With moderate use (maybe ~15-20min of call per day, email check every 30 min, moderate web browsing) the battery level can drop by ~ 15-20% per hour on average. This means the battery would only last 5-6 hours without charging, which is not good enough to last through a day.
I first looked at whether the phone has any serious battery drain application, and it doesn't. With BatteryStatus I see the battery drain is ~ 100-150mA with GSM on, BT on. When I'm downloading email, or browsing the web, it does go up to 200 ~ 300mA briefly, but that is only when it's transmitting / receiving data. In standby mode with screen off it drains less than 50mA. These numbers seem pretty typical from my experience.
And here's the weird thing - on a typical day, when I wake up, and take the phone off the charger, it can drop from 100% to 93% within 30 min. On the way to work, when I would browse the web lightly, it can easily drop from 93% to 80-85% within an hour. That's pretty bad battery life.
Yet there are instances when I've been browsing the web, or playing MP3, or using YouTube for a good 10-15 min, but the battery level would not drop.
I figure maybe the battery needs to be re-calibrated, so I decided to discharge the battery and recharge it. I know this doesn't help improve the battery life of LiIon batteries, but I was trying to recalibrate it.
What happened, when I was discharging the battery, was I found the battery drop was very quick from 100% down to ~ 50%. From that point on, the battery drop is much slower.
And from 50% to 25% the battery seems to last forever. The most interesting thing is with the battery down to 15%, I did a lot of 3G web browsing, listening to MP3's, turn wifi on, and that 15% of battery lasted a good 3.5 hrs with heavy use until it's so low the phone stopped working.
The whole discharging process ended up taking 10 hours, and that's with HEAVY use for the last 3-4 hours too. That's actually acceptable for battery life (not great, but at least it'll last me through a day outside with moderate use) and obviously doesn't jive with the 15-20% drop per hour when I'm operating in the 50-100% full range.
When I'm charging the battery, I also noticed the level went up from 0% to 70% very quickly ... pretty much over 40 min. BatteryStatus shows it's being charged at +600-700mA.
As the battery gets full, the charging is much slower ... BatteryStatus shows it is charging by ~ 100-200mA only.
With the battery level up to 99%, it took almost forever to finally get up to 100%. I think it took at least 20 min.
So after a full discharge - recharge, I used my phone as normal this morning to see if it's been calibrated, but nope. It still drops from 100 to 93% within minutes of doing virtually nothing, and easily drop to 80% after an hour ride to work.
Does your battery perform the same way? Should I replace my battery? Or is there a way to properly calibrate the battery?
btw location and reception has nothing to do with it. I have good to excellent reception throughout this test.
I'm having the same problem but not with every rom (don't know wich ones, tested almost every rom hero) So is this a piece of software wich shows the live that doesn't work ?? or is it the battery ? As i can see it it's depending on rom thus it's not hardware
But hey I'm n00b
i've noticed that a soft reset or power up will use 3-7% of battery depending on the weather (what else could it be )
don't have the ability to discharge but i agree that in many cases the battery usage drops drastically & there is no reasonable cause
hope someone can figure this out!
From 4pda.ru
1. discharge the battery completely (by playing video, audio, etc.)
2. Remove the battery and wait about 1min then place it back (do not power on the phone)
3. Full Charge the phone, wait when LEDs stop blinking (do not power on the phone)
4. When fully charged - remove the battery (do not power on the phone)
5. Wait about 1min then place the battery to the phone and now you can power it on.
If battery is more or less OK it will re-calibrate.
I hope it will help!
STM123 said:
From 4pda.ru
1. discharge the battery completely (by playing video, audio, etc.)
2. Remove the battery and wait about 1min then place it back (do not power on the phone)
3. Full Charge the phone, wait when LEDs stop blinking (do not power on the phone)
4. When fully charged - remove the battery (do not power on the phone)
5. Wait about 1min then place the battery to the phone and now you can power it on.
If battery is more or less OK it will re-calibrate.
I hope it will help!
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Thanks. I tried those steps yesterday and my phone is pretty much behaving the exact same way after the battery cycle.
After all the steps, the battery shows it's 100%. I unplug it, and it drops to 97% within MINUTES literally. Now I plug it back in, and it takes forever to get from 97% back to 100% (> 1hour)
I think it may be a battery problem and not a calibration problem. The drain averages ~ 120-150mA when phone on, screen on, no data, and below 100mA with phone on in standby mode. That seems pretty typical? I'd think the battery should last longer than 8 hours (till it completely dies) in that case.
Where do you guys suggest I buy a new battery for the Diamond (other than HTC directly)? I bought one from DealExtreme but the battery runs ~ 10C hotter than normal all the times ... I don't think I want that as my primary battery.
If you get through a full day with moderate-heavy use on your battery, I say that is normal and good battery life on a Diamond. So, why bother that the percentage is not proportional? I would not get a new battery for this since the problem is only in the reported percentage, not the battery life itself.
I've had plenty of cars that went from full to half tank on the meter significantly faster than from half to almost empty. You know about it and adapt to it, simply.
Hello !
I'm understand you, i have a ELF (Touch P3450), and a Diamond, the same problem appear for the two phones!
Every Morning, when i disconnect from charge my diamond, my level battery go to 93% in 10mns without reasons (One sms, no 3G, no Wifi etc).
My battery go down to 50~70% around 14H (2H pm), and stays at this level for many hours (4-5hours ~), i think it's not a problem with our battery, but a dysfunction of the sensor battery, which shows wrong data =/
By the way, that problem doesn't appear every day, for example, today my battery has that level : 83% (15h43), so today it has a good level.
Since i have flash that ROM : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=521941, with radio, i have less less issues with my battery, it's more stable!
That's all, hope that helps you.
Ok guys, I've made a few discoveries that I figure I could share with everybody. Maybe you'll find it useful.
Last week I went on a trip and turned off the data connection while I was out of the country. Instead of letting the roaming charges kill me, I was relying on wifi to check emails and browse the web.
I ended up checking emails just as often, because where I worked had wifi AP.
Now, I could usually get 8, maybe 9 hrs out of my battery with moderate use before it's completely empty previously. So I was very surprised to find that with a similar usage pattern, but using wifi instead of EDGE/GPRS I still had 30-50% battery left at the end of 8-9 hours day everyday during the trip. I know data uses a lot of battery, but I always thought wifi drains even more, so that's quite a stunning discovery.
Now, I don't think it was due to wifi draining less than GPRS/EDGE (can't be true), so it must be something else. In trying to figure out what made the difference, I did a bunch of tests after the trip, and this is what I find-
1. Data channel dis-connection / re-connection is BAD
I used to always set my phone to auto-disconnect data channel (EDGE/GPRS) after 5 min of inactivity, in an attempt to save battery. What I found, was keeping the data channel open does NOT actually drain more battery than leaving it off at all. Transmitting data drains battery, but not leaving the channel open. However, disconnecting it, and re-connecting it all the times actually drains quite a bit of battery. I set my phone to check email every 30 minutes, and then there's also the odd weather forecast that needs data channel. In a 9 hrs day, that means channel disconnection + reconnection of about 40 times.
The last couple days I have left my data connection ON all the times, and I actually get more hours out of my battery. My battery used to drop ~ 10-15% per hour with moderate use. By keeping the channel on all the times it's been kept to under 10% per hour!!! I've only tested it for a couple days. I'll report more on it once I get to test it for longer, but the idea that 'keeping data connection off when you're not using it to save battery" seems to be a complete myth. The opposite actually saves battery!!!! And as a bonus, I don't even have to wait for the data channel to connect when I need it!!
2. Recycling the radio is VERY BAD
Everybody knows 3G is a real battery killer. However, similar to EDGE/GPRS, keeping the 3G channel open does NOT drain any more battery than turning it off, or turning on EDGE/GPRS channel. When the data channel is idling, it doesn't matter whether it's on EDGE, GPRS, 3G, or even completely turned off, the battery drain is close to zero in all cases.
Now, you do see a 1.5 - 2 times battery drain with 3G compared to EDGE/GPRS, so I've always turned 3G on only for web browsing or watching YouTube, and use GPRS / EDGE for regular emails update. The thing is though, if you're not transmitting much data (which you won't for regular email update), the difference in battery drain is minimal. SWITCHING between 2G and 3G though, requires a radio power cycle (turn off then back on to switch frequency) and THAT drains a lot of battery!!!
So if you're often switching between 3G and 2G, and you only transmit little data in 2G mode, you might actually be better off keeping it in 3G all the times instead of forcing the radio to power-cycle all the times.
I've tried keeping it in 3G all day long and I noticed minimal increase in battery drain. However, there might be another reason you want to consider - RADIATION. 3G not only drains more battery than 2G, it also transmits at a stronger power than 2G and as a result create more radiation. For that reason, I'm still keeping my phone to 2G for email updates and what not, and switch to 3G only for web browsing. For radiation you may try this thread if you want to read more about it.
3. VGA screen is a REAL battery killer
I do quite a bit of reading on my phone (ebook, on-line magazines etc) and reading ebook was never a battery concern in my days with the Touch (QVGA screen).
That's why I was quite surprised on the Diamond, reading the ebook for 1 hour, with EVERYTHING else turned off (GSM, EDGE, GPRS, 3G, BT, wifi), my battery level went down by 12% in ~1 hour.
The VGA screen drains a lot more battery than the QVGA screen. Now, if you need to use the phone you need to use the screen, there isn't much of a choice. It does make sense, however, that if you're using the screen for a while (like reading ebook) switching from a high brightness level to a lower brightness level.
Oh, and the auto-adjust brightness thing? That doesn't help you save battery at all. This is because it polls the light sensor every 2 sec (default value, but you can change it) and adjust screen brightness accordingly. This mechanism drains battery in itself, and in most cases end up using more battery than keeping the brightness constant at a low to medium level.
The auto-adjust thing is cool, and in theory it sounds like it can save you battery, but unless you constantly set the brightness to max even when you're in a dark environment, disable the auto-adjust and just set it to a constant 50-60% instead.
These are the few things I've noticed and I'm still trying things out, but over the last 2 days I've seen a significant drop in battery drain. I would be lucky to go through a 8-9 hrs day with moderate to heavy use before, the first 2 days I tried this I still had 60% battery left after 5 hrs of moderate use. The Diamond is very weak on battery life so every bit helps! I hope these tips are useful to you!
Thanks for your share
number16 said:
When I'm charging the battery, I also noticed the level went up from 0% to 70% very quickly ... pretty much over 40 min. BatteryStatus shows it's being charged at +600-700mA.
As the battery gets full, the charging is much slower ... BatteryStatus shows it is charging by ~ 100-200mA only.
With the battery level up to 99%, it took almost forever to finally get up to 100%. I think it took at least 20 min.
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It's exactly what the charging process is supposed to do.
Read more here:
The charge time of most chargers is about 3 hours...
Increasing the charge current does not shorten the charge time by much. Although the voltage peak is reached quicker with higher charge current, the topping charge will take longer.
Some chargers claim to fast-charge a lithium-ion battery in one hour or less. Such a charger eliminates stage 2 and goes directly to 'ready' once the voltage threshold is reached at the end of stage 1. The charge level at this point is about 70%. The topping charge typically takes twice as long as the initial charge.
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source:batteryuniversity (dot) com

Battery drain with Desire on alcohol

Hi. I know there are hundreds of threads on battery usage, but I felt I have a special story behind my test.
Lately I feel that my battery life has decreased, but I would like some second opinions on the case.
It's over a month now since I received froyo OTA, and I had some suspicions that my battery life went slightly down after that. I used it more to test the new features, so its hard to really know. However, the big problems occurred a couple of weeks ago.
At a party with a friend of mine, a friends friend literally pulls my Desire out of my hand and drops it into a mug of beer! As a joke!!
He had heard me taking about my Nokia 3720 earlier and decided to test it. However, ignorant as he was, he did not see that it was A DIFFERENT PHONE I was holding!
So it took 2 seconds in the mug, and the screen went black, and the phone was dead... Or not really, I took it out and dried it of with my t-shirt, turned it on, and the screen went garbeled green on me...
Decided that it was best to leave it alone, so I took out the battery, SIM and MicroSD, dried them off, put it in my pocket and continued the party.
But I have to admit it was kindof a partypooper for me...
Well, later that night, probably 3-4 hours later when I got home, I inserted the battery and tried to turn it on.. Screen turned on with the familiar white background, and green htc logo.. and some garbeled green at the top, argh...
I took the battery out again, left all the pieces spread out on the kitchen-counter and went to bed.
The morning after (or should I say afternoon ) I looked at the phone, it seemed as it had dried out over the night. So I put in the MicroSD, SIM and battery, crossed my fingers, and turned it on. And it worked fine, like nothing had happened, phew!
But some days after, I am sure that the batterylife has decreased quite a bit, seems to not hold a normal 12-14hour day with normal use.
I did at one point post-froyo (pre-drowning) have it running for 2 full days before charging, approx. 40 hours, not very much usage though..
So, I decided to test it starting yesterday evening.
I let it drain fully (turned it on 1 time after it died, and let it die again). Charged it while turned off, and unplugged it and turned on after approx. 1 hour of full charge (green light).
Now, I have already ordered a new phone (a Streak is on its way over the North Sea as I write this . But I wanted to do the test just for the heck of it.
My girlfriend also has a Desire running Froyo, and I notice she uses her phone WAY MORE for gaming and stuff, and only charges a little more frequent than me.
They are both AMOLED phones, I got mine in Feb, she bought hers in March.
So, here comes the timeline:
@23:30, Turned it on after fully charged, went through all homescreens to activate all widgets. Did not run any programs.
I have no specially data intense widgets, only email and weather (3hr sync). Wifi off, and 3G (H) on always, no active background.
@08:00, On my way to work, Battery indicator (i use *#*#4636#*#* to check battery status) at 88%, recieved 1 email during the night.
Battery usage says: 49% Cell standby, 49% phone not in use, 2% android system.
I have noticed my phone struggling to keep connections while travelling even short distances(pre- and post-froyo), maybe a little worse of a problem post-froyo.
Did not happen today though!
I often need a reboot to get the connection back (Flightmode often works 1 time, but not 2 times. does not activate the second time I try it, just hangs...)
It's not only the data connection, there is no cell reception at all (apparantly).
Maybe I should start a thread on that also, but it is not a big issue for me (this phone is on a free use data plan, almost never use it for calls)
Dataplan here in norway costs around 50$ btw, no other extra costs for tethering and such in norway
@09:45, at work, recieved 2 more emails. now @84%, on EDGE network. battery usage: 53% Cell standby, 45% phone not in use, 2% android system.
not that bad actually... 10:21 "on" time, with 34 minutes active-use time.
Will try to leave the phone alone some more, and do some surfing on it around noon.
@12:55, still at work, used the phone for surfing and gReader for 25 minutes, on EDGE network. Downloaded a BOL revisited episode (podcast), I usually listen to an episode via bluetooth streaming while driving to/from work.
Now @67% and 35°C ( I noticed an temp. increase). Cell standby 47%, Not in use, 41%, android system 9%, screen 3%. uptime 13:35, waketime 1:07.
It connected to H (3g) the last 5-10 minutes or so of surfing. Turned on Wifi when I was finished, to see if I notice any battery decrease.
@14:25, did another 15-20 minutes of surfing, this time on Wifi, now @62%. also was a quick trip via google maps with gps on. battery usage states: Wifi usage 3% and google maps 2% already.. seems they use a lot of battery in a short time.
Wifi is set to turn off after 15 min of inactivety.
Read that. Do a teardown and clean everything, you're out of warranty anyways.
Most likley a drop/smudge of beer etc inside short circuiting something and you'll have a slow, but increased battery drain from that.
thanks for giving me a heads up on that!
Not sure if I will take the time to fix it though, I'll have to see how much I miss it when I start using my Dell Streak
@15:35. On my way home from work. Writing using voice recognition on android. Battery level is currently @ 46%. Downloaded several emails, and 1 reply. Now connecting bluetooth for BOL streaming.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Okay now i'm home, after 40 minutes of Bluetooth streaming battery is @36%. Stats are: cell standby 39%, not in use 34%, android system 15%, screen 5%, WiFi 3%, Bluetooth 2%, maps 2%. Times are: 17:07 total, 2:49 awake.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
@18:15 Surfing for 15 minutes now over 3g, and battery icon is orange.. level: 27%, awake time is now just over 3 hours.. I think it has held up quite good today, but I have really not used it as much as I normally would. And I also have a suspicion that using less WiFi helps a little on battery. Previous I have used WiFi always on to save 3g usage, but maybe it decreased battery.. anyone with a comment on that?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDAApp
@18:45. Slight use of xdaapp and browser, now @18% and sinking rapidly :s
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
@19:45, well my battery has just about had it for today, so this will be my last post. It's now @11%, have used it a little the last hour, but only light use..
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

[Q] Battery drain

Hi... I have an Xplay rooted on 2.3.4 and removed light bloatware, but still my battery drains fast...
I must charge phone every day and I dont use a lot of heavy gamming... I only play in bed at night and normaly to drain the rest of the battery before charging.
I almost never use 3G, but have always wifi turned on...
So, resuming, my battery only lasts about 12h-14h per day...
As you can see, in the attachemt I have 2 times the same thing (portuguese language, but will translate):
- Inactividade do telefone 28% (Inactivity off phone)*
- Wi-Fi 21%
- Telefone inactivo 15% (Phone inactivity)*
* This 2 things arent the same?
I have a few questions:
1º - I have read about people who can have phone about 2 or 3 days, others with 20h or more. What is the most accurate and normal on this phone?
2º - If wi-fi always turned on, will drain battery?
3º - Why most off % is used when phone is inactivity?
Sometimes the phone dont loose battery when "sleeping" (it take 2h to loose 1%), but other times, when sleeping, battery drains 10% or more in one hour. I have read about a bug in Android OS that drains battery when phone sleeping. Does this bug applys in ALL ANDROID phones, or only Samsung? Read it on here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1290020
If I charge phone every day will get battery "addicted"?
One thing im shure: the 3 first itens on the screenshots are draining my battery whitout a reason (i can understand wi-fi, but can't understand why 2 things saying phone inactivity, uses 43% of battery)
In that screenshot, battery is on 60%, so I losted 40% in 6hours with 20 minutes of gaming... and on those 6 hours, almost half, phone was "sleeping", again, it shouldnt drain battery when sleeping.
Thanks in advance for your help
What's shown as draining your battery the most is your phone's cell standby (your 3G & 2G network, or 4G if you have it). The third on the list describes your phone when it's not in use (screen off). Don't worry about that one, a higher % only means your phone is often in standby.
Having Wi-Fi on will often use more battery than using your phone's own network. To save even more battery, turn off 3G connectivity when you're not using it (you will still receive calls, just no internet, but you use Wi-Fi anyway).
Charging your phone every day is perfectly fine, just make sure you unplug it once it hits 100%. If you leave it plugged in while it's fully charged, it gets bad for the battery after a while.
That article about the battery drain in standby is likely just for Samsung devices. What is likely draining your battery are apps and services that run in the background and use the internet while in standby.
jacklebott said:
What's shown as draining your battery the most is your phone's cell standby (your 3G & 2G network, or 4G if you have it). The third on the list describes your phone when it's not in use (screen off). Don't worry about that one, a higher % only means your phone is often in standby.
Having Wi-Fi on will often use more battery than using your phone's own network. To save even more battery, turn off 3G connectivity when you're not using it (you will still receive calls, just no internet, but you use Wi-Fi anyway).
Charging your phone every day is perfectly fine, just make sure you unplug it once it hits 100%. If you leave it plugged in while it's fully charged, it gets bad for the battery after a while.
That article about the battery drain in standby is likely just for Samsung devices. What is likely draining your battery are apps and services that run in the background and use the internet while in standby.
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95% of the time, 3G connection is OFF. I use Wi-fi connections, because I have many hotspots for it...
I don't have many APPs and the ones that I have installed (non-stock apps), dont run in background.
Today, I turned off wi-fi, and only turned on when need, and for more than 2 hours, only losted 1% of battery (have takken photos, and made phone calls only).
After this I used wi-fi for 20 minutes, and losted 8% off battery. So I think, Wi-fi is the problem. Please correct me if im wrong:
- If I have wi-fi always on, phone is always searching for wi-fi connections, even when sleeping, so battery drains much faster.
As you can see on the screenshot, with no wi-fi, for a little bit more than 2hours, only 1% of battery losted
Well you answered your question. Wifi is the problem. If it searches for wifi networks all of the time the battery will surely drain.
Definitely Wifi. It absolutely murders my battery when I forget to turn it off when I'm not using it.
Yes... for shure... its crazy like hell... lol... half an hour playing... half an hour surfing (youtube for my son... i put videos for him, once in a while)... and wi-fi drained more battery than gamming (FIFA 2010, Angry Birds, Spider-Man... also my son played)... funny thing, he has 20 months old, and love Xplay, more than me...
So... the hole day, I kept wi-fi turned off, and only turn it on, when needed... more than 12h latter, still have 62% off battery... and for the first time, will not charge this night...
Was so simple, as turning wi-fi off... check the screens...
Thanks all that helped

Battery life on idle

Everyone's always talking about battery life around here, but all those discussions about how long everyone's phone lasts seem pointless. Sure, one guy might be getting 30 hours of battery life, and some other guy might be getting 10 hours, but that could happen with both of them using the same phone if the first guy never touches it while the second guy is a gamer.
So in the interest of having a more useful discussion about battery life, I was hoping people could share how much their phone drains an hour while not being used, along with their configuration. That's what most people actually mean when they talk about battery life, how long it lasts when they're not using it.
By idle I mean with data connected (either WiFi or cellular), accounts syncing, but screen off and sleeping.
I'll start off I'm seeing battery use of about 3-4% / hour, I'm running Juggernaut 5 with faux kernel 009m, no undervolting or overclocking beyond whatever faux kernel 009m comes with.
I get about the same with just about the same setup as you and I think its high drain to be honest, but it gets me through the day. I get anywhere from 10-16 hours on a charge with an average of 3 to 3.5 hours of screen on time. It gets me through my long school days easy. I don't care for getting 20+ hours on one charge, because I actually use my phone and charge it every night.
There is enough hate in the world. Why can't we all get along here ...?
Around 2% per hr.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
On warfare ROM, getting 2% per hour with wifi on
Getting about 2% drain every 7 hours overnight with background data on at the moment
Im at 30hr usage with about 25% battery power remaining on the stock rom. Battery isnt as nearly as bad as i thought.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
your post is confusing because cell standby is not the same as cell data. it also doesn't say how often the phone is syncing data... once per day?
in any case, i drop about 1% every 2 hours will cell standby (radio) on. stock rom, faux 009 kernel, nexus battery.
shinigenEddy said:
Getting about 2% drain every 7 hours overnight with background data on at the moment
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What's your setup?
kife42 said:
your post is confusing because cell standby is not the same as cell data. it also doesn't say how often the phone is syncing data... once per day?
in any case, i drop about 1% every 2 hours will cell standby (radio) on. stock rom, faux 009 kernel, nexus battery.
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What do you mean cell standby is not the same as cell data. What's the difference? Basically, I just mean with some sort of data connection set up, not in airplane mode.
Regarding syncing data, data syncing is continuous as long as you're connected if you have your accounts syncing under settings. There's no way to change the amount of times per day it syncs.
1 to 2 percent drop per hour.
Refer to my sig for more details.
cell standby is when your phone can receive phone calls and texts. cell data is internet, like 4g.
most people like to have their phone useful as a phone, so cell standby is usually on. but data syncing does not have to be continuous. you can open the internet connection for 10 seconds every minute, or a minute every hour, more often during work hours, etc. that's how apps like juice defender work.
also, 2g takes less battery than 4g. so if you're syncing with the display off, you could sync on 2g and just browse the web on 4g. it takes some effort to switch, but tasker can automate this.
manekineko said:
What do you mean cell standby is not the same as cell data. What's the difference? Basically, I just mean with some sort of data connection set up, not in airplane mode.
Regarding syncing data, data syncing is continuous as long as you're connected if you have your accounts syncing under settings. There's no way to change the amount of times per day it syncs.
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kife42 said:
cell standby is when your phone can receive phone calls and texts. cell data is internet, like 4g.
most people like to have their phone useful as a phone, so cell standby is usually on. but data syncing does not have to be continuous. you can open the internet connection for 10 seconds every minute, or a minute every hour, more often during work hours, etc. that's how apps like juice defender work.
also, 2g takes less battery than 4g. so if you're syncing with the display off, you could sync on 2g and just browse the web on 4g. it takes some effort to switch, but tasker can automate this.
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Okay, well those are the types of things it'd be really helpful to hear about. What sort of idle usages people are seeing with different setups, such as when they're using JuiceDefender and the like.
2-5% per hour. Stock rooted phone.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Never mind.
I get about 1/2% drain per hour on standby. Im running Darkside Digital 2.4, it comes out of the box underclocked. Thats on 4g, data syncing once a day, gps off, and alot of apps I dont use frozen or uninstalled.
I get about a 30% drop in 5 hours of no use..with data and wifi off. Now that is bad
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Scoutamis said:
I get about a 30% drop in 5 hours of no use..with data and wifi off. Now that is bad
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
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That's really bad. Sounds like something is wakelocking your phone, you should get BetterBatteryStats and see what's holding the partial wakelocks.
I changed my kernel from faux 009m to Bullet, and set the governor to ondemand.
Cut my idle battery usage down to about 1% an hour, which is a great improvement from my previous 3% an hour.
My phone has been in Stanby since 7am (starting with 100% battery) and its now at 80% battery...
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
running jauggernaut 4.1, juice defender on (free version), email set to sync once every 4hrs, wifi on, data off, BT and GPS always on, loses about 1-2% per hour during sleep. sometimes it goes a little crazy and lose like 5-8%/hr, but it goes back to normal after reboot.

[Q] Odd battery drain issue

Had my 900 about a week now, and in the first few days the battery life was looking good, lasting nearly two days with lots of texts, emailing, a few pictures taken and lots of talk time.
Then a couple of days ago it suddenly got worse. Started losing about 4% per hour. I charged it fully last night and then this morning nine hours later there was only 60% remaining.
I decided to try and find out what was happening. Found the diagnostics app and the battery drain was showing around 164mA. I don't have anything running that could be using so much power, so I wondered if I was suddenly getting a poor 3G signal and the phone was using a lot of power trying to receive it. So I put it into flight mode. Still around 164mA.
Finally I powered the phone off and then back on. Now it srttled down to around 95mA.
So what was running that was using so much power, that got switched off when the phone powered off? Could it be the GPS? I did fire up Nokia Drive and Nokia Maps the other day to play around with them. Could it be that the phone forgets to turn the GPS off when the apps that use it aren't running?
redwhiteandblue said:
Had my 900 about a week now, and in the first few days the battery life was looking good, lasting nearly two days with lots of texts, emailing, a few pictures taken and lots of talk time.
Then a couple of days ago it suddenly got worse. Started losing about 4% per hour. I charged it fully last night and then this morning nine hours later there was only 60% remaining.
I decided to try and find out what was happening. Found the diagnostics app and the battery drain was showing around 164mA. I don't have anything running that could be using so much power, so I wondered if I was suddenly getting a poor 3G signal and the phone was using a lot of power trying to receive it. So I put it into flight mode. Still around 164mA.
Finally I powered the phone off and then back on. Now it srttled down to around 95mA.
So what was running that was using so much power, that got switched off when the phone powered off? Could it be the GPS? I did fire up Nokia Drive and Nokia Maps the other day to play around with them. Could it be that the phone forgets to turn the GPS off when the apps that use it aren't running?
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Not sure forgets is the right answer, but you may want to look at the Background tasks and see what is running when it shouldn't.
I know when I add a new app or 2...sometimes I get myself in a position where the battery drain becomes excessive. I usually just unistall the app. You've probably read a few of the battery threads here. If not, take a look. Lots of good conversation about ...well....lots of things....
For me, the biggest drain is Wordament....and its ads....I'll wipe out my battery in an hour playing that thing....
Just finished a series of tests for Background Tasks in my L900 (full article on Mobility Digest). 8 Background Tasks running burns 0.5% per hour, or 8% in a 16 hour day. Tasks included: USA Today, Fox News, Weather Channel, Urban Dictionary, Mehdoh, Network Dashboard, Clever-To-Do and Battery Meter (homebrew app that actually runs every 10 minutes vs. 30 minutes, or longer).
Except for short spikes, my phone always hovers in the 95 to 125 mA range. Data signal is still the biggest battery demon while phone is asleep. Screen while phone is awake.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
Overnight my phone seems to have used less than 1% per hour, that's with wifi on but not connected to any network. Perhaps I'll see what it does with wifi off.
I'd still like to know what it was that was draining the battery until yesterday when I power cycled it. I only had the App highlighter app and the Weather Channel app running in background, and I've since disabled the App Highlighter. But they weren't using 4% of the juice per hour. I didn't have bluetooth on.
I guess if anyone is seeing a high battery drain the simple answer is to try power cycling your phone first and see if that stops it.
jimski said:
Just finished a series of tests for Background Tasks in my L900 (full article on Mobility Digest). 8 Background Tasks running burns 0.5% per hour, or 8% in a 16 hour day. Tasks included: USA Today, Fox News, Weather Channel, Urban Dictionary, Mehdoh, Network Dashboard, Clever-To-Do and Battery Meter (homebrew app that actually runs every 10 minutes vs. 30 minutes, or longer).
Except for short spikes, my phone always hovers in the 95 to 125 mA range. Data signal is still the biggest battery demon while phone is asleep. Screen while phone is awake.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
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Cool! I'd love to see a wifi vs cellular data battery benchmark.
Well that would be hard for background activities as WiFi goes to sleep at power off.
I did try to use LTE only for a couple days, but AT&T did not start reporting my daily data usage on my monthly anniversary data. I wanted to see how much data I was using over a typical week with LTE only. On can tell you in those two days, LTE was burning 20-30% (13% per hour on WiFi / 17-18% per hour over LTE) more power per hour when the screen was on and I was browsing or using Board Express. A more comprehensive teat will follow though.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
jimski said:
Well that would be hard for background activities as WiFi goes to sleep at power off.
I did try to use LTE only for a couple days, but AT&T did not start reporting my daily data usage on my monthly anniversary data. I wanted to see how much data I was using over a typical week with LTE only. On can tell you in those two days, LTE was burning 20-30% (13% per hour on WiFi / 17-18% per hour over LTE) more power per hour when the screen was on and I was browsing or using Board Express. A more comprehensive teat will follow though.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
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The above somewhat proves how cellular data can often be a big battery drain comparable to abundant wifi at home or other common places. Looking forward to ur tests.
Well the battery drain problem came back yesterday.
The phone has done pretty well however, with very light use (one short call, a few texts, checking FB, checking the weather and not much else) the battery is at 24% after 48 hours. Overnight it went through about 8% in nine hours.
However, yesterday evening I noticed that the battery was losing 4% - 5% per hour again. By yesterday morning it was at 70% after 24 hours. After another 9 hours it was down to 43%. That's having made no calls, only a couple of texts, and very little else. At 9.30pm I checked the diagnostics app and battery drain was over 200mA. There was no obvious reason why it would be so high. So I powered the phone off and back on again, and sure enough, battery drain settled back down to between 90 and 110 mA, and as I said, overnight the battery lost less than 1% charge per hour.
The only background task I have enabled is the Weather Channel app. I'm going to let the battery run right down, recharge it, uninstall this app, and then see if I can repeat this pattern (if people will hold off from calling me!) If it's not this app then there must be something else, something in the firmware that goes haywire after a certain time and starts using lots of power.
I note that some people have observed that the battery starts to drain quicker after a while. I'd be interested to know if anyone can repeat the same pattern I'm seeing.

