I was trying to figure out what this mod is called or referred to as. I saw it on a classmate's Gnex and been seeing it on a few roms. I wanted to see which roms have it, but I wasn't sure what to search for unless I just go through the screen shots on each one. Either way I wanna call it the correct thing.
I use the AOKP ROM which has that. And I think there a some others.
AOKP is one of the more popular roms though. As for what they are called, I guess they would just be quick controls, or power controls or something like that. Not really sure though.
Aye, Android Open Kang Project use them. They call them 'toggles' very technical.
Notification widgets or notification toggles
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Since this phone does not have a physical search button it is kind of difficult to get the voice actions working quickly.
I am looking for a simple button widget, that I can add to widget locker, to provide a way to use a voice action quickly from the lock screen.
For some reason widgetlocker doesn't have this built in, and I can't seen to find any other form of widget to get this done with the default ICS voice actions.
Anyone got any ideas?
problem is that there is no voice search app on the galaxy nexus.
so theres no way for any shortcut or widget to actually access it. closest thing you can do is link to google search and then press the mic button. it's incredibly annoying and one of the first things i noticed with the phone.
there might be a way to do it somehow with a custom shortcut app, but since anycut doesn't work, i don't even know what app to use to try. maybe someone can reply here with an app that does that.
neok44 said:
problem is that there is no voice search app on the galaxy nexus.
so theres no way for any shortcut or widget to actually access it. closest thing you can do is link to google search and then press the mic button. it's incredibly annoying and one of the first things i noticed with the phone.
there might be a way to do it somehow with a custom shortcut app, but since anycut doesn't work, i don't even know what app to use to try. maybe someone can reply here with an app that does that.
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Well car-home doesn't seem to work for the nexus yet, that would have been an acceptable workaround. It is just not feasible to hit that tiny search button while driving
nope absolutely not.
the best advice i can give you, is to download this: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.speaktoit.assistant
you can setup a link to that in widget locker. it has a much larger mic button and uses the same voice recognition. it sometimes has issues with calling, for example, if i call my girlfriend i have to say her full name and mobile or it won't call, even though mobile is set as the default.
in it's defense, using the icon on the home screen does the same crap. it doesn't understand my girlfriends name well since it's Carolyn and it keeps thinking i'm saying Caroline. which is stupid me cause Lyn and Line are pronounced differently. but okay enough *****ing about that.
anyway, for now i think personal assistant is your best bet, and it works perfectly on ICS. only exception being custom avatars get really small, but i've contacted them and they're working on a fix for that.
also it has IMO, the BEST voice for any app available on the market.
neok44 said:
problem is that there is no voice search app on the galaxy nexus.
so theres no way for any shortcut or widget to actually access it. closest thing you can do is link to google search and then press the mic button. it's incredibly annoying and one of the first things i noticed with the phone.
there might be a way to do it somehow with a custom shortcut app, but since anycut doesn't work, i don't even know what app to use to try. maybe someone can reply here with an app that does that.
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You don't have to go inside the search bar and then hit the mic.... All you gotta do is hit the mic from the home screen and it'll get you to voice actions. In ways its quicker than before with hardware buttons...But then at times, you can easily go into type search and sometimes it won't go into either search at all.
[email protected]<3 said:
You don't have to go inside the search bar and then hit the mic.... All you gotta do is hit the mic from the home screen and it'll get you to voice actions. In ways its quicker than before with hardware buttons...But then at times, you can easily go into type search and sometimes it won't go into either search at all.
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yeah but his situation was with driving. he wanted to be able to go from the lock screen directly to voice, and that doesn't work in ICS. But the assistant makes it a little easier since it has a larger button and is at the bottom where you'd unlock the phone.
I'd like to see a soft-key mod to add search and "long-press to voice search" functionality.
Jeannie is really good and I think the paid version you can shake the phone to wake it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
If you are on a custom 4.0.3 rom , then you can actually have this. For example, using zygote, runandhide has created what is named the 5 soft key mod. It makes the softkeys be menu, back, home, multitasking, then search. If you long press the search, you can pick voice search.
I highly recommend droid theorys zygote romantic, it's so smooth and has great features and a great community backing.
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I think I know what you're saying, but your auto correct is messing me up a bit...
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crimson12 said:
I think I know what you're saying, but your auto correct is messing me up a bit...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
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If you're referring to my post, I apologize.
What I said only applies to the CDMA Zygot3 rom by DroidTheory, but there may be other roms that have this. Over on Rootz, another use has created several softkey mods that work with the Zygot3 rom.
There are softkey mods that do add either a menu button or a menu and search button to the softkey bar. The search key that gets added does allow for a long press, allowing for voice search/actions to be chosen.
Long story short, find a rom that has softkey mods similar to the ones seen here and you'll achieve what yo desired.
blastthenoise said:
If you're referring to my post, I apologize.
What I said only applies to the CDMA Zygot3 rom by DroidTheory, but there may be other roms that have this. Over on Rootz, another use has created several softkey mods that work with the Zygot3 rom.
There are softkey mods that do add either a menu button or a menu and search button to the softkey bar. The search key that gets added does allow for a long press, allowing for voice search/actions to be chosen.
Long story short, find a rom that has softkey mods similar to the ones seen here and you'll achieve what yo desired.
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That sounds like a feature worth switching to a custom rom for. I wanted to see how I liked a vanilla stock phone the way Google intended... its my first Nexus. I assumed that the roms would have a few kinks in them. What would you recommend? I have the Verizon Galaxy Nexus.
I have tried aokp, cm9 kangs, and have been sitting on droidtheorys axiom (formerly zygote). It's pretty slick and he updates fairly regularly. Check it out on rootzwiki. I may also try aokp or rootzboat just to check out the customization.
In terms of kernels, I haven't found one I love yet. Imoseyon has been doing a good job, tempted to try faux or Franciscofranco. They're all working to get correct undervolting though
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drtrmiller said:
I'd like to see a soft-key mod to add search and "long-press to voice search" functionality.
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I agree with this. This should have been configurable in the stock OS. I missing being able to kill an app by holding the back key on CM7. I'd prefer to stay stock on this phone, and haven't found a good reason to even root it yet.
I'm not even sure I need the search button if we could map whatever we wanted to the current button's long press.
Back - kill current process
Home - Voice action
Task Switcher - App drawer? System Search?
wile playing with my Gnex phone the following idea poped into my head;
would it not be handy to have the time displayed in the ICS navigation bar, replacing the homekey grafics but not the function...
then you can keep track of time while playing games of running any other fullscreen application where the notificationbar is hidden.
what do you guys think?
I like it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Funny, I just had the same thought and saw this thread.
I would love to see the clock be displayed in the nav bar and persistently. I think it would look sick.
Is this even possible? I wonder ...
chewy74 said:
Funny, I just had the same thought and saw this thread.
I would love to see the clock be displayed in the nav bar and persistently. I think it would look sick.
Is this even possible? I wonder ...
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It might be. I forgot which rom had this but you were able to put music controls (previous, forward, play/pause) in the navi bar so it might be possible
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
You're right, I totally forgot about the music control on the nav bar! Good catch
xXJay_RXx said:
It might be. I forgot which rom had this but you were able to put music controls (previous, forward, play/pause) in the navi bar so it might be possible
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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then the question remains, is there any developer that can make this or is already working on it?
Go request it for AOKP.
good ideas but i need power menu soft key can use soft key from power menu
>.> Ummm bump? I like this idea too. perhaps not limit it to time but serve as a ticker?
I.e, normally it shows time, but it will show notification icons somewhere and a swipe will reveal the notification centre?
EDIT: On the top of my mind... we probably could get a couple of apps/mods to get something similar:
* There are full screen mods
* GMD gesturecontrol works on Gnex last time I tried.I suppose you can assign swipes and gestures to mimic the navbar buttons
* Only thing I don't really get is how we'd get a clock or notification area to show permanently at the bottom. Perhaps there are some apps that do this, Notifierpro plus does notification.. not time though.
* Paranoid android tablet UI, hide/remove the nav bar buttons, and try to move the notification area to the centre. Something like that...
There is a ROM that has all the features you are looking for:
However the base is CM9. I hope it will be upgraded to JB soon. I use it since a month and I prefer it over any other ROM.
xt720 said:
There is a ROM that has all the features you are looking for:
However the base is CM9. I hope it will be upgraded to JB soon. I use it since a month and I prefer it over any other ROM.
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This is pretty much exactly what I wanted! Thanks!! Waiting for jelly bean! I'll run PA until then.
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First off I was looking at rooms and noticed there are no Android 4.0 roms??? That are stable?
Aosp roms? Or tw 4.0?
We have both roms. And both do have bugs
Before you ask search
Like he said we do have 4.0.3. Check the development thread to see what's out there. The closest to stable is raverx black edition which is touch wiz based but you can always use apex launcher if you want an asop experience. Raver also has asop almost completed but alas the ics roms we do have out are a bit buggy but some can be daily drivers. Either way, nandroid backup and try em out till you find what's good for you cheers!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
i'm running ics megamix with apex launcher and it's been pretty stable.
raver's black edition had a lot fcs for me and really wasn't good enough for dd.
and racing's was good, but i only ran the original (with the reboot/shutdown bug).
but as far as i can tell, they really are all about the same, just with different levels of debloating (which raver's has the least bloat, but i think that led to some of the instability i encountered) and some different bootanimations/theme tweaks.
the main bugs are autorotate is broken and some people have call echo, but i haven't experienced call echo on any that i've ran.
There is a stock rom ported from at & ts sgs2 ics update. That's as close as you get to official for us. There's only one bug the rotation is whack and it's full of atts bloat other then that it's good.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
My last question is I know it doesn't have a notification light and I read somewhere that there is a way to make the capactive buttons (the ones on the bottom menu home etc) light up instead
rawr4dj said:
My last question is I know it doesn't have a notification light and I read somewhere that there is a way to make the capactive buttons (the ones on the bottom menu home etc) light up instead
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the most common i've seen is called bln, stands for backlight notification (i'm pretty sure there are others, too, but i'm not familiar with them). you need a compatible kernel, though, and so i don't think any of the ics can support it yet.
rawr4dj said:
My last question is I know it doesn't have a notification light and I read somewhere that there is a way to make the capactive buttons (the ones on the bottom menu home etc) light up instead
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There's an app called BLN Control in the Market too.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989
Not really a actually ics ROM for the 989 I dont think. But official one will drop soon so id just flash darksides ROM or Mr x if your Telus. I use golauncher with a ics theme and it looks alot like it.
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rawr4dj said:
My last question is I know it doesn't have a notification light and I read somewhere that there is a way to make the capactive buttons (the ones on the bottom menu home etc) light up instead
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The kernel in the ROM must support BLN for it to work. There is another app on the market that will work on any ROM. It is called NoLED. It does not use the capacitive buttons but will show a light or if configured an icon on your screen even when screen is off for any apps you choose for it to manage. it will use separate icons for phone, sms, etc... so you know what you missed instead of just the lights like with BLN.
I'm using KyanROM, coming from CM10 which I used from day one when it came out, great ROM, but obviously early in it's development so holding out a bit. Anyways, I got pretty used to the toggles, and cringe now that I'm stock again( yes, I know I can go to AOKP or CM9, but want to run stock for a bit ), at the toggles here, especially the "moving" every time you open notifications( what a bad design decision ). So I was wondering if anyone knows of a mod to completely remove the toggles all together? I really like Notification Toggle from the Market, but it takes up too much room and is redundant with the default toggles there.
Really hoping there is a way around this, or in the very least, maybe another toggle mod out there to get rid of the "moving on open" and choose what you want displayed.
+1 on this and please post anything you discover back for others. I would really like to be able to add a Tethering toggle and a Flashlight toggle to notifications toggles.
Ideally a nifty app would let you configure them how you wanted.
Haven't heard or found anything unfortunately, ah well ill be back on JB soon enough when a2dp and camera bugs are worked out
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium
All the threads that I have looked at for this seem to be for sound or text-based notifications that are either sent to your screen or email, almost being as easily missed as the original. I'm looking for something very simple, similar to the circles with the quantity of calls/messages that you may have missed used by Sense ROMs. Nothing I've tried from the Play Store works. I'm even willing to flash a different ROM. I am currently running Task650's AOKP ROM (4.2.2). Thanks in advance, and I really did search first!
JohnnyMac999 said:
All the threads that I have looked at for this seem to be for sound or text-based notifications that are either sent to your screen or email, almost being as easily missed as the original. I'm looking for something very simple, similar to the circles with the quantity of calls/messages that you may have missed used by Sense ROMs. Nothing I've tried from the Play Store works. I'm even willing to flash a different ROM. I am currently running Task650's AOKP ROM (4.2.2). Thanks in advance, and I really did search first!
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You can try using uccw and create one yourself.
Sent from my T-Mobile Galaxy S3
Light flow is definitely feature rich. It might be worth checking out
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JohnnyMac999 said:
All the threads that I have looked at for this seem to be for sound or text-based notifications that are either sent to your screen or email, almost being as easily missed as the original. I'm looking for something very simple, similar to the circles with the quantity of calls/messages that you may have missed used by Sense ROMs. Nothing I've tried from the Play Store works. I'm even willing to flash a different ROM. I am currently running Task650's AOKP ROM (4.2.2). Thanks in advance, and I really did search first!
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Nova, Apex, Go, Next launchers all have extensions that allow for this. Tasks ROM has built in "breathing" sms notifications in the status bar, plus missed call and text notifications in the status bar. Then there is Dashclock widget that can be used on both your lockscreen and homescreen.
What more do you want? Look at all the various notifications below.