[FFU|Updated Possibilities|Tango]HTC Mazaa users, read this! - Windows Phone 7 General

UPDATE 274/2012
Okay. So, Nokser's FFUPartTool extracts the IMGFS partition from the FFU.
Barin's OSBuilder (here) can be used to dump the contents of the IMGFS.
The registry files can then be edited in HVEdit (link), and the IMGFS can be recreated using OSBuilder.
FFUPartTool can then be used to replace the IMGFS partition in the FFU.
This FFU now needs a Mazaa to be flashed on.
If anyone out here is brave enough to flash their phone, please report the results!
UPDATE 17/4/2012
So, as we all know we have a stock mango FFU for the Mazaa (see here if you don't).
And due to recent developments, we also have this: FFUPart Tool v1.3.1
What this means is, we can create a custom FFU for the Mazaa. Now, personally, I have never created WP7 CFW before, but Nokser, the creator of the tool above assures me the creating CFW with this tool is quite possible.
So, what are you guys waiting for? Race to the finish line?
My list of things to be done starts and ends with this: get htc connection setup to run.
That's literally all we need to kickstart the Mazaa scene. Once we have that, we can do the whole shebang.
We need a ROM image for the Mazaa before anything at all can happen.
Here are the ROMs being used by people:
7.1.7649 - Test Rom. Has lots of interesting Microsoft applications (the zApps). But lacks quite a few features and stability.
7.1.7661.wp7_5_trial(mojobld).20110607-1657 - Similar Test Rom.
7.1.7720.68 - Locked bootloader. Phone is recognized as an HTC Device, but Connection Setup doesn't run.
7.1.7720.500 - Is basically the same as .68 but with an unlocked bootloader. Phone is not recognized as an HTC Device.
7.1.7740.16 - Updated via the official CAB [WP7 Cab sender tool]
7.1.8107.79 - via the official CAB [WP7 Cab Sender Tool]
7.10.8773.98 - via the official CAB [WP7 Cab Sender Tool] - 28/06/2012
Firmware revision number: 1600.1502.7720.68
Hardware revision number: 112.1410.2.0
Radio software version:
Radio hardware version: 8655/DDR2
Bootloader version: 7.27.00
Chip SOC version:
If anyone has different details, please post them.
The major problem with all ROMs is the lack of drivers.
1) LED lights don't function
2) SD Card slot
3) Connection Setup drivers
4) Internet Sharing doesn't work
Secondarily, because of the lack of connection setup drivers, there's no interop unlock. Which means no homebrew. Which means this device is pretty much what a technophobe buying a smartphone for the first time needs.
Does anyone know how to edit FFU (full flash update) files? They seem to be .cab files with a signed xml .blob in them.
Is there any way to edit these files?
Alternately, has anyone been successful at obtaining a stock ROM for the Mazaa? Because otherwise the device is extremely crippled.
Once we obtain a stock ROM, it's merely the point of identifying what drivers are missing, appealing to the DFT team to test the Mazaa to check whether HSPL/RSPL works, testing whether HTC Trophy drivers (and maybe other phones' drivers) work, cooking a rom, and flashing it. Once we get the ball rolling, it should all materialise.
Finally, what other problems are people having with their Mazaas?
Here's a list of problems I've noticed across the net:
Low battery life (4 - 6 hours at most).
Inability to connect to CDMA networks
Can't use HTC Connection Setup - hence no 3g/mms on certain networks
Inability to connect to certain GSM networks - lack of a valid IMEI
Frequent restarts/hangs [2 - 3 per day in some cases]
Each of these are frustrating faults.
Here' to hoping that the hundreds of DEVELOPERS with Mazaas can put in a concerted, collective effort and get this going. EVERY other phone has been unlocked/tweaked/improved upon, so why not a limited edition developer-exclusive device?

Thanks for summarizing the various versions. As developers, with a concerted effort, we should be able to resolve the issues and make it work for us.

I think most people sold the device, even if this wasn't allowed, at least for the first batch (not those won, but those requested for mango/gyro dev)
I had hopes battery problems where in a faulty battery...

even if they're sold, someone's still using them!
And the battery problems were too widespread (more than half a dozen cases) for me to discount.
the IMEI problem on the other hand was in a single case - mine.

abhilaksh said:
even if they're sold, someone's still using them!
And the battery problems were too widespread (more than half a dozen cases) for me to discount.
the IMEI problem on the other hand was in a single case - mine.
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That's right, but they're probably not in dev hands anymore, so chances are not very helpful hands at this, especially since there's no more access to official updates.
All summed up, since not even the gyro works correctly on mine, it's a paper weight for which I'm still waiting for import taxes refunding

As far as issues, in addition to the above:
- I cannot send/receive MMS (SMS works, though)
- No 3G (DO or 2x only)
- 2-3 crashes per day
My build is 7.1.7720.68
Sent from my Mazaa using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

I have HTC Mazaa
I have the HTC Mazaa device that exactly matches all the details given in the original post in this thread.
For me, its working perfectly, no battery problems (works for 2-3 days), no crashes at all, I can't say about 3G support problems because we don't have that in our country. The phone works perfectly fine.
I have dev unlocked the device from App Hub but would love to remove the interop lock as well...in fact thats what I came here for.
Please guide me.

When I first got my cdma provisioned Mazaa, it had a 7.1.7600_Main build on it. This was like the test ROM - it had the zApps. Looked to be the internal Microsoft beta for employees. I think everything worked on that, just Mango was crippled.
Does anyone have this? I flashed the ffu and the backups can't restore. It would be an interesting starting point if the oem bits are all there.
Sent from my Mazaa using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

Please guide me on I can interop-UNlock the device.

How can I update my Mazaa to 7.1.7740.16 build?

Mike48236 said:
When I first got my cdma provisioned Mazaa, it had a 7.1.7600_Main build on it. This was like the test ROM - it had the zApps. Looked to be the internal Microsoft beta for employees. I think everything worked on that, just Mango was crippled.
Does anyone have this? I flashed the ffu and the backups can't restore. It would be an interesting starting point if the oem bits are all there.
Sent from my Mazaa using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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Hello there,
Currently I'm using a Mazaa sent from MS with the 7720.500 fw, It has all the zApps and the internal MS apps like FindSomeone, it has battery issues (but it's not worse than an Omnia 7 with Mango), and there are four annoying things experienced:
- volume is always a bit too loud and MP3 playback is sometimes faltering
- when you press the ON/OFF button, sometimes the screen comes back immediately after turning it off
- when you place a call, sometimes the screen turns off immediately, which can be brought back using the proximity sensor (hold close to head, then move it away)
- cannot receive MMS messages
Exact details:
OS: 7720.WM7_Main(mojobld).20110723-1640
FW: 1600.1502.7720.500
HW rev: 112.1410.2.0
Radio SW:
Radio HW: 8655/DDR2
Chip SOC:
I'm no expert in messing with phones (only using homebrews once they become 99.999999999% safe) but if I can help in any ways I'm not breaking this phone, I can surely do my part provided I'm given step by step instructions.

To update to 7740/8701:
Use the WP7 update cab sender tool here
Okay. So, let's get this sorted: We need a ROM. MSFT has said ROM. We need MSFT to give us the ROM. So, I'm requesting everyone: Send a message to whoever your contact is in Microsoft and let them know of the many problems that everyone is facing. At the very least, ask them to provide new radios to get rid of the hardware glitches. Granted it's a test rom, all the more reason that they should actually be working on it. A phone that doesn't work as intended is more a burden than not.

abhilaksh said:
To update to 7740/8701:
Use the WP7 update cab sender tool here
Okay. So, let's get this sorted: We need a ROM. MSFT has said ROM. We need MSFT to give us the ROM. So, I'm requesting everyone: Send a message to whoever your contact is in Microsoft and let them know of the many problems that everyone is facing. At the very least, ask them to provide new radios to get rid of the hardware glitches. Granted it's a test rom, all the more reason that they should actually be working on it. A phone that doesn't work as intended is more a burden than not.
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I'm sorry but I'm not going to be of any help in getting an updated ROM, since we are low on the supply chain. Also, the way we get each new build is by getting a new phone. (Send back old one, get one with newer software.)

I have an HTC Mazaa, running 7720. Everything is ok for a dev phone, I have no serious problems with it, except EDGE/GPRS not working and speaker emitting a loud tone when I'm calling a number outside my network. I'm thinking of installing the new updated build. How should I proceed exactly? Should I use the cab sender tool? I also want to mention that the phone is not dev unlocked, I'm still waiting for a student unlock. Thanks.

download the cab sender.
download the cab.
place the cab in the same folder as the cab sender.
run the cab sender.
send the cabs to the phone.
you're done.

I tried to update my HTC Mazaa and I got an error at the first restart. But, after that I typed *#06# on the Phone hub and I get this IMEI: 00A100000794C***.
I did it again, but this time, with my SIM card inside the phone. Unfortunately, I got the old IMEI message: Failed.
Even after all could not update my smartphone:
Verificando o status do telefone: Completed in 2,01 seconds
Verificando requisitos do sistema: Completed in 0,11 seconds
Fazendo o download de atualizações: Completed in 2,87 seconds
Verificando requisitos do sistema: Completed in 0,01 seconds
Transferindo atualizações: Completed in 24,65 seconds
Preparando para instalar: Completed in 46,16 seconds
Reiniciando o telefone: Completed in 231,04 seconds
Instalando atualizações: Completed in 70,15 seconds
Verificando o status do telefone: Completed in 0 seconds
Reiniciando o telefone: Completed in 34,28 seconds
Concluindo atualizações: Completed in 20,04 seconds
Update device 53d261df - cd29c761 - 4fe43c2f - 733020be Complete with error code
: 80180048, error message: Falha ao instalar IU (Image Update) devido a um erro.
╚══════» Done

Is there anyone on xda-devs to help us update our HTC Mazaa and also do the interop-unlock?

Mazaa ROM
That's an FFU.

Which cab should I use? Or which is the recommended one? Thanks.

Thankyou for that FFU
@abhilaksh Thankyou for that FFU file it saved me from alot of messing around. So happy to get my Mazaa back in working order. It broke on me a few months ago and ive been though hell trying to get the bugger fixed. It just got stuck on the mobile operator screen.
Even had it sent off to UK repair center for them to send it back in the same condition (Idiots). I was just about to send it off to a US repair center when i did some more searching. It worked a treat, really straightforward as well.
If anyone else is a noob in the same situation as i way id recommend these simple instructions:
1. Install Zune Beta Client (beta includes the UpdateWP tool)
2. Install the SetupUpdateWp.exe to get the tool
3. Follow these instructions to flash your phone
Thanks again, Rob


WM5 on BA - Why Upgrade?

In all the excitement of the hacked ROM coming out - I need to ask one question. Why should I upgrade my BA to the WM5 ROM? What benefits does it offer over the existing WM2003SE ROMS?
I'm tempted like everyone else just to bung it on and update it every day for the next few weeks until it's working properly - I'm also tempted to wait for the official O2 1.4 ROM that works properly.
I must admit that I'm going to wait before upgrading to WM5. I see no compelling reason to upgrade other than "beacuse I can". I wouldn't necessarily wait for the official O2 1.40 ROMs though, you might be waiting forever. I use the imate 1.40 ROMs with no problems.
Having said that, I hope to get hold of a "spare" Blue Angel this week & might experiment with WM5 on it
The existing 1.4 ROMs are annoying for me because I have problems with GPRS and disconnections and a few other niggles that are hard to live with - whereas tghe O2 ROMs have these niggles fixed - hence the wait for the O2 1.4 ROM.
I was thinking of tinkering with the WM5 ROM, but not for a little while until a few things are sorted out, just to see what the interface was like but if it's too much hassle.....
I've got my heart set on an O2 Exec which looks like it might be out soon.
I use it and apart from lack of camera function and a longer boot up time, I MUCH prefer it over 2003SE. First it has a revamped design and it makes 2k3se looks boring.
OK, there are some stability issues but what can you expect for a leaked rom?
If you don't vitally depend on your BA i'd give it a try, and if you don't like it, get activesync 4 and flash back.
Now, seeing how we came accross WM5, is there reason to believe we will be getting the FINAL version of the WM5 firmware for the BA??
In other words, is Mamaich's patched WM5 version the best we're going to get??
What do y'all think?
man(darkblak) is askins simple...if someone knows what benefits gets with wm5...if someone had experience should tell us...im interested in that to... will be blueangel with wm5 faster or slower how will be in performances and itc...
10x in advance
WM5 on SX66 (Blue Angel)
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
MRwheeler2: Where is the edited rom on the FTP site? I cannot find it where it says it was, BA/test or something like that. Where can I get it from
Also, I have noticed that using the standard rom I cannot change bootup images. It is constantly the stupid colour thing (how about that for a name!) and it's more like a TV test screen.
Download locations for patched ROM
Sorry for the delay... I was out.
You can download the patched ROM from: ftp://xda-developers.com/Uploads/Blueangel/WM5Pack/
There currentyly isn't a fix for the boot screen... I'm looking right now at the MSDN site for CE5.0 and searching their registry settings for Bluetooth and boot screen. Nothing yet... I'll post a new thread if I figure it out.
Hope this helps...
any reason that I'm getting permission denied errors?
I'm logged in but can't do it withe IE or FF, and firewall on or off.
One says permission denied, the other says can't find.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
Looks as if it was moved... Try the BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates folder and look for WM5_pack_v1.rar
That should do it...
Good luck.
Still says 530 permission denied. I tried looking in some of the higher level folders and still no joy.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
A 530 error is an incorrect login... Go to the "File" pull-down in Internet Explorer and click on "Log In" then when prompted, enter xda for both user name and password.
The default setting for Internet Explorer is to log in anonymously... most non-public FTP sites require some type of non-anonymous log in to ensure that the user has been referred from a site and not someone searching FTP servers.
Once you've logged in, you should be able to see a list of folders/files. You can use the "Folders" button if you would like to see a directory tree in the left panel.
Post a reply if you're successful (or if you're not)...
10x mwheeler2 i will hawe that what u write in my mind...but 530 error i hawe still in ftp ... hope that will solve soon...
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
For those still looking for the patched ROM...
try this:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates/WM5_pack_V1.rar
The above link is on the wiki page for the upgrade:
There is a walkthrough on the site and some helpful information...
Well - after reading all the stories about persistent storage and speed I was about to go ahead with the install until I found out that my main application TomTom 5 would not install - a quick search later found a workaround - seems like everyone is pulling together on this.
So I'm now running WM5 on my O2 XDA IIs and it's not too bad - it's no worse that O2's existing "beta/official" ROM (1.31) and there is very little reason not to go for the upgrade as it's easy to install - just a little hairy with the funny screens at the start.
I can't say that the I have noticed much difference with the speed issues once all my baggage is loaded on the machine. I'll keep checking the reg fixes etc from time to time.
The interface is much the same as the old interface apart from a few nice touches - but as someone said earlier the ability to re-map certain keys is a pain - until you become used to the context sensitive buttons.
All in all - probably worth the upgrade - you just have to get used to the new ways that some things work.
Where can I download the files to update my SX66 to WM5
I did try to search the fourm but can someone please send me the web link to where I can down load the files to upgrade my Cingular/Siemens SX66 to WM5?
Thank you and I have donate to BA***
mwheeler2 said:
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
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[Q] Who provides a professional service to upgrade my Kaiser

Hey all,
I own an unlocked ATT Tilt 1 (Kaiser 8925). It is currently running windows mobile which is extremely slow. I have read all over the internet that you can put the Android 2.2 OS on this phone and have seen youtube videos on this topic also.
Ideally I need to be able to buy apps from the android marketplace.
Since I'm not a phone hacker I'd like to find a professional cel phone service company that can do this for me.
I searched extensively on Google and can't seem to find one. So who can do this and what is the normal charge for something like this.
Just trying make my old phone useful in wifi mode.
Any advice would be great.
Regards Henry
I don't think there is a company that provides such a service especially if we take in to account that kaiser/tilt is a 3 year old device and the android port is not official. There are plenty of topics in the forum describing how to replace winmo with Android. You don't have to be a hacker to run Android on your phone. Just read the stickies and you wil be able to flash ityourself in no time
There are phone dealers out there (in the USA anyway), that will do this for a fee on the Kaiser, but trust me, with what has gone into the development of this, almost anyone can do it. Save yourself the money and try it yourself. The worst I've heard about is a mis-flashed phone needing some master reset.
The question is who?
I live here in the Orlando area and have called a number of cel phone companies.
I was treated like King Gidorah Three Headed Space Monster. They didn't have a clue this could be done.
Henrykjr said:
I live here in the Orlando area and have called a number of cel phone companies.
I was treated like King Gidorah Three Headed Space Monster. They didn't have a clue this could be done.
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Listen HenrykJR there are about dozens of android builds on this forum + many different versions of two kernels, not all of those will work correctly for you. You might experience different issues with one setup but the other will work correctly for you. So even if there was a company that could flash it for you, you might end up with an unstable device. Also how could a company gain knowledge on flashing android builds to a phone that was originally shipped with windows mobile??? You seem to be looking for Nessy....in woods.
Your best bet now is to find someone in the forums to help you flash your device....maybe even use skype to show you how to do it. It really isn't that hard.
Hehe, i don´t think you´ll find a Company that will do it for you. Maybe you find some guys that do it for Money (me to ). But if you spend a little time with reading through this forum you could do it yourself and save the money.
1.) You need a SD card (mandatory for android on Kaiser). And you need a Google Mail Account for syncing your contacts etc. and access the android market.
2.) You have to "unlock" your Phone (with HSPL/HardSPL). Only after that you are able to flash things (Cusom WinMo ROMs, Radio, Android) to your Kaiser. So read through this guide and follow step 1-4.
3.) Now you have an unlocked phone an you should be able to flash everything. And the first thing you flash should be the latest "radio". The "radio" for Kaiser is similar to the BIOS for your PC. Like the subsystem and responsible for GSM chipset etc... So look & read in this Radio-Thread, download the latest Radio (it is an follow the guide "Flashing Radio from microSD"
4.) Now your Phone is up-to-date and ready for flashing Android (or WinMo custom roms). YOU NEVER HAVE TO DO THE STEPS 1-3 AGAIN! Your Phone is now completely prepared!
Flashing Android:
For Android on Kaiser you always need 2 Parts. The Kernel (this part initialize the hardware so its similar to "driver" on PC) and the Built (the Android OS itself). But Both should work together so you´ll may find in some kernel suggestions in Built-threads because not ever kernel work with every built. For your beginning i whould suggest you some things:
First the kernel:
DZO is the most popular (the father of android on Kaiser) Kernel-Developer for Kaiser. So go to his repository and download "voguimg-240x320-2.6.32-froyo-09-10-10_23.nbh". Because Vouge and kaiser have almost the same hardware we all could use this kernel. But everyone have to modify this kernel to make phone related optimizations. You can do thy by hand (not recommended for you) or with a tool called "Atools". This tool is writthen in "Python" so mac and linux user could use it too. But you need to install Python. But that is all described in the Atools thread. Read through it and follow the guide.
Modifing Kernel:
We will only modify the madatory things. Not more at the moment...
So run Atools, klick on the "folder" Button and load the "voguimg-240x320-2.6.32-froyo-09-10-10_23.nbh".
Device: "Kaiser" should be checked
Resolution: 240x320 should be checked (native resolution of Kaiser display). Everything else will give blurry optic.
Version: "Froyo" should be checked, because we will flash a Froyo built (thats android 2.2). If you want to flash an older built like a Donut one (1.6) you have to modify & flash your kernel again.
Panel Type: Try "auto" or "1" first. But if you have a fuzzy screen or artifacts you have to try out which paneltype fits best for your device. HTC has built in 3 different displays in the Kaiser and the only way to find out which one is builtin is trial & error.
Keymap: Depends on which hardware keyboard layout you have. Here in Germeny i have to use "qwertz".
We leave the other options as they are an klick on the "Disk" button to save our modificated kernel now. it save it as "KAISIMG.nbh".
Now we need the Built:
I suggest "Fat Free Froyo" at the moment. Fast, stable, an looks good. So go to this thread and download "ODEX DOWNLOAD RLS5 ALL LANG-ODEX" on the bottom of the post.
then unzip/unrar this file...
Flashing your first Android:
1.) You should have a fat32 formatted SD card
2.) put the Kernel (the modified KAISIMG.nbh) to the root of SD card
3.) Create a folder named "andboot" on SD card
4.) Put the unzipped file (androidinstall.tar or .tgz) in the folder "andboot"
5.) Remove SIMcard and any cables from phone and put the SD card in your phone. Battery should be 50% carged or more...
6.) go to bootloader-mode (press and hold camera button and powerbutton). the KAISIMG should be loaded and it will show you "press powerbutton to update" or something similar. Do that... Now a progressbar will appear. When it is at 100% wait a few seconds an then pull the battery. Wait 10 seconds an insert it again. Voila! You flashed your first android kernel!
7.) Now we have to install android itself. So Power on the phone. In the moment when you see small white text on black background you have to press and hold the d-pad button. This one in the middle. Now you get in the install menu.
8.) Leave the options "System on nand" and "DATA on nand" as it is. Navigate to "install system" an press dpad. It ask "format system" and "format data". Both "YES". after this procedure you enter the menu again. navigate to "quit".
9.) Yeah! The first Bootup of Android! The first bootup takes longer as the following ones because now the system prepares for bootup and do a lot of optimisations. Even if you enter the lockscreen you should give it 10 minutes time to finish this optimization process in backround.
10.) Finish! You have flashed your first android completely! Now you can play around and make your settings. Remember: You have to sign in to your google account befor you can access the market or syncronize your contacts etc.!
Sounds more complicated as it is. Try it!
And if you´ll dig in deeper in this stuff you have to read here! Especially the Stickies/Refs/Tutorials! We´ve all done that!
have fun!
Henrykjr said:
Hey all,
I own an unlocked ATT Tilt 1 (Kaiser 8925). It is currently running windows mobile which is extremely slow. I have read all over the internet that you can put the Android 2.2 OS on this phone and have seen youtube videos on this topic also.
Ideally I need to be able to buy apps from the android marketplace.
Since I'm not a phone hacker I'd like to find a professional cel phone service company that can do this for me.
I searched extensively on Google and can't seem to find one. So who can do this and what is the normal charge for something like this.
Just trying make my old phone useful in wifi mode.
Any advice would be great.
Regards Henry
Click to expand...
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Brother, You can do it yourself, I can assure you. Regarding any ambiguity, you can contact me through PM. (I can guide you complete on voice over skype / msn). Its a TIDEOUS job but EASY to do since there is no MEANS OF BRICKING your kaiser (unless you flash something else than what u have do to install android).
I am here to help you in this community. And you can do this thing yourself.
Your device is At&t Tilt. The bad thing about installing android is getting a RIGHT kernel that suits your LCD type and enables wifi in the android build u install. (maybe in 1st try, maybe takes almost 10 tries like it happened for me)

For those with update error: 800705B4; 80180080; solution posted

Hey guys. After many frustrated days searching for a solution to "The timer ran out on what we were trying to do.", I found today an official solution posted by Microsoft.
So, for those with either:
800705B4: The timer ran out on what we were trying to do.
80180080: We couldn't update your phone because your operating system might be corrupt.
search for "WPSupportTool" in google (Article ID: 2530409) and download for your Windows PC. (Sorry; can't post links!)
This is the best solution so far to update without erasing/reseting your phone. Enjoy!
From their article:
"Try using the Windows Phone Support Tool. The Windows Phone Support Tool is an application that fixes problems that prevent your Windows Phone 7 from updating successfully. The tool only works for the two error codes listed in the Symptoms section."
How can I use the WP Support Tool on Leo - HD2 > it doesn't have "camera button"
I've also been stuck with 800705B4 for months now. Very frustrating.
I believe I've tried everything...
I can't even unlock my SD card because I also get the 800705B4 error when I try to send the unlocker file via cab sender.
Well, I guess we just have to hope until there's a fix for the 800705B4 on HD2
if i use this tool (WPSupportTool) is it going to erase my phone ?
what about interop-unlock ? am i going to loose it ?
i'll really appreciate your answers
Erase phone: REALLY?? Read the first post:
"This is the best solution so far to update without erasing/reseting your phone."
Remove interop-unlock: highly unlikely, although a few updates do that for anybody.
The obvious answer is make sure you have a backup/restore point (if possible) so you can roll back if something gets messed up.

Directions Please - Unlock/Backups/ROM/FLASH/MANGO/NODO/7004/Zune versions

Can someone please simplify all this for me?
The information on this site is so convoluded in terms of methods, some expired , some still valid, and guesses that are plain wrong, and irrelevancies.
I have been reading, installing, and uninstalling for hours into days.
Samsung Focus
1. Can Mango unlock be achieved with unlock from 7004?
2.I was on NoDo unlock and followed some instructions for the Focus that did not work. It went right to Mango LOCKED (as many others have reported).
I made a nice little back up of my NoDo unlock but can't get back to it using any version of Zune or any method, they all result in restore errors.
My back up might as well be on the north pole because I can't get to it.
3.I flashed back to 7004 and couldn't get chevron to unlock again like I used to be able to on XP or WIN 7 with various zune versions back to 4.7.
I'm wondering if the newer Zunes corrupted that somehow because last time it worked was on a fresh zune install on windows 7.
And besides that, they all ask to be upgraded before they do a back up, usually.
4.But even if it is unlocked at ROM 7004, zune updates (if chosen) will send it back to mango and locks it agian right? That's what happened last time , it just kept updating the phone for hours and then it was back to mango.
5.It appears my only option now is Mango locked or 7004 flash Rom with possible unlock.
Hopefully answers here will help others as well.
A few answers, though not compreheensive:
1) You don't have to let WP7 install each update, if you wanted to stop at, for example, NoDo 7392, you could. Just wait untilt he update gets that far, then pull the plug and/or hit Ccancel in Zune. Left to itsself, it will install all available updates.
2) The phone automatically dev-relocks whenever a major update is installed - this happens even to people with legitimate develop-unlock (and it's annoying!) For Samsung, I believe the technique for preserving unlock is the same one used to get interop-unlock on Mango: place an unlock provxml file in \provxml\ on the phone's filesystem (you can either use Heathcliff74's WP7 Root Tools to do this, or you can just install his interop-unlock XAP) and make sure you have a working version of the Samsung Diag app (should allow you to process provxml files). Once you have that, you can install all the way up to the Mango update safely, I think (I don't have a Samsung, but it should work) and use the Diag app to process your provxml file, which will both dev-unlock and interop-unlock the phone.
Not sure what's up with your backups; I can't really help you there without more information. What error do you get? What version of Zune are you using (you probably should use the latest version, 4.8.whatever)? How big is the backup (it's in %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows Phone Update\)?
As for what guides to follow, starting with the stickies is always a good idea.
I have a HTC Mozart device wich is momentarily running on unlocked NoDo.
I have followed various guides from xda but I end up running a locked Mango (most of the guides require after Mango update to run HTC Connection Setup to unlock... which I am unable to run (black scren) and all other apps tell me revoked by Microsoft).
is there any latest guide a little more foolproof?
It seems that after 18th October something happened with Zune which prevents Mango unlock...
Gyuritzy said:
I have a HTC Mozart device wich is momentarily running on unlocked NoDo.
I have followed various guides from xda but I end up running a locked Mango (most of the guides require after Mango update to run HTC Connection Setup to unlock... which I am unable to run (black scren) and all other apps tell me revoked by Microsoft).
is there any latest guide a little more foolproof?
It seems that after 18th October something happened with Zune which prevents Mango unlock...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After you install the interop-unlock xap while on nodo then goto mango you reinstall the diag app and in the Diagnosis app dial: *#9908#.. Select "Heathcliff74 Interop Unlock"
then tap Save, tap Close and exit the Diagnosis app
@lucasryan: Those are the instructions for a Samsung phone. They don't work at all on an HTC phone.
@Gyuritzy: Currently, Microsoft is pushing the Mango update and an HTC update together. The HTC update blocks the unlock path used with Mango. If your phone gets that update - which means if it gets Mango through the retail update path - there's no current way to interop-unlock it.
If you can get Mango through an atypical upgrade path (I came from the beta, which worked), or if you use a custom ROM (be *very careful* of the bootloader version if you try this!!), you can get interoop-unlocked Mango on HTC. It's not easy, though.
Ahh i see that i quoted his post now. as alan93 has focus
What solution do I have to load Mango without HTC update? Should I try with RCT2RTM type of packagge?
#1 - ahh ok, but I'm sure watching the update tentativley is required right? For like an hour and a half.
#2 - now see, there you go again, this is only for dev-unlock people which , i'm not even sure what that is..what? you pay $100 to MS to get it? It needs to be stated more clearly where ever that solution is posted AT THE VERY TOP like this "IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A DEV UNLOCK ....
@ lucasryan - That can't be right, -->"installing interop unlock on NoDo then go to Mango"...STOP RIGHT THERE. when you go to Mango it wipes everything out and you have no more access...unless of course ..YOU ALREADY HAVE A DEV UNLOCK...what ever that is.
I did try the diagnosis trick on update to mango after putting that file on there but the diagnosis version would not go higher than 908 or what ever. Couldn't get 1112 or what ever the one that is needed.
Please, just say there is no way to unlock Mango unless you have a dev unlock and that is low percentage as it is...then I won't expect so much.
Thanks for the replies.
Here is the zune error I get on trying to restore to my NoDo unlock.
As you can see nobody is dying to answer it.
I think the code number means "this goon is trying to restore to an unlocked version, don't answer him".
@alan93: Developer Unlock is the term used for the change to your phone made by the Windows Phone Registration Tool (if you have a marketplace developer account), ChevronWP7 Unlocker (possible on pre-NoDo), ChevronWP7 Labs (coming soon), or changing the DeveloperUnlockState registry value located at HKLM\Comm\Security\LVMod to 1 (possible with the LG registry editor, or by using the Samsung diag app or HTC Connection Setup app to process to provxml file). The registry change is actually what matters; the other methods are simply ways to achieve it.
Dev unlock allows you to install XAP files - a renamed ZIP file with some manifest XML files, one or more managed (.NET-based) DLL files, and possibly other files needed by the application. Due to a bug in the application installer, you can also use a XAP to put arbitrary files almost anywhere in the filesystem (the installer can't write to the \Windows\ directory).
One of those manifst files specifies capabilities that the app has, which controls permissions of the app (for example, ID_CAP_ISV_CAMERA allows access to the public camera APIs). As of Mango, including beta versions, it is no longer possible to install apps with the ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES capability unless the MaxUnsignedApp registry value (located in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DeviceReg\Install) is set to at least 300 (the default value is either 10 or 3, depending on the unlock method used). ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES is required for interfacing with drivers, a way for applications to run at high permissions (for example, to write to the registry). Each time you install a major upgrade, such as Mango, this value is reset to its default. An app with ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES therefore can't be installed (or run, if it was installed before upgrading to Mango) until this MaxUnsignedApp registry value is changed, a process referred to as Interop-unlock (term coined by Heathcliff74 on this forum). Marketplace-installed apps are exempt from this restriction, which is why things like Connection Setup (which has ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES) can be used.
For what it's worth, I got my dev-unlock by purchasing a marketplace developer account ($100 from MS). One day I may even submit an app to the marketplace, but so far all the apps I've written use homebrew and wouldn't be acceptable for the marketplace, so I just publish them here.
Thanks great explanation.
I intend to write my own too, I wrote one and have a few more great ideas but didn't want to pay until i made sure I was able to write them completely and testing on the simulator sux. And last I heard, the media player doesn't work with it.
I just think the fee and lockout just hurts development thereby limiting the success of WP7.
If it was $50 or less I would probably pay it.
I mean for crying out loud I'm a certified MCP/MCAD, they should give me a break here.

[pls help] Update from 10586.107 to 10.393.67 allways throws error 0x80070020

I know there are some threats concerning this issue, but did not found the right hint.
I was going forward and back, again and again - also by offline update, which went well only for the 1st stage:
-1st stage to 10586.107
-2nd stage, only found the cab links for 10586.962 full
but this did fail with same error, does not matter if starting from 8.1 or from 10
Lastly have completly gone back to original ffu 8.1 and than went forward only by using MS-servers...still always the same error <initial download works, then the preparation and install procedure as well, but shortly before 100% the error shows up>
My device should be supported, but later I even spoofed for an RM-1085 from which were used the obviously right boot loader files...I did this before knowing of the log output thought it has to do with lifecycle of the product
pls refer to attached update/install log @the last third - saying there are collisions (0x80070020 - ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) and not found files (iot device relelateds?).
Would be fine if someone could inspect the log - escpecially one of the build collector cracks
maybe to try online update or update over USB?
on 10586 make hard reset
enable developer settings and device portal
install Interop Tools https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=74628972&postcount=1071
make interop unlock
change registry to any W10M device (depend did you want AU or FCU), for AU use x30 device, for FCU use x50
now use online update or tool for update over USB https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=56726
i always do n this way and never have any problem for old 8.1 lumia devices.... but i not recommend upgrade to FCU because AU work much better with old devices
you made my day dxdy
can't enough thank you...I will achieve this by pinning your advises onto the wall
not a word too much...this is so useful!
I think I had not the best packages and from now on I do not use "iutool"; the "OtcUpdater" seems so much more reliable - only it is hard to find which packages the files are representing (name scheme)
Also I'll do make hard resets even directly after flashing an full ffu
...will follow your suggestion to stay on AU; currently 14393.1066 - all updates by offline mode
so, :good::good::good:

