need help to choose a rom, PLEASE - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi i am giving my older sister my beloved EVO and need help deciding what rom i should install for her. She isnt a tech person. battery life is very important. it needs to have bloat ware removed. also a stable rom is a must as she lives a few states over and i wont be able to reflash and all that good stuff for her. thanks

thesabri said:
hi i am giving my older sister my beloved EVO and need help deciding what rom i should install for her. She isnt a tech person. battery life is very important. it needs to have bloat ware removed. also a stable rom is a must as she lives a few states over and i wont be able to reflash and all that good stuff for her. thanks
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Classic or mikg
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the last nightly from cm7 #256 was awesome, not one issue with it at all

Stock rooted with bloat removed.
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Sent from my r3charged Evo using XDA Premium

I'd go with MikG. You can load it and leave it alone and it'll work perfectly well

Stock rooted. You don't need constant question about why this and why that
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I enjoy classic
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After my ROM hoping days, I've stuck with the Energy ROM. It works quite nice for me, plus it looks really good.

No one said Miui....I'm shocked.
It looks like the iphone, works great, you can throw savage zen on it, and it auto updates itself.
But to each their own.

Swagged Out Rom (Sense) is pretty stable and fast.

thesabri said:
hi i am giving my older sister my beloved EVO and need help deciding what rom i should install for her. She isnt a tech person. battery life is very important. it needs to have bloat ware removed. also a stable rom is a must as she lives a few states over and i wont be able to reflash and all that good stuff for her. thanks
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Can't beat MYN's Warm 2.2 RLS 5


[Q]The Best EVO 4G ROM

I know some of you guys out there have tried a bunch of the ROMS for EVO 4G - there's so many it's overwhelming..but is there an overall con consensus about which one is the best/fastest/provides most function?
Or at least maybe a top 3?? I'm interested to hear your opinions and faves.
thanks dudes
Here it comes......wait for it......wait for it.......
Wrong section bro, this needs to go to Q&A section.
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Yes please do!
sent from Kings Ultra UNleashed
I thought you needed 10 posts to be here?
Nygel said:
Here it comes......wait for it......wait for it.......
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*user dies from laughter*
Sorry for the free post... had to get that out!
~walks out~
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Try Myn's twopointtwo, that's my personal favorite.
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Yes you posted in the wrong section, but idc and to ur question uhm im using konikubs elite rom I really like it but I don't have a top 3 more like 10 here they are.
1. Konikub elite
2. Myns Warm 2.2 rls5
3. Azrael rom
4. Baked snack (whenever he releases its good)
5. Fresh
6. Cyanogen Mod
7. Miui
8. Viruses Series
9. Calk's Evio 2
10. Ava's series
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Don't forget KingsRom ultra
sent from Kings Ultra UNleashed
eVoKINGS said:
Don't forget KingsRom ultra
sent from Kings Ultra UNleashed
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Sorry never used it heard good things tho
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MikFroYo 4.4 is pretty good too. It's quite fast and I enjoy it.
Thread moved to Q&A.
Thanks addicted
sent from Kings Ultra UNleashed
I have tried almost all of them and they all have their pros/cons personally myn's is my fav sense rom, but the MIUI has been my all time fav
AbsolutZeroGI said:
MikFroYo 4.4 is pretty good too. It's quite fast and I enjoy it.
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Don't forget, MikFroYo 4.5 is out.
Sent from my evo 4g
Myn's RLS5 is great and everything works well. His new Warm Z has Sense 2.0 but is still in beta for now.
Sent from my Evo 4G
im pretty new to this stuff so please forgive me if i sound a little ignorant. however i must say im catching on pretty quick thanks to this site and others like it and the people who contribute to them. so to you all i thank you! anyway back to the topic. ive only used 3 different rooted/custom roms. omj's, cm6.1.2, and currently fresh omj's was pretty solid after he got the bugs worked out. cm6.1.2 would have random reboots, force closes, and im pretty sure it killed my sd card. i havent had any issues with fresh yet but ive only been using it for a day. to be fare when i was running omj and cm6 i was a little more clueless, i didnt have nand unlocked, i was using rom manager for everything(which i was figuring out how to use as i went), and my recovery was messed up. ive heard that fresh is the most stable rom out right now, i dont know if thats true but im liking it so far. all the info that ive found about it thus far looks good. as far as being able to add themes or modify im in the process of learning how to do that at the moment. i dont really understand it completely but ima give it a shot. a little direction if somebody would please be so kind...I would like to become knowledgeable enough to start building my own custom roms. ive found guides on how to do so for beginners and i will start expearimenting with that soon. however of all the info ive been able to find and educate myself with i havent found much on kernels such as building your own custom, manipulating stock, etc. anybody know of a good resource? or should i not be worrying my little brain with this at this moment in my training? once again thanks to all!!!
I have a question for you Evo users. I have a HD2 that I flashed CM7.0 to, been loving it ever since (fast, battery lasts FOREVER). Got 2 guys i work with that have Evos with stock ROM and get TERRIBLE battery life. Is there a CM7 ROM for Evo...yes I did search and didnt get anything. Or if not, what is a good rom for them to use that will give better battery life? Thanks for the help.
itsmattgw said:
I know some of you guys out there have tried a bunch of the ROMS for EVO 4G - there's so many it's overwhelming..but is there an overall con consensus about which one is the best/fastest/provides most function?
Or at least maybe a top 3?? I'm interested to hear your opinions and faves.
thanks dudes
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Ok I have play with many I man 50 plus ROM I just in the last week install my last ROM every.. LOOK at my Signature you will thank me TRUST me. Mik and CALK are great and those are my top three(with one I have in my signature)....
thank you
MIUI all the way!!!

Best evo roms

Hey guys any suggestions as to the best roms for evo? Im new to the rom search.
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tgeigel said:
Hey guys any suggestions as to the best roms for evo? Im new to the rom search.
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I use CM7 rc4 with adw ex or launcher pro (depending on my mood) You can also find a lot of good themes for it in the themes and apps section. I like it a lot but ymmv. If you wanna stay with sense, Myn's warm is a good rom, but there havent been any updates in a while.
Thanks I will look it up.
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It really boils down to what is good for your taste. I personally got sick of aosp so I went on a r&d hunt to get these sense roms to have respectful battery life. The most popular roms are usually in the 1st two pages of the dev section. Read them and see what jumps at you.
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I am sort of old school and don't care much for a bunch of customization. Rather, I prefer good battery life and system speed coupled with minimal if any bloat/stock apps that aren't useful to me. I am stuck on CM 6.1.2 as an aosp rom (don't care for the appearance of cm7/gingerbread, I like vanilla a lot) and FreshRom for Sense when I feel like it. Both roms give me great battery life (24 hours+ with minimal-moderate usage) and are both very stable, no force closes/crashes. I don't mess with different kernels, I just use the ones included with the rom to begin with.
As has been said though, play around with a bunch of them until you find something you like.
If you're new to ROMs, I would at least check out, Miui, CM7 (or variants of, like destroyer), VaelPak, MikFroyo and anything by Kings or Myn. For sense ROMs, just look at screen shots and see which one you like.
Thanks guys I appreciate it
Is it ok to flash different roms a few times a day? One time I did a NAND backup cuz I didnt like the rom I was on and my phone got messed up, so im nervous now.
I want to get rid of the bloatware and get good speed and battery life.
tgeigel said:
Thanks guys I appreciate it
Is it ok to flash different roms a few times a day? One time I did a NAND backup cuz I didnt like the rom I was on and my phone got messed up, so im nervous now.
I want to get rid of the bloatware and get good speed and battery life.
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Yes. Flash as often as possible !!!!
swyped from my cyanogenized and gingerbreaded EVO
which rom is good for battery life? And any suggestions on a good gingerbread rom?
Destroyer, Salvage-Mod, CM7. All should have good battery life.
Myn Warm's TwoPointTwo. My first rom I ever flashed and I don't think I'll go back to anything else. It's awesome.
nabeelster25 said:
Myn Warm's TwoPointTwo. My first rom I ever flashed and I don't think I'll go back to anything else. It's awesome.
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Funny enough thats the first thing I tried, so far so good.
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Read my signature.
Learn it...
Live it....
Love it.....
Vaelpak 3.2
try judging the roms by how few troubleshooting replies there are to the thread.
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I've used a boatload of roms but I always return to Warm TwoPointTwo RLS5. As for VaelPak, I am VERY impressed with it.
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dougjamal said:
I've used a boatload of roms but I always return to Warm TwoPointTwo RLS5. As for VaelPak, I am VERY impressed with it.
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I agree as far as VaelPak goes.. I recently flashed it and absolutely love.. Ill be staying with..tons of options, excellent speed and good battery life..
FYI purposes: To see a list of available roms for the EVO, go here: No, it is not a complete list but it is extensive.

Yes. Another what rom question.

OK so I'm done with poor battery performance on my rooted stock rom evo.
I have tried elite 3: Bluetooth wouldn't work and some market apps wouldn't install and various other things were buggy. Liked the battery and feel though.
CM7 was OK but I use groups for my dialer too much so that was out.
So I'm looking for a good battery sense rom were things work. Netflicks, GPS, 4g... well all of it really.
I'm thankful for the developer's work but isn't there a rom that just works without all the little buggers at this point? I don't care about boot animations if I can't use the phone as its built.
Yeah I'm *****in but still.
Any thoughts?
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Get ready for the flaming. Those are some big devs on xda.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Yeah I know but still.
Flame away I guess. Ill keep plugging this thing in and wishing for the unreasonable.
I really liked elite3 a lot. But like I see in so many posts about every rom I had to go. Don't developers get that?
Its kinda like getting great looking motorcycle that's fun on the weekends but can't really rely on to go to work.
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Try Dr. Ryder's Eternal Prophency v5.9 or Calkulin's EVIO 2 v1.8 with the 150mV undervolt if your phone can handle it. Both are low on theming with above average battery life with everything working.
Try anything gingersense or gingerbread, you notice a significant battery improvement. Only thing Netflix don't work with gingersense but im sure we'll see something pretty soon about that.
Also turn off your mobile data when your not using your phone, Or find an app that turns it off when while the phone sleeps. That'll help too.
I second that on eternal prophecy too, if you need to stay on froyo.
Seriously man, just look at the star rating next to the ROM and start flashing and figure it out yourself. I'm sure you can read a list of what works and what doesn't on any ROM. If you didn't like ES3 or Cyanogen, you may be a bit picky and should probably download dsixda's htc kitchen and bless us with your perfection.
Done preaching, I have run SalvageMod 1.2.1 for a month straight without any problems and I demand more out of my phone than 99% of the people on XDA. If you don't like the AOSP dialer, download a different one from the market.
Salamander. (Alaman I had to leave this auto correct cause it makes me laugh)
Anyway. Yes I'm picky so get over it. I checked the market and tried some things. Not to my liking.
Regardless I just had to post. I can see star ratings just fine. That's why I tried a couple of roms. I had an og Droid with cm6 and that was neat. Still like that phone too.
There is nothing wrong with me asking for what I'm looking for.
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To the folks with suggestion. Thanks. Ill let this thread build a little and then do some looking about. Thanks again.
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I was moody because I had to take a dump, feeling better now.
Calkulin's Evio 1.8 won't let you down if you want full function from 2.2 and sense
salamander is cool, I got alaman from a misspelling
You know something alaman. Why did you even bother? That's exactly the reason I haven't posted before because I do read. For a couple months now and tried some things.
If you want me to bless you how this... suck it hard baby.
I specifically posted my thoughts and what I'm looking for and didn't slight anyone. Simple criticism is all. I love design and neato stuff these guys do. I see potential in it and desire more. Why not? HTC built sense to make android better for whatever market they saw fit. Fine and dandy. I like to use my dang ol evo they way I want and would like to see these things happen.
If my post bothers you and you are complaisant with your phone then go on dude. Ya prick.
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read above your last post
I think Vaelpak would suit your needs, if you want better battery life try an SBC kernel if you haven't already.
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)
Mikfroyo ..4.62
Kernel netarchy toastmod 4.3.4 more havs
Mikfroyo throttle tweak. Battery percent fix,
I get general great baylttey life abused amon ra to wipe everything, I can ft a days use out of it with a mix of usage. Gps, CNET, xda, internet, testing a lot, and a few phone calls. But usage varies and you may notbget the same life time. But its worth a shot to flash what I got. is where you get all you Mikfroyo needs
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OP can you please change the title to " Yes. Another what rom question in the wrong forum."
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CM7 + LP + GO CONTACTS/DIALER = everything you asked for including dialing groups.
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Rem3Dy said:
OP can you please change the title to " Yes. Another what rom question in the wrong forum."
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It's in general, not development. Yes, Q&A would be better, but look at all the threads in General. Most of them are pointless.
Geez, I think you guys get off on a power trip with the "wrong forum" bs. Whatever it takes to feel better about yourself.
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)
mothmansound said:
OK so I'm done with poor battery performance on my rooted stock rom evo.
I have tried elite 3: Bluetooth wouldn't work and some market apps wouldn't install and various other things were buggy. Liked the battery and feel though.
CM7 was OK but I use groups for my dialer too much so that was out.
So I'm looking for a good battery sense rom were things work. Netflicks, GPS, 4g... well all of it really.
I'm thankful for the developer's work but isn't there a rom that just works without all the little buggers at this point? I don't care about boot animations if I can't use the phone as its built.
Yeah I'm *****in but still.
Any thoughts?
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I have been running Elite III since it was released and never experienced any issues. Apps have always installed. Bluetooth is flawless. I use bluetooth heavily as I connect to both my car stereo and my computer. Really haven't had any issues with it at all. I love it.
I re-rooted my phone and am using the latest stock rom. I'm getting really good battery life. I can go all day on a charge with normal use. I turn my 3G off when not using it. That's all.
Have you done the battery calibration? It's a pain in the ass but I would swear by it. It's a loooong one time process but worked great for me.
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Thanks everyone very much. Ill try out some of the advice and report back what I figure out in case this thread might become useful.
Alaman glad your regular. I would have been grumpy too.
Sorry the wrong forum...gosh. I'll never ever ever do that again.
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Htc evo rom virus rom
if you want a rom thats amazing for the HTC Evo try Virus Roms there the best i think
my favorite as of now is VR Kingdom and its got 4G and Sense 3.0 with is amazing battery life is good to an extent depends on what your doing at the time but keep in mind the rom is huge like 350MB+ but you wont regret flashing

Are there any ROMs that actually work

Are there any stable e4gt roms that are better than stock ek02 with everything working cuz battery life is a poor trade off for working features in my opinion. Example if wimax is not working or tether to get more battery life whats the point
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App this a serious question?
If so.. Just check out the devolpment section. Try out using calkulins ROM, his battery script works well.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Seriously sorry i flashed half of em no disrespect to the dv hard work but im disappointed cuz the roms seem lacking
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Like they say if you cant take the heat get out da kitchen
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Dwayneiztheshyt said: this a serious question?
If so.. Just check out the devolpment section. Try out using calkulins ROM, his battery script works well.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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I am also not sure how to approach this. There are only a few roms that don't support wimax.. I suggest calkulins. It's my go to rom. I've heard starburst is pretty good too.. But in the future, please try to read a bit. maybe look at the roms that have a lot of view and/or comments. The OP of each thread will tell you just about everything you need to know.
IMO, there is no more stable custom ROM right now then UnNamed. If I wasn't so flash happy, I would stay with that but I'm changing ROMs every 2-3 days now...
But anyway, yeah UnNamed is the best ROM as far as stability is concerned.
Oh and I got over a day of moderate use from it. Don't believe me though, try it out!
Have not tried unamed yet
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
+1 for Calkulin's roms. Good battery life, stable, so far I have not encountered any issues.
I've been extremely pleased with Calkulin's ROM. I have tried unnamed (which I also like) but I prefer the 5 icon dock and 5x5 app drawer and undervolt/underclock scripts in Calkulin's.
No, none of them actually work...stay on stock...
MJHawaii said:
Have not tried unamed yet
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MJHawaii is right.. UnNamed is a hell of a rom especially with a few tweaks added in. I am quite sure you will not find anyone unhappy with it. Also like mentioned before there is a whole development section of great roms. Just make sure when you try them all you do not restore data and flash all of them cleanly and not on top of each other.
For battery life on this phone may I recommend 200-800 since your phone can clearly handle it...
no offence, but either dont flash and stay on stock or there is always the good ol flip phones!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
All the ROMS that are built on TW source are complete - this excludes CM7 and MIUI which are AOSP. REALLY.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Got to agree with the previous poster that suggested you just stay on stock. I'd prefer not having to see posts/threads like this in the future....
For the record however, I've been happy with Calk's, Unnamed AND for quite a bit of time now (a whole month or so!) Blend is my current Daily and it is brilliant.
But you.... you stay on stock....
wase4711 said:
No, none of them actually work...stay on stock...
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10 char
I've Tried Blazer and Calk's 2.8.1 IMO there are both amazing ROMS, and i would suggest giving them a try. I'm currently running calk's and i have not seen any issues after a couple days of heavy testing and use
Klash6543 said:
I've Tried Blazer and Calk's 2.8.1 IMO there are both amazing ROMS, and i would suggest giving them a try. I'm currently running calk's and i have not seen any issues after a couple days of heavy testing and use
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blazer is my daily driver.
i have not tried a single rom that has just flat out been unstable or unusable though; i steer clear of early/experimental builds, bust most of the roms in the dev section for this phone are pretty complete and comprehensive.
this is my first android device and initially i had trouble just rooting the thing, but thanks to xda's dev section my first flash was a piece of cake and i've had no issues or major complaints in 3 months of jumping rom to rom.
Just an observation. But your avatar shows you have at&t, shouldn't you be in a different section? This forum is for the Samsung epic 4g touch. Maybe thats why the roms aren't working. Unless you just havent updated your profile. (Im guilty of that as well)

[Q] Help my wife...

I go through ROMs left and right...she wants the most stable ROM with ALL the features of the phone working...Bluetooth, 4G, the works. Can you guys point me to a ROM that would satisfy her hunger for perfection with a rooted Evo?? Help a guy out here!
The MikG rom would probably be your best bet for everything to work like stock.
It's based on stock, but with some tweaks to make it better and more efficient.
Thread moved to Q&A
Fresh ROM works well .
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Man I would go with decks 1.3 or 1.3d try and see which one works better on her phone, make sure you set it up for her, and I would add launcher pro to it, set widgets and shortcuts, and theme. My wife loved it, no problems at all, you could also flash the data governor killer zip, so her 3g is always at top speed
Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using Tapatalk 2
Express,by all means, Express....Without a question
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Without a doubt digital karma v5 great speed, no bugs, and amazing battery. Hope that helps.
Sent from my Karma'd Evo 4g
I would say Tommy's classic v0.0.5 final untilled the new final comes out. Its very quick and stable. Its the only sense rom that has kept my from going back to aosp.
i say go with cm7 or shooter rls 5.5 both are great roms but cm7 will give her a bit more battery life.
So what we're Reeeeally trying to say is, They're all great roms. You'll just have to try them until you find the one that suits you...(meanwhile, behind the facade of an innocent sounding phone hacker,drlzanej is underhandedly trying to create another "Flashoholic". dun,,,,dun dundun, duuun)
ODJ DUB HD BLISS! I love this rom and everything works. Also has a blue theme etc.! Just make sure and partition the sd card as directed.
LeslieAnn said:
The MikG rom would probably be your best bet for everything to work like stock.
It's based on stock, but with some tweaks to make it better and more efficient.
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I agree. MikG is awesome and always works like it should.
maltedbarley said:
I agree. MikG is awesome and always works like it should.
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Amen to that!
dfr867 said:
I go through ROMs left and right...she wants the most stable ROM with ALL the features of the phone working...Bluetooth, 4G, the works. Can you guys point me to a ROM that would satisfy her hunger for perfection with a rooted Evo?? Help a guy out here!
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I swear you guys are retards,get real,the best rom to download for your ole lady is "Pink Pussycat".... ,dont listen to these guys,this is the best rom for your ole lady,trust me.
I would recommend
The first three are sense 1.0 tweaked to the max
The second two are sense 2.1 with 3.0 widgets
The last two are 3D ports. Sense 3.0
All are fully functional and well built. All depends on what she likes.
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Diablo67 said:
I swear you guys are retards,get real,the best rom to download for your ole lady is "Pink Pussycat".... ,dont listen to these guys,this is the best rom for your ole lady,trust me.
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i was just looking for the name of the rom to let him know i got it fot my girlfreind and she loves it you got down on that one diablo keep up the good work. Pink Pussycat is the best fot the wife trust me shell like it
I'm defiantly a flashaholic. That's the biggest problem. There are many ROM's out there that I've tried. I prefer a sense 3.5 ROM but it lacks 4G among other things. I put her on the MikG ROM and it seems to be running fine. I had a stock OTA on there but the phone kept getting FC's however; I recently found that she's been in Titanium Backup removing files that she has no idea interact with the OS. Silly wife, tweaks are for peeps!
Don't know if this is solved it not...but If you want sense I recommend Tommy tomatoes classic, for soso it's decks all the way...find one that works with a2sd and your set
Rock and roll ain't never gonna die...
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bbwarmth said:
ODJ DUB HD BLISS! I love this rom and everything works. Also has a blue theme etc.! Just make sure and partition the sd card as directed.
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Doesn't have 4G
flex360 said:
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This deserves the reply of the century award..
I too suggest the Pussycat!!
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