[Q] Games that work with Sixaxis / Bluetooth controllers / keyboards? - Galaxy S II Themes and Apps

I know its a question, but its a qustion about apps / games so i think it makes more sense here? If not can a mod please move it? Thanks!
After lots of googling i got my sixaxis controller working on my I9100, now to load it with games!
Obviously emulators can have key inputs set to controller keys, what im interested in is what other games have keyboard controls that can be mapped to the sixaxis controller? Pref games that are higher quality / 3d but at this point i'll take what i can get!
So: What games will work with the sixaxis or bluetooth keyboards or controllers?


[Q] WiiMote w/Emulators. Need advice on what to buy/mapping + ?'s

I have my Evo running an AOSP ROM and I have PSX4DROID, SNES, Gameboid, N64oid as my emulators. I went out yesterday and purchased a WiiMote (just the remote) but apparently that isn't enough.
I will mainly be using it for N64 (have to get my Zelda fix) and Mario Kart 64. I tried opening Mario Kart 64 and mapping the keys. I mapped all the keys and when I launched the game I could not turn with the D-PAD on the Wiimote.
I successfully paired the with WiiMoteController (app) but it won't turn left or right. I can do everything else but it kind of defeats the purpose.
Should I be mapping the keys within the N64 emulator app (what I've been doing) or map the keys in the WiiMoteController app?
Do I also need to buy the Nunchuck attachment?
Is it possible to just have the WiiMote and use that for my gaming?
Is there a Wii Controller attachment that I can slide my Wiimote into to turn it into a full fledge controller?
Why don't the Rom Gripper & Rom Gripper ++ download any ROMs? Are the servers down?
I'm confused and frustrated as I was trying all night to play around with it. I also want to mention that I didn't have success in the Zelda app either.
Wii-mote alone doesnt have sufficient buttons for the N64. Really its lacking to even cover the SNES.
Mostly I game using GBA, because of this. To combat it, you can get the classic controller plugin - http://www.amazon.com/Wii-Classic-Controller-nintendo/dp/B000IN0BSU
Which plugs into the wiimote, and should map through the WiiMoteController app, though I havent tried to see for sure. Personally I want it totally portable, and dont want to have to carry a third thing. I wish they would just make a wireless wii classic controller to work on its own. But alas...
Another problem you may be encountering with N64 and PSX, is mapping analog to digital. You are familiar with the analog controls of the original, but as I understand it, you can only map the classic controller as keyboard input, which turns them into digital control (full on, full off, like a keyboard button press). For many games that wont matter, but for many it will. Just another consideration.
Don't know anything about romgripper though, I only backup my games that I have bought with tools built from scratch
massivebasset said:
I wish they would just make a wireless wii classic controller to work on its own. But alas...
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you mean the Datel Retro wireless controller? That's what I bought. Think of it as a classic controller with the wiimote built inside
I laugh at everyone getting a wiimote + classic controller for use with their phones, lol. Who the hell wants to carry that around?
Hell, I don't even use the datel controller that much (thank god I have a wii to use it with as well). Like I'm going to carry a controller with me everywhere I go, seriously.
I just choose games that work well with touchscreen controls (like strategy games and rpgs)
So do you recommend me getting a nunchuck along with my WiiMote or returning the Wiimote and buying the Datel?
I downloaded the ROM before (I do own all the games I downloaded) and I only care about those 2 games.
well getting a nunchuck isn't really going to solve your problem of not having enough buttons for N64 and PSX games...
and about the controller still not working after you mapped the buttons, you still have to switch to the controller in the standard Android input settings (like switch away from an onscreen keyboard) AS WELL as enabling the "input option" within the emulators. Like in Gameboid, if you go into "other settings" you will find an input option that you have to toggle (in addition to simply mapping the keys in the controls section).
gqstatus0685 said:
So do you recommend me getting a nunchuck along with my WiiMote or returning the Wiimote and buying the Datel?
I downloaded the ROM before (I do own all the games I downloaded) and I only care about those 2 games.
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I get 5 to 10 emails/PMs a day about this, you're going to want to get the Datel Retro Wireless. Wiimotes are only good for NES and Sega Master System.

[Q] Can phonejoy controller be used on gameloft games?

Hi all,
I am interested to get this controller. I wonder if anyone can tell me if it can theoritically work on games not ported from playstation? (eg brothers in arms from gameloft)
As you can see from the video, it works on S2 for mario
User review here
This is partly connected to Bluez-IME. In theory Bluez-IME can emulate the Xperia controls hence Gameloft games should work with Phonejoy. However for some reason in many games just the d-pad appears to be working as of yet. The issue is known however to the dev Kenneth (http://code.google.com/p/android-bluez-ime/issues/detail?id=66) and I think he is looking into it.
In part 2 of the video he uses it with Samurai Vengeance and it works rather well i might add (around 9:18min mark):
I use a PS3 controller and the sixaxis app for my N64 emulator on my phone, but that doesnt allow me to to use it in games which are just touch screen controls I might have to check out Bluez-IME to see if it can help out!

Bluetooth Gamepad

Hey guys,
I'm searching for a bluetooth or wireless gamepad for my future nexus.
Do you have any ideeas? I was almost into buying Wii Wireless Retro Controller but I can't find it anywhere so I'm looking for something else. Ohhh, this was my first option because is so COOL!
Another option could be Phonejoy's Gamepad, wich is OUT OF STOCK too. I could go for a PS3 SIXAXIS Gamepad, but I dont know if I can use it for other games like Shadowgun, Backstab, Dungeon Defenders (mostly RPG and FPS), not only with PSX Emulator.
Anyone who used a PS3 controller played games like the one above with it?
Just a word of warning you need to make sure your device is compatible. Even if it is, it might work with some app and not another.
There are some bluetooth controller to consider though like: Zeemote, MSI Gamepad, Wii controller (which seems to be the safe bet.)
Sometime you need to run a background 'keyboard' app to make some of these controller work, such as Bluez IME.
I have the iControlPad, but it only work with apps that support keyboard input, through the use of Bluez IME. The most fullproof way for me is still wired controller.
I'm dealing with the issue right now.
I use sixaxis for my PS3 controller but it seems there is lack of supported games.
I think trying FPse for it.
I've also Logitech gamepad (F710) and like you I'd love to see supported games beside FPse.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
idan_mo said:
I'm dealing with the issue right now.
I use sixaxis for my PS3 controller but it seems there is lack of supported games.
I think trying FPse for it.
I've also Logitech gamepad (F710) and like you I'd love to see supported games beside FPse.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Give me a few days and this should become a reality with the Sixaxis controller
Honeycomb and ICS have native support for gamepads so they should work throughout the OS and games.
I have a PS3 controller on my Transformer and I also have the Wii Retro controller. The Retro controller sucks horribly compared to the PS3 controller. Plus they all connect via Bluetooth so any controller will act the same unless it comes with a specific binding app.
I don't have a Nexus but I think the PS3 controller is the way to go. I picked up a new white one at Gamestop for $29.
Datel makes the Retro wireless controller.
G2x - 2.3.7 CM7
Transformer - 3.2 Revolver OC/UV
I've done it.
Sixaxis with PS3 controller plus MHL to see it on my LCD TV.
Works great! But only in emulators like FPse (the emulator I've test).
I'll wait to the OTG cable and see if I can play with the gamepad on any game (which is not related to FPse).
do i need ROOT for all of this that you guys are talking about? i want to use the original ps3 controller to play games in my galaxy nexus but i totally don't want to root, please help, i don't care if i have to use cable or Bluetooth.
Not sure if this would work on phones, http://steelseries.com/us/products/other/steelseries-ion-wireless-controller
it does mentions tablets. it's coming soon.

[Q] Games on Ouya

Does it have a mapping tool so you can play games that don't support a controller or can you not download them at all?
don't know really. It has some kind of touch pad on it. But since Ouya has a controller, the games designed for it will have gamepad inputs.
for other games, who knows yet. Maybe Sixasxis Controller app may be able to help. It has touch simulator profiles. It's rather hit and miss on it's success. It's not the app, but some game's touch inputs are not static, so it makes it more difficult to setup.
they support sixaxis controllers natively, and there are rumours that a few people will be porting their controller-mapping apps to OUYA, for the purpose of adapting those touchscreen .apk's...
There is nothing so far on the marketplace or on the major OUYA forums
Has anyone tested the Interworks Controller Pro U (aka Retro Classic Controller) with the Ouya (or any Android device)? I'm especially interested in joystick functionality...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727

Pairing a Bluetooth Control Pad (PS3/PS4)

HI. Im into Retro Gaming and I would like to ask if it's possible to pair HTC 10 with such devices. I would just play with Emulators, namely for NES, SNES, Genesis & PlayStation.
Should be fine, I use a PS3 sixaxis controller and epsxe without any problems.
You do need to use an app called sixaxis controller and be rooted for the app to work though as far as I know.
