[Q] Stuck on Cyanogen Mod loader animation - Xperia Arc Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Unlocked my bootloader...check
Rooted my Arc...check
Downloaded the latest CM7 from Cyanogenmod...check
Fastboot boot.img...check
Wiped cache, user data...check
Install update.zip from SDcard...check
Boot, and I'm stuck. The CM7 loader shows up, I see the unlock screen for about 2 seconds and then the CM7 loader comes back. Over and over and over again. I've tried completely wiping and starting from scratch but that's not working. I've tried both the latest stable release and the latest nightly. I read elsewhere on an EVO 4G thread that someone had a similar issue but the fixes they suggested aren't flying.
I am relatively new so please don't make too many assumptions as to my understanding. Speak slowly and use little words. Hand gestures help.

What kernel are you using and which firmware were you on before you flashed cm7?

The kernel was something.something.56, I believe. (or was that the firmware?)
I'm sort of stuck in this place and I can't get out. I suppose if push came to shove I could find those posts about putting my phone back into its stock state. But I'd rather not. The stock Sony experience was terrible.

Firmwares ok then, did you use the kernel in the cm7 zip or from DoomLord (i.e. fastboot flash boot boot.img)?

I first tried the boot.img from Doomlord (v15). But that wouldn't even get to the home screen so then I tried boot.img from the cm7 zip.

i have same problem

Best idea is to start from scratch. Check fxp thread for anyone else having issues too.

freicook said:
I first tried the boot.img from Doomlord (v15). But that wouldn't even get to the home screen so then I tried boot.img from the cm7 zip.
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You have to use Doom's CM7 kernel on CM7, not the one for SE's ROM.
Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk

keep getting random reboots anyone know why?

OK, this has been quite a journey but I was able to get CM7 working.
1st, I had to put the phone back into a stock state, like I just got it from Sony. My phone was unbranded and not from a carrier so this wasn't too hard. But I can't even sort of retrace the steps I took to get it back to the stock version of the SE Xperia Arc software. I never strayed from XDA so all of the answers are here, but what a rabbit hole that was.
2nd, the "latest stable release" on the CM7 site that I linked to in my original post is, in fact, completely unstable. Random reboots, stuck at the loading animation, etc. You need to use version instead. Download that version, flash the boot.img that's contained within that zip and then update in fastboot to the update.zip
This took far too long to figure out but I was able to get the thing running. And it looks so much better than Sony's terrible UI. What on Earth were they thinking?

If you downloaded CM7 on Cyanogenmod websites, I think you have to delete anthalservice.apk or something. It is located in /system/app/ or /data/, can't remember correctly.


[Q] Looping Boot Image

Heres the main question at hand before you read my large summary.
1) Why is my ROM's boot image looping constantly?
2) Do I have to NAND again if I revert to a nandroid backup that was made before I nand'ed my phone?
Time for the long, and mostly pointless, summary:
I'm pretty desperate to get things running on a Gingerbread ROM, if you didn't notice in my last topic 2 hours ago.
Anyways, I'm trying to get cyanogenmod7, Stock Gingerbread 2.3.1, or heck, even eVOKINGS-gingerbread ROM to work.
So far, i've tried Cyanogenmod7 and Stock Gingerbread 2.3.1 on my evo; none of which have worked past the boot screen.
Lets take stock gingerbread for example:
I downloaded the new cyanclockwork recovery rom off of rom manager and flashed it after a *long* process of nand'ing and rooting again.
Then, I powered down, booted up, and went straight into recovery in the bootloader. I went to install ROM from SD->chose the .zip .
after waiting for awhile, it said the upgrade was complete (upgrade?)
*notice: the installation bar didn't move at all durring the installation process, if that makes a difference
I rebooted, and was greeted by the HTC screen while it spelt out q-u-i-e-t-l-y-b-e-a-u-t-f-u-l
Nothing happens after that.
It just shows the HTC screen again, getting stuck at the B in beautiful. Pretty much just looping over-and-over again.
Same thing happened for Cyanogenmod7, I was constantly being looped through the skateboarding-droid figure.
I'm doing something wrong here obviously, because all these ROM's have screen captures from a EVO 4G.
Does it make a difference if I use Clockwork recovery or 2.6.7?
Please help.
I know all my questions are rather long and complicated, but im sick of being ignored at every forum (ubuntu forums, black ops, etc.)
Or I'm impatent and overestimated your forums activenes. No disrespect to the forums or devs (I thought your forum was really active)
Edit: If I for some reason can't get a 2.3.1 ROM to work, would someone kindly point me to a stable Froyo ROM they think is the best?
Have you use amo-ra?
Sent from my evil evo!!
rsjc741 said:
Heres the main question at hand before you read my large summary.
1) Why is my ROM's boot image looping constantly?
2) Do I have to NAND again if I revert to a nandroid backup that was made before I nand'ed my phone?
Time for the long, and mostly pointless, summary:
I'm pretty desperate to get things running on a Gingerbread ROM, if you didn't notice in my last topic 2 hours ago.
Anyways, I'm trying to get cyanogenmod7, Stock Gingerbread 2.3.1, or heck, even eVOKINGS-gingerbread ROM to work.
So far, i've tried Cyanogenmod7 and Stock Gingerbread 2.3.1 on my evo; none of which have worked past the boot screen.
Lets take stock gingerbread for example:
I downloaded the new cyanclockwork recovery rom off of rom manager and flashed it after a *long* process of nand'ing and rooting again.
Then, I powered down, booted up, and went straight into recovery in the bootloader. I went to install ROM from SD->chose the .zip .
after waiting for awhile, it said the upgrade was complete (upgrade?)
*notice: the installation bar didn't move at all durring the installation process, if that makes a difference
I rebooted, and was greeted by the HTC screen while it spelt out q-u-i-e-t-l-y-b-e-a-u-t-f-u-l
Nothing happens after that.
It just shows the HTC screen again, getting stuck at the B in beautiful. Pretty much just looping over-and-over again.
Same thing happened for Cyanogenmod7, I was constantly being looped through the skateboarding-droid figure.
I'm doing something wrong here obviously, because all these ROM's have screen captures from a EVO 4G.
Does it make a difference if I use Clockwork recovery or 2.6.7?
Please help.
I know all my questions are rather long and complicated, but im sick of being ignored at every forum (ubuntu forums, black ops, etc.)
Or I'm impatent and overestimated your forums activenes. No disrespect to the forums or devs (I thought your forum was really active)
Edit: If I for some reason can't get a 2.3.1 ROM to work, would someone kindly point me to a stable Froyo ROM they think is the best?
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I'm pretty sure you will still have nand unlocked. The only way you wouldn't is if you unroot.
Sent using my EVO running AZRAL X V 3.1
klquicksall said:
I'm pretty sure you will still have nand unlocked. The only way you wouldn't is if you unroot.
Sent using my EVO running AZRAL X V 3.1
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I should face-palm myself. I just read the sticked post and I'm going to try some of his suggestions. He pointed out why cyanogenmod wouldn't work.
My whole consept of the framework went out of the window, and now I think of it more like a standard linux distro, in terms of kernel->ROM relationship.
I don't think I need to have a custom kernel for the Gingerbread beta-4, but i'll look it up just in case... Though I don't have a clear idea on how to flash that.
And to the person 2 above, im using Cyanclockwork. For whatever reason, I like its design verse RA recovery. I might try RA recovery just to see if it works better, as everyone has said it does.
I think i needed to clear all my caches and then load the ROM.
So I did a wipe of everything (data, darvik, cache) and trying to install the GB ROM. My boot screen is *still* looping. Do I need to get another kernel? Is it like flashing a ROM? Where are they at? I didn't see any in the software section...

[Q] Rooted g2 won't boot past htc screen

Hello all.
I have a t-mobile g2, currently S-OFF, which is sitting in hboot/fastboot right now. I will not boot past the HTC screen.
I attained root last night using this method, and it worked without problems. I then gave a few apps (terminal and shark, to be precise) superuser access. Went to sleep.
This morning, I wanted to delete some apps and change some system fonts around (wanted to use the ubuntu font instead of droidsans). deleted photobucket at amazon mp3. while trying to change the fonts, I changed permissions on the /system/ folder to 777 (chmod 777 /system/). Changing the fonts wasn't working out, so i decided to leave it alone and just reboot my device. upon reboot, it would no longer boot past the htc boot screen. It will, however, go into hboot/fastboot mode without a problem. I tried going into recovery mode and using the update.zip (e4aaacea73af.OTA_Vision_TMUS_1.22.531.8- renamed). No luck. Also, i tried researching on the forums and using adb to try to unbrick, but adb doesn't recognize any device being plugged in. fastboot did work, though, and i wrote the original recovery.img file into the phone (although I don't know where it goes when this is done...) and now I don't know where to go next. any help?
Try wiping your data and flashing a new rom on there. Some roms have a OC kernel so I would also make sure u know what kind of kernel the rom has. If its OCed I would download o non OCed kernel. Reason being some are like OCed to the max which makes the phone not boot, and when turned off sleeping doesn't want to turn back on.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
Vandale said:
Try wiping your data and flashing a new rom on there. Some roms have a OC kernel so I would also make sure u know what kind of kernel the rom has. If its OCed I would download o non OCed kernel. Reason being some are like OCed to the max which makes the phone not boot, and when turned off sleeping doesn't want to turn back on.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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I had stock android that came with the phone, I just got it about a week ago. Is there any way to find the standard/stock android rom for the g2? if anyone could link it and let me know how to flash it, that would be amazing.
I've been doing a bit more research, and I found that it might be possible to flash a stock rom (PC10IMG.zip). I downloaded the TMOUS one provided in this thread and shortened it to PC10IMG.zip. Once I do that, I go into Hboot, and when it checks for the different nbh/zip images, it always tells me "no image"/"no image or wrong image!". HELP!!!
consciousdawn said:
I've been doing a bit more research, and I found that it might be possible to flash a stock rom (PC10IMG.zip). I downloaded the TMOUS one provided in this thread and shortened it to PC10IMG.zip. Once I do that, I go into Hboot, and when it checks for the different nbh/zip images, it always tells me "no image"/"no image or wrong image!". HELP!!!
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Which one did you download? The first few on there were pre-release ROMs. The 1.19.531.1 ROM was the release ROM originally. Most recent G2's come with 1.22 (the OTA update) pre-installed, which we do not currently have a PC10IMG.zip for. If your G2 had 1.22 (e.g., you already had wifi-calling and tethering), you won't be able to use the 1.19 PC10IMG unless you used gfree to obtain S-OFF. If you did not (i.e., you only flashed the engineering HBOOT), you should not try to flash this file (it will replace your HBOOT with the shipping version and then quit mid-flash because it sees you already have a higher version installed). Even if you did obtain S-OFF with gfree, flashing this file will cause you to lose your engineering HBOOT and root (though you will still have S-OFF, so it's easy to re-root).
As was stated earlier, the easiest/best thing to do at this point is flash a custom ROM. If you still want the stock look-and-feel, here is a pre-rooted stock G2 ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=836042. You want to flash it through ClockworkMod recovery. I'm assuming you hadn't installed this already or you would have a backup of your ROM that you could have simply restored. You can install ClockworkMod recovery through fastboot though (there is a thread in the dev section or you can search for one of the many guides on it).
Also, you will probably want to get the de-odex version of the stock ROM. If you are doing any kind of theming or UI modifications, that is usually required (or your changes will cause a bootloop). Without knowing the details of what you tried to do, I'm guessing this is what happened to you (since the stock ROM is odex'ed).
ianmcquinn said:
As was stated earlier, the easiest/best thing to do at this point is flash a custom ROM. If you still want the stock look-and-feel, here is a pre-rooted stock G2 ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=836042. You want to flash it through ClockworkMod recovery. I'm assuming you hadn't installed this already or you would have a backup of your ROM that you could have simply restored. You can install ClockworkMod recovery through fastboot though (there is a thread in the dev section or you can search for one of the many guides on it).
Also, you will probably want to get the de-odex version of the stock ROM. If you are doing any kind of theming or UI modifications, that is usually required (or your changes will cause a bootloop). Without knowing the details of what you tried to do, I'm guessing this is what happened to you (since the stock ROM is odex'ed).
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Do you mean this thread? I have been trying to follow along and it's a bit confusing (although I feel that's due largely in part to grammatical/usage errors). what you are saying does help a lot though. I just need to learn how to install Clockworkmod Recovery through fastboot. *googles away* in the meantime, feel free to link me to another thread which helps me do this. Thanks a million.
I finally figured out what I was doing. So I used fastboot to flash a clockworkmod recovery.img onto my g2. When I went to recovery, after booting into hboot, it went to the HTC screen, as it should. Guess what I got? loopboot, once again T_T. Luckily I still have the official recovery.img, and reflashed that. Did I do something wrong? Please let me know.
consciousdawn said:
I finally figured out what I was doing. So I used fastboot to flash a clockworkmod recovery.img onto my g2. When I went to recovery, after booting into hboot, it went to the HTC screen, as it should. Guess what I got? loopboot, once again T_T. Luckily I still have the official recovery.img, and reflashed that. Did I do something wrong? Please let me know.
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Wait, so what exactly happened? You entered the bootloader (white screen with green Android guys at the bottom), selected to enter recovery (using volume down and power button to select), and then was presented with an HTC logo? That means ClockworkMod recovery did not successfully flash. Did you get any errors when you used flashboot?
That's exactly what happened, and no, not at all. It said it flashed successfully. Maybe I don't have the correct version of Clockworkmod? If you could please link me to a good one, that would be great.
So I found an official clockworkmod, and now when I boot into recovery, it shows the HTC logo and then goes to clockworkmod. This is amazing. Thank you guys for all your help, I have learned something new today.
Now, can someone explain the difference between odexed and deodexed? please? lol.
ianmcquinn said:
Wait, so what exactly happened? You entered the bootloader (white screen with green Android guys at the bottom), selected to enter recovery (using volume down and power button to select), and then was presented with an HTC logo? That means ClockworkMod recovery did not successfully flash. Did you get any errors when you used flashboot?
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Looks like I cried victory too quickly. While I do get the menu for clockworkmod (every time I boot, for that matter), every time I issue a command, such as reboot now, or install from SDcard, and even advanced, the screen goes black. GRRR, WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I've been at this since about 1 today T_T
Just wanted to say that I'm the biggest noob on the planet. While I did upgrade to cwm, i didn't know it allowed the use of the main controls. I got my phone up and running now. Thank you for all the help. Good night :]

[Q] Boot Loop Problems - US Defy

Hello, all. I am stuck in a boot loop. It occurred when I rebooted after reestablishing 3G as discussed in this thread. I had made a recovery using the Recovery App (from aforementioned thread) before proceeding which created a cache.img, data.img, system.img and .android_secure.img. I have these images in a secure location, but cannot access them via the recovery console. So I tried going through the stock recovery wiping settings and cache and then rebooting as suggested in this thread. I have tried flashing a stock US SBFs from this thread on XDA-Dev and And-Dev (here) using RSDLite versions 4.5.3, and 4.6. I get this output from RSD:
Failed flashing process. Unable to retrieve initialization values from INI file. (0x7023); phone connected
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My battery is fully charged, but still I cannot flash any of the SBF files. I have tried to not post for as long as possible, because I value your time and work, opting instead to scour the forums. If I have missed something, then I apologize for cluttering up the forum. But if there is anyone out there who can help me safely get out of this boot loop, I would appreciate it so very much. Thank you XDA-Developers, you're my only hope.
Sweet. So my problem was that I was using an older version of RSDLite. As hinted at by farsight73, there was a compatibility issue with my machine and RSDLite 4.5.3 and 4.6. Several threads suggested that I try a later version of RSD to get it to work on my M$ Windows 7 64bit. So I tried v.4.9 (here) and it worked like a charm. It recognized my phone, and following this great guide I was able to flash a stock 2.2.1 sbf that I found linked to on the XDA forums. Thank you so much, farsight73, for encouraging me to look into hardware compatibility. Worked great! I'll be sure to look into your suggestion about 2nd init. Thanks all!
If you had initialled flashed full SBF froyo and wanted back Eclair then it's not possible.
Same goes to full flash Gingerbread which you will not be able to go back lower version AFAIK. But if you're on froyo in this bootloop then I would suggest you start with full wipe un stock recovery and flash the Nordic froyo of 2.2.2. Might need to flash using difference PC if the one you use is persistently giving the above failed flashing process.
If you somehow able to recover back your phone to live. I would suggest you to install 2nd-init so you can quickly recover your phone in case you messed things up again in the future.
Hey, thanks for the response, farsight73. I am in froyo, but 2.2.1. I'm currently trying RSDLite on a friend's XP, hopefully that works, but I will be sure to give your Nordic suggestion a go. I'll post the results when I finish.
I would suggest you to install 2nd-init
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I don't really know what that is, but I will be sure to look into it so that I can avoid these types of issues in the future. I'm really new at this, so it's really just me hopping around from thread to thread trying to make sense of it all. Thanks again for the suggestions!
I added a conclusion to the OP. Thanks again, farsight73!
was having the same problem with the 3g used defy baseband on cm7 and got my 3g back easily..(hspa 2)
Running nordic and 2nd-init and really digging it. Thx.
Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk
Thanks, kidrobot52. I found and installed the Defy Baseband Switcher v4 from this thread. I picked the bands based on the table on this page. I'll post my results!
After following the advice of farsight73 in this thread, I was able to get Baseband Switcher v4 (link above) working for my provider and area. Thanks for the heads up on the tool, kidrobot52!
Glad I can be that helpful to you. 2nd-init is another advance custom boot menu with on board custom recovery. It triggered while the phone is in booting sequence, thus, you could always enter to custom recovery to restore your backup rom if anything goes wrong wirh your modding.
Press -vol when you see blue light while the phone is booting. In the boot menu is more of self explanatory.
Always make a backup if you're attempting to edit or modding which effecting system files.
Sent from my awesome Moto Defy: Stock Rooted Gingerbread 2.3.3 - XDA Premium

[Q] Custom Kernel Problems, HELP!

OK, here it goes.
I have a R800x CDMA Verizon Xperia Play
I had bootloader unlocked successfully by alejandrissimo.
I am rooted.
Today I decided to try the MIUI rom for CDMA.
It required custom kernel, and recommended Kieren's darkforest kernel.
I installed that kernel via fastboot with no problems.
Upon turning on phone, i get a page that says Sony, then I get ANDROID page.
Then it just stays on ANDROID. I can tell that it is not frozen because I can see the waving lines going across.
SO, I decided to just go back to stock kernel then try again.
BUT, I cannot get into fastboot!!
I hold search while connecting usb, and the led blinks blue once, then continues with boot.
I am at a loss.
I Can get into CWM.
Please Help!
Edit: I just noticed that after holding search then plugging in USB, the light blinks blue once. Then about 25 seconds later, the light turns solid blue for about 3 seconds. Then just to orange for charging. During this time, I can not get fastboot to recognize device, nor does my computer recognize any devices.
OK, first - don't panic! I had some issues myself with this, but it's easy to resolve.
First - if you want to return to stock, the easiest thing to do is to download flashtool from this link:http://androxyde.github.com/Flashtool/
And the FTF of the stock ROM from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?u70ci3bdzak3u9e
Follow the directions on the Flashtool website for how to flash back to stock. This will make your phone just like it came out of the box. It does not touch the SDCard.
Second - Make sure the kernel you flash in fastboot is the one intended for the ROM you want to install. Also make sure you copy the zip file of the rom you want to install onto your sdcard. Then enter into CWM and do the following:
- clear data
- clear cache
- clear Dalvik cache (under the advanced menu)
- clear Battery Stats (same menu as above)
Then use the menu "install zip from sd card" (or whatever it says ) find the zip file you copied onto you card and load it. Reboot when finished and you should be good to go. Please be aware some ROMS take a long time to boot up the first time around.
Good luck.
netizenmt said:
OK, first - don't panic! I had some issues myself with this, but it's easy to resolve.
First - if you want to return to stock, the easiest thing to do is to download flashtool from this link:http://androxyde.github.com/Flashtool/
And the FTF of the stock ROM from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?u70ci3bdzak3u9e
Follow the directions on the Flashtool website for how to flash back to stock. This will make your phone just like it came out of the box. It does not touch the SDCard.
Second - Make sure the kernel you flash in fastboot is the one intended for the ROM you want to install. Also make sure you copy the zip file of the rom you want to install onto your sdcard. Then enter into CWM and do the following:
- clear data
- clear cache
- clear Dalvik cache (under the advanced menu)
- clear Battery Stats (same menu as above)
Then use the menu "install zip from sd card" (or whatever it says ) find the zip file you copied onto you card and load it. Reboot when finished and you should be good to go. Please be aware some ROMS take a long time to boot up the first time around.
Good luck.
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ok, small problem with that.
when I click to install flashtool, it tells me that it is not available for my region (Central USA).
I do have a nandroid and titanium backups made just before flashing.
Use this link - I forgot about their link blocking us. But use that site for instructions.
Having just unlocked my bootloader this weekend as well, I don't know what to tell you there. But since you can get into CWM, reverting to stock is a good way to go. Then try flashing the firmware, etc again.
still stuck
netizenmt said:
Use this link - I forgot about their link blocking us. But use that site for instructions.
Having just unlocked my bootloader this weekend as well, I don't know what to tell you there. But since you can get into CWM, reverting to stock is a good way to go. Then try flashing the firmware, etc again.
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OK, thanks for your help, but I am still stuck.
I can not get the device to be recognized.
So, now I need an alternate method.
I will attach the kernel that I flashed, maybe I could flash a ROM that could be compatible.
I tried to flash MIUI v4 from near the end of the MIUI port for CDMA thread (pg 9, I think) , which paxchristos and a few others reported working fine for the R800x
I flashed the kernel that was listed to use in the same post.
But, when I tried to flash the ROM, CWM told me that it was not compatible with my device. It checked the ro.build.fingerprint and determined that it was not compatible.
Maybe another rom would work, and then I would be able to work on it from there
zeeky120 said:
OK, thanks for your help, but I am still stuck.
I can not get the device to be recognized.
So, now I need an alternate method.
I will attach the kernel that I flashed, maybe I could flash a ROM that could be compatible.
I tried to flash MIUI v4 from near the end of the MIUI port for CDMA thread (pg 9, I think) , which paxchristos and a few others reported working fine for the R800x
I flashed the kernel that was listed to use in the same post.
But, when I tried to flash the ROM, CWM told me that it was not compatible with my device. It checked the ro.build.fingerprint and determined that it was not compatible.
Maybe another rom would work, and then I would be able to work on it from there
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Yeah, that seems to be the wrong boot.img. It should be called boot-v2.img.
EDIT: WOW - I just reread your post after posting mine and realized I pointed you to the same spot!
Try this ROM which is a version of CM9 that Chevyowner got working for our R800x. I know it works because I'm using it. http://www.mediafire.com/?1xnh54i6lvnnh73
It is the same one, i just renamed it because i thought kernels had to be boot.img to flash correctly. I will try that rom when i get home.
Sent from my T100 using XDA
zeeky120 said:
It is the same one, i just renamed it because i thought kernels had to be boot.img to flash correctly. I will try that rom when i get home.
Sent from my T100 using XDA
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just an fyi, you can name kernels whatever you feel like (I'm not sure about spaces, I use linux, so I never have spaces in names anyways )
Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
Flashing now
OK, I just downloaded and flashed the ROM about 3 minutes ago.
I cleared everything just like you told me to.
It installed with no errors.
You may be right about long boot times for first boot, otherwise I have a really bad kernel.
It has just sat on Sony screen for the past 10 minutes.
It hasn't even went on to the android page that I got before.
Hoping that it will Work.
Assuming that it doesn't, what would be my best next move?
Can I flash a kernel (Such as doom_lord's CDMA Kernel) via clockwork?
I think I saw a video about it for the Samsung fascinate, however I seem to recall something about needing an s2 file or something??
I will update as soon as I get something. (hopefully good news)
Update: It has been about 20 minutes now and still on Sony screen.
Now it has been 30, im starting to get worried. Should I plug in? Should I just let it be? Should I let it die? Should I battery pull?
Major Edit: I got impatient and just battery pulled. I then tried to get into CWM, but failed. THen I got a bright Idea, why not try fastboot with the new rom. IT WORKED. I WILL NOW TRY TO FLASH A NEW KERNEL AND SEE IF THAT HELPS.
it should not take 30 minutes to boot, only thing i can think of right now is to redownload kernel (boot-v2.img) and reflash that.
chevyowner said:
it should not take 30 minutes to boot, only thing i can think of right now is to redownload kernel (boot-v2.img) and reflash that.
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is this your kernel, or someone else's? If it's yours/you have a working copy, could you post an md5 so the op can double check it?
Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
nope not my kernel, and i doubt i have an original working copy as i added 2 lines so i could mount my sdext partition.
OK, I am now back up and running.
I went through every kernel and rom for CDMA play, and got nowhere.
I ended up getting Doom's kernel to run. It worked, and booted to android... Then stayed at android.
Then I decided to flash my nandroid i made, and am now working on stock rom W/ DoomKernel.
The ROM seems to be lagging a lot.
Since everything is *working* now, what kernel/ROM combo can anyone verify working for the Play R800x CDMA.
I would really like CM9 or ICS based roms.
Thanks for your help getting me out of this mess!!
EDIT: Nothing seems to be working!! My touchscreen seems to be non responsive, no phyiscal keys except for the power key seem to be working with my original ROM now!!! Maybe somebody could attach a copy of the stock kernel for my device, so that I could start from scratch.
If you're using keiran (darkforest) cm9 kernel the md5sum for it should be: 74a5be2bf95322b8c45780d9daeda4fa
Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
zeeky120 said:
Nothing seems to be working!! My touchscreen seems to be non responsive, no phyiscal keys except for the power key seem to be working with my original ROM now!!! Maybe somebody could attach a copy of the stock kernel for my device, so that I could start from scratch.
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This site has some of the stock FTFs, just extract the kernel.sin from the R800x one http://www.xperiagamer.com/Stock-Roms/233-se-stock-firmware-for-root.html
kernel.sin: http://www.mediafire.com/?e29j13d9wpgdvoj
md5sum: 45116201967408d70895ef63c500ed1e
@zeeky120 - I'm sorry you're having so many problems. For me when everything seemed hosed, I started over by using Flashtool and flashing the ftf file I gave you links for. Then once it came back up as stock, I started again from scratch. Depending on what your goals are, you need to flash the proper kernel for that. Then get into CWM. Clear DATA, CACHE, DALVIK CACHE before you do anything else. Then load via zip file the rom you want to install, making sure it matches the kernel you loaded. And, whether necessary or not, I always wipe the big 3 again, just in case. (Call me paranoid, but it helps! )
Ok now up and running on stock everything working great just like out of box. The only thing I have done so far is to root. I want to do it right this time. I would like to flash cm9 based miui for r 800x. Could anyone provide detailed step by step instructions and links for download. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
Closing Notes
This thread has reached its end, because my problem has been fully solved. Advice to future users, always clear the big three, and when in doubt: use flashtool to reboot the ftf. Right now I am up and running on CM9 (use the link in Chevy's signature to download. I can verify that it works great on CDMA. (faster download speeds than stock!!!) Thanks for everyone for all of their help, and I hope to be contributing to development in the near future.

[Req] Best mod with much less bugs for I927R

Guys i need your help. Pleas can someone tell me for now what mods is much better for I927R (Also withe very stability and with much less bugs) ?!
I found Liquid Smooth but it have some problem so i need your guide about other mods.
Thank you
ICS Roms are the best and most stable... Stock ICS from AT&T UCLJ3 or any roms based off of it ... Dman's daily driver, Ice Pop Rom by RawRaw, LiteRom by TheGreaterGood...
Unfortunately none of those are being maintained but I had been running Dman's for the last couple months, great battery life when paired w/ JuiceDefender (20+hours of heavy use when I'm not sleeping).
Now the newest CM10.1 by Spyke seems pretty solid ... Just a couple of issues.
ICS is the only one you'll get bug free, though. Stock is hard to compete with when we're pairing up roms without a true Devdeloper.
On this subject, I've just reverted back to using IcePop ROM after (unhappily) downgrading from Spyke's latest 10.1 ROM - just mainly because of the Bluetooth headset issue, which I really need working for work purposes.
I'm just wondering if there are any ICS builds that have GPS working correctly? I tried flashing the Rogers modem (since my phone was originally a Rogers import, flashed to AT&T ICS, then played with ICS from there) and first time I ran GPS status it took 771 seconds... I'm going to keep trying just in case that was the first time only, but 12 minutes is still a very long time for an initial fix .
Also - I've found that I'm getting more and more bootloop problems even with clean installs - so wiping cache, data, dalvic, etc. Is there some way to do a *thorough* wipe without bricking the phone? I can back all my data up no worries, but next time I move to JB (in the optimism that the BT issues will be fixed soon, judging by the positive progress being made by Spyke ) I would like to do a clean build from scratch and not have to gamble being able to start the phone up again
David - I always go into mount options of CWM and format /system prior to a new flash .. I'm not sure if flashing with Odin will get rid of any previous settings, its something to attempt though.
I, also, had reverted to using JB Because GPS wouldn't work ... There's a thread in here (search for it) that shows the solution to the GPS fix, its editing sirgps.conf and gps.conf ... I was getting a fix on GPS in under 30 seconds.... GPS was a huge let down in the stock ICS rom, Even when using TheGreaterGoods LiteRom w/ GPS fix I found after a couple of days my gps didn't hold....
Thanks for the reply.
I was considering formatting /system this morning when I was getting stuck in a boot loop from trying to get M3 running, but decided it was a risk I'd have to check up on first . Next time I do a build from scratch (I'm going to resist until the BT stuff is working - fingers crossed!) I'll do that.
I remember having a look at the gps.conf fix but don't recall anything about sirgps.conf - so I will look it up, thanks!
As an aside, I've been checking the GPS fix a couple of times since my last post and it is coming up in under 30 seconds each time... I'm wondering if my attempt to flash the Rogers modem did in fact fix the issue... I'd do a reboot but I'm too scared I won't get the phone up again XD
Found the fix, I did a few of the changes (rather than all of them), and it's now picking up 8 satellites instead of 3-5, and getting a stronger signal from each... and all I did was point it to the AU ntp server, and tell it I'm not on the ATT network . I'll save the suggested settings to a text file on my SD card so next time I'm out and about and if it plays up I'll have access to the details.
yohan4ws said:
David - I always go into mount options of CWM and format /system prior to a new flash .. I'm not sure if flashing with Odin will get rid of any previous settings, its something to attempt though.
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Had to restart my phone tonight and got caught in a boot loop again... after trying a few things I flashed Lite Kernel (I'm still using ICS again at the moment) and that seems to have solved the boot loop issues. I'm thinking that with all the ROM flashing I've been doing the fact that I actually had the phone running without flashing an ICS specific kernel (after running JB) was screwing things up.
Interestingly though, I tried installing Spyke's M3 ROM from a complete user wipe, system format, everything gone - and I still got a boot loop so next time I try it I'll grab a copy of LiteKernel and do that separately.
davidpartay said:
Interestingly though, I tried installing Spyke's M3 ROM from a complete user wipe, system format, everything gone - and I still got a boot loop so next time I try it I'll grab a copy of LiteKernel and do that separately.
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That has to be very concerning to you, I've never had an issue booting any ROM. And very strange flashing the Kernel separately would resolve your booting issues...
Did you try to flash any of the stock roms w/ Odin ? I have read that we can only flash back to stock Gingerbread from JellyBean if we flash a GB or ICS CWM ROM and then go back with Odin otherwise there will be boot issues.
If I were in your position I would try and do a full revert back to the earliest version of gingerbread I could find on samfirmware and then use Kies to udpate - THEN I would retry flashing to a newer JB or ICS Rom.
Pretty time consuming but that is the price we pay to mod
davidpartay said:
Had to restart my phone tonight and got caught in a boot loop again... after trying a few things I flashed Lite Kernel (I'm still using ICS again at the moment) and that seems to have solved the boot loop issues. I'm thinking that with all the ROM flashing I've been doing the fact that I actually had the phone running without flashing an ICS specific kernel (after running JB) was screwing things up.
Interestingly though, I tried installing Spyke's M3 ROM from a complete user wipe, system format, everything gone - and I still got a boot loop so next time I try it I'll grab a copy of LiteKernel and do that separately.
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My phone has an issue, simple I couldnt reboot it, I must power off and wait a little. You can try it when you flash something, just remove battery and usb cable, and wait 2 minutes, before you turn on.
yohan4ws said:
Did you try to flash any of the stock roms w/ Odin ? I have read that we can only flash back to stock Gingerbread from JellyBean if we flash a GB or ICS CWM ROM and then go back with Odin otherwise there will be boot issues.
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Not yet. I'll have to check which ones I have - I'm certain I have the AT&T ICS rom from November but then I'd have to go digging through my email for the unlock code again, so I'm trying to avoid doing that at this point . If i can find the stock GB Rogers rom at some point I might flash that one back on before I do any more upgrades. The phone is up and running at this point though, so I'm not too fussed. I've also noticed that it's a little quicker than before so I think the version of LiteKernel I installed was a good idea anyway.
bubor said:
My phone has an issue, simple I couldnt reboot it, I must power off and wait a little. You can try it when you flash something, just remove battery and usb cable, and wait 2 minutes, before you turn on.
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I've tried pulling the battery a few times, but probably no longer than 30 seconds. Next time I'll give it a couple of minutes. I tend to do this late at night when I'm not expecting any calls (except fire brigade but I have a pager for that too) so time without a phone is no issue to me
After much irritation at continually getting stuck in boot loops again, I've 'Oneclicked' the phone twice, got fed up with the AT&T ICS ROM within about 5 minutes, gave up on IcePop because of buggy GAPPS...
And thought, bugger it. Format /system. Factory reset. Clear cache + Dalvik. Installed in this order:
Jellybean 4.2 ROM from 0217
Spyke's M3 update
PAC rom
GAPPS dated 0427
"Kick-ass Kernel"
I am pleased
Does JB need already to be installed before putting the M3 revisions on? Maybe that's where I've been going wrong all along, because my attempts at running both the standard M3 and PAC ROM (even immediately after OneClicking) resulted in boot loops or eternal boot loading.
Uhh... what do you mean by "One Clicking" ??
I know there's a "superoneclick" that will flash and root the rom all at once, but I never personally found it to work for our glides.
Using CWM and installing the ROM through the CWM boot menu is severaly key presses so ... not too sure what you're referring to.
Also, I've always downloaded to a hardwired computer then copied over USB to my phone and flashed ... sometimes the download will have errors if I grab it from my phone.
I'm assuming it's a variant of SuperOneClick... The title is 'Odin3Excution v1.85' and then underneath it says 'I927UCLG9_OneClick'.
And it worked just fine, I did have a stock rom that I tried to flash with Odin but it kept giving me errors, the OneClick method worked.
davidpartay said:
I'm assuming it's a variant of SuperOneClick... The title is 'Odin3Excution v1.85' and then underneath it says 'I927UCLG9_OneClick'.
And it worked just fine, I did have a stock rom that I tried to flash with Odin but it kept giving me errors, the OneClick method worked.
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Interesting... for future reference, www.samfirmware.com has the stock firmwares, then there's the superUser file floating around the forums that allows you to root by flashing it. Passed that, remove bloat.
Glad you got it working! Welcome to JB

