Tablet tweak.... - Verizon Droid Incredible 2

There was an AOSP ROM I had tried a while back, and had an option called tablet tweak or something like that.... Which ROM(s) was (were) it (they)?? Any help is much appreciated
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tylerlawhon said:
There was an AOSP ROM I had tried a while back, and had an option called tablet tweak or something like that.... Which ROM(s) was (were) it (they)?? Any help is much appreciated
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Cm7, it moved the status bar to the bottom.
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knipp21 said:
Cm7, it moved the status bar to the bottom.
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I couldn't remember if it was that one or poolparty... or both...


[Req] ICS theme for CM7

Can anyone port this now since the SDK is out? As a flashable zip or for a theme chooser on cm7. Thanks ahead for anyone that can get this done.
I wish i knew how but I'm not so good with this.
luvtorev said:
Can anyone port this now since the SDK is out? As a flashable zip or for a theme chooser on cm7. Thanks ahead for anyone that can get this done.
I wish i knew how but I'm not so good with this.
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It's already in the first.
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knipp21 said:
It's already in the first.
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Ok yes knipp is right BUT... Can anyone make one that actually LOOKS LIKE ICS?
Like statusbar and everything
tyler1234567 said:
Ok yes knipp is right BUT... Can anyone make one that actually LOOKS LIKE ICS?
Like statusbar and everything
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Ohhhhh...that's asking allot haha
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tyler1234567 said:
Ok yes knipp is right BUT... Can anyone make one that actually LOOKS LIKE ICS?
Like statusbar and everything
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Exactly what Im looking for
There is one in the general android dev>themes for cm7 on xda
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jobu3434 said:
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Great thank you works nicely so far
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jobu3434 said:
There is one in the general android dev>themes for cm7 on xda
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Thanks I cant believe how good it is!
I love my ICS skin, I have had synergy for far to long now. I can only pretend that I have real ICS =(.
bod1ggity said:
I love my ICS skin, I have had synergy for far to long now. I can only pretend that I have real ICS =(.
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When you put that together with the ICS Launcher and clock, it's a nice illusion.
chattguy said:
When you put that together with the ICS Launcher and clock, it's a nice illusion.
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Where did you get the launcher?
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BorLEH said:
Where did you get the launcher?
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Why it's right here.

Phone quality impacted by ROM choice?

Our family has four Incredible 2's with Verizon. I am running Virtuous Unity 2.39 while the others are running stock (two rooted and one unrooted).
I feel I have the worse phone call quality, and am wondering if the ROM choice has any impact on this performance. If so, any ROM's that meet or exceed rooted stock?
lair12 said:
Our family has four Incredible 2's with Verizon. I am running Virtuous Unity 2.39 while the others are running stock (two rooted and one unrooted).
I feel I have the worse phone call quality, and am wondering if the ROM choice has any impact on this performance. If so, any ROM's that meet or exceed rooted stock?
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Any aosp Rom with aeroevans kernel is great.
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knipp21 said:
Any aosp Rom with aeroevans kernel is great.
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Liquid Smooth keeps me coming back every time. Amazingly fast.
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Load you some MIUI if you like aosp or try skyraider if you prefer sense both are stable an totally functional an surpass stock.
Eff yeah!!!!!!!!!
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knipp21 said:
Any aosp Rom with aeroevans kernel is great.
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Click to collapse and aeroevans is awesome, I've never had any trouble and call quality is very good
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ubuntunerd said: and aeroevans is awesome, I've never had any trouble and call quality is very good
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That's what I'm running right now. With the no overscroll ext. settings.
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tylerlawhon said:
That's what I'm running right now. With the no overscroll ext. settings.
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Glad you made the switch
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knipp21 said:
Glad you made the switch
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There are some aspects of sense I miss lol. But the cleanness of MIUI is too much to resist. Especially with my sick awesome ICS theme complete with keyboard.
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tylerlawhon said:
There are some aspects of sense I miss lol. But the cleanness of MIUI is too much to resist. Especially with my sick awesome ICS theme complete with keyboard.
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That's me the only thing I miss about sense is the weather widget but that's not enough to leave miui
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ubuntunerd said:
That's me the only thing I miss about sense is the weather widget but that's not enough to leave miui
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There are some weather widgets on the market that are almost identical to the sense weather widgets. can't remember off hand as I never venture off Sense, but when I did this was one thing I as well missed, anyone know the .apks?
andybones said:
There are some weather widgets on the market that are almost identical to the sense weather widgets. can't remember off hand as I never venture off Sense, but when I did this was one thing I as well missed, anyone know the .apks?
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I used this go weather before it has HTC look alike.
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Could someone port this??
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HoneySenseHD my bad. (Will fix OP later)
Seen Here and here
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tylerlawhon said:
Could someone port this??
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There are PLENTY of sense rom already
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xHoLyx said:
There are PLENTY of sense rom already
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Not themed like this one. I'd at least like to see a theme for a sense 3.0 ROM like this theme. Everything is all hexagonal and such.
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Yeah looks nice some guys were working on something like that a few months ago I think but bailed
tylerlawhon said:
Not themed like this one. I'd at least like to see a theme for a sense 3.0 ROM like this theme. Everything is all hexagonal and such.
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Better learn how to theme then
all of them are pretty simple except .9 images.
xHoLyx said:
Better learn how to theme then
all of them are pretty simple except .9 images.
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Lol I'd be all over theming, but I don't have a computer. Lol. Hopefully I'll be getting it fixed soon.
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xHoLyx said:
Better learn how to theme then
all of them are pretty simple except .9 images.
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.9 actually aren't as hard as they seem. Just can be more time consuming for the most part.
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CondemnedSoul said:
.9 actually aren't as hard as they seem. Just can be more time consuming for the most part.
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Nope they aren't, once you learn how to edit it, it's easy.
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i dont really see the honeycomb in it aside form the battery icon to me its just 3.0 themed. if thats all it is why dont you find a sense 3.0 rom with a similar theme
SynysterSilence said:
i dont really see the honeycomb in it aside form the battery icon to me its just 3.0 themed. if thats all it is why dont you find a sense 3.0 rom with a similar theme
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I've tried........ I can't find a theme that nice looking.
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My name is _______ and I have a flashing addiction

Its a serious problem. Its even worse now that I've tried ICS. I have issues.
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I have the same issue. 4 roms yesterday alone.
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I used to. But I flash maybe one rom a month now.
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knipp21 said:
I used to. But I flash maybe one rom a month now.
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I envy you.
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Yea I have been flashing a lot lately as well between aero's cm9 the aokp and the opensense 4 as well as the cm7.2 builds
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knipp21 said:
I used to. But I flash maybe one rom a month now.
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Ya right. How many did you flash this week?
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icon123 said:
Ya right. How many did you flash this week?
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1 rom. The 31 cm9 build
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thenaut said:
Its a serious problem. Its even worse now that I've tried ICS. I have issues.
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Sorry, I'll try not to put out new builds every day
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aeroevan said:
Sorry, I'll try not to put out new builds every day
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Your going a great job bro. Even better that your a gt student lol
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aeroevan said:
Sorry, I'll try not to put out new builds every day
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No, you are doing great.
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I check the development forum every time I am free, seriously. I don't flash as often, but when a new ROM gets updated, i download it and consider whether I want to reconfigure my phone or not. I like to change the layout of my home screen everytime I flash.
I've slowed down quite a bit, and very rarely mess with the sense roms (other than Nits new Sense 4 rom), but I do flash all the new updates to CM9, and had been with Aokp.
I will admit though, I do check daily for any and all new roms, and always look at the thread. I think once we get official Ics/Sense 3.6-4 there will be more roms to flash once again
I really like the sense 4 rom but its not quite a daily driver for me yet, but even when I do run other sense roms I always go back to cm.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
I also find myself checking xda way too often.
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On an unrelated note
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thenaut said:
On an unrelated note
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It wouldn't load for me
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knipp21 said:
It wouldn't load for me
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Search Taylor swift from the music page.
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thenaut said:
Search Taylor swift from the music page.
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I did lol
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I don't always flash an ass ton of roms, but when I do, I prefer aeroevan.
That is hilarious, I will have to to look at that again tomorrow while I am at work to distract me from hating my horrible job.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Google now for ICS

There seems to be a few places to get this mod but where did the people using this mod get it?
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thenaut said:
There seems to be a few places to get this mod but where did the people using this mod get it?
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P.S. The search button is your friend.
Hasta la vista, baby
thenaut said:
There seems to be a few places to get this mod but where did the people using this mod get it?
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Just guessing: the people using this mod got it in one of the few places where one can get it, whilst those not using it got it elsewhere.
You guys are awesome. I did search. Thanks for the help though.
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This an ARMv6 or v7?
Sent from my KangBang'd out vivow
tylerlawhon said:
This an ARMv6 or v7?
Sent from my KangBang'd out vivow
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