[INF] at+command - Bada Software and Hacking General

This is all AT+ command you can find and test in Wave.
Do search before if you dont know what you do.
File not complete and clean :

Merci Tigrouzen - pouvez-vous dans la future charger du texte brut dans un billet car rapidshare est un daube puant absolu :-D ... svp ?
Cheers Tigrouzen - would you mind loading future texts directly into posts please as rapidshare is a complete turd of a site :-D ... pretty please ?
All the best - D


[Project] WAP/MMS settings cabs for all operators

Hey people, I have successfully made a cab for installing O2-UKs wap and mms settings to WMXL (however this should work for LVSW/3DES.1/Black etc..).
I have a request can people PM me the settings for thier mobile carrier (dont forget the name of the carrier) and i will try to get a cab made.
Sounds like a plan.
In the meantime, is there anyway you could share your successful o2UK cab - having a mare getting all the settings working with WM6 - either t'interweb will work or MMS but not both. Strange I know but sadly true.
Call me greedy, but I want it all!
I wouldnt hold your breath to be honest, it is looking less simple everytime I try stuff! It will install MMS stuff no problem, but the GPRS settings are proving troublesome. watch this space.
can this help?
my local SP created a cab for that, can you use it or learn from it?
it's for orange IL users.
not sure what does the operator.cab file does...
YOINK!!!! il get to work! thanks
EDIT: ive experimented with cpf files (the same as when the carrier send the settings over SMS) but its proving more troublesome than I can deal with. I might come back to this project having researched a bit more. sorry people
Oh well, I guess it was worth a try!
3 UK (Hutchinson 3G)
Name: 3
Modem: Celluar Line (GPRS, 3G)
APN: three.co.uk
Rest left blank
Name: 3 MMS
Gateway: mms.three.co.uk
Port: 8799
Server: http://mms.um.three.co.uk:10021/mmsc
Limitation: 100K (not sure about this one, please correct if anyone knows)
Should really make a cab for myself but i flash so many times that i know the settings off by heart lol.
EDIT: Sorry just read your last post properly, lol. Maybe just create a Wiki page that will have all the settings for each network listed in a central place. Not as easy as installing a cab but at least they will all be listed there and people can edit and update as time goes on. Just a thought.
I hope this may help get you started again.
I have a cab file for the o2 settings that I originally used for my Universal.
Can not take credit for it myself, it is in the Universal forum somewhere.
And I use it on my Tytn with no problems regarding GPRS etc, other than MMS.
Had to alter the MMS settings to the following ( as i dont use MMS I just tried it and it does work )
Access point name: wap.o2.co.uk (contract customers) or payandgo.o2.co.uk (pay-as-you-go customers)
Username: o2wap (contract customers) or payandgo (pay-as-you-go customers)
Password: password
Authentication: Normal
Data bearer: GPRS
Gateway IP (proxy) address:
Session mode: Permanent
Port number: 9201
URL address: http://mmsc.mms.o2.co.uk:8002
ive got everything to work programatically except for the Proxy Entries....
can u PM me your proxy entries xml stuff?? ill send u the app for testing when its finished...
Orange Settings UK
anyone can upload Orange GPRS UK settings as cab file.
Thanks in advance.
never mind.... figured it out and works like a treat
Yer guys and gals, I didnt realise walshieu was so close to completion (shudda asked first (feels silly) ) So im going to forward the settings etc.. they should be in this program fairly soonish.
Dont forget people this will be in the v3 guide for the new version of WMXL.
If this can help, some config file for French Network
Orange GSM
Nom de connexion : Orange GSM
Porteuse de données : Appel de données
Numéro d'appel : +33674501100
Nom d'utilisateur : orange
Mot de passe : orange
Authentificationn : Normale
Page de démarrage : http://wap.orange.fr
Type de données : Numérique/RNIS
Débit de données maxi. : 9600
Sécurité connexion : Désactivée
Mode de session : Permanent
Orange GPRS
Porteuse de données : GPRS
Nom du point d'accès : orange
Nom d'utilisateur : orange
Mot de passe : orange
Authentification : Normale
Page de démarrage : http://wap.orange.fr
Sécurité connexion : Désactivée
Mode de session : Permanent
Orange MMS
Nom de connexion : Orange acte GPRS
Porteuse de données : GPRS
Nom du point d'accès : orange.acte
Nom d'utilisateur : orange
Mot de passe : orange
Authentification : Normale
Page de démarrage : http://mms.orange.fr
Sécurité connexion : Désactivée
Mode session : Permanent
Orange Web
Nom de connexion : Orange GPRS
Point d'accès : orange
Nom d'utilisateur : orange
Mot de passe : orange
DNS principal :
DNS secondaire :
Adresse IP : ne rien mettre
Nom du Profil : WAP SFR GSM
Numéro de connexion : +33613000010
IP Principale / annexe :
Port principal / annexe : 9201
Nom utilisateur : Aucun
Mot de passe : Aucun
Page d'accueil : http://wap.sfr.net
Nom du Profil : WAP SFR GPRS
Point d'accès : wapsfr
Nom utilisateur : Aucun
Mot de passe : Aucun
Adresse IP Principale :
Numéro de port : 9201
Page d'accueil : http://wap.sfr.net
Nom du Profil : MMS SFR GPRS
Point d'accès : mmssfr
Nom utilisateur : aucun
Mot de passe : aucun
Passerelle :
Serveur messages : http://mms1
Point d'accès : websfr
Nom utilisateur : Aucun
Mot de passe : Aucun
Protocole réseau utilisé : TCP/IP
Adresse IP : Attribuée par le serveur
DNS primaire :
DNS secondaire :
Bouygues GSM
Nom de connexion : Bouygues GSM
Page d'accueil : http://wap.bouygtel.fr/
Porteuse de données : GSM
Numéro d'appel : +33660639639
Adresse IP :
Type d'appel : Analogique
Nom d'utilisateur : wap
Mot de passe : wapwap
Bouygues GPRS
Nom de connexion : Bouygues GSM
Page d'accueil : http://wap.bouygtel.fr/
Porteuse de données : GSM
Numéro d'appel : +33660639639
Adresse IP :
Type d'appel : Analogique
Nom d'utilisateur : wap
Mot de passe : wapwap
Bouygues MMS
Nom de connexion : Bouygues MMS
Page d'accueil : http://mms.bouyguestelecom.fr/mms/wapenc
Porteuse données : GPRS
point d'accès :, mmsbouygtel.com
Adresse IP :
Nom d'utilisateur : ne rien mettre
Mot de passe : ne rien mettre
Bouygues Web
Nom de connexion : Bouygues Web
Page d'accueil : http://wap.bouygtel.fr
Point accès : ebouygtel.com
Adresse IP :
Nom d'utilisateur : ne rien mettre
Mot de passe : ne rien mettre
There is a cab floating around for Cingular/AT&T but the settings are incorrect.
CUSTEL said:
There is a cab floating around for Cingular/AT&T but the settings are incorrect.
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well when you figure them out let us know
walshieau said:
well when you figure them out let us know
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Trying so I can switch back to wm6 , I went back to the latest cingular rom and upon initial install there is an auto cab install which is not the files that are in the extended rom but rather cingular settings for media net, sms, data connection, etc. Is there any way to pull these files from the rom?
CUSTEL said:
Trying so I can switch back to wm6 , I went back to the latest cingular rom and upon initial install there is an auto cab install which is not the files that are in the extended rom but rather cingular settings for media net, sms, data connection, etc. Is there any way to pull these files from the rom?
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yes there is... what ROM did you install and ill extract the correct information...
walshieau said:
yes there is... what ROM did you install and ill extract the correct information...
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It is this rom http://rapidshare.com/files/1734349...WE_2_1_.06.502.3_6275_1.33.31.00_108_Ship.exe
Thank You
CUSTEL said:
It is this rom http://rapidshare.com/files/1734349...WE_2_1_.06.502.3_6275_1.33.31.00_108_Ship.exe
Thank You
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i have that one already.. let me see what i can get out of it tonight for you...
T-Mobile (The Neherlands):
You can vind all settings here:http://rapidshare.com/files/22185221/T-Mobile.CAB
All Dutch Provicers:
Also there is a cap file with all Dutch Operator settings inclusive logo's:
I'm not shure if all settings are correct, but according to Dutch forum, it all has to work! I only tested T-Mobile
Good luck!

[GUIDA] installazione temi bada2.0 gt-s8500

1-scaricare il file in fondo al post(STune 1.0.6 )
2-collegare il telefono in modalità usb collegare solo il pda senza archiviazione di massa ecc ecc..
3-aprire STune 1.0.6(funziona solo con questa versione del programma)
4-fate autoconnect
5-andate nella scheda browser
6- nella parte sinistra andate in AppEx->User->Theme-> e cliccate 2 volte sulla cartella Download
7- trascinate il file .smt nella colonna a destra
8- aspettate che finisca di caricarlo e poi scollegate il trelefono e andate in Impostazioni->Dispaly->Tema e selezionate il nuovo tema
tutto questo credo si faccia solo per la versione beta delle rom poi vedremo comunque e' semplicissimo
ci vuole piu' a dirsi che a farsi ciao a tutti
STune 1.0.6.rar
tutti i temi per 1.2 si possono tranquillamente installare ciao
It would be nice to write who invented this method.
I work out this method two months ago. With bada 2.0 themes.
Check here: mysamsungwave.com/index.php?topic=9998.0
A po polsku, tutaj: bit.ly/bada2Themes
And my instruction in English:
How to install the theme
1. Connect Your phone to the computer in KIES mode.
2. Run sTune 1.0.6.
3. Press "Auto Connect", then go to Browser tab.
4. In the left column (Folder) go to AppEx -> User -> Theme -> Download.
5. Drag and drop the theme file (Silver Stylish 2.0.smt) to the right column in Stune (Files).
6. After copying the file, close sTune and unplug Your phone.
7. Go to Settings -> Display -> Theme, select Silver Stylish 2.0 and press "Done".
8. Enjoy.
this is an english forum
please post in english so we can understand you
you can post italian also as optional for persons who talk italian like you
this is a forum rule so please follow it
Best Regards
traslate italy
Děláte si srandu? Toto je fórum, kde se má mluvit anglicky!
mylove90 said:
this is an english forum
please post in english so we can understand you
you can post italian also as optional for persons who talk italian like you
this is a forum rule so please follow it
Best Regards
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I hate the English, if you do not know my language so much pleasure, mind your own business
baza14 said:
Děláte si srandu? Toto je fórum, kde se má mluvit anglicky!
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Dobrze mówi! Polać mu.
It would be nice to write who invented this method.
I worked out this method two months ago. With bada 2.0 themes.
Check here: mysamsungwave.com/index.php?topic=9998.0
A po polsku, tutaj: bit.ly/bada2Themes
And my instruction in English:
How to install the theme
1. Connect Your phone to the computer in KIES mode.
2. Run sTune 1.0.6.
3. Press "Auto Connect", then go to Browser tab.
4. In the left column (Folder) go to AppEx -> User -> Theme -> Download.
5. Drag and drop the theme file (Silver Stylish 2.0.smt) to the right column in Stune (Files).
6. After copying the file, close sTune and unplug Your phone.
7. Go to Settings -> Display -> Theme, select Silver Stylish 2.0 and press "Done".
8. Enjoy.
DevilM said:
I hate the English, if you do not know my language so much pleasure, mind your own business
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As i said it is forum rules
if it was for me i'd speak Arabic if i am free to
but no one will understand me and no one will care to translate
it is not a bad thing to put the english translation too and say sorry for bad english
if you did that then others will respect you
but posting in just italian will make others angry from you
also the moderator may close/delete your thread
it is about forum rules man
nothing personal
mylove90 said:
As i said it is forum rules
if it was for me i'd speak Arabic if i am free to
but no one will understand me and no one will care to translate
it is not a bad thing to put the english translation too and say sorry for bad english
if you did that then others will respect you
but posting in just italian will make others angry from you
also the moderator may close/delete your thread
it is about forum rules man
nothing personal
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ah, ok ... thanks
DevilM said:
I hate the English, if you do not know my language so much pleasure, mind your own business
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Actually, this is an English speaking forum, as specified in the forum rules.
If you HAVE to speak non English, you must provide an English translation in your post.

[Q] How make costum Kernel for Gio?

Please don't close this topic!
Sorry my bad English,because I'm from Hungary
Ok,let's see...
My question it's :
How to make kernel for my phone (GIO )
What are programs and things need for me to make...
I will be make on windows7...
Please answer me and put links and description it's need me.
And video(s)...
Thank all!
Well, it's not that easy
You'll need programming language's knowledge - C++ at least, Java it needed though.
Though, here is a link from XDA's Galaxy Fit part, with some basic tutorials: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1429276
Nem megy az olyan könnyen
Elég komoly programozási ismeret kell hozzá: C++ és Java nyelv előnyös ha tudod
Egyszerűbb ha az alapokkal kezded, itt egy link, ahol van pár elég jó dolog kezdésnek, nem kernelhez de a ROM-odat tudod vele fejlesztgetni
Be a modder
shiftyHungary said:
Well, it's not that easy
You'll need programming language's knowledge - C++ at least, Java it needed though.
Though, here is a link from XDA's Galaxy Fit part, with some basic tutorials: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1429276
Nem megy az olyan könnyen
Elég komoly programozási ismeret kell hozzá: C++ és Java nyelv előnyös ha tudod
Egyszerűbb ha az alapokkal kezded, itt egy link, ahol van pár elég jó dolog kezdésnek, nem kernelhez de a ROM-odat tudod vele fejlesztgetni
Be a modder
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And how it can be ported to other (phone) roms?
Ex.: SE roms...
És más romokat hogyan lehet portolni?
Pl: SE romok...

beIN SPORTS Erreur 288 (0)

i installed Bein Sports on my phone I9192 who has the samsung galaxy s6 & n5 rom for mini (i9192 only)
but when i launch the application and want to watch HD channels ( beni HD1, bein Hd2...) an error 288 (0) appear : " votre appareil est jailbreaké, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser toutes les foncionalités de l'application. " (your device is jailbroken, you can not use all of the application foncionalités)
i think this message appear because my phone is rooted any solution to fix this issue and to use this application with rooted device
thanks a lot for your help :highfive:
any help please
how to fix your device is jailbroken, you can not use all of the application foncionalités on rooted device thanks

Question [CLOSED] EMI has changed [IME a changé]

Mod edit - translated by https://www.deepl.com/translator
Hello I received fold z 3 in demo mode I can't call IMEI displays 0000000000 how to install a line everything else works fine
Bonjour j'ai reçu fold z 3 en mode démo je peux pas téléphoner ime affiche 0000000000 comment installer une ligne tout le reste fonctionne très bien
Hello yes remotely available
zblack972 said:
Mod edit - translated by https://www.deepl.com/translator
Hello I received fold z 3 in demo mode I can't call IMEI displays 0000000000 how to install a line everything else works fine
Bonjour j'ai reçu fold z 3 en mode démo je peux pas téléphoner ime affiche 0000000000 comment installer une ligne tout le reste fonctionne très bien
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Hello and good afternoon, @zblack972
Welcome to XDA! I hope you'll always get the support you require.
As courtesy I've translated your above post. This is just a friendly reminder that English is the mandatory language! With reference to rule no. 4 of the XDA Forum Rules, please post in English or add at least an English translation to your Frernch posts.
Spoiler: Rule No. 4
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities, not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English, use an online translator. You're free to include your original message in your own language, below the English translation. (This rule covers your posts, profile entries and signature). You could try :- https://translate.google.com/ or https://www.babelfish.com/ or use one of your choice.
However, thread has also been closed!
Edit or change of IMEI is illegal in quite a few of countries. For this reason, I've closed and edited your thread! XDA doesn't allow and doesn't accept discussions about or support for such an edit or change.
XDA Forum Rules (excerpt):
9. Don't get us into trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things which will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably shouldn't do it here either. This does not mean that we agree with everything that the software piracy lobby try to impose on us. It simply means that you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with the legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users and those that write great code.
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In future, please refrain from starting such a discussion on XDA.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Oswald Boelcke
Senior Moderator

