TMO SGS2 Drivers/ADB - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-T989

For folks looking for drivers for the TMO SGS2 here is the link to the download areas for manuals and software on the Samsung support side:
Here is what is currently available:
Win XP/Vista/Windows 7 Oct 11, 2011 Device(Install),Tethering (Software) (ver.V1.3.2200) 22.79 ENGLISH T-Mobile_t989_GSII_ADB_Drivers
1. Title : T-Mobile SGH-T989 (GS II) USB Driver
2. Applicable Model : SGH-T989
3. Carrier or Corporate Customer : T-Mobile
4. Description : T-Mobile SGH-T989 (GS II) USB Driver for Tethering
User Manual (User Manual) (ver.F5) Oct 9, 2011 0.0 ENGLISH(North America) T989_English_User_Guide
User Manual (User Manual) (ver.F5) Oct 9, 2011 0.0 SPANISH(North America) T989_Spanish_User_Guide
Note: I was having trouble getting a USB tether connection. I was using Vibrant drivers which were from August 2010. During the install I got a warning that the drivers were already installed, but I ignored that and move forward. After the install I was able to get a solid USB tether connection (at least till the SGS2 disconnected on its own - I'm not paying for the TMO tethering option).

good idea to point this out, in case it wasn't obvious

ty very much ty!

good find. but wouldn't it be more appropriate to have this in the development section?


What to do if I want to....

I have purchased an unkown brand of PDA phone which is manufactured in China/Taiwan where Windows Mobile 5.0 is installed. However, the machine seens very unstable because the system somehow will stop running when soft-reset or while using it. Is there any program I can use to check the ROM information/version of my device so I can upgrade it for a more apporpriate ROM/OS. Thanks!
Start -> Settings -> System -> Device Information (Under `Identidy`) may give you a clue. A photograph of your hardware may also help.
It says Microsoft Windows Mobile Version
OS 5.1.1700 (Build 14343.0.0.0)
ARM920T S3C2440A
Below is the photo of the machine, however the words are in Simplified Chinese.
As the phone singal is very weak and the machine is very unstable. Just wonder if I can find a better Radio Rom or OS to replace the exiting one.
I'm 99% sure it's a samsung, there was another thread with an similar or same (i don't remember) phone and query somewhere in this forum. i thought it was an abandoned concept, (remember the slider phones in the last two matrix films)
This phone looks like Samsung, and actually this model from Samsung has been for sold on market in China last year on CDMA network called SCH-M509 (China, with CDMA SIM card slot) or SCH-S250(Korea, without CDMA SIM card slot). Check the link below and you see Samsung is not running Windows operating system. (In Simplified Chinese wordings)
You can see the phone I posted earlier looks the same as original Samsung. I'm sure that the Samsung phone is not running Windows Mobile but the one I purchased is on Windows Mobile 5.0, therefore, I really want to see if I can flash the ROM for better performance (or at least more stable and reliable).
Anyone able to help? If I want to flash the ROM, what information I need to know? ROM version? Machine model e.g. Magician, Wizard..etc? Any program I can check the ROM information? Thanks!
roms are unique to each device - the hardware is different, the touchscreen button combos are endless, so the rom needs to be different.
as it's not made by htc, you will not likely find anyone with a rom for it on this forum.
i think you have two choices,
1 check the other phone forums - howard, pdamobiz etc.
2 cook your own rom - there are guides scattered around this forum, i don't know if the process is the same for all, but if you check guides for more than one you'll get the idea


List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)
Currently: this is a tentative supporting thread for my aGPS patch. Assuming more report success, I will start officially supporting this device.
Please let me know your success rates. Thus far, a few people have sent me messages and emails stating that this patch works great on this device.
As such, I'm thinking it would be good to provide this officially for this device.
This has been used on over 40 devices successfully. I don't offer official support for all devices. Rather, I offer official support once users convince me to do so for that particular device. That happened here.
Statistically, here is part of my post from mid-December on all official threads:
So, let me give you a general update directed to those 3.x trunk users:
My server has automatically generated an xtra.bin file for your GPS excitement 3,980 times since September 26th when the first beta went online to test it out.
My server attempts to build a new version every 30 minutes. Depending on what it can decypher from other xtra.bin sources, it provides a totally fresh xtra.bin approximately every 1.2 hours.
My server has served up over 500,000 xtra.bin files to users like you on XDA since v3.1 was released.
My server continues to provide a reliable NTP pool to v3.x users by directing your phones to a handful of RELIABLE and FAST-RESPONDING NTP servers around the world. This ensures you can travel and not have to switch NTP pools.
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Dude i have question about the Patch
1st i already done this on my Wildfire S :
Im with the Latest Stock EU 2.3.5 ROM and i must to tell you
that after i donte this gps.conf file now when u turn on my GPS even from cold start i need 2 to 5 seconds to Lock the Satelites
But i saw just your pach now and wondering to try it too.
So what does the patch do exactly?
And can you tell me witch one to install i mean will be better for me and my stock ROM?
Thank you in advance!
P.S Now im cheking what is writen inside your gps.conf file if you need i can give you mine i don`t know do is posible the GPS to lock for 1 seconds but im sure that my gps.config work because im using GPS all the time and befor to edit it i waiting 3 times more for satelites. this is why im interesting in your pach too
tsalta said:
Dude i have question about the Patch
1st i already done this on my Wildfire S :
Im with the Latest Stock EU 2.3.5 ROM and i must to tell you
that after i donte this gps.conf file now when u turn on my GPS even from cold start i need 2 to 5 seconds to Lock the Satelites
But i saw just your pach now and wondering to try it too.
So what does the patch do exactly?
And can you tell me witch one to install i mean will be better for me and my stock ROM?
Thank you in advance!
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Good question. First, that user used my work as a base for his article. I spoke with him on that because no credit was given. Apparently, someone else gave him my work and my explanations to be a basis and didn't inform him that it was verbatim something I said.
However, my patch does more than what is discussed there especially if you choose the 3.x trunk. The reliance on NTP.ORG is not the most prudent choice. So, I created my own centrally controlled DNS pool for NTP servers that have proven to be reliable across cellular networks. NTP.ORG pools thousands of servers that do not always have the best networking transmissions. This causes issues to phones who are served that NTP server by NTP.ORG.
Next, v3.x uses my own centrally maintained xtra.bin file. My server and its mirrors have proven to provide users with that data file much faster than Qualcomm servers. Further, we use a series of scripts to ensure that we are serving the most reliable file. Sometimes, Qualcomm files aren't reliable enough for our tastes. We replace it with a custom file when Qualcomm falls below a minimal reliance threshold.
Literally, a large number of ROM developers bake this into their ROMs on already supported devices. From that, thousands of users operate with this patch daily. My servers are sending xtra.bin files and NTP server information constantly.
I always recommend the "Google Build" to all users. Most ROM dev's use the 3.1 Google Build in their ROM's at this time. Other builds are available for those who want Network specific options.
The alternate build is for those who have an old Qualcomm GPS chipset that cannot handle particular data processing. This resolves that problem.
My GPS is working good but I'll test this tomorrow out of curiosity.
I stumbled upon your thread a couple of weeks ago and posted a link to it in a GPS thread for wildfire s, just never got round to trying it.
intel007 said:
My GPS is working good but I'll test this tomorrow out of curiosity.
I stumbled upon your thread a couple of weeks ago and posted a link to it in a GPS thread for wildfire s, just never got round to trying it.
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Let me know how it goes. I'm looking forward to supporting more devices officially. Right now, I'm on target to do official support for 7 more devices including this one if all goes well.
crypted said:
Good question. First, that user used my work as a base for his article. I spoke with him on that because no credit was given. Apparently, someone else gave him my work and my explanations to be a basis and didn't inform him that it was verbatim something I said.
However, my patch does more than what is discussed there especially if you choose the 3.x trunk. The reliance on NTP.ORG is not the most prudent choice. So, I created my own centrally controlled DNS pool for NTP servers that have proven to be reliable across cellular networks. NTP.ORG pools thousands of servers that do not always have the best networking transmissions. This causes issues to phones who are served that NTP server by NTP.ORG.
Next, v3.x uses my own centrally maintained xtra.bin file. My server and its mirrors have proven to provide users with that data file much faster than Qualcomm servers. Further, we use a series of scripts to ensure that we are serving the most reliable file. Sometimes, Qualcomm files aren't reliable enough for our tastes. We replace it with a custom file when Qualcomm falls below a minimal reliance threshold.
Literally, a large number of ROM developers bake this into their ROMs on already supported devices. From that, thousands of users operate with this patch daily. My servers are sending xtra.bin files and NTP server information constantly.
I always recommend the "Google Build" to all users. Most ROM dev's use the 3.1 Google Build in their ROM's at this time. Other builds are available for those who want Network specific options.
The alternate build is for those who have an old Qualcomm GPS chipset that cannot handle particular data processing. This resolves that problem.
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OKay thank you i already install Patch 3 Google you recomend will chek and will see how its working and will write a coment here
TEST: I install the Google one that you recomend And i test it outsite from cold Start what i mean is just restart the device and RUN the GPS after 6-7 Seconds IS done and what i saw i have Locked 11 Satelites this is alot i think.
So this is when i run the GPS for 1st time after sistem rebot
After this if i run it again there is not time to lock the satelites i mean the satelites are lock for 1-2 seconds almost imideately after run the GPS
So im guessing your pach is working Because the result is cool and 11 Satelites is serious
How fast received data is "expiring" ? I'm asking this because my phone rarely has internet connectivity while using gps (mobile internet disabled).
__DS__ said:
How fast received data is "expiring" ? I'm asking this because my phone rarely has internet connectivity while using gps (mobile internet disabled).
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The xtra.bin data files upon creation are valid for 24 hours. The least amount of time from my server (v3.x uses it) is 23 hours if you download it right before rebuilds.
Version 3.1 flashable works great on the marvelc.
Sent from my HTC_A510c
Hello Bigchillin what file and method did you use for our version of the phone i am running S-off rooted 2.3.4 insink71Marvelc rom
Turtlejoe22 said:
Hello Bigchillin what file and method did you use for our version of the phone i am running S-off rooted 2.3.4 insink71Marvelc rom
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If you want to give it a try before you hear a response from him, I'd start off with the v3.1 Google build. That is used almost all the time. It's also the version ROM dev's include in the ROM's that do include this patch.
But what method should i use ??
Turtlejoe22 said:
But what method should i use ??
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I prefer flashing the file from my SD card in recovery mode.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
btw, where downloaded file stored in phone filesystem ?
__DS__ said:
btw, where downloaded file stored in phone filesystem ?
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It depends on what files you are discussing. Do you mean the files that the patch flashes? If so, it flashes gps.conf and suplrootcert to your /system/etc/ directory.
I used the version 3.x trunk cwm flashable zip. Just download and flash just like any other zip.
Sent from my HTC_A510c using Tapatalk
crypted said:
It depends on what files you are discussing. Do you mean the files that the patch flashes? If so, it flashes gps.conf and suplrootcert to your /system/etc/ directory.
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No, downloaded file with gps info.
__DS__ said:
No, downloaded file with gps info.
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Good question. In theory, it should be downloaded and stored in /data/ but that never happens. The daemon, gpsd, is in charge of downloading and parsing it. Various configurations operate differently. I would imagine yours downloads, parses, and stores it as data within its general gps temp files containing operative information.
Sorry I cannot be more specific at this point. My work focuses on better retrieval of information, time, and enabling extra variables which permit faster processing of the GPS data.
I haven't played with the internal guts and libs of the GPS system itself. I have found the internal structure is fine as it is based on our work thus far; the problem for many of us lies in the gps.conf configuration and latency for data downloads.
I install it via the ADB push i think this is even more easy because no need to put the file in the storage card then go in recovery and flash it etc
Its simple download just the ADB conect the device run the bat press 3 or whatever you want hit enter and you are ready then will ask you for rebot its a job for a seconds super easy so i flash it like this

Lifetab E10310 root

Hi folks,
I would appreciate it if someone can help me getting the Lifetab Tablet (E10310) rooted which I bought about a week ago. Unfortunately I have to post the thread here because of the forum restrictions (less than 10 posts...).
Referring to the main threat modes 1, 2 and 3 haven't worked with the latest v30. It seemed that mode 2 was close to get the tab rooted at least as the console screen didn't show up where you have to enter the two command-lines (/data/local/tmp/...). Further the background image changed and the manufacturer characteristic apps were gone after the process so I had to make a factory reset.
Specifications of the tablet are as followed:
Medion Lifetab
Model: E10310 (MD 98382)
MSN: 30015596
OS: JB 4.1.1
Kernel version: 3.0.8+
[email protected] #5
SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 28 10:53:20 CET 2013
Build number: JRO03H.20130328.143339-r
Maybe someone from you or Bin4ry himself can give something to the best thanks
rooting method lifetab
Isn't there anyone having an idea ?
I think there are many people searching for a way to get the tablet rooted, can't believe it's that complicated. Maybe someone can refer this thread to the upper main thread.
I would spend two beers for the person who got a solution for the problem
V31 doesn't work too.
Still nobody who knows to root Lifetab E10310??
It's possible!
I've just found the way to do it, thanks to this thread (in French).
It uses the Chinese VRoot method, explained here. I have just applied it without problem. My tablet is now rooted.
Just be sure to delete the original Chinese superuser app with a file manager, as described in the main thread.
In addition, I had also to uninstall the app with a chinese title (at the end of the apps list), that is installed during the procedure. I have no idea of what it does but it is present in the App Store. Anyway, I don't understand the messages in Chinese. That second app is not described in the main thread, probably because it is installed by a new version of the VRoot Windows program. You don't need it.
[EDIT] The installed app is available on the Play Store here:
Thanks r0lZ :highfive:
it works perfectly.
im looking to enter the recovery mode if this tablet since kaspersky locked my friendsout.
he wanted to uninstall kaspersky because his license ran out, it asked for a code and now he cannot use his tablet anymore

[REQUEST] About Windows 10 Mobile OUP V6, I need your help

In fact, I've released Win10 Mobile Offline Update Package V5 in China, but I've never released it in xda before.
Well... I tested OTC Updater provided by Microsoft, it will get a secret update to Windows 10 Mobile 10586.107 which is already used for my Offline Update Packages.
To download OTC Updater:
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Here's the partial output log:
(ID): Found update: Windows Phone 8.1 Production Bundle - OS 10.0.13080.107 update for Nokia RM-1010_1003 CMC-CN based devices
(ID): 196 installable packages found
(ID): 1/196: Downloading
(ID): 2/196: Downloading
I was using Nokia Lumia 638 when testing.
I presume it will get a hidden update called "Windows Phone 8.1 Production Bundle - OS 10.0.13080.107 update for (PhoneManufacturer) (PhoneManufacturerModelName) (PhoneMobileOperatorName) based devices" to identify if the device is eligable to W10M, and the update itself provided all of the packages with extension name spkg/spku/spkr instead of cbs/cbsu/cbsr.
Right now, I collected 361 spkg/spkr/spku for the project, but far from perfect. List of packages is attached below.
What I'm going to request is:
Try to get all of the packages links of "Windows Phone 8.1 Production Bundle - OS 10.0.13080.107 update for (PhoneManufacturer) (PhoneManufacturerModelName) (PhoneMobileOperatorName) based devices".
And here's how I'm going to use a new tool with these packages as my new offline update package V6:
1. Use getdulogs command to get the device info, including it's model, codename (For example, the codename of Lumia 830 is Tesla) and packages structure.
2. Check if the phone is a cancelled prototype device, or the current OS version is supported.
3. Check if the phone is confirmed unsupported like HTC 8X, and Win 10 Mobile preinstalled device like Lumia 950.
4. Prepare required update packages according to packages structure included in the phone by copying them to a temporary directory. Remove PIN lock will no longer required, but recommended.
5. If the phone doesn't have the language you're using on PC (For example, HTC One M8 for Windows AT&T and T-Mobile don't have Chinese included), it will ask you if you want to add extra languages.
6. Push the packages in the temporary directory to your phone to execute the update procedure. Since it analyzed your phone, you needn't to worry about your default keyboard and speech if you're not using English (United States).
7. After the update procedure finished, the tool will ask you if you want to use OTC Updater to get further updates if the phone is eligable to later OS.
After V6 release, only confirmed unsupported models will get listed, which will heavily reduce the length of guide.

Question Network Debrand

Hi all,
New to Realme, I've only really dealt with more mainstream devices here in the UK (Samsung/Sony/Motorola etc)
I have a TIM Italy branded C21 - RMX3201 that I was hoping to remove the branding for a 'Global/EU' SIM free variant of firmware. First question does anyone know if its possible? or has done it? with it being a MTK chipset will it be a SP Tool flash as other devices with their chipsets (CAT, some Motos etc?)
Build - RMX3201_11_A.36
Baseband - M_V3_P10,M_V3_P10
Kernel 4.9.190
Color OS - V7
Android 10
Any help would be gratefully received
Laird_Attwood said:
Hi all,
New to Realme, I've only really dealt with more mainstream devices here in the UK (Samsung/Sony/Motorola etc)
I have a TIM Italy branded C21 - RMX3201 that I was hoping to remove the branding for a 'Global/EU' SIM free variant of firmware. First question does anyone know if its possible? or has done it? with it being a MTK chipset will it be a SP Tool flash as other devices with their chipsets (CAT, some Motos etc?)
Build - RMX3201_11_A.36
Baseband - M_V3_P10,M_V3_P10
Kernel 4.9.190
Color OS - V7
Android 10
Any help would be gratefully received
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Hi, in fact i have no idea.
I believe you can get an aswer from realme community servers, i will sent you discord and reddit links of them.
Remember that, this community groups has no staff from realme.
Yes it can be done. Will be able to find details here in XDA, it is engineernetwork mode and I believe it's changing or unlocking country codes/network.
Is simple enough to do, will put a care package together and instructions. It's same process for all realme/oppo. Just not in front of my computer at moment
1 Activate developer mode
2 Enable usb debugging
3 Download file from xda
5 Connect Find X2 Pro is in MTP
6 Open file ""
7 Open Sec5.exe
8 Click unlock
9 Number on the left and ok on the right
10 Click Stop unlock
11Closed Windows Sec5.exe
12 Disconnect Oppo
13 Open dialer anc type * # 3954391 #
14 "Switch" appears for a moment
15 Enter * # 391 #
any troubles flick me a message or reply
smiley.raver said:
1 Activate developer mode
2 Enable usb debugging
3 Download file from xda
5 Connect Find X2 Pro is in MTP
6 Open file ""
7 Open Sec5.exe
8 Click unlock
9 Number on the left and ok on the right
10 Click Stop unlock
11Closed Windows Sec5.exe
12 Disconnect Oppo
13 Open dialer anc type * # 3954391 #
14 "Switch" appears for a moment
15 Enter * # 391 #
any troubles flick me a message or reply
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I have tried this on the Oppo Find X3 Pro its found the digits in the left side of the program but wont unlock can you look in to this please ?
Disconnect your ethernet adaptor, then once km test loopback has connect as a network , then re enable the ethernet cable. Or use your mobile phone as a tethering to your computer or a wifi adpater and it will go through

