Vibration Always... - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

For the life of me I can't get the phone to NOT vibrate when a text comes in. The phone rings without the vibrate, this just applies to SMS and email. I have Handcent installed, but vibrate is off in there, in the stock app, and in the general settings.
Anyone else experiencing this?


SMS Default Tone stuck.

I disabled my WM6.1 threaded SMS but it removed the ability to vibrate, have a custom tone and removed the on screen notification of a received SMS. As such I changed it back and now have the vibrate and on screen notification. However, no matter what I change the tone to, it still only plays the default one when I get a text. Is there any way to fix this?

sms messages vibrate while in phone call on CM6

Is there any way to stop messaging from vibrating while your in a phone call in CM6, it's annoying to have it vibrate when it's sitting against my ear.
I cant even get my phone to vibarte in call or not in call...
Mms, settings, notification settings

[Q] notification sound and vibration?

I often have to use my phone on silent and use only vibration, but i can't seem to find how to set it to vibrate on notifications. When i recieve a phone call it vibrates, but when i recieve an sms it does nothing. I have selected from "sound setting" to always vibrate, but it doesn't. can anyone help me?

[Q] Turn off Vibrate in Silent Mode - CM10.1

Hey guys,
so i noticed my phone doesnt vibrate when i recieve text messages unless the phone is specifically set to vibrate mode.
with volume, i recieve a notification sound but no vibrate
Im using go sms pro as my messaging client and when i test the notification settings i get a report saying:
test result is:
ringtone is on
has turned on vibrate in silent mode
go sms notification test results:
ringtone is on
vibration is on
so the line im trying to figure out is the "has turned on vibrate in silent mode".
ive searched through the Sound settings on the phone and i cant find any way to change the vibration settings or the silent mode settings.
i even experimented with setting the stock messaging app to vibrate always and setting go sms pro to no block other app notifications...still no vibrate even with the duplicate notifications.
what do you guys think? i feel like im just full retard and missing a simple check box in settings or something.
Your question is about Go SMS? With the stock messaging app, vibration options are in the settings. Must be in there somewhere.

Notification Sounds

Hi, I have recently purchased a Nokia 6.1 (2018 TA-1050). It seems to be working mostly the way I want it to BUT the notification sounds are giving me huge problems. What I mean is, for incoming SMS, Whatsapp, etc. ,these will only cause the phone to vibrate, and a notification icon to appear. I do not get any notification sound.
Also for phone calls, the screen activates, incoming call is shown, phone vibrates, and after a short delay the notification sound activates. It is as if the notification sounds are delayed. Has anyone else come across this problem? Can it be fixed? Any help welcome....

