[Tutorial] Unlock your phone; prevent relock & prepare for updates! - Windows Phone 7 Development and Hacking

@ Mods: I read the tutorials here on how to unlock Windows Phone 7 but most of the time I felt like there's missing some information. I know that there are already a lot of tutorials and guides but I thought it would be good to collect it a bit. If this thread is inappropriate feel free to remove it
Unlock your phone
[Developer unlock; ChevronWP7; Application Deployment]​
1. Check the OS version of your phone
First step is to check which OS version your phone is running as ChevronWP7 doesn't work with NoDo (or higher) update installed on your phone. Just take a look at the following page on your phone: settings > about > more information.
7.0.7004 = compatible with ChevronWP7 | No updates installed; OS version when Windows Phone 7 was launched
7.0.7008 = compatible with ChevronWP7 | Pre-NoDo update installed
7.0.7390 = not compatible with ChevronWP7 | NoDo update installed
7.0.7392 = not compatible with ChevronWP7 | NoDo update installed; certificate update for security improvement installed
7.0.7401 = not compatible with ChevronWP7 | Pre-Mango update (BETA! NOT OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE YET!) installed
7.0.7661 = not compatible with ChevronWP7 | Mango update (BETA v1! NOT OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE YET!) installed
7.10.7712 = not compatible with ChevronWP7 | Mango update (BETA v2! NOT OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE YET!) installed
7.10.7720 = not compatible with ChevronWP7 | Mango update (FINAL - FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY! NOT OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE YET!) installed
If your phone is running an imcompatible version you've to flash a ROM which hasn't got NoDo installed. Take a look at xda-developers | Forums and scroll down to your device. Enter the development section and search for a flash guide and a machting ROM file. I can't explain the process more exactly as it depends on your phone model.
2. Install Zune software
If you don't already have the Zune software on your computer, follow this link and install it: zune.net
3. Add registry entry
Now you have to add a entry to your Windows registry. ChevronWP7 will need this entry to connect to your phone. There are several methods - use only one!
Method 1:
Install Windows Phone Developer Tools RTW. The entry will automatically be added.
The setup is enourmously big but later you'll need it anyway! So I really advise you to choose this method!
Method 2:
Download this .reg-file to your hard drive and execute it. Click "Yes" in the first popup and "OK" in the second one - the entry is now added.
Method 3:
Add the entry manual: Open up the registry editor (Command: regedit.exe | Default path: "C:\Windows\regedit.exe"). Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsPhone\ProxyPorts. If the folder/key doesn't exist yet, create it. Search for the entry DeviceReg. Create it if it doesn't exist: It's a 32-bit DWORD called "DeviceReg" with this data in it:
Hexadecimal: 69c5
Decimal: 27077
4. Check "hosts" file for "developerservices.windowsphone.com" entries
Now it's best to also edit the "hosts" file. Here's what you've to do:
Open up "Notepad" (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad) - It's best to right click it and press "Run as administrator" in the menu. Else it could happen that you don't have the permission to edit the file. Then click on File > Open. Now copy this line:
and paste it in the line file name. Then just hit the enter key.
Now search for lines which contain developerservices.windowsphone.com. If you find such lines just remove them entirely. Finally press File > Save.
5. Install certificate on phone
Next step is to install the certificate from ChevronWP7 on your phone. The easiest way is to open up the browser on your device and type this URL into the adress bar:
Consider the use of capitals and small initials letter!
(You don't have to install this on your computer)
After you opened the page you can see a big shield. Under the symbol there's a message saying "Press to open the file ChevronWP7.cer". Follow this instruction and confirm with install and ok.
6. Download and run ChevronWP7
To get the unlock tool follow this link and save the ChevronWP7.exe file somewhere on your hard disk. Now do the following steps:
- Connect your phone to the computer
- Wait for Zune to start up (If it doesn't start up, open it manually)
- In Zune click on the tab phone
- There you have to pay attention to two things:
- If Zune is syncing files to or from your phone just wait until it's finished
- Now check the relationship between Zune and your phone. If you can read something about a guest relationship you've to click on "Change Sync Relationship" and follow the instructions to get a full relationship.
- Keep sure that the device stays on the homescreen (where the live tiles are) for the next steps - the lockscreen mustn't be active! [Just touch the display and scroll up and down every few seconds to avoid this.]
- Run the downloaded ChevronWP7.exe and check the two boxes:
Ensure your phone isn't PIN-locked
Install certificate on phone using Internet Explorer at "http://www.chevronwp7.com/cert"
- Now finally click on the Unlock button - The button turns into Relock which means that your device is unlocked now. If this didn't work for you - with an error message coming up on your screen - try this:
Instead of using the latest version of Zune, try an older version. Here's a link where you can download version 4.7.01: Zune v4.701
Don't click the Relock button now! Just close ChevronWP7.
Leave Zune running in the background as we'll need it again in a few minutes.
Don't disconnect your device now! Continue with step 7 or your device will relock itself the next time you connect it and Zune identifies it.
7. Keep your phone unlocked
7.1 Install registry editor
As you can read above your device will be locked if you connect it again (Zune will identify your phone and lock it again). To prevent this we've to edit an entry of the phone registry:
First of all we need a registry editor for Windows Phone 7. Well, there's not a uniform way to edit registry on all devices (HTC, Samsung, ...), yet. So you have to search a registry editor which enables full registry access on your device. [I'll update this with some suggestions soon!] Then you've to open Start > All Programs > Windows Phone Developer Tools > Application Deployment on your computer. Select the downloaded .xap file (Registry Editor) and click on Deploy. Wait until the process is finished. Now disconnect your phone from the computer.
7.2 Modify the registry
Now open the Registry Editor on your phone. Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > DeviceReg.
Now scroll to PortalUrlInt, remove its value data and save it. Do the same with PortalUrlProd. Both entries should now be "empty" (but not deleted!).
8. Installing updates
8.1 Pre-NoDo & NoDo update:
After you've followed the steps of my tutorial, you can install both the Pre-NoDo and the NoDo update without loosing the unlock.
8.2 Mango update:
There's already a BETA version of Mango out there which is intended for developers - but with some additional steps you can also install it without being a developer (and even without having a developer unlocked phone)! This update WILL REMOVE YOUR UNLOCK AND DISABLE THE USE OF HOMEBREW APPS! -> You won't be able to sideload apps anymore and you won't be able to use tools like registry editors and file explorers! Basically, if you want Mango update + jailbreak you've to prepare your phone while running NoDo (or earlier). To explain the process shortly: There are official apps which read out files information and apply changes to the phones registry. Just imagine a connection managing application which has got one file for every single provider containing informations like APN, Passwords, ... . Okay, so while you're on NoDo you can add your own files to this application - but these ones won't contain information about a provider. Instead they'll tell your phone to change several registry entries. And example would be the "Connection setup" app for HTC devices. People can add a .provxml file to the app. Then they update to Mango with loosing the developer unlock but not the file. On Mango they open up the "Connection setup" (<- You have to use this official tool - sideloaded apps won't work at that time as you're not developer unlocked yet) and can see the entry of the .provxml: There will be several networks to choose from (e.g. "T-Mobile", "Vodafone", ...) and also a entry called something like "Developer unlock". Well, this is because of the .provxml file. Then you just have to choose and run this file and the changes will apply - your phone is unlocked again! Just search and you'll find much tutorials here on how to use provxml method on HTC, Samsung, ... devices. I unlocked my Omnia 7 running Mango BETA v2 using this method.
Wow, you're done! Now you can connect your device to your computer without loosing the unlock.
I'll try to always improve this tutorial and keep it up to date
Please click on "Thanks" if it helped you!
Please tell me if you find something disordered or mistakes. And please be kind as this is my first tutorial Thanks ​

Excellent. I think this combines everything that was missing from other tutorials, and it is very thorough.
I'm inspired to flash my Focus and unlock it (my old one bricked).
You should add some recommended apps for post-unlock. AccentChanger, Battery Meter, Ringtone installers, Screen Capture, etc.

Thanks And my english doesn't sound too crappy?
Much luck with your Focus

WP7 root tools can used only on Samsung devices (you forgot to tell this)... better to advice different editor if you want have compete tutorial
also cert file must be sended via email to phone or upload to web and download to phone... link which you provided is old and dead....

dxdy said:
WP7 root tools can used only on Samsung devices (you forgot to tell this)... better to advice different editor if you want have compete tutorial
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Oh thanks! I will correct it later today
dxdy said:
also cert file must be sended via email to phone or upload to web and download to phone... link which you provided is old and dead....
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For me the link works. You have to write it correctly [it's case sensitive]. Please try again

for this link "http://www.chevronwp7.com/cert" hehehehe

if i unlock my omnia 7 with your method and before i update to NoDo. Can i update to nodo after unlock and my device is still unlock?

knigge said:
if i unlock my omnia 7 with your method and before i update to NoDo. Can i update to nodo after unlock and my device is still unlock?
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yes you can update to NoDo and very possible device still be unlocked

dxdy said:
WP7 root tools can used only on Samsung devices (you forgot to tell this)... better to advice different editor if you want have compete tutorial
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I removed the suggestion of WP7 root tools - but there is still not a common way to modify registry which works on all devices I think I already created a thread in the Q&A section where I hope to get some help or advices
dxdy said:
also cert file must be sended via email to phone or upload to web and download to phone... link which you provided is old and dead....
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Well, you can send it via email but you don't have to. I uploaded it and so the only thing to do is opening the link Well, at least I hope so. Can someone confirm that this link works if you pay attention to capitals and small initial letter? Thanks!
dxdy said:
for this link "http://www.chevronwp7.com/cert" hehehehe
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Wow, the page has been down for a long time and now this comes up

Ok. So installed Nodo on my phone a whiile ago. Carrier stock att. Is there a way for me to downgrade and install the chevron? CUz I dont think i can downgrade.

We need to know what phone model you have (HTC HD7 for example)

i have the HTC 7 Pro with 7.0.7392 OS. i hate now to not unlock my foon!!!!!

Aren't there old ROM files for HTC 7 Pro out there?

what?/ can i install a old rom on my foon??

Did you even read my tutorial? It says that you should look into the development section of your phone here on xda-developers. There are ROMs so I think there's also a way to flash them

I bought on ebay a Omnia 7, how do i know if the person who sold me made de unlock with the ChevronWP7...is there any way to see on the phone if the ChevronWP7 is apllied.
Thanks for your great tutorial.

First of all you've to look if there's homebrew installed on the phone. Something like 'Registry editor' for example. If not I guess the easiest way is to try to deploy an app to the phone. If it works it's unlocked, if not it is locked. And if Zune tells you to update: Don't do it until you followed my tutorial

experience7 said:
First of all you've to look if there's homebrew installed on the phone. Something like 'Registry editor' for example. If not I guess the easiest way is to try to deploy an app to the phone. If it works it's unlocked, if not it is locked. And if Zune tells you to update: Don't do it until you followed my tutorial
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I checked in my phone and i already have the 7.0.7392.0 version installed.
So now i have to downgrade to the 7.0.7004 version, install the ChevronWP7, and then i can update with zune to the last version that i still be unlocked, is that correct?


the link to chevronwp7.exe does not work. can you have a look at it.


WP7 Hacking for Beginners - Chevron, Theming, Ringtones, Registry, MMS/Data

Thought I would write a thread showing how to simply complete an unlock with Chevron WP7 and some common homebrew apps/tweaks for all platforms. The information is scattered and varied, but I will edit this post to be as useful as possible for beginners as a one stop source. Thanks to the following threads for info:
Unlocking with Chevron WP7
The first step to "sideloading" applications to your phone (applications not approved by Microsoft) is to developer unlock your device.
Downloads needed:
Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools (annoyingly large, but necessary)
Chevron WP7 Application, Chevron Security Certificate, Chevron Registry Entry
TCPView for Windows (don't neglect this, it saves a lot of time and is a useful utility!)
Steps for unlocking:
Install Windows Phone 7 Developer tools. This will require a reboot at the end.
Email the "ChevronWP7.cer" file to your Windows Phone 7 device.
Open the email, tap on the attachment to download it. The icon will turn into a shield, tap again to get a new dialog. Press "Install" then OK.
Put your WP7 Phone into airplane mode (Settings>Airplane mode>Slide the toggle to ON)
Double click the ChevronWP7.reg file on your computer. A prompt will open up asking if you want to write this to your registry. Press Yes to continue, then OK at the end.
Open TCPView. (tcpview.exe inside of the downloaded archive) Click on the heading marked "Local Port" until the arrow next to it is pointing up.
Look on the Local Port column for any entries labeled "HTTPS". These programs MUST be closed for Chevron to work properly. Common culprits are Skype, and XAMPP. Use Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+Delete) to ensure they are closed if you run into issues.
Connect your phone to your PC via USB cable. Open the Zune software if it is not already open, and wait for it to finish syncing.
Open your Zune software and go to the Phone page, and make SURE you don't see anything that denotes that you are in a "Guest Sync" relationship with the device. It needs to be the primary computer the phone is synced with.
Unlock your phone and leave it at the home screen. Make sure the phone does not go to sleep after this.
Open ChevronWP7.exe. It should be running as administrator. Check both boxes, and press Unlock.
Cross your fingers, and you should be up and running on a developer unlocked device! (The Unlock button will change to Relock in Chevron if this is successful)
If you receive the error "Phone is locked with a PIN", it means your phone was locked when the fix was being applied. Make sure to unlock your phone (so you can see the live tiles) BEFORE pressing the unlock button.
If the program crashes, navigate to C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc and right click the file named hosts and press properties. Uncheck read only and press OK, then try again.
Homebrew Applications
All homebrew applications are installed as follows:
Go to Start>Programs>Windows Phone Developer Tools> and run Application Deployment
Ensure the target is "Windows Phone 7 Device"
Browse to the .XAP that you are loading.
Connect your phone, wait for Zune sync to finish. Ensure it is not guest.
Unlock phone and keep it awake. Press "Deploy" and the application should load (not extremely fast, and will appear in your app list without a reboot when done)
If the above doesn't work, then try resetting your phone and retrying. Also, restart your computer if the problem persists.
Registry Editor
Registry Editor for all devices (also has a download for TouchXplorer - a file manager for HTC phones only): http://forum.touchxperience.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=593 thanks to TouchXperience user schaps for this download.
Great thread on what registry tweaks are currently known: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=907971
Ringtone Installer
Instructions and XAP downloads at the following link: http://www.chevronwp7.com/post/2054291102/chevronwp7-custom-ringtone-manager
Thanks to the Chevron WP7 team for this app.
Theme Color Changer
Instructions and XAP downloads at the following link:
Thanks to Dave Amenta for this great app!
Prevent Phone from Relocking
The phone is unlocked, but will relock every time it syncs to Zune unless one of these hacks are done.
Samsung Devices (also removes sideload limit, fixes MMS/data on unlocked phones!):http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=498084&d=1295825731 from this great thread by lyriquidperfection
All other devices:
In an installed registry editor, navigate to the following key and change these values.
Let me know if anything should be added or if you need any help!
I just wanted to thank you again for making this. The only thing that I think would be useful would be to add links to extremely useful Registry hacks, like the power management ones for the Focus.
I try everthing but still can't unlock it again....
please make sure it is connected using usb
please start zune application
Try to reset your phone.
paullu said:
I try everthing but still can't unlock it again....
please make sure it is connected using usb
please start zune application
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Did you already turn off your firewall during the procedure? Was a problem of mine and of a friend.
Sebo1985 said:
Did you already turn off your firewall during the procedure? Was a problem of mine and of a friend.
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firewall off.still got the error msg
paullu said:
I try everthing but still can't unlock it again....
please make sure it is connected using usb
please start zune application
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Sebo1985 said:
Did you already turn off your firewall during the procedure? Was a problem of mine and of a friend.
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yes I did turn off firewall alreday.still no luck.
I unlock once and when i connect the pc again it lock again
How about MMS and Data for other non-samsung phones?
paullu said:
yes I did turn off firewall alreday.still no luck.
I unlock once and when i connect the pc again it lock again
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did you see my post?
duhhh said:
did you see my post?
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yes,thanks I am trying now
works for me,hope to works for you 2
HTC and LG offer utilities in their section of the marketplace for MMS/data, so just grab one of those! Samsung's utility is faulty by design to keep people from unlocking, thus the hack.
What does this mean? Is ig that samsung phones have trouble unlocking because I bought my wife a focus and I had the same error message. But I haven't tried the way posted here. So I will be trying this way and replying. Thanks!
pls help me with this: I have HTC Surround and can not sync with zune, it doesn´t start when connect the phone and if start manually it doesn´t connect and sync neither
thank you for this one. it works exactly it was described on the first page. samsung omnia 7 portugal bought phone. but using it in Turkey.
Win Phone 7 MMS settings XML
So I dont know if this helps, or if anyone a little more knowledgable than I can attack this with me but I have the XML and registry settings for MMS from my LG quantum. I have a focus and LG Quantum. My LG has the XML viewer and reg editor built right in, which I friggen love.
So I took pix of the whole xml file that should be enough info to change the profile to the right settings, with the reg keys.
At first glance here it looks like just changing a couple string values... of the key at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ShortMsg\MMS in the ADDR string value to your MMS server would be a start. I will look further into it after work tonight. If anyone beats me to it... so be it. Just thought I would toss this out there just in case it helps.
wm.andrew.wilson said:
Thought I would write a thread showing how to simply complete an unlock with Chevron WP7 and some common homebrew apps/tweaks for all platforms. The information is scattered and varied, but I will edit this post to be as useful as possible for beginners as a one stop source. Thanks to the following threads for info:
Unlocking with Chevron WP7
The first step to "sideloading" applications to your phone (applications not approved by Microsoft) is to developer unlock your device.
Downloads needed:
Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools (annoyingly large, but necessary)
Chevron WP7 Application, Chevron Security Certificate, Chevron Registry Entry
TCPView for Windows (don't neglect this, it saves a lot of time and is a useful utility!)
Steps for unlocking:
Install Windows Phone 7 Developer tools. This will require a reboot at the end.
Email the "ChevronWP7.cer" file to your Windows Phone 7 device.
Open the email, tap on the attachment to download it. The icon will turn into a shield, tap again to get a new dialog. Press "Install" then OK.
Put your WP7 Phone into airplane mode (Settings>Airplane mode>Slide the toggle to ON)
Double click the ChevronWP7.reg file on your computer. A prompt will open up asking if you want to write this to your registry. Press Yes to continue, then OK at the end.
Open TCPView. (tcpview.exe inside of the downloaded archive) Click on the heading marked "Local Port" until the arrow next to it is pointing up.
Look on the Local Port column for any entries labeled "HTTPS". These programs MUST be closed for Chevron to work properly. Common culprits are Skype, and XAMPP. Use Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+Delete) to ensure they are closed if you run into issues.
Connect your phone to your PC via USB cable. Open the Zune software if it is not already open, and wait for it to finish syncing.
Open your Zune software and go to the Phone page, and make SURE you don't see anything that denotes that you are in a "Guest Sync" relationship with the device. It needs to be the primary computer the phone is synced with.
Unlock your phone and leave it at the home screen. Make sure the phone does not go to sleep after this.
Open ChevronWP7.exe. It should be running as administrator. Check both boxes, and press Unlock.
Cross your fingers, and you should be up and running on a developer unlocked device! (The Unlock button will change to Relock in Chevron if this is successful)
Homebrew Applications
All homebrew applications are installed as follows:
Go to Start>Programs>Windows Phone Developer Tools> and run Application Deployment
Ensure the target is "Windows Phone 7 Device"
Browse to the .XAP that you are loading.
Connect your phone, wait for Zune sync to finish. Ensure it is not guest.
Unlock phone and keep it awake. Press "Deploy" and the application should load (not extremely fast, and will appear in your app list without a reboot when done)
If the above doesn't work, then try resetting your phone and retrying. Also, restart your computer if the problem persists.
Registry Editor
Registry Editor for all devices (also has a download for TouchXplorer - a file manager for HTC phones only): http://forum.touchxperience.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=593 thanks to TouchXperience user schaps for this download.
Great thread on what registry tweaks are currently known: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=907971
Ringtone Installer
Instructions and XAP downloads at the following link: http://www.chevronwp7.com/post/2054291102/chevronwp7-custom-ringtone-manager
Thanks to the Chevron WP7 team for this app.
Theme Color Changer
Instructions and XAP downloads at the following link:
Thanks to Dave Amenta for this great app!
Prevent Phone from Relocking
The phone is unlocked, but will relock every time it syncs to Zune unless one of these hacks are done.
Samsung Devices (also removes sideload limit, fixes MMS/data on unlocked phones!):http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=498084&d=1295825731 from this great thread by lyriquidperfection
All other devices:
In an installed registry editor, navigate to the following key and change these values.
Let me know if anything should be added or if you need any help!
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Hi every memeber's and Thx for wm.andrew.wilson ; )
-I reply for your message because i still do every steps but nothing happened !!!!!
Because i relocked my WP7 .
After along nights unlocked was success ))
- I think you miss this before doing evry thinks you must disable Lan card or Ethenet connection ...
- Then follow wm.andrew.wilson steps
- Don't worry your WP7 will not unlocked why ???
- For unlocked it you must close chevron wp7 notification
- Then enable internet connection (wlan or ethernet...)
- Reclick on chevronWP7.....and miracle
THks for :>>>>>>>>>>> wm.andrew.wilson
Hi, I'm new here.
So I followed each step thoroughly, and when I execute 'ChevronWP7' and check off each box and click 'unlock', the program says it has stopped working.
What could be the issue?
I have the phone on the main menu
I do have all necessary programs running
Samsung re-lock prevention hack doesn't work for me
After deploying the xap it seems to take, but, my Focus is always relocked after syncing. Not a huge deal to unlock before deploying, but, thought it was worth a mention...
Edit: Nevermind. Didn't realize they're was an app on the phone to run as well... Should have read the original thread first. Sorry...

NODO jailbreaking,100% sure。

I'M A CHINESE.I hope my experience can help all WP7 fans. If this thread help you,It's my pleasure.
detail steps:
1. MAKE sure your phone has a 7004 or 7008 rom,than used chevronWP7.cer and chevronWP7.EXE to unlock your WP7. (this is step you can find in this forum)
2. After UNLOCK! prevent relocked. (belows is the easy way to edit your registry)
for HTC download xap in http://dl.dbank.com/c0u5q3xic8 and sideload it to your phone and run it ,press the green button.
for Samsung devices,see post #17 in this thread.
3. Update to NoDo via zune and your device still in unlocked state! (for some people cannot get nodo from zune, see below method,100% successful rate.)
methods to get zune nodo. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1012189 !!!!
Download USAIP.pbk open it and connect to EUROIP PPTP Hungary with
Connect your phone to the PC
Disable WIFI in your phone but be sure not to open FLIGHT MODE
OPEN "Use cellular data connection to check for updates" in SETTINGS-UPDATE, AND KEEP YOUR PHONE IN THIS SCREEN
Start Zune and keep it running all the time
Manually search for an update within Zune (setting-phone-update)
After a few seconds (about 20-25 seconds for me) disable "Use cellular data connection to check for updates on your phone" --> WAIT FOR 20-30S,The update shows up! and enjoy it!
HAVE fune!
the update should go via zune. it should be official update。
If it works that's good news.. But is it that easy? I would thing that the update edits the registry...
If you update to 7008 the unlock still works that I know.. Are you sure that's not what happaned.. And you just got the Pre-NoDo update...?
BellPego said:
If it works that's good news.. But is it that easy? I would thing that the update edits the registry...
If you update to 7008 the unlock still works that I know.. Are you sure that's not what happaned.. And you just got the Pre-NoDo update...?
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the vision is 7390.after 7008,unlock,then prevent unlock, then connect to zune, if you can find update, then you success。many chinese succeed,the only problem is MS,it promise everyone can update,but only very few people receive the notice of update through zune。
March thanks for XDA-DEVELOPERS(xboxmod)!
But I am still waiting the Nodo Version in Hong Kong, if it is true, it is a great job for the user!!!
I am a user of HD2 with wp7 two days ago.but now I have to switch to Android again as the wp7 is not fully developed,I think.anyway...thanks for sharing the good news...謝謝!
It seems to work based on user replies. However, it requires HTC-ProvXml-Deploy to work. What about us non-htc users?
as it was already said, we need to know if it works on non HTC devices?
Can anyone post the xap here?
Registered and downloaded the xap. It's attached as a zip, just change the file extension from .zip to .xap.
Wondering if this will truly be our way to update to NoDo and still keep our devices unlocked...
eternalemb said:
Registered and downloaded the xap. It's attached as a zip, just change the file extension from .zip to .xap.
Wondering if this will truly be our way to update to NoDo and still keep our devices unlocked...
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thanks! I still cannot update to NoDo from Zune. Though my phone is unbranded
Is it the same with this?
[HTC] Prevent WP7 from Relocking
thats great, im sure this will be very helpfull to get a real JB goin...
too bad ive already updated :/
lemme quote the first post of the site translated (powered by microsoft translator):
http://www.qdppc.com/thread-48290-1-1.html said:
"Frog brothers produced"
---Prevent once and for all small patches of the lock (Prevent Relock:1B)
Simple, perfect, effectively address the WP7 lock problem again!
From then on no longer careful, make you lechery tour ZUNE!
Note: HTC models suitable for
Frog (Wagool) by XDA-DEVELOPERS (xboxmod) information produced by XAP patch (formerly:http://www.qdppc.com/thread-48230-1-1.html), an effective solution to mobile phone unlocking (prison break) is locked again after question!
1, verify that the phone has "escaped";
2, Prevent Relock.xap deployment installation attachment to mobile phone,immediately disconnect the ZUNE connection;
3, mobile Executive HTC-ProvXml-Deploy program, pressGreen(OK) button;
4, after you restart the phone, remove HTC-ProvXml-Deploy, well, everything OK!
If the reset system (hard restart, restore factory, brushing machines), you need to "escape" and install this patch!
Reprint please specify the source
March thanks for XDA-DEVELOPERS(xboxmod)!
1, immediately disconnect the purpose is to prevent before continuing to the next step, have also been locked (in fact, in "flight mode" or under)
2,Deploy delete it or not as you, in fact, at this point the useless
PS: I'm not "boring", is a frog, HA HA ~ ~
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I received this morning notice of NoDO update... but I can wait a few days before to do...
harmoniic said:
Is it the same with this?
[HTC] Prevent WP7 from Relocking
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Any one plz answer this.
info5i2002 said:
It seems to work based on user replies. However, it requires HTC-ProvXml-Deploy to work. What about us non-htc users?
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The whole prevent-relock thing essentially does this:
On Samsung devices you can use the TouchXplorer Registry Editor to do this. Though it has limited access on Samsung devices. It will show an "Access Denied" when you open the DeviceReg registry-key. But it will still allow you to create new values there and overwrite the old values. So, open the DeviceReg-key and create the "portalUrlProd" and "PortalUrlInt" values as empty strings. That will prevent your Samsung from relocking. And as it seems, that tweak will even survive the NoDo-update.
is that only for htc device?
Heathcliff74 said:
The whole prevent-relock thing essentially does this:
On Samsung devices you can use the TouchXplorer Registry Editor to do this. Though it has limited access on Samsung devices. It will show an "Access Denied" when you open the DeviceReg registry-key. But it will still allow you to create new values there and overwrite the old values. So, open the DeviceReg-key and create the "portalUrlProd" and "PortalUrlInt" values as empty strings. That will prevent your Samsung from relocking. And as it seems, that tweak will even survive the NoDo-update.
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The xap samsung tools does the job automatically which is easier to use
Marvin_S said:
The xap samsung tools does the job automatically which is easier to use
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So someone has tried to change these keys and update to nodo to see!!!!

[HOW TO] Mango Beta Update

still need download file from old way
Hi Guys,
I know that there are other threads but i want create this with instructions in first page and problems and suggests above:
thanks to hd2leo_fusion
MangoB2-ZuneClient.zip - ZIP file that contains the install for the pre-release Zune Client 4.8, required to update your Windows Phone retail device and to connect to your device from the Windows Phone SDK tools.
MangoB2-UpdateWP.zip - ZIP that contains the install program(s) that will install updatewp.exe into your Zune client, allowing you to update your Windows Phone to point to the test servers
MangoB2-DevRetailUpdate.zip - Tool that automates the backup and update process so that your retail phone can receive ‘Mango'
Update Instructions - Mango Beta 2 for WPDevs.pdf - Instructions to walk you through the update process. 15 minutes here can save you 4 weeks without a phone.
Finally, one last reminder about reading the instrctions:
thanks to asbesto
download file here:
1 megaupload DOT COM/?d=WGHWO7DM
2 megaupload DOT COM/?d=PL7H6FKJ
3 megaupload DOT COM/?d=9Q3LBQ4J
4 megaupload DOT COM/?d=KY8J8SIY
5 megaupload DOT COM/?d=WNKD3G9U
thanks to derausgewanderte
not there yet, it's upgrading at the moment (at the last and longest stage). I had mine unlocked via the MFG tool. I reset the two registry keys PortalUrlInt and PortalUrlProd back to the https links
(thanks to drkfngthdragnlrd)
and set the DeveloperUnlockState to 1. While still in the MFG tool I started the MangoB2-DevRetailUpdate tool.
It would not work initially. Closed the tool, started the new beta Zune software and it relocked the phone. Closed Zune, disconnected phone and went back into the MFG app and unlocked it. Connected phone to PC again, restarted the tool and it started the backup and installation process.
How to Un-Lock your Phone without Chevron 7
You can unlock the phone by using the MFG registry editor.
Open the MFG app and use the password to open it. If you don't know it's (appmfg#*#)
Go to Engineer Menu -> Other Settings -> Edit Registry
Set your input path to "\Comm\Security\LVMod"
Set your input key to "DeveloperUnlockState" and set to DWORD
Hit Query. Output result should return a "0" or a random long number. If it does continue.
Set your input data box to "1" and hit SET. Output result should be 1
How To Keep Your Phone Unlocked
You can keep your phone unlocked and prevent Zune from re-locking it.
Open the MFG app and use the password to open it. If you don't know it's (appmfg#*#)
Go to Engineer Menu -> Other Settings -> Edit Registry
Set your input path to "\Software\Microsoft\DeviceReg"
Set your input key to "PortalUrlProd" and set to DWORD
Hit Query. Output result should return data. If it does continue.
Keep your input data box empty and hit SET. Output result should be 0
Keep this screen open and continue to Part 2
does your registry editor still work on your lg optimus 7?
not working, still DevRetailUpdate tool detects phone as locked
behh said:
not working, still DevRetailUpdate tool detects phone as locked
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When I got that message I left the phone connected to the PC, went into the MFG app, change the developerunlock stated back to 1, hit set and tried again and its now Working fine on my LG Optimus
mickfarr said:
When I got that message I left the phone connected to the PC, went into the MFG app, change the developerunlock stated back to 1, hit set and tried again and its now Working fine on my LG Optimus
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That didn't work for me :/
mickfarr said:
When I got that message I left the phone connected to the PC, went into the MFG app, change the developerunlock stated back to 1, hit set and tried again and its now Working fine on my LG Optimus
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could u write down the whole process ? ive done it like a milion times, and this crap is still saying im not unlocked.
behh said:
could u write down the whole process ? ive done it like a milion times, and this crap is still saying im not unlocked.
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i agree with you, i think i didn't manage to pass this error because i have not the whole process.
Constellation06 said:
i agree with you, i think i didn't manage to pass this error because i have not the whole process.
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The first thing I did was to download and install the Windows Phone Developer Tools. Once downloaded I started it up and then just exited.
Then I went and changed these settings using the MFG app. Make sure they are typed in correctly!!
PortalUrlProd = https://developerservices.windowsphone.com/Services/WindowsPhoneRegistration.svc/01/2010
PortalUrlInt = https://developerservices.windowsphone-int.com/Services/WindowsPhoneRegistration.svc/01/2010
I then tried to run the MangoB2-DevRetailUpdate.exe but it gave me an error that it could not find UpdateWP.exe. I renamed the Setup-UpdateWP-x64.exe to UpdateWP.exe but got the same error.
So I just installed the new Test Zune and tried to look for an update there and it didn't find any so I quit Zune and tried to run MangoB2-DevRetailUpdate.exe, this time it work but said my phone was lock so I loaded up MFG, changed the developerunlockstate back to 1, tried again and it work!!
I'm currently on step 7 of 9 in the last update on Zune ISV beta (7661)
EDIT: I haven't had to edit the settings to keep the phone from re-locking, you should only need to do that after you have Mango fully installed.
Make sure you have this set correctly!!!
PortalUrlProd = https://developerservices.windowsphone.com/Services/WindowsPhoneRegistration.svc/01/2010
PortalUrlInt = https://developerservices.windowsphone-int.com/Services/WindowsPhoneRegistration.svc/01/2010
Constellation06 said:
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No problem!
The update takes ages but its worth it in the end...
domineus said:
does your registry editor still work on your lg optimus 7?
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Just finished the whole update and I can confirm that the MFG app still works in the Mango build
I think you should change the title of this thread to LG Keep Unlock Mango Beta or something because only you guys have the MFG tool
It works, thanks for tips guys, best internet forum ever.
For dummys ( like me )
First write in mfg this
PortalUrlProd = https://developerservices.windowspho...on.svc/01/2010
PortalUrlInt = https://developerservices.windowspho...on.svc/01/2010
Then run zune, run devupdater
it will close zune, then it will tell u blablabla its locked
NOT THIS ( "Checking if your phone is dev unlocked...
Failed. Please try the following
1) Connect the phone
2) Launch Zune software and wait for it to connect to the device
3) Close Zune software
4) Restart the tool. ") but the other info
Then u have to stay connected to pc, and with still running mfg ulockstate = 1 and run updater again, the rest of it is just next, next, next
Hello my friends does this steps work with the HTC HD7? Thank you
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Somebody made a nice tool that provisions for you, without having to be a developer (or dev unlocked):
Idk if it works, but sounds promising.
Jaxbot said:
Somebody made a nice tool that provisions for you, without having to be a developer (or dev unlocked):
Idk if it works, but sounds promising.
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anyone tried it yet?
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
ruyzalim said:
anyone tried it yet?
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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Tried it and it worked for me! Run it, then open Zune and, voila, it asks you to install Mango!
behh said:
It works, thanks for tips guys, best internet forum ever.
For dummys ( like me )
First write in mfg this
PortalUrlProd = https://developerservices.windowspho...on.svc/01/2010
PortalUrlInt = https://developerservices.windowspho...on.svc/01/2010
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Sorry to be a pain but can you dumb it down even more? So are we typing PortalUrlProd = etc in the Input SUB_PATH ?
I am running into an issue where I get an error when installing Setup-UpdateWP-x64, in that it says I need to install Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1.
Is this a common occurence for others? It's a pretty big download and I am on crappy work network, so it will take some time. I can do a custom install though, and shave off unneeded components, so if someone could advise me on that it would be great!
the92playboy said:
I am running into an issue where I get an error when installing Setup-UpdateWP-x64, in that it says I need to install Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1.
Is this a common occurence for others? It's a pretty big download and I am on crappy work network, so it will take some time. I can do a custom install though, and shave off unneeded components, so if someone could advise me on that it would be great!
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This method supposedly shaves off the need for VS and all that garbage:
Otherwise, remember, this is for developers.. hence the fact it wants VS installed.

[XAP][Source] DeployProvXMLv2.1 - Fixes self-chaining, adds diagnostics

Hi hackers,
Version 2.1 of DeployProvXML is here, and should be more robust than the previous version:
1: The CustClear.provxml file is now copied both using the filesystem DLL (like v1) and using XML provisioning (hopefully works aroudn the HTC update blocking filesystem access.
2: The CustClear.provxml file is now self-chaining. Really, this time - so long as you run the program *once*, you can even change the included CustClear.provxml, re-deploy, and run Connection Setup; your new version will then be copied to \Windows. (Re-run CS to actually process your new version). No more need to re-run DeployProvXML after each use of Connection Setup!
3. The program now contains more diagnostics. It sets a registry value at launch (using ComRegRW.DLL), changes that registry value (using provxml) when deploying the file, and changes it again when the deployed file is processed by Connection Setup (as part of the CustClear.provxml). It also checks that the value is as expected avter deploying.
Anybody who has an interop-unlocked HTC phone with the latest official HTC update (meaning you can't use TouchXplorer anymore), please run this app, then run Connection Setup, then use a registry editor to check the key HKCU\Software\DeployProvXML. It should have a value, LastOperation. Please include the data in the value (or the fact that it doesn't exist) with your reports. Thank you!
Another handy little utility for people with HTC phones, this app simply copies a CustClear.provxml file from its install directory to \Windows, then exits. The idea is to make sure that you're never without at least a basic file that can be used by Connection Setup to unlock your phone. New in v2, every time you run Connection Setup, the file will automatically restore itself to the Windows directory. This ensures you'll never accidentally get caught with a locked phone after an upgrade or something!
The included Provxml has three parts. However, you can customize it however you like by opening the XAP file and editing the embedded provxml. The parts are:
1: Applies the registry settings to unlock the phone, including Interop-Unlock.
2: Applies a test value in the registry, at HKCU\Software\DeployProvXML. This value is harmless but can be used to test if the app is working.
3: Chain-copies itself from DeployProvXML's install folder into Windows again, replacing the copy that Connection Setup consumes.
Note that this program does not actaully apply the provxml, merely copies it to where Connection Setup expects to find it. It should close immediately after starting; this is not a bug. If you see a dialog box instead, something went wrong and you should report it below!
This program is only going to work on HTC phones, since it uses the HTC DLLs for provxml, file access, and registry. It is a 7.0 app but is compatible with Mango if you have Interop Unlock already.
XAP is in DeployProvxml\bin\debug. Source included for those interested.
Do you think a deployer for OMNIA 7 is possible ?
Maybe with a .dll of WP7 Root Tools ?
So users who didn´t prepare their device for our OnDevice provxml app under NoDo could also enable this feature...
contable said:
Do you think a deployer for OMNIA 7 is possible ?
Maybe with a .dll of WP7 Root Tools ?
So users who didn´t prepare their device for our OnDevice provxml app under NoDo could also enable this feature...
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This has been solved I can finally test the app myself now. I changed the path to copy the provxml from the iso storage of the app instead of the provxml folder.
Just read this http://translate.google.com/transla...oducing-windows-phone-7-5-native-programming/
Any joy?
Looks cool, but I'll need to investigate further. It has definitley been reproted that Homebrew apps without ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES don't work even in Mango. It sounds like this guy is maybe using a marketplace signed DLL, though? Not sure - the translation isn't great. He's working from an app that I've never explored, and that appears to be specific to the Japanese Mango phone.
how do we use it. will it permanently unlock when we update to official Mango?
Ttblondey said:
how do we use it. will it permanently unlock when we update to official Mango?
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Install app in NoDo.
Run in once.
Upgrade to Mango.
Run the Connection Setup app (from Marketplace).
Hit "OK" in Connection Setup.
Your phone is now dev-unlocked and will not automatically relock. Additionally, you can now install Mango homebrew.
I suggest you then run DeployProXml again, since installing an update, even something like a HTC firmware update, may re-lock the phone. So long as you've run DeployProvXml since the last time you ran Connection Setup, though, you can unlock again.
If this helps, please hit Thanks!
piaqt said:
Just read this http://translate.google.com/transla...oducing-windows-phone-7-5-native-programming/
Any joy?
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he does pretty much the same from what I read. You just use oem dll's and have some native functions to work with. f/e htc has file operations + regoperations + provxml, samsung has regoperations + provxml (trough which you can do regops). This manufacturer dll probably contains fileops as well, which is nice since there might also be a chance that there will be a working provxml method and with the fileops you can copy the provxml files to the desired location. In theory ofcourse.
Marvin_S said:
he does pretty much the same from what I read. You just use oem dll's and have some native functions to work with. f/e htc has file operations + regoperations + provxml, samsung has regoperations + provxml (trough which you can do regops). This manufacturer dll probably contains fileops as well, which is nice since there might also be a chance that there will be a working provxml method and with the fileops you can copy the provxml files to the desired location. In theory ofcourse.
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There are two differences that are worth noting, though.
A) This is a phone that came with Mango. There was never any chance to unlock it for Mango homebrew. It blocks apps with ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES - something we had to work around with registry edits.
B) Related to A, he can call native code without having ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES. This isn't supposed to be possible at all. Makes me wonder if he's actually calling anything in the DLL or if he's just loading the COM object but not using it and calling that success.
GoodDayToDie said:
There are two differences that are worth noting, though.
A) This is a phone that came with Mango. There was never any chance to unlock it for Mango homebrew. It blocks apps with ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES - something we had to work around with registry edits.
B) Related to A, he can call native code without having ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES. This isn't supposed to be possible at all. Makes me wonder if he's actually calling anything in the DLL or if he's just loading the COM object but not using it and calling that success.
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Ahh yeah your right. Yeah I realy wonder what the trick behind it is and if he manages to install it.
Something else I have not tried yet, but what happens if you deploy it without the id_cap and than run it. It will not work obviously, but what happens if you redeploy with the tag in? Will it still get rejected? Because the phone rejects the app I think.
Hey, the ZIP contains a folder, which, if I package into a XAP, fails on deployment. What's the best way to get this packaged into a usable XAP?
trying to figure out how to install this app.
Bottom line of the first post:
"XAP is in DeployProvxml\bin\debug. Source included for those interested."
I distribute most of my apps this way, unless the source is really big and the XAP alone is a significantly smaller download for some reason.
Is your phone dev-unlocked?
Is your phone either pre-Mango, or interop-unlocked?
Do you have a XAP deployment program and the Zune software?
GoodDayToDie said:
Bottom line of the first post:
"XAP is in DeployProvxml\bin\debug. Source included for those interested."
I distribute most of my apps this way, unless the source is really big and the XAP alone is a significantly smaller download for some reason.
Is your phone dev-unlocked?
Is your phone either pre-Mango, or interop-unlocked?
Do you have a XAP deployment program and the Zune software?
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My TouchXplorer does not work anymore after updating to the official Mango, though my phone is still unlocked. This XAP will definitely helps if new firmware/updates come along to deploy Provxml to /windows.
I've installed it but how can I verify if this is being installed/copied to /windows?
GoingInside said:
My TouchXplorer does not work anymore after updating to the official Mango, though my phone is still unlocked. This XAP will definitely helps if new firmware/updates come along to deploy Provxml to /windows.
I've installed it but how can I verify if this is being installed/copied to /windows?
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This app uses the same DLL as TouchXplorer, which means it doesn't work either (I wrote a number of apps using that DLL, including a backup tool, and none of them can see any files anymore). I'm not sure exactly what was changed, but yeah, they broke it. My hope is that Heathcliff74's WP7 Root Tools will restore file browsing on HTC soon.
As soon as I finish restoring my phone, I'll try writing a version of the app that uses ProvXML to copy the file, instead of ComFileRW.dll (which no longer works if you get the final HTC update). Using ProvXML is limited in some ways - you can't browse the filesystem, for example - but it works great for this type of operation.
i'm on force unlock from Ansar's thread with Pedbe way final mango.Been trying to use advancedconfig 1.3,1.4 battery meter it don't work anymore.Good thing I can sideload(that's important)
GoodDayToDie said:
This app uses the same DLL as TouchXplorer, which means it doesn't work either (I wrote a number of apps using that DLL, including a backup tool, and none of them can see any files anymore). I'm not sure exactly what was changed, but yeah, they broke it. My hope is that Heathcliff74's WP7 Root Tools will restore file browsing on HTC soon.
As soon as I finish restoring my phone, I'll try writing a version of the app that uses ProvXML to copy the file, instead of ComFileRW.dll (which no longer works if you get the final HTC update). Using ProvXML is limited in some ways - you can't browse the filesystem, for example - but it works great for this type of operation.
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Ok, guess I'll have to wait for the experts (Heathcliff74 and you etc) to solve this HTC drive update issue. Thank you!
GoingInside said:
Ok, guess I'll have to wait for the experts (Heathcliff74 and you etc) to solve this HTC drive update issue. Thank you!
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@GoingInside, and anybody else in the same boat (latest HTC update installed, filesystem browsing broken), please try the latest version (v2, now on the initial post)! After running the app once, run Connection Setup and hit OK. After you do that, use a Registry Editor to check for the presence of the following registry key: HKCU\Software\DeployProvXML.
Please report whether that key is present. If it is, that means the app is fully functional even with the latest update!
I only have a NoDo Backup (my phone came with nodo) - can I get the interop unlock trough dev unlocking the phone and then running our app?
nvm, I am now downgrading to NoDo and Will then update to the HTC RTM (the one that Comes via zune). As soon as I am there I will tell you if i had luck with it or not (I hope I can interopunlock on NoDo as the 3 apps sideloadlimit is crap)
Update 1: I am on NoDo and I started your app. It cloesd, i went to Connection Setup and ran it. Will check if the registry value is there as soon as some XAPs are deployed (first time that I can deploy more than 3 XAPs )
Update 2: Now going trough the Beta - RTM - HTC Update Update marathon. Will Report back as soon as I am on HTC's RTM
GoodDayToDie said:
@GoingInside, and anybody else in the same boat (latest HTC update installed, filesystem browsing broken), please try the latest version (v2, now on the initial post)! After running the app once, run Connection Setup and hit OK. After you do that, use a Registry Editor to check for the presence of the following registry key: HKCU\Software\DeployProvXML.
Please report whether that key is present. If it is, that means the app is fully functional even with the latest update!
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Unfortunately, it seems that the new XAP (v2) doesn't work as well. Copy and deploy the latest DeployProvXML.xap (dated 5/10/2011) to my HTC trophy. After running Connection Setup, I can't find the registry key: HKCU\Software\DeployProvXML. I only found MICROSOFT under HKCU/Software/.
But please continue your research into this. THANKS!

[GUIDE] Install Windows 10 mobile on a Nokia Lumia 530 (post-discontinuation friendly)

While the Nokia Lumia 530 isn’t officially supported, it’s still possible to get Windows 10 mobile running on it. At the time of writing, it has become a bit tricky to get it to work, since most official Microsoft tools are discontinued and will therefore not work. I will be linking the files which I’ve used. The credits to the people who made or shared the tools and guides I used will be at the bottom of this guide.
Note that I am not responsible for any damage made. Proceed at your own risk!
- A Nokia Lumia 530 running the Windows 8.1 Denim Update (will be referred to as "device")
- A stable Windows 7 system or VM, with .NET Framework 4.5.x or 4.6.x (on Windows 10, the IUTool will fail to synchronize, hence this requirement)
- An internet connection that can handle a download of approximately 2GB data on the computer and about the same on the phone
- A good USB cable (a flimsy one with a loose fit could brick the device while it’s updating)
- The programs linked below
First part of the installation:
1. Make sure the device is fully charged. If it’s not fully charged the device could get (soft-)bricked.
2. Factory reset the device, so you have as much storage as possible available on the device. After the reset is done, leave it at the language selection screen, because it doesn’t do anything there.
3. Extract HCTSW_WXMSOUP_V5.3beta6.update.lzma2.7z with 7zip or whatever you prefer.
4. Download the Visual C++ libraries from here: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/ and run the install script.
5. The next thing you are going to do is download the updates, push them to the device and install them. This will take some time, but it depends on your internet connection for the most part. The files will be downloaded from the official Microsoft servers. Now here’s what to do: open run_en.cmd and follow the steps. These are pretty clear, so I don’t think I need to point all of them out here. It will open a webpage where you can download WDRT, you will need to install that for the tool to work.
6. Now you can move on to the second part.
Second part of the installation:
In this part of the installation, you will be updating the device from version 1511 to the latest available build, which should have a working Microsoft store.
1. The setup of the device. The version that just got installed doesn’t have a lot of options yet, including language packs. If you have a device that’s not English United States, the keyboard will bug out on setup, because it’s trying to access a language pack that doesn’t exist. Therefore, the first step, setting the language should be English (United States), so the OS itself won’t bug out. Once you’ve set the language (it will prompt to reboot, do that), you can go through the rest of the setup. Don’t log it into your Wi-Fi, don’t log it into your Microsoft account and don’t turn on automatic app updates. It’ll say it needs to set up apps, that takes some time but eventually you’ll get to the home screen. Now is when you need a few tools, which brings us to step 2.
Now is a good moment for me to point out that, if you have a non-English-US device, the keyboard for another language is still "installed". It can be removed by holding it in settings -> time and language -> keyboard and choosing “Delete”.
2. Installing Interop Tools. In order to get updates, you’ll need to modify your device a bit. This won’t be very hard, but it involves some registry modifications so you’ll have to pay close attention.
Go to settings -> update and security -> for developers and enable developer mode, so you can sideload the Interop Tools (Linked below). Copy the contents of the Interop Tools zip to the device first. Then, go to the file manager on the phone and go to the directory where you put the files. INSTALL THE DEPENDENCIES IN THE \ARM FOLDER FIRST, THEN THE INTEROP TOOLS FILE ITSELF! Check if the Interop Tools installed on the “all apps screen” and get ready to open it.
3. Modifying the registry. Open Interop Tools and tap the “This Device” button. This will bring up a menu.
3.1. Tap the menu button on the top left corner, then select “Modify Registry”. In the “Registry Key Path”, put SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo. Then, put PhoneManufacturerModelName in the “Registry Value Name” box and tap the “Read” button at the bottom. You’ll see some text appear in a box. This will need to be edited to the following value: RM-1089_1048. After you did that, tap the “Write” button.
3.2. Now put PhoneModelName in the the “Registry Value Name” box and tap “Read” again. Now change the value to Lumia 535 and tap “Write”.
3.3. Exit out of Interop Tools and go to the next step.
4. Logging in to the Wi-Fi and checking for updates.
4.1. Logging it in to the Wi-Fi. Go to settings -> network & wireless -> Wi-Fi and choose your network. Easy peasy probably.
4.2. Checking for updates. This is the part that always went wrong with me, because of storage limits (gotta love that 4GB eMMC). But if I’ve explained this well enough, you might not have to do a lot of weird stuff. Oh well, to the instruction we go. Go to settings -> update and security -> windows update and check for updates. This will take a while! Keep it on wall power because updating can only be done at 40% or more at this point. I got two updates: from 1511 to early 1607 and from that to late 1607. Maybe you can get a newer version with WDRT or OTC but I doubt that to be honest.
Hooray! Now you should have a fully functional Nokia Lumia 530 with Windows 10 mobile!
nemesis from Realmtech (for the registry changes) (https://www.realmtech.net/user/1)
@hikari_calyx (for the semi-offline update tool)
@STALKER18 (for the tips on how to clear storage)
@gus33000 (for the Interop Tools)
My dad (for the device)
Everyone who encouraged me to do this mod
Interop Tools: https://forum.xda-developers.com/attachments/interoptools_rc2_1-9-400-0_arm-zip.3995811/
And it's dependencies: https://forum.xda-developers.com/attachments/dependencies_arm-zip.3995814/
Windows 10 mobile semi-offline updater: https://forum.xda-developers.com/attachments/hctsw_wxmsoup_v5-3beta6-update-lzma2-7z.4955261/
PS: If you brick the device, the WDRT can restore it. If it just puts it in flashing mode, you can use Windows Phone Internals to download and flash a ROM. That tool can be found here: https://www.wpinternals.net/index.php/downloads/doc_download/46-wpinternals-2-8-zip
[ADDITION] Updating from build 1607 to 1709.
I said it wouldn’t be possible and it would break stuff, but I tried it and it doesn’t break anything some people say it might break. Yeah, it might impact on battery life a bit, but nothing has broken for me (yet), it has only improved.
I’ve learned that the update from 1607 to 1703 is the hardest one yet, but you should be able to get it going. This is because the preinstalled Store in 1607 can connect to the app update servers, but it can’t view the app. This is a difficult situation because many apps will become very large when they get updated. You need to figure out for yourself what gets you the space you need, but I found that uninstalling all the apps that can be uninstalled and deleting system apps through MTP (which can be done by bootloader unlocking, rooting and booting into mass storage mode with Windows Phone Internals (I recommend that you only delete OneNote, SkyDrive (as it’s being referred to in /data/program files/windowsapps) and the Xbox app).
Step 0: you might want to factory reset first
Let’s get to the updating though…
1. Modifying the registry. Open Interop Tools and tap the “This Device” button. This will bring up a menu.
1.1. Tap the menu button on the top left corner, then select “Modify Registry”. In the “Registry Key Path”, put SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo. Now do the exact same as you did before, except use these “registry value names” and put the corresponding information into the box below that. Don’t forget to tap write!
Values you should use:
PhoneHardwareVariantRM-1104PhoneManufacturerMicrosoftMDGPhoneManufacturerModelNameRM-1104_11210PhoneModelNameLumia 950
1.2. Exit out of Interop Tools and go to the next step.
2. Logging in to the Wi-Fi and checking for updates.
2.1. Logging it in to the Wi-Fi. Go to settings -> network & wireless -> Wi-Fi and choose your network. Easy peasy probably.
2.2. Checking for updates. Go to settings -> update and security -> Windows Update and check for updates. This will take a while! Keep it on wall power because updating can only be done at 40% or more at this point. I got 3 updates, one from 1607 to 1703, one from 1703 to 1709 and another one from old 1709 to last 1709.
Credit to @demon2112 for the registry values
Can you backup your efiesp.bin partition and share?
augustinionut said:
Can you backup your efiesp.bin partition and share?
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Did you break it?
Edit: WPInternals refuses to put the phone in mass storage mode so uh... Yeah...
I managed to get them off with Interop Tools
augustinionut said:
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Click to collapse
In the Interop Unlock menu, there's a mount entire storage option. Copied the EFIESP from there and compiled it into a bin. For WPI the Windows on the phone is too new :/
Thats why didnt worked
I wanted dumped partition with, WPInternals.
augustinionut said:
Thats why didnt worked
I wanted dumped partition with, WPInternals.
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Yeah that doesn't work. Rename the .bin to .zip, extract, mount the phone in mass storage mode and copy the files to the EFIESP folder/symlink. If you can't do that, WDRT can probably unbreak it
Please anounce me when you can upload the dumped partition.
Is resulting that efiesp.bin , data.bin and mainos.bin are related, so i cant upgrade my phone to windows 10 mobile without them.
augustinionut said:
Is resulting that efiesp.bin , data.bin and mainos.bin are related, so i cant upgrade my phone to windows 10 mobile without them.
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Just flash the original FFU. Literally all I did is in the guide and I never had to flash something from another device
Thanks, but: my phone was reflashed with reset protection active. Guess what?
augustinionut said:
Thanks, but: my phone was reflashed with reset protection active. Guess what?
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Something that might work (according to a friend. Again, I am not responsible for a phone that gets rendered useless)
Mount as mass storage, diskpart clean the thing, hold power button for ~10 seconds, flash a bootloader with WDRT (may fail 2-3 times), flash FFU
_Yep, erase clean DPP partition )) buhahahaha
How do you get to the Denim update? I'm getting the error that I am running a build older than 8.10.14219.341 and need to update first.
EirikrHinnRauthi said:
How do you get to the Denim update? I'm getting the error that I am running a build older than 8.10.14219.341 and need to update first.
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You can download and flash it in WPInternals (will delete all data so back that up first) or WDRT (not sure if that erases userdata)
BennoMP said:
You can download and flash it in WPInternals (will delete all data so back that up first) or WDRT (not sure if that erases userdata)
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WDRT already says I'm at the latest version of Windows for my device, so that sucks. I shall try WPInternals! Thanks!
Would you please transfer a video of the process?
BennoMP said:
While the Nokia Lumia 530 isn’t officially supported, it’s still possible to get Windows 10 mobile running on it. At the time of writing, it has become a bit tricky to get it to work, since most official Microsoft tools are discontinued and will therefore not work. I will be linking the files which I’ve used. The credits to the people who made or shared the tools and guides I used will be at the bottom of this guide.
Note that I am not responsible for any damage made. Proceed at your own risk!
- A Nokia Lumia 530 running the Windows 8.1 Denim Update (will be referred to as "device")
- A stable Windows 7 system or VM, with .NET Framework 4.5.x or 4.6.x (on Windows 10, the IUTool will fail to synchronize, hence this requirement)
- An internet connection that can handle a download of approximately 2GB data on the computer and about the same on the phone
- A good USB cable (a flimsy one with a loose fit could brick the device while it’s updating)
- The programs linked below
First part of the installation:
1. Make sure the device is fully charged. If it’s not fully charged the device could get (soft-)bricked.
2. Factory reset the device, so you have as much storage as possible available on the device. After the reset is done, leave it at the language selection screen, because it doesn’t do anything there.
3. Extract HCTSW_WXMSOUP_V5.3beta6.update.lzma2.7z with 7zip or whatever you prefer.
4. Download the Visual C++ libraries from here: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/ and run the install script.
5. The next thing you are going to do is download the updates, push them to the device and install them. This will take some time, but it depends on your internet connection for the most part. The files will be downloaded from the official Microsoft servers. Now here’s what to do: open run_en.cmd and follow the steps. These are pretty clear, so I don’t think I need to point all of them out here. It will open a webpage where you can download WDRT, you will need to install that for the tool to work.
6. Now you can move on to the second part.
Second part of the installation:
In this part of the installation, you will be updating the device from version 1511 to the latest available build, which should have a working Microsoft store.
1. The setup of the device. The version that just got installed doesn’t have a lot of options yet, including language packs. If you have a device that’s not English United States, the keyboard will bug out on setup, because it’s trying to access a language pack that doesn’t exist. Therefore, the first step, setting the language should be English (United States), so the OS itself won’t bug out. Once you’ve set the language (it will prompt to reboot, do that), you can go through the rest of the setup. Don’t log it into your Wi-Fi, don’t log it into your Microsoft account and don’t turn on automatic app updates. It’ll say it needs to set up apps, that takes some time but eventually you’ll get to the home screen. Now is when you need a few tools, which brings us to step 2.
Now is a good moment for me to point out that, if you have a non-English-US device, the keyboard for another language is still "installed". It can be removed by holding it in settings -> time and language -> keyboard and choosing “Delete”.
2. Installing Interop Tools. In order to get updates, you’ll need to modify your device a bit. This won’t be very hard, but it involves some registry modifications so you’ll have to pay close attention.
Go to settings -> update and security -> for developers and enable developer mode, so you can sideload the Interop Tools (Linked below). Copy the contents of the Interop Tools zip to the device first. Then, go to the file manager on the phone and go to the directory where you put the files. INSTALL THE DEPENDENCIES IN THE \ARM FOLDER FIRST, THEN THE INTEROP TOOLS FILE ITSELF! Check if the Interop Tools installed on the “all apps screen” and get ready to open it.
3. Modifying the registry. Open Interop Tools and tap the “This Device” button. This will bring up a menu.
3.1. Tap the menu button on the top left corner, then select “Modify Registry”. In the “Registry Key Path”, put SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo. Then, put PhoneManufacturerModelName in the “Registry Value Name” box and tap the “Read” button at the bottom. You’ll see some text appear in a box. This will need to be edited to the following value: RM-1089_1048. After you did that, tap the “Write” button.
3.2. Now put PhoneModelName in the the “Registry Value Name” box and tap “Read” again. Now change the value to Lumia 535 and tap “Write”.
3.3. Exit out of Interop Tools and go to the next step.
4. Logging in to the Wi-Fi and checking for updates.
4.1. Logging it in to the Wi-Fi. Go to settings -> network & wireless -> Wi-Fi and choose your network. Easy peasy probably.
4.2. Checking for updates. This is the part that always went wrong with me, because of storage limits (gotta love that 4GB eMMC). But if I’ve explained this well enough, you might not have to do a lot of weird stuff. Oh well, to the instruction we go. Go to settings -> update and security -> windows update and check for updates. This will take a while! Keep it on wall power because updating can only be done at 40% or more at this point. I got two updates: from 1511 to early 1607 and from that to late 1607. Maybe you can get a newer version with WDRT or OTC but I doubt that to be honest.
Hooray! Now you should have a fully functional Nokia Lumia 530 with Windows 10 mobile!
nemesis from Realmtech (for the registry changes) (https://www.realmtech.net/user/1)
@hikari_calyx (for the semi-offline update tool)
@STALKER18 (for the tips on how to clear storage)
@gus33000 (for the Interop Tools)
My dad (for the device)
Everyone who encouraged me to do this mod
Interop Tools: https://forum.xda-developers.com/attachments/interoptools_rc2_1-9-400-0_arm-zip.3995811/
And it's dependencies: https://forum.xda-developers.com/attachments/dependencies_arm-zip.3995814/
Windows 10 mobile semi-offline updater: https://forum.xda-developers.com/attachments/hctsw_wxmsoup_v5-3beta6-update-lzma2-7z.4955261/
PS: If you brick the device, the WDRT can restore it. If it just puts it in flashing mode, you can use Windows Phone Internals to download and flash a ROM. That tool can be found here: https://www.wpinternals.net/index.php/downloads/doc_download/46-wpinternals-2-8-zip
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Hello! I followed your step with editing values and after checking updates, there was an update which is Windows 10 Mobile (10.0.14393.1066) as of now, May 2022.
my question is what is the size of this update? and will I able to install this with my Lumia 530?
any other way to install this offline? i really need this update because I need working Microsoft Store.

