[WIP] Guillemet - An open application manager/Marketplace - Windows Phone 7 Development and Hacking

Hey everyone, I've thought for a while now that there should be a way to install homebrew applications on the device itself and have written a little something talking about the idea here. This post is mostly copied from there and focuses on the installation problem, so if you want the full thing, check it out.
Guillemet is (well, will be) a package manager for Windows Phone 7; basically the equivalent of Cydia for iOS, except not based on an existing system like dpkg (because is it Windows-based, and a package system like this is not in widespread use for Windows). This means its main tasks will be:
Downloading packages (applications... or other things) from outside sources (repositories)
Installing these packages on the user's device
Periodically checking the repositories for any new versions of packages
Why call it Guillemet? There are a couple of reasons for this name. First of all, I was looking for a name that was short (a single word), unique enough to catch people's attention and just sounded nice. Guillemets are the characters used in certain languages (like French) where quotation marks would be used in English. They look like this: « Ce sont des guillemets. » Because it's a typographic character, I thought it fit in nicely with Microsoft's Metro design concept. Also, it pointing forward can represent 'progress' (or something like that... that's marketing right?). Finally, it makes a nice reference to one of the things that made this possible in the first place: a guillemet consists of two chevrons.
Because the installing of applications is required for the application to be useful at all, I think it would be important to focus on this for now. Here's a short overview of what it currently known:
Installation can be done via provxml, but requires DRM (and cracking it is not feasible).
There are some functions present that might do the job, but we cannot access them at the moment due to our low privileges (this thread is trying to do something about that).
Manual installation would require us to 'register' the application, which probably has to be done by editing the file \Application Data\Microsoft\PackageManager\pacman.edb, but we cannot access this at the moment (it might also be in use by the OS). This manual approach will give us more customization options, though.
With a system to install even just standard XAP's in place, the first step would probably be to create a protocol handler so XAP's can be downloaded and installed right from the browser. This will create an open environment akin to that on the desktop, and will be very simple to implement and maintain (or rather, not maintain). Later on a package management system can also be implemented (more about that here).
I hope some of you will like the idea and might even discover something to make this work

Wow, first post here I like the idea but I guess it's nearly impossible =/ There's already a project like that.. it's called xda market and they still work on a device client ^^ I'm curious if on-phone-deployment will work one day


[DEV] [REQ] C++, rewrite existing code

First I would like to thank the whole forum (with few exceptions that I'd like to not mention here) for the past 2,5 years, which have been very educating for me regarding Windows Mobile as a system. During that whole time I have searched for the perfect simple-to-use, lightweight app for storing and retrieving a grocery list, yet unfortunately I have had to come to the conclusion that it does not exist to this date. There are some existing apps but these are either not simple to use or do not accomplish the simple task at all, or they are too heavy (requiring additionally the .NET framework to be installed for example, etc.).
The idea for the simple software is that one has a changeable groups and items of groceries, from which they can select the already saved ones needed at that shopping day (e.g. during a discussion with girlfriend), and later when in shop they can just check the ones they have already put into basket. I would like to see the person who will argue that it does not easily beat archaic mode of storing information, a.k.a. paper and pen.
I have found an app which, with some relatively small amount of effort can be rewritten to accomplish that task, this software is iContact AE. As far as I understand, there is judicially no problem using the source code from iContact AE as long as following the license restrictions (correct me please if I am wrong). Why AE? Just a selection based on the fact that AE has the most appealing interface and most settings. Of course, this could be a point of discussion, but so far it seems like the best choice.
CAB - http://icontactae.codeplex.com/releases/view/28951
Source - http://icontactae.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets
I created a possible, chronological tasklist in order to get from iContact AE to the shopping app, whatever it will be called (name suggestions also welcome in due time). Also, I already have a pretty clear vision about
Discuss the usability and feasibility of the selected software / it's source code and it's alternatives (as far as I remember there was the original iContact and some other derivate version).
[*]Create, discuss and review static prototypes of the interface (basically screenshots of each view).
[*]List the requirements to be implemented (or removed).
[*]Code in / remove code according the list from previous task.
[*]Create skin and graphics.
[*]Clean up rest of code, remove unnecessary parts of it (to make it more light).
[*]Test and review changes.
I can either take lead, perform or participate actively in the tasks that are listed green. I only need a competent C++ coder who can help and thinks this is a great idea.
The changes needed to the existing source code do not seem to be much at first glance, but of course as I cannot code in C++, I could be wrong. I just looked at the parts of code where to change the tabs and queries to storage files.
So there, got it off my chest. Any C++ gurus missing a simple, convenient grocery app?
OK, I will put this in another way. I will personally contribute $50 (via PayPal or if EU country, via transfer) to the coder - provided that the end result is according to the requirements, which we will agree forehand. If anyone wants to join in with contribution, You are more than welcome.
aiiro said:
OK, I will put this in another way. I will personally contribute $50 (via PayPal or if EU country, via transfer) to the coder - provided that the end result is according to the requirements, which we will agree forehand. If anyone wants to join in with contribution, You are more than welcome.
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If I had money I to would offer some.
It's no wunder WinMo is falling behind no one wants to create apps even when offered a straight cash deal.
Amen to that. I was actually reading this and took a good hour of researching to see just how hard it might be and how time-consuming it might be. I would have loved to take this on...but alas, It would split me way too much. I am already working on my FFP_LS Pro 2.5 Improvements (Major Major improvements...I am practically re-writing the app), I am starting work on a game I plan to release (Its a rather popular game I have yet to find for WIndows Mobile), and I already volunteered to work on the Boggle Clone for WinMo ... so I am already pretty split as it is. heh...if I find free time, and nobody has taken this on, I will probably come back and make this my next project
Sorry though...I do hope some developer comes around to assist!
Thanks for Your support. I thought that I don't need to subscribe to my own threads in order to get a notification if a new post is made, but I was wrong. I certainly didn't get one for Your post. So, sorry for the late reply. I will subscribe to my own thread now

[Q] Can WP7 ROM modules be replaced yet?

I've been reading the forums for two days now and have gleaned lots of useful information in the dumping/building of WP7 (emulator) ROMs. I haven't, however, come across any information on replacing modules in the WP7 context.
While reversmode generates correct-looking output, it renders the built ROM unbootable; I'm guessing it's not built correctly.
To backtrack what I did...
I used the newer dumprom.pl, which spits out better PE binaries than its predecessor
I dropped a binary into reversmode
... and gathered the imageinfo.txt + Sxxx output and dropped them into the dumped ROM\MODULES\filename folder, overwriting the originals
Any guidance would be appreciated.
// twitter: @WithinRafael
Sorry for getting everyone excited, I found the error in my ways. I wasn't aware (until now) that the binaries spit out by dumprom.pl are automatically decompressed. I used XIPPort to recompress my binaries (and fished them out of a folder relative to the executable).
Boots fine.
On a separate note, I'd like to rally everyone together and start getting better configuration management of this stuff. From what I've seen, these tools are spread out all over the damn place. Worse, the developers aren't including versioning information. I'm going to draft up some ideas on addressing the confusion and create a separate post.
WithinRafael said:
Sorry for getting everyone excited, I found the error in my ways. I wasn't aware (until now) that the binaries spit out by dumprom.pl are automatically decompressed. I used XIPPort to recompress my binaries (and fished them out of a folder relative to the executable).
Boots fine.
On a separate note, I'd like to rally everyone together and start getting better configuration management of this stuff. From what I've seen, these tools are spread out all over the damn place. Worse, the developers aren't including versioning information. I'm going to draft up some ideas on addressing the confusion and create a separate post.
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yeah you may want to just start a thread with consolidated dumping/porting tools for these ROMs so we don't have to easter egg hunt

[DFT] z..::H.O.W...T.O...N.A.T.I.V.E::..z [PREVIEW]

today I had decided to start this thread about native development for WP7.
At the current moment I don't upload/attach any working stuffs to this message. It will happen a bit later, after new DFT ROMs release. This is because it's very difficult to run them for now.
Let's start from current achieved results:
1) It's possible to run any EXE files (after "FullUnlock")
2) Those EXE files can do any operations in the system (after "FullUnlock")
3) It's possible to show some GUI from this applications. But GUI has legacy Windows CE style, it's impossible to create Metro-style applications for now.
How can it be used by community?
We can develop a lot of homebrew applications: like porting emulators, old native applications, video players and etc.
It can be possible to port famous TCPMP player for example and get ultimate playback on Windows Phone 7!
Is it possible to run old Windows Mobile 6.5 applications without modifications?
No, it's not possible. A lot of different APIs are missing for those applications.
Is it hard to modify old Windows Mobile 6.5 applications?
Well, it's almost same like porting to pure Windows CE, but a lot of Windows CE stuffs are "damaged" inside Windows Phone. They just doesn't work right, because nobody never used/tested them before
Photos of sample "WP7 Native test"
Information for developers you can find in the next messages.
So I will release demo WP7 native application, when we fix issues with FullUnlock.
Demo will be as binary EXE file. And as VS2008 project, which can be good start point for other developers.
Now this thread dedicated for discussion, share ideas and thoughts.
DFT, Cotulla
Information about "FullUnlock"
Information about "FullUnlock"
DevUnlock actually allows only to deploy XAP files from external sources.
It doesn't give more privileges.
So we (DFT) developed "FullUnlock". FullUnlock is implemented as replacing some system files by wrappers, which allows any kind of access (disable access checking at all)
We replace LVMOD.DLL which used to check files and data (checksums, certificates and etc) and POLICYENGINE.DLL which implements internal objects access checking.
All written before means that FullUnlock at the current moment only possible by flashing custom ROM to device. In future maybe we can find good ways to do it without flashing, but for now I don't see any ideas how to do it without flashing.
Maybe we can replace DLLs inside \Windows\ directory (put a shadow copy), but I am not sure if it will work really. It's stuffs for future experiments.
It can be possible to do something near by editing policy values, but it need big research to find right way. As it still won't disable file checking, maybe we can add own certificate to right store and then sign files with them.
The last DFT 7720 MANGO ROMs contains FullUnlock, but it doesn't work as expected there few issues. as well some users got issues with debugging on those ROMs and etc. We will continue work under it
So I will release demo WP7 native application, when we fix issues with FullUnlock.
Demo will be as binary EXE file. And as VS2008 project, which can be good start point for other developers.
Now this thread dedicated for discussion, share ideas and thoughts.
For developers
For developers
(users do not read! danger for brain!)
First of all I want to talk about abilities of native code.
Most applications built in inside WP7 are native. But they don't use usual Dialog UI style, they are using some kind of Silvelight scripts. This kind of UI is called "UIX".
Main idea of UIX that DLL files have UIX resources inside which describe whole UI.
Something similar is used inside CE 7.0 Slivelight - there some xml compiler which make binary data and put them as resources inside DLL. I don't know how to decode this binary data.
Seems Zune desktop application also using this framework.
So UIX used some kind of scripts for UI part and callbacks for all actions.
If we decode this UIX format, we will able to change/modify UI as we want, like it was before with regular resources inside DLL. But UIX must be much more powerful.
We can't use UIX for native application because we don't know how to use it, how to make proper binary data and etc. It's hard to reverse.
But native application can have some GUI with Windows CE style (you can see examples on the photos above)
Another issue: If you call API function "CreateWindowW" you won't see anything on the screen. It seems because shell handle all output, so window doesn't visible.
After some searching I found inside some test ROM nice DLL called "WindowTreeUpdater.dll". After looking inside and decoding functions parameters, it's working!
Basic idea: you create window and call function from this DLL and Window appear on the screen. There seems some kind of proxy engine to output legacy windows on top of shell output.
Nice, it's working...
So we can use usual windows for UI inside native application.
There present standard controls, but they work rather laggy (hey, and looks too).
Basic controls like PushButton, Static, CheckBox, Radiobutton, Icon are working.
About extended controls: (Progress bar, list view, and etc)
they come from Commctrl.dll usually, it was present inside Initial/NODO releases, ut it was removed inside MANGO. I was able to run NODO Commctrl.dll under MANGO after some modifications. But all this controls are shown on screen, but they don't do anything on input. So you can see toolbar, but can't press any button.
CommDlg.dll is missing and never was inside WP7.
There present AYGSHELL.DLL, but most functions are broken. For example, I was not able to create menu bar.
So, a lot of functions are broken, like MessageBox not working.
But we still can create own custom controls and use them for developing.
For example porting TCPMP means that we will need reimplement UI fully - because toolbar doesn't work. slider also won't. Maybe get and reuse some source from ReactOS or NT40 CommCtrl
This is some crazy ****! I like it
for...all...devices!? If possible...damn
I just came...
Holly smoke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go guys....BRAVO... This is a major breakthrough for wp7 dev
Once again well done DFTeam
You guys are beasts...please keep it up
for...all...devices!? If possible...damn
I just came...
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For now it's only for HTC devices with flashing custom ROM
The UIX/UIB scripts are a real pain.. I tried going through them a while back to change the annoying notification system (10 seconds? Really, Microsoft?) and figured it would all boil down to the usual XML-style script that WM6.5 and other MS products use, but the format is newer and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to decompile them.
From what I do know, however, is that it's more of an encoding than a compilation, and can be decoded if we can figure out what all the different headers mean... but that's a serious reverse engineering project.
Keep it up.is it possible to add Samsung device into support list?
Great work! Are there any multitasking restrictions for these apps? presumably because they are not Silverlight they will not be present in the task switcher & the app will be in charge of when the process terminates?
Looking forward to doing some nice low-level operations - hopefully this will open a whole new world for WP7 dev
Sent from my 7 Pro T7576 using Board Express
That's great,,,Thanks
Cotulla said:
For now it's only for HTC devices with flashing custom ROM
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Hopefully this will change when you receive the Samsung Focus and try custom ROMs.
Blade0rz said:
Great work! Are there any multitasking restrictions for these apps? presumably because they are not Silverlight they will not be present in the task switcher & the app will be in charge of when the process terminates?
Looking forward to doing some nice low-level operations - hopefully this will open a whole new world for WP7 dev
Sent from my 7 Pro T7576 using Board Express
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I would suspect that they won't be killed unless there's an Out of Memory issue (you can see the whitelists for that in the registry), because these processes are not like the silverlight/xna apps that are launched in Taskman.exe. Whether they show up in multitask lists, idk, but they probably won't be killed in the traditional way..
but that's a serious reverse engineering project.
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maybe it's precompiled XAML scripts, like inside Managed applications?
Great work! Are there any multitasking restrictions for these apps? presumably because they are not Silverlight they will not be present in the task switcher & the app will be in charge of when the process terminates?
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I would suspect that they won't be killed unless there's an Out of Memory issue (you can see the whitelists for that in the registry), because these processes are not like the silverlight/xna apps that are launched in Taskman.exe. Whether they show up in multitask lists, idk, but they probably won't be killed in the traditional way..
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Plain EXE can run without restrictions, but I guess it will be killed at OOM condition still. EXE with window seems all a bit more complex. When I press back button it usually disappear after few seconds. I think window got WM_CLOSE or something at that moment. It should be researched more in the future.
Furthermore, I forgot to say: Interesting thing, before MANGO WP7 supports native XAP files too!
There was few files nativeinstaller* which implements native installation. There references inside for setup.dll and _setup.xml like in old CAB files.
But it was removed from MANGO seems
Cotulla said:
For now it's only for HTC devices with flashing custom ROM
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Would we be able to install an old application like fpsece for windows mobile? One of the biggest things I miss about windows mobile! I get paid today so I will be making a donation for your hard work! I'm currently using your custom rom on my HD7! Thanks again, and keep up the good work!

[Q] WP7 and native for beginner

Hello everybody,
I got a WP7 Samsung Focus and I want to port my old application to this device and join native forces for WP7
My plan is simple: I'll convert my app into a dll, rewrite new gui in C# (or whatever the way to do it on WP7). I saw multiple posts about calling native code (original from Cris Walsh: http://goo.gl/2Tjks). Then I saw a few posts mentioning that it's impossible etc etc.
So, a few questions:
0) can I do it for my app (I don't need marketplace exams etc, I don't care for that)? I know that some WinAPI could be unavailable/broken, all I ask at this point if it's possible to load and run native dll without changing or re-flashing ROM.
1) ms wants 100$ out of my pocket to be able to deploy to my own device (WTF?!). What can I do to deploy to my phone without paying the crooks? (VS2010 tell me to register there and registration askes for 100$).
2) Is there a sample project I could D/L and run, I have zero experience in C# and I have no idea how to load and call native DLL from managed code in WP7? All these half broken samples are totally useless to me, I simply wanted to working HelloWorld app that loads and runs simple dll.
0) Yes, what you describe is possible. There are lots of limits, though - WP7 applications have very low permissions, and calling native code doesn't fix that. Unless you need to edit something outside the app's own iolated storage, though, you're probably OK.
1) Aside from the official marketplace account ($100), there are a few options:
a) if you've got an LG phone, they come with a built-in registry editor that can be used to dev-unlock your phone. I forget the exact key you need, though.
b) if you've got a student email address (ends in .edu) you can try registering through DreamSpark. This is free.
c) if you don't mind rolling back to pre-NoDo (7004 or 7008) you can use ChevronWP7 Unlock (instructions available on this forum). If you don't have a restore point that far back you can flash an official ROM for that version.
d) if you don't mind waiting, ChevronWP7 Labs will be available at some point (no ETA that I've seen, but it's been talked about for months) and will provide dev-unlock (but not marketplace account) for a nominal fee.
2) There are lots of apps distributed with source, and most of them will use some native code. You could do a search on this forum for subject lines including the tag "[SOURCE]" and find several (I release source for all my apps). However, I suspect what you'd find most useful is Heathcliff74's guide to WP7 apps that use native code, which is on this forum at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1299134. It includes step-by-step instructions.
Hope that helps! I look forward to seeing your app. Also, don't hesitate to ask for help with the actual development; I suck at GUIs and Silverlight but am fairly proficient at C# if you need somebody who knows that language, for example.
There is an ETA for the new ChevronWP7 unlocker:only a few weeks away from launch!
Hi GoodDayToDie
GoodDayToDie said:
0) Yes, what you describe is possible. There are lots of limits, though - WP7 applications have very low permissions, and calling native code doesn't fix that. Unless you need to edit something outside the app's own iolated storage, though, you're probably OK.
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At this point I want to make a DLL from my simple app and call a few functions that interact with filesystem and network. FS is needed only for simple stuff (loading config file etc) from installation folder and creating some temporary files for local storage. Network is tcp/udp, I guess network should be available.
GoodDayToDie said:
1) Aside from the official marketplace account ($100), there are a few options:
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I did some search, it seem that I've done that part. Chevron dev unlock was pulled out from their site, but the old version remains scattered all over the board. There is a good thread a good thread on how to do it. It happens that my phone is 7004. Where can I get old ROM in case if something goes bad and I need to re-flash? Is it easy, am I risking to brick and loose my phone?
I just tried to run sample phone app and it runs on the phone. Initially it said that it was revoked by MS, I run dev-unlock one more time and now it works.
GoodDayToDie said:
2) There are lots of apps distributed with source, and most of them will use some native code. You could do a search on this forum for subject lines including the tag "[SOURCE]" and find several (I release source for all my apps). However, I suspect what you'd find most useful is Heathcliff74's guide to WP7 apps that use native code, which is on this forum at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1299134. It includes step-by-step instructions.
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I'll try to search, hope I'll be up and running soon. Too bad WP7 is DOA. They always had much better tools than all these ghetto Symbian/Android/Xcode crapware tools... WTF is wrong with these guys, at the point when they were surpassed at speed of light by newbies iPhone and Android they made some backward steps to cut off most of the devs (but they added all these 500K Silverlight newbie devs...). I'm so disappointed with Android, seems like they hired all these retards who were fired at symbian: same **** tools
I downloaded a few samples and it seems that all of them contain prebuild dll's and all of them are COM dlls or something like that.
What I'd like to find is simple sample that contains src code to native WinMo dll and C# project that it uses.
As far as I know native dll cannot be build with latest tools (am I right?), but I can use cegcc or VS2008 to build native DLL's.
stuff like:
if (ComBridge.RegisterComDll("ComFileRw.dll", new Guid("EEA7F43B-A32D-4767-9AE7-9E53DA197455")) != 0)
is totally unknown to me. I would really like to avoid to even elarning anything about COM related stuff. I prefer not to mess up with code that isn't portable.
HI mtlgui,
unless Heathcliff finishes his WP7 Root Tools SDK, you don't have any other way to access native c++ code besides using COM. DFT (The DarkForcesTeam) released a firmware loader, that allows you to flash customized unsigned firmware. They were also able to do some native c++ coding with the WM API. However the used firmware for that is not public and it is limited to HTC devices.
Did you already consider to write your application in c#? Mango has now TCP/UDP socket support for outgoing connections. Incoming connections or services running on the phone aren't possible without using native code, at least for the moment.
Hi rudelm,
if the only way to use native is to build COM dll, then I'm OK with that. My app code is old and I'd rather throw my WP7 device to trash can than trying to rewrite my app in C#.
Eventually, down the road while hacking maybe I'll learn c# well enough to do anything with it other than GUI and calling native/COM dlls.
So, just to confirm my understanding. I need to write COM dlls that access native API (socket, filesystem, wavein/waveout etc) and then load these COM dlls and call their functions from C# (or whatever is the closest lang to c/c++ in the WP7 world).
You've pretty much got it. A few thoughts, though:
There is a webserver project available on this site. It includes source for its C++ native component (the library is called NativeIO; I can probably send you the source if you can't find it). It exposes registry, filesystem, and TCP server and client sockets to COM. Note that because this library was built for pre-Mango phones, just compiling it and shipping it may not work on Mango phones as many deprecated libraries were removed in Mango and if the DLL contains any references to them, it won't load.
Generally speaking, what you're asking for with TCP/UDP is possible, though you may have to code against the winsock API directly. It sounds like you're doing as little as possible with C#, so even if the Socket API that is available with Mango were sufficient for your app's needs, you wouldn't be using it.
Filesystem access... even if you have read access to your app's install folder (I haven't checked, though you should), you almost certainly won't have write access. Each app does have a writable "isolated storage" though, under \Applications\Data\{GUID}\Data\IsolatedStore\. I've only ever tried writing to it using C# though, so I don't know for sure if it's writable using the native APIs directly (should be, though).
It's probably perfectly OK to write your app as one big native DLL (hell, it *might* work to just change the build type from Application to Library, then rename main() or something like that). You will need to expose the library to COM, but that's easy. You can then write a very simple C#/Silverlight app (see Heathcliff's instructions, or just post the COM interface and soembody could write it for you). All the C# app needs to do is use ComBridge to access the native DLL, and call a "run()" function or something similarly simple.
For what it's worth, C# is very close to a superset of C++, at least on the desktop. The phone version is crippled a little by not allowing the use of pointers - everything has to be done with strongly-typed references instead, which can make network code a little annoying but is otherwise rarely a problem - but with a little experimentation you may find your disdain for C# to be misguided. It's a useful language to know it today's job market, if nothing else.
Why is your phone still on 7004? That's the launch retail build, something like eight months out of date. On the plus side, this means that things like ChevronWP7 Unlocker still work for you, as you found. On the minu side, it means you're putting up with bugs and missing features that you needn't be. Have you tried updating at all? If/when you do update, make sure to back up the restore points that the Zune software generates (they got in %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows Phone Update\). That way, if you ever need to roll back to 7004, you can do it. Normally, only the most recent restore point is kept.
Flashing ROMs is safe so long as you don't try something like flashing the wrong one for your device. Unless your bootloader is unlocked (only possible on HTC), you can only flash official ROMs anyhow, which saves you from most of the risks. On the other hand, you're already on as old a ROM as you will find, and so long as you keep your restore points, you can return to it any time you want to, easily.
I'm googling now the board to find NativeIO and that webserver app. So far only references to it, but no src code.
I'm ok with isolated read/write access. All I care is persistent fs storage.
My phone is still 7004 because I just bought it so I can do some WP7 development. I don't want to mess up with updates at the moment.
As I understand from another post ComBridge is C#->COM->native c++ dll or any other dll that can be used, right? I'm just learning some COM to learn enough to start actually programming for the phone. I see that I can pass whatever data I want, but I don't seem to be able to see a way to register callbacks so that native/COM could call back to C#
mtlgui said:
I'm googling now the board to find NativeIO and that webserver app. So far only references to it, but no src code.
I'm ok with isolated read/write access. All I care is persistent fs storage.
My phone is still 7004 because I just bought it so I can do some WP7 development. I don't want to mess up with updates at the moment.
As I understand from another post ComBridge is C#->COM->native c++ dll or any other dll that can be used, right? I'm just learning some COM to learn enough to start actually programming for the phone. I see that I can pass whatever data I want, but I don't seem to be able to see a way to register callbacks so that native/COM could call back to C#
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Basic introduction to native code and COM, including references to more background info: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1299134.
Callback from C++ -> COM -> C# can be done. Decompile the WP7 Acrobat Reader app. You'll see how it works.

Include local JavaScript within PhoneGap on Windows Phone 7

I have a PhoneGap application designed to work on multiple mobile platforms. I'm loading a dynamic HTML content from an external page on the Internet using jQuery Mobile. The problematic system is Windows Phone 7.
This is what I get from the external page, with the URL of the script tag already replaced to load from the phone instead of from the net to save bandwidth:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="x-wmapp1:/app/www/test.js"></script>
This works fine on Android, iPhone and even BlackBerry when I replaced the x-wmapp1: part by a respective counterpart (e.g. file:///android_asset/www/ on Android). However, on Windows Phone 7 it doesn't seem to work at all.
When I try to load the same URL via $.getScript function, it always returns a 404 eror, even if I try and load it with a relative path only.
Any suggestions?
First of all, this type of question may be better suited to the Software Development or Apps and Games sub-forums, as a lot of the people who hang out here are more familiar with homebrew hacks. I'll give it a shot, though.
First of all, what kind of path are you trying to use? I haven't tried loading scripts or images in HTML or JS, but to dynamically load content within the app itself typically requires some care with regard to the path. For example, is the JS file being built into the assembly (as a resource) or included alongside it (as content)? How about the HTML page?
This is a kind of lame approach, but one option that's sure to work is just inlining the scripts in the page, directly. That won't increase the total app size or load time at all, although it might make maintaining the app take a little bit more effort.
Thanks for the reply, I will try to post this into the more appropriate forum.
With regards to paths - you can see the path in the HTML snippet I provided in the original question. It's all a bit specific and we cannot afford to load JS directly from page, since that does increase the size of the resulting HTML, sent from an external PHP page, thus increasing bandwidth. This is the first reason why we chose to have all JS and CSS files directly bundled with the application and load them internally rather than from Internet.
Also, all of JS files are included alongside the application as content. I'm using the same approach for all images, since if they were included as a resource, they would not show in the application.
GoodDayToDie said:
First of all, this type of question may be better suited to the Software Development or Apps and Games sub-forums, as a lot of the people who hang out here are more familiar with homebrew hacks. I'll give it a shot, though.
First of all, what kind of path are you trying to use? I haven't tried loading scripts or images in HTML or JS, but to dynamically load content within the app itself typically requires some care with regard to the path. For example, is the JS file being built into the assembly (as a resource) or included alongside it (as content)? How about the HTML page?
This is a kind of lame approach, but one option that's sure to work is just inlining the scripts in the page, directly. That won't increase the total app size or load time at all, although it might make maintaining the app take a little bit more effort.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
First question: have you set the IsScriptEnabled proerty on the control to True? It defaults to False, preventing scripting within the control. Also, changing it only takes effect
on navigation, so if you already loaded the page and then set this property, it still won't work.
Anyhow, I missed that your HTML was coming externally, and only the scripts and stylesheets were local. That's... interesting, and seems reasonable enough, and I can't find any info online that exactly matches your use case. The way you're structuring the script src URI looks weird to me, but I haven't messed with the WebBrowserControl very much at all.
One solution, though a bit hacky:
Use the WebBrowserControl's InvokeScript function to dynamically load scripts into your pages. To do this, you would first need to load the script file content into a .NET String object. The GetResourceStream function is probably your best friend here, combined with ReadToEnd(). Then, just invoke the eval() JS function, which should be built-in, and pass it the JS file content. That will load the JS into the web page, creating objects (including functions) and executing instructions as the files are eval()ed.
Of course, you'd need to do this on every page navigation, but you can actually automate it such that the page itself requests that the app load those scripts. In your app, bind the script-loading function to the ScriptNotify event handler, probably with some parameter such as the name of the script to load. Then, on each page served from your server to the app, instead of including standard <script src=...> tags, use <script>window.external.notify('load localscript1.js')</script> and so on; this will trigger the app's ScriptNotify function for you.
I hope that helps. I can see your use case, but somewhat surprisingly, I couldn't find anybody else online who had either run into your problem or written a tutorial on doing it your way.
Thank you for your reply, it was very informative. One question though - why do you think the way I'm structuring the SCRIPT URI is wierd? I tried to mess around with relative URIs and the such, however those would load the JavaScript file from Internet rather than from the application itself.
The problem I'm running into with your proposed solutions, however is that:
1. the project is a PhoneGap/Cordova application, using its own components, so I have no idea where I would look for IsScriptEnabled here (although this all worked on an older PhoneGap release, so I'm guessing they have it set up correctly)
2. injecting a script programmatically on each navigation would require me to rewrite much of the code we already use for other platforms, not to mention those custom Cordova components, which I don't even know if they can handle such thing
As for my user case - I was surprised to be the only guy on the internet with this methodology in place as well. So it either works for everyone else or nobody really thought of doing it my way, since it's basically an Internet application (maybe the don't want to disclose their sources, who knows).
CyberGhost636 said:
1. the project is a PhoneGap/Cordova application, using its own components, so I have no idea where I would look for IsScriptEnabled here (although this all worked on an older PhoneGap release, so I'm guessing they have it set up correctly)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In the WebBrowser properties.
CyberGhost636 said:
As for my user case - I was surprised to be the only guy on the internet with this methodology in place as well.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Of course you not "the only guy". I've tried to port/run a few HTML java-script based games on WP7 (Digger and couple more) more then year ago; they runs well with one HUGE exception - touch screen events are freezing scripts execution and make games not playable.
The "x-wmapp1:" URI scheme was what I was referring to. Not sure where that comes from, but I haven't done anything really with the WebBrowser control.
I have no knowledge of PhoneGap or Cordova; I assume they're "we write your app for you" frameworks? One would assume that such tools would know to set IsScriptEnabled, but you may have to do so manually. A bit of web searching on that direction may be fruitful - maybe earlier versions enabled scripting by default, and now it's disabled by default so you have to specify an option somewhere?
Injecting the script on navigation really doesn't require any major change to the server-side code. I mean, is sending
<script>window.external.notify('load localscript1.js')</script>
really much different from sending
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="x-wmapp1:/app/www/test.js"></script>
? If that's too different, you could instead send
<script src="http://yourserver.com/LoadLocalScripts.js"></script>
and put "LoadLocalScripts.js" on your server with the following code:
window.external.notify('load localscript1.js');
This has only a trivial increase in server traffic and load time, but lets you continue using external scripts instead of inline ones. Very little server-side change needed at all.
Now, the additional client-side code to support the window.external.notify and call InvokeScript... normally I'd say that's dead easy, because it is if you have any experience with the .NET framework, but in your case I get the feeling that this isn't so? I code to the framework, or to the underlying native code, and I tend to code "raw" (very little auto-generated code), so I'm not going to be able to help you solve the problems with a "make me an app" wizard unless I can see the code it generates for you.
For what it's worth, here's the approximate raw code that I'd use (it's over-simplified, but close enough):
void HandleNotify (String param) {
String[] parts = param.split(" ");
if (parts[0] == "load") LoadScript(parts[1]);
void LoadScript (String script) {
String content = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(script, UriType.Absolute)).ReadToEnd();
theBrowserControl.InvokeScript("eval", content);
void theBrowserControl_Loaded (...event handler args here...) {
theBrowserControl.IsScriptEnabled = true;
theBrowserControl.ScriptNotify += HandleNotify;
the URI comes from Windows Phone itself, with this code, you can see for yourself:
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', '.');
also, I've been informed that this works in Cordova 2.0, so it might be a 1.8.1 bug... will try and see how it goes
thanks for your help so far!
Looks like it was a problem with PhoneGap 1.8.1 - after upgading to Cordova 2.0 (PhoneGap got renamed) it all works now... thanks for all the help!

