I flashed CM 7 a while back and love it, but as always I feel as though I'm not getting the best battery life. With moderate use I'm lucky not to have to plug it in halfway through the day.
Any good kernel recommendations for good battery life? I'm testing SavagedZen's kernel and using it's governor currently. I find it to have excellent life while the phones asleep, but it's a battery hog when I'm using the phone.
GoDm0dE has done wonders for my battery life! Your mileage may vary as all EVO's seem to be slightly different.
Im having a great exp with SZ 2.1.0. Try using the BFS version of the latest savagezen; As to me it seems the savagezen governor works best with their rom versus cm7(if that's what ur using). I personally run conservative or ondemand with a max of 1113 and 245 min. You could also try the new toast godmode kernel! Here's some general info I think you might find helpful.
I've tried a million different kernals and personally I think CM7 just still has some battery issues to work out.
What has become a frustration of mine is that I continually get different results with the same items. In other words. Some days I'll be using the same kernal and ROM release and even the same programs and my battery will disolve right before my eyes while sudden then I'll get great battery life for a day or two.
Personaly I think it has something to do with 3g and wifi issues, because I seem to have random issues with those as well . . . but I don't know enough about all this to back that up with anything more than anecdotal observation.
CM7 + Timat Kernel = EPIC WIN.
If you flash, only use version 3.3.7 or 3.3.8 as 4.0.0 is breaking some cameras.
Toastcfh's GoDm0dE Kernel gets my vote, and that's coming from Tiamat 3.3.8 with the -100mv script from Viperboy. The Godmode kernel is by FAR much smoother and has gotten me better battery life. Toastcfh works on Cyanogenmod so you know it'll run well with CM7
teh roxxorz said:
CM7 + Timat Kernel = EPIC WIN.
If you flash, only use version 3.3.7 or 3.3.8 as 4.0.0 is breaking some cameras.
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I'm getting the best battery life from this combo, using 3.3.8
I just started using CM7 last week and also love it.
Image give God mode a shot n see how that works out....if not ill go back to tiamat until they fix the issue's wit the 4.0
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dirkyd3rk said:
Im having a great exp with SZ 2.1.0. Try using the BFS version of the latest savagezen; As to me it seems the savagezen governor works best with their rom versus cm7(if that's what ur using). I personally run conservative or ondemand with a max of 1113 and 245 min. You could also try the new toast godmode kernel! Here's some general info I think you might find helpful.
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Cool link bro
cm7 -gOdMoDe-245/1113
Tiamat 3.3.7sbc w viperboy...what kind of battery do you have?
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Not sure if this helps anyone, but running godmode at 245/1113 vs tiamat at 245/1267, performance governor on both, I benchmark much better on godmode. I know there's a lot more to consider than that but with a lower clock it surprised me how well godmode did. IIRC I got 1333 on quadrant.
Can anyone point me in the direction where I can find the original CM7 kernel to have on hand to switch back to should I so desire? I want to play with some other kernels, but I always like to have the original sitting by just in case, ya know? Currently running CM nightlys with [email protected] #1
Any input would be welcomed (ok, any constructive input hah)
lc3necro said:
Can anyone point me in the direction where I can find the original CM7 kernel to have on hand to switch back to should I so desire? I want to play with some other kernels, but I always like to have the original sitting by just in case, ya know? Currently running CM nightlys with [email protected] #1
Any input would be welcomed (ok, any constructive input hah)
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Kernel manager app
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Tiamat has a nice kernel with the sbc added to it. I get around 16-20hrs on moderate use with it.
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I tried kernel manager, but whenever I try to DL a kernel it pauses then drops me back at the kernel selection screen. All I really want is the current CM / CM nightly kernel(s) so that I can try Tiamat or some of the others but still have a fail safe to drop back to without flashing a whole ROM...sighs
lc3necro said:
I tried kernel manager, but whenever I try to DL a kernel it pauses then drops me back at the kernel selection screen. All I really want is the current CM / CM nightly kernel(s) so that I can try Tiamat or some of the others but still have a fail safe to drop back to without flashing a whole ROM...sighs
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Then go to tiamat website
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bootny said:
Then go to tiamat website
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Yeah, I have the tiamat kernel...what I cannot seem to find anywhere, XDA, CM forums, way too much google digging, is the CM kernel to fall back to if I do not like the results I get with tiamat.
To sum it up...
What I have:
Tiamat, Savage, godmode, and every other custom kernel...but CM
What I am seeking:
CM kernel in flashable form, and if kernel manager is the magical answer, can someone PM me and you can email it to me since the manager fails to work for me?
lc3necro said:
Yeah, I have the tiamat kernel...what I cannot seem to find anywhere, XDA, CM forums, way too much google digging, is the CM kernel to fall back to if I do not like the results I get with tiamat.
To sum it up...
What I have:
Tiamat, Savage, godmode, and every other custom kernel...but CM
What I am seeking:
CM kernel in flashable form, and if kernel manager is the magical answer, can someone PM me and you can email it to me since the manager fails to work for me?
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Just reflash the rom.
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10 character
Just a quick question...I'm running 3.70....and I'm currently using kernel 15.
Which kernel gives the best battery life?
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proxcee said:
Just a quick question...I'm running 3.70....and I'm currently using kernel 15.
Which kernel gives the best battery life?
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It depends on your phone you have to try done out try some of nets.or ziggy
Swyped From My Rom But I Will Always Be A Mynion!
proxcee said:
Just a quick question...I'm running 3.70....and I'm currently using kernel 15.
Which kernel gives the best battery life?
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like nuggy said, it depends. it seems like everytime i update my rom i need a new kernel to go with it.
i personally recommend netarchy's. i used his kernel with great results for a long time, but recently upgraded to his 4.2.1.
you can check evobenchers for a general rundown on what kernels are running at, but once again, every phone handles things differently and your results may vary.
SpaceMonky said:
like nuggy said, it depends. it seems like everytime i update my rom i need a new kernel to go with it.
i personally recommend netarchy's. i used his kernel with great results for a long time, but recently upgraded to his 4.2.1.
you can check evobenchers for a general rundown on what kernels are running at, but once again, every phone handles things differently and your results may vary.
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+1 4.1.9 was the best then I got a hwd 004 :-( I gave up my camera got 4.2.1 then 4.3 came out
Swyped From My Rom But I Will Always Be A Mynion!
Thanks for the help...I'll check it out.
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I have an HTC Evo 4G rooted running Myn's rls 5 .
What's the best kernel to get the most out of my battery ?
Sent From One BadAss Rooted Evo 4G On Myn's Warm 2.2 Rls 5 Steroids Via XDA App. ;-)
ima straight flash addict. ive flashed 95% of evo roms and kernels out there, unmatched battery life is SBC kernel #15. it honestly lasts me all day and im a heavy user but apperently it can lead to your phone blowing up ive never had that problem tho so ill keep taking the risk
Others are right. Try a few and see what works best. Try Netarchy's HAVS kernels with SBC for full battery and smartass or conservative governor (SetCPU from the market to set it easily).
SBC got a little harder to find recently, but it's out there, just not on the main netarchy page. Give the devs a little time and they'll work out the right legalese to appease the fear mongers...
I have myn rls5 as well and I use netarchy's 4.3.1 no SBC with cfs and havs (the newest beta) and have been doing okay with it. I typically have about 15%-25% at the end of an average day. It also improves the speed of myn rls5, which I like.
I gave up SBC for all my nandroid backed-up roms when everyone stopped supporting it, but I do still have SBC #15 v7 if you would like it (PM me and I'll upload it to you).
Keep in mind that a few people have claimed that it destroyed their battery, but I didn't overclock and all the data I've read on my phone tells me that everything was fine. So obviously, no one is responsible for your phone blowing up but you, lol.
I used SBC #15 v7 for about 2 and a half weeks and it was the best battery life I had. I ended every day at about 30% battery life and I'm a moderate user. When I flash to mikfroyo, I keep that kernel as the performance of the rom plus the battery life is a combo from awesomeville.
So I decided to root my evo a couple of days ago but I didnt flash any roms so Im still using the stock sense ui. Are there any good battery kernels to use with stock sense ui because Im having a hard time finding any? What do you guys suggest?
knowledge561 said:
So I decided to root my evo a couple of days ago but I didnt flash any roms so Im still using the stock sense ui. Are there any good battery kernels to use with stock sense ui because Im having a hard time finding any? What do you guys suggest?
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If I were running a sense ROM I would flash Netarchy's kernels...
netarchy or ziggy's are your main choice listed on XDA. else where on the web you can find Baked kernel and kings kernel.
i would just start with Netarchy and see how it goes.
Thanks alot guys. Ill try them out...
I'm kind of slow with this. Which file would I download if I wanted to use a kernal out of this thread? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=876590
knowledge561 said:
I'm kind of slow with this. Which file would I download if I wanted to use a kernal out of this thread? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=876590
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First make sure u read up on SBC so you are aware of any 'possible ' issues. That said I use SBC, and I would use the netarchy 4.2.2 less aggressive HAVS
i dont really suggest using a SBC kernel personally. if you decide yuo want to it depends the more aggresive the undervolt the better the battery. this can impact performance and not all phones like an aggressive undervolt kernel and can reboot more often.
I would jsut find the netarchy kernel thread itself and lookf or the latest and try the aggressive undervolt kernel. if you have performance issues (random reboots) then flash the less aggressive one.
I'm not really digging an SBC Kernal as well. You of any good kernels that aren't SBC?
Best yet
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knowledge561 said:
I'm not really digging an SBC Kernal as well. You of any good kernels that aren't SBC?
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Just look for netarchys thread... they don't have SBC
Really surprised no one sent you to MYN's warm 2.2 rom thread....great rom....lots of great kernal options....lots of mods...it truly is the king of roms for your evo...give it a try you won't be disappointed...let me know if you have any questions. Mike
Sent from my MYN ENHANCED EVO 4G!!!
Hey guys, I'm just wondering which kernel gets better battery life in CM7. I wanna try SavagedZen but I'm hesitant about the SBC. I know there are non-SBC versions though. How do those stack up?
Also, I'm using the new Destroyer ROM by Magnus, is his stock kernel any good?
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Well i think his kernel is the stock CM kernel, I personally use the Tiamat kernel and get nice battery life.
Thanks I've heard a lot of good things about SavagesZen, so I may try that. I'm still not sure if they were referring to the SBC version or not.
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I use savagedzen cfs sbc. I love it. My phone does not agree with bfs kernels.
I get good performance and battery life
swyped from my cyanogenized and gingerbreaded EVO
gmap516 said:
Thanks I've heard a lot of good things about SavagesZen, so I may try that. I'm still not sure if they were referring to the SBC version or not.
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Most likely the sbc version cuz that's all they talk about now. Though when I used the kernel I had great battery life on the non-sbc with cfs and bfs versions.
What are bfs and cfs and what's the difference between the two?
I would try the SBC kernel but I'm using a third-party insurance plan, not sprint's thing, so I'm afraid to ruin the phone using SBC kernels.
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Update: OK, so I'm using savagedzen non-SBC CFS and so far my battery life seems great. does battery life vary greatly from one ROM to another if they're using the same kernel?
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well atm i am running an evo 4g with cm7 and i just switched my kernel to savaged zen and it's running great. my phone was rebooting on its own w/ the regular cm7 kernel i think its b/c i was using setcpu and people are saying it messes up cm7.
i was also wondering if anyone knew if i can use setcpu with cm7 and savaged as the kernel or if it's possible to make profiles on the cpu settings on cm7 i saw some1 post somewhere that you can but they never explained how.
Congrats on joining the kernel-flashing world, hope it treats you well.
I run CM7, and have found that SavagedZen tends to be faster than Tiamats... it just depends on your personal opinion, experiment as much as you want (just don't flash a Sense kernel on an AOSP ROM )
If you're using SavagedZen-1.0.1 CFS HAVS noSBC (the most recent SavagedZen kernel) then you don't need to use SetCPU, the HAVS (hybrid adaptive voltage scaling) and SetCPU would work against each other. HAVS works to tone down your CPU as needed and such.
To change your governor (the thing that manages your CPU), go to Settings - CyanogenMod settings - Performance - CPU settings.
Oh, and CFS stands for "Completely Fair Scheduler". It means that it doesn't let one program use up the a huge chunk of the CPU. It is good for an overall system and is supposed to have better battery life. BFS stands for "Brain F*** Scheduler. It gives the priority to foreground tasks. Think about gaming and whatever demanding programs you may use.
I use both, but the most commonly downloaded one is CFS (at least for SavagedZen)
Here's a link to explain kernels, this guy does a great job of explaining: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=894880
twiz0r said:
I use savagedzen cfs sbc. I love it. My phone does not agree with bfs kernels.
I get good performance and battery life
swyped from my cyanogenized and gingerbreaded EVO
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SavagedZen, hands down. No competition. My phone hates BFS kernels too....
so right now im running the savage zen bfs kernel. if i want to switch to the cfs kernel do i have to do a full wipe or just a cache and dalvik?
gilbydakid said:
so right now im running the savage zen bfs kernel. if i want to switch to the cfs kernel do i have to do a full wipe or just a cache and dalvik?
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I would recommend the Tiamat kernel personally.
Also, just make a backup, and just wipe the cache and dalvik, then flash.
teh roxxorz said:
I would recommend the Tiamat kernel personally.
Also, just make a backup, and just wipe the cache and dalvik, then flash.
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thanx for the info.
ill give the bfs and the tiamat kernel a shot. i feel like im turning into a flash whore. lol
gilbydakid said:
thanx for the info.
ill give the bfs and the tiamat kernel a shot. i feel like im turning into a flash whore. lol
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Lol naw, you're just experimenting. Trying not to get bored right now cuz I don't have my evo >>.
I've mainly used Tiamat. Running the current version right now...3.3.3 no SBC. It seems responsive and I'm getting pretty good battery life. I will have to try SavagedZen sooner or later to see how it stacks up.
BFS kernels theoretically are supposed to give you better battery life, I used the cfs sbc savage zen and it was pretty good for speed; the bfs sbc savage zen gave me the better battery life. The only thing I can say I definitely noticed about bfs/cfs is that scrolling on bfs seems to be VERY choppy compared to cfs. No matter what profile you use on bfs the scrolling was still super choppy. So to confirm this I got back on cfs and scrolling overall was smooth as butter in cfs. Just to put this out there, I recently switched to the tiamat kernel and I'm seeing about a 15% battery increase (sounds like a little but that's a big deal) lol.
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So I did as suggested...
Clear cache/data
Flash Savage
But I was under the assumption that it'd only change the kernel, not the rom? So when it booted it was a stock/default flash. I restored to my backedup rom. Did I just negate the kernel flash?
solidwater said:
So I did as suggested...
Clear cache/data
Flash Savage
But I was under the assumption that it'd only change the kernel, not the rom? So when it booted it was a stock/default flash. I restored to my backedup rom. Did I just negate the kernel flash?
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Lol yes you did.
twiz0r said:
I use savagedzen cfs sbc. I love it. My phone does not agree with bfs kernels.
I get good performance and battery life
swyped from my cyanogenized and gingerbreaded EVO
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How did you get Swype to work?
LeonDuhaney said:
How did you get Swype to work?
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Swype works fine if you have beta access from the actual site. Most of the APK files of swype flying around have expired because they released another beta version not too long ago. I believe 2.29 is the latest. I could be wrong about the number.
Sent from my EVO ;-) XDA Premium App
what rom is more stable and has better battery life?
Some people like deck's, but I get great battery life on CM7 itself, stable, ect.
teh roxxorz said:
Some people like deck's, but I get great battery life on CM7 itself, stable, ect.
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what version of cm7 are you running?
frankie51 said:
what rom is more stable and has better battery life?
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You'll be fine with either.
Hard to say, I tried cm many times over the years and now I just switched from sense 3.0 to deck 1.2 w a savaged zen 2.2.1 cfs kernel. Everything booted extremely fast and seems to work great! I am very satisfied w the battery life an only issue I am seeing is a slight GPS issue but I haven't had time to really address it. No one else is complaining about it so I'm sure its me, but even that being said...I recommend deck w the kernel mentioned. I have it set at 998mhz and either on demand or interactivex gov is working great. No lag. No hickups. Camera, mms works. Wifi is grabbing great and it just gets it done.
i think im gonna try out decks 1.2
after i flash is there anything else i should do to it?
Edit: GPS took a day to settle in and now working great!
frankie51 said:
what version of cm7 are you running?
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I run the latest nightlies, with the tiamat kernel, and viperboy's script.
frankie51 said:
i think im gonna try out decks 1.2
after i flash is there anything else i should do to it?
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Get the deck rom, gapps, and go ahead and get sz 2.2.1 cfs. Flash rom, then gapps then kernel. The reboot. Let it settle. Full reboot after it settles. Then set up. Give it a day or two before you move on and see what u think. Also keep your speed at stock speed and see how you like it. Mine is running fantastic. Don't see a need to overclock ATM
Salvage mod
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I use decks with amazin battery life. Decks 1.2 with sz kernel sbc and viperboys scripts and setcpu underlocked 537 mhz.
can you use cm7themes with evo deck?
yup mostly with any aosp kernel
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so will this theme work for evo deck?
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the matted blues theme says you get it from the cm7 theme engine, where can i get it from? im on evo deck
im gonna try cm7
wow i flashed cm7 to find out they both use the same theme changer lol
yeah they both have it lol
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frankie51 said:
wow i flashed cm7 to find out they both use the same theme changer lol
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they are both the same with some very minor tweaks. You win either way
thank you very much for your guys help
Either CM7 with the latest Tiamat kernel/3.3.7 or Xplod with the latest Tiamat/3.3.7
+1 for Tiamat 3.3.7 sbc / non. Always yielded the best results for me.
viva la MIUI
teh roxxorz said:
Either CM7 with the latest Tiamat kernel/3.3.7 or Xplod with the latest Tiamat/3.3.7
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but isn't tiamat on 4.1.0, why use 3.3.7?
I think it has alot to do with your hardware and rom/kernel combo. I'm on hardware 004. Currently running Xplod 2.1.3 with SavagedZen 2.2.1 cfs havs+ sbc. Great battery life and the phone is incredibly snappy. Funny thing, when I run the Savagedzen aosp rom I have better results with tiamat... Go figure.
Best thing I could tell you for advice is try alot of different rom/kernel combos and see what works best for you and your hardware. Remember to always give a new combo a day or two to "settle in", as they always seem to level out.
Anyways thats my .02, hope I helped. Good luck to you and happy flashing!
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jamieg71 said:
I think it has alot to do with your hardware and rom/kernel combo. I'm on hardware 004. Currently running Xplod 2.1.3 with SavagedZen 2.2.1 cfs havs+ sbc. Great battery life and the phone is incredibly snappy. Funny thing, when I run the Savagedzen aosp rom I have better results with tiamat... Go figure.
Best thing I could tell you for advice is try alot of different rom/kernel combos and see what works best for you and your hardware. Remember to always give a new combo a day or two to "settle in", as they always seem to level out.
Anyways thats my .02, hope I helped. Good luck to you and happy flashing!
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i actually haven't heard of xplod, do you find it better than cm7?
jamieg71 said:
Remember to always give a new combo a day or two to "settle in", as they always seem to level out.
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+1 on that
And cm7 nightly 215 with SavavedZen 2.2.0+cfs+havs+SBC is working great for me, hw003
I wouldn't say better, just a nice refreshing change. Great eye candy, actually, I believe it was ported from a sony and based on cm's latest.
Also, it has wonderful support by from Team Nocturnal, wich is always nice to have the devs so fully involved. Check it out, it will be on the first page of development..
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Check out the thread below.
Savaged Zen has been around for a long time and I'm a big fan of their kernels though they've moved on now
Having trouble with AOSP? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1295702
jamieg71 said:
I wouldn't say better, just a nice refreshing change. Great eye candy, actually, I believe it was ported from a sony and based on cm's latest.
Also, it has wonderful support by from Team Nocturnal, wich is always nice to have the devs so fully involved. Check it out, it will be on the first page of development..
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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i've been looking it up today and from what i've seen it still has many issues, so if i try it out, it'll probably be later on
teh roxxorz said:
Either CM7 with the latest Tiamat kernel/3.3.7 or Xplod with the latest Tiamat/3.3.7
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just wondering, which do you use cm7 or xplod
Nah honestly all the issue you see in the thread are from people that didn't flash correctly.
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jamieg71 said:
Nah honestly all the issue you see in the thread are from people that didn't flash correctly.
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oh ok, i'll try it out tomorrow then if i have time if not, i'll do it on tuesday, ty
I'm using CM7 and just switched to Savaged Zen. I also downloaded the apk to toggle the SBC feature off. I have to say that being able to toggle the SBC off made the Savaged Zen kernel my new #1 kernel. My launcher no longer redraws and my battery lasts longer than it ever has with any other kernel. Savaged Zen gets my vote.
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Concordium said:
I'm using CM7 and just switched to Savaged Zen. I also downloaded the apk to toggle the SBC feature off. I have to say that being able to toggle the SBC off made the Savaged Zen kernel my new #1 kernel. My launcher no longer redraws and my battery lasts longer than it ever has with any other kernel. Savaged Zen gets my vote.
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Well the thing about savaged Zen is that they aren't actually updating and I did try it but when you download the SBC toggle feature do u actually have a button where you just hit a check mark or do u do utterly some other way? also in the pic u have how did you get the battery and signal to look like that?
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Tiamat 4.1 SBC for me!
Green_Arrow said:
just wondering, which do you use cm7 or xplod
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I flip between the two, but on xplod currently.
teh roxxorz said:
I flip between the two, but on xplod currently.
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have you tested decks? if you have what do you think? and which gives better battery life?
borrecognize said:
Tiamat 4.1 SBC for me!
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i am atm using Tiamat 4.1 non-sbc but i've heard amazing things about Tiamat 3.3.7
Green_Arrow said:
Well the thing about savaged Zen is that they aren't actually updating and I did try it but when you download the SBC toggle feature do u actually have a button where you just hit a check mark or do u do utterly some other way?
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The SVZ Manager comes with a toggle switch so you can switch SBC on and off whenever you want. It also has an option to maintain your desired setting whenever the phone reboots. I just have SBC turned off all the time and dont have to worry about resetting my choice each time the phone reboots.
Green_Arrow said:
also in the pic u have how did you get the battery and signal to look like that?
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I use UOT Kitchen to modify a number of different things within the ROM such as notification icons, notification bar style and color, overscroll, boot animation, etc. I've included the zip file I used to get my Evo to look exactly the way it does in the picture below. Just put zip file in root folder, boot into recovery, wipe cache and dalvik cache, flash uot zip file, boot into android and open up Theme Chooser, select UOT theme, click Apply, and enjoy. However, you can go to http://uot.dakra.lt/how_to/ to see how to customize one however you want. The possibilities are endless.
Remember, as with any flashable material you use the file at your own risk.
Here are some images of the other things my zip file below modifies.